Putin, Tucker Carlson interview total: Kremlin confirms | LiveNOW from FOX


Putin, Tucker Carlson interview total: Kremlin confirms | LiveNOW from FOX

Want to get to the latest on Russia and ultimately the conflicts that have to do with this Russia Ukraine war there's no better person to speak to in my opinion than speaking with Alex Gorbachev of the uh voice of America's Russian service and there was an interesting story that we're covering this week uh we do want to pull this up for you here Alex.

Because President Vladimir Putin granted an interview to us television host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday the Kremlin said it's going to be his first with an American journalist since before Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago a Kremlin spokesperson says that Putin agreed to the Carlson interview because the approach of the.

Former Fox News host deferred from the one-sided reporting of the Ukraine conflict by many Western news outlets that's according to Reuters uh for more on this uh you know I just want to first talk with you about this Alex because I'm curious about what you're going to be looking for in this interview it has not been released yet yet we don't know.

What they're going to be speaking about we have no context about that whatsoever but I'm curious to know what you're going to be looking out for well Carlson just announced uh that they G to release it tomorrow at 6 PM eastern time so we still have time uh to talk about it I would be curious if T if Carlson asked Putin tough questions did.

He ask him about atrocities committed by the Russian army in Ukraine like rapes mutilations killing of civilians did he ask him uh about Baris nimo's murder because the hotel where Carlson is staying uh where he recorded uh the video explaining why he came to Russia to interview Putin it's located just a few steps away from the place where.

Russian opposition politician was murdered so I'm wondering if he if they going to talk about such things uh so we'll see about that what is interesting from an analytical perspective in this interview Putin will be addressing American American conservatives because uh they agreed to this interview in the light of upcoming election in the United.

States and they want to address specifically audiences uh uh voters of Republican party and they want this interview to be discussed in America and in order to do that they it just I'm just p purely speculating but they may come out with something interesting like for example about uh American journalist Evan G kovich who is now uh being.

Imprisoned by Putin's regime in Russia because he was doing investigative reporting about the war in Ukraine and Putin doesn't want any uh investigative reporting about the war so if uh Carlson asks anything about kovich maybe they will uh bring up something interesting uh which I don't know I I don't want to say the word release but something about.

Uh him something like this or what kind of message in general Putin will send to American conservatives in the light of Elections because uh they may discuss some things which trigger Putin like for some reason like LGBT or gender neutral bathrooms or some other topics uh so that's interesting uh if we're going to see any of that and what Putin will be.

Uh sending to what message Putin will be sending to American voters we've been watching the American Media react to this this week so far but I got to ask you how has the Russian media been covering this visit by Tucker extensively uh like he's treated in Russia like a rockar I think when uh Michael Jackson came to Moscow in.

1991 after the Soviet Union collapse I think he received pretty much the same reception so before the interview out of curiosity I checked Russian state run agencies and they publish some story about Carlson uh like virtually every 10 minutes and those are stories like he just left the hotel from the back door he went to the restaurant this is what.

He bought in a grocery store this is what uh White House said about the human viewing Putin so some just some of this news are like normal some of this uh stories are just ridiculous so they cover every his his virtually his every uh step he he takes in Moscow and latest what I saw on telegram that he was seen.

In Sher mativa airport when we talk about uh Putin himself I'm curious what would you be curious to ask Putin at this point in the war uh you're let's put your journalist cap on for a bit here if you had this opportunity what would be the questions that you would ask Putin one-on-one you know Austin Uh Russian.

Media they even generated a list of questions uh journalists uh would like uh Carlson to ask Putin for example from Ukrainian journalist Dimitri Gardone uh he wants to ask Putin uh how does he sleep at night knowing that so so many ukrainians were murdered as a result of Russian invasion to Ukraine or Naval who is uh Russian opposition.

Leader being imprisoned in Russia he wanted to ask Putin uh why did he build uh such a corrupt system in Russia because corruption makes his ruling easier because it's easier to rule the country which is completely corrupt I would ask Putin personally about atrocities uh committed by the Russian army in Ukraine about presidential.

So-called election in Russia about journalists who were murdered uh in Russia like Anna pitov because unfortunately it's uh I me and my colleagues for Jour journalists we cannot really report from Russia all Russian independent journalists are exiled so the only way to speak with Vladimir Putin is when he grants.

Interviews uh to Western uh journalists how often does Putin do interviews with Western journalists this is a rare occasion it seems yeah you know I not too frequently so occasionally time to time uh I checked latest interview uh it was before the war in June 2021 I believe he spoke with NBC news so it's not uh like.

Uh every week or every month he just does it times to times when he wants wants to address the west or send uh some signals to the west and also he it's interesting because he doesn't talk with I don't don't recall last time when he besides press conferences when he talked one-on-one with uh Russian independent journalist for example or uh.

Journalist who works for enti Putin media outlet for him it's easier to speak with Western journalists because he can mock them he can uh make laugh of their accent emphasize some cultural differences foreign journalists are not aware of but it will be much harder for him to talk with someone who uh was suffering from his regime for the last.

Uh 20 years and who personally knows every step Putin took Uh oppressing Russian journalists and Russian society and and I'll I'll I'll go even a step further with the Western media question how often is it that he does a one-on-one with an American Media member um it's hard to do an exact count I recall his interview with Larry King I.

Think it was one of the first interviews uh I remember um uh a good American journalist uh TR Ruben back in I believe it was 1999 asked uh at the press conference uh who is Mr Putin and since then almost 20 almost 20 years left and now I think we know uh the answer uh to the question who Mr Putin is but he doesn't uh I think he is.

Particularly interested in uh speaking with American journalist right now uh due to a certain reason because of the upcoming presidential uh election uh in the United States and that's why he picked uh or granted uh American journalist the permission to interview him last thing I want to touch on before we go here what what are the biggest.

Leads that you're following on the Russia Ukraine war right now whether it be on the Battleground itself I also am curious if you think that there's perhaps any relevance of the timing of this interview coming out at the same time as when we are uh coming up on the anniversary of the war taking Place Alex anniversary of the War uh another.

Timing is Putin's election in March uh also presidential presidential election in America primaries so timing is uh that's that that's what that this is important timeline in this interview uh as we speak now and I believe even when uh Carlson interviewed Putin Russia was bombarding Ukraine they intensified bombarding every day today we report.

Ukrainian media report Russian media report on casualties uh a lot of civilians are murdered as a result of this War uh every day uh why they intensified the bombarding now I think it's related to few reasons one of them they want to be as disruptive as possible because there are division ints Congress uh right before the interview.

Uh Senators weren't uh weren't weren't able to reach the agreement regarding military aid to Ukraine there are divisions in Ukraine because zansi there are some tensions between zansi and commander and chief valer z uh and they clearly we can see resignation of Ukrainian General in a few days and.

Also um uh yeah so this is important uh th this is very important uh the timing is interesting for sure uh we do want to thank you and hopefully we will talk with you soon we'll be watching for the release of this interview and also of course for any major developments in the Ukraine Russia War as always uh Alex Gorbachev of uh.

The voice of America's Russian service we appreciate your time take care thank you for having me Austin

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3 thoughts on “Putin, Tucker Carlson interview total: Kremlin confirms | LiveNOW from FOX

  1. Tucker Carlson is the unusual-day equivalent of Rockwell of the pre-battle American Nazi social gathering. The equivalent those that allowed Jews fleeing the Holocaust to be sent wait on to Europe. The equivalent American Nazi social gathering who wished us to push apart a battle of conquest by a dictator in Europe. The equivalent those that conception if we did enter the battle we ought to nonetheless enter on the facet of Germany and Japan. Tucker and Trump both love dictators.

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