Netanyahu spokeswoman grilled over strike that killed seven abet workers | Dan Abrams Are living


Netanyahu spokeswoman grilled over strike that killed seven abet workers | Dan Abrams Are living

Israel facing major Global backlash after IDF air strikes killed several Aid workers including An American in Gaza on Monday Aid workers with Chef Jose andrees nonprofit World Central Kitchen who were on the ground delivering food to civilians there in a moment we'll speak to prime minister netanyahu's spokesperson but Netanyahu called the.

Incident tragic and unintentional and the IDF flat out said it was a mistake I want to be very clear the strike was not carried out with the intention of harming wck Aid workers it was a mistake that followed a misidentification at night during a war in a very complex conditions it.

Shouldn't have happened World Central Kitchen says its Convoy was two clearly marked armored vehicles and one unarmored car were hit after dropping off humanitarian food at a warehouse in Gaza its route was apparently coordinated in advance with Israeli forces President Biden saying he's outraged and heartbroken and called for.

Israel's investigation into the matter to be made public France's foreign minister saying quote nothing justifies such a tragedy Australia's prime minister calling for full accountability Andre who's been pretty lowkey until now telling Reuters today this was not just a bad luck situation where oops we dropped the bomb in the wrong place even.

If we we were not in coordination with the Israeli Defense Forces no Democratic country and no military can be targeting civilians and humanitarians joining me now as T hrich spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin netanyahu's office thanks very much for coming on appreciate it what do you make of Jose Andre's comments well.

We're not targeting humanitarians we're not targeting civilians all we care about in this war is going after Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad we want to eliminate this terrorist organization what happened is uh very very tragic indeed we uh will draw the right lessons from it and implement it as you know there will be an investigation there is.

In fact an investigation underway as the defense minister the Prime Minister have ordered uh the findings of which will be made public we'll share them with uh how long will that take I believe a few days but don't take me up on this word okay so we're not talking about months no no I I believe it's it's a matter of days days maybe weeks but not months because.

Jose Andre is suggesting that Not only was the Convoy targeted and it's clear it was targeted right the Israel's position it was a mistake but that it was still obviously intentionally hit but Jose andrees is saying that he thinks that it may have been based on things he said about Netanyahu let me read you what he said he said I need to.

Understand that this was not by somebody that is Above the Law and Order that decided to kill us because I don't know maybe because I did that tweet that was very strong against President Netanyahu prime minister n but I have no idea really what he's talking about again it was a tragic incident the only people who the only I should say terrorists who.

Who were after in Gaza are the terrorists uh full stop really full stop and Israel has gone to unprecedented length in the uh history of Modern urban Warfare to safeguard civilians uh we greatly appreciate the the work that these Aid workers uh are doing on the ground this is one of the F the first organizations that really uh was on the.

Ground in Israel after the October 7th Massacre doing work uh for civilians on both sides of the Border by the way so one of my colleagues calls them the unsung heroes of armed conflict so of course it's it's unfortunate but Dan I was here on your program before when we discussed other tragic incidents that took place during this war and I think.

That it's important to remember that when we do something wrong we take responsibility even if it's the the most painful truth to admit but this seems like a different level right I understand when Hamas is hiding among civilians and you go into a building and you're turning coming around a corner and a mistake is made between a Hamas.

Terrorist and a civilian or you're targeting Hamas terrorists and in the process some civilians are killed all of that I understand this one's a little tougher to understand because clearly this Aid Convoy was targeted they they they went after this Convoy by mistake but it was targeted so this one does feel a little different well according.

To the preliminary assessment as the IDF Chief of Staff staff came out and said yesterday it was a mistake of misidentification during night in very complex battle conditions I you know it's very simple to sit here in New York and give grades to a soldiers doing very tough work against terrorists for 6 months now uh but we're not going to do.

It I think we should wait uh for the conclusions of the investigation to really realize what transpired because the bottom line is that this can never happen again but right because whatever transpired it's Israel's fault but you see um tragedies do happen during Wars that's my point it happened tragedies happen in Kabul in fua you know in in.

Mosul this one but this one you don't think this one feels a little different I mean this doesn't feel different than some of the other tragedies that you refer to because I've been very understanding of Israel's position and this one feels like you know it's it's so bad um that again it doesn't change what Israel's strategy should be Etc I'm.

Just saying this one I would have thought Israel from moment one would have been out there saying we're sorry we're sorry we're sorry thank you for watching go to newsnation to find newsnation on your cable provider and don't forget to click the red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact- driven unbiased.


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