Question Period – February 28, 2024


Question Period – February 28, 2024

when the common sense conservatives fight to fix the budget stop the crime and everything else we're doing this government just continues with its corruption we have learned that the RCMP is investigating a Riv.

Scam the police force has revealed that the Liberals stopped the police from accessing documents in the snc lavalin affair will this government wave cabinet confidentiality so that the police can get all the facts it needs for this criminal inquiry the right honorable prime.

Minister Mr Speaker this situation is unacceptable and that's why the authorities are closely examining this procurement process anyone who took advantage of our covid approach to save Canadians should face the consequences if they abuse the system there will be consequences based on what.

The authorities find The Honorable leader of the opposition that is a non-answer and it shows once again that this prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption the question was whether he would allow the RCMP to see cabinet documents we know that during the other criminal inquiry on one of this liberal.

Prime minister Scandal he prevented the police from seeing all the documents I'm speaking about the snc lavala Scandal once again if he really has nothing to hide will he give all documents including cabinet documents to the police the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we can see how much this opposition leader loves.

Personal attacks when he dredges up issues that were completely settled four years ago we take the arrive can issue very seriously that is why the authorities are carrying out responsible inquiries and there will be consequences for anyone who took advantage of a situation where we are all trying to help Canadians through a global.

Pandemic while conser Common Sense conservatives fight to ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime this prime minister is not worth the cost or corruption we found yesterday that he his government is under RCMP investigation again this time for a RVE scam the commissioner of the RCMP.

Revealed however that the last time they were investigating him for criminal activity he blocked them in the snc lavlin affair from getting cabinet documents so will he lift cabinet confidentiality and hand hand over all the documents to the police so that they can investigate any of his potential crimes the right honorable prime.

Minister Mr Speaker the situation around AR RVE can is obviously unacceptable which is why authorities are looking into this procurement process and anyone who took advantage of everything we were doing to try and keep people safe during co uh to get rich uh will face consequences that's the way our system works The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition but that's not the sister the way the system has worked since he took office 8 years ago according to the RCMP commissioner he not only refused to be questioned in the snc lavalin criminal investigation uh and in the aaan billionaire Island investigation but he blocked key cabinet documents from being included in those investigations we now.

Know that an app that was supposed to cost $80,000 went up to 60 million after the NDP helpfully voted for those extra funds we don't know who criminally benefit benefited from that so once again will the Prime Minister wave cabinet confidentiality turn over all the documents yes or no the right honorable prime minister.

Leader of the opposition's digging into the past to try and bring up things that were settled many years ago but if he really wants to talk about the past uh he should talk about the fact that the conservative leader was at Transport Canada working hand inand with the minister as the founders of the company involved in arrive can were getting.

Millions of dollars in contracts from the Department he was working for uh Mr Speaker we are taking seriously any concerns around procurement authorities are looking into it there will be consequences for anyone who took care of our covid protection efforts to get themselves Rich The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition that answer proves again that he's not worth the cost or the corruption we know that after 8 years of this prime minister the cost of everything is gone I in part because because he's given away money for nothing in a RVE scam an app that was supposed to cost 80,000 was actually how much 60 million at least and Counting.

Because the auditor general says she doesn't have the documentation to do the full calculation today though we have a common sense conservative motion that requireed the Prime Minister release the full cost of the app and recover the money for Canadians within the next 100 days will he vote for that Common Sense votion yes or no the right honorable.

Prime minister okay Mr Speaker we see the leader of the opposition choosing to fling M on a question that I've said is unacceptable the authorities are looking into it but he doesn't want to talk about the housing investments that we're making across the country he doesn't want to talk about the fact that he voted against dental care that seniors.

Are going to be benefiting of uh from as of May he doesn't want to talk about child care he doesn't want to talk about Ukraine he doesn't want to talk about all the things where conservatives are out of line with Canadians we going to continue focusing on the things that matter to Canadians every single.

Day The Honorable member for B sh Mr Speaker this government with the NDP wants to bring in Medicare but that won't give anything additional to Quebec which already covers drugs and which was an inspiration for the federal government that would be okay with me as long as Quebec has a right to withdraw with full compensation and with no.

Strings attached the member foros a member of that Alliance said yes Quebec will be able to withdraw but the minister doesn't seem to agree who's telling the truth the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the reality is that there are still too many Canadians throughout the country who are facing impossible.

Choices they're having to decide between paying for gross groceries or medication that they need we will be there to ensure that people throughout the country can pay for medication we will work with the provinces including Quebec to ensure that we cover the medications Canadians need the honorable member I agree that.

Many Canadians may not have that service but quebecers yes they do that's why we want to be able to withdraw with full compensation shouldn't the Liberals and NDP have have gotten their stories aligned before speaking publicly they don't the left hand doesn't seem to know what the right hand is.

Doing the Prime Minister has given us such a clear answer so as my friend with for Richmond Arthur basket would say yes or no will Quebec be able to withdraw with full compensation the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker throughout the country including in Quebec people are facing gaps in their.

Medicare that's why we will be there to work closely with the provinces hand in hand to ensure that people can pay for their medication throughout the country we will always be there to work constructively with the provinces always with the goal of offering coverage to all Canadians from babby South your Democrats have long.

Said that corporate greed is driving up the cost of living it's also hurting our health care System gayen Weston's law gayen Weston Shoppers Drug M which the corporate control conservatives love uh is now ripping off our Health Care system that means more money in the pockets of gayen Weston and less money for Frontline healthcare workers why.

Does a prime minister continue to let gayen Weston get richer while Canadians can't get the health care that they need the right honorable prime minister let the leader of the opposition answer to why he has a high-profile lobbyist sitting within his caucus meetings uh for gayen Weston uh we're focus on creating more competition for lower.

Prices more choice and more Innovative products and services for Canadians our government recently passed new legislation that empowers the competition Bureau to hold Grocers accountable and prioritize consumers interests the fall economic statement also cracks down on predatory pricing and I urge all parties to vote in favor.

here to choose between both parties controlled by cons by corporations Mr Speaker the Prime Minister gave more than 4 billion to the north Vault Factory which is a project with severe environmental risks and no economic benefits before 2037 before committing to spending so.

Much money did the Prime Minister have environmental assessments carried out or did he just listen to his CEO friends the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker this is the largest private investment in the history of Quebec this is a company that is not only creating jobs but also the products.

Of the future we will have to continue fighting climate change and protect our environment we are doing that hand inand with the government of Quebec hand inand with companies like Northolt where they are building careers our future and the fight against climate change all at once I expect that the NDP will understand that building a strong.

Economy and a future for our environment go together to a the tax this prime minister wants to hike the tax first of all he wants to quadruple it between now and 2030 and on April 1st he plans to hike it by 20 3% with the support of the NDP the tax hike will be bigger than any increases in the rebate and therefore people will.

Have be bigger the average families in all the provinces will be bigger net losers under this tax than they were before with Canadians unable to eat heat and house themselves will the Prime Minister cancel his plan to hike the tax on April 1st the right honorable prime minister I do believe this might be one of the first times the leader of these.

Opposition has ever recognized that there is a Canada carbon rebate that he is going to cancel checks that he will prevent from delivering to Canadians right across the country eight out of 10 Canadians get more households get more money uh than they pay in carbon pricing in the provinces in which they apply in Alberta.

$1,800 a year to the a family of four $1,200 a year in Manitoba even in in Ontario uh $1,120 uh to a family of four in Ontario that's money in their pockets that he wants to take them away The Honorable leader of the opposition well I'm glad he mentioned his phony rebates because $1,800 in.

Alberta is the rebate that's what he said you heard him here's the gross cost 2943 so he's going to take away $2,943 but give back $1,800 and then ask you to be thankful for it Mr Speaker isn't that just proof that the carbon tax is just like him not worth the.

Cost the right honorable prime minister speaker the Parliamentary budget officer himself recognized that the $8 $1,800 uh in rebate that we're sending for example to a family of four in Alberta is more than that family of four cost with the price on pollution that is uh the calculation that is done right.

Across the country that shows that eight out of 10 families are better off with the Canada carbon rebate than they pay in the price of pollution in areas in which uh it's brought in we are both fighting climate change and delivering more money to households across the country money that he wants to take away the honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker the Parliamentary budget officer report is in my hands PID page three of a distributional analysis of the federal fuel charge under the 2030 emissions reduction plan Google it look it up it's on the Parliamentary budget officer website you don't have to believe me and you certainly don't want to believe him go look for yourself the.

Average Ontario family will pay $1,674 in carbon taxes next year that's $630 more than they get back in rebates so why doesn't the Prime Minister Google it look up the report check the facts and ask the tax the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the first and.

Basion the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the first conclusion of the Parliamentary budget officer is in the mouth on the face of it eight out of 10 families get more back through the price on pollution uh through the Canada carbon rebate the reality is if one talk wants to talk about longer term and broader Economic Consequences of a price.

On pollution you have to talk about the cost of inaction you have to talk about the benefits of investing and innovating in carbon reduction Technologies that's the full picture that the leader of the opposition doesn't want to look at because he doesn't think you can build a strong economy and fight climate change at the same.

Time the honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker he's doing neither at the same time Mr Speaker the Parliamentary budget first of all I should catch that word he said on the face of it carbon tax is terrific well the Parliamentary budget officer actually did the calculation of the full fiscal and economic cost for the average.

Family and he found and he found and he found that every family in the middle class is worse off under the carbon tax for example in Ontario the net cost for the average family above and beyond rebates is $72 $627 this year how are they going to pay for that the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker families in Ontario.

Going to be getting a Canada carbon rebate worth $1,120 this year uh that's an a family of four a family in Nova Scotia $824,500 this coming year and that is uh more uh for eight out of 10 families uh than the price on pollution actually is we are fighting climate change we are.

Innovating and creating jobs of tomorrow and we're putting more money in the pockets of Canadians checks that that leader of the opposition would take away the honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker here's a very simple way to measure it up right here from the Parliamentary budget officer's report the total gross cost of the.

Carbon tax in Ontario is $1,674 for this coming year $1,674 $1,674 $674 how much is the rebate with record setting wildfires last year with floods uh with with uh.

climate good suggestion The Honorable prime minister from the top Mr Speaker with record setting wildfires across the country with droughts with floods Canadians know the costs of the impacts of climate change the leader of the opposition has no plan to fight climate.

Change he's not proposing anything accept Mr Speaker to pull away both the price on pollution which forces polluters uh to pay right across a country that puts more money through checks that arrive four times a year in Canadian's pockets in where in the in the jurisdictions where there is a carbon price we have a plan to fight.

Climate change and put money in people's pockets he has no plan The Honorable leader of the opposition whoa he don't need he doesn't need to get angry about it asking some numbers here just some numbers right so he was very anxious to talk about these wonderful rebates up until a moment ago and now he doesn't.

Want to say a thing about he even gave him a fancy new name I'm going to say it again in Ontario the gross cost of the carbon tax is $1,674 for the average family $674 how much is the rebate just the right honorable prime minister He suggests that I don't have to get angry about climate change I'm.

Sorry Mr Speaker Canadians are worried and angry about climate change they see the wildfires cutting across this country last summer that are already started up uh in Alberta he sees the droughts they see the floods they have no plan their plan is to withdraw the uh the the four times a year checks that land in the bank accounts of Canadians.

That the Parliamentary budget officer demonstrates gives more money to eight out of 10 families right across the country and jurisdictions where it's applied Mr Speaker we have a plan he doesn't The Honorable member for B shamb there was unanimous vote at committee to support the bill brought.

Forward by my colleague for shefford to fin end discrimination towards seniors the Discrimination in old age security between PE between people of 65 to 75 and those over 75 since it was unanimous vote I assume the liberal members were directed to vote in favor so logically this should be part of the budget my question is the.

Following will the end of this age related discrimination be in the budget the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker On seniors we have taken measures to recognize seniors with higher costs those over 75 we are giving them more help in addition we are providing Dental Care to.

Seniors this week seniors of 70 and over will be able to register for receiving Dental Care starting in May we are here to help seniors we are here to invest and help the most vulnerable among us we will continue to be there for our seniors throughout the country The Honorable member for B sh that's all very well Mr Speaker but.

That's in the past I want to know what the Prime Minister will do in the future and I would remind him that his members at committee voted in favor of this bill and it's going to be coming to the floor of the house so I'm assuming that the prime minister is not trying to fool us or fool the people who are the most V vulnerable during the pandemic and now.

And the most vulnerable to inflation will he finally put an end to this age-based discrimination between seniors and will he increase old age security for all seniors in the budget the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker since 2015 we have increased GIS and ois and we have.

Recognize that indeed seniors are facing a difficult time especially older seniors from 75 years of age there are more costs for vulnerable seniors and that is why we are helping them with targeted assistance while also helping all seniors with investment in housing in dental.

Care in the New Horizons program with Investments throughout the country to help seniors and we will always recognize those who are the most vulnerable the NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the cost of food as we were reminded by a tragic report by Second Harvest that came out this.

Week showing that they will be there will be another million extra visits to food banks above last year's record breaking numbers this because of the collusion of the NDP liberals on a price fixing that is the carbon tax will the Prime Minister cancel his April 1st 23% carbon tax hike on food the right honorable prime minister.

Speaker as one of the conservative leaders own MPS recognized there is absolutely no data or proof to link uh their theory around the price on pollution and and the price of groceries but if they actually cared about affordability for Canadians they would have voted in favor of uh dental care for our most vulnerable seniors for uh.

Young families uh that can't afford to send their kids to the dentist that's what we are delivering they are voting against they wouldn't be stalling on the competition reforms uh reforms to ensure that we're actually moving forward on greater competition to stabilize grocery price The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker after 8 years this.

NDP liberal prime minister is just not worth the cost of food it's not just that uh 2 million people a month can't afford groceries and afford to line up at food banks it's just now that those food banks are running out of food and Canadians are diving into dumpsters literally there's an 8,000 member Facebook group called the dumpster.

Diving Network shame how can the Prime Minister look those people in the eyes and raise taxes on their food when they're eating out of garbage cans right honorable prime minister speaker we recognize that many Canadians are facing extremely difficult times which is why we're continuing to step up our supports across the country uh for.

Food banks uh for for programs uh and for supports for vulnerable Canadians this is something that we have taken seriously and we will continue to at the same time Mr Speaker we're continuing to move forward on concrete measures to help Canadians like Dental Care like pharmacare like Child Care these are things that the conservative party.

Continues to vote against uh in terms of helping vulnerable Canadians in helping with affordability he's there to instrumentalize vulnerable Canadians and try and play politics off of them he's not there The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker that's the best answer he can come up with after 8 years.

Of record food price increases that has forced people not just to food banks but to literally jump into dumpsters and bring their phones that they can Network on Facebook to share tips on how to eat out of garbage cans in Canada life was not like this before this prime minister and it won't be like this a after he's gone in the meantime will he at least.

Have the humanity to cancel his April 1st 23% tax hike right honorable prime minister speaker Farmers across this country know the impacts of climate change on uh the food supply in Canada on the growing and production of food uh these are things uh that we are fighting against by fighting against climate change and.

Putting more money in the pockets of Canadians right across the country we will continue to be there uh with support for food banks we will continue to be there with support for vulnerable Canadians now the leader of the opposition loves to talk about uh them and try and score political points off of these vulnerable people but he is.

Offering no real solutions for them as we continue to step up and deliver supports for people from Co The Honorable leader of the opposition according to the Second Harvest organization there have been an additional 1 million visits or there will be 1 million additional visits this year due to food inflation these.

Additional visits to food banks have been caused by the Prime Minister According to some experts the Prime Minister should at least freeze the carbet tax but the blua has voted to radically increase the taxes on the farmers who produce our food will the Prime Minister ignore the BL Kika for once cancel the costly Coalition and act.

The tax on food the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker no party in this house needs to be preached to by the conservative party when it comes to helping vulnerable people because the conservative party just just wants to lower taxes on the wealthy help out well-healed people and.

Not support vulnerable Canadians whether with food banks Dental Care Child Care seniors we know that the conservatives only have austerity and cuts to offer we will continue to be there for people and fight climate change from nun Northerners continue to experience the worst housing crisis in the country overcrowding is so bad that families.

Sleep in shifts one home house was cracking in half from the melting Perma fast and only held together by duct tape this cannot continue for years this government has ignored the territor call for Investments to housing they need the housing funding now will this prime minister respect the territorial governments and deliver the funding they.

Need to build homes the right honorable prime minister for the question and for the work that the uh honorable member does uh to speak up for people in the north uh we are always going to be there to invest in housing to work hand inand uh with Premier AOK and others uh to make sure we are delivering for people in a.

Situation that is extremely difficult for them we recognize these challenges which is why we've sent millions and millions of dollars to the territories for building of new housing and we will continue to be there with even more The Honorable member from n Nimo lady Smith Mr Speaker skyh High food prices are driving people to food banks this didn't.

Happen overnight it's because consecutive liberal and conservative governments put the profits of Rich grocery cosos before people visits to nimo's Loaves and Fishes food bank is up 44% in just 6 months Loaves and Fishes is beyond capacity and requires Federal funding in building a distribution system Center to keep up with demand Mr.

Speaker will the Prime Minister provide this funding so that people on Vancouver Island are not left to go hungry the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we have stepped up our supports as a federal government to food banks and uh organizations serving the most vulnerable right across the country and we will continue to uh on.

Terms of grocery prices more more competition means lower prices more choice and more Innovative products and services for Canadians so we're going to continue uh to work on our new legislation that empowers a competition Bureau to hold Grocers accountable and prioritize consumers interests there is much more to do and we're going to.

Continue to do it working alongside anyone in this house house who wants to tackle affordability and ensure that we're helping the most vulnerable across the country The Honorable member from Miss Saga East cooksville Mr Speaker I've heard loud and clear from unionized workers in my writing about how excited.

They are about the government's Bill to ban the use of replacement workers in federally regulated workplaces yesterday marked another significant step in the right direction as Bill c-58 received unanimous support in this house workers know that our liberal government stands with them because the best deals and the most powerful paychecks are made at the.

Bargaining table will the Prime Minister update this house on progress on this historic legislation to ban replacement workers right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker I thank the member for Miss Saga East cooksville for his continued advocacy for Canadian workers indeed the best deals are made at the bargaining table but when Canadian workers see.

Conservative politicians like the members for battlefords Lloyd Minister Sherwood Park Fort Saskatchewan and Louis s laon parrot corporate talking points they know that the conservative party of anti-union bills C 377 and 525 is still alive and kicking Canadians won't be fooled by this conservative leader caving to pressure after a steady.

N year political career opposing unions The Honorable leader of the opposition tax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime meanwhile this prime minister has doubled housing costs since he promised to bring them down a National Bank report out Thursday revealed that in Victoria and Toronto it now takes an.

Astonishing 25 years for the average family to sa for a down payment in Vancouver it's 29 years this after he's created $80 billion of new housing spending that has been vaporized by bureaucracy so will he finally follow our Common Sense plan to cut the bureaucracy and build the homes the right honorable prime minister.

We just announced two more housing accelerator agreements today in White Horse and Saskatoon adding to the dozens of agreements we've signed across the country to fast TR Fast Track the construction of housing with over 600,000 homes now the conservatives party plan which he's talking about is to insult Mayors and cut critical.

Infrastructure funding and it won't get any more homes built cities understand that we need to change the rules to get more homes spiled faster and indeed the only one gatekeeping this progress is the conservative leader himself he is The Honorable leader of the opposition he pretends he hasn't been in government for the last8 years acts like this is.

His first day on the job no speaker in fact that he has to read off notes would suggest it is his first day on the job but the reality is that housing costs have doubled since he promised to lower them yes he's created massive programs with wonderful new agreements and beautiful photo ops where politicians Pat each other on the back and smile.

While they cut ribbons the problem is that after eight years nothing is getting built why won't the Prime Minister get out of the way cut the bureaucracy so we can build H the right honorable prime minister speaker 19 years as a politician the leader of the opposition including sometime as a housing Minister and his.

Plan for fixed housing is anything but a plan it won't build homes fast enough it doesn't reach enough cities and it creates unnecessary bureaucracy he'd also get this rip up the housing accelerator agreements which are unlocking over 600,000 new homes and he'd put the GST back on apartment construction housing experts like Mike.

Moffett say the conservative leaders plan is exceptionally weak and it's a sign that the conservatives don't understand the urgency or scale of the housing crisis The Honorable leader of the opposition he brags that there's a housing crisis after he's been in power for eight long years he quotes the same.

Failed liberal academics that gave him the advice that helped him double the price in the first place our Common Sense plan will incentivize cities to speed up and lower the cost of building by requiring they permit 15% more homes as a condition of getting the money the more they build the more they get the less they build the less they get we pay.

Builders based on the number of homes they build Realtors on the number that they sell we should pay municipalities based on the number they permit isn't that Common Sense the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker slogans and buzzwords don't get housing built deals constructive deals with with.

Municipalities and provinces do Mr Speaker we see time and time again conservatives have nothing to propose but Cuts conditions and fights with municipalities fights with Community organizations uh crossing their hars their arms and tossing insults at people instead of actually proposing real plans we are busy working on delivering.

Hundreds of thousands of new homes over the coming years this is the work that needs to get done uh the leader should conservative leader just needs to get out of the way the honorable leader of the opposition Sam this just goes to show again that he is not worth the cost of housing he says.

That we're going to build homes well he's been prime minister for eight years and what's the result well he has doubled the cost of housing in fact rent has tripled in Montreal in the past 8 years what's my Common Sense plan well I'm going to give municipalities bonuses if they build more and penalties if they.

Build less that's common sense will he finally follow our plan to cut the bureaucracy and build the homes the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the conservative leader what he has to offer is Cuts austerity and squabbles he's picking fights with NOS with municipalities all over the country we however want to work hand inhand with.

Municipalities with provinces with Nos and not for profits to bring down rent prices to build more housing units and to create more opportunities for young people and families to build to buy their homes we have a plan we're delivering results all he has to offer is Cuts fights and austerity The Honorable member for B.

Shamb the government is dealing with one of the worst Financial scandals in the history of the public service somewhere in the uh public service this is the worst uh Scandal since the sponsorship Scandal now we have four clear requests first we want the prime minister to acknowledge his responsibility second we want him to.

Implement an independent inquiry third we want him to recover the money get the money back For Heaven's Sake and fourth we want this massive error to be fixed so let's start with the first request does the Prime Minister admit that he as prime minister should be held to account for quebecers and for Canadians the red honorable prime minister well Mr Speaker.

Of course this situation is unacceptable that's why authorities are following up and investigating this procurement situation which obviously did not go as planned anyone who Pro profited unduly on the actions of a government which was focused on saving lives during covid-19 anyone who profited from our government to make.

Personal profits should face consequences we are allowing authorities to investigate as needed the honorable member for sh well we agree on something it's unacceptable the prime minister is responsible for something which is unacceptable so he should take just a bit of action shouldn't he next next what will he do to recover the tens of.

Millions of misspent taxpayer dollars for example the cbsa will he put them under guardianship will he instigate an inquiry the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker as I said we do agree that this situation is unacceptable that's why authorities are currently following up on the Contracting processes authorities.

Are also looking at all years during which individuals who work for these companies may have profited from procure government procurement contracts so of course we need to take this seriously and of course authorities are taking this seriously The Honorable leader of the opposition well Mr Speaker we need we we.

Need to wonder what the blocka leader was thinking when the Prime Minister asked him for $24 million for an application that was supposed to cost $80,000 and the block leader he said yes absolutely no matter the cost we will vote in favor of it for millions and the government house leader of the Block hiqua in fact said it's not.

The block kika's job to scrutinize all government spending we support the government and we tell them to go ahead so what is the block even good for the prime minister is rising to answer the question but I would like to remind members that it's important that questions during question period relate.

To the administration of government or committee business the right honorable prime minister the leader of the conservative party asked me what the block is good for I find that that question is hurtful to quebecers even if I may disagree with the block iqua and their desire to.

Constantly pick fights the BL kbea was elected by quebecers those BL kbea members of parliament sit in this house and they do their jobs the party across the way disrespects quebecers they disrespect Mayors in Quebec on this side of the house we have work to do and we're doing.

It the leader of the oppos well this is really something there is a marriage here in this house of the Liberals and the block party the Prime Minister compliments the block the block applauds then the the block votes to support more money for arrive scam the block votes to drastically increase.

Taxes along with this prime minister the block votes for these housing policies that have doubled the cost of housing for quebeckers the block is constantly voting with the prime minister to release dangerous criminals on parole this liberal block marriage what's it doing what's it good for the right honorable prime.

Minister Mr Speaker it's very clear once again that the conservative party disrespects quebeckers not only do they disrespect quebecers but they also disrespect democracy Mr Speaker I have spent my entire political career fighting for federal ISM in Quebec and fighting for United Quebec often that has involved being against the bla but.

I've always respected block Kea members I respect anyone who is who runs to represent uh constituents and who represents them here the conservatives disregard for democracy and for quebeckers should be of concern to all quebeckers and to all Canadians The Honorable leader of the opposition.

Mr Speaker I just keep asking the same question and it's the same question that the premier of Quebec asked Fran Lego asked this question he asked what does it do to vote block well we know what it does we know what it's good for it's good for the Prime Minister the block Kika votes with the prime minister they voted with him to drastically increase.

Taxes on carbon and Diesel they voted with the prime minister to ban hunting rifles in the regions of Quebec the block is voting to release criminals and increase waves of crime on our streets so when you vote block what you're really doing is supporting the Prime Minister the right honorable prime minister Mr.

Speaker once again what I hear is contempt disrespect and contempt for quebecers and for democracy what I didn't hear though was a question The Honorable member for Mr Speaker protecting children is a priority for our government on Monday we introduced our online harms.

Legislation but before even having a chance to see the legislation the conservatives declared that they would oppose this protection what's even more surprising is that the conservatives want Canadians to provide their personal information to questionable websites can the Prime Minister explain to Canadian Families how our online harms.

Legislation will protect their children the red honorable prime minister Mr Speaker I thank the member Forin LEL for her important question we are working tirelessly to fight the real consequences of online harms these consequences are very real and sometimes tragic how are we doing this we are ensuring that social media.

Platforms follow their own safety policies the conservative Leader's plan though is to impose a digital identity card on Canadians he wants canadi adans to give their personal information and data to these Shady websites Canadians and especially Canadian children deserve to be safe in all aspects of their lives including online The Honorable leader of.

The opposition the prime minister is not worth the cost he's not worth the cost of all the products he increased an energy tax with the support of the block he has increased taxes on paychecks once again with block support he has increased inflationary spending always with the support of the block the block votes for all of his discretionary.

Spending now the Prime Minister wants to hike taxes on beer on wine and on all other types of alcohol he wants to hike these taxes on these products on April 1st you know after all these prime minister's taxes what Canadians need is a drink will he cancel these taxes the right honorable prime.

Minister Mr Speaker it's very apparent yet again that the leader of the conservative party is looking to pick fights we are here to invest to help vulnerable Canadians through Dental Care through daycare spots we are here to invest in seniors as well to protect their.

Pensions he though wants to attack and cut pensions we're here to help Canadians across the line we will always be here to protect the most vulnerable The Honorable leader of the opposition tax build the fix the budget and stop the crime meanwhile the NDP liberal prime minister has raised taxes on gas heat and groceries raised taxes on.

Paychecks raised income taxes on middle class and lower income Canadians raised taxes on small businesses he keeps raising taxes it's enough to drive a man to drink but he wants to tax that too on April 1st another 5% increase on beer wine and spirits that will kill jobs for those those workers and raise costs on consumers will he have the humanity to.

Let someone have a drink in peace on sorry the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker while the conservative leader continues to figure out uh catchy slogans and buzzwords we're rolling up our sleeves to deliver for Canadians more housing Dental Care supports for seniors uh supports for young families fighting against climate.

Change while putting more money in their pockets uh are doing the hard work of delivering for Canadians while he proposes nothing but cuts to programs austerity and catchy slogans Mr Speaker uh we need continued responsible approach to government and that's exactly what we are delivering The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition after reports the RCMP had to intervene at the Winnipeg Labs due to a security breach and great speculation public speculation of Espionage by foreign dictatorship at that Canadian lab the Prime Minister fought tooth and nail for any of the documents to come out including by defying a motion of this house we found out from a letter.

Written by all parties that had seen the documents including a liberal MP that this was to cover up embarrassment not protect National Security what did the Prime Minister have to hide the right honorable prime minister your ministers will be Tak in the process the documents resulting from this process after question period but I will note Mr.

Speaker in this uh question period uh following the 2-year anniversary of Russian's invasion of Ukraine the leader of the opposition had nothing to say about this war raging in Ukraine nothing to say to Ukrainian Canadians uh as Canada signed security assurances guaranteeing ukra support to Ukraine for the next 10 years he demonstrates once.

Again he is non-committal in his support towards Ukraine in his support towards ukrainians Mr Speaker it's shameful the leader of the opposition we'll talk about feary 29 The Honorable member for Halifax West speaker the lobster industry is a crucial part of the economy of the Atlantic.

Provinces last week conservative MPS from Ontario and Alberta saw fit to shockingly attack this industry the economy of our region and by definition the women and men who make the industry Thrive can the Prime Minister tell Fishers from my region why contrary to the opposition we will always promote this important industry.

Abroad the right honorable prime minister I thank the member for Halifax West for her advocacy on behalf of Atlantic Canadians on this side of the house we are proud the Canadian Lobster is being exported around the world bringing $2.6 billion to our economy and supporting the livelihoods of communities across the Atlantic but last.

Week conservative leadership demonstrated that they don't care to understand the economic importance of this industry for our East Coast Atlantic conservative MPS who stand with their constituents should demand an apology from their leader and their Deputy leader for the disdain they show towards hardworking.

Atlantic The Honorable member from SK bukley Valley Mr Speaker people across Northwest BC are deeply concerned about the ongoing drought last summer saw record wildfires across Canada Farmers couldn't get their crops wild salmon were stranded on their way to spawn and.

Right now with very little snow in the mountains next summer could look even worse but while the conservatives remain silent around the harsh impacts of climate change the Liberals appear to be satisfied with business as usual so my question is there a concerted National plan to address the droughts and wildfires we expect this summer and if.

There is what is it the right honorable prime minister speaker uh last year was one of the worst wildf fire seasons on record we saw droughts we saw floods we know the impact of climate change is real right across the country something the conservative party continues to deny uh the reality is our uh leaders uh our our.

Minister of emergency preparedness uh was there uh to engage with ministers order order.

Colleagues it is important not to be disruptive in the house or to cause disorder in the house this applies to all members from all sides I encourage you please to conduct yourselves ACC accordingly to allow questions to be asked and for answers to be given the right honorable prime minister from the top Please Mr Speaker conservative MPS.

Just demonstrated their complete lack of respect for their constituents who face the direct impacts of climate change in floods wildfires droughts right across the country the fact is they have no Solutions no plan to deal with it our minister of emergency preparedness has already engaged with Partners across the country uh in provision of uh what may.

Be a very bad season for climate impacts and for wildfires that's why we're going to continue to fight against climate change while we grow the economy and be there to support Canadians from coast to coast to coast something conservatives have no plan for the honorable member from sanage Gulf Islands thank you thank you Mr.

Speaker and to the Prime Minister who's so concerned about the wildfires the zombie fires still under the snow the Wildfire season has already started and yet quietly on Friday February 16th Environment Canada posted extension to consultation on clean electricity regulations the David Suzuki Foundation has posted a warning does this mean more.

Delay does this mean clean electricity regulations are to be weakened can the Prime Minister assure all Canadians that we have more than rhetoric to throw at the wildfires in this country the right honorable prime minister speaker following consultations has started in August of 2023 we recently released updated an updated.

Draft of the clean electricity regulation a net zero grid will serve as the basis for climate actions across the economy like helping Canadians switch from Electric to electric transportation and heating our government is committed to working closely with all provinces territories and partners on delivering.

The benefits of a clean Grid in a way that ensures reliability and affordability for all Canadians and thus brings to an end uh of question period I recognize the honorable minister of Health Rising on a point of order than

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