ND On the present time: Church Basement Ladies folks


ND On the present time: Church Basement Ladies folks

And you just can't wait for it to happen could be a ball game a concert or a movie well in this case it's a play and it's going on at Dakota stage in bismar starting on Thursday here to fill us in on all of the fun is the director of church basement ladies Deb Carpenter good morning good morning thanks for having me you're welcome Deb I've known.

You for many many years and I cannot imagine anyone more suited to direct this play because this is something I think we all grew up with you know that if we grew up in rural North Dakota or South Dakota or wherever we've seen this or Minnesota or Minnesota which is where this originates from it is in East uh East cornicopia Lutheran Church of the.

Prairie in East cornicopia Minnesota so you got the you got the accent down all right let's talk about the gist of the play it is about these unsung heroes that are always there that are always pitching in and and don't get the credit and the recognition they they deserve that's exactly it it's about the church basement ladies the ones who prepare the.

Food for every funeral wedding uh lefta ludifisk supper and all the drama Joys Panic that goes on behind the scenes and we it's a musical comedy and so we have wonderful wonderful music and our choreographer who is also my musical director Jessica cester has done an amazing job with choreography I think it's almost worth seeing the show just.

For that I believe it okay now you've directed many many plays over your your career in theater and my question to you is were they coming out of the woodwork to audition for this because so many people can relate can relate I it was it was truly gratifying to see the level of talent that came out for this show and and the dedication of my cast and crew.

Is just amazing and very humbling it's just just really fun they've made rehearsal every night fun they've brought something new to the to the production and they their own personalities and it's truly truly fun I believe it I think they're going to be laughs every many laughs every minute now with the cast here not necessarily.

The people that are are cast for the job but but for the actual play I would imagine there's type A personalities there's a passive person ality and things like that they that that that is really well put there are very different personalities there's some people who are clinging to the past and there are some people that are standing on the.

Bridge of the future or on the brink of the future and there's a little tension that's built in with that and so how these people come together in a loving and caring relationship with each other both as their characters and as the actors who are portraying that has been truly wonderful to see okay now this starts Thursday night it goes through.

The weekend what are some of the other dates and because you'll want to go online get tickets or wherever they can wherever you uh have tickets available but tell me the dates just so people can make time for this this going to be a great Mother's Day weekend thing to do it's a it's a terrific Mother's Day present uh we uh open tomorrow night May.

9th and we go the 9th 10th and 11th in the evening at 7:30 and then we have Sunday afternoon which is Mother's Day at 2 p.m we have a maty then we have the same thing the following weekend which is Thursday Friday Saturday night and then Sunday afternoon is our last performance on the 19th but I will warn you that tickets we have a low ticket.

Alert we we have a couple of performance that are essentially sold out already so please go online immediately and and get your tickets because otherwise you will miss out and this is a great a great opportunity to see some fun happening I believe that you know what Deb I've I've heard about this play for many many years and when you and I talked like in.

January and you said you're and I'm like come may you are coming on to this program to talk about this because this is something that certainly I can relate to it's set in the 1960s isn't it yes in the mid-60s and it takes place over a couple of years different different events uh that's all I'm going to tease you with is that there's different.

Events that they uh prepare for is is the entire set in a basement of a church it is okay it is I cannot wait to see this we will see you on H Saturday night for that performance again it is starting on Thursday night it goes this weekend and next weekend it's the church basement ladies at Dakota stage in bismar Deb thank you so much much and.

Best of luck to you I appreciate your time and and taking the time to come in you guys all ready to roll we are sounds great we are ready for an audience looking forward to it all right coming up Shelley Kohler will introduce us to Mr T from Central

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