onpassive से प्रति सेकंड पैसा आएगा. onpassive contemporary substitute at present. #onpassive_live_today #onpassive


onpassive से प्रति सेकंड पैसा आएगा. onpassive contemporary substitute at present. #onpassive_live_today   #onpassive

It will multiply as many times as you can't imagine, you can't imagine, at one time it will come that money will be coming to you even for a second. Okay, let's develop the power to see, that means people have a vision ahead. I am not able to even see the present, that is, we are only moving forward with the present. I am not calling anyone wrong about the future. Yes, the number of viewers we have, yes, that too is not wrong, no one is wrong, sir, absolutely wrong, absolutely not wrong, I thank them. With folded hands I thank him that he is thinking right as per what he was told, see what is the culture of our India, sir, what he was told is right, no, listen to what he was told that brother, apply so much for your Money will start coming in within a few days.

What is our biggest problem that the real information has not been delivered to everyone? Sir, where is the problem? I will touch it today. The problem is not there. Where is the problem? You are earning Rs. 00 and you are being told that you You can earn one lakh rupees, this is a little, we ourselves will not be able to digest it, how can we earn, then your skull has come out just like that, now where do you live, brother, if you are earning Rs 100000 then you should be living among 10000 people. You may be someone with an income of one lakh rupees, then no person would be living around you and where do you spend the most time among the people who earn that income? Talk about.

Where do you discuss and we or pass the discussion, you do it only among those of your level, you should do it, we should not do it in this way because it is like that but you are helpless, you cannot live without doing it, this is a habit. Right now, the person with whom you are taking advice about earning one lakh rupees, you are talking to him, if he had the capacity to earn one lakh rupees, would he be able to give you advice and would he not be able to give it if he was not earning one lakh rupees ? No matter what you think, where do you want to go? Unless this thing is clear to you, you cannot go anywhere.

Wherever you are sitting, you have to go to Kolkata. Unless you think, you can never even imagine reaching Kolkata in life. So leaving aside all this, first of all we have to imagine that we have to go there, we have to imagine that we have to go there, I had heard of a person and I will not take the name of that person, we will talk about that person in the next video, that person has no legs. If there is such a person in our society who has no hands and no arms, then what would people say to him? What would he say that we are of no use, what right will we do by living in this world and how many people react to that that they don't even let him live. They force him to commit suicide and such a.

Person takes lakhs of rupees for training in today's date and for one ticket the ticket has to be booked six months in advance, only then the number comes, so tell me and that person says only one thing. One who can think can do anything and one who cannot think, no matter how powerful he is or a body builder, he cannot do anything, he cannot do anything, yes sir, it is quite obvious and the one who can sleep can do everything. It means that whatever you can imagine, you can also create it, then it is a very good thing sir, it happens like this and all the people who have created such big things, sir, they have thought of imagination somewhere. Only by going within oneself can one do everything physically, so sir, our next question is from you sir, the au-verification.

Is about to come, so right now a PDF of au-verification is going viral, okay, so the way it is being told, am I able to do that? If we are able to show you on the screen also, will everything be done in the same manner as it is being shown, because right now this option is not available in the profile of our website. Where did this appear from and will it be possible in this way that our verification is coming, so once we throw some light on it, our audience would like to know if you are talking about the KYC system . Till date, you have been doing a lot of KYC, be it online on different platforms, how do you do it there,.

You are asked for one thing, you have a portal for it, while uploading the documents, there is an option one by one, you upload. You are doing it and while doing that thing slowly, you go to the finish point and the same is shown right now, there is nothing like this from the company's side, whatever is being shown to you is an imagination that this Your verification will be done in two or three ways, one is through the paper, after you have given the paper, the other is along with the paper, your face is scanned. Right to scan, what is shown in it is shown and at some places there is another method of verification, paper is also required, your face is also required, your.

Thumb is also required, at some places it happens that you also need paper, face is also required, thumb is also required. If it should be 10 out of 10 then only that thing has been shown and nothing else, there is nothing official right now, in this way your KYC will be done, that thing has been shown and this KYC will work for you at the international level, you must be going somewhere or the airport. You will not need to carry paper, they will scan once and all your data will come out and you go sir. Every time new technologies are used, now o verify, a new technology is also coming for your on passive. And I would like to tell you that this technology of O Verify and the message that came from the legal department, it.

Will be free for all of you and all the founders of On Passive, there will be no need to do any KYC for them. No charges will be taken and this will be a software where no one will be left out, no sector will be left out, even the banking sector will verify the documents of its customers, the railway sector will do it, the government sector will also do a lot. Friends , big IT sectors are also using this Riff O Verify software, its demand will also be very high in the coming time because its technology and technical things which are of very high class are being installed, so friends, this too will be available to you very soon. You will get it and as I have shown you on the screen, your verification.

Will be done in the same way and how it will be supplied in the market, this sir will tell you very soon or we will distribute the knowledge from the technical team to all of you, sir. One more thing I would like to know is that our viewers are all our brothers and mothers who watch the video and also ask a lot of questions, so sir, one common thing comes out that they are waiting for money and Obviously it is right in our place that we have invested brothers and some people said that we are investors, brother, we have invested, we want profit, so sir, when will we get profit or on passive, till when will we get money. Will give ok and here comes two questions Sir, some people have also said.

That it is okay for the founder at 70, his withdrawals have been made, those who have made pending withdrawals, then their trust level will increase only when their pending withdrawals are credited to their accounts. If the credit will be done then sir, first of all tell us when will the money start coming from on passive because most of the audience have this question, sir then you will be able to tell sir, I had said in the beginning that this stand which is happening is our overtime. Yes, this is going to end very soon, so what does that mean? Yes, it means that something or the other will be announced from there. If we talk about rights and investors, till date we do not know how much investment we have made. We don't know how much we have invested in the children who are born. We.

Don't know how much our parents have invested in us and for how many years. What has become of our value or I can't say 10 or 90. But people have the power to say that I have not been able to become a millionaire but I will definitely make my child a millionaire. I don't feel that anyone should think about it or think about money a little aside. Then you start thinking from there. How many things have you done in your life, how successful have you been? We have not been able to set up our life. Talking about our children is a very distant topic. We will try to explain with an example.

One can imagine this even more than this. We can grow different types of crops in our fields and some crops are such that we harvest three crops in a year, some crops are such that after sowing they yield only two crops in a year. There are only one crop and one crop, it is the same throughout the year, why sir, everyone has different values, but everyone's time table is also different, now where only one crop is being grown throughout the year. How much money comes out from there? It is possible that the amount of crop produced in two years is less than what we produced in the three crops we produced in one year, so why did it take time, meaning you are saying that. The lesson which takes more time is.

Not like this. If your child goes to class one, what is the value? He just goes to class two and then gradually he goes to class ten and then he does it and does graduation. Then someone gets a degree, but since when did he prepare from class one, but his value is not there, just move forward, just take time, without taking time, till date no mother has been born in the world who has prepared a great person. And of all the people who are in the pages of history today, look at even one person. They did not become rich during the day and night. They did not get published in the pages of history during the day and night. The world did not know them during the day and night.

They had to struggle and 90 people only talked about this, I say that this is the stumbling block of this platform, I don't know tomorrow, I don't know how many comments are going to come on this video, today I am zero, but with the statement of 2025, don't vote once again, see the statement. I will give it to you, can you think and there is a video recording, I am saying that in the year 2025, there will be no 26, within 25, along with the monthly statement on One CR, I will be giving the complete proof on this platform, this is my promise. Friends, you can see at Rs. 1 Crore per month. Now say this, now people will also say, will this much amount.

Be coming from On Passive? But we have prepared ourselves at this level that where will On Passive be giving that money? How to use it, how big to make it, I know the art, you don't, that's your problem, money is yours, I have prepared myself, that's why I say 'thoke', every person can say 'thoke' a little, now people understand some people. I would think that one crore would be coming from on passive. It is not so in 25 years. So some people would like to know sir that one crore can also be earned from on passive. Money will not come because sir, the knowledge you have can be had by everyone. If not, then will definitely one crore be coming from only on passive but how much time will it take, they cannot say,.

Meaning you will get something in the beginning or you will get that much, now I would like to spell out a few things here, where you are. Let's do the job, right ji and you go and tell that boss that I will work for you all my life with full dedication and when my child grows up and becomes eligible for a job, he will work with you for the whole life with full dedication. When will you make a millionaire, he said, brother, if you do a job, you will get the salary and what else can a millionaire say? Do you have the power to ask him, when will you make a millionaire, or do you even have the power, does he have the power to trust you? He never does. The first thing you will say is that a person can only think about a job, he will.

Not even ask the question of becoming a millionaire, the first thing is that even if you do this with courage, it is okay, then the next one will say that he does not have the power to say that we can become millionaires ourselves. For you to sit down to make money, this is the difference between the giver and the taker and on passive, this is the benefit that will make you a millionaire, this is the belief, no one can stop it, because this is what S has said, people need this belief sir, it will definitely happen but Be patient, stay cool where ever you are, be absolutely tension free, your name has been written in the pages of history in golden letters, there is no one to lose here, only to win, so don't be afraid of defeat, just be passive. Only God.

Can stop and stop and no one has the power to stop the money. God would like it to change the lives of crores of people and no one has the power to think so big that it will be beneficial for the whole world. What S has thought for the Himti of the whole world. Has anyone been born till date who has created the power to think? Forget about giving, whether he was able to give or not, he was able to even generate the power to think. If you want to change, then think about it, everyone. They want to fill their own pockets by causing harm to the other brother or by killing him. Most of the people think that this is what is right, but A has said, he has thought, he has said and he has made such a big commitment and is still doing so. I had said that there was nothing then, today a lot is visible, there is still doubt, sir,.

Look now, you can see that the station is on passive, a year ago, when I started, there was a small office in USA. But it was only imagined and it is going on on such a large scale, something so big has happened in the whole of Dubai and now I am showing you one more thing, now you can see it, O media, you are seeing these people . It must have been imagined at that time that On Passive would reach such a big level. Sir, what were you imagining? I say it clearly that when the birth of On Passive started in 2018, at that time there were not even videos, there were audios only. There were only audios and what you are seeing now sir, what people are seeing on the screen is just meaning. No one had thought that something so big would happen but yes it would happen, it.

Was definitely imagined in a small way and today see the history has changed, the history of on-passive has been made. Sir, definitely be patient, your victory is certain, no one can stop it. If you can't stop then you sir are here to win and in real you all will be successful like as far as we can see the community of On Passive is the tag team of On Passive and S sir is the hero of real. You will come in this form for everyone and you will definitely change everyone's life. You all have seen that before coming on pace, after coming on passive, it will definitely be fulfilled. I will make a small request that many people have doubts before coming. Had I done this, I would have understood because I had told this thing in the last video too, but despite that, they are not able to understand even a little bit.

And they keep asking negative questions, so I would like to say for all of them that If you had not come with doubts earlier, it would have been understandable but now that you have come, you don't know why you are doubting, whether passive will work or not, our money is gone, gone in the water, you have been waiting for so many years, think before coming. Doubt was needed but when it came then you clear the doubt and remove it. We always say only one thing in my videos in the last that be positive, positive will always take you forward, keep good thinking, it will always be useful to you in life, so friends, today 's session. How did you like it? Please do let us know by commenting in the comment section and thank you so much for watching our video till now. Heartfelt greetings and if.

You have not subscribed to our channel till now, then please subscribe. Those who have subscribed. From our side, we thank him again so much and I would like to share this video to as many people as possible so that whenever Sobran Sir's session comes, many people are waiting to see when Sobran Sir's session comes. Please make them attend the session and soon you will get new videos with good thoughts, till then all of you take care of yourself, my heartfelt thanks to everyone, lots of greetings, Jai Hind Jai Na Passive

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3 thoughts on “onpassive से प्रति सेकंड पैसा आएगा. onpassive contemporary substitute at present. #onpassive_live_today #onpassive

  1. Buntiji, bear a hiya. It will probably also be a closer course of budge can bear to you pls replace mr Sobaranji with some varied individual with technical expertise, ideally from IT area. So that the personnel of founders would possibly perhaps well receive benefited. Mr Sobaranji's preachings are most irritating to founders. Mr Sobaran perchance comes from LML area that's why he starts speaking treasure a firm's paid mentor/trainer. He makes childish talks to your u-tube channel. Pls withhold his statements worthy to your diary. We are able to ask him after 365 days, when he would be incomes 1cr month-to-month.Here’s to your information, many original IT companies coming in India would work on the same pattern because the onpassive has planned to construct. Many original companies are giving payment/bonus precisely on onpassive pattern.Any plot we’re in it to compile some ingredient.Your total most animated.

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