‘No longer going’ that object in current UAP video is camera smudge: Knowledgeable | Vargas Reviews


'No longer going' that object in current UAP video is camera smudge: Knowledgeable | Vargas Reviews

So much lots of questions to ask here so joining us to break the video down further is Dr Matthew shagas a professor of physics at the University of Albany and an expert on UFO research plus the author of a prodigious number of scientific Publications on this very topic including this study on uaps just published in December thanks so much for.

Joining us Dr again we haven't verified the authenticity of this video but it's strange looking what's your take on it well my initial impression was that it looks like the Imperial probe Droid from Star Wars back it is not a standard or common shape of of UFO or or uip and the the color change is quite is quite strange because it.

Implies either a camera artifact like some sort of rescaling or some sort of a signature management because it doesn't make sense that would be changing from hot to cold so quickly if that's what what's happening that's not really physically uh possible as far as we know and and by the way uh at one point I don't know if we can slow this down when.

This happens but at one point we see this thing pass over to people who seem to be completely unaware that it's over them yeah to me that implies again two very different possible explanations one that it's um it's not really there and is a camera artifact or on the other hand some sort of invisibility some sort of signature management which as we know.

Is one of the uh the classic uh UAP observables well if it were invisible would that explain why it changes colors from black to white in that video no so that particular aspect is very strange because is as Jeremy Corbell explains a thermal imaging and so that would imply a temperature change from hot to cold en vice versa which.

Really is impossible so that again implies either a camera artifact that it's not really changing temperature that quickly or it implies some sort of uh signature management which would then beg the question if you had that ability why wouldn't you just just stay stay invisible so it it it it answers it asks a lot of questions without very many.

Answers right now what about this detail that it goes for a while and then it goes out over the water and dips down into the water and disappears for 17 minutes before reemerging yeah if we um we don't see that in the video that's been released in what we have so far but trans medium travel is again one of those UAP.

Observables and if we actually had documented evidence of that again that may be another video it's not in the currently released video but that would be pretty remarkable because we don't have that ability and no Nation we know of has the ability for really good trans medium travel we can do it but very very badly you know if you think of a sea.

Plane for example it's both a terrible plane and a terrible boat it's not very good at doing those things so while we have limited trans medium capabilities we don't have the capabilities that would allow us to seamlessly uh move between um move between air and water for example and what about the way it's moving I mean when you you talked about.

It being a quote camera artifact is that like a a smudge on the lens or I mean what do you mean by that exactly so that was one of my initial thoughts but when you look at the video carefully you can actually see that the object changes in size with the zoom that makes it unlikely that it's a smudge on the lens and you also see the camera reticle sort.

Of the you know the central four marks you see on the camera will be changing position relative to the object so it actually makes it less likely that it's a smudge on the lens and more likely to be a physical object but again we don't have a lot of context we don't have multiple Vantage points in different videos so it's nearly impossible to.

Judge for example the size the distance the velocity the acceleration because we only have the one vantage point with this video but other at this point in your mind it is an unexplained aerial phenomenon but that doesn't mean it's extraterrestrial in any way that that's correct so like I said my initial feeling was smudge on the lens that.

Doesn't seem to be borne out by looking at the entire video but nevertheless there's not enough context to make a conclusion so by definition it's unknown again that doesn't mean it is something unnatural or remarkable but right now there isn't enough data uh metadata or more um more of the backstory and context of who originally took the video.

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3 thoughts on “‘No longer going’ that object in current UAP video is camera smudge: Knowledgeable | Vargas Reviews

  1. I accomplish no longer stare something else outstanding about this video. A truly valuable fragment, the object submerging for 17 minutes, and then re rising, is missing. That can notify us if it had propulsion. It doesn’t watch like a 3D object, handiest one dimensional. That will perhaps well also very smartly be for the reason that object didn’t rotate even a tiny bit. It unswerving appears to be like suspicious. I’m hoping the pentagoons didn’t leak this video on reason to gain a fool out of UFO lovers and Corbell.

  2. It appears to be like like a drone or balloon that has been diguised with some vegetation, that you just might perhaps stare a gloomy solid object with the enviornment topic hanging off it

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