Prince Harry And Meghan ‘Snubbed’ By Venus Williams At ESPY Awards | Royal Roundup


Prince Harry And Meghan ‘Snubbed’ By Venus Williams At ESPY Awards | Royal Roundup

Let's get some Royal news now it's time for who's while W up and he hates me doing that good morning Rupert Bell good morning David I bet you've missed that haven't you oh like a hole in the head exactly now now let's talk about the king and queen because they've been in Jersey haven't they and this is the first royal visit to Jersey for a very.

Very long time about 10 10 years he's known as the Duke of Normandy when he goes to Jersey um historical reasons and he seemed to enjoy the visit although there was a bit of a security obviously uh maybe security protection off officers a bit on edge obviously since the events at the weekend involving Donald Trump but it in the end was Pro.

To be a false alarm uh the queen had just tucked into some Jersey ice cream when she was whisked away um but I think one of the overriding things to say they went to the state houses um the sort of official governing body in in the in Jersey it is a dependency and has been since the middle Medieval Times Middle Ages not the medieval the Middle Ages.

And uh so it was and the weather was pretty ordinary but the queen like and the King like things when they go slightly wrong and these some seven cows that they were presented and one got a little frisky so R what exactly did the cow do or can you not say on breakfast well well it proceeded to Mt the other car.

Which brought collapse of said Royal party but as the queen is a good country girl I'm sure it's something that she has uh seen pretty regularly happen in the fields at High Grove and her house as well well well absolutely and of course well the look on her face when she was eating the ice cream and then she was taken away and I think she.

Wanted to finish the ice cream but anyway they followed the mace didn't they which was a a gift from King Charles II to Jersey when the island gave him Sanctuary during the English Civil War but also there is another custom where they were meant to be given two dead Ducks but they didn't get given those did they they got two duck eggs um.

I think the queen got two mards last time she was there but they were dead um but I think they probably things have moved on so it's felt probably more appropriate in these times to give two duck eggs I I've never eaten a duck egg but I'm sure it's good yeah very nice and also so so these heers these are a gift aren't they to to the royal family.

Well the Jersey breed is a is a is a well obviously as we know that Jersey milk it's a a high class breed so they will go to hro where of course the the king is an Ardent farmer organic farmer and I'm sure they'll have some lovely cwell grass to be eating soon when they return and just hope one of them starts behaving a bit better in public next.

Time I think it's lovely to see the king and queen out and obviously they look in great spirits as well which is great now there's another story isn't there about Venus Williams and Prince Harry these are at the es so is this right the Royal fans are claiming that Venus Williams snub Prince Harry at the esps what what's that story well he got that award.

Uh the pat Tilman award which caused a bit of controversy feeling that he probably was he worthy of it and he Pat Tillman's mother CR criticized uh that Harry got the award although on the day it was a glittery glittering ceremony but what was interesting is it's quite easy when you take photographs there is a sideway glance of Venus Williams.

Brilliant tennis player Serena her sister was presenting the award and you've got a look that basically Frozen in Time if looks could kill and so basically the uh sort of the anti-h Harry and Megan brigades are latching onto it and well everyone else is standing up and Venus doesn't stand up and so that might be something that.

Indication that the relationship between Venus and Megan isn't all that strong of course Serena Williams was part of one of Megan's initial podcast that she did the archetype podcast which subsequently were cancelled by by Spotify um and that was one of the great shes because that could have been an absolutely fascinating insight into one of the.

Great Sports woman of all time Serena Williams transformed the sport of tennis but anyway she was presenting the award but it looks like her elder sister wasn't too enamored with sitting as close as that to Megan and Harry but I don't know whether she doesn't like Megan but clearly that picture doesn't present the relationship in a very good.

Light and what a shame archetypes was cancelled I'm I'm absolutely mortified by that as you know rert um also the king he's written to president Trump hasn't he yes well a lot of people have Kia starmer obviously has and on the back of that he's expressed his well apping nature of the crime and actually you know how shocked he was when he.

Heard about it we don't know the exact contents but it it shows that well we've just played a clip about JD Vance obviously suggesting this country maybe heading in a direction that we he doesn't think is is correct it's also quite interesting that both K starma and the king have been pretty quick out of the blocks to send their uh letters to.

President well what likely to be the next president of the United States if you believe the polls so both of them have been quick Off the Mark with letters expressing their concern and best wishes for him yeah this was a private letter from the King to president Trump after he survived that assassination uh attempt it was sent via.

The UK Embassy in Washington DC of course we don't know the contents of that let just very quickly I will say Kate looked marvelous didn't she at Wimbledon absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed it it was a great sporting weekend for the Wales is with George taking going with his dad to watch England losing.

Little mini me complete mini me uh I keep thinking the film Austin Powers but anyway should I really shouldn't but anyway um but he did look like well I know he's a big football fan um William he's president of the FAA he a force as him for passionately as does his son but the it was good to see the princess of whales back out on on Terra firm some.

She lik it was indeed I completely concur thank you very much indeed for your time

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3 thoughts on “Prince Harry And Meghan ‘Snubbed’ By Venus Williams At ESPY Awards | Royal Roundup

  1. Successfully done Venus for exposing them on the realm stage. 👏🏽 That completely puts a dampener on Serena’s dumb comments about being within the presence of true royalty!?! Critically? What royalty? What are Harry and Meghan paying Serena for the explanation that final time I checked she is extra well-liked than they’re and undoubtedly a lot extra a hit! ❤😂🎉

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