Netanyahu says Israeli strike that killed help staff became as soon as unintended


Netanyahu says Israeli strike that killed help staff became as soon as unintended

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says a strike in which seven Aid workers were killed in Gaza yesterday was quote unintended the world Central Kitchen says the strike hit their Convoy in central Gaza Monday after the group delivered more than a 100 tons of food CBS News senior foreign correspondent Holly Williams has more on.

This from Israel but first we want to warn you this report contains some graphic images good morning world Central Kitchen said it was an Israeli air strike that killed seven of its team members as they were traveling in a convoy in Gaza yesterday the nonprofit said that among the dead are a duel US.

Canadian citizen as well as others from Europe and Australia graphic video appears to show the remains of some of the aid workers one still wearing a bulletproof vest they were killed as they tried to get food to desperate Palestinians one vehicle seems to have taken a direct hit hey this is.

One of those confirmed dead is an Australian woman zie frankum the Australian governments demanding accountability from Israel this is a human tragedy that should never have occurred that is completely unacceptable World Central Kitchen was founded by Jose Andre the award-winning Spanish American chef and feeds the hungry.

Everywhere from the US to Ukraine where one of its kitchens was hit by a Russian missile 2 years ago we need them to win this war because we need to be feed in the W the Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing andrees posted on social media last night and stop using food as a weapon funded by donations his Charity's been shipping.

Hundreds of tons of food into the Gaza Strip even building a makeshift pier and then Distributing the Aid by truck Israel's military has been cooperating with World Central Kitchen and says it's investigating what happened we also Express sincere sorrow to our elied Nations who have been doing and continue to do so much there was apparently no.

Accident in an air strike on a building used by Iran's Embassy in Damascus yesterday Iran's blaming Israel and says seven members of its revolutionary guards were killed including a senior Commander Israel hasn't commented but it's thought to regularly strike Iran linked targets Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Hamman said Israel quote.

Will be punished a dangerous scenario in an already tense region Chanel and Vlad hly Williams thank you and for more on this Ouija Jang is at the White House for us this hour uh Ouija good morning how is the White House responding to the death of these seven Aid workers well so far we have not heard from President Biden himself but a spokesperson for the.

National Security Council issued a statement to say that we are heartbroken and deeply troubled by the strike that killed the aid workers and also the admin istration is now calling on a swift investigation into what happened you can see here uh that Adrien Watson also talked about um that these Aid workers must be protected as they deliver Aid.

That is desperately needed which is a message that they have been sending and will only be Amplified as a result of this tragedy Chanel we we know the US and Israeli officials had discussed a potential Israeli military Invasion into Rafa yesterday what happened during that virtual meeting so this was a virtual meeting that was led by National.

Security adviser Jake Sullivan as well uh as Secretary of State Anthony blinkin before he left for his travels overseas as well as several other officials from their departments as well as the defense department uh really this was an opportunity for the US to make its case about why it believes Israel should not launch this ground invasion of Rafa.

Which the Prime Minister has essentially already said uh is a done deal he says that this is what he has decided to do because operationally it makes the most sense to achieve its goal of uh destroying Hamas and while the US says it shares that final resolution it does believe there are other ways to achieve that without this Invasion considering.

There are more than a million civilians packed in that area and so this was a chance for them to present those Alternatives you know the meeting didn't really end with any deliverables any big decision or or concessions by the Israelis but we know that they do plan to meet again in person as this conversation continues and we you.

Mentioned blink's trip overseas he was traveling of course to Paris uh what was he going there for what's on the agenda there today well today again this fall follows uh that devastating strike that killed the humanitarian Aid worker so of course they will be talking about the situation in Gaza especially because just.

Yesterday France introduced a resolution for the United Nations to monitor different options for a ceasefire there and in recent weeks macron has become more hawkish uh when it comes to not only that but also the conflict in Ukraine and this morning we heard from blinkin he told reporters that this is a critical moment.

For the war in Ukraine really echoing the same thing that he and President Biden has been saying as uh you know Aid is held up by the us because Congress has not been able to pass a supplemental deal and so those two conflicts will be at the top of the agenda but he'll also be uh traveling to talk about trade Partnerships in the region as well.

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3 thoughts on “Netanyahu says Israeli strike that killed help staff became as soon as unintended

  1. These so referred to as Palestinians were kicked out from Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen, Egypt and Syria After they terrorized the country that took them in    hmmmmmmmI wonder why their brothers don't desire them ?!? 🤔 The reality is without a doubt painful to swallow!

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