Phares: Israel can not give Hamas of enterprise to regroup


Phares: Israel can not give Hamas of enterprise to regroup

Let's bring in our panel now to discuss this we are pleased to bring in former under Secretary of Defense former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkey with us and W fars Trump 2016 foreign policy adviser and author of Iran and imperialist Republic and US policy welcome in gentlemen great to have you I mean I guess in alternate.

World a sane World secretary wilky how should President Biden be discussing this sensitive issue of a ceasefire which Netanyahu was surprised about um albeit I know you would say not holding an ice cream even the qataris were surprised by the announcement but let's look at the political landscape what is tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the Michigan primary the New York Times has already told this Administration that if you lose Michigan Trump wins the election I think that's all this is um the the Israelis can't stop now they've got four battalions of Hamas Fighters left those need to be destroyed and eliminated and and and as we as we speak Rockets continue to rign.

On Israel from Hezbollah uh and you noted earlier that the the the French are talking about sending troops to Ukraine um the French should be sending ships to the Red Sea to augment the US Great Britain Australia New Zealand's fight against houti Rebels that would show us if macron is actually serious about using his military that's right.

But instead as you mentioned secretary wiy mcon French president is talking about not ruling out sending European troops to fight uh we know that has obviously sparked a lot of anger the Kremlin saying Russia will go to war with NATO if troops are deployed to Ukraine so clearly some diplomacy 101 not being uh done here while Le pick up.

On that thread and also the ceasefire as to secretary wilkey's comments here that Israel needs to finish the job well the secretary is right on this and other points as well but let me start with Ukraine very quickly macron will not do it he is talking about it he has elections the opposition is growing the you know the national front that is very.

Very opposed to this matter will not let him do it and the and the French public will not accept it he's doing it basically to gain some points within the European Union with this Administration that's uh my my feeling on the Paris politics with regard to ceasefire again the secretary is right there is no way this is the operation which objective is.

To dismantle Hamas if you give Hamas 3 weeks 6 weeks and you cannot control what Hamas is going to do in these weeks and I know what they're going to do which is to rearm reposition retrain reorganize and open maybe other fronts remember what when Israel was in Gaza Iran opened the South Yemen front so everything could happen What could.

Change between now and the weekend which I don't think is going to happen is a sudden move by Hamas to release more hostages to actually put pressure pressure on the Israeli public to put pressure on the American public but even with that the Israelis have a strategic goal they're going to continue to the end in my perspective and Iranians have.

Strategic uh goals as well here if we could just shift back you mentioned the heesa situation in Lebanon but also we have houthis now targeting Global Communication System secretary Wilkey uh the yemeni groups knocked out underwater communication cables linking Europe to Asia that's a very big deal and it's a very aggressive move again buying a.

Range and proxy how should the US be responding to that again the Red Sea has been a point of contention well Bianca the the the administration should have responded forcefully the first time that this happened instead of pin prick uh responses that give the operational Tempo control uh to hoodi to the hoodies.

And also to Iran we have not seen a sustained response in the meantime right under the noses of the US Fleet the hoodies have have traveled across the Gulf of Aiden and established positions on the Horn of Africa which means they bracket the entire Red Sea this Administration is afraid of American Force it's afraid of decisive action in.

The meantime the world's second busiest shipping lanes continue to be threatened I'm sorry to leave us to 10 seconds but um Iran real quickly will lead if you could encapsulate your thoughts on this reducing near weapons grade stockpile defying expectations out of the Wall Street Journal today is there a glimmer of out there or is this just some 3D.

Chess it is tactics it is taka in Arabic they are hiding they are camouflaging and they will surprise us probably with some other weapon developed elsewhere that's my theory but we can come back and discuss it later

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