Nightly News Paunchy Broadcast – April 13


Nightly News Paunchy Broadcast - April 13

Tonight the major escalation in the Middle East Iran launching drones and missiles directly at Israel dozens of weaponized attack drones sent into Israel officials there warning they would take hours to hit the attack in response to an attack that killed Iranian officials Israel bracing for more Iran will bear the consequences for.

Choosing to escalate the situation any further President Biden rushing back to the White House for emergency meeting with his National Security team the White House vowing to stand with Israel US military assets being repositioned in the Middle East could this lead to a larger War the stabbing Rampage at an Australian Mall six people dead new.

Details on the Lone Hero police officer who took the suspect down and what one mom did to save her baby chilling video of a woman carjacked by a man with a gun she was later found dead The Manhunt now for the Killer why police believe she may have been targeted dramatic rescues from trapped cable cars passengers hoisted up by helicopters some stranded.

Overnight after one of the cars crashed high above a mountain side in turkey and we take you to the restaurant where a robot is cooking almost everything how does it taste this is NBC Nightly News with Jose Diaz Bard good evening we begin with major breaking news in in the Middle East right now the Skies over Israel are.

Lit up after Iran launched the massive wave of attack drones and missiles into Israel much of what you're seeing right now is Israel's famed Iron Dome defense system taking down most of that incoming but we are in the early hours of this attack and it is not yet clear what if any of these missiles or drones may have made it through and hit targets inside.

Israel the attacks are in response to this missile strike in Syria two weeks ago which killed Iranian officials President Biden met with his National Security team in the situation room this evening some US military Assets in the region have already shot down some of those drones there are still many questions tonight how much damage will.

Iran's attack cause and how will Israel respond we have full coverage tonight beginning with Richard Engel in Jerusalem Richard Jose we saw some of the Israeli air defense systems in action here in Jerusalem tonight and they did appear to be quite effective Iran says this military action is it as far as Iran is.

Concerned its response to Israel's presumed attack against an Iranian diplomatic mission in uh Syria two weeks ago but Israel might choose to escalate this further it is a very very volatile situation Iran tonight launched a swarm of drones at Israel as air defenses lit up the sky and exploded over Jerusalem for the last several minutes.

We've seen these flares streaking all across the skies over Jerusalem and now for the first time we're hearing the air raid sirens it's a developing attack that is unfolding in slow motion the drones take several hours to travel roughly 700 miles from Iran to Israel giving the Israeli military and its allies time to.

Divert Jam or shoot them down we are closely monitoring Iranian killer drones that are on route to Israel sent by Iran this is a severe and dangerous escalation our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of riness ahead of this large scale attack from Iran Iran says the attack is Revenge for an air strike on Iran's.

Embassy compound in Damascus nearly 2 weeks ago that killed seven members of Iran's revolutionary guard including two top commanders although Israel has not acknowledged involvement it is widely believed responsible Iran's supreme leader said he considered the attack on the embassy compound to be an attack on Iranian soil.

To stop the drones and clear a path around them Israel tonight closed its airspace canceled flights for the next two days and disabled some GPS location services Israel is also cancelling schools and all Gatherings of more than 1,000 people people through Monday hours before the launch was detected President Biden today cut short a vacation weekend.

In Delaware returning to the White House to consult with his National Security team yesterday the president said an Iranian attack could come quickly my expectations sooner than later what is your message to Iran In This Moment don't but Iran isn't listening earlier today Iranian forces AB sailed down boarded and captured an Israeli linked.

Cargo ship in the straight of mov and Richard there are reports that some of these drones have already been shut down so the Israeli Air Force has already deployed its goal is to shoot down drones before they enter Israeli airspace but Israel is not working alone uh the Israeli media report that British and American aircraft have already begun.

Shooting down some of the drones over Iraq and Syria Richard Engel in Jerusalem thank you and let's get right to NBC News Pentagon correspondent Courtney QB Courtney us officials confirming Iran launched weaponized drones it could take hours to reach targets what is Israel's capability to intercept.

Them yeah that's right Jose and US officials expect that Iran will launch various types of drones in this operation now what they expect most of them to be what are called one-way attack drones specifically the Shahed models they're packed with explosives that detonate when when they hit a Target some of these drones can fly over.

1,500 miles and carry hundreds of pounds of explosives and they only fly about 100 mph but they also fly lower which can make them harder to intercept now us officials tell NBC news that the intention is for the US military to shoot down some of these drones and even these ballistic missiles with the US assets that are already in Iraq Syria.

And at Sea if they come within range Jose Courtney Cub thank you I want to bring in Kristen Welker moderator of Meet the Press Kristen President Biden rushed back to the White House from Delaware for emergency National Security meetings this attack by Iran is not only a major escalation in mid East tensions but a.

Major new challenge for the administration Jose that's right according to the National Security Council the Administration has been in constant communication with Israeli officials as well as other partners and allies in the region now the White House reiterating President Biden has been clear quote our support for Israel's.

Security is Ironclad right now the focus is on the key question could this become an even wider war that forces the US to get directly involved tonight a senior Administration official tells me the level of concern about a broader conflict is significant and there's frustration inside the administration.

That Israel didn't give the White House a heads up over what is believed to have been its attack on those Iranian targets inside Syria now despite President Biden's support for Israel he's been trying to ramp up pressure on prime minister Netanyahu to wind down the war inside Gaza given the mounting death toll and the growing humanitarian crisis.

Jose and Kristen what more do we know tonight about US military Assets in the region well Jose us officials say they are prepared to help defend Israel with ships including the USS Carney now that's a destroyer that has been involved in beating back Iranian proxy groups and now has been repositioned to help defend Israel along with other.

Destroyers and assets J Kristen Welker thank you and joined Kristen and her guests for all the latest developments on this attack tomorrow morning on Meet the Press and now to our other big story also from overseas breaking news about a deadly stabbing attack in a mall near Sydney Australia six killed a baby among those injured Josh Letterman has a very.

Latest warning the images are disturbing tonight the terrifying Rampage in Australia by a knife wielding killer attacking Shoppers seemingly at random at a busy mall just outside Sydney stabbing five women and one man to death severely injuring eight others including a 9-month-old Australian broadcasters learning details live on.

Air the baby got stabbed and then yeah the mom got stabbed and the mom come over with the baby and and threw it at me and just holding the baby it looked pretty bad horrified Shoppers fled for their lives barricading themselves inside stores it's just it was insane it was Insanity I wasn't expecting it I thought I was going to.

Die the Rampage ended by a lone police officer who was nearby and confronted the suspected killer as she continued to walk quickly behind him to catch up with him he turned faced her raised a knife she discharged a firearm and that person is now deceased Witnesses say he looked like he was only getting started she didn't shoot him well uh he would have.

Kept going he was on the Rampage Australia's prime minister calling the officer a hero and saying the suspect acted alone the motive at this stage is unknown police have not release the identity of the suspect but say they believe him to be a 40-year-old known to law enforcement saying this wasn't terrorism driven by ideology but unlike.

In the US where mass killings have become common violence like this in Australia is exceedingly rare tonight Australians are in mourning their sense of security Now shaken Jose Josh Letterman thank you a massive rescue operation is finally over for more than a hundred tourists trapped and dangling over a mountain side after a deadly.

Cable car accident in Turkey Dana Griffin has the dramatic details dramatic moments showing midair rescues following a deadly cable car accident in Turkey a massive response as helicopters and emergency crews frantically work nearly an entire day to reach almost 200 people left stream stranded High Above.

This Rocky Mountain Side Video showing Rescuers sliding down ropes then one by one grabbing people stuck inside and pulling them to safety other people were carefully lowered to the ground a reporter asks how do you feel up there we were really scared officials say this dangling pod on a line that carries tourists from the.

Beach to a nearby Mountain hit a pole and burst open sending Riders plummeting to the Rocks below one person was killed and several others hurt this woman says while we were descending and really high up we smelted like something was burning after that the cabin shook then we stopped the rescue effort continuing through the night 13 rescued from other.

Cars were also taken to a hospital investigators are now working to determine what caused the pole to break Dana Griffin NBC News back here in the US there has been another accident involving a barge in fact 26 barges broke loose near Pittsburgh and floated down the Ohio River late last night marinas and dams were hit along with at.

Least one Bridge which has been closed for inspection the US Army Corps of Engineers Coast Guard and local officials are working to retrieve and secure the barges still ahead tonight the terrifying caught on camera carjacking that left a woman dead and the killer on the loose also robots making meals how technology is upending.

The fast food industry a Manhunt for a killer is underway after a deadly carjacking Rampage in Florida and it was all caught on camera Marisa reports terrifying moments caught on camera leading to an allout man hunt tonight you need to do something now cuz I don't know what's going on this.

Shocking video showing a violent confrontation near Orlando Florida and possibly a young woman's final moments someone wearing a black hoodie and a mask armed with an automatic handgun filmed pointing it at a driver inside a white Durango at this intersection the suspect then jumping into the back seat poor guys been held up by some guy with.

A machine gun police believe the person driving that white Durango was 31-year-old Katherine agis vibas a recent US citizen from the Dominican Republic a short time after that first call police get another about a car badly burned bur with a body inside 30 m away shell casings found on the ground outside we believe that to be the.

Vehicle and the decedent to be Catherine police now believe this was a targeted attack shortly before this video was taken Catherine called her husband to report a green Acura was ramming into her back bumper why did she and her husband not call 911 I don't know uh why did she stop at the red light I don't there's a lot of things that we'll.

Absolutely uh never know tonight the suspects are on the Run with police calling Witnesses who have come forward so far Heroes the people who are who are following behind this witnessing this are absolute Heroes with providing critical information of a very dangerous and frightening situation Marisa what's a latest on the investigation.

Tonight well Jose the chart remains of this car found just down the dirt road behind me the question tonight is why was she driving more than 200 miles away from her home and what was the motive to Target her police still searching for those answers and those suspects Jose thank you still ahead tonight would you eat a meal made.

By a robot it could be the future of fast food but how does it taste and Field of Dreams what sparked this massive Little League celebration there's a new Revolution in fast food many major chains are experimenting with having machines take over preparing part of your order but.

Now one restaurant is going all in having the robots do it all elwin Lopez reports the burgers at this Los Angeles fast food restaurant are classic but the workers may be the future C Express touts itself as the world's first fully autonomous restaurant okay you're going to help me get Wall-E to make me a burger is that right from facial.

Recognition as you order so go ahead and put in your order okay so we'll do the burger with with everything and some raw onion of course to the robot chefs behind the counter almost everything here is made by machines the fries by a robot called flippy flippy is using his robot arm to grab a basket he going to bring it over here to this freezer and.

We'll dispense an order of fries into it cuz a robot arm is just a robot arm but the secret SAU here is the AI that really Powers it and for the main course there's the burger bought gring the meat fresh forming patties and Grilling to order as it spins around and as it gets to the end it'll scoop it up and it'll dump it into this bucket major chains.

Are already starting to bite into AI in automation Wendy's experimenting with AI power drive-throughs welcome to Wendy's what would you like salad chain sweet green has salads rotating through automation Chipotle even has robots building its burrito bowls what would you say to people that say listen this is taking away jobs restaurants have a.

Really hard time finding workers and it costs them a lot to have those workers so you want to be very thoughtful about where you put those workers cuz working the fry station is a pretty undesirable job it's dangerous you burn your arm automation will likely eliminate some jobs that may be inevitable they didn't choose that it's 30% but Brian justy who.

Researches labor practices at UCLA warns an all robot kitchen may not be on the menu anytime soon I think there's a kind of significant smoke and mirror trick happening here where you get claims of full automation because even at what they call the world's first fully autonomous restaurant there's Hova the robot helps me out a lot and then I help.

The robot in turn she makes these Burgers whole adding toppings and of course the bun something these robots haven't quite mastered yet all right let's try this not bad a bite instant the future whether we ready or not eln Lopez NBC News Los.

Angeles and when we come back there's good news tonight a moving tribute to honor an American hero there's good news tonight you know so often the good news doesn't get as much attention as the bad so every Saturday we highlight the many people who spread joy and love these are just some of those stories this.

Week when you think of stepping up to the plate this Southern California Little League team knocks it out of the park that's Norco Braves coach Pete Moreno handing out jerseys to his players but there was still one Jersey left we got one more watch as he gives it to the team's biggest fan Mikey Mena who has Down.

Syndrome Mikey now an honorary player Mike Mike Mike that's heart transplant patient Ashley Stewart finally meeting the family of the woman who gave her the life-saving gift watch as Gino kuchi is moved to tears listening to the Beating Heart of his beloved wife Raquel who died suddenly 2 years ago.

this is Melody her Legacy living on in Ashley's baby girl who she named Jane Rael in honor of Mrs kuchi here's a reunion one California family thought might never happen they're Overjoyed at finally getting their dog Mishka back after she went missing last summer Mishka there.

She is Mishka who was microchipped and wearing a collar with ID was finally found more than 2,000 M away in Michigan and in Florida that's 99-year-old World War II Army veteran Sydney L surprised by school kids in Palm Beach County.

This celebration planned by the Honor Flight organization I noticed that not only did they sing The Star Spang but you sang along with them what did that mean to you oh breath Hing and it'll never leave me the kids The Shining faces the peace on their face.

are you surprised at all that this video has touch so many people I think they need it I think they really needed to get up and understand the value of living in this country it's.

Freedom by the way in our conversation I asked Mr levit what was his secret to a long healthy and successful life his answer ice cream lots of it that's NBC Nightly News for this Saturday my colleague H Jackson will be here tomorrow night I'm Jose Diaz Bart thank you for the privilege of your time good.

night thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News news app or follow us on social media

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