Mr. Drew teaches us what you’ll need to understand before getting definite reptiles as pets


Mr. Drew teaches us what you'll need to understand before getting definite reptiles as pets

From time to time here on 207 we are visited by Mr Drew and his animals too Andrew De jardan is based in Lewiston he takes in exotic animals that other people haven't been able to take care of he also travels all over the state educating people about wild animals and that's what he's doing here today on 207 is educating us with what is this.

Creature Dre so we have today a gargoyle gecko gargoyle geckos are some of the prettiest geckos they have sticky little feet and soft squishy body I often to say to kids it's like a living booger well it's what it feels like anyhow and these guys come from the island of new calonia they're a fairly easy lizard to care for but again.

They're nocturnal so a lot of people want to get these pet lizards but if it's a nocturnal animal that means it's up all night it sleeps all day and so kids are constantly disrupting it because they want to hold it and this is why we need to learn cuz this it's a wonderful animal easy to care for with proper you know list learning can Sam.

Hold the living booger by all means come here you little booger sticky little he's like actually ma'am but they come in different colors now they're breeding them there through different color Mor so this is a red morph for a red face and stuff but they they never close their eyes their eyes are always open so they have to lick their eyeballs to.

Clean them they have to lick their eyeballs yes they can't close their eyes we would blink stuff like that you didn't do that right it's all the fat it's all the rage hi you want to hi there jumping little guy yes they would jump from tree trop to tree you know tree branches and stuff like that and and stuff they they feed.

On insects and and ripe ripe fruits so they very easy to care for but again any animals easy if you learn about it if you don't have this guy jump back to where he came from and you've got another yes specimen for us all right wonder if it's just as active we'll see we'll just be here licking our eyeballs to pass the time here there we go this.

One okay yep spoke too soon this one here we're going to see if he'll sit calmly it looks like a regular old brown lizard it is actually called the frilled lizard from Australia and if you saw the movie Jurassic Park the original movie there was the dinosaur Dilophosaurus Dilophosaurus was the one that had the frilled collar that came out and it.

Would you know spit venom well this doesn't spit venom but this is what they based the dinosaur on was the frilled lizard show yeah when he gets scared he'll flare out his oh my gosh around it gets pretty big at my Center I can pull a certain lizard and he'll react to it because it's a similar species he he's familiar with but this this but this.

Comes right up this is very large and uh it it's all meant to display make them look bigger from heads on so he opens his mouth he displays this huge collar can you put it up you're not going to put it up he's like no I'm not going to do it I just drove from Lewis into here but he'll display it to act bigger and intimidate something coming at him and.

They'll actually run after people with their their on their hind legs with their collar out it it's pretty impressive to see uh they do get very sharp nails cuz they are aoral they're tree dwellers and so they they can really do a lot of damage as an adult they get up to about 3 feet long so this is a young one and this one's name is a.

Aussie so a pretty cool little animal and uh he's really neat when he flares out his collar well he's not scared enough i' say make a face at him or something make a face on him got no we're we're not we're not here to to torment that's right see let's bring out the we got here in our pageant.

Make sure we don't get no noses stuck yeah and here we have a beautiful milk snake and these milk snakes and there's other snakes like king snakes that have this very similar color pattern and there's a reason there's a venomous snake called the coral snake which has the same color pattern but there's a difference in the pattern and it's not.

Always 100% so you can't always go by the saying but you might have heard red touch is black venom lacks red touches yellow kills a fellow and so that's kind of the thing to tell yourself but that's not always reliable because sometimes the colors can be opposite but this is har you get it wrong it can be right and it is best if you don't know to leave it.

Alone but the king snakes and the milk snakes often mimic those patterns of the coral snakes in their area their native habitat because why an animal's not going to bother them where would this snake be found this snake is found the king snakes and milk snakes are found throughout the Americas uh this would be it out in the South Western United.

States in Mexico um very docile animals in Maine we have a milk snake the Eastern milk snake which is a totally different looking snake it looks more like a a rattlesnake the the Eastern milk snake also is what we call a milk uh hi milk Adder how you doing do these make good pets they do and you know if you again learn about.

Them uh and provide what they need they don't get overly large uh they're not a high demand snake and they're very timid and very docile um usually no problems they're popular because of their coloration uh and they are all captive bread we we are not taking any from the wild which is always a bonus all right as we said Mr Duwan is animals too based.

In Leon taking in animals from around the state that other people have not been able to care for and also going around and educating people we've got more information on him in the 207 section of our website or app so treat as always thank you so much for sck around we're going to return in a moment.

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