Netanyahu: ‘If Israel Does Not Retract, You’re Next’ | CBN NewsWatch – January 25, 2024


Netanyahu: ‘If Israel Does Not Retract, You’re Next’ | CBN NewsWatch - January 25, 2024

Thank you so much for joining us for CBN News watch MF from Graham ahead today Israel pushing deeper into Hamas territory killing Fighters and destroying weapons at the same time the growing pressure by Israelis on the government to find a way to get the hostages released is there a ceasefire agreement acceptable to both Israel and.

Hamas we're going to hear from the editor-in chief of the Jewish news Syndicate about what either side would or would not go along with and a living Memorial being created in Israel to remember the victims killed by by Hamas terrorists during the October 7th attacks we're going to show you what is being done and hear from the relatives.

Of some of those victims all those stories and more are head today right here on CBN Newswatch this is CBN newsat and let's begin in Israel where Israel is consistently pushing ahead in its war against tamas taking out their Fighters and destroying their weapons and there appears to be evidence even.

Some Palestinians are angry with Hamas all of this as Israel says talks for the hostages have broken down CBN Middle East correspondent Julie stall brings us the story now she's in Jerusalem more Fierce fighting inside the Gaza Strip after Israel said it had encircled the southern city of K Yunis a Hamas stronghold according to reports.

Israel killed scores of terrorists there the Israel Defense Force forces also said they located and destroyed a terrorist tunnel less than a mile from Israel's border the soldiers found anti-aircraft missiles and equipment to produce and launch rockets meanwhile thousands of Palestinians are continuing to flee from con yunus as Israeli troops.

Advance on gaza's second largest city everyone started fleeing they were saying the Jews have entered the alal neighborhood we couldn't handle it anymore especially for the children's sake we want a solution do we just stay on the streets like we're doing now in an unusual act video posted by author hen maon X formerly known as Twitter.

Reportedly shows Palestinian men women and children in Gaza expressing their anger toward Hamas and its leader y sinir near a Gaza hospital and demanding he return the hostages so the war will end and Gins can go home Israeli government spokesman Alon Levy says it's all hamas's fault Hamas decided to wage war and to fight that war hiding behind.

Civilian areas embedding its military infrastructure underneath civilian buildings now according to the UN in most conflicts around the world something like 90% of casualties are civilians so the fact that we're talking about a ratio potentially of 1 to 1.5 while being certainly Too High shows the lengths that the Israeli Army has.

Gone to to try to keep civilians safe in Israel too distraught relatives of the hostages and others are demanding the release of the hostages protesters blocked a main Tel Aviv Highway as they were calling on the cabinet to bring the hostages home and in Jerusalem women blocked a road and hung a banner saying the hostages are running out of time.

Israeli officials also dismissed reports that there had been any sort of agreement in principle on ceasefire talks including the release of the hostages and they blamed Hamas for blocking any deal at a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of Israel's parliament the knesset Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu honored the Fallen.

Soldiers and repeated Israel's goal this is a war on our home it must end and it will end with the eradication of the aggression and evil of the new Nazis those who attacked kidnapped raped and murdered brought upon him self unprecedented destruction with his own hands Netanyahu warned the West that Israel's fate would be theirs as well I.

Told world leaders that if Israel God forbid does not win you will be next in line the danger will reach you most certainly quicker than you think Julie stall CBN News Jerusalem and our bureau chief Chris Mel joins us now with more so Chris let's begin with where are you and what's the event happening behind you.

Well eim I'm right now in ashalon just a few miles from the Gaza the northern Gaza border uh right now there's an event going on it's just about ending right now by the idsf this is the Israel Defense security Forum it's about 20,000 retired officers and soldiers that have gathered together to present more of a conservative point of view on the war.

They want to grow to about 200,000 uh we have interviewed the retired General Amir aivi uh this morning about what the goals of this uh conference are and really they what they want to do is they want to make sure that Israel stays strong and continues its effort to make sure that Hamas is eliminated they also believe that the next major uh front is.

Going to be up North with Hezbollah but we've talked to a number of people uh Ephraim and one of the themes right now is here at this conference is that this is not just a battle for Israel this is a battle for judeo Christian civilization and they feel Israel is at the front lines of this war and it cannot lose this war on for the sake of.

The rest of the world he hearing you say that let's uh explore what is the big picture what impact will this war have on Israel well the big picture right now is uh is not only it's just not only in Gaza against Hamas but as they were explaining this is really Iran the octopus in the Middle East and it's.

Stretching out to all these proxies around the region Hamas being just one of them the other one the major one is Hezbollah but also Al the Syrian backed Iran Iranian backed militias in Syria and uh in Iraq and also the hutis in Yemen and so the Mastermind behind all of what's going on right now is Iran and this is the head of the octopus ahead of.

The stake this is the big picture and people really need to understand that it's not just this one battle this conflict between Israel and Hamas and the other theme I've been hearing here uh in Ephraim is this this is really an existential threat to the state of Israel the Jewish State uh you can look at the Gaza conflict but it's a much.

Bigger picture than this and that's why they believe it's so important to for the US and the West to to stand behind Israel against tamas and all these Iranian proxies in the region so exactly what is the assessment there of how this war is going well actually I I've hearing a different assessment here than I've heard in some of the media uh you.

Know some of the media has been saying maybe 20 or 30% of the Hamas terrorists have been eliminated so far but right now in k nunas for example there's seven brigades IDF brigades that are in circling conun maybe one of the last major strongholds in the Gaza Strip uh one retired General was telling me Israel's never had that uh Force forces.

In one particular place to surround cunas uh Northern Gaza was it even bigger strongholds so actually it's a more optimistic picture that I hear this conference than what I've heard in some of the major media but uh the fighting still goes on just a few miles from where we are right now one of the many things we're following are these.

Protests in Israel are they putting more pressure on the government to take action to free the hostages well that's part of the the reason behind these protests whether it's on the streets of Tel Aviv or different places around the world to uh Force the government or pressure the government to do more to free the.

Hostages uh as far as I know that the government is doing all they can to a major uh official here in Israel and he was saying it's it's just very difficult to accomplish both of these goals to eliminate Hamas and free the hostages but they're doing what they can I was talking earlier just a few minutes ago to a father of a hostage and.

He was telling me that he wants Israel to be strong and uh he says uh you know they've been fighting enemies for thousands of years trying to eliminate the Jewish state but regardless his son being there as a hostage uh he wants the government to do what it can to eliminate this threat to the Jewish state right on its border what are your.

Thoughts what do you see coming next in the fight against tamas well right now I think the the biggest thing is that this battle right now in conun in southern Israel after that there's maybe a more strategic and sensitive battle in Rafa which is on the border between Gaza Strip and Egypt that's going to be very sensitive uh and.

What happen happens uh uh in in the next few weeks and months perhaps the war will end or Hamas will be eliminated and the other big thing EF from is these leaders uh Julie mentioned Yaya sinoa he's the leader of Hamas and the Gaza Strip if they are contacted if they can be captured or or Surrender then that's going to be a big change here in uh in.

In the war with Hamas all right thank you so much for your Insight always much appreciated please stay safe we are continuing to pray for you and the team thank you Chris coming up is some kind of ceasefire in the Gaza War even possible the editor and chief of the Jewish news Syndicate talks to CBN News on the.

Different plans for a possible break in the fighting and what he says Israel would and would not accept we're going to hear from him when we come back download the CBN News app 247 news from a Christian perspective at home or on.

The road one place for all of your news breaking news alerts set daily prayer goals and pray for news stories read the most important news and watch CBN News Channel live CBN News because truth matters go to to get the app today the Biden Administration has not given up hope that Hamas May free all of.

The remaining hostages in Gaza in exchange for a negotiated ceasefire Israel has floated the idea that it would only accept a two-month ceasefire while Hamas insists it wants a permanent truce on this week's episode of the global Lane Jonathan Tobin the editor-in-chief of the Jewish news Syndicate says at this point there's no.

Chance Israel would accept a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza War it's not what the overwhelming majority of Israelis want it's incompatible with the goals of this government um anded I don't think any government no matter who was the head of IT whether it was Benjamin Netanyahu or some possible replacement among the.

Opposition and that's not happening anytime soon would ever agree to allow Hamas to emerge from this war as the victors um now it's true that there is pressure on the government to somehow do something to save the remaining hostages um we all understand this I mean it's a democracy people speak up um there's tremendous Sympathy for the.

Hostages and um Netanyahu is personally is personally unpopular bear some responsibility for the outbreak of the war because Israel was unprepared but we should not mistake the pressure that is being put on him which is you know not the similar to things we've seen in other countries even here in the United States remember the.

Pressure that was put on President Ronald Reagan to Ransom hostages from the Iranians if we can go back that far in history um he will not agree to a solution that will allow Hamas to emerge unscathed from this and if they are still standing in in control of any part of of Gaza they will be the victors of this war they will have been rewarded.

For the crimes of October 7th and that is something that neither Netanyahu nor really the overwhelming majority of Israelis will possibly countenance well uh let's talk some more about that because prime minister Netanyahu is pledged to destroy Hamas as you mentioned but at this point only a reported 30% of Hamas Fighters have been.

Killed none of them the main leaders is destroying Hamas realistic How likely is a shift in Israeli sentiment about this war and its goals I I think you know there's a certain amount of pressure being put on Israel not just from the hostage families but from the Biden Administration and from its willing.

Accomplice and cheer cheerleading section in the liberal media hence we have articles in places like the New York Times where Israeli generals are quoting and saying oh we can never win it's impossible POS um you know this is all part of an operation basically to save Biden not to save the hostages because Biden wants this war over it's.

It's bad for him politically um he you know this isn't the situation he wants to be in and therefore and he's always wanted to topple Netanyahu so that's the context with which we should view uh these these sorts of sentiments now of course the war is far from over um the government government has said that the military has said it and in part it's.

Far from over because of the pressure being put in the United States Israel has moved very cautiously it has tried everything it can to avoid uh civilian casualties including endangering its own troops which is why the casualty toll among Israeli soldiers has been High um you know if they really wanted to just go in and flatten the place they would.

Have flattened the place without risking any of their soldiers instead they are risking their soldiers to go in to these um very congested areas you know Hamas with International Aid money built a tunnel system that is bigger than the New York Subway system underneath Gaza what comes after the war I know the Biden Administration is pushing a.

Two-state solution the idea that Israel would allow Palestinian statehood and sovereignty and a military next to them after what happened on October 7th Gaza you know under Hamas was an advertisement for what happens when you have a two-state solution as far as this one-state solution stuff uh deluding making it not a Jewish State Israel.

Doesn't want that a two-state solution theoretically is a good idea in the distant future when a sea change in Palestinian political culture has has occurred in which they're no longer committed to the destruction of Israel but we're nowhere near that yet and until the Palestinians change this isn't going to happen Gaza security will be.

The responsibility of Israel after this war there is no alternative to it United States won't do it nor would we does Israel want them to the Arab states won't step in to police it the only way to pre prevent more Hamas terrorism or the fata the so-called moderate Palestinians from doing their thing because remember the Palestinian.

Authority is paying pensions to the October 7th murderers as well as all other Palestinian terrorists um this isn't going to happen so this is is merely a Biden fantasy floated in order to ease his political uh dilemma because leftwing Democrats are pressuring him to pressure Israel a little bit different than Ukraine no one's talking peace.

There and pushing them to that okay no indeed it's a very different thing yeah it sure is okay Jonathan Tobin Jerusalem news service editor and chief thank you for sharing those insights we appreciate it thank you also on this week's episode of the global Lane anti-israel rhetoric is splitting the global climate movement.

And no final exams for college courses as gen Z settles for mediocrity you can catch the global Lane this evening on the CBN News Channel it begins at 8 Eastern you can also see it on the CBN News app or you can watch it on YouTube still ahead a living Memorial is being created in Israel for those killed by Hamas terrorists on October 7th we're.

Going to show you how it is being done and you're going to hear from the relatives of some of those victims we've got that story story for you it's coming up right after this Israel's forestry service is helping to create a living memorial for the hundreds killed at a Music Festival.

On October 7th the tree planting comes as the country marks what's known as the new year of the trees here again is CBN Middle East correspondent Julie stall with a story as this year's tubish fat holiday comes under the shadow of war and death those responsible for Israel's forests want to focus on New Life everyone is.

Welcome here and we want this area also to have INF structure for leisure and Recreation and symbol of life and also uh tell the story of what had happened here because what had happened here can never happen again this is something that is beyond human understanding and this is what we want this place uh to symbolize here in this beautiful Park.

Where flowers are blooming more than 300 trees were planted today by relatives of those who were murdered at the Nova Music Festival we came here today to plant trees for them to remember them to give them the respect we are uh deeply sad and uh we feel that our hearts are taken away from us Cohen lost her brother Benjamin Cohen that day he was a.

Very good person he was full of giving and uh helping other people that was his way along with a number of his friends my brother and his friends were 20 27 um they were five friends together uh the trees are plant next to each other also a they are buried in the same Cemetery where we live one of those friends included Natalie amar's brother.

And Vera moshe's son edin David Moshe he was very very kind he loved people he was very good uncle to to our kids he loved life Ben Tamar D and were very very best friends with Eden they raised together in the same school high school they finished school together they were friends doing all life edin and his friends had looked forward to the music.

Festival for a long time this what we we we have left to do to remember to to tell who wants to hear about who he was how perfect and special he was in life and also in dead Natalie says it's hard to be there but it's it's important for people to remember and to understand the truth it's not fair for us the families to see the hate around the world against.

Israel this is I think the message we every person in Israel wants the to to scream to the world we are the good people they are the the evil people by the trees we symbolize that the state of Israel is here to stay and that's how we see it and that's why we decide to celebrate life due to those horrific action that were done here by Hamas and.

To tell them you can never break our spirit we will keep on planting we will keep on the life here in Israel Julie stall Rahim Park site of the Nova Music Festival Southern Israel we're right back with an encouraging word for your day ahead stay with us introducing a brand new way to start.

Your morning get your daily quick start from CBN News a quick read on the important news of the day delivered right to your inbox stay current on breaking news politics and entertainment discover how God is moving around the world and here at home plus get exclusive stories and daily scripture encouragement just for you stay informed.

Go to now for you Thursday thankful I ask that you would join me in a prayer of gratitude father thank you in this moment of gratitude it's hard to name all you've done all you are and all you promis to be so I'll just say thank you no words actually rise to the level of gratitude I feel in this moment and.

Every moment thank you thank you thank you and amen with that prayer make this a Thursday filled with Thanksgiving and gratitude that will will'll do it for this edition of CBN News watch want to thank you so much for watching and remind you you can always find more of our news programs on the CBN News Channel you can find them there at any.

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