Proclamation of the Accession of King Charles III in Adelaide | 7NEWS


Proclamation of the Accession of King Charles III in Adelaide | 7NEWS

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Girls and boys. And welcome to South Australia's Parliament House. On the occasion of the Proclamation of the Accession of His Majesty the King Charles the third by the grace of God, King of Australia and his other realms.

And territories and head of the Commonwealth. I would like to extend a particular welcome to her excellency, the honorable Francis Adamson AC, Governor of Australia. The Honourable Peter Malinowskis, Premier of South Australia Doctor James Muki, AM, Lieutenant Governor of.

South Australia, the Honorable Chief Justice, Chris Caracas, Chief Justice of South Australia, members of the South Australian Cabinet, the Honourable Kaya Maher, the honorable Tom Koots and Tonis, the Honourable Stephen Mulligan, the Honourable Zoe.

Betterson, the Honourable Chris Picton, the Honourable Katrine Hilljard, the Honourable Nat Cook, the Honourable Claire Scriven, the Honourable Blair Boyer, the Honourable Jeff Brock, the Honourable Andrea Michaels, the Honourable Joe Sockach, the Honorable Nick.

Champion, the Honourable Amanda Rishworth, Federal Minister for Social Services, President of the Legislative Council, the Honourable Terry Stevens, and speaker of the House of Assembly, the Honorable Dan Creegan. The Honourable David Spears, leader of the.

Opposition, former Governors of South Australia, the Honourable Hugh Van Lei, and Rear Admiral, the Honorable Kevin Skearce. Former Premiers, the Honourable John Olsen, and the Honourable Reverend Doctor Lynn Arnold. Members of the Legislative Council and members of.

Parliament, the right honorable, the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Sandy Vershaw, fed members of Parliament, Judicial Representatives, Senior Defence Force Representatives, religious leaders, members of the Consulate Corps, local government representatives,.

Commissioners, government, and community leaders. Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys. We are here this afternoon to observe the proclamation of the accession of His Majesty, the King, Charles the third. To begin our ceremony, I'd like to welcome Uncle Major Sumner to.

Share a welcome to country. Before I start, I'd like to invite our ancestors here to be with us. My ancestors, your ancestors, wherever you come from, Invite the me to stand next to us. To be a part of this ceremony, to help us understand the ceremony.

Balcony and But I said I invited the ancestors from the Four Directions to come here and sit down in the land of the Ghana people. The land of my mother Today is a special day for all the Commonwealth countries.

Special day for Charles King of the UK, the king of all the countries disconnected to the United Kingdom. His mom the queen passed away to honor he spoke about the sadness in his arm. for losing his mother.

But I think over the years from a baby to what he is now. His mother taught him well. She made sure that he understood what he was growing up to be. And I think he will do a good job. It being the King Charles the third.

I just hope he visits our our land. Becky's mother did. And I'm sure he will. If you don't, then, we have to go and visit him. just to let them know who we are. His mother knew who we were. He talked about Elizabeth Part.

Of my life, I grew up in Elizabeth too. So, on behalf of my mother's people, the spirits of all of our people in the spirits of the queen. Her ancestors. in our spirit. Let me their guiding King Charles the third So what I'm going to do now is.

I'm going to do a smoking ceremony to ask all the ancestors to take away any negative energy. courage back in the winter. Smoke. is the most powerful tool we can use. People use it all over.

The world, whole cultures. To get rid of negative energy. use it for cleansing Use it for All ceremonies in churches. we've been using this ceremony for thousands of years. Using the same plant It grows down on the beach. drives all around Australia.

On behalf of my mother's people, the Ghana people. I welcome you and your ancestors here. But also we support King Charles the third. in all these years ahead and what he has to do. In behalf of his mother, the queen.

I thank them for allowing me to come here and do the ceremony on behalf of my people. Thank you everyone for coming and having a good have a good day. Thank you so much Uncle Moogie for that incredibly powerful welcome to country for your wonderful words and your.

Smoking ceremony. It is our great pleasure to have you here with us today. Ladies and gentlemen, on Friday, September nine, the people of South Australia woke to the news that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the second, had sadly passed away. For over 70 years, Her.

Majesty served the Commonwealth with an unfailing commitment and devotion to duty. Her Majesty serves South Australia dutifully with dignity and through significant eras of social change. The Queen visited South Australia seven times during her reign with her.

Final visit occurring in two thousand and two. Yesterday in London the accession council met at Saint James' Palace to officially proclaim the death of Queen Elizabeth the second and formally proclaim King Cha the third. At twelve noon today, Australian Eastern.

Standard Time, the Governor General of Australia at Parliament House, Canberra, announced the proclamation of the Accession of His Majesty, the King, Charles the third, by the grace of God, King of Australia, and other realms and territories. At this time,.

Flags around the country were returned to full mast, and will remain full mast for the remainder of today. Now we are gathered on the steps of our Parliament House to announce the Proclamation in the State of South Australia. And what a spectacular sight it is. This.

Ceremonial occasion is a tradition and was last held in this very spot 70 years ago in 1952. I would now like to invite South Australia's Premier the Honourable Peter to the Lectern to commence the formality to announce the proclamation.

Your excellency, Francis Adamson AC, the governor of South Australia. Mister David Spears, leader of the opposition. Parliament ary colleagues, state, and federal, particularly cabinet colleagues. Members of the judiciary and the diplomatic.

Core, representatives and leaders of faith communities throughout the state. Special guests, ladies and gentlemen. The building behind me on my right was completed in 1889. But before then The four North Terrace was paved Before Colonel Light surveyed Adelaide.

Before free settlers arrived in 1836 before Flinders navigated the coastline. The Ghana people for 60, 000 years. call this place home. You don't need to thank us for having me here today. We thank you for having us here today. This afternoon on the steps of.

Your Parliament I can affirm that her excellency the Honourable Francis Adams and AC has signed the proclamation of King Charles the third. Too often in this modern age of rapid news and instant gratification, we can become indifferent to history. As I.

Stand here Truly humbled by the size of this crowd. It strikes me that South Australians are not indifferent to the significance of this moment. Nor are they different to the unquestionably historic contribution of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. 70.

Years ago in this very place, when Queen Elizabeth herself was proclaimed the sovereign, she was a tender 25 years old. It's hard to imagine how difficult it would have been for such a young adult to mourn the loss of her father while simultaneously taking on one of.

The most significant roles in the history of civilization. Queen of the British Empire. Yet this queen with her undying sense of duty, dedication, and devotion to her people Sit about executing her global responsibilities with care, with dignity, and with.

Unwavering grace. Little did that 25 year old woman know that her reign would encompass one of the most substantial periods of change in human history. Not just the 15 British Prime Ministers or the 16 Australian Prime Ministers or the 15 South.

Australian Premiers. But the changes taking place in the wider Commonwealth and the world around her. The second Elizabeth in age took place in an era of constant floods. The rise and fall of communism, cultural revolution, the moon landing, economic booms, and.

Crashes of the eighties, nineties, and two thousands. The world wide web, growing climate change, the novel coronavirus, the generational movements of the boomers, the Gen Xs, the Ys, and the Zs. She was steadfast through 70 years of post-war conflicts. The.

Korean the Vietnam War, the Falkland War, the Gulf Wars, the Iraq wars, the war in Afghanistan, the invasion of Ukraine. She led her people through transformative, economic, cultural, political, and technological revolutions of the 20th century and the.

Beginning of the 21st century. Changes that would render the world of twenty twenty-two all but unrecognisable to the one that that noble young woman in 195-two. and through all of this the only constant apart from change itself was her. our sovereign. Resolute.

Steadfast, poised, a lifetime of distinguished service. But we also know that the only thing more enduring than her legacy is her commitment to the traditions of the Crown. Today represented through an orderly accession of her hair. A new.

King. King Charles the third. Just as was the case 70 years ago, we don't definitively know what the future holds for our world during the reign of our new monarch. So, as South Australians, we gather today to wish our new king well. As he embarks on his journey of.

Elevated service to the people of the Commonwealth. Of course no different to any long standing institution that has existed across generations. The record of the crown is imperfect. But regardless of your colour, creed, origin of birth, or.

Disposition towards monarchism. One must acknowledge the undeniable truth that the crown has facilitated unparalleled human progress. The crown today provides order and structure to ensure that the values it represents are materialised to the benefit of the daily lives.

Of all people. Values such as freedom, liberty, justice, and human dignity. The crown is so much more than anyone king or anyone queen. South Australians have caused have not only honoured that tradition but embraced the self-determination provided under the umbrella of.

The ground and then infused it with a spirit of progress unlike any others. Just over there. In the red brick boarded building is Old Parliament House Built in 1843. Harmon House is a the chamber. and a rather quaint little room. It's it's not.

Particularly grand. You might even say it's a a little underwhelming. But there's a humility to it. A humility that is rather profound given the extraordinary events that have taken place in that very room. In 1894 in that room a new law was passed. A law that would.

Give women the right to vote and run for of it. Aloha. That was a first floor anywhere in the world ever before. This was a momentous change in human civilization. A great leap forward that acted as an example that the rest of the world had no choice but to.

Follow. The rest of the world followed South Australia. They followed us So today, as we celebrate the crown and the Liberal democracy over which it resides, we recommit ourselves to the pursuit of progress for the betterment of all humankind.

Just as Her Majesty the Queen accepted her duty and the new king accepts his. We must also accept ours. The crown and our new sovereign, the king, our forwards each and every one of us the chance to set our own path. To chart our own course.

To determine our own destiny. This is our duty Our responsibility Our opportunity May we make the most of it. Not just for our benefit or the benefit of others. But for the betterment of those that may stand here another 70 years from now looking back and.

Reflecting on the progress we chose to make for the advancement of all humankind. God saved the king. Thank you Premier. Ladies and gentlemen, for those able, could I please ask that you stand as I invite her excellency, the honorable.

Francis Adamson AC, governor of South Australia to read the proclamation. Following the reading, please remain standing for God Save the King, which will be followed by the unfurling of the state flag, and the Australian National Anthem. Amen.

Whereas because of the death of our blessed and glorious Queen Elizabeth the second, the crown has solely and rightfully come to Prince Charles, Philip, Arthur George. We therefore, her excellency, the honorable Francis Jennifer Adamson, companion of the order of.

Australia, Governor Ian and Over the State of South Australia, and members of executive council. Do now proclaim Prince Charles Phillip Arthur George to be King Charles the third. By the grace of God, King of Australia, his other realms and territories,.

Head of the Commonwealth. And with hearty and humble affection, we promise him faith and obedience. May King Charles the third have long and happy years to reign over us. Given at Adelaide this eleventh day of September 2thousand 22. And in the first year of His.

Majesty's reign. Ladies and gentlemen, please be seated. Thank you to the band of the South Australia Police and military members of the Australian Defence Force for their involvement in today's ceremony. Ladies and gentlemen,.

I now invite her excellency, the honorable Francis Adamson AC, governor of South Australia to the lecture. Uncle Moogie, Matana, Bukinangu, Yalaka, Takarecha. I acknowledge the Ghana people as the traditional owners from the past today and.

Into the future Of the land on which we are gathering. And I my respects to the elders and to all Aboriginal people present. Thank you Uncle Mookie for your moving welcome to country. The honorable Peter Malinowskis MP Premier of South Australia. Doctor James Newquay.

Lieutenant Governor of South Australia. The Honorable Chris Caracas Chief Justice of South Australia. Honourable members of the Executive Council The Honourable Terry Stevens MLC. President of the legislative council. The Honourable Dan Kriegan MP, Speaker of the.

House of Assembly, the Honorable David Spears, MP, leader of the opposition, the honorable Doctor Nicola Chantefanti, MLC, leader of the opposition in the Legislative Council. Former governors, the Honorable Hugh Van Lay, and the Honorable Kevin Skearce. Former.

Premiers, the Honourable John Olsen, and the Honourable Reverend Doctor Lynn Arnold. Honourable Justices of the Supreme Court, members of the legislative council and the House of Assembly, the right honorable the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Miss Sandy Vershaw,.

And their worships, the mayors here present. Senators and members of the Parliament of Australia, Senior Australian Defence Force Officers, and the Commissioner of Police. Heads of religious communities in South Australia, representatives of the South.

Australian Consulate Corp, South Australia and visitors to our great state. Just as on the 8th of February 19 fifty-two, South Australia's twenty-third governor, Lieutenant General Sir Willoughby Nori, stood here on the steps of Parliament House and proclaimed the.

Accession of a young queen. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the second. So today, 70 years later, I stand as South Australia's thirty-sixth governor to proclaim her son as our king. As the Vice Regal representative in South Australia, it is a privilege to.

Do so. Albeit under the sad circumstances, which of necessity, herald the succession. The thoughts of all South Australians are with King Charles the third, and the royal family in their grief Her late Majesty had a deep and abiding affection for.

Australia. King Charles's love for our country and its citizens was founded in his teenage years when he attended Timbertop School in Victoria for two terms in 1966. There he embraced the rugged beauty of our landscape and the spirit of our people. South Australians.

Enthusiastically welcomed the then Prince of Wales to our state on six occasions. Our king knows us well just as our queen did. In marking his accession to the throne we acknowledge the bountiful legacy of her majesty, Queen Elizabeth, whose unwavering.

Service to the realms and the Commonwealth will continue through the service of her son. Words cannot adequately express the high esteem in which Her Majesty was held. The deep respect which her extraordinary life of service commanded. All the love she engendered. Her.

Messages of hope and sympathy inspired Australians in times of need. When we battled floods, bushfires and drought. Her messages of respect for our servicemen and women were from the heart Let us not forget that as well as monarch, the queen was also.

A devoted wife, a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Like many of us, she experienced both joy and sadness in these roles. But her enduring grace and dignity. Reminded us all of the importance of family and community. At Government House.

We have welcomed and will continue to do so during the period of mourning. People who come to honour this remarkable woman. South Australians and visitors from all walks of life want to wanting to express their grief in a tangible way. Young children with bright eyes.

Telling me we have a new king. People quietly conveying their thanks. For a light devoted to service. Rod and I were touched by a group of Ghana people including Uncle Moogie who came to perform a smoking ceremony as a way of conveying their respects to the.

Queen and in preparation for a new beginning. It was a powerful gesture of reconciliation. Her majesty was the only monarch most South Australians have ever known. And an enduring symbol of stability, strength, and hope. Their heartfelt messages, your.

Heartfelt messages, written in the condolence books, speak for all of us. Let me share a few. The Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second, was an incredible model of strength and dignity. She was the epitome of all that a leader should be. Her loss will be mourned by many. Sending.

Comfort to her family. and a constant person in my life. I feel like I lost a grandmother today. Thank you for everything you did for our country. Rest in peace, your majesty. Reunited with your beloved Phillip once more. Thank you for your lifetime of service.

For being an example of a strong, passionate woman. What a legacy you leave behind. God bless. All the best King Charles for your journey ahead. His Majesty, the King, will be loved by us, just like we loved you. As governor, I have sent a.

Letter to the king, conveying deepest condolences on behalf of all South Australians and wishing him well in the discharge of the heavy responsibilities which he now so willingly shoulders. Long live the king. Thank you your excellency.

Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the formalities for today's state ceremony for the proclamation of the accession of His Majesty the King. God saved the king. Thank you all so much for attending this historic occasion.

And once again may I ask that for those able to please stand for the departure of the governor of South Australia. Up and

Sharing is caring!

3 thoughts on “Proclamation of the Accession of King Charles III in Adelaide | 7NEWS

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! To South Australia in Adelaide and to the complete Commonwealth of Australia – for the proclamation of King Charles III ; King of Australia , King of the UK of Huge Britain and Northern Ireland, and its geographical regions and territories – and Head of the States of the Commonwealth of Nations. Binded forever by blood, flesh and bones – and the meaningful shade of the Commonwealth of Nations;potentially the most stable, the greatest organisation of countries after the United Nation Group.God Attach The King And Lengthy Live AustraliaThe Most Discovered, Most Appeased, Mellow and SoftNational Anthem of The UK.OraculumINSTITUTO EVANGELISTASchool of Thoughts Institute for the Reports of Human Thoughts and Coronary heart Behaviour in DivinityOn Advocacy for Australia”sCulture, Arts and Science4 January 2023, Wednesday

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