Qantas orders 12 fresh airbus planes designed for 20-hour flights


Qantas orders 12 fresh airbus planes designed for 20-hour flights

If you're like most people the thought of spending even a minute longer on a plane may seem unappealing at Qantas Airlines they're testing the limits of what's possible it was 2019 before the pandemic we joined a Qantas research flight with just a handful of passengers on a 19 plus hour flight to down under takeoff time 9 27 p.m out of New York 12.

27 P.M tomorrow in Sydney on board researchers monitored the four pilots who wore brain scan and light exposure meters what's your biggest concern just making sure that the pilots and the crew on board the aircraft are getting enough rest getting enough nutrition and doing all the right things that are going to maintain their health and well-being on.

Board such a long flight could they manage that I face every time I fly I just get really really groggy and lazy and I don't want to do anything the key reset our body clocks right away the plane was on Sydney time that meant lunch time a low-carb spicy meal with lights on bright to keep us awake.

Then exercise the Macarena at 2 am to keep the blood moving we are tricking our bodies at the moment because we're flying West we are delaying our sleep not easy 3 30 in the morning East Coast time which means I've now been awake for 22 hours and I really would love to go to sleep the pilots meanwhile rotated through sleep shifts in their private.

Quarters we need to extend the duty times of pilots from 20 hours to 22 hours maybe the 24 hours I'm not sure it's definitely longer so feeling a little more tired but we'll see how it goes finally we were allowed to sleep in total darkness blue screens discouraged when we awoke researchers tested passenger alertness I feel better.

Um but time will tell this afternoon then 19 hours and 16 minutes later but you'll get a magnificent view of the Opera House touchdown in Sydney fast forward to today and the University of Sydney's research results are in if you optimize the times when you are exposed to light when you eat when you exercise it will help synchronize the.

Body clocks and reduce jet black the food light and exercise did lead to better quality of sleep in Flight less severe jet lag and better cognitive performance two days after the flight so Qantas has ordered 12 new Airbus planes specially designed with fewer seats more room and that all-important Macarena exercise area in first class many hotel.

Suites it's a big bet to connect down under with up here project Sunrise which whole intent is to make Australia that big closer to the rest of the world that makes sense so Tom if you're on a shorter flight though and you want to avoid jet lag what steps can you take water water water I gotta tell you you know I fly to Europe often for family.

And for work uh and I've tried everything over the last many decades no carbonated drinks no alcohol I drink a lot of water I take a sleep aid melatonin or zequal or something like that when I first board that lets me sleep for about four to five hours or so wear comfortable clothes you guys know that you don't want to be wearing a suit.

I've made that mistake and tried to get up and move you don't want to have any blood clots if you sit too long then that can be a risk so the bottom line is this you know you don't go on board as if it's a party you want to try to keep cool and and hydrate um I love so much about that story but I especially love Tom watching you do the.

Macarena oh boy I mean you can't no that is one of those beautiful things let's hear Tom let's let's all do it together how's it going I forgot I remember I'm not sure I got it down but I know Chanel always knows she remembers if you take a nap and everybody's doing them hey Tom real quick do coach seats go.

Flat so you can sleep no they don't and so listen the new Qantas planes they're ordering will give you a lot more room and Coach than typical but it's still coach right and that's a long way to go so that's why they have the exercise area for you to get up and move and stretch and do the Macarena all right cool all right.

Tom's got moves my thing is I like to wear I wear compression socks and I've set my watch to wherever I'm going is that what you do got to follow that time and it works for you you seem to have energy when you land on these on these things you just kind of get going it's all about a mindset yeah hey thanks for watching don't miss the.

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3 thoughts on “Qantas orders 12 fresh airbus planes designed for 20-hour flights

  1. As an Aussie pilot that works in the US I’m going to never flit Qantas home every other time, they present a subpar product for a top rate. United out of the west lunge is valid, Hawaiian EXCELLENT but that requires going thru HNL. I flew Air NZ back as soon as they every so often were unbelievable but certain, thru Auckland. The fact that Aussie pilots are leaving QF to secure the E3 Visa gigs with ULCCs, LCCs and ACMI operators in the US should always silent portray you ample of the true regard for Joyce and QF neighborhood.

  2. So the transport minister bans Qatar from additional flights on the grounds of “ Local weather Alternate and increased flights”, but Qantas is procuring up mammoth on more planes? Liars. Globalist-serving deceivers.

  3. Three weeks or three years max per chance but American Airlines takes more time compared with zero darkish thirty but with seventy billion, avoiding travelling with Taliban too due to the rogue mercenaries attempted but marines more real but SAS thorough

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