Obama CIA asked foreign agencies to illegally note on Trump friends: File


Obama CIA asked foreign agencies to illegally note on Trump friends: File

Let's bring in Fox News contributor Joe kin Joe you're the media guy when Trump said this was happening the media attacked him mercilessly they did uh saying that he was just throwing out conspiracy theories Todd Carly and as a result uh we should not take anything he's saying seriously uh let's be clear first as.

Lucas just said this report has not been confirmed by any major news outlets including the New York Post and Fox News but for the sake of conversation it wouldn't be surprising if this did happen and the reporters here Matt taibe Michael shellenberger they are as solid as they come uh the CIA director at the time was John Brennan he has shown.

Himself to be completely and totally partisan and completely anti-trump uh he currently serves as an MSNBC analyst and his sole job is to bash Trump at every turn so when you listen to John Brennan on TV now and you see this reporting and the reporters that are behind it again it's not hard to believe that Barack Obama and therefore his CIA would spy on.

Donald Trump in an attempt to stop him from becoming president and after he became president to make his job as difficult as possible guys don't take kous words for it here's what John Brennan himself said on cable news back in 2018 Donald Trump has badly sullied the reputation of the office of the.

Presidency he is I think the most divisive president we've ever had in the Oval Office he is feeding and fueling uh hatred and animosity and misunderstandings among Americans I and so many other former National Security officials are speaking out because of the uh abnormal and aberant Behavior Uh of Mr Trump this is a very large and.

Painful National kidney stone the relief we feel afterward is going to be just exhilarating before before the 2016 election and during the leadup to the 2020 election as you saw right there John Brennan one of Obama's Intel department heads targeted a presidential campaign run by Donald J Trump two.

Campaigns I might add how is that not textbook election interference Joe it completely is and it's amazing that it took independent journalists like taban shellenberger to dig into this cuz the New York Times Washington Post CNN they would never go near this and look think about Todd all of the former National Security National.

Intelligence officials who have gone from doing their jobs when they're supposed to be apolitical to going on TV to talk about Donald Trump and how horrible he is for democracy we we we just saw Clapper uh we also saw uh I'm sorry James Clapper I should mention uh he was just on screen uh with John Brennan John Brennan of course MSNBC.

James Clapper uh CNN uh Andy mccab number to uh be under uh Clapper I'm sorry who was he under as far as oh that's right James Comey uh he also has written two books at a Showtime series to go against Donald Trump I I could go on and on in terms of all the national intelligence officials who are now doing jobs like I do in terms of analyzing.

Things on television and they're supposed to be apolitical after they leave office after they leave their jobs they should be doing other things besides going on television and sounding like opman or Rachel mattow but that's exactly what we've seen uh so that that that should tell you something as far as our intelligence agencies not the people.

On the ground doing the real work but the people at the top they've all become vastly political and and the American people seem to know that at this point it's good to see the media industrial complex holding all the individuals you mentioned to account for their uh complete falsity and you know undemocratic acts I just want to add one.

More thing on this there is this alleged 10 inch binder that shenberger referenced that has all the the info gathered in the surveillance but its whereabouts are unknown I think it's going to have the same fate as the Supreme Court leaker whoever placed the cocaine in the white house but I digress we will see uh meantime Joe Biden.

Delivering a White House address to attack Trump but didn't want to take any questions watch before we began I'm going to make this statement let us stand in his own I'm not going to take any questions but I'll be taking questions tomorrow and the next day but I don't want anything to get in the way of the statement I.

Promise I'll come back and answer questions later thank you when Trump said that sir what did Putin here what's Plan B if the speaker doesn't act Joe will Joe answer any more questions between now and November after quite frankly what was a train wreck last.

Week Todd did you see his schedule yesterday there was literally nothing on it outside of lunch with kamla Harris so he had nowhere to go there was no pressing issue where he had to leave and not take questions this President I'll say it again is an absolute coward cuz he should be telling his advisers no I want to answer questions I want to show.

That I have the mental acuity to do this job and instead he just stutters off and and and wanders off uh a after uh making a statement uh when he had nowhere to go I mean this is as surprising as the sun rising the East and birds flying south for the winter uh this is a president who's like a remote control car completely controlled and driven by.

Others in terms of when and when he cannot speak to reporters and therefore the American people he had three solo press conferences in 2023 Donald Trump had 35 in his final year in office so to answer your question will he take any questions between now and November uh we'll see him in East Palestine Ohio where he promised to go remember that.

Two weeks ago I'm going to East Palestine that never happened did it right it's the same thing never take anything this President says seriously always judge him by his actions handlers had him Prime from the moment he stepped to that Podium no questions was the first thing he said so we couldn't mess that up Joe kcha thank you for your time.

We appreciate it I'm Steve Ducey I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley aart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis

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