PIX Now Evening Version 2-8-24


PIX Now Evening Version 2-8-24

Home of Super Bowl 58 between the 49ers and the Chiefs this is kpix CBS News Bay Area good evening I'm Devon fely these are tonight's Prime Time headlines the Department of Justice says no charges will be filed against President Biden despite finding that he retained and mishandled classified material when he was a private citizen the documents were.

Found in an office and a garage at Biden's Delaware home after his time as vice president a scathing special counsel report still included that charges were unwarranted even if they could be filed against a sitting president if you're not already in the habit of bringing reusable bags to the store you might want to start in case.

California bands plastic bags Al together a new bill was just introduced in in Sacramento would outlaw those thick plastic grocery bags that recently replac the thinner ones the San Diego Democrat who proposed it says despite the bags being reusable and recyclable most people aren't really doing either if the band passed it would take effect.

In 2026 a massive cleanup effort is underway in Southern California now that the rain has finally stopped the nonprofit direct relief is providing medical supplies in Santa Barbara Ventura and St Louis abiso and surrounding counties her top concern is helping people with chronic illnesses.

The Red Cross is also providing shelter food and emotional support and taking a live look outside now at San Francisco let's go ahead and get a check of our first alert forecast with chief meteorologist Paul H good Deon after wet conditions yesterday we returned to largely a mix of clouds and sunshine across the bay area today our.

Time-lapse view this afternoon looking to the east from Salesforce Tower over the Bay Bridge and towards Oakland shows that cloud cover becoming a little more plentiful as we headed through the afternoon the clouds eventually did yield a few showers but the last of those showers now fading off of First Alert dobler you can see towards the end.

Of the loop we're down to a couple of sprinkles in Far Southern San Mato County and we're going to be seeing dry weather taking over for the end of the work week week through the weekend and even into early next week now temperatures were chilly today let's take a look at where we topped out in the mid to Upper 50s 59° was the warm.

Spot in San Jose that's about where you're going to top out again tomorrow in fact temperatures for the entire Bay Area aren't going to be very much different tomorrow than they were today still running about 3 to six degrees below average for those daytime highs for Friday afternoon but a warm-up isn't store as we head into the weekend now it.

Is going to be a little bit chilly as we start the morning on Friday Also low temperatures are going to be 3 to 6 de below average that puts us into the 30s Inland with low 40s around the bay and along the coast we'll take a de closer look at that weekend forecast coming up in just a few minutes and turning to Hayward tonight.

Where the families of two women murdered decades ago are finally getting answers about what happened to them Jose Martinez reports that while the news is giving closure to one of the victim's Sons he says he wishes his brother had lived to hear it.

And this is it David Hicks has lived most of his life with a terrifying memory of the DAT his 60-year-old mother Nelly Hicks was killed in their Newark home a man comes into the house through the backsliding door about 1:00 and hits my mom over the head with a brick wrapped in a nylon stocking uh and.

Then he raped her over a chair arm and raped her one sick individual he says his brother who passed away during the holidays was the one who found their mother's body in CT Newark police I cannot express my gratitude enough for the police department and their.

Dedication to this case special because this Thursday Hayward the Newark police revealed that Fred faran has been linked to the crimes of his mother nly Hicks in 1972 and Theresa Pica in 1979 farum who was from Oregon died in a hospital in 2007 at the age of 73 and criminal records show he was a convicted of a series of sexual assaults.

In the Bay Area heward police chief Brian Matthews explained that DNA technology was key to get answers in these cases and when DNA testing technology became available Hayward investigators were unable to find a match late last year investigators received assistance and resources from our partners with the.

FBI genealogical DNA technology was used which allowed investigators to identify Fred Bernard faram although these are breakthrough comes after years of painstaking investigative work and while the suspect is no longer alive to face charges David says he's finally able to find en closure we were a family of six we are currently a family of.

Three and yes I am the baby of the family and I appreciate and thank all of you and all of the police department for your service and undying relent to catch these criminals or at least identify him and tonight at 11 this story is something that a barri Deputy says is a first for him in 20 years on the job let's go and bring in Sarah doni with.

The late news yeah this is one of those stories where the details were coming into The Newsroom and we were like what are you talking about so a small plane made a crash landing on a Half Moon Bay Beach earlier today it knows dived into the sand when our Chopper first Flew Over the scene we were a little confused because we didn't see the pilot it turns.

Out deput say the plane was stolen by a man from Florida we'll have more on that story tonight at 11 is it stolen in Florida no here oh yeah and you we I can't give you all the info I know I know but it was stolen here the guy was you good teases you come here you give me a little bit you hook me and then you leave the 49er faithful are flocking to.

Las Vegas to get a taste of all of the excitement but most of them don't actually have a ticket to the big game the lucky fans who did get a ticket well they're spending big bucks to watch in person Ticket Master is the NFL's official ticket platform and this afternoon the cheapest ticket that you could find the cheap seats we're going.

For $6,300 the most expensive ones are listed for up to 50 Grand now one big reason the prices are so high is so-called ticket hackers who use automated programs to scoop up tickets before fans before regular fans ever have a chance Jules there's a push for a solution to all of this Devin this is a.

Problem we're seeing a lot now especially with these big events but fans of Taylor Swift may be coming to the rescue reporter ashar keset explains those di hards are demanding a Crackdown on illegal bots in a packed Arena it's not just excitement Taylor Swift fans feel it's.

empowerment and in the nation's capital these swifties are lobbying for change I brought you some these are the Swifty friendship bracelets one friendship bracelet at a time of course here he's my new best friend can I give you a hug you're my my new best friend they want lawmakers to overhaul the ticket.

Industry well the ultimate goal is for the consumer to have a fair experience in live entertainment single mom Jennifer Kinder couldn't get a ticket to the AA tour so the personal injury lawyer turned her anger into action representing more than three 350 swifties in separate lawsuits against Ticket Master fans like Julie barus I.

Made 41 attempts to buy tickets documented because I got charged 41 times did you anticipate how much of a challenge no there I don't think there was any way to anticipate quite what a disaster it was honestly Ticket Masters accused of botching the pre-sale of tickets for Taylor Swift's upcoming AAS tour the day Taylor Swift tickets went.

Live Accord to Ticket Master 3 and2 billion requests crashed its system forcing the company to suspend sales ticket Master's parent company Live Nation blames Bots for the issue a year ago Senators grilled Ticket Master about the aist tore chaos banking services credit card processors payment processors healthc care companies you.

Know what they get bought attacks every single day by the thousands and they have figured it out but you guys haven't Ticket Master rarely gives interviews but they agreed to talk with us do you have a mechanism in place right now to track bot activity many um you know when it comes to to bot defenses Ticket Master invests more than the rest of the.

Industry combined a bot is software designed to perform automated tasks faster than people in this case buying up concert tickets forcing consumers to buy on resale platforms some erors Tour tickets sold for 70 times face value it's literally like having 100,000 people trying to buy tickets yeah exactly and you're doing it as one.

Person exactly data scientist Mitch Davis used to write bot software for a living not for tickets but to buy up sneaker inventory to resell at five times the price the goal with that was to uh take as much stock as possible and that's where you could drive up the price so you wereing the supply and demand absolutely absolutely yeah so how.

Quickly can Bots wipe out inventory oh seconds seconds Congress tried to stop these attacks in 2016 with the Bots act which outlawed reselling tickets purchased with automated software the Federal Trade Commission is responsible for enforcing the Bots act but in the eight years since it was passed the agency has only applied the law one time.

Senator Musha Blackburn from Tennessee says the FTC has let the Bots run wild and that without enforcement bot operators are acting with impunity the FTC wouldn't go on camera but sent us an email saying it remains committed to enforcing the Bots act did Ticket Master report the bot attacks during the ays tour to the FTC we've shared a lot of.

Information on that particular on sale um with many branches of government and what has the response been lots of conversations you know I can't really get into the the behind closed doors conversation on that other countries like Australia have tried a different solution capping the profit ticket resellers can make at 10% is that.

Something Ticket Master would support we operate in many countries that have similar laws and we are all for Universal industry Solutions key a key one would really be giving artists more control over how their tickets are resold so Ticket Master would support a federal law that puts a cap on how much you could resell a ticket for we would.

Support Federal legislation that evens the playing field on resale does there need to be a cap on how much you can upcharge or what percentage over face value you can sell to I think that's something that we could look at for the future I am very open to that idea with Taylor Swift's new album on the way these fans want change before the next.

Ticket sales and we're not going to give up I haven't given up I'm not giving up either Australia's 10% resale cap is showing results the government of New South Wales tells us it launched 14 investigations last year and has issued tens of thousands of dollars in fines but here in the US more than a dozen states have passed or are considering.

Laws that ban any limit on ticket resale profits fans who are able to snag a ticket for Sunday's game are in for some A-list musical performances post Malone Will Sing America the Beautiful Andre day will perform lift every voice and sing and it's country music legend Rea McIntyre singing the National Anthem halftime performance will be headlined.

By R&B star Usher the eight-time Grammy winner says this is three decades in the making you know this this is just really a testament of dedication um I I I don't have this moment by myself all of my fans that I bring with me each and every person that had anything to do with the music the creativity everybody is a part of this.

Celebratory moment Usher says his son has been giving him constant notes about what songs to perform and which ones to leave out so much for watching tonight the late news on kpix has your latest local stories that's tonight at 11: as always you can stream us on CBS News Baya good night.

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