OVERNIGHT: US strikes help on Houthi internet sites in Yemen


OVERNIGHT: US strikes help on Houthi internet sites in Yemen

US forces striking about a dozen houthi sites in Yemen overnight after the Iran back terror group hit a second us carrier ship in the Red Sea Trey Yanks is live in Tel Aviv with more hi Trey Todd Carly good morning overnight the United States conducted a fourth round of strikes against iran-backed houthi rebels in Yemen more than a dozen.

Launching positions were hit with tomahawk missiles according to us Central Command now in a statement centcom Commander Eric Gilla saying quote the actions by the Iranian backed houthi terrorists continue to endanger International Mariners and disrupt the commercial shipping lanes in the southern Red Sea and adjacent waterways.

We will continue to take actions to protect the lives of innocent Mariners and we will always protect our people the same sentiment was echoed Yesterday by the Pentagon with press secretary Pat Ryder saying this we are going to continue to work with our partners in the region to prevent uh those attacks or deter those attacks uh in the future.

Uh and we're also going to continue to work very hard to prevent the Israel Hamas conflict from escalating into a broader re regional conflict the Iranians have responded to strikes against their proxy in Yemen saying quote the security of the Red Sea is tied to the developments in Gaza and everyone will suffer if Israel's crimes.

In Gaza do not stop all of the resistance fronts will will remain active now the question today does remain whether or not the Islamic Republic will get more directly involved in this escalating regional conflict Todd Carly Trey yank's live for us this morning in Tel Aviv Trey thank you let's bring in retired military Intel Officer.

Colonel Jonathan s Colonel you just heard defense press secretary Patrick Ryder there but Jonathan to use his own words whatever we are doing is not preventing or deterring a single thing it certainly hasn't until now uh Iranian proxies continue to Target US forces and continue to dest TR shipping in the Red Sea so the uh the message.

Clearly isn't getting to Iran who continues to press buttons aren't we just kicking the can down the road until we have to confront Iran in some meaningful way we certainly are I think the uh the administration is taking a pass of the path of least resistance in in in going after this uh they certainly do not want.

To direct confrontation with Iran but it's going to eventually evolve there because other allies in the region are going going to take those next steps Israel has already told uh Biden uh the president uh in in a report that fox had that uh that if you don't take care of the houti problem he will and he's already taken care of the hisbah problem.

And Hamas problem so it's just a matter of time before he reaches out and strikes irgc again and he has twice on December 25th and the 29th he's gone after irgc officials in Damascus Syria oh say colonel if you were in charge right now what would you do tactically and strategically to stop all this I think strategically the messaging.

Has to be direct it has to be to the irgc it has to be to the Ia saying if you continue this type of activity we will strike irgc targets and in the meantime you have to cut off the funding you have to restrict their ability to to to fund these organizations and that's just going to be through sanctions and and controlling their uh their revenues.

This is all part of a much larger foreign policy problem that President Biden has but President Biden put us in you say the president struggling to keep his head above water on foreign policy and just this week here's a look at some really damning headlines around the world the US claims seizure of Iranian bound weapons Iranian weapons Bound for.

Yemen's houthis North Korea is offering Russia weapons Taiwan reports first major Chinese military activity after their election Jonathan doesn't this all come back to Joe Biden's weakness on the foreign stage and an appeasement strategy that really hasn't done any good and has only emboldened all of our enemies he has certainly uh created a.

Permissive environment which has allowed this to occur and by simply deferring action he he's allowed it to to escalate on its own with with other countries and and everything you just mentioned is just the foreign aspect it doesn't include the domestic issues that we have along the border so no it's it's by By ignoring it or by or by paying a little.

Bit of attention to it and kicking a can down the road it's it's all just come to this point right now and it is overwhelming and the administration right now it has to tackle this and they don't have a national security strategy in place that addresses any of these issues okay I I understand heard what you say in your last answer when it came.

To how he should solve the Iran problem taking all these problems as a whole to me Jonathan it looks like the train has left the station in a really negative way and I don't think Biden can do anything at this point globally to solve all these problems what about you do you think it's too late for Joe Biden to do anything it's not too late because we.

Have allies that we can leverage okay uh in Ukraine we we have allies obviously within NATO that we can leverage and it's a matter of getting them the right weapons uh for them to continue the uh to continue their their fight for their independence and then uh and in the Middle East we we have uh we have Partners there too particularly.

Obviously with Israel but you know Saudi Arabia too we we've uh we have numerous Sunni Arab Partners in the area that can help us confront Iran and and and partners in in Southeast Asia too particularly with you know you know Australia Japan and South Korea so no it's a matter of leveraging Partners and working with partners and then working.

With Congress in order to get the funding through uh that allows us to uh to take on uh this task and Jonathan I look at this and say look if I'm an undecided voter at this point and none of the other issues that are out there right now are tipping the ballot for me one way or another this is the issue where I want a new coach in there.

Because we need a new strategy to your point somebody who can get the job done and undo all this damage Jonathan sweet we appreciate your time thank you sir as always I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley aart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling.


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3 thoughts on “OVERNIGHT: US strikes help on Houthi internet sites in Yemen

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