Putin tells the West: Russia is prepared for nuclear battle


Putin tells the West: Russia is prepared for nuclear battle

Fox News Alert let's focus on Russia President Vladimir Putin says Moscow ready for nuclear war if threatened Putin's latest warning to the West as some NATO Nations like France and Poland refuse to rule out sending troops to Ukraine Lucas Tomlinson joins us live from Washington hey Lucas good morning Steve anley and Brian this is the second.

Time since late last month that Putin has warned he's ready to use nukes if Russian sovereignty is threatened this time on the eve of his election which is all but assured of course that he will continue running the country for another 6 years he first rose to power 25 years ago when Bill Clinton was President in a new interview Putin said quote from a.

Military technical point of view we are of course ready there are enough specialists in the field of russian-american relations and in the field of strategic restraint therefore I don't think that here everything is rushing to nuclear confrontation but we are ready for this Putin added he doesn't think the world is headed toward.

Nuclear war the nuclear threats have ramped up after French president Emanuel macron recently refused to rule out sending troops to Ukraine as you guys mentioned house Democrats and some Centrist Republicans are looking at a way to force a vote on the Senate's 95 billion Aid package for Ukraine Israel and Taiwan using a discharge petition a.

Procedure that has not been used in Congress in nearly a decade the GOP has another bill that would reduce spending to 66 billion to focus on weapons for Ukraine as well as money to strengthen the southern border of the the United States now speaking of defense spending President Biden's new budget only increases defense spending by 1% which.

Is a cut when you factor in inflation this would be the fourth straight cut to defense under Biden and in case you guys are wondering the US military keeps tactical nukes in Europe in five countries Belgium Germany Italy Netherlands and turkey and Britain is prepared to bring American nukes back after removing them back in 2008 guys.

All right Lucas thank you very much live report from Washington DC meanwhile let's bring in Florida Republican Congressman Cory Mills who is on the Foreign Affairs and armed services committee he joins us right now Cory good morning to you good morning good morning so what do you make of Putin kind of out of nowhere warning.

The West that Russia is ready for war how much does it have to do with Ukraine or how much does it have to do with as Lucas just said uh this week he stands for reelection maybe this is for the domestic audience well I mean it's not the first time that Vladimir Putin has made comments regarding any type of a nuclear.

Readiness or even in the past where he said that he was prepared to use tactical uh small nuclear strikes within Ukraine this obviously came under a tremendous amount of scrutiny when it came by the International Community and that's why I think he was very cautious in his wording this time to say well of course we're ready well that's the case.

With all nuclear armed Nations uh but if you do remember that this individual has also violated treaties multiple times which is why president Trump removed us from the INF treaty to begin with so I think it's a little bit of a political rhetoric to allow himself to be uh reelected and tell the Russian people that I'm strong I am ready to fight and.

That we will not lose our sovereignty but I think it's also a bit of a warning too where he has actually tried to bring a peace talk before the ukrainians as well as for the International Community which he blames the US for trying to uh basically Stonewall and so uh I think that there is a a point of negotiation that can still be had I think that as he.

Said they're not rushing towards nuclear uh War but again as a nuclear nation of course he would be ready just as we are yeah Congressman another public warning from Putin just to discourage us Americans to get in from getting involved but the house Democrats and some of the Centrist Republicans want this Aid package it's $95 billion for.

Ukraine but many Republicans are saying it needs to include something language about our Southern border to protect our Southern border the US Central Intelligence Agency director William Burns he said earlier this week if the West didn't provide proper support for Ukraine keev would lose more territory to Russia which could embolden China.

What do you say about the funding well first off let me just go ahead and say that the CIA director are political appointees and we know this so he's going to Echo anything that the Democrat Party and the Biden Administration would like him to Echo I don't think that we should go ahead and ever lump our Southern border funding.

Into International Aid packages we must prioritize our Southern border first that's the greatest threat to American lives and to American Safety and American sovereignty I like what speaker Mike Johnson has said where he said we will not bring a single Ukrainian package to the Flor to vote on until our Southern border is closed that is the.

Right response and so I am not in favor of spending $95 billion knowing that we're at $34 trillion in debt and as uh it was stated earlier we've got a negative of 1% spending caps every single year under the Biden Administration we're actually declining under Biden uh Biden nomics to fund our own military to be prepared and ready.

And robust now we're the strongest volunteer armed forces in the world but that doesn't mean that we go ahead and cut our military spending or not secure our own Border in the efforts of securing others it's going to be interesting because uh Vladimir Putin if he gets to Ukraine you know he's not going to stop.

They attack a NATO Nation it's going to cost us a lot more even to deploy troops in those NATO countries which has already cost us more since they invaded Ukraine but I agree with you they should separate them both obviously they got themselves in trouble in the Senate because they didn't agree with the bipartisan deal on the border therefore.

The aid gets stopped and the Border deal gets stopped and the Democrats walk away with a talking point on that that they didn't deserve because they broke the Border they have no interest in going to the border and now they're saying that you guys are the ones standing in the way of the Border but we understand $200 million has been repurposed that should.

Help them out for the next few weeks and they're going to be sending attacks over there what have you heard about that well the attacks discussion has been happening for quite some time uh that was going to be a followup to the high Mar system that was approved uh right before I I came into Congress actually and it's kind of been slow.

Rolled you know it started out as the javelin then it became the high Mars then it became the attacks uh you're seeing where a Readiness and availability of longer range strike capabilities for defense is actually necessary and so I do see that but again we should not have been involved in this war the way that we were from the.

Beginning this is an EU matter that we should have been supporting in a different element and I do agree we should never be putting troops on the ground but I'm not so confident that they're going to attack a NATO Nation knowing that article 5 can get enacted I don't think Vladimir Putin is that suicidal on this I think he's a little.

More tactical all right and Congressman hats off to you uh because unbeknownst to the world until it was announced yesterday by Lisa mlan a congresswoman from the great state of Michigan you launched a Rescue Mission in Haiti I think we've got the sound bite let's go ahead and play it here she is yesterday this is the third time this.

Administration has abandoned Americans abroad Brad I coordinated with Congressman Cory Mills to rescue several Americans trapped in Porta Prince Congressman Mills actually participated in the rescue of those Americans abandoned by the Biden Administration and the state department so Congressman she asked you to get involved she's from.

Michigan eight of the 10 were from Michigan what did you do well look this is unfortunately a pattern of Abandonment by the Biden Administration that is existed since 2021 whenever he left Americans behind in Afghanistan you know I I always look at the fact that if the government's not going to be willing to do its job then.

America has to step up and do certain things that are required you know when I went into Afghanistan we conducted the first successful Overland rescue when Congressman Ronnie Jackson out of Texas 13 asked me to rescue a mother and three children left behind in October 7th we had the horrific incident obviously in Israel and by October 11th that.

Conducted the first rescue on ground for 32 Americans 4 to 45 the next day uh with a of 255 that I ended up rescuing out of uh Israel and this is no different he was leaving Americans behind this half Faith orphanage had asked the state department for support and help and they said we're preparing something for evacuation what they.

Didn't tell them is they were preparing their own evacuation they were evacuating non-essential State Department Personnel but not the Americans look at the look at the precedent that's being set and I just want to paint a picture here walls don't work until we have a state of the union then we put a wall up around the capital.

We are working on evacuations but we can't get to you but we can evacuate American you know uh non-essential Mission Personnel from the state department this is sending a direct message that the federal government only cares about government not about the American people this is the wrong thing to say and I can tell you I don't.

Subscribe to that if Americans are abroad and they're in trouble I'm going to come to their aid and if Biden's not willing to do his job I'll do it for them yeah well who's who's ever going to help out if uh we have to be bailed out be by private citizens uh how they getting away with it but they're going to write a $200 million check to Haiti.

Where that's going maybe to the Kenyon forces which is insane Congressman really quickly were these missionaries uh some were missionaries and somewhere philanthropist it was a total of uh 10 Americans uh we conducted a night operation uh departing out of a neighboring country uh by helicopter came in uh landed in a makeshift uh hlz.

Helicopter landing Zone and I believe that by the time we had coordinated everything throughout the night uh we were able to get on the ground for about a minute and 7 Seconds for a complete Hot Load with the helicopter running uh get them in and there was some video of that and then uh we were able to safely uh get them extracted and get out God.

Bless you thank you so much no kidding you saved them absolutely Cory last question who pays for this I did wow well you your what's your website if people would like to contact you uh well I'm I'm partnered up with an organization called Never Forgotten Foundation uh I had started before I ran for office was to help Americans and.

Help children abroad that are being exploited uh I have now obviously divested the minute that I was elected but they're still going on and doing great things under the found the uh one of the co-founders with me um but we're we're trying to do everything we can to try and rescue and keep Americans safe not just here at home but also abroad.

That's amazing the Episcopal Church is very involved in projects done in Haiti uh so many um evangelicals go down there to help with the orphanages thank you so much that's amazing job well done sir yes thank you I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley airheart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest.

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