One Existence | Studio 5 – April 17, 2024


One Existence | Studio 5 - April 17, 2024

hey there welcome to this special edition of Studio 5 as I shared a few weeks ago the film One Life moved me to tears and when the film ended I wanted to see it again began immediately so this week we're taking a deeper dive into the story of a British stock broker who helps to rescue more than 600.

Children from the grip of Nazis we're talking to the film's director and two leading members of the cast but first let's begin with this week's countdown of the top five stories in the world of uplifting entertainment here the first two at number five obey his word and believe there is no time for delay I believe the Bible is clear Jesus.

Will return in but four short years it's a look at the hopeful and inspiring true story of a 19th century Community Learning what it means to trust Jesus and the start of a worldwide movement of faith is this not the first time the end of the world has been prophesied by a fool nor will it be the last it's in theaters for two nights April 17th and.

18th director and produc producer Kyle pberry gives us a closer look why was this film personal for you I understand it was what happened for me when I got the opportunity to tell their story I looked at it and I went well you've got a personalizer right like who are these people and would I have wanted to a spend time with them MH and also.

How how do I relate to them are they relatable is there a way that I can find that makes them people just like me really believe this Doctrine which You Preach I was lost and now I'm found at number four I would have lost it all but now I see you were there for me so I can't say I'm.

Stronger I'm Wiser it's a new season of American Idol and this worship leader from Long Beach California Roman Collins is wowing the judge and the country I watch these kind of shows like why are they so emotional they know it's a competition but I get it now we genuinely love each other we.

We pray together we cry together we laugh together so either way it's going to happen we're all okay you Hallelujah those are the first two stories in this week's countdown now to.

Our studio 5 special look at the film one life we're going to begin with its director James Haw he's a British director he's worked in television and film and produced documentaries for both British and American television networks but this film project is one that is really special to him and it actually began on.

Television 30 seconds to on air okay and you are just here good night said farther back an extraordinary story about a young man who visited Prague what he found there was thousands of refugees he was mortified knowing that they would all go to concentration camps so he decided heroically without aan to rescue.

As many as he could James when did you first discover Nicholas winton's story my second ever job in the industry was as a traine researcher on that life on the very program the BBC show that eventually brought Nikki winton's story to the world it was this old man who had saved my life and that of hundreds of others.

In the second world war and your first thoughts upon seeing it that first time what did you think H the power of human emotion and also just honestly the power of human spirit this is some people have talked about this as being a holocaust movie I I I like to think of it as being that and and different in that it is uplifting I hope that an audience will.

Come out of the theaters feeling they've seen what one individual can do they've seen the power of of human survival and uh I should tell you that you are actually sitting next to Nicholas Winton hello is there anyone in the audience who owes their life to Nicholas Winton I can only imagine a burden and a blessing what was it like.

Yes it was that and that clip we talk about that studio moment that that is both a blessing and a tank trap because uh everybody's seen it they've been moved by it so what are you going to do in the drama that is going to be at least as emotional and one of the things we did was recruit some of the children of the children that Nicholas quinson.

Actually saved to be the audience wow so when the presenter says anybody owes their life to Nicholas winon please stand these guys really do the extraordinary thing was quite often we were filming on the locations where real events took place so on the station in Prague from where 85 years previously those kids had actually said goodbye to.

Their parents their f for the last time so to be in the society to be in the city where all that happened was very powerful you ever think about the children and what happened to them the casting incredible what was it like how did you know that you wanted Sir Anthony Hopkins and the the the rest of the cast.

How did that all play out the first thing with Sir Anthony Hopkins was that he was the condition set by Nikki wion's daughter for giving up the rights of the film so she handed over the book handed over the rights and said to the producers get me Anthony Hopkins which is you know it's a big ask for your producers right had that um I'd work.

With Johnny Flynn I'd work with Helen the botom cart of the before I knew they'd bring the right generosity and attitude and warmth to the film um I knew Johnny would be both physically but emotionally a brilliant match to play the younger Nikki and Helena has such an indominable Spirit she was just perfect to play uh the the Ally the the door.

Kicker how much do you feel we know about what happened uh and how much do you think this is going to be an introduction to many people about this piece of History you know I'm always surprised by how little people seem to know and how this piece of History which is so significant so if we introduce people to.

That bit of history and a crucial piece of our modern history and we understand what that means for Humanity and the lessons we should learn from it then that's vital I wouldn't want to think that this is just a history lesson it's a powerfully emotional entertaining piece of Cinema save one life save the world.

Well one life opened in the top 10 at the box office pulling in nearly $2 million from nearly 1,000 screens and it's still playing right now in theaters Nationwide and still ahead Niki you must know we cannot save them all you have to forgive yourself that our One Life Special continues we sit down with the actress Helen bonam Carter Helen how.

Would you describe the relation ship the motherson relationship if you will between um babby uh and Nicholas it's a really Dynamic mother son and relationship without it being uh suffocating ore it was a very healthy one at number three let me ask me are.

They any good nope a closer look at the new film from that very busy Dennis Quaid I don't want to be a babysitter to a bunch of juvenile delinquents who just want to get out of detention based on a true story set in the 1950s the long game is the true story of Five young Mexican-American caddies who love golf.

With a determination to learn the game that inspires them to create their own course in the middle of the South Texas desert Frank Mitchell um the long game who is Frank Frank is a you your typical guy of that era who fought World War II and you know came back and was you know felt a little uh lost you.

Know even though it saved the world for democracy and uh uh you know living in South Texas and uh just trying to get along and go along you boys built all this yes Mr Mitchell sorry boys when we spoke on the phone I assumed you were American well you assume right I sort of become their you know uh.

Mentor kind of out of uh because I'm touched by their enthusiasm for the game the long game is streaming right now now these teams they've had access to a lot of things you boys haven't but the best golfer isn't the one with the fanciest clubs it's the one who can summon the will to keep swinging when things get tough and that's you.

Boys at number two people breaking news I know you heard about it but it's happening it is real Yours Truly Dietrich Haden will be on the I gotway tour the tour features Dietrich Haden and Pastor Mike Jr yeah say this you made a way you made out of no way out of Way You Keep On Blessing Me along with Bri Babino and Anthony Brown who also.

Share the stage I know that he is faithful and I know he will come it kicks off April 26th with that we've got Just One More Story to share in this week's countdown welcome back to this special edition of Studio 5 we're continuing our look at the film one life and we're sitting down.

With Helena bonam Carter who plays the role of babby Winton the mother of Sir Nicholas winon Niki you must know we cannot say them all you have to forgive yourself that Helena how would you describe the relationship the motherson relationship if you will between um babby uh and Nicholas well for me um I found it the.

Most one of the most unusual I'd never come across um a mother son relationship that's quite so Dynamic and such harmonious um you know they work together and she's the one that he goes to when in need of help so there's an immediate trust and an immediate sense that she will be able and capable of doing uh what he's asking which is quite.

Considerable I have seen this and I cannot unsee it and because I may be able to do something about it I must he was extraordinary and he was effective and he made change and his heart was in the right place and at being his mother I played his mother so I my immediate thought.

Well of course it obviously came from the mother you know I like that in Hebrew there's a saying don't start what you can't finish when did you first come to this story and know that you wanted to be a part of this I've been um I've been sort of a long relationship cuz Cinda coxon who originally wrote it was a adapt she.

Approached me you know years ago I'd worked with her years ago too before that like 30 years ago and she said I've got this perfect part for you knowing that you have you know your grandmother was Austrian Jewish so you come from the same extraction um both my grandparents did a lot in Saving providing visas and getting a lot of Jewish um Jewish people.

Out so it was in my DNA I mean I looked I thought this is very cutable and it's not like that big a b but I did it for the story and then the ultimate thing was when James came on board he's very um he's a director to be trusted and he he can he said look I know the parts not like but it's an important story and I said yes it's rare.

When you actually get asked to do a script with her you go like oh this could possibly it means something and it could make a difference to people's lives yeah did you approach the project with a hope and a prayer of what you'd like to see it do I think uh it's just in the man I mean he's extraordinary I thought it.

Might give some hope we didn't know obviously when we made it uh Ukraine already there was that crisis that war was going on it was really eerie shooting in Prague with all these children um pretending to be refugees knowing this is this is not really a.

Yeah um it's not history it's present we and then it came out un canly on the 6th of October the day before the bombing in the Middle East so it's timing and the context in which it sort of arrived was something that we couldn't have known but I think has actually been received definitely here in the.

UK so many people even though I'm a small pop have phoned up or texted contest and we're so grateful to this experience because haven't been in a cinema where there's a communal sort of experience or feeling and actually ultimately hope because of this man.

go I think he's such an extraordinary and stunning man winon and he really needs to be known just just to help everybody else feel not toally in despair at this time when frankly there aren't enough Heroes Helena vam Carter is not only an award-winning actress she's also a.

Director of a television series and a film producer we need to take a quick break but as we do it's time now to share this week's story and pictures here's your studio 5 snapshot these images come from irena's vow a film that Chronicles the life of Arena gut Updike she was a Polish Catholic and she risked her life during.

World War II to hide Jews in the home of a Nazi leader where she was employed as a housekeeper the film is in theaters this week and it captures the resilience and heroism of a young woman during the war today it's a reminder of one of our history's darkest periods filled with anti-Semitism this Hero's story brings light and it's this week's Studio 5.

Snapshot just moments away in this one life special you have a lot of faith in Ordinary People we're sitting down with the actress who plays Dorene warrer who is Doren warer who is she dorine warer was a humanitarian she became involved along with s Nicholas Winton and um Trevor Chadwick uh with the effort to uh rescue children from the threat of Nazi.

invasion at number one I probably should let you go I'm just missing you right now there's no telling we've been backstage with the Grammy award-winning Duo for king and country and now we hit the red carpet in Nashville for the backstory of Rebecca St James the small born boys and the.

Entire family how y'all doing are y'all from England uh Australia Australia wish sh had an accent unsung hero hits theaters next week and Joel small bone plays the role of his dad honor him but also not good glorify like he was working through a lot during that time and uh I sense based on what we've experienced so far that that we've done.

That we have had a couple people come up and say they wanted to punch him in the throat but but by and large I think a lot of men see themselves in him and he paid us a great compliment and he said that that that that as an actor and in the script that we externalized what he was feeling internally dad I wrote a song thought maybe we could ask for an.

Audition oh that's great honey let's take it one step at a time that wraps this week's countdown but we still got so much more to share welcome back to this special edition of Studio 5 we're taking a closer look at the film one life and talking to the cast and crew we're sitting down with ragara who plays the role of Dorene.

Warer you have a lot of faith in ordinary people because I'm an ordinary person save one life save the world forgive me about how many children are we speaking about can I ask is there anyone in the audience tonight who owes their life to Nicholas.

Winton who is Dorene Warner who is she dorine warer was a humanitarian she was actually a professor of Economics um she went to Europe initially in the early 1930s to lecture in economics and then ended up working for NOS she the NGO she worked for was a really small organization in Czechoslovakia that was helping refugees but obviously as the.

Nazis came to power in Germany and then you know the threat of War loomed her tiny organization was having to deal with hundreds of thousands of people pouring into Czechoslovakia from Germany Jewish people uh political Exiles Communists you know anybody who felt risk from the Nazis and she was having to kind of uh man deal with ever.

Expanding refugee camps rather than sort of individual people and then she became involved along with s Nicholas Winton and um Trevor Chadwick uh with the effort to uh rescue children from the threat of Nazi invasion and bring them to the United Kingdom incredibly moved by your portrayal of her how familiar were you with her story and her heroism.

I didn't know anything about her at all I'd never heard of her um I mean it's still amazing to me that a human being can achieve so much in their life and just like not know no one knows anything about her she has kind of been um forgotten yeah what do you think it was about her that motivated her to do this work I mean it was pretty dangerous what.

What what in her life made her this way I think she was a thrill seeker I think she was very I think she was honestly somebody who just wanted challenges in their life she she never married she never had children she didn't lead a kind of traditional life she you know she she became an economics professor in Britain in the 1920s like which for a.

Woman is like very unusual um and she I think she deeply wanted to help people but also she wanted challenges and experiences that would push her and then I think when it came to actually putting her life in danger for other people I got the feeling that none of them had really thought it wasn't like that they really weighed it up that the it was.

More like the possibility of abandoning people was impossible rather than the the act of giving your life for others was possible we are working to evacuate these children by trained to Safety in Britain why are you doing this Mr Winton because I may be able to do something about it the alternative was the thing that they just couldn't countenance you.

Know they were obviously not going to go back to the UK and just leave all those people there they were obviously not just going to you know um uh yeah like jump the ship and and so I think she was just a she was just a very good person and a very brave person um and also somebody who yeah who liked to challenge what about this story and.

Project attracted you why was this something you wanted to do I mean there were very many reasons I think the story in itself is obviously an incredible Testament to the ability of human beings uh to just be incredibly good you know it's easily foret that um and also it was a very beautiful screenplay the screenplay made me cry.

Reading it and you know and then when I found out that Anthony Hopkins was going to be playing Nicholas Winton and Johnny Flynn as well I just knew it was going to be a very very exceptional film who rescued refugees at the mercy of Hitler's Invasion Humanity has the capacity to be incredibly good and Incredibly Brave and Incredibly modest.

And kind and it feels like a gift to remind people there's value in in in as the film you know says in its its title you know there's value in all of us and ramola has done work in theater and serves as a writer and director of several films welcome back to Studio 5 music.

Helps us to bring you this show each and every week and this week's soundtrack comes from Joel Barnes take a listen and you'll hear why alter is what's playing in my ear this week there I feel it now your presence is to my it's in the end it's everywhere oh yeah I know the was I feel you.

Everywhere iwhere you everywhere on a musical note we are just about out of time for this week's edition of Studio 5 so let's take a quick look ahead and see what's on next week's rundown how would you boys like to be the first members of the San Felipe High School golf team us they asked me to.

Join the new golf team today golf going to bring you some brle anyway man whenever you're invited to a gringle party either the entertainment or the help let me ask you something are they any good nope actor Dennis Quaid produces and stars in the long game and we're sitting down with him for a studio 5 first look.

What is it you think about Frank that makes him willing to open the door while the door is being shut by others to these young men you know he sees this uh this golf course that these kids have you know built out of the this craggy desert and realizes their their dedication and and uh their genuiness uh uh and love for the game and it it.

Touches him and uh so he decides to help them and be sure to join us for that story and so much more come next week as for this week we've got time for just one more thing the final word we want to give that to the film director James hos what do you think it is that motivated um Nicholas what drove him he saw children that needed help needed.

Saving he saw something that needed doing he had no specific skill set or experience or or even time to be there and do this thing but instead of going the problems too big for anyone individual to solve he started off and did what he could hence the title from the saying from the tomwood you save one life you save the world and just do the.

Bit you can if somebody takes away just it just a few people take away that lesson from the film then uh Hey Cinema and storytelling will have been doing its job James thank you that is a great final word for this edition of Studio 5 and for this week's look at uplifting entertainment until next time make time.

To uplift someone around you and then come on back see where Studio 5 takes you next week bye-bye thank you for watching

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