Prince Albert’s Secret Payments Exposed by Ex-Accountant


Prince Albert’s Secret Payments Exposed by Ex-Accountant

The most glitzy Scandal prone jewel in the Mediterranean has always been Monaco however some of the most potentially harmful Revelations to date concern allegations that its Playboy Monarch Prince Albert maintained a separate bank account to pay his former mistress and the children he had with her out of wedlock as well as allegations of.

Extravagant spending by his wife Princess Charlene who also had her family paid for before being abruptly fired last year the former accountant spent more than 20 years at the center of the Monaco royal family and has now revealed devastatingly detailed Financial details excerpts from the five thick notebooks in which Claude Palo.

Maintained his notes have now appeared into French newspapers palo's notes state that Princess Charlene who is 20 years younger than the prince and spent for months in the hospital in 2021 to due to deep fatigue was regularly given an allowance of approximately pound 1.2 million a year yet she was still able to overspend it was reported in 2017 that.

She needed almost pound 500,000 to settle a significant overdraft two years later the princess accountant was so concerned about Princess Charlene's seeming Reckless spending Pace that he jotted down the following its crazy I have no say over how much money the princess spends Palo claimed that Charlene a former swimming champion who.

Was raised outside of Johannesburg by her mother a swimming coach and father a photocopier salesman spent about pound to million remodeling her office and remodeling a vacation home in Corsica in addition he stated that she stayed away from Albert at a different home she rented on the French island additionally palo's notes reveal that she made a.

Request for pound 60,000 one day in April 2 16 palmo documented another instance in 2020 wherein Albert made a one-time payment of pound 171,000 to Charlene in addition to 4,200 in cash in the meantime Charlene's family specifically her brother Shawn with whom she co-manages a charity was also reaping the benefits of husband.

Albert's astounding generosity with sha set to receive pound 786,000 in 2020 to to purchase a home these days he owns a coffee shop in Monaco Poo's notebook entries seem to indicate that Prince Albert's wealth has been depleted by his turbulent personal life born in 2005 Albert is the sole child of Prince reineer 3 and former Hollywood actress.

Grace Kelly he headed the Grimaldi Dynasty that ruled Monaco he has to recognized love children Jasmine born in 1993 and Alexander born in 2003 both of whom are by American real estate agent Tamora Roto and former air hostess Nicole coost Another purported Love Child wrote a message in September 2020 the 15-year-old who is currently being.

Reared in Brazil states in the hton statement that she was conceived in 2004 after a romantic trip around the globe the case was withdrawn before it was scheduled to go to court in Milan according to a prince representative it was a hoax lemand claims that even though Jasmine Grace Grimaldi 31 is not a member of the royal family she.

Receives P 73,000 every 3 months as Albert's love child with Roto Palo mentioned that she received pound 4,200 for her 18th birthday and a pound 2.6 million apartment in New York 7 years later he said said that Alexander 20 Albert's son with Coast had Ransom and kidnapping insurance which the palace was covering in 2005 the prince admitted.

To being Alexander's father according to lman this week Alexander's mother conv inced Albert to support her fashion company in 2015 which was led by a story in nightsbridge London it was on scheduled to cost €1 million a year according to palomero in 2015 another French newspaper Palo spoke with lib rashan said that the prince held an.

Account at the French Bank BNP for Albert galdi under the name AG according to the newspaper without Albert's wife's knowledge the account was used to pay his prior lovers and their kids in 2011 Prince Albert twed Charlene palmo however points out that Coast fears what Princess Charlene would do to her comfortable Financial Arrangements.

Following Prince Albert's passing which is why she arranged for their son Alexander to be the legal owner of a property in London nonetheless palo's notebooks contain some of the most potentially harmful remarks about Charlene's employees he points out that she hired nannies and other domestic workers who were either undocumented.

Immigrants or unlawful residents of Monaco Mr Palo forewarned Albert saying her Serene highness princess makes people work for her who are not compliant he also mentioned a Filipino woman who works as a moonlighter and ties up dogs in the shower he claimed that despite being on a one-month tourist visa another Filipino employee.

Had been illegal for 5 years in a letter dated January 2017 Mr Palo added he gets paid 100 a day P 85 which is off the scale prince jacqu and princess Gabriel Charlene's twins born in December 2014 were given to Nanny's right away who Palo alleges are also undocumented immigrants Palo wrote on January 15th of that year update on the hiring of.

Nannies we are completely illegal one of them entered using a fake passport so not only are they in an illegal situation he continued he rejected Charlene's request for further staff recruits in 2021 stating that she already had eight .5 people in her service there have never been so many Palo authorized the expenditure if money.

Was handed to Illegal migrants according to a statement released by the prince's attorneys to leand one of Albert's most Dependable lieutenants Paul Maro was fired last year and is now facing accusations of embezzlement which he disputes I never stole a dime he declared this is a complete denial I am not a thief or a corrupt person despite.

The prince family to whom I dedicated my life for to decades falsely accusing me of these things now Prince Albert made the following comment in a statement Mr palo's attacks against me the state of Monaco and its institutions demonstrate his true nature and the lack of respect he has for the family and the principality palaro resigned after to.

Years of allegations of corruption published by Les do du roacher a website akin to Wikileaks the website claimed that for personal benefit the prince's Close Associates had manipulated the astronomically High real estate market on the rock as the tiny tax Haven principality of Monaco is known Claude Palo Albert's former Chief of Staff.

Laurent on seli and his former attorney Theory lacost were among those listed on the website Didier linett a judge on The Monaco Supreme Court is among the others accused of fraud were once Clos personal friends of Albert everyone on the list angrily refutes the accusations leveled against them the rock files brought to light via the Internet certain.

Activities of people who were working with me Prince Albert said to La figer a last year as I've stated before collaboration is impossible when trust is lost

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