Piers Morgan’s Infant Reindeer ‘Right’ Martha Fiona Harvey Interview Reviewed


Piers Morgan's Infant Reindeer ‘Right’ Martha Fiona Harvey Interview Reviewed

Now have you watched baby reindeer if not what have you been doing everyone's watched it everyone and their dog has watched it the newspapers have been full with speculation as to who Martha might be who that sort of cynical and pretty creepy older man in the entertainment industry who was applying poor young Richard Gad with drugs and doing all.

Sorts of unspeakable things in a corporeal sense who was that guy well the identity of Martha now well and truly revealed as Martha herself appeared last night speaking to the one and only Piers Morgan on Piers Morgan uncensored run by uh talk no less um and a fascinating interview it was lots of views of that and joining me to discuss.

All of it is Hannah hope who Showbiz editor at the sun now Hannah where do we begin with all of this I mean were you astonished that she decided to come out of the woodwor Fiona I think her actual name is and sit down with Piers Morgan in response to all of the sort of allegations against her put over in dramatic form by Richard Gad I think.

That there was quite a lot of surprise in initially when peer announced this world exclusive interview bearing in mind that baby reinder has been number one in the UK and the US on Netflix and also Australia so she through internet sleuths has become famous uh online essentially because it's not that hard to identify who she is by sort of.

Looking at his Twitter interactions and certain news articles mentioned in the show so I really think that initially this was quite surprising and exciting but also it was a chance for her to have her say it was her right reply to this Netflix series that have been put out about her now a lot of people are saying that actually this is when you watch the.

Interview she's clearly not wide up in the same way as other human beings and some people saying that uh perhaps she's vulnerable and has mental health issues but one thing she said in last night's show was uh she's not necessarily the ones with the problem so let's have her listen to how she described Richard Gad how do you think they would view you.

I think they are going to to think what I think about Richard Gad he's completely off his head and I'm not worried about the current one cuz he's a lawyer and he do you currently have a boyfriend he's a lawyer yeah in London doesn't matter where he is you know rather no no I said but how.

Long have you five years five years you've been in a five year relationship so I don't so so what does he think I don't want to drag him in he thinks this is horrendous all of my lawyer friends do all of my professional friends do other people do um people are being really sympathetic H people I don't know are.

Saying things like are you getting hounded in the street you know people are being really really nice I mean there she is sort of laying out this all sort of wonderful legal eagle existence with all her loyal friends and her loyal boyfriend yet when we watch the program we get the impression that she rather lives in a.

Cloud Cuckoo Land when it comes to this existence that she claims to have but she was there saying that as well that Richard Gad himself is psychotic now certainly from watching baby reindeer you do get the impression that he is uh and I don't think actually he's tried to gloss this over frankly so credits to him in portraying himself ws and all but.

You do get the impression that he possibly did invite her attention and certainly had his own sort of strange ideas about relationships and fetishes and Fantasies yeah absolutely I think you've hit the nail on the head he's been quite open that his own mental health uh was going through somewhat of a journey during those years and that.

Unset period I think he was drinking a lot doing a lot of drugs we see drug taking in the show um so she's probably quite right in saying that he had psychotic Tendencies but certainly I think a lot of people have got to remember this is also a woman who has suspect mental health herself and we don't know if we believe everything.

She's saying Pi Morgan actually wrote quite an interesting thought piece on the interview in today's son where he said he's interviewed uh Mass murderers he's in he's been to the states interviewed like prisoners and he said he well she was very convincing very intelligent she came across as quite combative quite entertaining he didn't.

Believe everything she said including this a lot of people have questioned the line about whether she does have this boyfriend of five years who's a lawyer yeah you know it's interesting a recent study has come out an academic study saying the way you spot a female psychopath and scientists I think there's a far higher incidence of.

Psychopathy among women than previously thought is if they don't move around a lot while they speak so that pretty much rules me out ladies and gentlemen interesting I might be mad but I'm not Psychopathic uh now let's listen to another clip because because she's there denying that she sent barrages of emails and messages and tweets and Facebooks to.

Richard Gad let's have a listen here's the thing I don't know the truth you do and you've been emphatic in the number of denials you're making here that's right but many of those things that I've put to you can be proven you're talking about emails and an email Trail thing all that you know all of that you're obsessed with sorry I don't mean to be.

Hor I'm not obsessed with anything you you've gone on at length for a good 10 minutes about the emails well only because the emails because a vast number well there huge number and voice messages the voice messages he's kept apparently and it and there is he maybe taping me in the Holly arms I don't know if he's got any voicemails but if he has.

350 voice messages and it's you it doesn't mean the drama is true and but is it possible he's got 350 voice mess I doubt that very much I just don't think so you doubt it yeah I doubt it I mean un Ling I mean if you've never really contacted him if he's got he could been taping me in the Holy arms though but if he's got.

350 Co if he's are on his phone yeah it doesn't matter what whether they're on a phone tablet whatever they're on I've not contact but I'm curious why would there even be a possibility of him having that number of voice messages from you because he's crazy he wants to make this up I mean I've not phoned the guy I don't have his number you're not.

Sure that he hasn't got those I think he the only explanation for having a voicemail from me would be um taping me in the Holy arms that's the only place all you left messages on this phone that's the other explanation which just didn't happen but you can't be sure I mean what I think made the series so beguiling was we sort of SAR into the.

Bess of both characters yeah they were two absolutely fascinating characters something we've never seen on TV really before uh and in such a kind of in-depth way and I think what carried people on watching it and and kind of created this sort of binge where it was think seven or eight episodes and it was like really hard to stop watching is there was lots.

Of shocking acts things we'd never really seen before the stalking manner of it how they were kind of almost stalking each other at one point uh and then also the sexual assault I think was was really quite shocking as well um but certainly four million people have watched this interview between pi and the real life Martha from baby reindeer.

Fiona Harvey uh so certainly there is an appetite for the real story behind it yeah and I mean do you think it is a shame though that she's but she didn't ask to whatever she did in the past she didn't ask to be the center of this whole Whirlwind and she clearly is a woman with issues yeah absolutely I think she is a woman with um who seems.

Vulnerable somewhat and I think that Netflix and Richard Gad could have done more to protect her identity thank you ever so much for joining us Hannah hope Showbiz editor there of the sun it was a fascinating series and really if you haven't watched it I do recommend tuning in it does sort of show you the dark psyche of various troubled people and.

Also often we sort of find characters relatable don't we because they're all happy and nice and I'm this one in friends and I'm that one in Sex in the City uh it does sort of show a rather more gruesome element of The Human Condition

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3 thoughts on “Piers Morgan’s Infant Reindeer ‘Right’ Martha Fiona Harvey Interview Reviewed

  1. Right here’s a true memoir in accordance with her conviction; formulation she convicted on the court docket! The true request of is that why she uncovered herself while the show protected her identification? I savor love she needs to rep attention and money from this… it will not be a large deal that she is yearning for attention psychologically.

  2. Offer protection to her identification they didnt use her true title on netflix she chosen to come support out and gives a interview about it being lies and suing she showed her identification herself by doing this interview

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