Query Duration – May possibly possibly additionally 24, 2024


Query Duration – May possibly possibly additionally 24, 2024

oral questions K The Honorable member for halman norfor after nine years this liberal NDP government is just not worth the cost of homelessness and hunger that Canadians are facing even Canadians who own their own homes are worried that they will become homeless when they have to renew.

Their mortgages at much higher interest rates some payments will even triple according to a new report when will this government rein in their inflationary spending so more Canadians don't have to worry about homelessness The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker it's uh certainly well known that grocery price inflation.

Is a problem that all countries are facing around the world uh grocery price inflation in Canada there's some good news that just came in with a report that shows that food price inflation is in fact coming down in Canada it's at 1 Point .4% in April down from 1.9% from the month before that is certainly encouraging news for Canadians.

But it's not it's cold comfort for sure we're actually addressing the root causes of the issue by increasing competition in the marketplace and uh investing in a national school food program thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for halman norfor after 9 years grocery prices have actually gone up under this liberal NDP.

Government and now Canadians are facing hunger and homeless homelessness at unprecedented rates this liberal NDP prime minister is just not worth the cost of the mortgages outstanding as of February 2024 76% of them will be up for renewal in 2026 when will this liberal NDP prime minister stop his inflationary spending.

So Canadians can afford food and shelter once again The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker let's note first of all that this is the same member who called for Canada to exit the United Nations this is the same member who sat down with other members of her caucus with farri European politicians but to.

The substance of the question she talks about homelessness she ought to read the most recent report of the Parliamentary budget officer that makes clear that no less than 50,000 Canadians have been supported by this government's National Housing strategy and specifically the reaching home program that they would.

Cut because they have an austerity agenda that they are ideologically committed to Mr Speaker The Honorable member for halman no for Mr Speaker the Liberals love to De deflect away from Canadian suffering the facts are after nine years of this liberal NDP government they are still not worth the cost of homelessness and hunger that.

Canadians are feeling according to the Parliamentary budget officer chronic homelessness is up 38% across Canada nearly 80% of all homeless people say they just can't afford a home to live in when will this NDP liberal government cap their inflationary spending and build the homes that Canadians need to live in dignity yeah The Honorable.

Parliamentary secretary to the minister of environment thank you very much Mr Speaker and again ironic coming from a member who would would has been advocating and has actually written a petition to This House of Commons for Canada to leave the United Nations all together we see yet again more disinformation from the conservative.

Members on climate change and affordability two issues that they either don't understand or simply don't care about if they did care they would acknowledge that Canada is reducing our pollution and inflation is coming down but the leader of the opposition wants to scrap it all he doesn't want Canadians to receive their Canada carbon.

Rebate on July 15th he just wants to make sure his Rich oil and gas friends can pollute even more and get even richer Mr Speaker The Honorable member for Lis Mr Speaker after 9 years of this prime minister more and more Co recers are hungry I was in abtb last week and at the Ron NOA food.

Bank there's a very worrisome situation 54% of the people who go there have a job we're talking about people who work who have a paycheck who have money but don't have enough of it to buy food that's Canada after 9 years of this liberal government with the block blindly voting for 500 billion in inflationary spending is the government.

Aware of this waste The Honorable Minister my co colleague across the way seems unaware of what we've lived through the past few years we've been there for people although they want to cut everywhere we are here for food security we have a school food program in partnership with programs we also have the Canada child benefit remember.

When they were in power they gave everyone the check but we have lifted uh many children out of poverty The Honorable member for l s things are working so well what look what happens in my writing of lorville area it's an unusual situation something I thought I'd never see in my lifetime on a website someone wrote I was.

Wondering if someone could trade me two or three homecooked meals for some work I can fix just about anything Mr Speaker we're talking about a man asking for food that's what's happening after nine years of this government is the government is aware that when they rack up compulsive de deficits we're left with this situation.

The Honorable minister of national Revenue Mr Speaker true people are having a hard time also in my writing I visit people and across the province in the country as well we meet with people at food banks and with our partners we went through a pandemic and abnormal infl inflation but inflation is coming down and because we are making.

The right decisions and focusing our investment and help on people who have the most need the greatest need theable member from an again Mr Speaker the Liberals showed up yesterday to save the chair of the Fran ofon Association and do you know what he said Mr Speaker can I start again thank you the liberal Cavalry marched in.

Yesterday to save the chair of the Canadian frankon assembly don't remember from Med again Mr Speaker the liberal Cavalry showed up yesterday to save the president this is obstruction I'll try a third time they member for Manu.

Again Mr Speaker the liberal Cavalry showed up yesterday to save the president of the Parliamentary frankophone assembly and they needed interpreters at the Frank french- speaking Association because many of these members didn't speak French the result the chair remains in place even though he made.

Very vexing comments is this government serious do they really think that the credibility of this Association has increased do they seriously think that this episode has served the French speaking Community here and elsewhere The Honorable government house leader Mr Speaker uh this criticism of the representative of the Canadian.

Frankophone does them a great dishonor and people oh realize that when the time comes to decide whether or not we're going to support people who stand up for Canadian frankophones the Blanc is mysteriously absent from these debates we are proud of our colleague his president of this assembly and shows this is to his honor and we.

Want to support him more Mr Speaker when the block defends all frankophones against violence insults I think we're doing our work for all frankophones a few articles this morning there was a a confidence vote s saved by this liberal.

Cavalry also the president of the APF that's the result of this liberal oper operation they also insulted Witnesses no problem because in liberals liberals defend each other but they don't defend the French speaking community and something they did do was weaken an a parliamentary Association The Honorable lead government house.

Leader what weakens this assembly it's not having more members it's that the block is criticizing a member that has apologized on several occasions for what he said and continues to defend frankophones across Canada and continues to honor us as the chair of This Global.

Organization which is welcoming to re ready to receive people shortly and we are all going to be behind the president of the APS in the ex in the in his functions TT is life and access to Safe Drinking Water is a human right but a n only eight out of 25 Water treatment facilities passed their health and safety tests the result is a very real.

Possibility of unsafe drinking water for the people of nunit liberals have neglected to provide healthy drinking water for indigenous communities will the Liberals act urgently to provide the funding that ensures nunit communities have clean Safe Drinking Water Now enic The Honorable parliamentary secretary uh thank you Mr Speaker and we.

Know that it's unacceptable to have any communities without access to clean drinking water in this country uh we've worked really hard the first time in in our government's history actually to put forward record Investments around this right now there are existing 28 long-term drinking water advisories and we have a project underway for every.

Single one of them we've already lifted 144 long-term drinking water advisories since 2015 96% of for stations still have uh access to their clean water and we're going to make sure that it stays that way particularly the further north there's ongoing challenges that are specific to their region we're going to make sure to work with them for an.

Indigenous Le Inuit Le uh solution to this problem thank you The Honorable member for coin malah hat Langford more than 9,000 border workers have voted for a strike mandate the Liberals keep asking more and more of these workers like cracking down on stolen cars being smuggled out of Canada but won't give them the resources they need our cbsa.

Workers deserve better they deserve a pension better working conditions and respect Canadians depend on these workers to keep us safe but the Liberals are turning their backs on them will the Liberals admit that by failing to provide a fair retirement to these workers they're setting the stage for Unnecessary disruptions this.

Summer The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker our government is definitely committed to reaching agreements with all of our different Public Service unions that are both fair to the employees and reasonable to taxpayers we've already reached agreements with 17 different bargaining units that cover over 80% of.

Representativ employees the best deals are found at the table we urge the union to come to the table we are happy to negotiate with them good job The Honorable member for Calgary Center Mr Speaker the superintendent of financial institutions released his annual risk Outlook yesterday it's now a warning from their own regulator for this.

Liberal NDP government to heed Canadian homeowners who renew their mortgages over the next two years could face a payment shock a payment shock the root cause of this Spike payments is this government's loose spending policies large deficits have driven inflation which have increased mortgage costs with all these warnings will the Minister of.

Finance take a lesson and reverse her inflationary spending policies The Honorable Parliament secretary to the Minister of Housing thank you Mr Speaker recently uh let's take note the Parliamentary budget officer just this week described cada's fiscal position as topof class and so did the international monetary fund when.

Describing Canada's growth in 2025 we're also I remind the conservatives rated number one in the world with the triaa credit rating which has been reaffirmed by Independent Credit Agencies and when it comes to combating inflation the governor of the Bank of Canada says we're on the right track so let me ask the conservatives.

This does a conservative leader intend to fire all the independent experts in the world to disagree with his doomsday narrative The Honorable member for Calgary Center Mr Speaker that's avoiding every touch point he doesn't want to pay attention to including from his own regulator let's look at the followon risks that oy identified stress.

In the mortgage insurance industry Investment Portfolio risk Asset Management Risk insurance risk all Rising this house of cards does not end well it's obvious to the regulator and to all Canadians that after 9 years of failed economic policies this government is just not worth the cost can we see a redo on last month's disaster budget.

That will bring back the fiscal balance Canadians desperately need the honorable parli SECU Min housing infrastructure at any point in time a democracy is bound to face risk particularly in a difficult economic environment that we Face domestically and internationally Mr Speaker but what I would say to the member to Echo my.

Colleague who just spoke on this side a AAA credit rating affirmed recently by Moody who said that we have the best fiscal record in the G7 the lowest debt and deficit in the G7 those are Foundation points Mr Speaker that will carry us through difficult times and it is it is a hard time for Canadians he talks about those Canadians who want to.

Renew their mortgage where were they over the years we wanted to support them they were never there The Honorable member for charleswood St James of caboa Hingle in 2020 the prime minister's own bank Governor said interest rates are very low and they're going to be low for a long time this week osie reported that mortgage holders will face a payment.

Shock because of high interest rates they said the shock will be the worst for those who took low mortgage rates in 2020 words matter after nine years of this NDP liberal prime minister misleading Canadians will he finally admit he's not worth the cost to homeowners he honorable parliamentary secretary to the ministry of innovation.

Mr Speaker it was great to have the um uh dependent governor of the Bank of Canada attend finance committee recently and let me quote him in saying he when he was at committee he said and I quote the budget does respect the fiscal guard rails that the government put in place and that keeping the net debt to GDP ratio on a declining track and.

Importantly keeping deficits below 1% of GDP in future years the budget also commits to those guard rails going forward and that is helpful that's exactly the words of the Independent Bank of Canada Governor I wonder if this is why the conservative leader wants to fire the independent The Honorable member for charleswood St James and C.

Booa hingley also in 2020 the Prime Minister said interest rates are at historic lows Glenn millions of people took out low interest interest mortgages Tuesday his own bank Regulators reported that homeowners renewing mortgages will now face a payment shock because of high mortgage rates they got in 2020 increasing the risk of default after.

Nine years of this NDP liberal prime minister misleading Canadians will he finally admit he is not worth a cost to people who are losing their homes The Honorable government house leader Mr Speaker Canada is proud of having one of the most stable and flexible financial institutions uh and financial markets in the world it is.

Also true that Canada's fiscal position is a particularly strong one what would put that all at risk Mr Speaker the Banana Republic promise of the leader of the opposition to uh fire the governor of the Bank of Canada sending shock waves to Global markets and exposing homeowners mortgage holders to intense interest rate.

Risk The Honorable member for Calgary Shephard after 9 years of this NDP liberal prime minister more Canadians now going hungry and homeless and the latest annual risk Outlook from osie highlights that 76% of mortgages will come up for Renewal by the end of 2026 now the prime minister's High mortgage rates are creating misery for Canadian.

Homeowners again the liberal government's own bank Regulators flashing red stop signs the Bank of Canada Governor has said that out of control federal spending is not helpful how much more mortgage payment pain will Canadian families have to faced and endure to satisfy this NDP liberal government's big government.

Spending The Honorable government house leader that me member should know better than to stand up and talk about financial markets when his own leader is the person that has promised to send Tremors into the International Financial system by taking over like some some dictator the uh operations of the Bank of Canada and arbitrarily firing the.

Governor the governor who uh of course is watching inflation very carefully and I know he will have noticed that inflation for the four straight month is down to the bank of Canada's target range and we want to continue getting that inflation number down theable member for Calgary shepher well that overheated and over-the-top.

Rhetoric is cold comfort to homeowners who are facing hundreds of dollars per month of increased mortgage costs because of their decisions during the pandemic they doubled the national debt they increased spending by $600 billion over that time period that led to higher Mor interest cost at the same time when the Prime Minister was saying that.

Interest rates would never go up they are so low they could continue and mortgage holders listen to him they took out more mortgages and now they're facing higher mortgage rates so punishing to have a hard time paying for it so my question to him is when is the NDP liberal prime minister going to learn his lesson and is he going to give.

Homeowners a break on these mortgage rates The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities I would take the members seriously Mr Speaker were it not for the conservative record those same mortgage holders in years past benefited from a tax cut to the middle class that this government.

Introduced they benefited from the Canada child benefit they're benefiting now from the Child Care Program this government has introduced dental care where they are eligible pharmacare Mr Speaker all those measures that benefit middle inome Canadians and lower income Canadians working hard to join the middle class are measures that they did.

Not support at all and they want to fire the bank governor of the Bank of Canada that's irresponsible they never answer the question on that The Honorable member for man foron climate change is threatening the St Lawrence River that's what federal government scientists revealed on Wednesday water temperature water.

Temperatures have reached record levels up to 5 degrees above average water is depleted of oxygen and as a result species such as shrimp are in serious decline biodiversity and the economy of our regions are at risk and yet while Federal scientists are sounding the alarm the federal government is opening a new pipeline in the west to encourage.

Dependence on dirty oil frankly right in the middle of a climate crisis when will the Liberals listen to science The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you very much Mr Speaker when we came to the government in 2015 Canada was even protecting 1% of its territorial Waters and we we have now lifted this to.

15% and we plan to protect 30% by 2030 this is an objective that we agreed to at cop 15 in Montreal we are investing record amounts in partnership with indigenous peoples across the country to protect uh a greater a greater portion of our territory The Honorable member for leontini the St Lawrence River is.

The Beating Heart of Quebec is the Cradle of the Quebec nation which has developed along its bank for four centuries and today we see that climate change is attacking these Shores threatening biodiversity and jeopardizing the survival of species that have been fished for Generations meanwhile the federal government is.

Investing $34 billion in a dirty oil pipeline the primary cause of global warning Ottawa is literally making quebecers pay for damaging their own ecosystems how much longer will we C entrusting our money to this irresponsible country The Honorable Governor house leader Mr Speaker the block can't be serious you have before.

Us the first government that has credible targets and a plan to reach Net Zero by 2050 you have a government that is taking care of its oceans and is fighting against Plastics with a series of measures that will ensure that Canada will reach its Paris targets and fight climate change and also including in the St Lawrence River.

Carlton Trail Eagle Creek after 9 years of this NDP liberal prime minister more Canadians are hungry and homeless the number of 10 cities is growing across the country and the number of people lining up at food banks has grown to over 2 million and continues to climb the Salvation Army reports that 26% of Canadians are skipping or reducing meals.

This prime minister is not worth the cost when will he finally stop his inflationary spending which is forcing Canadians to go hungry yeah The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Housing Mr Speaker in that constituency of the member where individuals might find themselves homeless she can go back and show the.

Leader of the opposition's housing plan that unfortunately says nothing about homelessness zero Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition purports to present a vision for this country it is hollow Mr Speaker there is nothing there on so many issues but specifically on homelessness he's never cared about these issues Mr Speaker when it comes to.

Supporting Canadians on a range of Matters from homelessness to child care to pharmacare to dental care they have been silent they don't care The Honorable member for Carlton Trail Eagle Creek here are the facts after 9 years of this NDP liberal prime minister more Canadians are losing their home H and going hungry the number of Canadians.

Reported food security challenges has increased and 26% are skipping meals costs continue to rise and this government's plan to raise taxes will only make it worse Canadians are losing hope this prime minister is not worth the cost when will he finally admit his inflationary policies are hurting Canadians.

Great The Honorable parliamentary Secretary of min of innovation Mr Speaker our government has a track record of leading with compassion and addressing and leading programs initiating programs that address uh the needs of the most vulnerable emergency food programs are certainly part of that support system.

That people need who have immediate needs of uh and are struggling to put food on the table but let's just review food banks Canada said that the national school food program was a vital initiative if the conservatives are aligning themselves with food banks Canada then why would they oppose a vital initiative of a national school.

Food program that's going to feed over 400,000 children The Honorable member for Cumberland Colchester speaker after nine years of this NDP liberal prime minister more Canadians are hungry and homeless the Salvation Army is reporting that 26% of Canadians have been forced to skip meals because they cannot afford to buy.

Groceries our country is suffering under this government it's prime minister who is not worth the cost cost when will this prime minister actx the tax so that Canadians can afford to eat again here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker in food banks Canada and their member.

Organizations right across this country they do essential work and they do important research and I want to thank them for that and they actually make some recommendations in this report which the conservatives have clearly not read they recommend more supports for the Working Poor like our Canada workers benefit they recommend improved Social.

Security which conservatives gutted when they in power well we've increased improved and modernized the candidate child benefit and brought forward the candidate disability benefit Mr Speaker while the conservatives continue to put words in the mouths of poverty elimination experts and food banks Canada will continue to put food on the.

Table with the national school food program improve the national Canada child benefit and put money in the pockets with the Canada The Honorable member for Cumberland Colchester well thanks speaker it's interesting yesterday the member from Milton at a meeting said he was shocked to hear the report of how many Canadians were.

Actually hungry so even though they're continuing to announce problem uh programs to fix the problems they've created we need a significant change in government once again speaker according to the Salvation Army parents are skipping meals so their children and other family members can eat Canadian should not have to live like this after.

Nine years of course this liberal Coalition go government is not worth the cost again I will ask when will the Prime Minister acts the tax so that Canadians can afford to eat again you're here you're here the honorable full government house leader Mr Speaker that members from Atlanta Canada and I've never heard anyone from Atlanta Canada.

Suggest that we cut the Canada child benefit that we cut and vote against the school nutrition program that we cut an entire housing program designed to remedy the housing problems in Atlanta Canada that member should stand up for once to that leader who has an austerity agenda and wants to cut the very supports that are keeping his.

Constituents and helping his constituents meet the current cost of living issu The Honorable member for Victoria Mr Speaker people in Victoria want to know that our coast and our endangered Southern resident killer whales are protected new reports show that cruise ships docking in Victoria are.

Jeopardizing these orcas by dumping billions of liters of polluted Wastewater into the ocean the states have stricter laws so under the Liberals watch cruise ships wait and dump in Canadian Waters they are even dumping in Marine protected areas the Liberals regulations are woefully inadequate and with the conservatives there'd be even.

Less rules will the Liberals stop making the BC Coast a Dumping Ground for polluted Cruise waste The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the ministry of environment and climate change thank you very much Mr Speaker and I'd like to thank the member from Victoria for her consistent advocacy for a cleaner environment and a.

Greener future for all of Canada indeed it's refreshing to stand up and talk about how how we can protect this planet and how we can fight climate change rather than if we fight climate change Mr Speaker her concerns with respect to the coast and the and the dangers to to whale species and and and and waterborne mammals are important to us in our.

Government and I'd love to sit down and talk about local issues in Victoria and ensure this government is supporting all of those vital endangered species thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for Edmonton griba Mr Speaker ckua is a source of Music Arts and Community as one of Ed 's most beloved public broadcasters but they're facing a.

Perfect storm with the inflation and cost of living crisis they need our help during these tough times while other Canadian broadcasters receive federal help in similar circumstances ckua is being left behind ckua supports local Canadian artists and brings edmontonians together will the Liberals stand up for Edmonton and our local media and help.

Out ckua in their time of need or will they continue to ignore them The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Canadian Heritage I Thank The Honorable member for his question and for his advocacy on this important issue our government has been there to support media from across this country from coast to coast to coast.

From small communities to large ones much of the support for small communities would have been flowing had conservatives not chosen to obstruct obstruct obstruct the passage of legislation that would have had money flowing to small community broadcasters across this country we're going to keep working hard for those broadcasters and.

We're not going to stop until Canadians have that voice from Co to Coast to Coast The Honorable member for ker sou has Flor Mr Speaker a Monday our government unveiled a national action plan on combating auto theft this plan will work in conjunction with budget 2024 to keep communities safe from auto theft crime insurance crime.

Experts have already called the plan a turning point for auto theft in Canada can the minister of J jce please highlight one of the concrete steps in this National plan that will make Community safer The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general of Canada Mr Speaker the rise in auto theft in our country is not caused by one-off.

Incidents of teenagers taking a joy ride it's perpetrated by networks of organized criminals that's why we're cracking down on organized crime these crime Rings pre on teenagers to do their dirty work so we're adding an amendment to the criminal code to add a new aggravating factor to make for tougher sentence.

For those who use young persons in the commission of an offense we're also raising the maximum penalty for those who would use violence during a daylight carjacking we're going to stop auto theft we're going to stop organized criminals who are taking advantage of our kids Mr Speaker enough is enough The Honorable member for page.

Lisgar after nine years of this NDP liberal government more Canadians are hungry and homeless than ever before one in four manitobans don't have enough money to buy groceries and feed their families home prices are out of control and rent has skyrocketed to the point that people can't put afford to put a roof over their head how can this prime.

Minister keep a straight face and try to tell 40% of manitobans now paying more than 30% of their income on housing that everything in this country is in fact fine or am manit Tobin just experiencing it differently The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of innovation Mr Speaker I apologize in advance for.

Not being able to take the conservative party seriously with their Newfound empathy for Canadians that are struggling with the cost of living they are not willing to step up any time our compassionate government leads with responsible solutions that try to lift people up who are vulnerable the conservatives vote against they vote.

Against Dental Care Child Care pharmacare they vote against a national school food program how on Earth can we expect anyone to take their new feigned interest in canadi here is struggling seriously The Honorable member for Yellowhead after 9 years of this NDP liberal prime minister more Canadians are hungry and homeless food insecurity.

In Alberta is now over 27% and just yesterday the Edson Food Bank shared their latest data with me they're now dealing with almost triple the food bank usage compared to 202 this prime minister is just not worth the cost will he stop his Reckless inflationary spending and cancel the quadrupling of the carbon tax so Canadians can afford.

To put food on their table The Honorable minister of families Mr Speaker I'd like to share today some of the feedback on our announcement of a national school food program in budget 2024 the Coalition for healthy school food released a statement applauding the federal government for the investment and urging all provinces and territories.

To sign on to this new policy to provide nutritious culturally appropriate sustainable and affordable food to school children across this country on this side of the house we'll continue to make investments in children and family on that side of the house they need to explain to Canadians why they won't support feeding children The Honorable.

Member for Saskatoon grasswood thank you Mr Speaker after nine years of this NDP liberal prime minister more Canadians are hungry and homeless one in four Canadians are experiencing food insecurity food banks Canada even gave this NDP liberal government a failing grade 40% of sukatan residents have visited a food.

Bank 35% are worried about putting a meal on the table for their family this prime minister is not worth the cost so why does he tell Canadians we've never never had it so good wow The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker this is Rich coming from people who sat in the government that led through Canada's worst economic.

Performance in the last 30 years after the 2008 financial crisis they had no idea what to do no idea how to get Canadians back on their feet we have gone through a global pandemic Mr Speaker we have put in place measures to not just save businesses but people's livelihoods to get this country back on its feet 130% employment since before.

The Dynamic Mr Speaker they want to cut the Canada carbon rebate they want to cut the Canada child benefit they're Cuts Cuts Cuts we're here to support Canadians each and every day The Honorable member for ashaa after nine years this prime minister is not worth the cost according to the 2024 poverty report 44% of Canadians are.

Paying more than 30% of income on housing which is a big F for this government Mr Speaker this NDP liberal government only gets an A+ when it comes to creating disastrous policies the member from Whit previously stated we are going to have to switch our lifestyles and it's going to be painful Mr Speaker is this the kind of pain he.

Was talking about how much more pain will this liberal NDP government intentionally inflict upon Canadians before they act the carbon tax That's right The Honorable minister of rural Economic Development Mr Speaker I really find it quite Rich coming from the party opposite we've been trying to get the fall economic statement passed because.

That's going to give the members in the rural parts of his writing an extra a family of four an extra $1,344 year that's what we're doing for Canadians all across this country so please pass the Fizz we know people are having trouble with things this is going to help people along with $10 Day daycare along with dental care along.

With thank you Mr Speaker we are doing a lot and I know we acknowledge that thank you The Honorable member for Drummond yesterday while the committee was studying an overhaul of the Court challenges program it was dismaying to see a block Amendment rejected a simple Amendment asking just one thing that the court challenges program respect the.

Official languages act that act recognizes that French is threatened recognizes the existence of other laws such as the charter of the French language which is designed to protect our language and recognizes the need to foster a frankophone majority in Quebec what's the Liberals problem with respecting the official languages act.

The Honorable Minister of Justice no when it comes to the court challenges program this is a program that was created by the Liberal Party of Canada and scrapped by the conservatives and restored by the Liberals during our current term of office we will strengthen French and official bilingualism all across Canada we're.

Defending minority language communities and we are all in favor of protecting both official languages all across Canada as which are protected under the Constitution The Honorable member Mr Speaker it would be nice to get some serious answers to serious questions it's disturbing to see the government refus to require the court challenges.

Program respect federal law once again the Liberals are in Tangled in their own contradictions over French they still have a hard time recognizing there's only one official language that's threatened in Quebec and that's French so much so in fact that they refuse to demand that the court challenges program take into account their own legislation.

The official languages act why should the program ignore the different situations of English and French in Canada and in Quebec The Honorable Minister I have to point out to the member opposite that the court challenges program was set up to protect minority official languages community.

From the very beginning that was the root of the program the very raisal debt of this program was to protect frankophone communities outside Quebec and the english- speaking Community within Quebec so our dedication to Pro to protect and promote both official languages is shown in that that's what we did with the official languages act.

And what is already there the protection that's already there in the Canadian Constitution The Honorable member for mmen Mr Speaker after 9 years of this prime minister more and more quebecers are hungry and homeless the block voted for $500 billion in budgetary Appropriations they claim to represent quebecers but then they turn their back.

On them and vote for inflationary centralizing spending quebecers are suffering and the block is voting for more and more money for the federal government and less for quebecers can the block liberal stop supporting this prime minister's uncontrolled spending the minister of national Revenue thank you Mr Speaker I'm I always surprised.

When my Quebec colleagues say things like that they know full well what we've been through in recent years there was a global context affecting all of us but luckily the liberal government was there to help the people that needed help the most it was a it would have been a disaster had the conservatives been in office we helped those who needed the.

Most help there was the child the Canada child benefit uh uh our approach is to help only those families that need support The Honorable member Mr Speaker after nine years of this prime minister more and more quebecers are living with Hunger homelessness and poverty while Canadians suffer because of inflationary liberal policies the block continues to.

Encourage them quebecers are crumbling under the weight of this broken economy and what's the block doing voting for 500 billion in budgetary Appropriations the block BL and the Prime Minister are just not worth the cost can the liberal block show a little empathy for quebeckers and think of what they need for once the honorable minister of.

National Revenue thank you Mr Speaker that's a bit contradictory what my colleague just said and what the conservatives are saying they proposed to cut cut and cut back on benefits but what should we do just forget about the dental coverage that should help not just seniors but also young people or people with disabilities who need help.

The most what should we do where should we cut should we cut the school food program should we F cut the infrastructure program I'd like to know what they would cut to reduce spending thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for both Mr Speaker after nine years of this block backed liberal prime minister with 500 billion in.

Inflationary centralized spending one Farm in five can't make their debt payments our farmer are crying out to the government the Liberals are adding insult to injury by cutting funding to 4 clubs all across Canada these 177,000 young people and 7,000 volunteer leaders are training the next generation of farmers when will this liberal.

Government stop hurting the agricultural sector and instead help feed our already starving population The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker my colleagues have a short memory uh about what the conservatives did when they were in office they cut back on agricultural programs on research and Innovation for agriculture they cut.

Hundreds of millions of dollars to help small farmers deal with crop risk so we've been there we've helped Farmers be more resilient and more resistant to climate change more Innovative we've helped to develop new markets as well thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member for lail Mr Speaker women are the driving force behind the economy we need.

To equip women even better so they can pursue their dreams succeed and flourish it's not just the sensible thing to do it makes sense economically too can the minister of employment Workforce Development and official languages tell the house what the government's doing to improve the situation of Canadian women female.

Canadian workers The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker I'd like to thank my colleague from Laval Lil for this important question our government believes in setting women up for success that's why we created $10 a day child care that's why contraceptives will be free under our pharmacare plan that's why we'll always stand up for a woman's.

Right to choose Mr Speaker we support families at every opportunity and what do the what do the conservatives do they vote against every step of the way Saskatoon University after 9 years something is rotten in the state of Canada more specifically in OT and we all can smell it that's why there's a public inquiry.

On the foreign interference in the first place but this government is once again trying to cover it up redacting documents they have already promised to send to the commission today I speak for all Canadians when we when I say we all know this Prime min is not worth the cost so exactly what is the NDP liberal coalition government.

Hiding The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker as the minister pointed out yesterday the member opposite might wish to speak to his house leader because in drafting the terms of reference for the inquiry all parties in this house agreed to those terms which included redactions for things like cabinet confidence and.

Client solicitor privilege so it's pretty insincere Mr Speaker for conservatives to agree to the process and now criticize that very process we've been clear with Canadians and we will continue to work to deal with foreign interference unlike conservatives who felt it didn't politically Advantage them The Honorable.

Member for Saskatoon University well the cover up Coalition continues Mr Speaker trust is one of the most precious things and after n years of this NDP liberal government Canadians have learned exactly how much they can Pro uh how much they can trust liberal promises this prime minister is not worth the cost the minister promised the.

Commission would have complete access to the evidence and yet they haven't given the government what what the government promised in fact the government did the exact opposite and is trying to cover up everything when will the Liberals finally quit with the coverup and tell the Canadians the truth here The Honorable parliamentary secretary to.

The minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker I'm curious what point percentage system the member opposite operates off of for repeating conservative slogans in one question perhaps if the member opposite actually looked into the process on the inquiry instead of rehearsing and practicing slogans he would know that his own house leader signed off on the.

Process which included some redactions for client solicitor privilege and cabinet confidence Mr Speaker they should spend more time on understanding interference and less time acting new The Honorable member for lanarch front Kingston Mr Speaker pulmonary arterial hypertension also known as p is a disease that blocks arteries in the.

Lungs causing high blood pressure in the lungs and damaging heart tissue patients diagnosed with ph have on average 3 years to live in the United States a drug called soep was recently approved by the FDA this drug increases quality of life and increased lifespan for pH patients and even in some cases reverses the damage caused by the disease Mr.

Speaker when will this life-saving drug be approved for use in Canada The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the The Honorable The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Health well thank you very much speaker and I want the I want to thank the member opposite for for a very thoughtful question uh of.

Of course our number one priority is to protect Canadians to make sure that they have all the necessary uh medications available to them that's why we actually bringing a pharmacare legislation by Bill c64 and I really hope the member opposite will support that bill because it's going to allow for for Canadians to have access to at the initially diabetes.

And contraceptives as in relation to the particular medication the member speaking off I look forward to looking into it working with him so that we can I can give him a more precise answer on the approval process for that particular medication The Honorable member for mpek thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker my question is to the Parliamentary.

Secretary to Agriculture and Agra food Mr Speaker the conservative party continues to delay Bill 234 I'm wondering if the Parliamentary secretary to agrifood and agriculture can give us an update thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Agriculture Mr Speaker a month ago I Rose in this place and I.

Talked about the conservative delay on 234 a bill that they've been championing again this week we found out they delayed it two weeks forward again to play Politics on the farmers back on this side of the house we act on this side of the house we support farmers and we're proud of farmers what we don't do is play Politics on their.

Backs The Honorable member for timans James Bay M gak cre region is Ground Zero for underfunded and systemically racist federal health policy yet through it all the Winnebago Health Authority has worked hard to establish quality healthc care and proper facilities and yet at the 11th Hour the minister of indigenous Services walked away on her.

Commitment to build a proper Hospital on Monday National Regional provincial leaders on health and Indigenous rights will be coming to Ottawa to hold this government to account they want to know why did the minister break her word to the people of James Bay good The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of indigenous Services thank.

You Mr Speaker and for years we've been working with waha and the communities that serves to shape the future of healthcare delivery conversations are ongoing with all Partners as every level of government has a role to play to ensure healthc care for remote communities from Toronto to canora to mus everyone deserves Quality Healthcare.

Regardless of who or where they are we will keep wor working with onario and with waja to find a path forward thank you and The Honorable member for sage Gulf Islands thank Mr Speaker I rise on a very painful difficult point and one of which the government is aware a Canadian Adan citizen a much loved member of Frederick's Community.

Frederick moan Ang gabo has been in hands of brutal kidnappers in GMA in Congo since mid December 2023 five long months Freddy is a much loved member of the fredon community a human rights Advocate a human rights activist and his family wants him home can the government give us any update as to what is being done to get get him out.

Of the hands of murderers and thieves and criminals and get him home The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you Mr Speaker and I want to thank the honorable member for her continued advocacy on this case we're aware of reports that a Canadian citizen was kidnapped in the Democratic rep Republic of Congo we're in contact with the.

Family and I have met with the family kidnappings are an extremely sensitive matter given the risk to a kidnapped victim's life due to safety and privacy reasons no further information can be disclosed on this specific case thank you Mr Speaker and that's all the time we have for question here today have a great weekend.

Folks uh daily routine of business a Kur tabling of documents

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