Pittsburgh On the unique time Dwell Chat: March 1, 2024


Pittsburgh On the unique time Dwell Chat: March 1, 2024

get ready it's time for a well-deserved break Pittsburgh with Heather Abraham and David Highfield from the KD Ka TV studios it's Pittsburgh Today Live it's Friday everybody we made it to the end of the week it is Friday I was telling you I am at a really good point in my book so I feel so distracted I had.

To put it down to come work we're sorry we interrupted your book you did describe the moment and maybe you shouldn't describe it on TV but it sounds like an inopportune time to leave your book it really does I'm telling you and also today is National Day of unplugging so I was just doing my part you were unplugging you told me that.

After I've already been on my phone all morning so too late for me unplug pick up a good book all right here is a question uh that maybe we'll take you back back to like being a kid did you sleep with a stuffed animal as a child do you sleep with a stuffed animal as an adult I didn't really even know this was a thing yeah I well I didn't I don't.

Think I've ever talked to anybody about this well you know because we put a lot of attachment onto things we had a great conversation on talk Pittsburgh about this about how like it starts as in our childhood about putting attachment on physical things right we do that with stuffed animals a lot they become like our our safety and our comfort things.

Right exactly yeah so the New York Times had a column on this and the writer says she started sleeping with a stuffed polar bear from her childhood during the pandemic she say she brought it back she brought it back she says it helped her with her anxiety and then she wrote you know started talking to people she found out other people are doing the same.

Thing so then she cites this survey and I will say the survey to me is a little suspect cuz it was done by build-a bear so they might be a little bias however wait hold on as the kid say you have to say sus it was sus sus yeah I didn't know that all right thanks for keeping me cool or attempting anyhow so the survey was a.

Little sus but that sus survey found that 40% of adults say 40% of adults say they still sleep with a stuffed animal oh yeah so we're just curious about this and uh we don't we don't have stuffed animals now but we did want to share pictures of our stuffed animals when we were kids so which what was your this I found this in the house when I was.

Clearing out my dad's house this is Sydney like Sy like Sydney Australia and I used to get earaches when I was a kid and there were a couple times like on the weekends there was no this was before urgent care and all that kind of stuff popped up they would take me to the emergency room of the hospital in Katanning and I remember my dad went to.

The gift shop and he bought that and bought that little stuffed monkey and so yeah I found it in my nightstand drawer back at their house and now I have it cuz I wanted to keep oh absolutely yeah um so mine was I I don't know that I had a name for it but I had a little brown bear like stuffed animal bear so I found a similar picture to what it it looked.

Like and here's the craziest thing um I oh gosh shedding why was this Thro at me the Taxidermy is wearing off the fact that I caught this too wash your hands David right this is our little punk Satani Phil that sits over in the weather center and Patty decided to like send it over our way he's a stuffed little buddy for everybody in the.

Weather cuddle with this one though if you ever come here don't cuddle with that one so so our stuffed animal my stuffed animal had been packed away hello everybody and when I pulled it out it smelled like mildew I tried to wash it but I just had to get rid of it cuz it had you don't want to hold on to something cuz that like tarnishes your.

Memories too although you promised me that you were not going to pull a picture off the Internet you were going to do a drawing of your stuffed animal and I was like oh I can't wait to see you draw your stuff to animal I think that would have been great I told you the story I said I just recently got rid of it because it had mold and mildew on.

It and you said well what about if you draw it and I was like I can't draw it you were like you should draw a picture of it no you should and instead she I caught her finding that on the internet was like I think that's a much better depiction of what it looked like maybe but your picture would have been funny I think I like that all right speaking of.

Sleep a new study says I can't talk with this I know speaking of sleep news study says you can calm your heart and sleep better by listening to relaxing words while you sleep I'm so curious about this page six recorded on this yeah and uh they said that this was do I don't know but please haunting me all right all right it was a based on a study done.

In Switzerland and this is so these are like affirmations while sleep but what are they saying what do the affirmations say well I don't know positive words but you know like I I have you will get a good night's sleep tonight think stuff like that I think so because like I I for a while and I actually took it off my phone because it was costing me too.

Much money but I had oh do I have like fur from this oh this is disgusting okay all right going to get this out here all right um I had an app on my phone for a while that I ha in my eye that did do like meditation kind of things and it would say those and it would say soothing things so I assume it's something like that but they found that.

It lowered people's heart rates and they the the makers of the study but they did this in Switzerland they said that it is probably people are getting better sleep and deeper sleep when they listen to that now when they listen to neutral words there was no change so it couldn't just be like a what are neutral words like I don't.

Know listening to like a stock report or something you know okay something that has nothing to do with sleep like you need to sleep you just have the radio on or something as you're falling asleep like talk radio or something and I mean our brains are magical so I yeah I well I do think it's interesting it makes you think about like what we soak in.

Even when we're apparently asleep and then for it to affect the electricity and your heart like kind of amazing try it this weekend okay how are we going to do it how do we measure our heart rate where oh do you you don't have a watch no no I don't have that hey can we actually share one more thing uh yeah so there's something new in the Strip.

District and it's opening today so we have a PTL sneak peek and we want to show you around because this is really cool it is a new food Hall in the terminal complex that's you know the terminal building there that they redid which is amazing there's so much good stuff to find there but Novo Asian food Hall it's going to have a central bar.

And then there will be seven different uh little restaurants set up around that right which is also great each one has an Asian dining concept which I I this to me is like a dream come true I think it's perfect yeah so the bar is going to have like Japanese whiskies and all sorts of special drinks uh like all Asian oriented and what I like about.

This is they've done these food gys before I mean there was one on smallman Street back in the day uh and now Bakery Square on the north north side as well and it really can launch a young Chef it you know like it's the next step exactly to open a restaurant eventually their own restaurant to me it just reminds me so much of like a food court at a mall.

But there's a bar yes that's the difference I never remember a Mall food court having having a bar in the middle I know had they done that maybe more people would still go to the mall going and I think the food is probably a little more elevated too whenever you you look at one of these up and cominging chefs but yeah I get what you.

Mean yeah all right we want to answer your questions as many as we possibly can it's time for the Friday freefor all I was so curious if we got any true false from yesterday after we said that oh yeah I don't think we did get any true fals all right uh Janine says your favorite song from the past when it comes in the radio it makes you happy do.

You have a good song you know it's stuff from the 80s to be honest or 7s Rick Ashley is my go-to cuz it like gets me up never going to let you down never going to run around and desert you okay I'm going to quit singing Patty our floor director today she's like making a face do that D stop David hurting my ear uh I like early.

Mariah Carey stuff always makes me happy it's like a nice little throwback I'm sure I could think of four no that's good what was the song at like the video was in black and white and they were all on a car having fun I don't know so I'm like probably a little past that I'm more like uh the fantasy era you know butterfly era oh yeah yeah you remember.

Those yeah so I'm like in that that era of Mariah Carey okay gotcha love me some MC though all right Casey's asking what is your favorite scary movie oh The Conjuring was probably the scariest movie I've ever seen I wanted to see that because I know Patrick Wilson no but only because Patrick I actually know but I've told him before I'm too I'm a.

Scaredy cat I can't watch any of these movies that you make cuz they're all too scary so yeah that one I don't have a good one terrified me we tried to watch the second and we put it on and I said to Frankie I said I don't want to do this I'm backing out now I don't want to do this tonight it's good to know your limit you know that's good I was there.

Uh mity is asking what's Marvin been up to haven't seen a Marvin minute for a while so let's let's do it what mity let's have let's break into the Friday free-for-all for a Marvin minute yeah because I'll show you what he's been up to he's been watching a lot of TV that's what's been going down uh as soon as I get home like I feed him and then he.

Runs up to the TV and expects me to turn some of these videos on so this is him watching some sort of Little Critter eating watermelon but there were Birds coming down too he gets right up there like my mom used to say don't sit so close to the TV Marvin is like right there he doesn't care about his eyesight being 2020 no he's okay and occasionally.

And then I want to show you the next picture because Gary snapped this one morning and so this is Marvin watching himself on PTL oh my God during a Marvin minute so I don't know what he thought of that he probably was looking at that thinking oh that's a good-look cat um have you purchased a new TV yet no well because Marvin's been attacking it.

During these video sessions and I thought you know what why don't we just wait until it totally conks out I don't know all right Rhonda's asking thank you all for what you do oh this is sweet you're both AR ray of sunshine in the morning thank you Rhonda as the kids do all right we'll both do that they're going to stop doing these things though.

You well no now that we're doing it the kids are like they're going to like get on the social today and say Heather and David are doing it we got get rid of this got it out uh Caitlyn says Heather where do you recommend staying in Myrtle Beach so we stay I think it's considered North Myrtle where we are um we're not going this year cuz the house but but we.

Say our one of Frankie's friends has has a condo down there so we've rented from him before and it's so funny cuz I've told this before but as soon as we get there like the first year we went there was someone who came up and she goes you're on KDKA and I was like yes I am and they're from Pittsburgh and we became friends with these three families.

That all always vacation together from Pittsburgh so I have been to Merl Beach I think once and it it was amazing the number of pittsburghers it's like I mean holy cow there's like some sort of like what do they call it when you had a transfer like student from overseas come international student something like yeah it's like that like you know all of.

Pittsburgh has moved there that's so fun F Janine another Janine if you had a warning label what would it say Janine interesting question feisty went hungry oh okay I think mindman have something to do with lack of sleep like beware only four hours sleep don't you know pester I don't know I have no idea is this have you been on four hours of.

Sleep cuz I outed like 4 hours sleep last night that's two nights this week with 4 hours sleep so random words are said with lack of sleep know who knows what's going to come out of my mouth the words the words come they go the Sleep the stuff that's probably about how much sense I'm making right now all right an.

Is asking would you tell one of your co-workers that they look terrible in a party outfit absolutely not this seems very specific like has Anna seen me at a party outfit or something like are what are you trying to say Anna were we at a party together Anna Anna I would just say that I I don't know I try to be diplomatic like if somebody asks your.

Opinion if nobody asks your opinion then I don't think you should give your opinion even so if somebody asked me I think I'd say something like I think your hair looks really great tonight or you know you really did a great job putting that outfit together I think it would be hard to tell somebody flat out like that looks terrible on you what.

Were you thinking did you get dressed in the dark right just sometimes some okay I'm I'm going to quit talking now because I was about to get myself in trouble cuz the words and the lack of sleep of all right Paul is asking oh this is nice Paul Dave you're the best dressed guy in Pittsburgh where do you shop his closet yeah it's he built it up.

Over so long I just keep buying suits I've got an addiction to them and then I can't get rid of the other suits cuz I think someday I will fit back into that suit um and anyhow most of the time I do shop like Nordstrom and Hines Healey here in Pittsburgh but a lot of times I go shopping on vacation yeah like Gary's off doing something and I I'm un attend.

You go shopping I go shopping you know you really should get rid of the suits that don't fit you anymore really donate I use them as like encouragement no I just did this it was so freeing to say you know what I'm not going to be this any longer and that's okay like I'm not going to be 25 anymore either when I bought that so it's okay to like move.

Past I you know I probably need to make some space anyway for new suits for new suits thank you so much for asking all right next question Mona says will you have an audience at the home show oh we wish we could I know that was so much fun when we were able to do that and logistically it's just become too difficult to do that however I would.

Just say that we hope to have something in the future where we do have an audience I won't say anything more than that and maybe you should be watching the home show next Friday yeah because we might reveal more about it we're not real sure yet but if we say we trying to put it all together yeah we're trying to manifest.

It right now but Mona thank you for the question thank everybody for thank all of you for the question you're going to have to help me through this hour coming up

Sharing is caring!

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