Quiz Duration – April 29, 2024


Quiz Duration – April 29, 2024

Oral questions The Honorable leader of the opposition there's been tragic data today Mr Speaker 25% of quebecers are living below the poverty line that is below an a good average life and this is a direct result of the centralizing bureaucrat ratic unnecessary spending of this prime.

Minister and his spending is 100% supported by the blocka Mr Speaker when will the Prime Minister and the block kbea stop impoverishing quebecers have the honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker two weeks ago we unveiled our budget our budget.

Seeks to ensure fairness for all generations and for all quebecers currently a carpenter and a nurse pay taxes at a marginal tax rate that is higher than that paid by big business that's not fair yet the conservative leader opposes our plan our plan for fairness the only thing these.

Conservatives want is austerity The Honorable leader of the opposition after 9 years this prime minister is not worth the cost he's not worth the cost for quebeckers quebeckers are paying double for rent for housing and to service the national debt this prime minister is a big spender he is spending $ 54.1 billion on.

Debt Services charges instead of on health what's worse the block Kika voted in favor of this prime minister's spending they support 500 billion in spending once again when will this prime minister stop making quebeckers poorer The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance Mr.

Speaker here's the reality what we just heard is untrue here's the truth Canada has a AAA credit rating Canada has the lowest debt and the lowest deficit of all G7 countries the consern atives are against our plan because the only thing they're in favor of is austerity and they also.

Support their very wealthy friends leader of the opposition after 9 years this prime minister is not worth the drugs disorder death and destruction in May of 2022 he granted the BC NDP government's request for a criminal code exemption to allow crack meth heroin and Fentanyl use sh in parks coffee shops hospitals beaches overdose deaths since.

Exploded to a record smashing 2500 lost lives the bcnp government has reversed course and asked the federal government to rec criminalize some hard drugs why won't this prime minister Rec criminalize these deadly drugs The Honorable Minister for mental health and addictions Mr Mr speaker on this side of the house we answered the.

Call of the BC government when they requested the exemption on decriminalization of personal possession of certain ilicit drugs Mr Speaker what is driving this overdose crisis is the illegal drug Supply every life lost is a tragedy I met with Minister Whiteside this past Friday we are reviewing their exemption request Mr Speaker we have a.

Clear lens on public health and Public Safety because we have a plan they do not the leader of the opposition she's wasting time while people are dying in the year after this radical prime minister granted the decriminalization of crack heroin and other hard drugs in parks and hospitals 2500 people died the overdose death in the nine years of this.

Prime minister have tripled to the fastest rising of the 11 countries studied by the Commonwealth fund nurses are afraid to go to work because they have to put up with addicts using meth cracken weapons in their hospital room even nurses are having to give up on breastfeeding because they're worried their kids will be contaminated with the.

Drugs they breathed and what the hell they thinking over there ever The Honorable member as a longtime member at this house I'll just ask him to withdraw the the just withdraw the uh offensive word because it is not parliamentary I withdraw because they're not thinking over.

There The Honorable government house leader Mr Speaker last week we saw the leader of the opposition once again encourage supporters of white supremacy Anarchy and mogy this has been a regular occurrence he draws the admiration people who dismiss the slaughter of children in our schools the leader of the opposition.

Thank you from to create disorder I'm going to invite the government house leader to uh to to start from the top and to choose his words very carefully so that they do not cause disorder in the house not Mr Speaker last week we saw the leader of the opposition once again visit with supporters of white supremacy.

Anarchy and misogyny this has been a regular occurrence he draws the admiration of people who dismissed the slaughter of children in schools that's right the leader of the opposition now has 30 seconds to speak to this house and to Canadians once I sit down I ask him to clearly disavow the views of these.

Dangerous people will he do that that is an order do job The Honorable leader of the opposition I unequivocally disavow the guy who spent the first half of his adult life as a practicing racist dressing up a black face.

Accept accept support of Hamas he's accepted the support of Hamas and now he's he's brought on the extremist and radical position of allowing legal drug use in playgrounds in hospitals in coffee shops that has led to the mass death of our people will he not refuse the demand of Toronto to replicate the decriminalization nightmare in.

PC The Honorable government house leader Mr Speaker uh I'm sad to say the leader of the conservatives the opposition has shown us his true colors he has speaks without conviction and Clarity on a question that should be very very very simple for him to address this silence speaks volumes this is not leadership Mr Speaker this is political cowardice y.

Very good was time you let it run wild order the The Honorable member for laprairie when the Prime Minister unveiled his budget or rather his plan to invade Quebec's areas of just jurisdiction he justified it by saying citizens don't care which level of.

Government is responsible for what well a Le poll found that 82% of quebecers think that the federal government should respect the division of powers this is more proof that the prime minister is completely out of touch with reality quebecers are clear that what they want is for the federal government to work with other governments instead of.

Playing politics why doesn't the Prime Minister give quebeckers the money that they deserve that is what quebecers want Hello The Honorable minister of Transportation Mr Speaker in the budget we are investing in housing the conservatives in the block are complaining they're going to vote.

Against it in our budget we are investing in Dental Care the conservatives in the block complain and will vote against it Mr Speaker the bottom line is that these two parties will find different excuses to vote against this one budget and if we were to listen to them to either of them then at the end of the day Quebec would end.

Up with nothing The Honorable member for La Prairie quebecers are not the only ones who are against interference all the provincial and territorial Premier have added their signatures to those of the Prime Minister uh premier of Quebec in a letter calling on Ottawa to respect our areas of jurisdiction such as health.

Education and housing they are all calling for the right to opt out with full financial compensation from any federal intrusion outside its areas of jurisdiction everyone is opposed to Federal interference from coast to coast to coast when you think as the Prime Minister does that everyone else is wrong maybe it's because you're the one.

Who is looking for a fight what does the Prime Minister have to say about that The Honorable minister of Transportation well Mr Speaker seeking to pick a fight well the block cuqua are the true experts in fact they have a PhD in picking fights Mr Speaker Mr Speaker the block is voting against our budget they say it's.

Important to help seniors but they're voting against the budget the block says that we need to help Canadians but they vote against the budget they're complaining they keep complaining but what but they don't actually do anything it's all talk no action from the block.

Iqua The Honorable member from bernabe South this government stood by while food prices and rent skyrocketed this hurts people living with disabilities disproportionately after making folks wait more than three years they announce a disability benefit that's too little doesn't cover enough people and is going to be clawed back by provinces people.

Struggling to put food on their table have been given crumbs by this government when will the Prime Minister get serious about helping people living with disabilities The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker we are glad to be the first government the first federal government.

In Canadian history to put forward and put forward the financing for support for people with disabilities across our country that is a milestone it is a very big deal Mr Speaker this is just the first step we recognize there is more to do including working carefully with provinces and territories and we're going to do.

It the honorable member for bernabe South this liberal government is failing people living with disabilities absolutely advocates for those living with disabilities are clear the announcement of the disability benefit is just not enough it's not working $200 that's not enough the Prime Minister has thousands billions even to give to Big.

Oil but pennies for Canadians living with disabilities will he sit down with disability Advocate groups and fix this problem I have the honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker our government is proud we are proud to be the first.

Federal government to come forward with a disability benefit for those living with disabilities this is a major step forward and we are proud of our accomplishment we understand that now we need to work closely with provinces and territories this is just the beginning we need to do more and we will do more.

Thank you remember from sou Sur White Rock crime chaos drugs and disorder that's what we have after 9 years of this NDP liberal government the extremist policies of this prime minister have forced parents in British Columbia to protect their kids from used needles at the playground open in-your-face drug use in Tim Horton on.

The sky Train Even in our hospitals the prime minister's negligence is killing our citizens when will he admit that his radical decriminalization experiment has failed and end it The Honorable Minister for mental health and addictions Mr Speaker too many Canadians are dying every day from an Ever Changing illegal toxic drug.

Supply the opposition leader and members of the conservative party are talk a big talk about investing in treatment the conservatives cut 2third of the drug treatment fund when they were last in government let's talk about what saves lies Mr Speaker safe consumption sites accessible social and healthare services prevention treatment and harm reduction.

They have no plan Mr Speaker on this side of the house we continue to work to save lives The Honorable member from South Sur White Rock well let's talk through a clear lens Mr Speaker 40,000 that is the number of Canadians that have died from drug overdoses since 2015 entirely preventable last year BC.

Set a record with over 2500 and they want to talk about saving lives and compassion Premier eie and this prime minister have f Ked British Colombians and now he's taking his deadly experiment to Toronto until this extremist drug policy is dismantled people will keep dying will he prioritize recovery and stop killing.

Canadians with his radical ideology The Honorable minister of mental health and addictions Mr Speaker the opposition don't want to talk about the plans or the tools that are needed to save lives because they don't have a plan all they offer can Ians are slogans and fear slogans are not an evid evidence-based.

Strategy Mr Speaker they are just words we have a full Suite of measures that address this crisis because it's a Public Health crisis Mr Speaker it is not a criminal issue we continue to work with BC on the exemption that they requested with a clear lens of Public Health and Public Safety good job good job The Honorable member from Fort.

McMurray Cold Lake Mr Speaker speaker this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the crime chaos drugs and disorder after 9 years of the prime minister's extremist policies public drug use has become the norm the Prime Minister has made it legal in British Columbia to smoke meth on the beach beside a family or smoke crack in a hospital beside.

Healthcare workers in fact a nurse in British Columbia stopped breastfeeding her twin girls early at 13 months because being exposed to illicit drugs in the hallway when will the NDP liberals realize that time is up and end the decriminalization today The Honorable minister of mental health and addictions Mr Speaker every.

Life lost in the illegal toxic drug Supply every overdose every family that loses a loved one is a tragedy Mr Speaker our Focus working with the BC government on their exemption request is about saving lives about providing Health Care harm reduction is Health Care Mr Speaker treatment is Health Care Mr Speaker prevention is Health Care Mr.

Speaker enforcement is also part of the plan we continue to work with with law enforcement in the provinces they continue to divide I'm going to ask the member from northern Rockies uh uh to please make sure that he only takes a microphone when he is Rec nice The Honorable member from uh Fort McMurray Cold Lake I'm.

Sorry Mr Speaker drug deaths are up 38% in BC since 2015 when they took office so the NDP liberal Coalition Unleashed a horrific experiment British Columbia and now the NDP Premier is pleading with the prime minister to fix This Disaster but what we're learning is the Toronto Minister has decided they're going to double down and they want to.

Expand this failed project into Toronto after 9 years this n liberal government's drug policy is failing Canadians and the prime minister is not worth the cost instead of expanding this will they do the right thing and just end this policy today The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker around the world opioid.

Deaths are taking so many lives the only way we can rise and meet that moment is with truth and evidence uh and not inflame meaning through spreading false information uh this situation I would ask the member opposite instead of trying to seek opportunity to attack in this house to work collaboratively on evidencebased solutions that save lives.

Like her like every member of the House when a life is lost it rips us all apart and we have to meet it with truth and honesty and set aside partisanship Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Caribou Prince George Mr Speaker overdose is the leading cause of death in my province of British Columbia this NDP liberal prime.

Minister's extremist drug policies have turned our neighborhoods into war zones hard drugs are being used in playgrounds coffee shops and even hospitals last week a drug adle man lit fires and consumed drugs in front of traumatized kids at the Prince George Aquatic Center the RCP Rec called numerous times but their hands are tied because of their.

Insane drug policies will the Prime Minister end his deadly drug decriminalization today here here The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker I would ask clearly what evidence what evidence are they basing their decisions on and the answer to that question everywhere.

How many how many colleagues The Honorable Minister has 25 seconds left on the clock Mr Speaker replacing science with slogans replacing research and evidence with talking points will not fix this problem Mr Speaker there is not a person in this house who is not ripped apart when we.

Watch somebody lose a loved one to this crisis but to meet it with partisanship to meet it with pretend solutions to do things that have failed in other jurisdiction is a disgrace to those who have lost family members Mr Speaker you guys really believe it that when they don't with you the honorable member from Cumberland Coler speaker.

This NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the crime chaos drugs and disorder after nine years this prime minister's extremist policy allowing for deadly hard drugs to be used in public spaces such as Parks coffee shops beaches and hospitals a leaked memo in BC is now instructing nurses to teach patients how to inject illegal drugs into their.

Intravenous will the Prime Minister end his deadly drug decriminalization experiment today The Honorable minister of mental addictions and health speaker on this side of the house we are committed to saving lives and making sure people who use drugs don't die alone we moved forward with a decriminalization pilot.

Project at BC's request and have always maintained it would be rigorously monitored and adjusted as needed we know a full Suite of tools including harm reduction are needed even the MP from Caribou Prince George knows it he said himself quote I asked if safe injection sites were helping they did say that safe injection sites probably do help Mr.

Speaker every tool every resource to save lives is what we are committed to The Honorable member for Lex San this morning LA Press reported on five families of Indian origin crammed into one apartment because of the housing crisis it's outrageous to see such a thing in Canada but sadly this is the reality for thousands of Asylum.

Seekers they arrive here and they realize that they don't even have the right to work to support themselves because the federal government takes 2 years to give them work permits then they realize that it now takes Ottawa 38 months to process Asylum applications 38 months Mr Speaker how many more families will have to endure these inhumane.

Conditions before the federal government finally speeds up processing times The Honorable minister of immigration and citizenship well first I'd like to correct a mistake the members made he said it takes two years to issue work permits but in fact it's three months we need to be honest and speak the truth on.

The floor of the House of Commons now listening to the member I would imagine that he will support our budget which gives provinces billions ions of dollars for housing in particular as for Asylum Seekers and intake of Asylum Seekers I do think that we can do better but Quebec and Canada will have to work together The Honorable.

Member for Lex San I think it's longer than three months Mr speaker now these are the same families lining up at overstretched food banks in par extansion and elsewhere theyve been living in poverty for years because the federal government is preventing them from working and they're living in poverty so they can't even.

Focus on their Asylum claims I would like to quote France Andre from the Comm he said these people experience anxiety every day this leads to mental health problems they want an answer even if it's a no as soon as possible Mr Speaker could there please be a bit more humanity and fewer bureaucratic delays The Honorable minister of.

Immigration refugees and citizenship well over the past few months we have decreased processing times we can continue continue to do even better I understand from the member that he wants to proceed to regularization so I expect them to support our legislation to regular regularize those living in.

Canada The Honorable member for Lex well I'd like to quote what Quebec's immigration Minister said this morning Quebec is still taking in too many Asylum Seekers the federal government needs to distribute them across Canada Mr Speaker On The One Hand Quebec's intake capacity has been exceeded and on the other hand and the federal.

Immigration department is racking up delays in processing applications and what's the result of that families are plunged into poverty because of the federal government's incompetence when it comes to immigration these are people human beings not numbers will the minister do his job the honorable minister of.

Immigration refugees and citizenship that is beyond absurd Mr Speaker but it's so typical of the block to make these ridiculous accusations typical block cuqua The Honorable member from Foothills after n years of this prime minister Canadians are skipping meals and food banks are overwhelmed 83% of Canadians are paying $80 more a month.

For food than they were just 6 months ago according to Second Harvest more than half of the food banks in the Toronto area can't meet demand and they're putting families on weight lists families can't afford to put food on the table and the crisis is getting worse when the liberal NDP government increases the carbon tax 23% will a.

Prime minister reverse his decision to increase the carbon tax pass 234 its original form so Canadians don't have to dumpster die for their dinner The Honorable government housee as the member well knows bill c234 is in the hands of the conservative house leader the member should speak to him The Honorable member for.

Foothills this NDP liberal government isn't worth the cost of food while Canadians are skipping meal the ministers who are in charge of lowering food costs for Canadians is rubbing shoulders with Hollywood celebrities and political Elites at the most expensive dinner imaginable he's dining out at the White House on the taxpayer dime after 9.

Years of this prime minister he's out to lunch and the ministers are out of touch will the champagne Coalition in caviar caucus lower food cost for Canadians and pass 234 in its original form The Honorable Min The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister Finance good Mr Speaker two weeks ago we presented our budget to deliver fairness for every.

Generation because right now a nurse or a carpenter can pay taxes at a higher marginal rate than a multi-millionaire that's not fair and we're changing it but Mr Speaker the conservatives have said that they are opposed to our budget and that is because the only thing they know how to do is cut cut cut austerity and quietly to keep on delivering tax.

Breaks to their rich friends The Honorable member from Lum Kent Middle Middle sex food banks in Canada are being pushed to the brink with high demand and donations not keeping Pace speaker after 9 years of this NDP liberal government that was this morning's headline Canadian family cannot afford to buy food and our.

Farmers who grow food face punishment not progress no Farms means no food from high cost to empty store shelves this prime minister and his costly carbon tax are not worth the cost so will the Prime Minister finally act the carbon tax so our farm families can stay in business and Canadian families aren't forced to use food banks good.

Question The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister Finance Mr Speaker our government Believes In fairness for every generation especially younger Canadians that's why we are investing in building more homes faster we're investing in making life more affordable with programs like early learning and child care and dental care.

And we're investing in jobs and growth and we're paying for it by asking those at the top to contribute a little bit more but the conservatives are opposed to our plan the only thing they believe in is austerity and quietly giving tax breaks to their rich friends The Honorable member from London fanshaw last week the maple revealed the.

Canadian government is hosting test sessions with an Israeli company smart shooter whose technology is used to kill Palestinian children they're even eligible for a priz its CEO boasted that this war is good for business as Palestinians continue to be killed Canada's support of this company is inhumane and shows a shocking lack of.

Judgment why is this government showcasing weapons in Canada that are killing kids The Honorable Minister for National Defense Mr Speaker and I would simply remind the member opposite that Canada has one of the most rigorous uh military export regimes in the world and and we are vigant uh Vigilant in ensuring that.

All military technology being shared with with any other foreign country is is Rous he meets the standards that have been set for us the honorable member from Edmonton Strath Kona a rigorous regime Israeli arms are being tested in Canada in Alberta Canadians do not want to be complicit in netanyahu's crimes against.

Palestinian children Canada should not be buying from these companies and should not be selling to Israel to the Israeli government the minister promised this house to to to issue notice to ex to exporters on March 18th six weeks ago where is the notice to exporters and when will Canada finally impose a two-way arms embargo you're.

Here The Honorable Minister for foreign affairs thank you Mr Speaker our position when it comes to Arms export permits is well known absolutely clear now when it comes to what is happening in the Middle East we've been clear the violence must stop we need a c fire now hostages must be released and we need to make sure that humanitarian Aid gets.

Into Gaza and at the end of the day what we need is a two State solution where the state of Israel can live side by side in peace and security with a Palestinian State I've been in contact with my us UK and many Arab countries cart over the weekend working hard on bringing back peace to the Middle East thank.

You The Honorable member from Richmond Hill Mr Speaker our government has shown great success in attracting historical investment in our Auto industry can the minister highlight the recent investment from Honda and what it means for building our EV supply chain and growing Canadian jobs good question I have the honorable for.

Innovation Mr speaker thank you very much to my colleague for his leadership and good question Mr Speaker last week we witnessed a $15.7 billion investment by and my speak speaker this is the largest investment in and's history it is the largest investment in our Auto sector Mr Speaker and it's one of the largest investment.

By a private company in this country Mr Speaker this is great news for our workers Across the Nation this is great news for auto sector Mr Speaker this is great news for Canada Mr Speaker let's celebrate as Canada becomes a hub for green Manufacturing in the 21st century The Honorable member for sh Mr Speaker the joural de reported.

This morning that 25% of quebecers can't even afford a decent standard of living even working 50 hours a week isn't enough to avoid living in poverty that's where we are after 9 years of this government the statistics are clear and the block which claims to promote Quebec's interests has voted with the Liberals for every budget allocation to.

Support this exorbitant inflationary spending does the government and the block have enough courage to admit that they have let quebecers down and stop their uncontrolled spending the honorable leader of the government Mr Speaker last week we saw the leader of the opposition once again encourage white supremacists anarchists.

And misogynists that happens very regularly and that draws the admiration of those who claim that school shooting didn't happen and now the leader of the opposition has 30 seconds to speak to this house and to Canadians once I've sat down I ask him to.

Disavow the opinion opinions of these dangerous people will he do it the honorable member for oh Mr Speaker during that time what about the $54 billion that Canadians and quebecers have to pay to in interest to banks in London and New York because of this government's uncontrolled spending supported by the block Kika think about.

It Mr Speaker the block has voted for every budget allocation and so today we have interest that has to be paid that is the equivalent to federal health transfers to all of the provinces we could do much more with that money will the government end its uncontrolled spending and will the block stop supporting them the The Honorable.

Government house leader Mr Speaker the leader of the conservatives showed us his real his true colors last week and by refusing to disavow these points of view he's doing it again I wonder how the conservative Quebec caucus can support this Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition speaks without conviction and Clarity on a matter that should be.

Very very simple Mr Speaker his silence speaks volumes this is not leadership The Honorable member for shik Mr Speaker after nine years of this government too many Canadians and quebecers are living in poverty the joural deal says that 25% of quebecers don't have a livable income imagine working 50 hours a week and not.

Having enough money to meet your needs despite all of that the block continues to support the Liberals by voting for Budget allocations my God it's expensive to vote for the block Mr Speaker when will the government finally listen to us and stop its uncontrolled.

Spending the honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker I thank my colleague for his question I have a lot of respect for him but he saw in the recent budget presented by the Minister of Finance that this is about intergenerational fairness giving an opportunity to each generation Mr Speaker investing in the priorities of.

Quebecers we're talking about housing we're talking about the cost of living but also about growth I'm sure that my colleagues from Quebec saw that last week we announced a record investment from IBM in bromo to allow Canada and Quebec to be leaders and semiconductors it's by being a nation.

That invests that's how we're doing it the honorable member for shik Mr Speaker after 9 years under this government the prime minister is not worth the cost the cost of living keeps going up in an article in lepress it says that despite this the expenses to help those most in need recent data from statistics Canada show.

That they are still experiencing difficulty more difficulty in feeding themselves the block has voted to support $500 billion doll in spending when will the liberal supported by the block stop their uncontrolled spending the honorable deputy prime minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker last time the conservative.

Leader was in power he tried to increase the age of retirement to six to 67 it's the liberal government that reversed that decision we reduced the taxes of the middle class and increased that for the richest 1% they voted against our plan today we are investing in Canadians thanks to tax on the.

Wealthiest and they're still against our plan The Honorable member for LA Press revealed this morning that the expansion of the pora Valley Field is being torpedoed by the federal government the Border Services Agency claiming a lack of resources is withdrawing The Operators right to handle containers at this port of vital.

Importance to the regional economy the mayor of cetti de Valleyfield and the director of Economic Development have both strongly denounced this foolish decision will the minister of Public Safety intervene to ask the agency to continue doing its job instead of undermining the future of the pora Valleyfield The Honorable minister of.

Public Safety Mr Speaker of course we share the concern of our colleague in the liberal caucus of Quebec regarding the importance of the Porto Valley Field I intend to raise these important issues with the Border Services Agency because we understand the importance for the regional economy and the people of the.

Region The Honorable member for in 2019 the federal government through the building Canada fund announced over $12 million in funding to the pora Valley Field for a Warf expansion yet today the Border Services Agency is pulling out of the port of valy field on the one hand the federal government is funding the port's.

Expansion on the other it is sabotaging its development what is the logic behind this nonsensical and damaging decision Mr Speaker will the minister help me get the agency the Canada Border Services Agency to review its decision I have the honorable minister of.

Transport Mr Speaker when there's a change in owner things don't automatically continue There have to be requests that are presented again nothing is automatic but that being said we understand the importance of the pora Valley Field my colleague here referenced that and we will work on.

That The Honorable member for Louis Mr Speaker never in the Glorious history of our country have we had a government that has spent so much $500 billion in budgetary allocations the Liberal Party voted in favor and who else the block Kika if the government can spend without counting the cost it's thanks to the block.

Kika this is a big centralizing government thanks to the block keka which minister will stand up to defend the Block's position The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker our government understands the importance of making investments in Canadians.

In quebecers we are doing so and we are doing it responsibly in a fiscally responsible manner we have a AAA credit rating and the governor of the Bank of Canada has said that we are respecting the fiscal guard rails the budget also commits to.

Respecting those that is what we are doing thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from South Southshore St Margaret's NDP Liberals are spending 52 billion dollar of taxpayer money to subsidize international auto companies then the building and trades Union recently condemned the use of foreign replacement workers at the stellantis.

Plants jobs like fork lift driver yet contrary to the liberal claims foreign replacement workers keep being brought in for jobs that don't require specialty knowledge the union calls out a slap in the face and we agree after 9 years the prime minister is not worth the cost so how much will Canadian taxpayers pay to employ for foreign replacement.

Workers The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker instead of spreading this information Mr Speaker this member should be standing with all Canadians in this house and making sure that we maximize jobs for Canadians that's exactly what we're doing Mr Speaker the investment that he's talking about is going to create more than 2,500.

Direct jobs at this plant myy speaker that's going to be one of the largest battery assembly plant in North America Mr Speaker we should all be proud that Canada now ranks first in the world for the battery e system we buil Mr Speaker this is according to Bloomberg we're going to keep investing in Canadians we're going to keep investing in jobs.

And we're going to keep investing in the Auto industry The Honorable member from South store St Margaret's liberal minister is spreading disinformation because in committee admitted he hadn't read the contracts but I've read both stellantis and VW and do you know what's not in them any requirement that jobs at these.

Plants be Canadians only Canadians don't believe this prime minister and since I've read the contracts I don't either the NDP Liberals are hiding the truth if this prime minister has contractual job guarantees he will have no problem proving me wrong right will the release the contracts yes or no The Honorable Minister for Innovation.

Mr Speaker it's amazing that the member would be against creating job in this country Mr Speaker and maximizing job if you R the contract I guess you should have a lawyer to understand the terms Mr Speaker because it's very simple the terms are maximizing Canadian jobs but it gives me an opportunity Mr Speaker we should Rejoice just last week we.

Announced and we supported the largest investment in the auto sector in Canada's history Anda is going to be investing 15.7 billion Mr Speaker in this country Mr Speaker we're attracting record investment we're going to create job and we're going to fight for every Canadian jobs The Honorable member for Kingston.

And the islands Mr Speaker this government's policies have been focused on promoting diversity respect and equality amongst all Canadians on that side of the house however we learned last week that the leader of the opposition visited an encampment set up by individuals linked to extreme farri groups like Diagon cus says Diagon.

Encourages and inspires serious violence yet the conservative leader is refusing to denounce them or apologize for engaging with them can the government please re reiterate how we will keep Canadians safe from extreme groups and what our responsibilities are as political leaders The Honorable uh Minister for employment.

And Workforce Development Mr Speaker while we can appreciate different views and political opinions what we cannot and should not tolerate is any member of this house indulging in and actively courting extremist far-right groups that espouse anti-semitic anti-s lgbtqi plus and white nationalist ideologies the conservative leaders Embrace of and.

Quite frankly Mr Speaker refusal to denounce Diagon In This Very colleagues I'm having great difficulty trying to hear the answer answer from The Honorable Minister I'm going to ask members to please let the minister finish his statement the minister has 20 seconds left on The Talk Mr Speaker the conservative leaders.

Embrace of and refusal to denounce Diagon is incredibly alarming that he will do anything to win speaks volumes to his values and Mr Speaker quite frankly is sending chills across this country on this side we will always defend Canadians at Canadian values The Honorable member from canora after 9 years of this NDP liberal.

Government young Canadians know that this prime minister is not worth the cost eight in 10 people now regard home ownership as being only for the rich as they've completely given up on their dream of ever owning a home so simply Mr Speaker will this government finally listen to Canadians and to our Common Sense plan to cap spending that brings.

Down inflation and interest rates so that young people can finally afford a home The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker I'll agree in so far as the conservatives believe that it's essential that we do more to make sure the young people can get into the.

Housing market but the difference between our side and theirs is they do not have a plan to achieve that reality Mr Speaker the measures that they are putting forward include measures that would raise taxes on home buildings make it more difficult to build homes in communities and actually cut funding for homes for programs that are supporting.

Home building today we have new measures that create taxfree opportunities for young people to save up for a down payment new measures that help young people establish a credit score and new measures that reduce their monthly mortgage cause we will do what it takes to solve the housing crisis I wish they'd join.

Us the honorable member from funy Royal Mr Speaker after nine years of this prime minister car theft in Canada is completely out of control two in five Canadians have either had their car stolen or know someone who has last week in Victoria a repeat effect ER was arrested three times in 3 days for stealing cars the police and Victoria.

Had to put out a statement and they laid the blame for this on the Liberals failed bill c75 will this Justice Minister listen to the police and reverse their soft on crime Bill c75 The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general Mr Speaker I've got a lot of respect for that member he's my.

Critic he served on the Justice committee with me for a number of years what I don't have respect for is the instructions he gets from his leader on how to vote when we have legislation in the chamber that deals with in the fall economic statement tackling the money laundering and the organized crime links to auto theft he's instructed to vote.

Against before even reading the document that is the budget 2024 and what it contains with respect to addressing auto theft increasing maximum penalties dealing with the link between using Youth and organized criminality and tackling more moneya laundering he was told to vote against yet again by his leader The Honorable member from Fundy.

Royal Mr Speaker the Justice Minister's own vehicle was stolen three times in the last three years the Liberals are not fixing the problem conservatives have a private members bill in the house right now that establishes serious jail time for repeat car thefts Mr Speaker this individual in Victoria was arrested three times in 3 days he pushed a woman.

Out of her car to steal her vehicle he drove Dr off and caused a collision it's time in Canada that we crack down on repeat violent auto theft conservatives will do it the honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general Mr Speaker that member knows that repeat violent offenders already dealt with by our bail regime he.

Voted in favor of that you should also know that when c75 the very bill I'm going to ask members please to allow the minister to uh to listen to his question I'll ask you to settle down the honorable Minister from the top thank you very much Mr Speaker that member knows and should know that on the.

Bail Reform Bill that he actually voted in favor of in favor of it tack tackles serious violent repeat offenders which would include those who use serious violence in committing an auto theft what you should also realize is that the very Bill he impunes bill c75 when that was before this chamber in the 42nd Parliament we promoted an augmentation.

An increasing in the penalty that is available for auto theft he and all of his colleagues voted against what I would prefer is some collaboration and a bit less hypocrisy The Honorable member from Halifax West Mr Speaker our government is making historic efforts to solve Canada's housing crisis not only do we.

Need to build more homes we need to build them faster and Canada must change the way we build those homes can the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities tell this house in Canadians the new measures introduced to solve Canada's housing crisis The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities.

Thank The Honorable member for her question and for her advocacy for housing supports particularly for the most vulnerable across the city of Helifax Mr Speaker I'm pleased to share that we have put forward a plan to solve Canada's national housing crisis it includes new measures that will help make it easy year to build more homes by.

Reducing the cost eliminating the barriers including freeing out more public land it includes more measures to help young people save up for a down payment and to reduce their mortgage costs and it also includes measures to support those who cannot afford to have a roof over their head including a recent investment of 11 million to build.

More housing for persons with disabilities and seniors we're going to continue to make the Investments to solve Canada's housing crisis The Honorable member from Courtney Alber Mr Speaker last week the BC police chief told us it is deadly street drugs laced with fentanyl that is killing thousands not the diversion of.

Safer Supply they clearly advise that preventing people from using drugs in public and preventing toxic drug test requires more not fewer safe consumption sites BC has listen to the police call for more tools to deal with the public use of illicit substances when will the Liberals ignore conservative disinformation recall the expert task.

Force and formulate a comprehensive plan to end the toxic drug crisis when The Honorable minister of mental health and addictions thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker I want to thank the member for being a collaborative partner in addressing the toxic drug Supply and the tragic overdose deaths that are taking over this country from day to day.

We're committed to a comprehensive collaborative and evidence-based substance policy approach we appreciate the excellent work of the expert task forward on substance use whose mandate was to provide advice to the government on a renewed Canadian drugs and substance plan it's important that the actions be informed by independent.

Advice of experts in evidence I've asked the department to reestablish an expert advisory committee and work is underway The Honorable member from Spadina Fort York Mr Speaker Canadians want to know how a deportation order one upheld by a federal court of a person convicted of five criminal charges and who didn't like to attend much school.

Despite being in can Canada on a student visa somehow still managed to get ministerial intervention to stop his removal did the minister of immigration intend to make a mockery of our legal and immigration systems or was this intervention Guided by the hope of getting a few more votes for his party in.

BC The Honorable Minister for immigration refugees and citizenship well knows these are matters that we talk about publicly much less on the floor of the House of comment thank you colleagues following discussions among representatives of all parties in the house I understand there is an agreement to observe a moment of silence in memory.

Of jeaner f following discussions among representatives of all parties in the house I understand that there is an agreement to observe a moment of silence in honor of jeanpier feron I now invite honorable members to rise e

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