Question Duration – Might presumably 30, 2024


Question Duration – Might presumably 30, 2024

oral questions K The Honorable member from Vina Capel after 9 years this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the cost and Canadians are suffering through his inflation and high interest rates for many families the best hope for a summer vacation will be a modest road trip.

Parents will sketch out a budget based on meals and hotels and a big expense will be fuel the GST excise tax carbon tax have helped push fuel prices to near record levels with many families unable to afford a vacation at all conservatives have propos taking the tax off of gas and diesel for the summer saving Canadians 35 cents a liter will.

The Prime Minister vote for our motion or will he Force more Canadians to stay home this summer The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change Mr Speaker this is a Prime Cut of conservative baloney and I know what I'm talking about my dad was butcher Mr Speaker the savings that the.

Conservative Party of Canada claims for Alberton is based on people traveling 37,000 kilom during their holidays Mr Speaker 37,000 km you can go from the North Pole to the S South Pole and you would have kilometers left to achieve the savings that they play Mr Speaker.

The Honorable member from Regina Capel that's just not true Mr Speaker and everybody knows that the carbon tax costs more than the rebate that is why the Prime Minister was humiliated into granting a car vote for just some people in some parts of the country and that's all we're asking for today a carve out on federal taxes on fuel and diesel for.

The summer for the average family in Ontario that would mean almost $600 in savings now to the Prime Minister and his wealthy friends that might not seem like a lot of money but to struggling Ians that could make the difference to be able to say yes to the kids when they ask for some summertime fun so will the Prime Minister have an ounce of.

Compassion and help more Canadian families afford a vacation The Honorable minister of the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I know math is not the Forte of the Conservative Party of Canada let me walk them through it by by their math the albertans will have would have to.

Use 3,293 l of gasoline over a 3mon period Mr Mr Speaker at an average of 8.9 L per 100 km that equivalent to 37,000 kilm you would have to drive for 10 consecutive days non-stop Mr Speaker you had two weeks vacation you would have two days left or maybe three to enjoy your.

Vacation order order The Honorable member from Regina Capel I don't think math is the Forte of someone who brags that he doesn't think about monetary policy and thinks the budgets balance themselves Mr Speaker maybe the reason why the prime minister is being so cruel about this issue is because he's long forgotten the thrill.

Of the family road trip you see he has wealthy lobbyists who invite him to their islands where he doesn't have to pay for the Villas and he gets to stick taxpayers with the bill but Canadian workers have to pay for all the inflation all the interest rates and all the tax hikes themselves so will he have an ounce of compassion take fuel taxes.

Off for the summer so Canadians can have a road trip this year I'm going to ask all honorable members please to not take the floor unless they're recognized by the speaker so that all members and so the public at home can listen and hear the question and also hear the answers The Honorable.

Minister of Health well thank you Mr Speaker I don't think Canadians idea of summertime fun is being locked in a car for 10 straight days uh I think their idea of summertime fund also isn't having their Dental Care taken away or taking away their diabetes medication or that their summertime fund is losing Child Care Mr Speaker their definition.

Of summertime fun I think maybe they should have aers ation with kids about what they want to do with their summer I think they care more about getting dental care and having good teeth than being locked in a car for 10 straight days I would like to ask all members in.

This house to perhaps remain silent including ministers and parliamentary secretaries The Honorable member for M after nine years this prime minister with the support of the black cuqua is simply not worth the cost of $500 billion doar of inflationary spending that has forced parents to skip meals to.

Be able to feed their children whilst the leader of the blika and several of of his MPS are campaigned to radically increase taxes on gas quebecers in various regions are paying the cost because they don't have access to Transit that's what one could call being completely out of touch will the LI.

Liberal block put their ideological agenda on hold at least for the summer and vote for a motion to suspend the federal gas tax for the summer The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker the calculations and economies put forward by the conservative power.

Is completely ridiculous an albertan family for example would have to drive 37,000 kilm during their vacation so you could leave from Montreal and go to Mexico City and come back to Montreal go back to Mexico City come back to Montreal go back to Mexico City and come back to Montreal go back to Mexico City and you'd still have.

Kilometers to spare order The Honorable member for M Mr Speaker I don't know where they do their calculations but they seem to be pulling numbers out of thin air as usual we know full well on our side that quebecers that have to fill up their car every week will'll see a change in their.

Bill at the end of the month that is the truth quebecers who are paying too much for groceries who are paying too much for their rent and who can't make ends meet who have to go to food banks Mr Speaker they don't they understand liberal mathematic because these mathematics take money from the pockets will they suspend the tax uh the carbon.

Tax for the summer The Honorable me Minister for the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I know that mathematics aren't the Forte of the Conservative Party of Canada so I would like to help them to try to benefit from the economies put forth by the conservatives a family would have.

To expend 3,296 L of gas over 3 months so at 8.9 L per 100 km that means driving 37,000 km you go from the pole north from the North Pole to the South Pole and you could almost get all the way back to the North Pole and you'd also have to do that in under a few months it's complete rubbish Mr.

Speaker order The Honorable member for LA and then there was light Mr Speaker the utway Liberals have just revealed that there is a crisis in the Healthcare System they've written to Quebec City to ask for more money for healthcare where were these Visionaries when Quebec City was warning of a $28 billion annual.

Shortfall where were they when the Prime Minister their bass was fighting the provinces to not increase transfers by one single scent where were they when their BS impose A Cut Rate agreement on Quebec why did these Visionaries personally vote against our motion for a sustainable increase in health funding the Liberals have been underfunding.

Healthc care since 2015 are they at least a touch embarrassed about this the honorable leader of the government in the House of Commons Mr Speaker this is proof once again that we need a liberal member of Quebec to actually defend the will of quebecers in This House of Commons of course we have we respect Quebec's.

Jurisdictions it was not my intention to raise this but thanks to Thea I would like to reaffirm the fact that the Quebec government has to urgently work on healthc care in the uto region any objective Observer can see that we need to act in healthcare in the utway The Honorable member.

For he's right the liberal MPS from the UT are right there isn't enough money for healthcare in the utway but it's their fault there's not enough money in the NorthShore there's not there's not enough money elsewhere in Quebec and it's their fault too because they voted for it they've never spoken out against.

Federal health under funding they've never contradicted their boss who refused to increase transfers they've never defended their citizens who were told to go to the private sector for treatment they were too busy shopping for ministerial or speakership positions and that's when they and now they're waking up are these Visionaries well.

Placed to give us any lessons The Honorable leader of the gon has comment Mr speakers Mr Speaker when the Black Kua vote against Medicare when they vote against Healthcare budgets when the BL votes against everything that we are trying to do for dental care and dentistry in the UT.

Region if one takes the ratio put forward by the bla and if we compare it to other regions in Quebec we'll see that the UT region is underfunded by Quebec with regards to the number of nurses the number of Surgeons number of doctors number of hospital beds the utare has a crying need in for action in healthcare the member.

Foros Mr Speaker the lack of housing Rising rent the rising cost of living that is the reason for which there are ever more homeless people on the streets of Montreal we need Social and affordable housing but under the Liberals homelessness across the country has only increased despite hearing promises people do not have the right to.

Housing the conservatives lost 800,000 affordable housing units when they were in power and the Liberals lost have lost over 370,000 what good are liberal MPS in Montreal when they can't even put a roof over the heads of montrealers The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker I'd like.

To thank my colleague for his question there's one thing upon which I agree is that on this side of the house and I include him is that we truly believe that a government has to work to help homelessness and has to fight homeless and chronic homelessness so that the which is not the case for The Other Side our housing project has given more money.

For housing to municipalities to put a roof of the heads of those who need it and we'll keep working with municipalities we won't just be insulting M like they do across the way the honorable member from Port money kitland a landmark report this week exposed women with disabilities are more likely to visit the emergency room.

During pregnancy because reproductive reproductive care is not accessible it's impacting their Mental Health during pregnancy and postpartum people with disabilities have had enough of the Liberals half measures they're all talk no action just like their Canada disability benefit that is nowhere near enough to live on what is the government.

Going to do to address these unacceptable barriers to care for pregnant women with disabilities The Honorable minister of Health well thank you Mr Speaker in every province in every territory we've signed agreements to improve Healthcare in this country and that absolutely includes care for persons with.

Disability and specifically on sexual and reproductive Health we're making sure that we're there for women with the sexual and reproductive assistance that they need making sure they have the contraception they need to have control over their sexual and reproductive lives and their Futures so absolutely we're going to continue to work with provinces.

And territories to increase access and resist the cuts and the reductions the conservatives want to bring The Honorable member from Calgary Forest Lawn after 9 years this liberal NDP prime minister is not worth the hunger or homelessness as one in four Canadians skip meals Edith is a single mom in my community that can't afford to feed her.

Kids because this prime minister doubled groceries and gas and his bright idea he jacked up the carbon tax 23% Common Sense conservatives are calling on him to ax all federal fuel taxes this summer to save average families $670 will he vote with us or does he want more families like edits to hungry and.

Broke the honorable minister of the environment and climate change Mr Speaker maybe maybe I need to go through the math again to make sure that it is it is understood the savings that the conservative party is claiming based on that assertion is based on the use of gasoline over the next over the summertime of.

3,293 lers of gasoline do the ma it's not complicated at an average consumption of 8.9 me per 100 km a family in Alberta would would have to drive 37 km to be able to benefit for those claim Savings Mr Speaker this has nothing to do with reality it would be nice for the Conservative Party of Canada to come down to earth and leave.

La La Land for a little while The Honorable member from Calgary Forest Lawn well liberal math for that anti Alberta Minister says that jacking up the carbon tax 20% is somehow going to fix forest fires and reduce the I'm going to just ask the honorable member start from the top top again.

and and just to rephrase it slightly on that front The Honorable member from Calgary Forest long from the top liberal Matt says jacking up the carbon tax 23% is going to somehow magically fix forest fires and reduce the cost of groceries like that that Edith can't afford and they think we're gullible and.

Incompetent like the NDP that we blandly support policies that made 2 million canadi Ians going to a food bank in a single month and that made one in four Canadians skip meals why don't they do everyone a favor give Canadians a break and put them out and finally end their misery call a carbon tax election so common sense conservatives can scrap the.

Caron carbon tax scam and Canadians can kick this costly carbon tax coalition to the curb The Honorable parament secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities there they go again again Mr Speaker they want to ruin the rebate for Canadians a rebate rebate.

That disproportionately impacts the middle class and lower income Canadians working hard to join the middle class I also noticed Mr Speaker that throughout the past few weeks they've been quoting from reports from food banks Canada from Salvation Army and those reports are important we thank those organizations for those reports what they point out.

Are challenges faced by Canadians in those recommendations which they ignore they point to Pro to programs that this government has continued to support the Canada child benefit for example that they've voted against every single time The Honorable member from.

Lethbridge after 9 years this NDP liberal government is not worth the hunger and homelessness that it's causing so many Canadians across this country many Canadians just simply look forward to a small summer vacation a road trip perhaps it's normally a time where they can go and camp in the mountains or go to a national park or.

Visit loved ones but this year many Canadians can't afford this simple Delight because this government has made life too expensive on Monday this house will have the opportunity to vote on a common sense motion to save Canadians 35 cents per liter on gas will the Prime Minister vote with us the common sense conservatives so that Canadians can.

Afford a simpli vacation or will he force them to stay home The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker Good News Kids you can take a summer Funtime vacation where you're locked in a car for 10 consecutive days non-stop with no bathroom breaks and the conservatives have a plan for you to have that summertime fun and the cost.

Give up the future of the planet right don't worry kids about climate change don't worry about taking action on the planet enjoy your 10 hours in the car and let the planet burn oh my God the life Jack that Titanic is sinking oh my.

Lord you would think it's you think it's wday the honorable member from Lethbridge well this out of touch prime minister might be able to take a $230,000 taxpayer funded vacation to some fancy Islands but that's not an option for most Canadians in fact most Canadians just simply want to be able to.

Get in a car and drive a few kilometers to enjoy a national park or the mountains for the day but that's even Out Of Reach for so many of them because of this liberal government's outof touch policies that are driving up the cost of everything on Monday this house will have the opportunity to vote on a very common sense motion that would take the.

Federal tax off of fuel it would make life affordable for Canadians allow them to enjoy their summer will the Prime Minister vote with us so that Canadians can afford a simple road trip or will he force them to stay at home while he enjoys his luxury vacation The Honorable leader of the government in the House of Commons Mr.

Speaker today we're having a lot of fun with figures because the conservative AI machine suddenly kind of broke down and didn't quite Supply them with the right math and they do rely heavily on that for mathematics I do note that that member fights against a a regime that sends eight out of 10 albertans more money than they pay in but she was a.

Little sheepish a little quiet when her own Premier Danielle Smith hiked gas taxes 13 cents to fuel increased government spending in Alberta she didn't talk about that I wonder why the honorable member from Duff calan after 9 years of this NDP liberal government Canadians know this liberal prime minister he's not worth the.

Homelessness he's not worth the hunger and he's not worth the tent cities that are propping up everywhere but there is a plan to give some relief a conservative motion will take the carbon tax and all federal taxes off gas from now until Labor day it will save 35 cents a leader and maybe give Canadians a road trip the only road trip these.

Liberal know are are their uh ministers driving around in their limousines with their chauffers will they support the motion to ask the tax yes or no The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Housing infrastructure Comm that conservative motion Mr Speaker is written on the same napkin as their housing.

Plan the reality is is that whenever it comes to serious issues of the day all they have are slogans Mr Speaker Hollow slogans what happened in the House of Commons yesterday every single party in this house minus the conservatives voted against their initiative because it would tax Home Building Mr speaker and it says nothing about homelessness.

Finally Mr Speaker most of their caucus is made up of rural members do they know that that housing plan only applies to a certain number of cities not to the entire country Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Duff Tad it's it's unbelievable this would save 35 cents a liter in gasoline now it doesn't mean much to ministers who get.

Driven around by chauffers in their limos who probably haven't pumped gas and know the cost of gas in about 10 years but for the average Canadian family it will mean everything and they could actually do something about it I know they don't take road trips but actual Canadian families do and it will make a difference and they've got a.

Choice they can vote to actually take those taxes off save Canadians 35 cents a liter so they can take a road trip or they continue to punish Canadians with this damn carbon tax just going to ask members to be very careful about the use of language in the house The Honorable Minister for families and economic development Mr.

Speaker the conservatives want to talk about numbers today so let's talk about a few of those numbers four the number of consecutive months that we've seen inflation decrease in this country 750,000 the number of families benefiting from our affordable Early Learning and child care 1.3 million the number of Canadians that have been.

Lifted out of poverty with our policies 400,000 the number of kids that will receive access to food at school this is what our government is doing on this side of the house why won't the conservatives get onside and support Canadians The Honorable member for Le Mr Speaker the French language commissioner.

Has been very clear Quebec is incapable of franchising a large number of immigrants just investing hundreds of millions of dollars there are 642 th000 people in Quebec today who still don't speak French only 70,000 of them have been able to take a francization course which is a record but which is still far from.

Enough when will the federal government finally going to share out the reception of Asylum Seekers and reduced temporary immigration in collaboration with the government of Quebec the minister for immigration refugees and citizenship thank you Mr Speaker that is exactly what we are doing we are working hand inand with.

Minister Fett and other provincial ministers the member across the way seems to forget that uh exists and has existed for a while we since 2015 have sent $5.2 billion to Quebec without to asking for accountability for francization if Quebec needs more frankophone immigrants we're here to help.

Them theable member for Alex the 101 that they do not respect themselves Mr Speaker in any case the French language commissioner increase through Asylum Seekers and foreign workers disappointed immigrants tell the organization that and I quote they didn't think it would be like this in.

Canada and they're right Mr Speaker will the minister finally take action and understand that exceeding reception capacity is tantamount to causing a humanitarian crisis Mr Speaker the minister for immigration refugees and citizenship the member will once again blame immigrants for the increase in.

Grocery prices we must be reasonable Mr speak clearly Canada will play a role and that's why we are working hand inhand with Quebec to spread Asylum Seekers there's work to be done on various jurisdictions I'm looking forward to doing so with Madame fret The Honorable member from Thornhill nine years of this.

NDP liberal prime minister and Canadians are fleeing Canada moving south in record numbers tens of thousands the highest number in 10 years escaping this prime minister's economic ruin fleeing so they can afford to live afford to buy a home and stop paying for this government's bloat This Is An Inconvenient Truth from the prime.

Minister's very own media machine the CBC this morning so how many more Canadians have to leave their country before the Prime Minister realizes that his government is just not worth the cost The Honorable minister of Health well there it is Mr Speaker I wondered when they continually put down our country who they want us to be and what.

They want to emulate now we know that they prefer to have a United States model for example of healthcare well I can tell you I was was down south a couple of months ago with my partner where some an individual fell over and when they came conscious after I called 911 their concern wasn't their health their concern was money that they didn't.

Have the money for the care I don't want to live in that country and on this side we will fight for public health care we will fight against the cuts the conservatives want to bring to our Health Care system and we will make sure that every Canadian gets access to the care they need Chasing The Honorable member from.

Thornhill plan is actually driving Canadians out of this country in droves more than 126,000 Canadians left to go State Side in 2022 that's a 71% increase from the year before doctors nurses mechanics young Canadians with University degrees don't they get why they're leaving his policies the prime minister's policies.

Are hurting them when will the prime minister realize the Canadians are just not that into him that's right the honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker families like mine chose to come chose to come to Canada from places that were difficult where there were challenges Canadians are.

Proud of the country that we have conservatives keep talking this country down there are people around the world Mr Speaker that would choose to come to this country that are choosing to come to this country every single day for freedom for the capacity to be who they are to love who they love to be proud of their traditions and to be able to do it.

In this country we have Healthcare we have the things that Canadians and all those around the world are desperate Desperately Seeking we will keep fighting for that on this side of the house while they keep talking this country Down The Honorable member from storman D dundes South glenary after nine years.

This NDP liberal prime minister Canadians know just how unaffordable life has become and the facts speak for themselves they are so glaringly obvious even the CBC of all places is covering the record surge of Canadians moving to the United States 126,000 Canadians moved to the US in 2022 alone a 70% increase in the last decade there are.

Facebook groups some as big as 55,000 each that are finding ways and sharing tips on how to move out of Canada if things are so great why are a record number of Canadians moving to the United States then The Honorable Minister for indigenous Services Mr Speaker while we're talking about the United States let's just take.

A moment to reflect what women in that country are going through a lack of access to reproductive Choice Mr Speaker I read a article in the New York Times yester yesterday Mr Speaker about the number of women that are dying because they can't access abortion care in their states Mr Speaker that's the kind of future that these conservatives want for.

Canadian women and we'll fight for their freedom The Honorable member from Edmonton Strath Kona Mr Speaker every year hundreds of festivals light up communities across Canada in Edmonton the internationally renowned Fringe Festival supports thousands of artists volunteers and visitors generating $16.

Million in economic benefits despite this The Fringe and other festivals have had their Federal funding significantly cut this is devastating for our festivals and for our communities these are already promised funding agreements why is the government cutting funding that is hurting Canadian arts and culture here.

here The Honorable member the The Honorable minister of Heritage I'd like to thank my colleague for the question because it allows me to say that we've reinvested $31 billion in festivals including The Fringe Festival which will normally benefit from this because we understand the importance.

That culture has for all communities across Canada including during the pandemic festivals are absolutely extraordinary places to bring communities together and to share cultural events that brings them together and tell Canadian stories unfortunately the conservatives are going to vote against this in the budget.

2024 like they do like all other support for cultural events across the country The Honorable member from Courtney Al Bernie Mr Speaker 523 people in Toronto died last year from toxic drugs and still the Liberals rejected the city of Toronto's request to take a health-based approach to tackling this crisis without offering any other Solutions then.

There's the conservatives who keep yelling out harmful disinformation and attacking real people people are dying and Canada needs to take a compassionate approach treatment housing Healthcare will the minister reconsider Toronto's proposal to tackle this crisis and save lives The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary safety that's why we refuse the Toronto Public Health request because it didn't adequately protect public health and maintain Public Safety we follow science we listen to families doctors and people with live and living experience because we know what works a full Continuum of support from prevention and.

Arm reduction to treatment the only person the member for is listen this to sorry that's it The Honorable member from Aurora Oak riches Richmond Hill thank you if you believe in something defend it our government firmly believes in a woman's right to choose which is why we are unwavering in our defense of abortion.

Rights in Parliament and in our communities conservative caucus members demonize abortion and would rather ban it from Canada the leader of the opposition outright refuses to defend abortion why is he so silent Canadians have a right to know where their leaders stand on abortion can the Minister of Justice please let us know the.

Government's position The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general Mr Speaker On this day in 1990 members of parliament passed a conservative bill that would sentence doctors to fail for providing abortions thankfully that bill died in the Senate abortion is Healthcare Mr Speaker Canadian women.

Should always have access to abortion recognizing this constitutional right to abortion liberal Bill c75 removed abortion from our criminal code entirely in 2019 that's the exact same bill the conservative leader keeps promising to repeal while conservatives speak at anti-abortion rallies venerate American restrictions on abortion this liberal.

Government will always stand up women's rights The Honorable member for l l than Mr Speaker and where the mayor of Montreal was elected there are 540 day delays in obtaining housing permits it costs more to build units this is what you call incompetency.

This liberal block government doesn't require anything from cities to step up Housing Development why is the prime ministering prime minister refusing common sense and promoting the incomp incomp incompetency of the mayors that are supporting him The Honorable minister in math class today we look at.

Bas basic confidence there's a whole idea of size one is smaller than 10 and so six is smaller than thousands one plan is much bigger than zero plans and what do they want to do just cut infrastructure and just insult Mayors Mr Speaker it doesn't build any housing have the honorable member.

For Mr Speaker after 9 years of this government it's not worth it the cmhc has stated that Canada needs 5.8 million units to restored restore housing affording ability this liberal block government is building less housing than in the 1970s it's a real Scandal Mr Speaker conservative legislation to.

Build housing not red tape is a common sense solution why is this prime minister protecting the incompetence of liberal Mayors instead of building housing The Honorable Minister once again in terms of math he has some lessons to learn um zero is much smaller than 179 agreements.

Across the countries with municipalities 200,000 is smaller than 240,000 and zero housing units is still zero that's their plan zero it doesn't work I have the honorable member for m l kamasu Mr Speaker after nine years of this prime minister quebecers are praying the cost of housing Cris of this housing crisis in V Marie under the.

Mayor it takes 540 days to obtain a burn a building permit imagine this 540 days in the midst of a housing crisis this is what you call incompetency quebecers are suffering at the block is voting for 500 billion in Appropriations and against Common Sense Solutions in this crisis can this liberal block government step up to the plate and promote housing.

Construction in Montreal and across Quebec once and for all the honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker yes we're talking about math today so there's a very small figure that is so easy to forget because it's so so small it's six affordable housing units six.

Units that the conservative leader former Minister when he was Minister across the country and throughout his entire term only six units where in the rining of my colleague who just spoke there's 134 affordable housing units that have been built with the support of the Kian government and yet their leader.

Continues to insult municipalities in Quebec The Honorable member for Mr Speaker it's more than six nine years under this prime minister and more and more quebecers are living on the streets because the lack of affordable housing across Canada this liberal block government has doubled the cost of rent.

Imagine in Montreal it takes two years to get a building permit and that's when things go well the incompetence is blatant quebecers need Solutions but the block voted against the conservative leaders plan for affordable housing can this block liberal government for once in its life help people across Canada to help.

Them build housing thank you The Honorable Minister inaudible they like talking about common sense but when you build a house Mr Speaker you make sure that basic things such as infrastructure water electricity City sidewalk streets or Arland place and all they want to cut is.

Infrastructure for municipalities to build homes so once again a plan one plan 3 million housing units versus zero zero units The Honorable member for Rivier rather rivor don't forget the north Mr Speaker.

Mr Speaker last March Quebec's Minister of Justice informed us that 109 stays of proceedings for unreasonable delays were granted last year alone in Quebec 109 how can you expect people to have confidence in the justice system when Justice no longer takes its course we've been sounding the alarm alarm for years.

About this government's nonchalance in appointing judges there're still a shortfall of nearly 60 judges and it's a recurring problem does the minister find it acceptable that trials are aborted because he hasn't taken the time to appoint judges The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general thank you very much Mr Speaker I won't accept uh.

The question asked by my qu the colleague I appointed justices as quickly as possible the quickest in Canadian history 113 appointments over the past 10 months nevertheless there is always more to do we are doing this in terms of delays uh for criminal justice we have established $700 million for legal.

Assistance to help speed up trials then I have the honorable member for Rivier dinor Mr Speaker the block is obviously in favor of bringing accused persons to trial within a re reasonable time frame but when people accused of murder or other crimes against people escape Justice because our courts are overflowing that's when we they lose our.

Support putting violent dangerous people back on the street because at the end of the day we don't have enough judges this has serious consequences for Public Safety and in people's confidence in the justice system will the ministers support our bill so that people accused of violent crimes are not simply released because there's no time to.

Judge them The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general just to be clear the bill tabled today is to use the notwithstanding claw Clause under the Canadian Constitution they said that they would use the notw standing Clause to trample.

The rights and freedoms guaranteed by the charter now we see another Federal party saying that the charter is just an option on this side of the house for the liberal party our government government will always protect your rights and Liberties guaranteed by the charter The Honorable member from Fort McMurray Cold Lake earlier today in.

Health committee we heard powerful testimony from indigenous leader Earl th executive director of Oxford House who said safe Supply is akin to pharmaceutical colonialization will the Prime Minister listen to indigenous leaders like Earl and put an immediate end to this dangerous government drug trafficking.

Program The Honorable Minister for indigenous Services Mr Speaker it is important to recognize that there is not one perspective on the best way forward through this toxic drug Supply that is facing this country that's why this government is focused on providing tools that meet the needs of communities in fact if communities are not comfortable.

With safe Supply then they are not using safe Supply Mr Speaker to allege that thiso approach RIT large across the country would not have detrimental effects is false and I will say this Mr Speaker we on this side are focused on saving the lives of our friends children and we will continue to do.

That the honorable member from Cumberland col Cumberland Colchester I think my honorable colleague has two questions uh speaker honorable colleague is actually deferring to The Honorable member from cumin colest speaker last night the minister.

Of mental health and addiction said the prime minister's deadly experiment of hard drug legalization in BC was a success after 9 years of this NDP liberal prime minister drug overdose deaths are up 380 in BC the minister refused to rule out expanding the dead drug legalization in Toronto or Montreal or anywhere else in Canada the message.

Is clear the NDP liberal government will import death disorder crime chaos caused by this Dre deadly experiment why won't the Prime Minister abandon his deadly hard drug policies here honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker the cons conservatives uh remarks are dangerous they're just saying that we need to clean these.

People up because they bother people no we're trying to help drug users uh they don't choose to be addicts they don't wake up one morning and say yeah we're going to start using drugs we have a range of options so they can find a path to move forward and solve their health problem which is not a criminal one but mental health.

one now I have the honorable member for Char o sh yesterday the minister of mental health doubled down and re uh said that the deadly experience with hard drug legalization in BC was a success for the minister success is a 38% increase in the number of deaths related to drugs in 2023 the mayor of.

Montreal reiterated her support for legalization of hard drugs such as heroin and crack and will the minister can they reassure quebecers that they will never reproduce the experience with hard drugs in Montreal before we get to The Honorable parliamentary before we move to The Honorable parliamentary secretary I'd.

Like to encourage all members particularly the member for Courtney El Bernie that he had the privilege of asking a question and so please not speak until you're recognized by the chair The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you very much Mr Speaker I'm also at the health committee and in the last meetings we had we did.

Hear what the colleague has just said but we also heard people say that it takes a range of options because there's not just one way of people getting people to stop taking hard drugs we we need several strategies and initiatives to ensure that everyone finds a solution and this is what we've committed to in terms of the exemption there hasn't been.

One yet from Montreal so if we do receive one we will do the what is necessary thank you member from Davenport Mr Speaker tackling climate change reducing emissions and moving to a low carbon future is a top priority for Canadians and for our liberal government we're implementing an aggressive climate.

Action plan while trying to keep costs down for Canadians we recently learned that the PBO has agreed to do a revised analysis on his report on the costs of carbon pricing to Canadians as he acknowledged some errors in the original analysis can the minister of environment update this house on the benefits of the carbon rabate uh caner carbon rebate to.

Canadians and comment on the pbo's recent publication The Honorable minister of the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I I thank my honorable colleague for her question uh in fact the Parliamentary budg budget officer on April 17 did put an update on his website saying that the last estimate.

That he had done was based on faulty premises we thank the PBO for for for doing that and in fact it confirms what we what we've known all along what economists are saying what independent organizations the country are saying eight out of 10 Canadians are better off with the federal pricing on carbon it helps fight climate change it helps.

Canadian with affordability we thank the PBO for doing that thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Prince George Peace River Northern Rockies NDP liberal government is once again hiring foreign mercenaries to shoot deer on a BC Island the cost it will cost taxpayers over $12 million to call less than 900 invasive deer this.

While local Hunters had previously removed over 2,000 of the invasive fellow deer for free why is the minister wasting 12 million on a deer hunt Canadian Hunters said they do for free is.

Yours The Honorable minister of the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I I have no knowledge of this issue we will look into it and get back to the member as quickly as possible thank you The Honorable member from Prince George Peace River Northern Rockies Mr Speaker we have Canadian Hunters that.

Say they would even pay to hunt these deer yet the NDP liberals have found a way to make it cost Millions from Scott Carpenter it's a real slap in the face to Canadian hunters and there's millions of us in this country who would have been more than happy to spend our own money to go in there and harvest some of the meat ourselves to invite foreigners.

Into the country because they felt we were incapable of doing it ourselves is insulting to say the least what does this NDP liberal government have against Canadian Hunters The Honorable minister of the environment and climate change I said Mr Speaker we will look into it and get back to the member as fast as possible.

Thank you The Honorable member from Red Deer LOL well it just goes to show Mr Speaker if it's not climate change they don't know anything about it in 2015 the Prime Minister told Canadians that you don't need an ar-5 to bring down a deer yet he's hired foreign mercenaries with semi-automatic rifles and large capacity.

Magazines to do just that these NDP Liberals are spending $12 million to call a few hundred Deer on Sydney Island the waste is typical the hypocrisy is palpable why does this prime minister continue to demonize Hunters while finding the most expensive way to do something that local Hunters would have done for free.

There's a conversation which is happening between members who should take that conversation behind the uh behind the read behind the curtains uh while The Honorable member is speaking and The Honorable minister is going to answer so The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I repeated.

To my answer to the question twice so now I'll reply in French I'll get back to the member as quickly as possible thank you you The Honorable member from kitner South hesler Mr Speaker the Canadian task force on preventative health just announced their updated breast cancer screening guidelines I am disappointed.

That the guidelines do not reflect concerns put forward by many Canadians can the minister of Health please share his views on the task force recommendation question The Honorable minister of Health well thank you uh Mr Speaker I I share the members concern I uh was concerned and disappointed frankly uh at the recommendations that.

Were there uh they do not seem to comport to The Experts that I've spoken to across the country that's why I've asked immediately for the chief Public Health officer uh to review this independent uh uh task force decision to make sure we convene the best uh and best uh the best science and the best uh experts to be able to inform the.

Decision that makes sure that every woman in this country uh gets the guidance they need to protect their health The Honorable member from South Oaken West CNE Mr Speaker Canadians are expecting this Wildfire season to be devastating and the minister has said the same last summer we had to rely on.

Our military to help battle wild wildfires and support communities this year the chief of Defense staff says that's no longer an option wow we need a solution Mr Speaker Canadians overwhelmingly want a dedicated National Wildfire fighting force so will the Liberals create this needed Force to tackle fires support communities and.

Save lives The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank speaker I'd like to thank the member opposite for bringing this forward and first of all I'd like to say to the eight firefighters that were killed in last year's Wildfire season our hearts go to their families over 200,000 Canadians were evacuated.

Last year the important thing is we were very closely with the municipalities with provinces and territories who have the first line of defense when it comes to fighting wildfires but we will always be there for them and we are making sure that we have the proper resources in place to make sure that we are ready for this year thank.

you The Honorable member from sanich golf Islands Mr Speaker I have the great honor of participating yesterday in a symposium sponsored by Senator Mary Lou MC fedrin from from the other place and attended by so many brilliant young people.

Arguing that the voting age should be 16 years old Mr Speaker the vote 16 movement includes a bunch of people over 70 like myself I'm not over 70 I'm almost 70 my point is Mr Speaker all of us regardless of party should get behind this with the honorable Minister for democratic reform for responsibility for the elections let us know whether the.

Government prepared to listen to Young people and put the vot age at 16 The Honorable parliamentary secretary well Mr Speaker I want to thank the member opposite for the question and in particular for young people taking part in their Democratic institutions this is precisely what we want young people to do to be engaged.

And the Democratic process involves Canadians all across this country at every age to take part in our democracy proc is studying this matter as well we've introduced reforms to the election act Mr Speaker we are going to continue to listen to Canadians to ensure that everybody can take part in the Democratic.

process following discussions among representatives of all parties in the house I understand there's an agreement to observe a moment of silence in memory of Reginald Charles Gano known as caou I now invite honorable members to rise

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