Question Length – Might maybe also 2, 2024


Question Length – Might maybe also 2, 2024

oral questions konal The Honorable member from Regina Capel when will the Prime Minister make it illegal to smoke crack in a hospital room just the date please The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Finance Mr Speaker the province of BC.

Made a request for a temporary pilot project BC now has concerns about that project which we share we are now working together to address those concerns opioid addiction is a tragedy that has affected far too many Canadian families we have to work together to solve it not score cheap partisan points off the pain of Canadians there are no.

Pilot projects anywhere else in Canada The Honorable member from Regina Capel because of this government's decision it is no longer illegal to smoke crack meth or shoot up heroin in public spaces in British Columbia like Parks hospitals and public transit the British Columbia government has now begged the prime minister to reverse this decision so.

Simple question when will the Prime Minister once again make it illegal to smoke crack in a hospital room just the date The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister Finance Mr Speaker unlike the conservatives we believe in working together with Canadians to solve our.

Country's most pressing problems that's why earlier this week I was in touch with Premier eie and I assured him that we share his concerns and we are working urgently together to address them and let's remember opioid addiction is a tragedy which is afflicting so many Canadian families let's work together to help them not.

Score cheap partisan points The Honorable member from Regina Capel dangerous addictions are H in Canadians after this government's decision to change the law overdose overdose deaths shot up and drug related crime went through the roof now the British Columbia government is is asking for the government to reverse their.

Decision it's a simple question it's a simple decision to make so one final time Mr Speaker on what date will this government make it illegal to smoke crack in a hospital room just the date The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Finance Mr Speaker unlike the conservative house leader I've actually.

Been in touch with the premier of BC about this truly pressing issue and unlike the conservatives we are working collaboratively with the province of BC we share their concerns and we are working together to support public health and Public Safety what we're not doing is fundraising off of the pain death and suffering of.

Can The Honorable member for m every day that this radical prime minister dither on the deadly experiment of legalizing hard drugs is another day that people die currently six a day in British Columbia after nine years of this prime minister Quebec is not immune to this crisis which affects every part of Canada I quote from the Jour Journal.

Moral crack huse is exploding in Montreal and will be seeing more and more of it in public places will the Prime Minister put an end to his extremist experiment in legalizing hard dve and say no to any expansion in Quebec The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr.

Speaker British Columbia has asked for a pilot project British Columbia now has certain serious concerns that we share and that is the reason for which we will be working urgently in close collaboration with The Province to meet these concerns Mr Speaker these are tragedies for families.

Throughout Canada we need to put partisanship aside when it comes to this kind of matter The Honorable member from it's not partisanship to talk about syringes on the floor degrading scenes and outbursts a ston throw from a school in Montreal now that we know that the radical experiment in legalizing hard.

Drugs in British Columbia by the Prime Minister supported by the blir by the way was catastrophic and deadly the blist MP for Juliet said in this house the hope is that this pilot project will pave the way the MP forimi said we and the blacka are deeply convinced that this is a step in the right direction Quebec doesn't want this can the Prime.

Minister assure this house that he will not follow the radical advice of the bla The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister for finance Mr Speaker opioid the opioid epidemic and addiction is a tragedy that we have to fight together by giving a priority to the health and safety of Canadians but Mr.

Speaker conservatives are just saying that our policy is extremist and radical do you know Mr Speaker what is extremist and radical white supremacy policy misogyny is radical and so it's time for the conservatives to denounce those policies that are truly extremist and radical The.

Honorable member for La La press reported today that CB that cbc's management is planning a r between the English Network in R Canada R Canada is not in crisis CBC is a necessarily comes with concessions and these concessions will be made at the expense of Quebec culture and creators it necessarily means taking away a bit.

Of our cultural identity to assimilate it with that of English Canada this is a dangerous slippery slope can the Prime Minister reassure french-speaking quebecers and Canadians that the government has absolutely no intention of merging CBC and Radio Canada The Honorable Deputy Minister uh prime minister and the minister of.

Finance a big thank you for the question first of all because we fully share the concerns of all Canadians especially the concerns of quebecers when it comes to the French language when it comes to Quebec culture and I can ensure all Canadians that French broadcasting will not be affected that's a priority for.

Us the honorable member for Lai Mr Speaker we have a proposal instead of bringing CBC in R Canada closer together we should make them independent of each other cbz has its challenges Raj Canada has its own the the two have neither the same cultural identity nor the same audience nor the same corporate culture these are two completely.

Separate entities but what CBC management is proposing a management appointed by the Liberals by the way is to weaken R Canada in order to strengthen CBC in the long term this means assimilating the French language public broadcaster why not turn it into two completely separate Crown corporations The Honorable Deputy Prime.

Minister Minister for finance Mr Speaker we share people's concerns with regards to the French language in Canada and with regards to French culture and with regards to Quebec culture in Canada on this side of the house we will always always always work as hard as we.

Can to support the French language Canadian and Quebec culture in French we will always support R Canada The Honorable member of Mr Speaker another report another failure with this Minister for the environment the wheel cada is going to miss its ghg emission targets no wonder.

Everyone will remember the Liberals environmental Legacy the purchase of Trans Mountain 34 billion of our money in one big pipe and still billion GED just like that for the oil companies gobbling up public money polluting and destroying our climate the minister of the environment should be proud can the Liberals take responsibility for once.

And stop pretending to be interested in the climate crisis The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance Mr Speaker our government has done more more in the fight against climate change than any federal government in the history of.

Canada we've put a price on pollution we have a massive industrial program to the tune of $93 billion to stimulate our green transition we are and we should be proud of what we do and we know that we can and will do more honorable member from Vancouver Kingsway Mr Speaker the Liberals have been letting the ultra.

Rich off the hook for years but thanks to the ndp's capital gains changes the wealthiest will pay a little more and the conservative leader doesn't like this maybe that's why he's getting whined and DED tonight by Bay Street billionaires at a cash for Access fundraiser like the Liberals the conservatives would rather hand out.

Billions to wealthy CEOs than fund the services people really need why are the the Liberals maintaining the conservatives corporate giveaways The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for finance Mr Speaker I am really glad that the member opposite has raised an issue.

About which the conservatives have been notably silent and that is our increase in the inclusion rate on capital gains we agree with the member opposite that it is just not fair for a nurse or Carpenter to pay tax at a higher marginal rate than a multi-millionaire but I agree with a member opposite I think the conservatives support that.

Kind of unfair tax policy The Honorable member The Honorable member from caml Thompson caribbe the liberal Minister for legalizing hard drugs is misleading Canadians yesterday she told Canadians that liberals were waiting for further information from British colia in response to BC's request to end this.

Legalization experiment yet just yesterday the BC Minister responsible told us that they had responded to the government in just a few hours this when BC had 2500 overdoses in just one year why are the Liberals misleading Canadians and will they end their radical drug policy The Honorable Minister for.

Addictions and mental health Mr Speaker the opioid crisis is affecting communities and families across this country and it's a tragedy that is why the BC government approached the federal government for a three-year pilot program BC communities are facing extremely serious challenges and people are dying from deadly street drugs and.

Public consumption is a concern DC is amending their proposal and we are supporting them in this work Mr Speaker because that's what we do we partner together to save lives what is their plan Mr Speaker The Honorable member from C Loops Thompson Caribou well they did partner together they partnered together for a radical policy that has.

Led to countless deaths imagine an elderly woman in hospital having to sit beside somebody lay beside somebody who is smoking crystal method The Honorable member to start again I'm hearing some voices uh from the far end of this room which I cannot hear and I'm asking I'll ask the honorable member to.

Start his question from the top The Honorable member from caml Thompson carber the minister is correct the Liberals have partnered with somebody they partnered with the provincial NDP to create a crisis of unprecedented proportions that led to people dying due to their radical policy after 9 years this liberal NDP government is flooding.

The market with free drugs this is happening to our brothers our sisters our fathers our mothers our children they are all being fueled with addiction of the free drugs will the Prime Minister reverse course and end his radical experiment of legalization The Honorable Minister for mental health and addictions Mr Speaker.

On this side of the house we work with our provincial jurisdictions to ensure the health and safety of Canadians in the face of this toxic drug Supply we are treating this with urgency Mr Speaker and all partners are working together to find a path forward as fast as possible to provide operational Clarity for law enforcement health care.

Services and all those who are involved in Saving Lives Mr Speaker we want the same thing Public Safety and access to public health care services for those who need it they would cut everything we are here to save lives job before I pass the microphone to G uh again to the U Min for The Honorable member from Colona Lake Country I'm.

Going to ask all members please to hold your comments until uh the me you're recognized to have the floor The Honorable member from colonal Lake Country Mr Speaker the liberal Minister responsible for legal hard drugs in British Columbia isn't being straight with Canadians yesterday she said she's waiting for more data from BC to decide.

If she would reverse her decision to legalize drugs like cocaine opioids and Fentanyl in Parks playgrounds and hospitals the bcnp confirmed yesterday they answered the liberal government's request for more data within hours after 9 years of this Prim Minister drug debts tragically Rose 380 as if that wasn't enough data why.

Won't the Liberals be honest with Canadians and just end their radical drug policies a great question The Honorable Minister for mental health and addictions Mr Speaker on this side of the house we speak to our con our provincial counterparts and those who are the experts and with lived and living experience the opposition the.

Member from Carlton won't even meet with mom stop the harm or other experts and those who are advocating for their families and their lives we continue to work with our BC counterparts they have provided amendments to their proposals and we are working together to face the public consumption issues The Honorable member from Colona.

Lake Country well Mr Speaker I speak to Residents in my community and the minister isn't listening to British Colombians she didn't listen to BC Mayors who wanted to stop open drug use in their Community a year ago she's not listening to BC parents horrified to find crack pipes and needles near schools and playgrounds a student.

Project from a school in my community had students writing to me about issues important to them unbelievably crime and open drug use was the number one issue this prime minister is not worth the cost why won't these liberals be honest with Canadians and just end their radical drug policy The Honorable Minister for mental.

To health and addictions Mr Speaker conservatives aren't genuine with Canadians about their care or concern for those who are dying from the toxic drug Supply the opposition leader talks a big talk about investing in treatment but conservatives cut 2third of their drug treatment fund when they were in power Mr Speaker they only focus on.

Treatment and Recovery they don't focus on safe consumption sites they don't focus on harm reduction as Healthcare Mr Speaker we need to partner with everyone when will they listen The Honorable member from Mission masb Fraser Canyon Mr Speaker the liberal Minister responsible for legal hard drugs is misleading Canadians drug.

Overdoses are now the leading cause of death among youth aged 10 to 18 in British Columbia just yesterday she said she was waiting on more information from the bcnp government which The Province said they delivered within hours how much more information does she need to end their radical and extremist policy which is putting the children of British.

Columbia at risk you're here The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker unlike the conservatives I have been in touch with the province of BC BC requested the pilot project and I was in touch this week with the premier of BC he and his.

Government have serious concerns about about the pilot project we share those concerns and we are working together with BC to address them but I do want to say making political hay out of the pain of suffering Canadian families is simply irresponsible that's the honorable member from Mission massp phaser Canyon Mr Speaker this government is supposed.

To be in the business of protecting children not killing them with exposure and access to hard drugs the RCMP has confed confirmed that legal hard drugs are being sold on the black market in abbottford the soccer association has to regularly sweep the needles for pitch the legion and many businesses in Mission have to deal with cracks smoke.

Every day when will this government do the right thing and canceled their ideologically extreme experiment to legalize hard drugs and start protecting BC's children The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker as a mother of three including teenagers I care so much about.

Canada and Canadians and I agree opioid addiction is a tragedy it is a public health tragedy and it is a public safety tragedy but let me tell you what is putting the public safety of all Canadians at risk consorting with white supremacists and misogynist that is a public safety risk the conservatives have an opportunity today.

To disavow that they should do it the honorable member for Julet yesterday the National Assembly adopted a historic unanimous motion it and I quote denounces the refusal of the new Democratic the conservative and the liberal parties of Canada to recognize the principle of respect for Quebec's.

Areas of jurisdiction and to Grant Quebec the right to opt out with full compensation this is the very first time that the National Assembly of Quebec has unanimously blamed each and every Federalist Party by name because they're all working against Quebec when the government says it is working hand inand with Quebec are they working hand inand.

Rather with these parties against Quebec The Honorable Minister for transport Mr Speaker going against the blooder isn't going against Quebec because we are working with Quebec on housing on seniors on young people on child care so that people so that kids can go to work with their stomachs full but the B is always.

Against all of this they do the opposite of what we Pro we promise uh for quebecers we're trying to fight for seniors we're trying to fight against climate change and they always vote against so shame on them Mr Speaker before the member foret has the floor I would like to encourage members in this house to not interrupt the person who.

Has the flaw and I hope that this will be applicable as well for when the honorable Mia takes the floor which is now thank you Mr Speaker it's historic this unanimous motion the Canada's liberals have been denounced by their liberal allies in Quebec the NDP was denounced by.

Quebec the conservatives well they weren't denounced by their Ally du well because he has no MPS and quebecers don't vote conservative but they two were condemned by the unanimous National Assembly of other Stripes all the elected representatives in Quebec City can see that all the Federalist elected.

Representatives in arwa are working to undermine Quebec's ability to make their own social choices or societal choices rather does the government realize the president it has set the honorable Minister for transport Mr Speaker the conservatives do have an ally it's the bla it's the bla Mr Speaker they.

Always seem to vote together there's a bit of males in that Cor in that corner when one makes a promise and one does the opposite then promises are shattered promises for those who trusted them and voted for them they say they want to fight for seniors they say they want to fight for.

The environment but they always vote against why because they just simply follow the conservative Playbook The Honorable member for jolet the federal government in this budget wants to tell quebecers how to run Quebec whether it's in healthcare housing or any other area liberal conservative ndps by refusing to amend.

The budget the three parties have eminently shown that they want to become the Puppet Masters of Quebec however yesterday's unanimous response from the National Assembly was clear we quebecers still want to be Masters in our own homes does the minister for finance see that quebecers do not except that elected representatives of the.

Neighboring Nation should decide Quebec's priorities instead of quebecers The Honorable Minister for public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and in my writing a number of our priorities is to have access to Quality and affordable dental care and big news since yesterday thousands of people in my writing.

And throughout Quebec now have access to Dental Care affordable and quality dental care this is huge news for all Canadians and it's great news for all quebecers as well The Honorable member from Thornhill the liberal government's dangerous drug policy in BC allows people to smoke crack on a public bus to shoot up next.

To a park with people with with children playing there to blow smoke from meth in the face of of a nurse in a hospital now we learn what the Liberals want to do to Toronto what they've done to BC the leader of the opposition sent the Prime Minister a letter asking him to reject Toronto's request are the nurses in Toronto getting people who smoke meth in.

Hospital rooms or will they finally reject the request The Honorable Minister for mental health and addictions Mr Speaker on this side of the house we are completely committed to working with communities across this country and facing the opioid crisis and the tragedies that are happening to so many.

Families every request is reviewed on a caseby Case basis the member should know this Toronto Public Health has not submitted a proposal that adequately addresses the Dual objectives of Public Health and Public Safety which have guided us throughout addressing the opioid crisis every level of government including the province must be engaged.

In this process and we continue to work together The Honorable member from Thornhill speaker their plan is killing 22 Canadians every day and opioid deaths have doubled in this country in Just 2 years I can't believe that the minister from Toronto wants to expand this lawlessness into her own City otherwise she would just say no I'll give her an.

Opportunity to just say that one more opportunity to stop this extremist experiment on the streets of Toronto yes or no will you reject it The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Finance Mr Speaker I'm a minister I'm a Toronto MP I'm a Toronto mother I know as everyone in this house should that.

Opioid the opioid crisis is a tragedy and there are no families in Canada that are Untouched by it the BC pilot project was requested by BC BC has serious concerns we share those concerns we are addressing it there is no other pilot project anywhere in Canada and the BC experience should and will be instructed The Honorable member from.

Durham Mr Speaker it's been 24 hours since the leader of the opposition sent the Prime Minister a letter asking him to reject reject Toronto City Hall's request to legalize hard drugs and we're getting no serious answers from this NDP liberal Government after seeing death and disorder in BC why can't the Prime Minister take the no-brainer and say no.

At what time today can we expect an answer to Toronto City Hall here here The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Finance Mr Speaker I think that the members opposite were not listening to my previous answer the only pilot project in Canada is in BC BC has serious concerns we share them and we're.

Acting urgently together to resolve them there are no other pilot project anywhere in Canada I think all Canadians are aware of the BC experience and need to take it into account but you know what Mr Speaker we've invested 200 thou $200 billion in the Healthcare System they voted against it yes The Honorable member from Port Moody.

Coquitlam people in Port Moody Coquitlam are struggling to keep up with the skyrocketing rents and grocery prices meanwhile the conservative leader is schmoozing with Canada's wealthiest at a $3,500 a year wine club this is the guy who said he'd cut dental care and pharmacare in favor of keeping billion dooll corporate handouts and the.

Liberals are no better they're letting big grocery CEOs Rock up obscene profits while Canadians go hungry when will the Liberals stop this corporate greed The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker from the recent federal budget we put forward a plan to establish fairness for every generation that's.

Going to ask the wealthiest to pay a little bit more so we can fund the things that really matter to the people people who've been struggling the last couple of years we've got plans that are going to reduce the cost of living by reducing the cost of housing by solving the housing crisis we've got a plan to launch a national school food program to.

Make sure that hungry kids can put food on the table and as I give this answer the conservatives Jer because they do not support the measures that are going to help vulnerable people in this country we will stand up for the middle class we will stand up to for the vulnerable it's a shame the conservatives won't join.

Us the honorable member from the Mo lady Smith Mr Speaker while Rich CEOs make record profits families in a Nyo lady Smith can barely put food on the table and what's the conservative leader doing about it well he's hosting a fundraiser with Canada's richest Elites that cost thousands just to step through the door it's no wonder when he was in power the.

Biggest corporations got 60 billion in handouts while gutting services to British Colombians and the Liberals they maintain these handouts will the government end these corporate giveaways The Honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker I would agree with my colleague that is disturbing to see the leader of the opposition siging with.

Big corporate at a time where Mr Speaker all Canadians should be United to put pressure on the grocery in this country Mr Speaker if they are really honest about caring for Canadians on the other side Mr Speaker let them speak up let them tell the LA Blas and Walmart to adopt the gross code of conduct in this country Mr Speaker if we speak with one.

Voice we're going to improve the life of Canadians are they going to do it the The Honorable member from Halifax Mr Speaker Halifax is home to thousands of researchers with Limitless potential and it's essential to provide the support necessary to fully unleash that potential Halifax researchers are making advancements in ocean science.

Brain repair lithium ion battery technology Pediatrics and so much more their work contributes to the economic and social prosperity of Canada and improves the lives of all Canadians could the minister of innovation Science and Industry please tell us how budget 2024 will support research and researchers in Halifax and across Canada.

You're here The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker what a great question from a great member Mr Speaker this is a colleague which has been advocating for research in science and this country Mr Speaker Canada Research and students are our greatest resource in this country researchers at Deli Mr Speaker are pushing the boundaries of.

Brain health big data and ocean research in budget 2024 we invested 3.4 billion in our world leading Talent Mr Speaker student will see an increase in their stiffens to support their research and attack the best and brightest Mr Speaker the science of today is the economy of tomorrow let's invest in our futures together.

The Honorable member for Char Mr Speaker interest on the debt is skyrocketing and will continue to do so while spending remains out of control and the block continues to support these liberal centralizing policies that are driving up the cost of living for example on December 13th the block voted for over $20 billion in budgetary items.

When will the Prime Minister supported by the block stop wasting money so that quebecers can start enjoying a decent life again to have the honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker I'm very pleased to finally have a question on the economy because this gives me the opportunity to share some good news from.

The governor of the Bank of Canada he said today that we have gone through a long road in the fight against inflation and recent progress is encouraging the message to Canadians is the following we are getting close to the goal this is good news thanks to the work of Canadians thank you for the.

Opportunity The Honorable member for Mr Speaker I'll remind the Minister of Finance that 48% of liberal supporters finds that their government is not managing public finances well that was in a recent Le poll even worse there's the block which pretends to be critical and to defend Quebec's interest they voted for $500 billion in.

Additional budget items it's really really really expensive to vote for the block the party that supports this financial disaster when will the Prime Minister supported by the block stop their out-of-control spending and give quebeckers some respite The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr.

Speaker our colleague is talking about poor management Mr Speaker have you already heard that during the whole term of the conservative leader when he was Minister of Housing he built six six affordable housing units throughout the country in the writing of my colleague over the past few months I have an updated number there are are.

222 affordable housing units that have been built in just his writing six during the whole term of the conservative leader as housing Minister The Honorable member for par ja Mr Speaker I don't know if I'm speaking to the professor of the University de laal or the procurement Minister Mr Speaker after 9 years of this prime.

Minister the cost of living has never been higher people are being squeezed mortgages housing food everything is more expensive this liberal government isn't worth the cost and neither is the block cuqua just a reminder it was the block that voted for $500 billion in budgetary items we're talking about $500 billion in centralizing and inflationary.

Spending that has been supported by the bla when will this prime minister stop its waste so that quebecers can skip the food banks and regain their dignity The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker once again a good opportunity to talk about the economy first we have a responsible policy fiscally we have a.

AAA credit rating the highest possible and I'll refer to the bank of Canada's governor who's talked about the good progress on inflation but the conservatives their only policy is austerity and cut cut cut they want to cut dayc carees cut School food programs and cut Radio Canada CBC which is so important for quebecers I have the.

Honorable member for M Mr Speaker after nine years of budgetary Chaos this government supported by the block continues with its inflationary spending they are throwing money out the window the block talks about the importance of Health transfers but they voted for $500 billion in centralizing.

Spending which has more interest costs than the money that goes to health transfers the more this government spends the more the block supports it when will the Prime Minister stop wasting taxpayer money I have The Honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker Canadians who are listening today understand that they.

Have a choice on one side of the house Mr Speaker they hear the voice of a party that has no ambition no vision no plan for the future on this side of the house what people understand is that they have a liberal government a government that has a vision for the future a government that has a plan for the coming.

Generations a government that has amb for our country Mr Speaker what I tell Canadians is listen to what you're hearing you'll see that on this side of the house we will fight for you every day The Honorable member for Jean we've learned that Canada's greenhouse gas emissions Rose between 2021 and.

2022 they're going up when they should be going down but what's most catastrophic is that they're going to keep skyrocketing because Ottawa opened Trans Mountain yesterday the minister of the environment has just turned on the dirty oil to another 600,000 barrels every day are piped out of the oil sands for export can the minister of the.

Environment explain to us how his new dirty oil pipeline will help us lower emissions The Honorable minister of the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I'd like to thank my colleague for his question and remind him that greenhouse gas emissions are 44 million tons lower in 2024 than they.

Were before the pandemic that's the equivalent of 13 million Vehicles taken off our roads greenhouse gas emissions have never been as low in Canada in 25 years so that's when Conor McGregor was born so things are going very well but I agree with my colleague there's much work to be done still The Honorable member for.

Jead Green Peace told Radio Canada CBC that The Missing Link in the federal climate plan is a cap on emissions from the oil sector the minister must be relieved that there's no cealing on emissions because he would have banked his head on it with the transmount emissions it's a reminder that Canada is the fourth largest Petro monarchy in the.

World with Trans Mountain it consolidates its fourth place between Russia and Iraq at the top of the worst polluters we know that the minister never dreamed of being a Petro Monarch so will he ever put a limit on his country's Greed for Black Gold The Honorable minister of the environment and climate change thank you.

Mr Speaker my colleague mentioned Green Piece Green Piece in that same interview recognized that we are making progress in Canada and that this year's record is very encouraging but that more needs to be done I'd like to remind my colleague that there's one country in the G20 that has put an end to fossil fuel subsidies and that is Canada we've committed to.

Going even further by eliminating Public Funding which no other country in the world has committed to doing and the cap on greenhouse gas emissions is coming we're the only major oil producer in the world to have proposed putting a cap on those emissions Mr Speaker The Honorable member for leard Mr Speaker after nine years the block.

And the Prime Minister are not worth the cost the block has always voted with the Liberals on government budgets we're talking about $500 billion in centralizing and inflationary spending and that hurts this spending increases the cost of living and keeps interest rates high with the block quebecers are going hungry they're.

Having trouble housing themselves and they are hurting Mr Speaker when will this prime minister supported by the block stop wasting money so that quebecers can once again afford decent housing and food The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker I am really pleased to have another.

Opportunity to refer to the governor of the Bank of Canada who shared very good news today with Canadians he said the message to Canadians is the following we are getting closer to the goal he's also said that it's our government's fiscal.

Responsibility that has allowed him to stabilize inflation and that will allow us to reduce the overnight rate from leads Grenville thousand iseland and R Lakes after 9 years of this NDP liberal government the employment Minister has been caught in Shady lobbying and we can see that this prime minister and his government certainly aren't worth the.

Cost or the corruption the minister was caught cashing checks from a lobbying firm that was lobbying his own government his own Ministry how much taxpayer cash did this Minister and his company shove in their pockets how much how much how much The Honorable government house.

Leader order we want third order The Honorable government house leader speaker uh the minister has always followed the very strict ethics.

Rules that apply to him as an elected official Canada has one of the strictest ethics regimes in the world for elected officials and that is exactly exactly what Canadians expect the minister has always conducted himself in an ethical manner that follow follows the spirit and letter of those rules that's right good answer The Honorable member from.

Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands in RTO Lakes well after nine years of this NDP liberal government we know that the fish rots from the head down and this prime minister twice found guilty of breaking ethics laws along with multiple members of his front bench and his back bench we know that the minister tried to hide that he was getting money from his.

Company that was lobbying his own government even his own Ministry but he got caught Global News reported it and now we're asking him about it so instead of having the government house leader protect him from his own accountability his own actions will he stand up today and tell us how much money he.

Took the honorable government house leader Mr Speaker I just gave that answer thank you to The Honorable leader honorable member from Leeds Grandville thousand island and RTO Lakes oh I'm sorry we only.

W I never knew I was so popular on this side The Honorable member from The Honorable member foral Mr Speaker as we approach red dress day which raises awareness of the alarming rates of violence Jo calls for the introduction of a red dress alert system this system would be crucial in.

Promptly informing the public whenever an indigenous woman girl or toped person goes missing can the minister of crown indigenous relations share with us what measures are being taken to address this critical critical issue thank you so much The Honorable Minister for crown and Indigenous relations Mr Speaker I want to recognize The Advocates families.

And survivors working tirelessly to press our government for Urgent action that includes a member from Winnipeg Center and the member from Oakville North Burlington folks like Sandra Del Hilda Anderson Pierce lesie vley Angela McDougall glattus radic Lura Brown and Denise haard who are advancing the implementation of a red dress alert.

System their efforts are crucial in bringing indigenous women girls and two spirit people home safely and I thank the member from derval lein Lal for our advocacy leveraging the $1.3 million in budget 2024 our government will put an end put an The Honorable member from St Albert Edmonton speaker the soul liberal.

Minister from Alberta is at the center of two corruption scandals it has been reported that the minister is tied to a lobbyist received a staggering $110 million in federal contracts and the minister is the director of the company that received a further $8 million of government contracts and is engulfed in allegations of Fraud and wire fraud so.

How much money did this Minister and his companies receive from these Shady contracts The Honorable government house leader speak Mr Speaker as I said earlier in response to uh our other honorable friend the minister has always followed the strict ethics rules that apply to him as an elected official.

Canada has one of the strictest ethics regimes in the world for elected officials and that is exactly what Canadians expect the minister has always conducted himself in an ethical manner that follows the spirit and letter of those rules that's right very The Honorable member from St Albert Edmonton speaker the minister has been on take.

With taxpayers money the minister retains a 50% stake in a company that is engulfed in allegations of Fraud and the minister continues to receive payments from the lobbying firm that received $110 million in federal contracts so will the minister finally have the guts to stand in his place and tell Canadians how much he pocketed off taxpayers.

I will come back to this uh this matter uh later but I I do warn members please to be very careful uh about what they say about other honorable members The Honorable government house seater Mr Speaker in this house all members are entitled to be treated by other members members with a presumption of of being honorable that is not what this member.

Has just done I would invite him to carefully consider the words that he just employed while while doing a speech into a television camera one that he would never do were we outside this chamber and I would invite that member to be very very careful with his words in the.

Future The Honorable member from Branford Brant after nine years of this NDP liberal government yet another liberal minister is embroiled in an ethic Scandal this employment Minister continued to serve as a director of a company that secured over $8 million in government contracts and his former lobing fir lobing firm got direct access.

To the prime minister's office and the finance Minister's office everyone who has their hands on the pur strings his prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption simple question how much did this minister or his companies receive since he's been in cabinet oh here here The Honorable government house leader.

Mr Speaker I've answered that question and I would once again I would once again invite members from all sides of this house to be very very careful with the words that they utter The Honorable member from West Vancouver Sunshine Coast C to size country Mr Speaker budget 2024 proposes funding for Canada's first ever action.

Plan on combating hate which will support community outreach law enforcement reform tackle the rise in hate crimes enhance Community security counter radicalization and increase support for victims this plan was drafted way before Canadians realized that the leader of the the official opposition was coing up with.

White nationalists can the minister please tell this house what impacts far right extremism has on our community the honor thank you for the honorable Minister for diversity Mr Speaker combating hate is a responsibility of everyone in this house anything otherwise is shameful and frankly.

Appalling when the leader of the opposition decided to Cozy up to farri extremist supporters it is Unbecoming of any elected official much less the leader of the major political that's what you're doing when The Honorable member from St Albert Edmonton was asking his question it was Reon by the chair the chair was quite happy to make.

Sure that the member had a a free time to be able to ask his question I'd ask the honorable member please to hold back his comments while the minister is answering the honorable Minister for diversity from the top Please Mr Speaker when the leader of the opposition decided to Cozy up to farri extremist supporters it is Unbecoming of any.

Elected official much less the leader of a major Canadian political party Canadians expect their leaders to stand up for Canadian values that's why Mr Speaker we're investing 270 million in the budget for Canada's first everever action plan on combating hate Mr Speaker that's leadership.

Dou consistent consistent double stand get a in this house The Honorable member from M bulkley Valley Mr Speaker yesterday 10,000 Canadian rail workers voted to strike because in part Canada's two largest railway companies want to undermine key safety measures in their Collective.

Agreements the safety of rail workers the safety of rail communities and the safety of our environment are all at stake will the minister ensure the parties remain at the bargaining table until a fair safe and Equitable agreement is reached here here The Honorable Minister for labor question um what is happening.

Right now is a cooling off period is a normal part of the collective bargaining process our facilitators and conciliators remain closely uh with both parties at the table we remain committed on this side um as I know the honorable member is to making sure that the table Remains the best deals are made at the table thank you very much for the.

Question The Honorable member from sanage Gulf Island Mr Speaker even for the Liberals this is really something it's a hatrick three times three different platform promises broken in one Omnibus budget bill first up they broke the commitment to have undrip honored and consult with indigenous people second they Ed an Omnibus budget.

Bill to change environmental legislation third once again they failed to fix the environmental assessment Act let's make it simple environmental assessment under morrone's law worked Harper repealed it it still doesn't work this draft in this Ways and Means bill will go down to defeat at the Supreme Court once again fix it once and for all and use the.

Environmental expert panel to guide your action The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change Mr Speaker and I thank my honorable colleague for her question as per the Supreme Court asked us to do we have brought changes to the impact Assessment Act of Canada to ensure that the federal government would do what the federal.

Government is supposed to be doing while provinces do their part and impact assessment and we're confident that this will help us to move forward and I would remind my honorable colleague that at the time that this bill was adopted c69 we did not have clean fuel standards we did not have zero emission vehicle standards we did not have regulations on.

Methanes we weren't working on a cap on oil and gas emissions or clean electricity standard Mr speaker thank you bravo bravo let me get it and such and such comes to the end of question period

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