Other folks camp out in a single day outside Supreme Court for Trump election case | NBC4 Washington


Other folks camp out in a single day outside Supreme Court for Trump election case | NBC4 Washington

Now people are gathered outside the Supreme Court oral arguments wrapping up in a historic case justices are reviewing a Colorado Supreme Court decision that found former president Trump engaged in Insurrection on January 6th 2021 therefore disqualifying him from the primary ballot let's take a listen to Trump's Attorneys at the start.

Of today's arguments Mr chief justice and may it please the court the Colorado Supreme Court held that President Donald J Trump is constitutionally disqualified from serving as president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment the Colorado Supreme Court's decision is wrong and should be reversed for numerous independent.

Reasons well now from inside the court to outside where people lined up early to get a chance to hear the case and to share their views news for's Joseph Almo continuing our coverage from outside the Supreme Court here where we can clearly see jph people continue to come down to to get us glimpse of this historic uh event.

Here yeah out of good morning to you all you have to do is drive past or walk past the Supreme Court and you can see something is happening out there inside those doors of our nation's highest court you know I would say honestly between members of the media Capitol Police and just folks out here who are seeing this historic moment you got.

Hundreds of people out here I want to show you guys some video that we recorded earlier this morning of the people who were out here well before the crack of dawn some of them for several days lining up to get their chance to go inside because remember oral arguments in the Supreme Court Court are open to anybody but they're only open on a first.

Come first serve basis so you got to Brave the Cod the elements if you want your chance to get inside and see this stuff in person we heard some people saying that they were waiting upwards of two days the second video that they see here Adam people getting these little orange tickets as essentially uh meaning that they do get the access into Supreme.

Court to be able to see these oral arguments happening in person versus hearing them uh on audio recordings just like what you just played a second ago all morning long we had the opportunity to catch up with people who were waiting in these lines and uh just see where they're coming from and why they're out here take a listen we live in AU Park so.

I'm from Seattle we drove about 8 hours yesterday I live on Capitol Hill and I've been here since Daybreak I'm from Philadelphia Tennessee it's certainly a uh a a historical day no matter what happens it's a historical day we got here at 9: last night and so about 10 hours so far what was it like sleeping outside not.

Comfortable but worth it for the history but worth it for the history we hope I see you got the pillow and the blanket here can you tell me how long you've been waiting outside since 7:04 p.m. last night yes last night wow I've never been to a supreme court hearing before I've waited out in line a few times for concerts but never like this this is a.

Different type of concert it is yes good one of the spectrums of belief that our society should not allow are people who try to end democracy which is what Trump did I think it would be unfair to the millions of people Nationwide who want to see Trump on the ballot if they just get their voice taken away we should be able to have different.

Opinions and share in um a society that allows for a wide spectrum of belief it's my daughter's first time at the Supreme Court been here a couple times and it's an awesome experience like seeing the government at work it's just really cool everybody should do it yeah that was a father daughter Duo who drove 8 hours they stay from.

Charleston South Carolina to be up here today the daughter goes to Virginia Tech in our own backyard I want to draw your attention now uh there is US capital police everywhere out here outside of the Supreme Court but uh I don't see any necessity uh right now for any law enforcement because uh everything seems really really calm all the people that.

We were talking to this morning as you saw there very calm conversations trying to make their point just waiting uh to uh to see History Adam certainly not uh as wild if you will as some of the other things we've covered in the past like when Ro v Wade was overturned back to you well we'll take the C scene for sure all right Joseph HMO live at the Supreme.

Court thank you Joseph appreciate it buddy

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