Nicolle Wallace: ‘SCOTUS willing to listen to to the argument that The US has a king’


Nicolle Wallace: ‘SCOTUS willing to listen to to the argument that The US has a king’

Americans woke up today in a nation where the highest court in the land is now out of the closet as open to listening to a legal argument that America has a king and not an elected president that one man in our nation of laws might just might lawfully sit above the laws that apply to every single other.

American citizen the United States Supreme Court which has some of the lowest approval ratings among the American public in its history and which counts three Trump appointees among its members yesterday decided to dignify a legal Theory so contrary to the American experiment that it actually rhymes with Trump's Access Hollywood moment of.

Infamy basically arguing that when you're president they let you do it agreeing to hear this case at all is the hinge moment no matter what happens next it alone opens the door to Turning America into a country where one person can commit crimes in his effort to overturn an election he loses enlist others in that criminal conspiracy and.

Then instead of facing any criminal accountability just run for office again and if Victorious erase every last vestage of criminal liability criminal exposure and accountability let's also be crystal clear today about the logistical implications just of yesterday's news a about that cannot be unrung as we've.

Pointed out on this program over and over and over again the Trump strategy is always the same one and it's abundantly clear it is always to delay delay delay to run out the clock slow down the entire legal process exploit a defendant's due process rights so that a trial in any of these cases is so delayed and pushed back that.

It happens after the election most likely and at that Point Donald Trump has made clear that if he wins he will use his power to free himself to liberate himself from what he publicly on the stump day after day smears as an unlawful and politically motivated prosecution now that tactic whether wittingly or.

Unwittingly received a boon in yesterday's decision from the Supreme Court the Court's decision comes despite the enormously high stakes of actually having a trial in this election interference case and an enormous and quite obvious Civic and public interest in it a poll released earlier this month shows that 64% of all.

Americans wanted to see Trump go on trial before November 5th 2024 that number actually includes 38% of Republicans now even after oral arguments in April the court will take as long as it decides to take to make any decision on whether any American president and in this case that includes Donald Trump is above the law for.

Anything they do while in office even if it includes crimes committed while trying to overturn the will of the American voter using any means possible including violence and threats against your own vice president so if legal accountability for Donald Trump is now delayed or maybe even denied there is as we've been told.

Over and over again the matter of political accountability and on that front no matter how how much or how often Donald Trump lies to his base about the results of the 2020 election the cold hard fact is that 81 million Americans voted against him and for Joe Biden in 2020 and I don't know if you're ready to.

Hear this but it looks like once again it's going to fall to us the American people to do what our institutions constantly over and over again fail to do to determine what conduct is outside the bounds in a nation of law outside the bounds and Norms in a democracy we will once again as citizens have to use the power of our vote to answer that.

Question accountability for deadly attack on the United States capital and our democracy Now most likely in the hands of the American people is where we start today former capital police officer who protected the nation as a mob of trump supporters carried out an Insurrection and an attack on the US capital Harry Dunn is here he's also now.

Running for congress Maryland on the platform of protecting our country and our democracy you were the best person to talk to and the only person I wanted to talk to after this news broke on our show and I had sort of 24 hours to process it and I know you're right in your book that of all of the alleged crimes committed by Donald Trump he.

Should be like any of us accountable for all of them but this one's this one's different talk about that yeah well first of all welcome back I'm so happy to have you back on there I didn't get an opportunity to talk with you as as as early as some of the other people did but but you've hit the ground running because we are we are at this.

Moment in time in this country yeah well exactly we were at this we are at this moment in time in this country where like you just said the people are going to have to do the work for the institutions and that's that's there's so many parallels that that are at play here right now um the the government right now is it's a government of the.

People by the people for the people so we have to come so I I can't let me back up for a second I the blame for this solely obviously outside of Donald Trump I put squarely on Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans who voted to acquit him uh when they had the opportunity to prevent this from happening so first of all I have to.

Acknowledge that but to go back to your point about the people we need to get involved this is the the government is the government of us the American people and we don't want majority of people just in the polls that you've shown majority of people don't want a criminal a felon to be running the president and nobody is above the.

Law you know I mean what what what you remind me of and I and I is you I made a quick list of course he's acquitted by the Senate after McConnell refers him for prosecution then he votes to acquit but after referred by the Republican leader of the Senate there's no evidence that de turns to do what McConnell suggests they do on that day.

Or the day after or the day after or the day after it's not until the very Public Work of the Congressional committee led by chairman Benny Thompson and I I I I was thinking about this on my way in today that we talk about institutions like they're absent human beings but law enforcement wasn't an institution it was it was you it was Michael phen it was it.

Was officer snik I mean Congress wasn't just you know a lob it was Benny Thompson it was Liz Cheney I mean Witnesses weren't just institutional Witnesses it was Cassidy Hutchinson it was sheas it was Ruby I mean we we separate institutions from people but institutions are only as good as the people that are in them and I wonder how.

That changes now your your your campaign and your conversation as you're out there yeah same thing with the presidency you know the presidency is just a a human being so that goes back to the point that nobody is above the law and yeah I'm glad that you named those individuals that you named.

Especially the elected officials and that's where it comes back that's the parallel now where all the people that are those individuals that you list the elected officials they are elected by us the American people and I think that needs to be clear in the messaging that uh candidates running such as myself um need to have uh during election time.

That we are fighting cuz these institutions have failed us not every single person of it obviously but these institutions have failed because of some of the choices that voters have made and we need to continue to improve the institutions uh Congress the we can't read the courts right that that's a whole different thing these unelected.

Official unelected people um that are making decisions that are affecting people's lives that's a whole different discussion that we're having with the Supreme Court but uh that's the messaging that we need to have these PE us the American am people and you know honestly if January 6th didn't happen then Nicole you and I aren't talking I.

Mean as Fabulous As I think you are we we're probably not having this conversation I'm not running for congress but we are at this moment right now where we can't we don't have the luxury to sit back and let somebody else do it or see how things play out we did it in 2016 we took our eyes off the ball when and we and Donald Trump first got.

Elected we can't do that because there's too much at risk there's too much at stake and we all have toay engaged we have to stay motivated it it's too democracy is worth protecting it's fragile and we are at its breaking point right now

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3 thoughts on “Nicolle Wallace: ‘SCOTUS willing to listen to to the argument that The US has a king’

  1. I relish since all can understand trump us the one delaying this… Is anxious to proceed to courtroom and lose… The fact is evident now. An innocent man would wish proceed to courtroom sooner, no longer later.

  2. Right here is proving that our approved guidelines simplest observe to the well-liked of us. He's been a crook all his life, we the of us want to construct it correct. Joe's no longer the most attention-grabbing, but he's the lesser of the two evils. If trump will get again in design of business our nation will no longer exist as we comprehend it.

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