One Effort Republicans Need To Fade/ News April 15, 2024


One Effort Republicans Need To Fade/ News April 15, 2024

There's one issue Donald Trump must disposeof before November elections >> David Feldman: Okay. All right. I'm doing it. Heading into November, there's one issue DonaldTrump wishes would go away. It's the issue that unless he changes theconversation, it will be the issue that loses him the election, and it will drag the entirerepublican party down with him. So what do you think it is? Is it the economy?.

Does he wish the economy, Biden's economy,would go away, abortion, the murder rate? Or is it Donald Trump's criminal trials? It starts today. His first criminal trial starts today. What does Donald Trump want? To disappear? I've been going over the polls, and some ofyou might be surprised by the answer, which I'll get to later in the show. I'll tell you.

There is one issue Trump must dispose of,and I will tell you what it is. But first, I want to know what you think. So I'm conducting my own poll with the peoplewatching me right now live on YouTube. If you're watching live on YouTube, pleasejump into the chat room and fill out the poll. Tell me what you think is the one issue thatwill drag the entire GOP down in November. Here's the poll. Is it the economy, abortion, the murder rate,or Trump's trials? I'll have the results at the end of the showof what the poll is, but I'll tell you what Donald Trump has to dispose of before November.

Israel says it shot down 99% of 300 missilesfired Sunday morning In just a few minutes, the IDF says it wasable to shoot out of the sky 99% of the 300 drones and missiles Iran fired into israeliairspace early Sunday morning. One Bedouin child in southern Israel was reportedlyinjured badly after shrapnel from one of the projectiles shot out of the sky and then landedon her. Iran was retaliating against Israel's attackearlier in the month on, the iranian embassy in Syria, which killed some of Iran's topmilitary leaders. Iran's attack had nothing to do with Israel'sbrutal retaliation against Gaza for Hamas October 7 attack, in which nearly 1200 werekilled, hundreds raped, and as many as 250.

Taken hostage. After early Sunday's attacks, Iran told theUnited nations the matter is now concluded. In other words, Iran seems to be saying, thatis it, and Iran is now warning Israel against any retaliation for the barrage of airborneattacks early Sunday morning. What I found surprising was how effectiveIsrael's air defenses reportedly worked. Now, I'm going to tell you what I believe. I'm going to assume most of what we saw wasfor show, and the attacks were privately coordinated between Iran and Israel so Iran could saveface while at the same time not escalate fighting in the region to the next level.

Now, maybe I'm wrong, but in my humble opinion,Iran has Hezbollah stationed in southern Lebanon with thousands of missiles that could do someserious damage deep into Israel. And Hezbollah, proved that back in 2006. From what I understand, the biggest threatfacing Israel is Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. And if Iran, Hezbollah takes its orders fromIran. And if Iran really wanted to attack Israel,there would be incoming missiles from southern Lebanon. If Iran wants war with Israel, southern Lebanonis the trigger point. And I suspect that unlike 2006, when Israelretaliated, when Israel engaged with Hezbollah.

By destroying Lebanon's major city of Beirut,this time Israel would go all in on Tehran with Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister. If Hezbollah attacks Israel, I suspect Iranknows that Netanyahu would attack Tehran. I don't think Iran wants that. Iran has a lot of enemies in the region, includingSaudi Arabia and possibly Jordan, which reportedly shot down some of Iran's missiles Sunday morning. I'm guessing the last thing Iran wants isany escalation. Right after the October 7 attack, Iran immediatelysaid, we had nothing to do with this. We did not coordinate this attack with Hamas,even though Hamas claimed Iran did.

They claimed Iran helped finance it. Now, with two american aircraft carriers stationedin the Middle east since October 7, and President Biden telling Iran, don't. I'm going to assume Sunday morning's attackwas an opportunity for Iran to save face after Israel's attack in Syria on the iranian embassy. And it was an opportunity for the United Statesand Israel to show off Israel's multi layered air defense system, which we are being toldworked exceptionally well. I'm a bit dubious, I'm m probably wrong, butI have always been suspicious of America's air defense capabilities.

Back during the first Gulf War, America deployedPatriot missiles in Israel to shoot incoming Scud missiles out of the sky, Scud missilesthat had been fired by Iraq. Back then, we were told to believe that thePatriot missiles were a tremendous success. But reporting by Bill Safire from the NewYork Times revealed that the Patriot missiles were not as accurate, not as successful aswe were led to believe by our Pentagon. It turns out during the first Gulf War, thosePatriots missed a lot of the Scud missiles, and the Scud missiles they did hit ended upblowing up over Israel and doing a lot of damage as the shrapnel rained down on israelivillages. There is a lot of money in convincing Americansthat missiles can be shot out of the sky.

When North Korea began testing ballistic missiles,President Obama began stationing anti ballistic missiles defense systems in the Pacific. And I remember asking, do they work? Have they worked? And I never got a straight answer. All the reporting I've seen says America cannotshoot ballistic missiles out of the sky. But the reports coming out of Israel insistAmerica and Israel now have that capability. It makes me suspicious. We are now being told that Israel has thearrow defense system, which works in outer.

Space and is able to shoot long range missilesout of the sky, missiles fired by Iran and earlier in the year, missiles fired by houthirebels that America was able to shoot out of the sky. This is the Star wars defense that Reaganwas promoting back in the eighties. If these reports are true, this is a majordevelopment. Major. We are now hearing of something called David'ssling, which was developed in Israel with America to shoot medium range missiles outof the sky. Then there's the Patriot missiles, which havebeen around for at least three decades.

Israel is relying on patriot missiles. As I said earlier, Bill Safire at the Timesdecades ago wrote that we were misled during the first Gulf war about the efficacy of thePatriot missiles. I'm going to assume they've gotten better,especially with AI. The Associated Press reports this morningthat the patriots were used over the weekend to shoot down iranian drones. And then there's Israel's famed Iron dome,developed by Raytheon, which is used to shoot down short range missiles fired at a Gaza. The Associated Press reports that Israel claimsIron Dome since October 7 has had a 90% success.

Rate. So what am I saying here? I'm not suggesting Israel didn't shoot 300missiles out of the sky Sunday morning, and I hope they did. But I do believe the entire attack was coordinatedwith Iran. I believe Sunday morning was for show. I do. One day I believe we will discover Iran wassharing with Israel the coordinates to every launch of their drones and their missilesbecause Iran knew if any of those missiles.

Landed and did any damage, it would be WorldWar III again. I hope Israel can shoot missiles out of thesky. I hope America can shoot missiles out of thesky. I also hope Iran and Israel were coordinatingtargets so they could be shot out of the sky. I like to believe that Biden and the StateDepartment are working behind the scenes maintaining the peace. But I do know since Ronald Reagan began fundingthe Star wars defense system, all the reporting shows it to be a massive failure. When did this change?.

All the reporting shows that whenever ourPentagon tested shooting missiles out of the sky, it only worked when we fudged the resultsand gave the air defense systems a heads up on, the coordinates, perhaps all the reportingon air defense missiles. The advancement in air defense missiles hasmoved into the realm of classified. Maybe that's why we're not hearing about it. Perhaps it's all top secret. And that's why I can't find out when exactlyAmerica developed the capability to shoot ballistic missiles out of the sky. Perhaps the only one who knows the answerto such a top secret classified question would.

Be the groundskeeper at Mar a Lago. I think in one of the boxes inside a bathroomat Mar a Lagoon, we could find out when exactly America learned how to shoot missiles outof the sky. If we're being told the truth, I find it oddthat suddenly America has the capability to shoot all these missiles out of the sky andwe were never told about it. Now I've seen just personally some of theadvances in AI. it wouldn't surprise me. I just don't know how much of what we're hearingabout Sunday morning in Israel is true. I do know there are trillions of dollars atstake, making american taxpayers believe it's.

True. I know it's in the best interest of Raytheonto convince Americans that iron dome works and we can shoot missiles out of the sky. I also know we can't audit the Pentagon. And I do know CNN, MSNBC and Fox News werelousy Saturday night, early Sunday morning with retired generals who secretly work aslobbyists for military contractors. Retired generals on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News quietlysecretly working as lobbyists for military contractors, telling Americans how great Israel'samerican made air defense systems are working. It would be nice for congressional hearingsto learn just how accurate these anti ballistic.

Missiles are. It would also be nice if CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews told us who exactly these retired generals are working for. I know weve deployed air defense missilesin Ukraine. I hope theyre working. But Ukraine is losing. Joe Biden wants to give Ukraine another $60billion. And I think thats a good idea. But maybe these Republicans in the House whoare calling for an audit of the Pentagon and.

Republicans in the House cant wait to holdhearings on how Biden blew the pullout from Afghanistan. He did not. It's one of the greatest things any presidentever accomplished. But I know Republicans in the House like tochallenge the Pentagon. Maybe they would like to hold hearings onAmerica's air defense capabilities. I'd like to know how effective these air defensesare because France, with their Maginot line, thought they were safe during World War Twountil they were not. OJ Simpson spent decades looking for answersin Nicole Simpson's murder.

Sad, sad news. OJ Simpson, who thrilled football fans, settingrushing records for the Buffalo Bills, then going on to become one of America's most trustedsports commentators, topping off his career with comedic turns in the Naked Gun series,as well as being one of America's top brand ambassadors for companies like Hertz. Well, late last week, OJ Simpson took waytoo long to die at the age of 76. You know, OJ Simpson may have been richerthan I am, more talented than I am, better looking than I ever was, but as I told allof my wives and all of my children, David Feldman was a much better husband than OJSimpson.

OJs broadcasting and acting career took abackseat when he became a widower at the age of 46, and was forced to raise his childrenas a single dad, while spending the rest of his life looking for the assassins who murderedhis wife and her friend, Ron Goldman. And now, with OJ's passing, I guess we'llnever get to the bottom of one of the great mysteries of the 20th century. Who killed OJ Simpson's wife? Now, to OJ's credit, OJ never stopped looking. Early on, he believed it was colombian drugdealers. So OJ moved to Florida to insinuate himselfinto that seedy world.

Yet he came up empty. The Los Angeles police gave up the hunt completely. But OJ Simpson, for 30 years, sacrificed hisacting and broadcasting career. He turned down major commercial endorsementsbecause he didn't want to lose focus on his relentless pursuit suit for answers in whateveryone else told him was a cold case. Who killed OJs wife and her friend, Ron Goldman? I guess now, well, never know. Unless you want to believe all the evidence,and not just the evidence planted by the Los Angeles Police Department.

If you want to believe all the evidence, itwas OJ Simpson. But that really was never the point, was it? On, the heels of the LA riots, after the policeofficers who beat the crap out of Rodney King got acquitted by a, mostly all white jury. The OJ Simpson saga was one of America's firstmajor reckonings. With our two tiered justice system, nobodyencapsulated it better than OJ Simpson. We saw that there was the justice system forwhite people, and the justice system for black people. There is the justice system for rich people,and there is the justice system for poor people.

OJ Simpson threw a wrench into all of thatby being a rich black man. Detective Mark Fuhrman, hours after the murder,well, he only saw OJ as a black man, so he planted evidence. Mark Fuhrman had a long history of using then word he would brag to police psychiatrists about torturing black suspects when he wasa police officer. He told police psychiatrists that, that hecouldn't work as a patrol officer anymore. He was afraid he'd kill black and mexicansuspects. So the LAPD did what any reasonable law enforcementagency would do. They made him a detective.

M. Mark Fuhrman had a history of using then word, told his superiors he was afraid he was gonna kill black and mexican suspects. And the LAPD said, well, I guess we'll justhave to make you a detective. Too racist to be a patrol officer. So in the LAPD's infinite wisdom, they madeMark Fuhrman a detective. But eventually, Mark Fuhrman revealed himselfto be even too racist for the LAPD. Which is why after the OJ Simpson trial, hebecame a mainstay on Fox News. But before that, right after he got promotedto detective, Mark Fuhrman knew OJ had been beating Nicole Simpson.

He had been beating her for nearly a decadebefore finally killing her. Fuhrman was one of the detectives who respondedto one of Nicole Simpson's many 911 calls, telling police OJ was threatening to killher. It was Furman, as a detective who arrivedon the scene and witnessed OJ trying to smash Nicole Simpson's mercedes with a baseballbat. While she cowered inside, Furman talked toOJ, and OJ dropped the baseball bat and apologized. But Mark Fuhrman never forgot that scene. So when Nicole Simpson ended up dead a fewyears later, Fuhrman knew who was responsible. Did Mark Fuhrman plant the bloody glove inOJs backyard to speed the conviction along?.

My humble opinion, absolutely. Because Mark Fuhrman was first and foremosta racist. And he figured this is what you do with blacksuspects who you know are, are guilty. Plant a little evidence to spare the stateof California a murder trial. Mark Fuhrman figured OJ was black, and he'llcop a guilty plea. Because that's how it's done in Los Angeles,that's how it's done in America. And OJ was about to cop a guilty plea. Furman was right. When OJ flew back from Chicago, he knew theyhad him dead to rights.

You might remember if you're old enough. During the police chase in the white Bronco,OJ had a gun to his head and was ready to pull the trigger. It was going to be a murder suicide. We all thought OJ was going to kill himselfbecause he felt horrible that he had just killed his wife, the mother of his children. And the transcripts of the phone conversationhe had with homicide detective Tom Lang during the police chase revealed that this was aboutto become a murder suicide. Homicide detective Tom Lang stayed on thephone with OJ throughout the car chase, and.

He calmly talked OJ out of committing suicide. He said, OJ, you got a lot of people who loveyou and are rooting for you. And OJ looked up and the overpass in LA wasfilled with passion. fans, holding up signs, we love you, juice. So OJ didn't pull the trigger. Instead, he pulled into his estate in Brentwood. I believe it was Brentwood, right? He got out of the Bronco, took a look around,and he remembered, wait a second, I'm a multimillionaire. And his friends descended on him.

Robert Kardashian, Kim's dad, assembled adream team of lawyers who put the Los Angeles police Department on trial. It was really the LAPD that was put on trial,not OJ Simpson. And by the time OJ was acquitted, most ofus knew he killed his wife and Ron Goldman. But the LA Police Department, most certainlyMark Fuhrman, probably planted the evidence. And in America, you cannot do that to a richperson, even if they're black. Had OJ Simpson just been a black guy, he'dbe getting out of prison right around now. Maybe. The number of inmates sitting in jail hastripled since OJ Simpson was arrested.

Two thirds of Americans sitting in jail thismorning have yet to be convicted of a crime. Close to half a million Americans are sittingin a jail cell this morning, never convicted. All part of pretrial detention, because theycan't post bail. Now, jail is in prison. Prison is where you go after getting convicted. 1.2 million Americans are in a prison thismorning. Sometimes when you're convicted, you alsogo to jail. But 1.2 million Americans are in a prisonthis morning. What percentage of them ever had a jury trial?.

Hard to say. When it comes to state prisons, I can neverget a straight answer, no matter how many times I've asked this question. The 6th amendment guarantees every americancitizen the right to a fair and speedy trial. How many people behind bars today got one? When it comes to federal prisons, the PewResearch center reports that nine out of ten defendants in federal cases plead guilty beforeit ever goes to trial. Pew says that in 2022, the federal governmentdrew up charges against 71,954 Americans. Only 1669 out of 71,954 of those charged everhad a jury trial.

Why? Because just like our immigration process,our asylum process, here in America, we do criminal justice on the cheap. We punish Americans for exercising their 6thAmendment right to a fair and speedy trial. The prosecutors literally tell suspects, donot make me mount a trial against you. Some Americans are rooting for Donald Trumpbecause they know he's guilty Do not make me spend the money to provideyou with your 6th amendment right to a trial. Don't make me angry. Plead guilty now and you'll get a, lessersentence.

Plea out. If you make me mount a trial and you're foundguilty. And look at your public defender, do you thinkhe's going to get you off? If you make me mount a trial and you're foundguilty, we'll make sure the judge gives you the maximum sentence. And the judges are complicit in all this? The judges are complicit in denying all ofus our six amendment rights. The judges are in on the plea deals to savemoney for the state. Plead guilty and I'll give you a much shortersentence.

I know you think you're innocent. You may be, but look at your public defender. So that's what we know about the federal prisons,okay? Nine out of ten people in federal prisonspled out. They never got a trial. You can only imagine how much worse this iswhen it comes to state offenses and state prisons, especially in the poorer red states,which are more likely to punish a defendant with longer sentences when they force thestate to spend money they don't have on money for a trial.

In the 30 years since OJ murdered Nicole andthe Goldman kid, Ron Goldman, I think it's safe to assume that most white people finallyunderstand why so many black people cheered after OJ was acquitted. 30 years after OJ murdered his wife and RonGoldman, most Americans now have a keener understanding of why so many white peoplecheer for Donald Trump every time he's able to delay justice. We're now able to understand why so many arerooting for Donald Trump. They're rooting for him not because they thinkhe's innocent. They're rooting for him because they knowhe's guilty.

And they want to live vicariously throughDonald Trump, the same way Americans during the Great Depression lived vicariously throughDillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, or the gangster Donald Trump loves to talk about out on thecampaign trail. Alphonse Capone. You ever hear Donald Trump talk longinglyabout Alphonse Capone? Trump doesn't call him Al, he calls them Alphonse. Alphonse Capone as a sign of respect. Americans. Some Americans are rooting for Donald Trumpbecause they know he's guilty.

They want him to walk. They want him to become president. Because they think the entire system herein America is rigged. And they're right, the system is rigged. Donald Trump may be a pathological liar, buthe's not lying when he says the system is rigged. What he conveniently leaves out is that thesystem is rigged in his favor. Two things can be true at the same time. Mark Fuhrman probably planted the bloody glove,but OJ was guilty.

Two things can be true. Donald Trump is guilty of everything he'sbeen charged with and then some. But everything his lawyers and his defenderssay about America's justice system and our FBI is also true. You know what makes me despise Donald Trumpthe most is he's turned me into a defender of the FBI. You think I like singing the praises of theFBI? James Comey. James Comey.

He's one of the reasons Hillary lost. Reopening the investigation into her emailseleven days before the presidential election pulled a Robert Herr in July of 2016 whenhe announced that, I'm not going to prosecute Hillary. But then he offered Clinton up an unsolicitedopinion. Just like Robert her, the special counselin the investigation of Joe Biden's mishandling of classified documents. James Comey, in the summer of 2016 said, I'mnot going to prosecute Hillary Clinton, but she's been extremely careless.

Extremely careless, he said, with her handlingof these emails. Well, you use the term extremely careless. Either prosecute or shut your mouth. Extremely careless means to some, you shouldbe prosecuting. It was James Comey's responsibility to say,we're not prosecuting, period. But James Comey thought he was better thaneverybody, and he insinuated himself into the political process. He and America paid a price for that. Donald Trump got elected.

Had Hillary won, its worth mentioning. I do this every month, and I will up untilNovember. Had Hillary won in 2016, shed now be servingout her second term. And that means six out of nine Supreme Courtjustices would have been appointed by her and Barack Obama. Think about that for a second. Biden picked one, Hillary would have pickedthat one. And then she would have picked the three thatTrump picked. That's four.

Plus the two that, Obama picked. Six out of nine justices would have been pickedby Hillary and Obama. I remember Hillary supporters in 2016 sayingthis. I know you don't like Hillary. Think about the courts. They kept saying, this is about Roe. and theywere right. Hillary kept saying, her surrogates kept saying,maybe you don't like Hillary and Bill. Think of the courts. This is about Roe.

And it was the Black Lives Matter movementisn't just about the injustices perpetrated against black people. The same way the Me too movement isn't justabout the injustices perpetrated against women. White people also have much to gain from theBlack Lives Matter movement. And it's the same way men also have much togain from the me too movement. The me too movement, by the way, started,so much. Like so much in America, the, me too movement. We owe the black community, for the Me toomovement. The Me Too movement began in the black communityfor black women to deal with their issues.

With abusive men. It later, by 2017, right, became a movementfor all women. But both movements, black lives Matter, andme too, shine light not just on, the privileged white people or men enjoy in America. They also shine light on the injustices whitepeople feel every time they have to deal with our criminal justice, justice system whenthey lack the financial resources. The hash metoo movement also shines lighton the power and balance that men find in the workplace. Not nearly as bad as women.

But men are verbally and physically abusedin the workplace and held down because powerful men don't just enjoy their power, they alsoenjoy holding people down. What good is power, a lot of these men believe,unless it can be exercised on someone's throat. So doctor King said it best. No one is free until we are all free. America has more prisoners than any countryin the world. More prisoners per capita and more prisonersjust in terms of sheer numbers. OJ did die a free man for one reason. There are maga trolls who try to leave commentson this channel.

He had the money. He got away with killing his wife and RonGoldman for the same reason Harvey Weinstein almost got away with it for so long. OJ got away with it for the same reason thehead of Fox News, Roger Ailes, never got prosecuted for rape. Les Moonves, the CEO of CB's, never got prosecutedfor rape because OJ, like Roger Ailes, like Les Moonves, they all had money. But OJ, like the rest of us here in America,was never free. Because as long as one woman is held downagainst her will, as long as one black man.

Is unfairly prosecuted, nobody is free. This is the mop up for April 15, 2024. Pay your taxes. And you know, if Bill Gates paid his taxes,he wouldn't need the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Why don't you pay your effing taxes, BillGates, and let Congress let us decide democratically where your ill gotten gains should be spent. Youre not a philanthropist, Bill Gates. Youre a tax cheat.

Pay your taxes. if youre enjoying any of this. Please like this episode. So I remain in your feed and, share this withlike minded people and leave a comment. We are a maga free zone. If youre a Republican or a Trump supporter,you're not welcome here. They've tried to leave comments. First, they came with the bots. We were able to use AI to keep them out.

And now we're getting some just basic subhuman,I won't call them human subhuman, maga trolls who try to leave comments. Not interested in what you have to say, notinterested in what neanderthals, what subhumans think about whats going on in the world. Its not subject to debate. Youre voting for Trump. Youre an imbecile. I dont want you in my life. So, but if youre not voting for Trump, feelfree to leave a comment on this channel or.

My website. I'm always interested in what you have tosay. Not interested in what imbeciles have to say. You're bad. You people are not served. And I'm using the term people generously. Your kind is not welcome here. Seriously. Climate change, not to be discussed.

Unions, not to be discussed. Transgender issues, not to be discussed. Joe Biden, not to be discussed. Go f yourself. You're not welcome. Don't leave a comment on my channel. It won't be posted. President Biden hinted that he may drop chargesagainst WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange Besides his wife, OJ also killed her friendRon Goldman, and that's what a jury ruled.

After Ron Goldman's dad, Fred Goldman, suedOJ in a civil courtroom for damages. Ron Goldman's father told the Daily Mail thisweek he wasn't sad about OJ's passing. Goldman said that Simpson died owing him $100million. Most of that is accrued interest from the$33 million judgment. Simpson refused to pay and got away with notpaying. By moving to Florida and taking advantageof Florida's homestead and bankruptcy protection laws, OJ created countless llcs in Florida,which made it impossible to track his money. This explains why Donald Trump is no longera resident of Trump Tower in Manhattan and lists Mar a Lago as his primary residence.

President Biden hinted last week that he maydrop charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who our Justice Department has beentrying to extradite here to the United States to face charges of violating the Espionageact. You know the same thing. Donald Trump is charged with violating theEspionage Act. Assange has been sitting in a London jail,lost appeal after appeal in Great Britain, and for the past year, it has looked likehe was about to be shipped off to the United States. But now Biden may have cold feet.

He may allow Assange to return to his homecountry, Australia. Why? America's attorney general, Merrick Garland,is probably realizing that this may not be the trial our country wants to have. You see, Assange is entitled to defend himself. This isn't Gitmo. There are first amendment issues at stakehere, and the world will be watching. You know, one of the judges in Great Britainsaid she didn't want to send Julian Assange to America because she was afraid he wouldcommit suicide in one of our prisons.

Our prison. Our prisons are famous for their abuse. So the world will be watching if Merrick Garlandis stupid enough to put Julian Assange on trial for violating the espionage act, didanything Julian Assange leak endanger any of our intelligence assets overseas? Most reporting says no. So why was any of what Assange leaked deemedclassified to protect higher ups in the Pentagon and the CIA from getting prosecuted? Most of what gets classified are documentsthat are embarrassing to government officials,.

Documents that, if they fell into the wrongprosecutor's hands, could get somebody arrested, somebody who works inside our government. That's why so many classified documents endedup in Joe Biden's and Mike Pence's garages. When they were packing up, their assistantslooked at the papers, and they thought, well, this is. I'll just take this. There's no way this is top secret. You know how they have great inflation atYale? If you go to Yale or Harvard, you're guaranteedan a.

We have classified inflation. Everything gets deemed top secret and classified. We over classified documents in Washington,DC, mostly everything should not be classified. It's, bad for our democracy. Assange leaked a trove of documents uncoveringwar crimes american soldiers committed in Iraq and Afghanistan, crimes in which americansoldiers fired from an apparent Apache helicopter indiscriminately at innocence, laughing whilethey gunned these innocents down. You've seen the videos. Why were those videos marked classified?.

To protect the soldiers, to protect the higherups from being prosecuted for war crimes. And yet the only person prosecuted for thesewar crimes was Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning for leaking this information. So is this really the trial Merrick Garlandwants to have? If Julian Assange were to go on trial herein America, I have no doubt, like Trump's lawyers down in Miami with the classifieddocuments trial, the Espionage act case, I have no doubt that Julian Assange's lawyerswould try to enter what he leaked into evidence, which would force the Justice Department andour Pentagon and our CIA. It would force them, at least in the courtof international public opinion, to explain.

Why nobody in our military ever got prosecutedfor these crimes against humanity that Chelsea Manning and julian Assange uncovered, andthey are war crimes. I would offer that Assange and Chelsea, Manningwould be protected by the whistleblower acts. But how could anybody who committed crimesagainst humanity, that julian Assange leaked, how could they be prosecuted when the entireinvasion of Iraq and Afghanistan were crimes against humanity? We know Iraq didn't attack us on 911, butwe invaded Iraq anyway and killed millions. We knew they didn't have wmds, but we invadedanyway and killed millions. What most Americans still are not allowedto know is that Afghanistan, just like Iraq,.

Didn't attack us on, 911, Afghanistan didnot attack us on, 911. Most Americans think Afghanistan did. Most Americans still don't know that the Talibanhad nothing to do with 911. Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda were just anotherlawless tribe hiding out in the hills of Tora Bora. They were getting their financing from SaudiArabia and Pakistan, which is why bin Laden died in Pakistan. The Taliban had nothing to do with 911, butwe attacked them anyway. For 20 years.

More than 20 years. Afghanistan was America's longest war, andthey never attacked us. Yeah, I don't think the Biden administrationwants to put Julian Assange on trial. I think it's in everybody's best interestfor everybody to forget what he exposed about our war, our illegal global war on terror,which continues to this day. I dont think Julian Assange will be cominghere to America. The supreme court will hear oral argumentson presidential immunity next week Donald Trump becomes the first american presidentever to go on trial inside a criminal courtroom today and next week, our supreme Court willhear oral arguments on presidential immunity.

Whether a president has the divine rightsof kings and can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants, without facing any repercussionsfrom our Justice Department after they leave office. Now, we know presidents, when they leave office,have the divine rights of kings. We know this, we know that. We know George W. Bush should be tried notin the Hague, but right here in the United States for his criminal prosecution of boththe wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the most criminal act any presidenthas ever committed, but that's never going to happen.

Donald Trump, however, made the mistake ofinvading Congress and that you're not allowed to do. Okay, you can invade the wrong country andkill millions of people. You have the divine rights of kings. If a president invades Congress, well, wecan't have that. Nor should we. I'd like to see him prosecuted two thingscan be true. George W. Bush should be prosecuted as a warcriminal, and Donald Trump should be prosecuted, for leading an insurrection.

Given all the crimes against humanity, that,ah, previous presidents, especially George W. Bush, have gotten away with it. Gotten away with. It should come as no surprise that a goodnumber of Americans know Trump is guilty the same way a good number of black people knewOJ was guilty. But they want Trump to get away with it becausethey're sick of the pretense that there is anything resembling justice here in the UnitedStates. I don't buy into that. I know we have a two tiered justice system,but I'm not giving up.

Just because, like I just said, just becauseGeorge W. Bush never got prosecuted doesn't mean we don't prosecute. Donald Trump. One of the justices, by the way, I apologize. People complain, when I drink water, I'vebeen told I have a loud gulp. I'm a very quiet eater. I chew with my mouth closed. I don't talk with food in my mouth, but Ihave a loud gulp, and it annoys some of the listeners.

One of the justices hearing those oral argumentsnext week on presidential immunity will be Clarence Thomas, who seems to. Seems to enjoy. Seems to enjoy his own special brand of immunity. We all know he sexually harassed Anita Hill. We all know there were other women willingto come forward to testify against him. But Senator Joe Biden, then chairman of thejudiciary committee, didn't want to open up that pandora's box the same way he doesn'twant to prosecute Julian Assange. Many are calling on Clarence Thomas to recusehimself from the immunity hearings next week,.

Especially since his unhinged and detestablewife, Ginny, attended the January 6 rally. She helped organize it. And after Biden won, immediately after Bidenwon, she was in constant contact with Trump's White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows. She was urging him to keep fighting Biden'selection, she said, to stand up for Sidney Powell, and she called this a battle betweengood and evil. After, right in the lead up to January 6,she said, tell Trump to keep fighting. This is a battle between good and evil. You think maybe Clarence Thomas should recusehimself from next week's hearings?.

Back on November 30, the democratically controlledSenate Judiciary Committee, despite objections from Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, subpoenaedconservative judicial activist Leonard Leo as part of their ongoing investigation intolavish gifts bestowed upon justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito by Leonard Leo. And even more troubling, Texas billionaireHarlan Crowe. All this was discovered by ProPublica, whichyou should donate to. Well, on Thursday, Leonard Leo refused thesubpoena, saying he would not participate in these hearings. His lawyers called these hearings unlawful,and politically motivated.

As one of the directors of the conservativeFederalist Society, Leonard Leo was described by Jeffrey Toobin as being responsible fornearly one third of the entire Supreme Court. It is the federalist society that vets SupremeCourt justices. For the Republicans. Well, see if, hes, charged with contempt ofCongress. Peter Navarro is sitting in a jail cell thismorning for ignoring a subpoena. And Steve Bannon should be sitting in a jailcell. But Steve Bannon has more money than PeterNavarro, so his lawyers have been able to delay, delay, delay.

The Environmental Protection Agency said usemissions, of greenhouse gases have fallen 17% since 2005, but increased by 1% between2021 and 2022. I suspect that might have something to dowith the steep drop in emissions in 2020 due to COVID. Remember that? Remember when, like, you could hear the birdssinging, everybody was quarantined. but as the economy began, as the economy beganto pick up, in 2021 and 2022, the emissions did, as well. There's something to be said for shuttingdown the economy until we get off fossil fuels.

The EPA is warning us about PFAs. America's tap water has too many forever chemicals,and the EPA is warning water utilities around America to begin removing them. But the EPA is getting pushback from someutilities who say removing the chemicals, also referred to as PFAS, would be too costly. We'll see. I thought that's what the bipartisan Infrastructureact was supposed to do, get the pfas out of our tap water. Certainly our government wouldnt allow foreverchemicals in our tap water.

I mean, remember what happened in Flint, Michigan? They cleaned that right up. Joe Bidens State of the union was on March7, and he saw record setting campaign contributions the very next day. And now, five weeks out, were beginning tosee a shift in the polls. Before the State of the union, the race betweenTrump and Biden was tight. Trump was leading Biden in all the nationalpolls by numbers that were slightly larger than the margin of error. This was before the state of the union.

Now we're seeing a tightening as Biden erasesthat deficit in all the polls, and he's running ahead of Trump in some new ones. The New York Times has a new poll out. This is one of the most respected polls. It's showing a dead heat, with 46% of Americanssaying they're voting for Trump, 45% saying they're voting for Biden. That's a tie, and it's a significant improvementcompared to February, when Trump was leading Biden by five points, beyond the margin oferror. Donald Trump wants to make November electionabout crime, economy and migrants.

So at the top of the show, I asked, what isthe issue? Trump wants to disappear. What would Trump, what does Trump know heneeds to make disappear in order, to not get defeated in November? On this show, it has been received wisdomthat the Democrats want this election to be about abortion. And we know that they're putting abortionon the ballot in a lot of these swing states. Trump wisely is trying to pull the party awayfrom abortion and making the campaign about rising crime, the state of the economy, and,of course, the migrants.

The problem for Trump, all those issues arelies. But will they work in weakening Biden homicides? According to new reporting in this morning'sWall Street Journal, down under the Biden administration, homicides in 133 major cities,blue cities, have dropped 20% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same perioda year ago. The Wall Street Journal says this is the sharpestdecline in homicides in decades. Why? Well, as my listeners have pointed out inthe comments section, when the economy is strong, people are less likely to commit violentcrimes or any crimes at all.

And Joe Biden's economy, despite Donald Trump'slies, is a juggernaut. So can Trump run on crime or the economy? What about the economy? From the same Wall Street Journal, a surveyof economists conducted by the Wall Street Journal. This new survey of economists, they are callingBiden's american economy, quote, the envy of the world, the Journal said. This is the Wall Street Journal. The journal says most economists believe withinthe next year, inflation will continue to.

Get tamed. And we're not even close to a recession. This recession, everybody was predicting forthe past three years, they've stopped predicting it. You know, I like to quote the Wall StreetJournal, the economists, the Financial Times, Bloomberg, and I especially like to cite theWall Street Journal because it's not just owned by Rupert Murdoch, but it's a rightwing rag, at least its editorial page is. So when this is coming from the Wall StreetJournal, it means something. With earlier reports of consumer confidencehitting its highest point in more than two.

Years, the Wall Street Journal is now reportingthat economists, economists are also the most confident about the economy in more than twoyears. So consumers are confident, economists areconfident. Other polling that I've seen shows that mostAmericans, when asked, will say the country's economy is in shambles. But as for their own personal finances well,most Americans say personally they are doing much better than they were when Donald Trumpwas president, even with inflation. So can Trump run on the economy? Well, he would have to lie the same way hehas to lie about crime in America.

But can he win telling lies about the economyand crime? despite the fact that there is no migrantcrisis, we're just doing it on the cheap. The crisis is we can't process all the asylumseekers because we aren't willing to spend the money. despite the fact that the migrant crisis isimaginary, isn't affecting Americans unless they watch Fox News or listen to Republicans. All polling shows this imaginary migrant crisisthat has been hammered on incessantly by Trump, Fox and the Republicans. It is a weakness for Biden.

Most polling shows that when Americans areasked what they think, Biden is weak on immigration. So of all the issues where Biden is perceivedto have dropped the ball, Americans think more than anything else its immigration. And Trump gets that. Thats why he blocked the bipartisan borderbill. He specifically told Mike Johnson, kill thebipartisan border bill. I need this phony migrant crisis to run onin November. Most Americans, when polled, think DonaldTrump can do a better job on immigration than Joe Biden can.

So that's good for Trump. But just because Americans think Trump isbetter on the border than Biden is, is that what the election will hinge upon? Because it's important to know what Americansare worried about. Can Trump keep lying about the border? Can he keep scaring Americans into believingwe're being invaded by frightened women and children? See, just because, Americans think Biden isweak on immigration, it doesn't mean Americans think this is what the election should beabout.

Now, this election will be decided by suburbanwomen in swing states. So the question is, what do they care about? What are suburban women in swing states terrifiedof? What is their biggest concern? And the Wall Street Journal has some new pollingon suburban women in swing states. Not good for Donald Trump. Biden won the swing states. He won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Hillary didn't.

He won mostly because of suburban women. Right now, polls are showing Biden leadingTrump by ten points when it comes to women overall in swing states. In the suburbs, it's tighter. Biden is leading Trump, by six points amongsuburban women in swing states. When it comes down to suburban white womenin swing states, it's a dead heat. Now it's a given. Urban areas, even in the deepest red states,are going to vote for Joe Biden. We all know traditionally, democrats havetrouble in any and all rural districts, the.

Suburbs are where this election will be decided,where urban meets rural. Right. The suburbs is the sweet spot, and that'swhere this election is going to be decided. And it's going to be determined by suburbanwomen in swing states. And suburban women are the key to a Bidenvictory. Poll shows abortion is the single most importantissue for suburban women in November But has Donald Trump succeeded in convincingsuburban women that caravans of migrants are invading the country? Has Trump succeeded in convincing suburbanwomen that it's too dangerous to go outside,.

They're going to get murdered? Has he convinced them the economy has tanked? What concerns suburban women? Well, the Wall Street Journal has new pollingshowing that suburban women in swing states are not concerned about migrants, they'renot concerned about crime, they're not concerned about inflation. There is one issue for suburban women thateclipses all others, and it's exactly what Joe Biden wants it to be. It's what I've been telling you.

It was going to be abortion. This election is about abortion. I said it would be about abortion a year ago,but I never thought it would be this much about abortion. But this election is, is the abortion election,and this, this is the issue. Donald Trump is smart enough to know he cannotwin with. He cannot win on abortion and he cannot getrid of this issue. It is abortion, abortion, abortion. I didn't realize how much this issue was.

I said it would be about abortion, but I didn'tknow it would be this sticky. This is what the Democrats want. Now. Last week, Trump literally called a 15 weeknational abortion ban political malpractice since Iowa. I talked about this in the lead up to theIowa caucuses. Trump knew that he would lose in Novemberif this election was about abortion. As early as Iowa, he was distancing himselffrom the evangelicals and telling them, we're going to lose in November unless you dropabortion.

But they can't. The evangelicals, they cannot drop abortionbecause they do believe that it's murder. The seeds were planted during his administrationwhen he appointed those three hard right pro life justices to the court, and they tippedthe scales, making it possible to overturn Roe. And those reverberations are impossible tostop. It's newtonian things in motion stay in motion. There is nothing a force in the republicanparty equal, powerful enough to stop what's already in motion.

We all knew Trump couldn't care less aboutabortion. But the people he pandered to, especiallyin states like Alabama, Texas, Florida, Arizona, they care about abortion. To them, it's not a joke. These pro lifers who put Trump over the top. They really think life begins at conception. They're not saying this for political expediency. They believe abortion is murder to the coreof their very being. And you can't suddenly say to them, hey, youknow that thing we told you we wanted to outlaw?.

Well, we still want to outlaw it, but notreally, because we're going to lose elections if we follow through with making it illegal. But we still want a fundraise off it. We just never thought we would actually succeedin making it illegal. The Republicans created a Frankenstein. they created an electorate, as well as politicianswho really believe the issue of our time is outlawing abortion from the moment of conception. These voters, these politicians in deep redstates, are enacting anti abortion laws that often offer no exemptions for rape and incest,and you cannot stop them.

This is a serious problem, not just for thewomen who live in these states. it's a problem, for Donald Trump and the republicanparty, it is turning off suburban women. Polling by the Wall Street Journal this morningshows the migrant crisis doesn't resonate with suburban women in swing states. Abortion does. Asked what is the single most important issue? Abortion. More than double immigration. 39% of suburbanwomen in swing states told the Wall Street Journal that the single most important issueis abortion.

39%. Only 16% say it's immigration. Now, what does that mean? 16% are worried about immigration. And only 7% of suburban women say the singlebiggest issue is our economy. Crime isn't even registering. Only 4% say the biggest issue is inflation. So let's dig a little deeper into this. Trump has a fact that he can run on.

Everything else is a lie. the economy, he has to lie about the economy,has to lie about crime, he has to lie about migrants. he has to lie about abortion, becausehe was never. He used to until he became a Republican. He was pro choice. There's one truth that he can tell, and thatis inflation. inflation is a problem. a minor problem. It popped in March with the rise in pricesfor gas and rent.

Didn't slow the way the fed or Biden wants. the same week that we saw incredible job numbersthat defied everyone's expectations, we also saw inflation popping a little, and that isto be expected with incredible job numbers. But the inflation is there. Groceries are higher than they were when DonaldTrump was president. It is the one thing Trump could run on, theone thing he doesn't really have to lie about. But I'm going to tell you, in a moment, howBiden is fighting inflation, and he deserves a lot more credit than he's getting for fightinginflation. I'm going to talk about this, and we needto, if you're stumping for Biden, you got.

To get this message out because he's a littlevulnerable on inflation. Not really. But I'm going to tell you in a second whathe's doing. And, it's fantastic. Here it is in last weeks, again, the WallStreet Journal, why inflation theoretically should be Biden's most stubborn politicalproblem. again, the polling shows inflation doesn'tregister as a problem for Biden among suburban women. What was it, 4%?.

But as I have been saying, and, the Wall streetjournal concurs, this is about a week ago. Inflation would, or at least should be theone foundational truth that Donald Trump could run against Biden on. But Trump doesnt run on foundational truths. He runs on bigotry, fear, racism, and allthree of those are wrapped up in the migrant crisis and crime. Hes thinking hes going to win on hate andinflation. You end up hating the wrong people if you'recan't hate greedy corporations if you're running as a Republican.

So he can't really run on inflation, Trump,because we all know who's to blame for inflation, the greedy corporations. So he's got to stick with racism and bigotryand fear, and that's crime and migrants. Americans have gotten accustomed to low inflationduring the past few decades The consumer price index came in 3.5% higher,in March than it was a year ago. The consumer price index came, in 3.5% inMarch. It's a little bit higher than it was a yearago. This is not the inflation that sealed JimmyCarter's doom as a one term president. Carter's inflation was in the double digits.

I'll go over that in a second. The Biden economy is nothing like what gotReagan elected in 80. The problem right now is Americans have gottenaccustomed to low inflation during the past few decades. Inflation has been almost non existent attimes, at least right after the financial collapse of 2008, we ran the risk of deflation. This inflation is something new to a lot ofyounger people. It's manageable, especially now, consideringthat wages outpace inflation for the first time in years.

If you're on a fixed income, groceries havegotten way too expensive. But weve learned this has nothing to do withJoe Bidens fiscal spending. Joe Manchin and the Republicans are blamingall of this on president, Biden providing a social safety net. If you look at the incredible profit marginsfor food companies, especially the food companies that sell garbage you shouldn't be eating. The profits are through the roof. Why is this? And this concerns me, because food for Americansconcerned me.

I do get people writing to me saying theycan't afford their groceries, and this concerns me. And I'm going to talk in a moment about howJoe Biden is fighting for consumers, especially when it comes to groceries, and he's not gettingenough attention. I'll get to this in a second. So why are the price, why are, grocery pricesgoing up? Well, inflation in general is a fever. Americans, begin to believe it's real andthen corporate America gets away with charging more, not because of, rising labor costs orthe rising costs of raw materials.

They get away with it because it's a fever. And consumers catch the fever. They believe inflation is real and they don'tblame the consumers, don't blame the rising prices on what really causes inflation. And that is corporate greed. We've seen the emergence of a new word lastyear, greedflation. And there are ways to combat greedflation. But Americans are no longer conditioned tounderstand how we can combat greedflation. Most Americans have been brainwashed.

Anything in America these days that challengescorporate orthodoxy is immediately and falsely labeled socialism. Its not Richard Nixon, not a socialist. During the Nixon administration, when inflationhit 5%, which at the time was considered unacceptable, he announced a 90 day wage and price freeze. For 90 days, corporations were forbidden fromraising prices or handing out raises. Can you imagine a president or a congressallowing that a 90 day wage and price freeze? Now two years later, we ended up with stagflation,which is a recession, and inflation. A lot of right wing economists say Nixon'swage and price controls had something to do.

With that. But, ah, I don't think so. By the summer of 1980, the final year of Cartersix, Jimmy Carter's administration. This is why he lost to Reagan. Okay? It wasn't the hostages that played a minorrole in it. That was an election about the economy, theway this election is going to be won on the issue of abortion. In 1980, the final year of the Carter administration,inflation was hovering above 14.5% and unemployment.

Was at 7.5%. So you had inflation, and a, I'd say it's7.5% unemployment. That would be stagflation. Right. Recession and inflation again. When people say Biden is going to end up beinga one term president like Jimmy Carter, the economies simply don't match. When people talk about inflation, being Biden'sdownfall. The numbers don't match.

Jimmy Carter was a one term president becauseinflation was 14.5%. What is it now? 3.5%. Unemployment was 7.5%. What is unemployment in America? 3.8%. I mean, the numbers simply do not match. One of the main drivers of inflation in 1980was the oil companies one of the main, I'm going to talk about howto combat greedflation.

One of the main drivers of inflation in 1980was the oil companies. Price gouging the american consumer. By 1980, they had us convinced they were runningout of oil. They cited the Paley commission, which was,Bill Paley, who ran CB's, set up a commission for Harry Truman. I think it was like 1952. And Paley buried in the report was a warningthat America will run out of oil by the 1970s, and we need to switch to solar and, find newsources of energy. And the oil companies couldn't wait to citethe Paley report and said, we're running out.

Of fossil fuels. There's a shortage. We have to charge you more for it. And they price gouged. Carter decided to punish the oil companiesby convincing his democratically controlled Congress to pass what was called. It's amazing. It's like this is another country. They passed the crude oil windfall profittax of 1980.

I mean, it's amazing that the way we are nowand the way we addressed problems back then, the windfall, the oil windfall profit taxof 1980 lasted eight years. It was punitive. They were punishing the oil companies. It was a message to the oil companies. We know the price of oil is going up becauseyou're doing it arbitrarily. It's creating windfall profits for Exxon. so we're going to tax your windfall profits. That tax lasted eight years.

It has never been done again. We've never had a windfall profit tax again. I mean, every hedge fund in America shouldbe facing windfall profit taxes. why did they get rid of the windfall profittax on, the oil companies? Why haven't we ever had a windfall profittax since? Because the oil companies own half are membersof Congress, and the other half of Congress is owned by Wall street. Taxing windfall profits derived from pricegouging is considered anti capitalist. It's marxist.

Well, you know what really is anti capitalist? Price fixing, price gouging monopolies. But Congress, they don't have a problem withthat. In today's political climate, Nixon's wageand price freeze, Carter's windfall profit taxes would be called marxist. The windfall profit tax lasted throughoutthe Reagan administration. Reagan got rid of it his last year in office. So again, trumps strongest case against JoeBiden is inflation. But like I said, you cannot run against greedycorporations.

Because of the politics, theres very littlein a presidential tool belt to fight inflation. Congress and the president have abdicatedall monetary policy to the Federal Reserve, which the Federal Reserve thinks it can controlinflation by raising and lowering interest rates. Congress can fight inflation supposedly bycutting spending and increasing taxes. prices would go down with less money in circulationand fewer people would be working. In m other words, for the past 100 years,economists have been convinced that in order to bring inflation down, you have to createa recession. You have to put people out of work again,Congress can do that by cutting spending and.

Raising taxes, or the Fed can create a recessionby raising interest rates. We've always believed the cure to inflationwas putting people out of work. This is how economists have talked about inflationfor at least a, century. If you want to receive wisdom, if you wantprices to come down, put people out of work. Turns out that may not be true, especiallynow with globalization. Prices for raw goods are subject to marketsbeyond our control. The raw goods come from all over the world. Oil, even domestic oil, is pegged to the internationalmarket. That's thanks to barack Obama.

As a favor to the oil companies, domesticoil is pegged to the international market, which means there's no such thing as energyindependence. All our domestic oil is sold on the worldmarket. So you cannot drill, baby, drill your wayto energy independence. Barack Obama allowed the price of oil, domesticoil, to be pegged to the international market. If there's a worldwide glut of oil, pricesfor domestic oil drilled here go down and american oil companies stop drilling. And that eventually creates a shortage, whichbrings the price of oil up. And along with that, higher profits for theoil companies, the oil companies have taught.

The rest of corporate America that inflationis good for the bottom line. When the price of oil goes through the roof,oil companies pass the costs on to consumers. Their profit margins never change. So oil companies have learned it's more efficientjust to keep prices high. Drill, baby, drill isn't the answer. They don't want to drill. There's more profit in not drilling and artificiallykeeping the price of oil high. It's a lot less work to sell oil at inflatedprices than it is to drill for more oil and sell it cheaper.

Two years ago, when oil prices were goingthrough the roof, Exxon announced record profits because they pass along the price, the costof the raw goods to the consumer. Exxon said it had no plans to drill, baby,drill. When oil prices were through the roof, Republicanskept saying, we need to drill, baby, drill. And the oil companies said, no, we don't wantto. Thank you. We're good. You don't need to drill. Exxon said, no, we're not going to drill.

And you know what we're going to do with allour excess profits? We're not going to invest in new oil fields. We're going to do stock buybacks and increasedividends. And during COVID the rest of corporate Americarealized that they could capitalize on what the oil companies originally called supplychain issues. Right? The oil companies can always raise pricesby saying, well, we have supply chain issues. we're having trouble getting the oil fromSaudi Arabia. We're having trouble getting it, out of Alaska.

So we have supply chain issues. And suddenly all of corporate America hadsupply chain issues. Parts arriving from overseas were slowingdown because of COVID we were told, so they were able to charge more for cars and washingmachines, and profits doubled. Do you remember when on the show, I was saying,read the financial statements of all these companies? I, guarantee you they're going to post recordprofits. And they did. When the supply chain issues from COVID subsided,american corporations, they kept prices high.

Even though the cost of raw materials camedown. Consumers, corporate America figured consumershave gotten used to paying more for this. And they still believe in this fiction ofsupply chain issues. they're not going to check our bottom linesand realize we're posting record profits because we're gouging them. so they kept the prices high. Greedflation. There are 43% fewer publicly traded companiesthan there were in 1996 And what we have here in America is becauseof the concentration not just of wealth, but.

Of power and pricing. power. Consumers, really can't shop around for cheaperproducts. There are fewer and fewer companies in Americabecause the bigger companies gobble up the small ones there are now. This is unbelievable. This is unbelievable. Anyone who says this is capitalism can gof themselves. This is not what Adam Smith described.

There are now 43% fewer publicly traded companiesthan there were in 1996. In other words, a publicly traded companyis Exxon. You can buy stock in Exxon. Ah, Trump Media, last time I checked, is stilla publicly traded company. There are now 43% fewer publicly traded companiesthan there were in 1996. In 1996, if you wanted to buy stock in a company,there were 8090 publicly traded corporations. Last year, there were 4572. Why? It's not capitalism.

When a company starts making inroads, theyget gobbled up by bigger corporations. Where do you think the major innovations thatsay Apple, Microsoft, or, meta come from? You think it's research and development? Partly. But most of that research and developmentis shopping around for corporate startups to buy. Corporate startups that have something thesebig corporations can benefit from, or they have something that the big corporations worrycould destroy them. I mean, Facebook Meta is just a series ofMark Zuckerbergs.

It's just purchases that Mark Zuckerberg hasmade. Somebody develops, some company develops somethingand he buys the company. It's not research and development. so that's why we have fewer and fewer corporationsin the hands of fewer and fewer people. That causes inflation, not to mention privateequity firms that literally take a publicly traded company private, they'll buy up allthe shares, and it's no longer a publicly traded company. And that means there's no transparency andfar less government oversight. That is the trend since 1996.

Fewer corporations as publicly traded corporationsbuy up smaller publicly traded corporations, fewer publicly traded corporations as privateequity firms buy up, publicly traded companies and turn them private. As money gets concentrated into fewer andfewer hands, in the hands of fewer and fewer corporations, that means little to no competition. And little to no competition means pricingpower. It's called pricing power. You can charge whatever you want. When you hear earnings calls, these corporationsbrag about their pricing power.

What that means is we're a monopoly. The cable companies leave consumers with onechoice. Either you want cable television or you don'tget cable television. You either, it's been deregulated a little,but you're left, you know, how many cell phones can you buy? How many companies make cell phones? when you want to fly commercial, how manychoices do you have? If you're flying into des Moines, Iowa, howmany choices do you have? How many airline choices do you have?.

Joe Biden is using his FTC to fight big supermarketmergers So I said I would talk about the heroic workthat Joe Biden is doing and how it's, underreported. There is one arrow in a president's quiverwhen it comes to really fighting inflation, and that is using his federal trade commissionand his Justice Department to stop these big mergers. And the Biden administration has been tryingto block mergers. They've, had some success, not too much success,but the Biden administration just sued. Talking about grocery prices here, the Bidenadministration just sued to block the merger between Kroger's and Albertsons, which wouldhave been the largest supermarket merger in.

Us history. That is how you keep food prices down. And this is an underreported story, becauseAlbertsons and Krogers, they advertise. On, February 26, Joe Biden sued to block this$25 billion merger. In the suit, the Biden FTC said this mergerbetween Kroger's and Albertsons would result in less competition and thus higher pricesfor groceries. The FTC, the Biden FTC said the merger wouldalso result in massive layoffs, as all mergers do, destroying tens of thousands of good payingunion jobs. But is that story getting the attention itdeserves?.

Of course not. If Americans paid half the attention to Biden'sFTC's antitrust lawsuits, as we do to this Trump hush money payment to a porn star lawsuit,we'd see a massive reconfiguration of our economy. And the polls wouldn't be, as tight as theyare right now. Biden's lawsuit blocking the Albertsons Krogermerger is a real kitchen table issue. Literally, it's about what you pay for food. It's Biden using one of the most powerfultools at his disposal to bring down the price of groceries.

And everybody should be talking about thistrial. And that's why Trump cannot talk about inflation. The one issue he could talk about withouthaving to lie, he can't, because inflation is caused by. By greedy corporations, and he cannot go afterhis paymasters. How we doing here? All right, should I keep going? I got. See, if I don't keep going, these things pileup on my desk.

And, And I want to be able to talk about Trump'strial tomorrow, so let me just plow through a couple more stories. Give me ten more minutes. Is that okay? Iowa governor signs law giving state policeauthority to arrest undocumented Americans All right, so Republicans, they're stuck withabortion, and they're stuck on immigration. If you remember, Texas passed a law empoweringstate police to enforce federal immigration laws. It violates our Constitution, and so the Bidenadministration is challenging that in the.

Courts. Iowa's odious republican governor, Kim Reynolds,hopped onto the migrant hysteria bandwagon by signing a law last week similar to theone in Texas that will give her state law enforcement officials the authority to arrestundocumented Americans. In Iowa, she might want to check with thepeople running her slaughterhouses and her farmers about how they feel about her statepolice rounding up undocumented workers. I'm pretty sure undocumented workers are bakedinto their business models. Where would I was slaughter houses? Where would its farming industry be withoutundocumented workers?.

As Trump said about the abortion ban, thisis political malpractice. I don't see how this helps Republicans inIowa. Well, why is she doing this? Why is she cracking down on migrants, especiallywhen so many jobs are going unfilled? the Iowa governor needs the migrants to distractfrom Iowa's six week abortion ban. Here's where abortion stands in Iowa. Last July, this was about a year after roewas overturned. In July of 2023, Iowa's six week abortionban went into effect. It bans abortion in most cases.

After six weeks, women don't even realizethey're pregnant. Six weeks in, a district judge in Iowa pausedthe six week ban, allowing it to go through the appeals process. So as of now, there's a 20 week abortion banin effect in Iowa. But Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds asked the SupremeCourt of Iowa to overturn the lower court's ruling and reinstate the six week abortionban, which Donald Trump calls political malpractice. Kim Reynolds endorsed Florida governor RonDeSantis in the Iowa caucuses. If you remember, I keep bringing this up inIowa, you gotta. The conventional wisdom was, you want to winIowa, and, as a Republican, you gotta make.

Nice with the evangelicals, the pro life movement. This is where Ted Cruz won. This is where, Santorum won because they werebig pro life candidates. Trump, I mean, I hate the guy, but you gotto give him credit. In Iowa, he said, I'm not as strong on abortionas you want me to be, and I'm not going to be. he won Iowa. Kim Reynolds endorsed Ron DeSantis. DeSantis signed into law a six week abortionban in Florida that was just upheld by the state supreme Court, although they did allowa proposition for the November ballot, where.

Floridians can vote on whether or not thestate constitution of Florida should guarantee a woman's right to choose. So abortion is going to be on the ballot inFlorida. This is a nightmare for the GOP. DeSantis lost in Iowa, Trump won in Iowa,turning his back on the pro life movement. He's trying to make the pro life movementgo away. the Iowa Supreme Court began hearing oralarguments on Thursday about the six week abortion ban. Right now.

This is amazing. According to the Associated Press, 14 stateshave adopted near total abortion bans since the Dobbs decision two years ago. This was Trump's supreme Court overturningRoe. Abortion is no longer a philosophical, moralor legal debate. It is real. I mean, there are real practical ramificationsto the Supreme Court overturning Roe. This is not some hypothetical argument, fordecades, Republicans were using abortion just to raise money on, like Trump in 2016, actuallybecoming president and thinking, I didn't.

Think I'd actually get to be president. Nobody actually thought somebody would beable to appoint three right wing imbeciles to the Supreme Court and get Roe overturned. So Trump is trying to thread the needle. He thinks hes being smart by going with statesrights. And, on the surface, at first glance, yougo, oh, that's smart. And then you realize, wait, he's going tostake out a state's rights position where 14 states have now adopted near total abortionbans. He's against the 15 week abortion ban, he'sgoing with states rights.

And he thinks that's the mature position whenit comes to abortion. Left to the states, abortion rights completelydisappear. At least left to the deep red states. And this will not be resolved between nowand November. Donald Trump was smart for distancing himselffrom the pro life movement. This state's rights argument, is horrendous. It's, painting him into an even worse corner. States rights on abortion is identical tothe states rights position of the segregationists back in the 1960s.

When you say you believe in states rights,it means you support the Jim Crow south and now the subjugation of women's reproductiverights. Trump's states rights stance on abortion,on the surface, at first blush, politically savvy, but it's not. This is the albatross around his neck thatis getting heavier and heavier and is going to bring the republican party down in November. Because no matter what position Republicanstry to stake out vis a, vis abortion, it's going to alienate half their base, no matterwhat they say, to wiggle their way out of it, they offend somebody.

They either offend the evangelical pro lifemovement or a vast majority of suburban moms. In swing states, abortion is like slavery. You can't be a little enslaved, which is whatthe Jim Crow laws try to accomplish. And you also can't be a little pregnant. You're either pregnant or you're not pregnant. You either have a right to an abortion oryou do not have a right to, an abortion. There is no middle ground here. And the polling shows women like the blacksduring the civil rights movement of the 1960s, are not going backwards.

This is the playing field Joe Biden and theDemocrats wanted. They got it. It's abortion, and it is going to get so muchworse for the Republicans between now and November. There's nothing they can do. Nothing. For Trump, abortion is something he wisheswould go away like one of those unwanted pregnancies. He's, he's had abortion for him. And the Wall Street Republicans was alwaysthe political football, a way to bring deeply.

Religious, conservative Christians into thefold. The idea, up until the Dobbs decision, alwayswas, promise you'll overturn Roe. But in the end, what you accomplish is taxcuts for the rich and abortion is untouched. That's what Reagan did, promised to overturnRoe, he gave tax cuts to the rich. George W. Bush promised to overturn Roe, gavetax cuts to the rich. This schmuck Donald Trump promised to overturnRoe. He did give tax cuts to the rich, but he overturnedRoe. He did the unthinkable, and we're seeing theconsequences. It's devastating for women.

And what Trump and the Republicans are upagainst right now is a party leadership on the state and local level. And in the House, true believers. These are true. You got true believers inside the republicancaucus in the House. 120 Business Insider in February reportedthat 125 House Republicans signed onto a law earlier this year that declares life beginsat conception with no exceptions, including in vitro fertilization. People like Speaker Mike Johnson, they aretrue believers.

They are true believers. Abortion is the glue that holds the GOP coalitiontogether. You can't, Trump just can't walk away fromit. The coalition is, you got Wall street, butyou know, they don't. Arizona's Supreme Court on Tuesday allowedan anti abortion law to go into effect There aren't enough voters on Wall street. It's the real coalition, the white racists,the christian nationalists. And contained within the christian nationalists,you've got your pro life movement. And when you ask a christian nationalist likeMike Johnson, why are you willing to jump.

On a live grenade for Donald Trump, hell,say abortion. He truly sees. Mike Johnson truly sees this as a war betweengood and evil. People like Mike Johnson will forgive allof Donald Trump's trespasses because Donald Trump delivered a Supreme Court that overturnedRoe. Mike Johnson honestly believes, thanks toTrump, millions of babies have been spared because the Dobbs decision. Trump's responsible for the Dobbs decision. He's busy taking credit for it.

Mike Johnson believes millions of babies havebeen spared, even though there have been more abortions performed since Roe was overturned,just not in Texas or, Florida. Arizona, as you know, has a Supreme Courtthat on Tuesday allowed an anti abortion law dating back to 1864 to go into effect. All abortions, except those to save a mother'slife are now illegal. In Arizona, the abortion pill, it goes intoeffect in, in two weeks. the abortion pill will be illegal. It is now possible for doctors. They're saying to be prosecuted and sent toprison for performing an abortion.

It's a six week abortion ban, but they'resaying doctors would be prosecuted for performing an abortion, after 15 weeks. The state legislature in Arizona is controlledby Republicans. The governor, however, and the attorney generalin Arizona are both Democrats and women. The attorney general said she will not enforcethis law. And the governor has asked the republicancontrolled state legislature to overturn the law. We saw last week, they refused. Donald Trump got on the phone urging Republicansin the state legislature to overturn the law.

We'll see what happens this week. And now, Republican Carrie Lake, who is runningfor Senate, she, too, is also urging the state legislature to overturn the law, which I thinkgoes into effect. I don't think they're sure when it goes intoeffect. I think it's in two weeks. But Carrie Lake, running for Senate as a Republicanin Arizona, is overturning, asking the state legislature to overturn the law. A far cry from what Carrie Lake said backin 2022, when she was running for governor. Here is Carrie Lake, the election denier.

Here she is back in 2022, calling abortiondemonic, calling abortion and execution. And this. She's running for senate against Ruben Gallego. Probably the primaries, or I believe, in July,but this is probably going to be the matchup. This is Carrie Lake in 2022, running for governor,calling abortion demonic and calling it an execution. This is going to lose her the election. >> David Feldman: It is almost demonic. It feels very evil.

But can you imagine Betty having that muchvitriol and being. Being like that and supporting the killingof innocent babies in the mother's womb? It's just. I hope someday they wake up. To what? The lies they've been fed about abortion. It is not. It is not healthcare. It is the killing.

It is the sacrifice. It is the execution of a baby in the mother'swomb. And it's incredibly sad. When I'm governor, I want to make sure wespend our tax money helping young women and mothers who are nervous and afraid about maybeunexpected, pregnancy. We want to help them so they can make thebest decision. They can either carry that baby through andbe that mother that takes, care of that baby, or we can help find adoption resources. But we plan to help scared, frightened, womenwho find themselves pregnant.

And we want to get them help. We want to encourage them to choose life liketheir mother chose life, >> David Feldman: Because your mother didn'thave a choice. You're a liar. we want you to have your baby, and then whenyou have the baby. The republican policy is you're on your own. Republicans have no interest in helping mothersonce they have the baby. In every state where abortion is next to illegalinfant mortality rates are through the roof. The morbidity rates of mothers who die duringchildbirth are through the roof.

These are the same states that turn down Medicaidexpansion. They have wherever you see the strictest abortionlaws, you see the flimsiest social safety net for single moms or any moms. These are the same states that want mothersto find jobs before they qualify for food stamps, before they qualify for Medicaid. These are the same states that offer zerosupport for childcare. These are the same states that won't raisethe minimum wage, that are anti union, that, that put working moms into permanent cyclesof debt. These states want women to keep their babies.

They want these women to stay home with theirbabies. They do not want the women working. They want the babies, once they turn twelveto go to work. Take a look at what's going on in Sarah Huckabee'sArkansas, where she's lowering, child labor laws. we've talked about Steve Moore from the Heritagefoundation. We've heard Newt Gingrich espouse this. Children should be working. They say preteens should be working in construction,farming, while the moms stay home, because.

That's the way it used to be back in 1864,when black people were still enslaved. Carrie Lake cannot distance herself from thisArizona abortion ban So carrie Lake cannot distance herself fromthis Arizona abortion ban. Her fingerprints are all over it. Here she is back in 2022, anticipating theSupreme Court overturning Roe. This is a conversation she had when she wasrunning for governor of Arizona, in 2022. We knew the court was going to overturn, Roe. the Alito decision got leaked. Here she is anticipating the supreme Courtoverturning Roe and telling voters, there's.

A great law on, the books that dates backto the Civil War, and she's for it. >> David Feldman: And again, I'll echo whatSteve just said. We have a great law on the books right now. If that happens, we will be a state wherewe will not be taking the lives of our unborn anymore. >> David Feldman: Okay? And she's gonna try to walk that back. She's gonna say, no, I wasn't for the, whatthey call the territorial law. I was for the 15 week abortion ban, not theterritorial law.

But that's not true. Before the Arizona supreme Court ruled thatthe law from 1864 was constitutional. Carrie Lake, as a senate candidate, was onthe PBS in Arizona, and she was asked which of the two laws, do you prefer. Do you prefer the Arizona law that bans abortionafter about 15 weeks, or what is called the territorial law, the law that was passed backin 1864 when Arizona wasn't yet a state, and this is the law that's about to go into effect. Here's the answer. She's going to try to walk it back, but hereshe is last year on, the PBs.

The new law banning abortion. Well, the new law banning abortion in Arizonaafter 15 weeks, there's that law, and there's a territorial era law which bans all abortion,Zippo. Over which law do you think should take effect? >> David Feldman: My personal belief is thatall life matters, all life counts, and all life is precious. And I don't believe in abortion. I think the older law is going to take, isgoing to go into effect. That's what I believe will happen.

>> David Feldman: Okay, but you approve ofthat? What, that conception? >> David Feldman: I believe life begins atconception is okay. >> David Feldman: What do we do about abortionpills? What do we do about. >> David Feldman: I don't think abortion pillsshould be legal. That's a very good. >> David Feldman: Not in Arizona. There you go.

So she's trying to walk that back. That's what she said last year. I believe life begins at conception. I don't believe in abortion pills. She supports the 1864 law. Well, she supported the 1864 law, right upuntil it was no longer viable. Now she's backing away from it. But she. This is going to be played over and over againin the race for Senate.

Now Republicans think the road to controlof the Senate is through flipping Arizona from blue to red. Kirsten Sinema is the current senator. She was elected as a Democrat, then becamean independent who caucuses with the Democrats last year. Shes not running for reelection. Good riddance to her. Congressman Ruben Gallego is expected to winthe, democratic primary. I think its in July.

I think Arizonas primaries are in July, andCarrie Lake is expected to win the republican nomination in July. So this affects, control of the Senate andArizona. Joe Biden won Arizona in 2020. How is abortion going to affect Arizona? Democrat Katie Hobbs was elected governor. She beat Kerry Lake in 2022 by 17,000 votes. Close. Democrat Adrian Fontes was elected secretaryof state in 2022.

Chris Mays is the attorney general. She, too is a Democrat and was elected in2022. They have two democratic senators. Arizona is leaning blue, generally speaking. Right now. Trump leads Biden in the polls, in the Arizonapolls, but it's within the margin of error. But Democrat Ruben Gallego has been leadingCarrie Lake consistently. Some polls show him beating her by eight points. I don't think we're going to see tickets splittingcome November.

In Arizona, I think women and men, but womenwill be coming out to vote against Kerry, Lake, and Donald Trump. I think Biden wins Arizona partly on the updraftfrom Ruben Gallego. People are going to turn out for him. And if you're voting for Gallego, there'sno way you're voting for Trump. There will be no ticket splitting in Arizona. Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown is up for reelectionin November In Ohio, Democrat set. Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown is runningfor reelection in Ohio.

I think there might be tickets splitting here. Republicans are hoping to flip that seat. MaGA Republican Bernie Moreno won the nomination,even though he's never held elective office. And his only qualifications are he owns acar dealership and Donald Trump supports him. M back in November of 2023, Ohio voted overwhelminglyto enshrine a woman's right to choose in their state constitution. So abortion, technically, going into thisNovember, wasn't supposed to be on the ballot, but it is, because there's now a mini civilwar in the republican party over this national 15 week abortion ban.

Trump opposes it. Lindsey Graham introduced the, 15 week abortionban. This is an issue now in November, you're runningfor Senate. Are you going to vote for Lindsey Graham's15 week abortion ban? Bernie Moreno is now going to be forced tocarve out his position on abortion, one that is going to be shaky after voters resoundinglyvoted in favor, of enshrining a woman's right to choose in their constitution. Here is Bernie Moreno on abortion. It's not good.

If he wants to beat Sherrod Brown, not good. He starts off reminding us that he's the fatherof two daughters, which makes him qualified to opine on a woman's reproductive rights. But then what follows is as sick as anythingany Republican has ever said on the issue of abortion. As a dad of two girls, it's about having thatgirl be able to be raped, and having a rapist forced her to have an abortion, all withoutyour consent as a minor. All right, let's just repeat that one moretime. It's about having your daughter getting tobe raped.

Let me hear that again. As a dad of two girls, it's about having thatgirl be able to be raped, and having a rapist forced her to have an abortion, all withoutyour consent as a minor. So this is about rapists forcing their victimsto, have abortions, because that's what rapists do, right? We know this rapists stick around after theyrape to make sure the victim aborts the baby. And, that's why fewer than 1% of all rapistsend up getting apprehended, tried, and convicted, because after they rape a woman, they alwaysstick around and drag the victim to an abortion clinic.

And that's where they're caught, forcing theirvictims to get an abortion at the abortion clinic. All the statistics back that up, so long asyou're inventing them. M well, Ohio is a reli. Jesus, these people. Ohio is a reliably red state, but here's wherewe. We're going to find tickets. Splitting it is conceivable, maybe conceivableisn't the right word when I'm talking about abortion, but, it is probable that voterswill pick Sherrod Brown over Bernie Moreno.

But going up the ballot, they'll pick DonaldTrump. Who knows? but I think that's the way it's going to go. Obama won Ohio by five points in, 2008, threepoints in 2012, Trump beat Hillary by nine points. In Ohio, Trump beat Biden by eight points. Ohio, is not in play for Joe Biden. the unemployment rate there right now is 3.7%. They've got full employment.

In November 2016, when Trump beat Hillaryin Ohio, the unemployment rate was 5.3%. In October of 2020, when the people of Ohiowere casting their ballots, unemployment was 6.8%. They still went for Trump. I don't think Ohio is voting for their economicwellbeing. If, they were, JD Vance, wouldn't have wonin 2022. He got elected to the Senate. I think Ohio is a state that ignores economicdata and cares more about the culture wars, even though they enshrined a woman's rightto choose in their constitution.

But I think they've. They've shown themselves to fall prey to culturewars. I m would be surprised if Ohio will be inplay, but. And, I'm going to wrap it up. North Carolina's presidential race will bewaged on the culture wars over abortion Now we come to North Carolina. Now we come to this. One of my favorite races, North Carolina. Obama won it in 2008, lost it in 2012 to Romney,but it was close.

Trump won it. 2016, 2020, North Carolina. The unemployment rate currently stands at3.5%. So this race, like Ohio, I think, will bewaged on the culture wars, on abortion, unlike JD Vance winning the culture war in 2022,you got a republican nominee for governor. Hes, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson. And, hes a piece of work. Hes running against state Attorney GeneralJosh Stein, who would become North Carolinas first jewish governor.

You got yourself a serious, culture war goingon. Mark Robinson, first black governor of NorthCarolina. Josh Stein would be North Carolina's firstjewish governor. You got a serious culture war going on. Lieutenant Governor Robinson is black, he'shomophobic, he's a Holocaust denier, he's a christian nationalist, almost a white christiannationalist. He's called gay people maggots. and abortion. As of July of 2023, North Carolina law prohibitsan abortion after twelve weeks. Rape and incest.

It's permitted up until the 20th week. Abortion will be on the ballot. This is bad for Trump. He doesn't want abortion on the ballot forsome reason. He endorsed Mark Robinson, who he called DoctorMartin Luther king on steroids. Last week, Trump compared himself to NelsonMandela. So take that for what it's worth. Ah, a new Quinnipac poll shows Democrat JoshStein carving out a pretty big lead against Mark Robinson, with Stein leading Robinsonby as much as eight points.

So this is another case where Biden benefits,I believe, from the updraft of, a down ticket candidate like Josh Stein. I don't think there'll be tickets splittingin North Carolina. Democrats, women, blacks, and the LGBTQ communitywill be voting for Josh Stein over Lieutenant Governor Robinson. And they're not going to vote for Trump. They will be drawn to the polls to elect Josh,ah, Stein. They'll be drawn by their hatred for MarkRobinson, and I believe they will cast their ballot for Biden.

No ticket split. Splitting. Quinnipac now lists North Carolina's presidentialrace as too close to call. That's incredible. Trump, ah, beats Biden by only two percentagepoints, according to Quinnipac. That's within the margin of error. North Carolina has always been close. Ah, again, Trump beat Hillary by two percentagepoints. Trump beat Biden by 1.3 percentage points.

Now North Carolina has 15 electoral votes. We're going to be hearing a lot about NorthCarolina because of the Biden firewall that he needs. Biden's firewall is Pennsylvania, Michigan,and Wisconsin. The map is set. and, so if Biden wins Pennsylvania, Michigan,and Wisconsin, that gets him to 270. I've gone over this with you. He can lose Arizona and Georgia even thoughhe won them in 2020. Hillary lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin,as well as Arizona and Georgia.

And, Biden won them and that's what put himover the top. But all he needed was Pennsylvania, Michiganand Wisconsin to get to 270. He can lose Arizona and Georgia. Georgia looks iffy. Arizona, I think, will break for Biden. But of that midwestern triumvirate, Michigan,Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, he has to win those three. Wisconsin is the iffiest of the three. And then Biden, we always thought, would needeither Arizona or Georgia to replace Wisconsin.

But now North Carolina has. North Carolina is in play and has 15 electoralvotes. Wisconsin has ten. North Carolina is going to be in play comeNovember. And come November, by November, North Carolinavoters are going to be bombarded with ads featuring Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinsonsaying this about abortion. You know, I ain't supposed to say this, butI'm gonna say it. I don't care whether you just got pregnant. I don't care if you 24 hours pregnant.

I don't care if you're 24 weeks pregnant. I don't care if you kill that young and it'smurder. You got blood on your hands. Hmm? And voters are going to be bombarded withads featuring Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson saying this. Make no mistake about it, this is a christiannation. And as long as there are faithful people whowill fall down on their faces to pray for this place, it will always be a christiannation.

Jesus Christ is the reason why we, are a blessedand prosperous land. Okay? And then it turns out ABC News reported thatMark Robinson not only filed for bankruptcy, he failed to pay federal income taxes forfive years. Donald Trump calls Mark Robinson, Martin LutherKing on steroids. I think he's Donald Trump on steroids. I'm David Feldman reminding you to stay strongand protect the weak. David Feldman: What single issue does DonaldTrump want to disappear by November Let's go to a poll.

Let me, let me just wrap it up here. We have a poll. See if anybody's still here. I went long. I don't know why I went long. I'm David Feldman reminding m me you are. Well, we have an interesting results. This is why I love doing this show. This is really interesting.

This is so effing interesting. So, we have 2376 votes. And the question that I asked, the peoplewho are watching me live on YouTube in the chat room, here's the question. What single issue does Donald Trump want todisappear more than any other by November? And there were four choices, Biden's economy,Biden's crime rate, abortion, or Trump's criminal trials. And we have 2387 votes. I'll give you a little more time to vote because,in case you're watching me live on YouTube,.

Go into the. The chat room. If you enjoyed any of this, please share itwith your friends, and copy and paste the link to the show. and share it via social media and, or an emailor a text message, and subscribe to my channel. And, of course, leave a comment. I am going to try to read the super chats. I have a new software program, so I have asuper chat from Howard. You.

Thanks for your help untangling all the crazinessout there. Great show. Thank you, Howard. And I have a super chat from Maria vetson,and she just says, thank you so much. I'm gonna. There you go. I actually was able to thank the super chats. Okay. I cannot do shows that are two and a halfhours long.

I don't know what to do. I really would like to do the show, like,five nights a week for, you know, and each episode is, like, 30 minutes. But I start writing and gathering stories,and, I'm burning myself out, and then I end up doing two and a half hours, and then I'mexhausted, and I have to. I don't know how to organize my thoughts anddo shorter shows. I'd like to do more shows that are shorter,and I can't figure out how to do that. What single issue does Donald Trump want todisappear by November Okay, I'm going to stop the poll.

What single issue does Donald Trump want todisappear more than any other by November? At the bottom, with 2%. Biden's crime rate coming in third. Biden's economy with 14%. And my. This is. This is why I love doing this. I have been saying, it's abortion, abortion,abortion. 39% of my listeners in the chat room say,abortion, abortion comes, in, second.

And 45% out of 2460 votes, 45% say it's Trump'scriminal trials. That's what he wants more than anything else,to disappear. Interesting. And I have another, super, chat from blendedleaf. Gerard show can't tell us until tomorrow'sshow. Okay. I'm not sure what Gerard show can't tell us. Well, thank you for the super chat. okay.

All right, that's it. That's. I'm going to end the poll. Isn't that. That's fascinating? 40, 5% think Trump is more concerned aboutthe criminal trials than, abortion. I disagree with my listeners. I think it's abortion, abortion, abortion. All right, I got to figure out how to, endthe show and do a shorter one tomorrow night.

Thank you all for listening. >> David Feldman: You, our.

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