ND At the present time: Au Poivre Burger


ND At the present time: Au Poivre Burger

Today I am joined with Chef Sam Williams in the zine kitchen at Advantage Appliance I'm not sure if we can hear you we're having some mic issues so just lean in yell to me thanks for having me today yeah we are so excited to talk Burgers today and uh the downtown Burger crawl is going to be going on so tell us a little bit.

About that yep so um the bismar uh Downtown Association is doing a uh April is the month for the burger slam um are different restaurants uh participating in it and our food truck Nables all day is going to be part of it too we've got a location that we're going to be parking at downtown sporadically through the month so you can come find us there.

And you can also get this burger wherever we're at throughout the month wonderful and so what it's the a you taught me how to say it before we came on AA the burger AA yeah so this is our take on kind of a classic French technique of cooking steak so aav is means literally with pepper simple sweet so we're going to take a uh.

North Dakota ground beef patty so this is all Ranch raised here locally in North Dakota we're going to coat it with this like heavy cracked black pepper salt mixture we're going to sear it off and then we're going to make an assemble our Burger so first thing I think that we should do is get the burger cooking all.

Right uh that way we can talk about the rest of the items so and I like that this is North Dakota beef and I think the that's something people people will pay attention to and notice is North Dakota beef versus any other beef yeah I mean we when we moved here I mean one of the things selling a lot of burgers on our truck and we've always used North.

Dakota Ranch raised beef here um is to talk about how much we do have like there's a lot of ranchers here and there's a lot of people raising really cool um styles of beef and you know it's it's really easy to them so that's what we chose to do so that's wonderful and you said even like the flour in your buns that's all North like you got as.

Many North Dakota products in here as as we can get right so we use uh Dakota Mills flour uh bread flour for all of our buns we do thousands of buns every year so we go through um pallets pallets and pallets of flower I can't even imagine a picking up a pallet of flour is pretty interesting so yeah um North Dakota flour North Dakota beef um we use.

Greens from uh local um farmers and things like that like forer Farms we use their bread uh they use local beef or local uh flour as well and then we'll use their greens when we can so um right now is not quite the time for for greens for little hard to find this the summer we like to use those um so our uh our beef is searing off right now and we're.

Going to toast off a bun and um we'll do that right here on our little flat top okay so is searing I've I don't know that I've seen someone sear a burger before I've SE like searing steaks that's familiar to me right so with this peppercorn the heavy peppercorn you want to get like some of the toasty flavor from it so we do it on our flat top and.

We press it down a little bit and it gets really good flavor you can also Grill it if you're doing something like that but this is just what we've chosen to use um so our bun will go right down on there and we'll toast that off we've got um a sauce that we made as well right.

Here that'll go in our Burger when it's ready okay so this sauce this is a green peppercorn sauce too a green peppercorn sauce yep green peppercorns are just um young peppercorns that are on the vine and they take them off and they basically pick them almost like a caper so it has a little bit of a floral flavor and uh we're actually calling.

This our franch so it North Dakota loves Ranch and we're mixing it up with our French Ranch the French I love that's right so our buns are toasted here so that we're going to set these right over here our burgers are cooking away we're making good time here everything's looking good smelling good already and then um with our burger also.

We have these red onions that we cook down so these are just red onions that are cooked down with sugar and and a little bit of red wine vinegar so you have kind of a sweet um and um acidy flavor to go against the flavors of your peppery Burger we've got blue cheese as well so you need something to kind of cut through that sure yeah so do you.

Come up with how who picks the toppings or how did you come to pick the toppings for this burger did was it trial and error or did you know right away what you wanted to do little bit of trial and error but also uh my wife has a really good sense of flavor and I can execute things so we kind we talk about it and you know she said what about doing an.

Offl style burger so this is what we came up with we we taste these and you know this isn't the first version of the sauce and this isn't the first version of the burger I can imagine there was some brainstorming there there was some brainstorming in burgers in our you know and even our kids your kids are probably like is it Burger night again they're.

Like this we don't want the burger again God come on so um but yeah little trial and error and um you know collaboration too yeah so see how our Burger is kind of getting seared off there we're gonna flip that over real quick so You' gotten good yeah so you've gotten like a little bit of brown on there too and I'm going to put that on.

There I'm going to kick the heat up just a little bit okay those are good looking Burger sand and then put some cheese on them great the blue cheese crumbles yes I feel like some people are blue cheese people some people are not blue blue cheese people yeah and and if you're not a blue cheese person you can ask for it.

Um without um you just won't get the full experience but you won't get the full experience that's all right we're going to let that cook off and that's just going to take a couple minutes to melt the cheese great and we can get our Burger all right um plating here okay we get things rolling so Sim you said that you're going to have a a certain.

Location when you are in downtown bismar can can we release that information or is that too no absolutely so we've got a little spot that is on um Third Street in Avenue be in the southwest corner um that we're going to try out um throughout the month of April on some days okay and we'll see how it goes it's a cool spot down town and we are part of.

The bismar downtowners so you know mabes all day is Works closely with that organization and we do events and stuff down here and we love the downtown area and we just want to be available as much can and you're you're going to be really close to the station so right you might be seeing us more often you have definitely I know and and and there's a.

Lot of good uh there's a lot of good people that are down there that can come over and you can also order um order online or do door Dash now and they can deliver to you if you want so um cuz you're always moving around town so some sometimes you're close sometimes you're not right we're in Mandan on Wednesdays we're at Runnings sometimes so now we're.

Going to be downtown perfect okay so on our Burger we've got our sauce on the top uhhuh we've got a little bit of this uh nice arugula and we've got our onions perfect so then we're going to come over here and we're going to grab our Burgers they should be pretty close to being ready look at that oh listen to.

That Sizzle I'm just going to set this down right here right ahead great so this burger should be pretty good wonderful excellent Sam we got about 30 seconds or so left so perfect timing here so you are a master of your craft.

Here the upav burger there it is from Mabel's all day using local Ranch raised beef um local flow everything that we can local and support your local businesses by voting for us absolutely Burger slam and when does that throughout the month of April right throughout the month of April so we'll have this starting on Monday or Tuesday.

Okay great where do we find Mabel's all day maesal day.com or Facebook um Instagram at Maes all day wonderful all right we're going to take a short break I'm going to cut into the at least one of these burgers and we'll be right back with more North Dakota today right after this

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