‘PETTY’ POLITICS: Biden fires succor over Mayorkas impeachment


'PETTY' POLITICS: Biden fires succor over Mayorkas impeachment

A Fox News Alert DHS secretary Alejandra maoris has been impeached over the Border crisis it is the first time a cabinet secretary has been impeached in 148 years now the ball moves over to the Senate where a trial will likely begin later this month to ultimately determine whether he should be removed from office Texas Congressman Lance Gooden voted to.

Impeach mycus and he joins us now Congressman good morning to you so Democrats control the Senate and it's very unlikely that they're going to vote to kick him out of office so what was the goal here well the goal here was to show the American people that Republicans are on the side of border security we are on the side of the.

American people and frankly we got to the point where we were seeing this executive Administration in this case DHS not enforcing laws that congress has passed and that's the purpose of the executive branch of government is to carry out congress's wishes and enforce the laws secretary Mor orcus was not doing that and impeachment is a final.

Tool a last ditch effort if you will to hold the administration accountable and unfortunately we've come to this point because our border is not secured secretary Marcus has ignored the will of the people he has not followed the laws he has in instructed his Department to not follow the laws that are already on the books and we've come to this point.

Where we are having to impeach an official for the first time in 150 years President Biden says quote history will not look kindly on House Republicans for their blatant Act of unconstitutional partisanship that has targeted an honorable public servant in order to play Petty political games your response to that Congressman well frankly I have.

Spoken with secretary Mor orcus I have seen him thumb his nose up at the Judiciary Committee of which I'm a member he is not interested in any accountability he has lied to the American people and frankly his performance in this Administration is the most disgraceful of all members of the cabinet I'm disappointed in this.

President for defending him I'm disappointed in him for lying to the American people for lying to Congress I think impeachment is in fact overdue I'm happy that we finally got our votes in line last night and that we have taken this next step and we've got to get to the point where we're securing our border and secretary mayorcas has.

Abdicated his duty to the American people and I think this is a very good move by Congress last night uh but Congressman are you concerned that if he uh does stay in office and uh the Senate doesn't vote to kick him out then the Biden Administration is going to do a Victory lap and say that he's exonerated how would you respond to that.

I don't believe that the Senate will take this seriously if you recall though uh after Nancy Pelosi LED all the Witch Hunt impeachments against president against President Trump she lectured the American people especially Republicans about how serious impeachment was and so I would expect Democrats to hold the seriousness of this impeachment that.

They did for prior impeachments that they pursued I don't suspect that will be the case I think the Biden Administration is so accustomed to lying to the American people they declare Victory every day they tell the American people what a great job they're doing they tell the American people that the bord secure the American people don't.

Believe that and I believe uh that history uh will be judged on this Administration in the form of an election rebuke come November meantime you are demanding transparency from the Biden Administration on this alleged fonnie Willis meeting basically you wrote a letter to the White House saying you have to come clean as to why a state.

Prosecution in a random count in Georgia needed to meet with the White House Council that's sort of the overarching demand in your letter what specific questions do you want answered Congressman well I'd like to know why the state prosecutor and the one I'm referring to is the gentleman who's had the inappropriate relationship with.

Someone who's paying his bills and that's Fanny Willis uh the prosecutor frankly let me correct myself that's the taxpayers of Fon County and and the federal taxpayers across this nation because they have received quite a bit of federal funds to that office there in Fon County Georgia U I'd like to know what kind of coordination the White.

House had with this prosecutor who then went to work for Fanny Willis who has continued overseeing this prosecution of Donald Trump I'd also like to know uh to what extent her office as a whole continues to work with the justice department because this comes down to the weaponization of government and election interference if the White House.

Is working with a prosecutor in Georgia a state prosecutor to prosecute a now opponent to this President uh in a presidential year that's the definition of election interference and that's what the American people are sick of that's what we have uh we've been accused of on the Republican side for many years and frankly it's disgraceful that we've.

Gotten to this point where this white house and Joe Biden are doing everything they can to stop president Trump from running and winning the white B case and it's one that took a turn that nobody anticipated and a lot of questions remain Congressman Gooden thank you so much for joining us I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley aart and.

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3 thoughts on “‘PETTY’ POLITICS: Biden fires succor over Mayorkas impeachment

  1. End the border. Vote Democrat. So long as Republicans advertising campaign on open borders, Democrats will proceed to desire elections real love this closing one. American voters desire now no longer easy border laws. They’re voting any one out of space of enterprise who would no longer give them that.

  2. Why havent the republicans impeached this crook up till now.? Who used to be the three moron republicans that acknowledged no the major time they tried to question this clown? I don’t believe the Republicans ether. The Democrats kick the republicans spherical . They haven’t got any guts. Republicans bark a lot but haven’t got any bite. Biden will also nonetheless be subsequent. Trump is getting one lawsuit after one more. The build are the Republicans ? Trump is getting killed with all these senseless court cases and a range of the republicans relax out and boom nothing. Ineffective , spineless human beings.

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