NASA finds unidentified objects in public meeting


NASA finds unidentified objects in public meeting

A NASA task force is holding its first meeting on UFOs. Public meeting, I should say UFO owes or as the professionals call them, you a piece that stands for unidentified anomalous phenomena. A group of experts.

Who spent nine months studying the data on these UAPS. They are sharing their findings including, I am told, brand new video. CNN's Tom Foreman has been watching all the dramatic twists and turns in this hearing. Tom, what do you tell us.

What you've learned? Can you imagine the excitement, John, when they showed this video? I want to show it to you now where it was taken by one plane and they saw against the night sky. Those three little dots there. Look at them.

They're moving in concert. The airplane that spotted them said we don't know what that is. They tried to chase it down. They could not chase it down. And this was rolled out today. And now spoiler alert, the NASA's scientists studied this and eventually they said.

We put all the evidence together. What this was, was three commercial aircraft in a typical flight corridor. The reason they couldn't chase them down is because they're much further away. Than they thought. And they were simply lit up that way. The movement that you see there,.

That's the plane taking the pictures over that distance. That's why it looks like they're moving back and forth. So their point is to say there's a lot of stuff out there which actually can be explained if you can get enough information.

They did say there are some typical reported characteristics of UAPS. When you look at all of these out there and this was sort of interesting and this is report is what people say they saw. They typically say they are round in small they tend to be white,.

Silver or translucent. They tend to be somewhere between ten and 30,000 feet in the air, either stationary or up to mock two or twice the speed of sound and no thermal exhaust. But here's the problem with all of that, John.

The problem with that is that is largely anecdotal. That's just people saying that's what they saw or is being measured with all sorts of crazy different instruments out there. And here's what's important. There are a lot of these reports.

Listen to what was said at this conference about the sheer volume of these reports that are coming in. At the time of my open hearing, we were at 650 cases ish we roughly get I mean, you can do the math, you know,.

It depends anywhere from from 50 to 100 ish new reports a month. Now, the reason we had such a big jump recently is because I got FAA data integrated in finally. And so we ended up with like 100 some odd new cases. The numbers I would say that we see are possibly really anomalous.

Or a less than single digit percentages of those So, John, the real issue here that NASA's saying is what we really need is a plan going forward, a way to systematically take that tremendous amount of information.

All those videos, all those reports, all those claims, and somehow subject them to the kind of scientific rigor that NASA is known for and maybe a lot of this will become explained. But through all of this, again,.

Nobody is yet saying at the government level that they think any of this is from outer space. Maybe advanced weapons systems, maybe new communications or travel systems. Some of it may just be mysteries, but they don't think it's aliens.

It does sound like this hearing maybe had a little higher dose of skepticism than some of the other speculation there. We had that wonderful chart up on the screen where you had the characteristics of these side sightings.

And the last one was no thermal exhaust. Well, I'm wondering then if these are all electric vehicles, right? I mean, you know, like like a Tesla has no tailpipe. Maybe maybe the you know, the Martians are using EVs. Well, maybe.

Maybe they were you would think they might be a little more advanced than us because after all, they made it here. We didn't make it there. Are range anxiety, right? If they were Avs, they won't be able to get this far because of the range issues.

Yeah, it's great. I will say, when you say skepticism, I don't even know if it's skepticism, John, as much as it is. These are scientists who are saying science can explain this stuff, but you can't explain it.

Based on a shaky iPhone video. That somebody took while camping. You need something more involved. And that means coordination of actual scientific. Yeah. Yeah. This is why Bigfoot is still missing right here. What's going to turn out? It's going to turn out.

It's going to turn out that bigfoot. Gentlemen, I'm jumping into this. We're jumping into this. What do you mean? We can't we can't solve all the questions. Of the universe on my shaky so we can try having tom. Personally, I think what.

They're going to find out. I heard this somewhere. They're going to find out. The Bigfoot, for example, is actually a blurry creature. Is. Why don't we look at the flying spaceships? They're already very grainy.

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