Pittsburgh This day Live Chat: March 27, 2024


Pittsburgh This day Live Chat: March 27, 2024

Get ready it's time for a well-deserved break Pittsburgh with Heather Abraham and David Highfield from the KY Ka TV studios it's Pittsburgh Today Live hey everybody it is Wednesday what a day too I mean we're kind of coming off this high of yesterday we so excited yesterday to.

Launch our big ticket sale for our show for our spectacular wait spectacular uh and so tickets went on sale at 9:00 a.m. yesterday morning and we were kind of watching the progress through the hour as we were live on the air we were completely sold out by 1: p.m. but like 75% sold out in the middle of the show oh yeah in fact like by 9:18.

We were getting messages that you know people can't find tickets and so anyway the VIP tickets sold out with in the first few minutes that we were on the air yesterday morning so we just want to say thank you really I mean it it it really makes us proud that you want to be part of this and that the ticket sales went so fast and now we have to.

Put on really a spectacular well I said I said to Teddy our producer we can't back out of this now people have bought tickets oh my gosh kind of like a wedding real it's like a wedding you know like we've committed we're engaged committed it's going to happen yes we have everybody on the hook got to follow through with it now and we're looking.

Forward to it it's going to be a great night and you know we heard you all loud and clear we know some people aren't able to get out or maybe don't have the means to get out and so we really want to make sure that if you weren't able to get a ticket if you're not able to come and be part of this on the 26th of April we're actually going to have a.

Celebration too on May 10th which is our actual 20th anniversary yeah we're going to show you a portion or as much as we can of that night on TV so this is actually going to air five different times so uh the five different times that it will air is is Friday morning 10 May 10th at 9:00 a.m. on KDK a regular time.

Yeah regular time and then the rebroadcast at 1 p.m. uh on KDKA plus but also 9900 p.m. that day on KDKA plus and you can see too on Saturday May 11th we're also going to make sure to get it both on KDKA and on KDK plus so there are tons of opportunities for you to be able to catch this again if you're not there or even if you are there maybe you.

Want to catch yourself on TV right right isn't that so fun I I I am so excited about this I am you know I mean we've always talked about wouldn't it be fun if we had a studio audience more often I mean we've we've had a small audience on the Gateway Clipper cruises you know the home show we used to have a small audience this is a big audience it's a.

Big audience and so and and to be able to take this space and turn it into a PTL studio is going to be so much fun yeah we can't wait to do it all with you we're really looking forward to it so again thank you from the bottom of our hearts because you made us feel so special yesterday watching these absolutely yeah all right let's get to.

Our Whata thing Wednesday question so this came from a Tik Tok video that's gotten nearly 700,000 likes so take a look at the video from lovey Lee and listen to what she had to say just been informed by my mom that there are two ways people shower and we just realized that we both do the opposite thing so when I shower the shower head is behind.

Me so the water is like on my hair and down my back of course I'll turn around occasionally and like you know move around but she showers primarily facing shower head so the water like hits her in the face and down her body and she's shocked that I do the opposite and I'm shocked that she does the opposite I feel like the normal yeah so this.

Sparked a question that we thought we would use for our what you thing Wednesday question which way do you shower uh I have to say that this morning I paid extra close attention and I realize that there really is no way I think that this is primarily which way you face right because there's because you've got to like rotate a little bit.

Otherwise you're not going to get CLE clean everywhere right or rinse off everywh so I but I realize that I am away from the shower head away from the shower so my back is catching most of the water yeah see I I think I'm the opposite I I go in first I face the shower head and I'm like hey good morning shower I'm.

Kind of saying you got oh sure and then and then I turn around and I let it go down my back to help wake me up and then I think when the showering process happens I'm back the other way mostly it's an odd thing to think about somebody else showering I know this is a very personal question I my brain is very like I have a good imagination and.

So as you're just it's like I'm reading or listening to a book as you're and then he turned around all right we're getting let's read a few responses here though Haim said and I like this I rotate like a rotisserie chicken or a ballerina depending on my mood I also enjoy a nice sit on the floor with some meditation I do this I.

Will tell you um as a woman another big debate is how you shavee your legs because some women stand up some put their leg up some have something in the shower to rest their leg on and some sit down I am now at the stage where I don't trust myself to lean over I get lightheaded if I lean over to oh yeah right yeah look I understand I I now sit.

Down to shave my leg so I get a good sit in the shower sit in the shower yeah nothing wrong with that what do you what do you want to say Ron I I'm just okay you sit down do you have a like a a chair you just I sit on the shower floor oh okay it is it like a tub or is it like a shower it's a shower I just sit down I just have a good sit so just.

Everyone else's feet just right there and it's safe you know okay well then you could get up and you could wash the areas that might need rewashing Ron I I think you do make a good point I I think David and myself it's different when you a woman like you know we're not shaving our legs more areas yeah got it okay Sally says front first to get wet um.

Then back for the rest I'm really short so it hits me in the face no matter how I adjust the shower head totally get that yeah all right uh Kathy says actually I hate showers I prefer a nice bubble bath I love a good bath way to turn this around Kathy some people are grossed out by baths really well cuz you know you're technically sitting I guess.

What you yeah I love a good soak in the tub I just I don't normally do that but yeah so relaxing love it uh Patrick says I start by facing the shower head but then of course I turn around at some points how do you get clean if you just stay put totally agree yeah and then a number of people Bonnie says both Kathy says I face uh the shower head Angela.

Says combo I like this Kathy just says face and I I wondered like so she's just letting the water hit her face or but she faces the shower I'm glad you clarified that I think that's what Cathy means I was really wondering but you what and some people hate when it's hitting their face cuz you can't see and all that but I have a few moments where.

I need it to hit my face to wake me up children are like that they hate I don't know why water in their yeah they're like why I can't see it's burning my eyes all right let's take a look at the tally we just were handed this very officially on a napkin so uh 33% of you say you face the showerhead uhhuh and 27 say you turn.

Away 40% for both I I do think that when everybody does both yeah at some point at some point but I think it's primarily what you're doing right so anyways there you go there's the tally good conversation yeah it was interesting animated all right the future is happening right now in Virginia drones are delivering food to people's front.

Yards and we have video to show how it's done so door Dash partnering up with the drone company called Wing I have to tell you and we're seeing wendes because this is who they kind of partnered with um I it it really makes me think what is next and I and there's so much that we don't know I mean this kind of seems like an obvious like oh yeah this makes sense um.

Although I do wonder if the Frid get cold in the air well I mean maybe they insulate them a little bit it probably depends on how long it takes them to get to you uh certain items will not be drone they say you also have to be within Point 2.5 miles of the Wendy's and you have to have a a suitable drop spot they at an apartment building did.

You guys see that they also included the drink in there oh oh like it's a little contain it's like a little holster in the container you think it's like the wind and well if there there's a lid on it that's tightly a fixed and then what if the drink gets on the fries I me well they're testing you know they started in Australia now they're.

Doing it in Christiansburg Virginia which is near Rowan Oak and they hope to expand it to more cities soon like you you wonder so this starts with one fast food chain and one company and like a select amount of people based on the radius of 2.5 mil from the Wendy's or whatever it is right but what happens when everybody gets on this action and.

Then we have drones just do you know what I mean like what what is the I me at what point is there like a drone Patrol you know and then does this take a human being that's like flying the Drone watching it like oh I got to Heather's yard all right I'm I'm coming down coming down for landing or are they just doing it electronically.

You you have to be out there Manning the Drone right I don't know is it save any time I don't know I mean why not just like well I guess down again why not just drive it there I think it saves the person from leaving their house so you're taking somebody off the road you're not using gas maybe it's better for the environment I don't know but if.

The person who's Manning the Drone has to be within sight of the Drone then don't they have to drive a certain distance too for 2.5 miles I don't think so really okay I don't know I don't know we have questions the future is scary well no it could be very ex scared all right McDonald's is going to start selling Crispy Cream Donuts by end of.

2026 we still have to wait a while but you know it's exciting news you know what we got some good news this morning from the local McDonald's so uh this is a phased roll out so some areas will get them before others turns out our area is going to be among the first the McDonald's in this region so we'll get them before 2026 well presumably because.

Based on what they said there at least we're going to be part of the first of the roll out I believe they they want to have them Nationwide by 2026 I so vividly remember when the Crispy Cream opened in like the Wexford Cranberry area right sure the cranberry one yeah yeah the cranberry one I remember because they were giving away Donuts.

Yeah they want to get you hooked right away yeah I remember this and gosh are they good yeah there there was a line now the one I'm trying to think of there's it still a Crispy Cream Trinity point in Washington PA I think yes oh I'm being told yes is that from Dave Sly who knows he knows ice cream and donuts don't the.

Dairy Queens are and where the crispy creams are uh so there are three flavors that are going to be available the original the glazed donut uh and it just went away on the screen so uh and the chocolate iced with sprinkles and the chocolate iced with cream filled I don't know what a treat you know what I miss from McDonald's and I know I know.

They're not going to bring this back but let's see if you remember this like when I was a kid they had the hot cherry pies that like had the outside they were like fried and they like bubbled up and the inside had like it was hot like a meteorite hot like I don't know how people didn't like burn themselves well don't they still have their apple pies I.

Think they still have apple pies they just don't have cherries it's not and it's not made the same way Cherry pot it was crispy it was ah I don't know I mean like if does anyone remember that I remember going to see Star Wars and then going to the Regency Mall McDonald's afterwards and eaten cherry pies at like 10:00 at night what a day huh what a day.

For you all right thanks for letting me relive it yeah

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1 thought on “Pittsburgh This day Live Chat: March 27, 2024

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