Poland’s international minister on concerns the U.S. will abandon Ukraine, Europe


Poland's international minister on concerns the U.S. will abandon Ukraine, Europe

William: Along nato's eastern flank are several former soviet satellite states, each with long and bitter memories of Russian dominance. Those nations are among the strongest supporters of Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion, and of American.

Support for Europe more broadly. One nation loudly making that argument is Poland. Over the weekend, Nick schifrin sat down with Poland's foreign minister, radoslaw Sikorski. They talked at the Munich security conference, which highlighted Europe's anxieties.

About Putin's invasion and America's resolve. Nick: Thank you very much. Welcome back. As of now, the U.S. House of representatives has not approved vital military aid to Ukraine. Ukraine is rationing ammunition. What impact is the debate in the.

U.S. Having on American credibility? >> First of all, remember that Europe has contributed financially more to the effort than the U.S. Nick: In total. >> When you count Brussels and the member states.

This is Mo weapons to be manufactured in the united States. The Ukrainians have already destroyed half of president Putin's army without the involvement of a single American soldier. Lastly, it is much cheaper to.

Help Ukraine now then it will be if Putin conquers Ukraine and has to be deterred. We think this is good value for money and this package is important. We appeal to the house of representatives, to Mike Johnson personally.

Nick: The speaker of the house. >> To please let it go to a vote. Nick: Do believe it is damaging U.S. Credibility? >> If Ukraine, having been encouraged to resist, the president of the United States having put his standard on the.

Ground in Kyiv, the famous historic visit, then does not deliver on assistance that would send a message around the globe that you have to be careful because the United States, all important but rebuttable reasons, might not be able to come through for you.

Nick: You mean trusting the U.S. In the future? >> That would have important implications. Not only in eastern Europe but around the globe where there are other allies that feel exposed, bordering on more powerful countries.

Japan, Korea, Taiwan, others. Philippines, Australia even. So, the world is watching. This really is not only about Ukraine. Nick: Can Europe make up the shortfall for Ukraine if the U.S. Does not send military aid? >> We can make up financially,.

But there's literally not enough production capacity of shells and other equipment. We are 20 times bigger than Russia economically, but Russia has gone on to a war footing. It is producing ammo 24/7. We haven't. Without the United States, we.

Are behind the curve in making the stuff that Ukrainians need to defend itself. Nick: Many people have admitted that Ukraine could lose without these weapons but could Ukraine win with these weapons? That has to struggle to even match its own goals for the.

Counteroffensive last year. >> Ukraine has recovered 50% of the territory the pressure in — that the Russians occupied. Ukraine has cleared the Russian Navy from half of the black sea and now exporting grain, not thanks to Putin's permission, but despite his best efforts.

They just need the tool to do the job. They are doing work on our behalf. We just need to enable them because they cannot defend themselves with barehands. Nick: If Ukraine gets these weapons, could they negotiate.

The end of the war? >> Well, it will be the U.S. Responsibility for having brought that about. For having allowed Putin to abolish what we established after two bloody world wars, that you may not change borders by force.

It will get noticed by dictators and aggressors around the world. Yes, America will encourage to fight but when it comes to, when push comes to shove, you can get away with it. That would then be a very costly proposition. Nick:nick: I notice you don't.

Say no. Do you think Ukraine should negotiate if they don't have enough weapons? >> I have set it before. There's never a shortage of willing to trade other people's land for their own peace of mind.

Pass, this should be the Ukrainian judgment. They are being conquered, being expelled, their children are being stolen. Nick: I know you don't want to talk about U.S. Domestic politics but I want to ask about.

Comments by the former president where he question whether nato should defend countries that don't need the 2% threshold of gdp spending in terms of defense spending. Do you believe the damage has been done in some ways that the very questioning of article V,.

The idea that U.S. Would come to European defense no matter which European country was attacked inside of nato, do you think that has damaged article V? >> We heard the secretary-general of nato reporting to the security conference, that this year, 18.

Nato allies will be spending at least 2%. Poland, I think, is number one actually. Let's hope that the former president meant to energize us, accelerate the increase of the fence budget. We prefer to remember that under.

His administration, the U.S. Sent antitank weapons to Ukraine. Nick: Is 18 countries out of 31, presumably going to be 32, is that enough countries meeting the 2% threshold? >> Some countries are behind the curve.

Nick: The eastern flank. >> It is not by accident. The closer you are to Russia, the more you are spending on defense. Nick: In the past, Poland has resisted or worried about Europe making military plans, making defense plans outside of nato.

Are you reconsidering those worries that you had in the past? >> Very high-ranking Pentagon official told me that the U.S. Now supports European defense. They know that there may come circumstances in which, irrespective of whose president,.

You may be engaged in another part of the world and you want to have the freedom, the knowledge that the Europeans can at least to some extent fend for themselves, provide their own security. This means we need to develop some capabilities.

Nick: Outside of nato? >> This should be done in strategic harmony with the United States, and then I think it is actually helpful to the U.S. Nick: Thank you very much. >> Thanks. ♪♪.

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