Mystery SuperYachts Arrives in Australia | Octopus Arrives in SA | SuperYacht News Ep174


Mystery SuperYachts Arrives in Australia | Octopus Arrives in SA | SuperYacht News Ep174

This is super yacht news with eSysman all right so it is it's already Thursday and we haven't done a Super Yacht News thisweek so we'll crack on with that and this probably will be a little bit longer thanusual but that's because like I said we haven't done one all week so let's get on with itokay so we've got an update on Motor Yacht Octopus you might remember that we talked aboutLewis Hamilton being on board so Lewis Hamilton posted some videos on his Instagram social mediathanks to everyone who sent in those those things one video he showed he says oh lookat the flaw and he looks number 44 right because that's the number that heraces at ready to go snowboarding oh 44. but that pot that is a positive identification ofthe Octopus not like we needed one really there.

Was so many but this is a positive identificationbecause I can compare it to this Photograph and show you the photograph of the very placesthat he was stood on the helicopter deck so yeah he's comparing it because it's 44 but it'sactually says 4.4 T and that's the information for the helicopter Pilots That's the maximum weightthat can the the helicopter landing area can take but that's what that is and that confirms thatLewis was indeed on m/y Octopus the yacht is now back in South America went back to Ushuaia whichis the staging area for vessels that want to go to the Antarctic so they did it you you have todo a three-day trip through the Drake Passage which is usually very rough anyway we made itback to Ushuaia which is good now some of the information that came in about Lewis Hamilton'strip if you're interested I know samance is he.

Flew down to Punta Arenas which is in Chile andhe from there he flew on in our private jet then he flew from there on a I think it's calledAntarctic Airways flew down to the Antarctic um on that flight he didn't sail down withoctopus octopus met him down there and his guests and I actually posted a video in aprevious video of them getting on that plane to go down to the Antarctic so they went downstayed on board and then they left and flew back and the boat came back more recently anywayum Camper Nicholson which is the broker that Charters that vessel they put recently posted somephotos on their social media of the yacht in the Antarctic which you can see on screen right nowum yeah beautiful photographs and um yeah it looks like a really great time that they had a reallygreat time anyway we'll move on okay so I've got.

An update you might remember a video that wasn'tthe last video it wasn't the last news video it was the one before where a yacht crashed into theSimpson Bay Bridge in Saint Martin um the motor outbacker was the name of the author crashedinto it and it damaged the control tower and in the video you can clearly hear a woman sayingthat it took them a long time to get that fixed well I had somebody contact me through a Facebookmessenger and he gave me some of the information now I couldn't get I couldn't reply back tohim to tell it to ask him if he wanted to be credited because he he's not available on FacebookMessenger so if you're watching appreciate it if you wanted the credit um then let me know andI'll credit you in future when I mention this.

Information but he said that the vessel ecstasywhich crashed into it in 2019 and ripped off the control tower he said after that happened it tooktwo and a half years to fix that to replace that control tower so that happened in 2019 so itsounds like it was probably fixed sometime in 2022 only to be hit again by this yacht althoughit wasn't completely destroyed as it was with the Ecstasy so hopefully it won't be too hard to fixthat also had a contact from somebody who is a a skipper I think he's a yacht captain and he saidthat it's quite difficult going through that area it's something to do with the way you have to turnthe vessel Midway going through the bridge I can't remember exactly what he said but he said he wassaying that it is quite a tricky maneuver to have to do and if it's windy it makes it more difficultso it might look simple when you're watching.

It but things are never as simple as they lookwhen you watch right anyway so we'll move on to the next story again another update m/y Vixit wementioned in a previous video that has run aground in in Mexico and the vessel was heavily damagedon the on the hull and it ripped off both of the stabilizers and and we showed some photographsof the yacht in a dry dock just sat there with some writing on it where they you know they tookwhoever it is who's surveyed it is written some of the stuff on there but the vessel wasn't repairedand and anyway we found out it's in a shipyard in San Diego and the vessel still hasn't been fixedand there's nobody currently is working on that vessel it's just sat there in the shipyard nowthe probable reason for that is that the insurance company has been contacted and they're waiting youknow for approval to before they start to repair.

The vessel all right so we'll move on to the mainstory and this is the the you've seen the title already mystery yacht arrives in Australia nowthis is is quite an interesting story and there's a so there's a news article that came out somebodysent me this link I'll put the news article on now mystery surrounds the arrival of a very large boatin the Broadwater the 50 meter long vessel named Plan B was brought through the Waterway a shorttime ago where it was tied up at the new super yacht Wharf it has four other boats wrapped up onboard as well as a helicopter the shipping company who brought it here says they can't give anydetails about its owner due to a non-disclosure agreement it was once a charter vessel availablefor four hundred thousand dollars a week so you've seen that news article and thevessel is called m/y Plan B and it's a.

49 meter or 163 foot vessel now what'sinteresting about it it it's gone into um Australia into this Marina in Australia andbut what's interesting about it is it was actually built for the Australian Navy now I know whatyou're thinking why would the Australian Navy need a super yacht well it was actually it was actuallybuilt as a survey ship and it was actually a military vessel built in 1973 it was commissionedin April 1973 and it served as hmas Flinders in the Australian Navy it was decommissioned inOctober 1998 and then some time after that it was taken to a shipyard and converted into the superyacht that you see now it was launched relaunched in 2005 as m/y Plan B so that's quite interestingthat it was originally an Australian Naval vessel um so the yacht is now we don't know who the owneris so now there's a lot of stuff out there if.

You go on search online if you go to Google andtype in Plan B owner you'll see stuff like Brad Pitt and and stuff like that well I don't knowif Brad Pitt owns it because I don't know who the owner is but it's unlikely also most of thestories that talk about Brad Pitt owning it they actually show a different vessel because thereare 2 vessels called Plan B one of them is a 73 meter as you can see in the video for the chairand the other one is a 49 meter which is you can see in these photographs or in the in the newsvideo that we saw it's a very different vessel um now the the yacht is the registered ownerof the yacht is an American company a U.S company called um PB International whereis it PB International Investments limited um and that is care of a a company in Floridanow it's unlikely therefore to be owned by.

Anybody who's on the sanctions list rightbecause it's if it was if somebody was it was owned by a Russian who was sanctioned andis registered in the U.S well it would be very easy for them to to seize that vessel so sothere are a number of stories out there that um various different people own the yacht plan b ora yacht called Plan B as I said there's two yachts one of them was Brad Pitt which we've proved thatis not not the case the 73 meter is actually owned by somebody called Patok Choliev and that'saccording to Super Yelp fan and he's a he's from originally from Uzbekistan but he also hasalso has UK and Belgium nationality um he's not on the sanctions lists and and it's not we're nottalking about his boat anyway so it's irrelevant but like I said this other vessel is done by a uscompany so it's very unlikely to be anybody from.

Russia who's on currently on the sanctions listlike I said we don't know who the owner is we know the registered owner is but we don't know whothe beneficial owner is now if you are watching this video and you know that the owner is if youworked on this vessel maybe please get in touch and let us know we'll be very interested to puta name to this book all right one last thing be sure to check out our patreon page you can find itat you'll get to see exclusive videos not published on YouTube we've just postedthe latest episode of an Atlantic Vlog that we've been posting on there over the last couple ofmonths and you'll get early access to Features advert free and you'll also get to suggest topicsfor future videos and ask questions for upcoming q and A's so be sure to check that out now if you've got any information for us.

About any of these stories that we've mentionedtonight or any other stories you can get us through the about page on the YouTube channel youcan get us on Instagram on Facebook messenger and you can also get us on threema be sure to likethis video hit the Subscribe button and hit the bell for future notifications alright guys thanksvery much for watching and I'll see you soon bye

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