ONPASSIVE पैसों का समुद्र है. onpassive at present unique update. BANTI KUMAR RANA. #onpassive


ONPASSIVE पैसों का समुद्र है. onpassive at present unique update. BANTI KUMAR RANA. #onpassive

What will happen just by going public? Will the money come to us just by going public? I have around 1200 doller lying inside my wallet. I haven't withdrawn it, so should I withdraw it or You should not spend 00, see if you have 00, it is a huge amount, so we will say that right now brother, no pending withdrawal has come to anyone and even if the rest is left in your wallet, then you can withdraw it only. Don't purchase. Now see how big is the courage of the leader. The leader is also very courageous. Look at the enthusiasm and excitement that the people of entire India are so excited. So very soon let us.

Warm their pockets a little because just by saying This will not be done by giving, nor will it have to be done, now people will use it as per their wish, then money will be generated from here because the company has promised that it will give to all of us for three days in every cycle, sir, whatever product is coming, it is like this. Already playing in the market Friends, Namaskar Pranam Good Morning Sat Shri Akal Salaam, how are you all, I hope you all will be very well, I am Bunty Rana and you are watching on passive new update so stay tuned today. Today's video is going to have a lot of information till the end of the video with us, so I have a small request to all the people who.

Are on our channel for the first time, please like the video and subscribe to the channel along with any kind of information. If you have any doubt or question in your mind, please do comment in the comment section. Today, Veer Singh ji is present with us in our studio. Veer Singh ji, you are very welcome and our audience is watching you for the first time and we are with you. If this is a first time conversation, then today we are going to discuss about a very special information video. Today's video will be very informative and like the O Connect of On Passive, you can see its new version which is visible on the screen. You have already launched it and it is being said that it has been launched publicly, so it has been launched publicly, but the biggest thing.

Is that it will not happen just because of its public launch. You all must be having this question in your mind that only What will happen if we launch it publicly? Will we get money just by launching it publicly ? You must be having a question in your mind. Right, yes, today's session has been made on this very topic and today's topic is many important topics. About which we will definitely give you information and I will try to make you understand all those things. So sir, like the one who is present with us, Veer Singh ji, he has also joined on passive and how many IDs have you put in. Hello friends. I am Veer Singh Gara in front of you all and our Bunty Rana ji is a very great person. I am also the proud founder of On Passive.

I also have five or six founders in the family. I was asking Bunty this, who is mine too? If he is the founder, he has about 50 dollars in his ID, in some cases it means 250-200 in every five or six IDs, it is in all the IDs, so whatever questions people have till now, they also come to us. It is said that the Vidal is stopped or not available, it is in the process of pending, now I have not used my Vidal, 50 dollars are mine, about 1200 dollars are lying inside my wallet like this, I have not withdrawn it. So should I withdraw it or not? Now I am just stopping it because of this. Okay, when our next product comes, maybe it may not be given to us from our own pocket but we will use whatever.

Dollars we have. If we purchase the product from us, what would you like to say about it? See, I am basic. First of all, I would like to give you information that the first thing that Sir has said is that after coming to this system, what you had invested in it in the first time. And after taking these two subscription amount, there will be no cost of money from your pocket. Yes, he said, 'Wone se paisa raat', so as I would like to request all the viewers that this thing is on passive ke jo of jo great s mufra sir hai jone hum you. Everyone knows that he also said that now you don't have to invest money from your pocket, then why would you invest it brother? You won't invest it. Don't see, if you have dollars, the team you have formed, how many dollars do you have? 00 D 00, almost, I.

Have around 1,1200. You have 1200, see, 00 is a huge amount, so we will say that as of now, brother, pending withdrawal has not come to anyone, as comments from all the viewers keep coming, yes, if our pending withdrawal has not come, then pending withdrawal will come, this is a sir. Although only S sir knows when he is going to give it. According to me, you should leave it lying as it is because even if you had planted it like this then who would have come, now it is not going to come so soon, it is not going to come so soon, so even when it starts giving, I would also request everyone that If those people have pending withdrawals and have done so, then wait because you have no other option but wait for when your.

Pending withdrawal comes and if the rest is left in your wallet. You will only withdraw it, do not purchase any product right now because once you have purchased that connect, you have not received its revenue. Sir, you have not received the revenue as per the promise of the company. At present nothing like this has happened , so whatever you fear right now, first you have to take the money from the company, whenever it gives withdrawal, then after the withdrawal amount comes, when O Connect is being told that it is commercially locked i.e. Having a commercial link means that now we should have money generated from here, sir, that is, it will go among the general public and from here money will be generated, revenue will be generated,.

There will be credit in our wallet, after getting credit in the wallet, we will have like Suppose the subscription is for three months, then we have used it for three months but we have not got any benefit from it, in return if revenue is generated and we feel like keep it at $20, oh sir, keep its price or $. Or why not keep only Rs 50, if after withdrawing Rs 500 or $600, Rs 50 is left as extra, then with that amount we will connect again or whatever the Xva Jatt product is, we will buy it, but at the very least, if you have the amount in the wallet. So first try to withdraw it as much as possible because see Sir, every person was here for only one thing, that is money, money, okay, you have also come here.

With the hope of one paisa and all our viewers. Gan or 14 lakh founder members, then it is obvious that they have come here only for money or not to waste their time and as it is being said that on passive on such a large scale as we see on the screen. Sir, you can also see that this is going on on such a large scale, so as far as the positive wave comes inside the mind, the positive wave is coming to us and because it is not a matter of small scale, it is spreading all over the world. What is happening is happening in such a country as Egypt. Right now the screen that is playing on your screen is of Dubai and big events etc. have taken place here and in the latest I would like to tell you that some events etc. have taken place in Kolkata. As.

You can see some photographs on the screen, we thought for the first time that these events might be being organized by the company, so sir, we also thought that the company might be organizing them, but when I came to know that this Not the company, but all the leaders etc., okay, yes, these people got this done together, they did it by calculating the money, okay, you see how great the courage of the leader is, the leader also has great courage, so much courage and excitement. Look at the excitement, I wonder how much excitement must have been there among all these leaders that they have deposited the money just a few days ago in last March, they have done this program etc. Yes, it is very good, there.

Should be so much excitement, but the company's When the Managing Director said, CEO S Mufra Sir should also pay a little attention that the people of the whole India are so excited, so very soon we should warm their pockets a little bit, why sir, please warm their right pockets also so that their children too. They have families, they also have some dreams and desires with which they are seen here and I also have a small appeal to S. Mufra Sir, please if you see our video in some form or the other, please . Do think about all these leaders and 14 lakh people are waiting for you for your dreams which have been seen in the hearts of those people. So try to release the payment to the people as soon as possible. This is undoubtedly your pending payment. Why should there be a withdrawal.

? Do the same withdrawal first. Yes, at least if the pending withdrawal reaches the people, then the negativity of the people will go away. Will the negativity go away? If the negativity is still there somewhere, then S. Sir please list everyone's pending withdrawal. So hurry up, tell all your friends or audience or all the mothers and sisters who are watching us, this session will discuss many topics, so the most important issue is that you all have come here for only one reason. He is It is okay to earn money to fulfill your dream i.e. every person thinks that if we sow even a mango seed somewhere then we have an expectation from mother earth that it will grow and become a tree. Yes, let us eat the fruits from here ourselves.

And many generations to come will benefit from its fruits. As sir has also said that if you are coming here then we will give telegrams from here to many generations to come. Yes sir, right now? Till now, what information do you have about On Passive, what is the internal information, what do you know, sir, I don't even have much information right now, but people are just being shown a dream that it will be very big. This will happen, whatever you need, you can get it from here i.e. here the dreams of getting empty till Audi's showroom are being shown but to what extent will they be empty, when will they be empty, the only target is there. When will that auspicious moment come? When will that day come? The main thing is where the focus is now, now our O Connect lunch has taken place, it has been.

Made public but it has been connected but nothing has come to the people yet because right now the people who are still in the process. If it is lying somewhere then the mind gets diverted to that thing that if it is pending then why is it there when it should not be there. If people get that thing then somewhere their interest also increases and faith also increases somewhere. Somewhere the faith is also expressed, the faith of most of the people is also shaken, somewhere it is like this because trust is formed only when the hope for which is set starts getting fulfilled quickly, although many people have become aware of this in the last few years. You have been waiting for a year and in reality a lot of things will happen with you because friend, if you are working on such a big project then it definitely takes time, is.

N't it sir and I will take you to some new topics as you have said. I saw that O Connect has come in the new version and has been launched publicly, so the meaning of this launch is that when will it start generating money from it, then right now I would like to tell you that in the last few corporate webinars, real Let me tell you that S Sir will definitely come and you will get the biggest update within a day or two, like he had said that couple of the day is a matter of few days and in a few days we will give you a big update. If you are going to give then maybe you will come on this platform to talk in this regard and like some people also said that the meeting is still happening on Zoom, so I would like to tell them that yes,.

The meeting is on Zoom. Tell me when did this happen, it used to happen long ago when there used to be some technical issue but as of now all the meetings are happening on Au Connect only and now in future it will be on Au Connect also, it will be on Au Connect only because its finalist version. It has come in the market and very soon now it will go viral and as S. Sir sees today, in a day or two, whenever there is a corporate webinar, its link may also come on your mail or in the back office. So very soon there will be a corporate waybill, here S Sir will tell you when we will give the pending withdrawal in the coming time and when we are going to make it finally viral because it will not happen just by saying it, nor will it have to be done, now.

People will use it. If you do this, money will be generated from here and will reach your pocket. Okay, as far as you understand what I am saying, the next thing is that the founding members have been waiting for a very long time. Sir, yes sir, you also have a question in your mind. It must be coming, we have been waiting for it for a long time, we have been waiting for it for a very long time, so sir, I would like to tell you that maybe you forgot to pay attention or forgot what to do, so I would like to tell you one small thing. If you look at this physically and logically, you must have heard the name of Sir Jio . Before its planning came, when it was lunched in the market and came in public, its planning was being done for the last 10 years but no show was done. Did.

N't know because it was to earn money individually and what S Sir has made here, he doesn't have to earn money individually, right? If he had to earn it himself, he would have made it silently, whether it takes a year, 10 years or 12 years, it will be visible after 12 years. Do you know any product of Nasif which is competing with Zoom, it is competing, it is the era of competition, it competes with Zoom, you come to know about it after 10 years, but you are coming to know about it in the beginning because it From the beginning, we have been working together with ourselves, it is being built in front, it is being built, it is being built in front, as if right now we are seeing everything being built here, that is why a little bit of everything does not happen when we have invested money now. And I am hopeful that we will start meeting from now onwards, Ambani sir has.

Spent several lakhs of rupees in this only in 10 years because it was his own money and what has Acer done here, it has spent everyone's money. So here we don't have crores of rupees, we don't have billions of rupees, but after collecting the money of many people, we got trillions of rupees or billions, it is a huge amount, so they invested money to create such a big company. So it will come as if our sir has spent so much in making one product and for the last 10 years he has just launched it, but when it launched, you will know the game after that, that is, he changed the internet, when other companies also Those who.

Used to sell very expensive internet, now this company is dancing on the tips of its fingers, isn't it? The company is doing everything as per its wish. Sir, how many companies have they made extinct, many companies have already ended, that is, they are finished. That many companies have become extinct, there is one [music] which is left, many others have become extinct, there are only one or two companies left, they will merge with each other, they will be closed, there were many, most of them have merged, you see. That the competition is so much that even the banks have started merging with each other. Yes, it is the era of competition. It is the era of competition because here everyone wants that we should be able to give high value at less money. So.

After liking it. The game is different, sir, the game is like this because once the line up is done, then you have to take the product, it is very less, okay, this is what is happening with you, time is being asked for. Okay, the public here is not able to do the same because many times we need everything in the current. Current is not such a big deal, friend, you are not selling vegetables or fruits. This is the best thing that any company has done till date. Not a founder, he has become a founder first of all, till date he has not made any record of any company. You do not become a founder in this way. Many people also make some comments regarding network marketing, chain system, pyramid system,.

But this is not networking. Well, did you ever have such a question in your mind? In the beginning I thought it was only a part of MLM . I thought that this is a part of MLM. How long have you been there? Since when did your mental attitude change? After that, as you have been getting into it, you have taken some of its webinars, then watched it again. There is some Mr. S. who also said that this is not a network. Because in networking we engage in that manipulative trick later but here that thing is not there, there is no bound ratio, I would like to tell you that there are some such systems also in which we are the founder members of the company. Here we have given that which.

Is direct etc., here there is also level income. Maybe you know that level K is direct here and till the second level only, maybe here there is no pay after that, the rest is not after that and what you will get after that. The company directly adds you three by three under you, that is a procedure of the company because the company has promised that it will give us three people each in every cycle and there will be so many people under you that You will generate a huge revenue from there. Those who don't know, maybe you can ask your leader about their plan or we will make a separate video topic about the whole thing and give it to you if you comment. Okay, if you comment, I will.

Tell you the complete planning of it, how much money will come from which level, how it will come, I will tell you everything, so for the time being we will discuss the topic, so we will keep that topic intact, a small request. If you are watching our video then please like it and if you have not subscribed the channel yet then please subscribe. So the next topic which is the most dangerous one is that Holi festival is coming and like today is Monday. It's the day, Holi festival is just a few days left, so it is possible that S Sir will give you some new gift, although some people have also asked this question, Sir, will we get some gift etc. on Holi? Yes, yes, yes, something dear. Era Sir please please.

Pay attention to our words that Holi is coming and it is said to be the most colorful in India or the most colorful in the world, then there is no doubt in it, people all over the world enjoy Holi and play with colors in Holi. is played all over the world and Please don't miss this festival, make it a little colorful for the people by giving them a good news. That news should be that money should come into people's pockets. I am focusing more on this because there is hope for this only. And whatever you have designed, it has been done to earn money, so please keep this in mind, this is the best and colorful festival of India, so do not make it a dark dark festival, please enjoy this topic. What would you like to say.

To me sir, just celebrate the whole year's festivals with children and pray to God that we may get some happiness in some way in future also, father is not the elder brother and we are the biggest money of all. Bo, you are waiting for the same thing, you are also waiting for the same thing, I know you are also waiting for the same thing, we are also waiting for the same thing, so the time of waiting is about to end, something is going to happen very soon. So, all the viewers who are watching please give us this comment in the comments because many times it happens that big leaders like Lone Sir and Mart Martin Sir have also commented on my videos many times, so we feel good. Well, if such big low level people are watching us and liking our session,.

Then this message should reach them only. Please, you are a request to everyone, say that Sir, we need Holi gifts, write in the comment, okay, see somewhere. Sir also knows this thing and also watches all the videos, he sometimes takes out some time, as if you were giving stop extension, now extension will not be done, okay, you say this Holi. If we want gifts then we will definitely get Holi gifts. I am making an appeal especially to Sir, so please sir, give the Holi gifts to the public, it will be very good and you will also be blessed, so sir, today's gift. There is a session, please share it with more people so that there is only one and not many things, we become unknown even after knowing,.

So we should not become unknown, we should keep this in our heart, sir, we are doing something very big, taking new steps for you. And they are fighting with new challenges like even if there was a payment issue earlier, perhaps the payment issue has not happened, it has not been fixed, I don't know and they are saying that verification will come, after that we will start that too, just watch it coming soon. The tracker is showing coming soon, so first the verification will be done, then it will happen, now see sir, we will decide how it will happen, when will it happen, right now they are looking at the connect that it has been commercially launched, so in our wallet. How much amount can one credit? I have also used O Connect. I have just taken one or two meetings with it. The.

Quality is very amazing, it is very good, it is like this for the first time, sir, not from before and there is a world of difference in it. There is a lot of difference, there is a difference of heaven and earth, this time it is very best quality, which means the best, which means that earlier many people were not able to attend the meeting, the problem kept on rotating, it kept on rotating, it was running very easily, it was running very smoothly, it meant a lot. There has been a lot of changing, so see, change is the rule of life, unless you bring change, nothing can happen in your life. Changing life, every moment. Life keeps changing every moment, so change is necessary and see S Sir. What is the biggest competition that comes with you in the market that the person opposite has also opened a similar shop and we are opening our new shop,.

So we will have to keep it better than him, only then the customers will come to you, so tell us one thing in all the markets. I would like some viewer to also comment that Sir, whatever product is coming, is it already running in the market, will our product be sold, then I would like to tell you, look at the vehicles, there are so many companies of vehicles. The one who is the owner is the owner, isn't he a billionaire, a trillionaire, which one is the one who is pauper, there is no one, that is, everyone's cars are sold, everyone's features are different, models are different, even many things are similar. But the feeling that comes with it, not all people die because of that feeling,.

Something similar is going to happen with you, you see, there are so many mobiles, there are thousands of mobile companies, you will get the most fun, you will take only that one, otherwise you will spend money on it. But it depends on the amount of money you are investing, you will get the product as well, but if we make something better than that, like what you are telling us, our product is already running, then we make something better than that and we can make it in less money. How will it be if you give it? Just think about it. So it is like this, friends, you know that the daily revenue of Zam is very high and for how much is it selling its products and by the way, we are going to become its competition computer competition, so we will have to keep it cheaper and better, so S Sir Some are working in the same situation and all the products coming to them will remain like this.

, better than the market and at less money, so every person wants that our two paisa should be saved and the work gets done well, so why not sir? Friends, we hope that you liked our session, so please like the video and also subscribe to the channel . If you have any doubt or question in your mind, you can comment in the comment section. If there is any more information, please let us know. If you want, your email ID is flashing at the bottom of the screen, please email us if you need some such information, ok for that, let's meet in the next update, till then you all take care, everyone is mine. Lots of respect and greetings Ram Ram Jai Shri Ram Salaam Jai Hind Jai on passive.

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3 thoughts on “ONPASSIVE पैसों का समुद्र है. onpassive at present unique update. BANTI KUMAR RANA. #onpassive

  1. Sir, please produce us chuffed in this enormous festival of this holi occasion. We are looking ahead to the proper knowledge from you soon. Let create one thing proper soon, that our wallet could well merely talk some issues , to our opponents. SirWaiting the merchandise knowledge from our enormous onpassive platform soon .Thank you and salute to you on your labor and your enormous vision for all of us.Regards

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