Quiz Duration – February 7, 2024


Quiz Duration – February 7, 2024

oral questions The Honorable leader of the opposition after eight years this prime minister is not worth the cost of housing the cost of housing has in fact doubled since he promised to make housing more affordable according to.

Over 20% throughout Canada in Just 2 years that is over $400 more for rent will the Prime Minister reverse his policies that caused this crisis he needs to stop the bureaucrats who are blocking construction and he needs to bring down deficits and interest rates the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the conservative.

Member for duffen kaladan best described our Ambitions when it comes to housing he said that our housing Minister seems to announce a new program or announcement every day he is absolutely right we have been working hard week after week we have reached new agreements through the fund in the housing accelerator fund and we have.

Developed new tools to speed up the construction of affordable housing we will continue to focus on our goals which is to speed up Home Building The Honorable leader of the opposition announcements programs checks yet no housing people cannot live in housing or announcements made by this prime minister who is just not worth the.

Cost in fact construction sites have decreased they have decreased by 28% in December as compared with last December will the Prime Minister put an end to these programs which balloon bureaucracy costs and interest rates so that we can truly build housing the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the only thing the.

Conservative leader is offering is insults he insults Quebec's elected officials and politicians he insulted the mayor of Niagara he uses the homeless as accessories for his own photo ops our responsible leader Mr Speaker will take action to invest in communities and to invest in housing that's what we are.

Doing we removed GST for construction of new rental housing we also announced funding including $900 million for Quebec for housing we are here to invest and to build he's just here to insult people the opposition Mr Speaker hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent on bureaucracy we don't need this.

Bureaucracy the bureaucracy has ballooned by 50% since this prime minister took office what we do need is not bureaucracy but housing his housing agency said that we will need 3.5 million housing units but this week the CBC said that given our population growth and the DraStic drop in construction we will in.

Fact need 5 million housing units where will these 5 million families live the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker he's talking about bureaucracy but on the contrary we are investing in municipalities in order to decrease red tape and to speed up Home Building throughout the country we have signed about 30 housing accelerator fund.

Deals in order to build more units faster we are going to increase densification we've improve we're improving zoning we are speeding up the use of certain lands and we are increasing affordable housing we're here to invest in a real and tangible way meanwhile he just wants to insult people opposition.

Mr Speaker these are the same promises he made 8 years ago before he doubled housing costs he's not worth the cost of housing which is up 100% in the last two years alone according to rent.car for the average family and now we learn that construction is in freefall down 28% last December versus the December.

Before will he stop funding bureaucracy and driving up interest rates so that we can bring homes Canadians can afford the right honorable prime minister our housing ambition can be best summed up by the conservative member for duffen kaladan who said that it seems that every day our Minister of Housing has a new program a new.

Announcement or a new check for Canadians that's exactly right Mr Speaker we continue to work hand inand with Canadians with municipalities across the country municipalities he'd rather insult to get more homes built faster Mr Speaker the Investments we're making including things like taking the GST off purpose Bel rental housing which.

The conservatives voted against will continue to create more homes for Canadians right across the country The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker you can't live in announcements and programs you need homes that have walls and floors and ceilings the Prime Minister doing.

Another selfie instead of in front of a construction site won't do that in fact construction is down 28% in December after 8 years of this prime minister's promises and spending will he accept our Common Sense plan to build homes and not bureaucracy the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker uh just last week I.

Was in Kitchener waterl making an announcement uh for uh for the housing accelerated program for water and what the leader of the opposition seemed to have Miss is we were standing in a freshly competed bu completed building for seniors that $33 million of from the federal government a few years ago allowed to be built today we are.

Building things today that people are moving into in the coming weeks and we are announcing how we were building things for tomorrow as opposed to him who just chooses to insult Canadians insult Mayors and insult our intelligence The Honorable member for B shamb the government wants to delay by 3 years.

Upholding a court decision regarding medical assistance and dying for mental health now imagine that the conservatives are elected all maid would be totally locked down for a long time they will never pass made the conservatives so this prime minister does he realize that he's.

Acting as if he's afraid of the religious right the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we agree that there is a threat to fundamental rights and freedoms that is a conservative government would be a threat to rights and freedoms that said when it comes to medical assistance in dying it is a difficult and personal decision we need.

To ensure that we are protecting the most vulnerable we must also ensure that we are upholding fundamental rights and freedoms so when it comes to mental illness and minors we will continue to reflect on the matter we will continue to thoroughly study the matter and to consult before moving forward the.

Honorable leader of the block cuqua there is a solution though Quebec in fact put forward a solution which is supported by the National Assembly of Quebec in the liberal legislation there is an element allowing any Province such as Quebec to move forward with Advanced requests for medical assistance in dying.

So the threeyear extension would be fine in that case because Quebec could move forward based on Quebec's values does the Prime Minister support Quebec's request the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker as I said this matter of advanced request H was brought up many years ago as being a very important decision we.

Need to make but a difficult one at that if a Canadian makes an advanced request saying for instance if my health reaches such and such a state can I have medical assistance in dying but then the person might not necessarily be able to give free and informed consent so it's a very difficult decision for us to make for our society to make we will continue.

To work with Quebec we will continue to reflect on this and study it the Prime Minister could learn a lot from the young women I met earlier today who are struggling to put food on the table they're living a struggle the prime minister's never had to face they're getting ripped off by corporate grocery stores and the Prime Minister.

Let it happen for over two years so will the Prime Minister get serious now about taking on corporate greed by supporting my bill to reduce the price of groceries here here the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker uh right now with the fall economic statement we're proposing significant measures to increase.

Competition uh in the grocery sector uh many of them ideas that we are in alignment with the leader of the NDP on uh we believe in moving forward in Greater competition in the grocery sector uh that's something the NDP and the Liberals agree on it's not something the conservatives agree on because their chief strategist is actually on the LA.

Bl's payroll and they choose to continue to promote disinformation and misinformation while they're defending Bri Groceries on this side of the house we'll stand off for the honorable member for bernabe South have a history of letting Rich CEOs off the hook we can change that today here here.

Min the Prime Minister could learn from many of the young women I met with today they're struggling to make ends meet they're living a life that they've never lived before they are being scammed by grocery Giants but the Prime Minister seems to support those grocery Giants so will the Prime Minister vote in favor of my bill.

To bring down grocery prices the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker I am very open to the ndp's efforts to increase competition in the grocery sector we believe in that in fact in our legislation we have included measures which are parallel to.

The ndp's measure we absolutely want to increase competition in the grocery sector the NDP and the liberal party share that desire the conservatives though they listen to their lobbyists lbls lobbyists they defend the interests of big grossers rather than then defending Canadians and bringing down grocery prices The Honorable leader of.

The opposition Mr Speaker after 8 years of this prime minister he is not worth the crime he has caused a lot of car theft Mark Roose says that his Dodge Ram was stolen but he put an air tag in the truck he was able to find out that the truck was at the Port of Montreal he.

Knows where it is but Port agencies and port management say that he cannot go and find his Dodge Ram because there aren't enough scanners will the Prime Minister accept my Common Sense plan will he buy 24 scanners in order to find this man's Dodge Ram the red honorable prime minister Mr Speaker organized crime has.

Caused an increase in car theft throughout Canada the conservative party's attacks on C5 and c75 are absolutely not the solution their attacks are not the right way to solve the problem we will continue to invest for instance we have given the government of Ontario $121.

Million to fight auto theft we will also continue to work with the Canada Border Services Agency to increase their staff we are here to help The Honorable leader of the opposition at ports after eight years the Port Authorities are only scanning or inspecting 1% of shipping containers leaving our ports and that led to the case where Mark Roose had his.

2021 Dodge Ram stolen luckily he had an alpal air tag so he could follow its transit to the port of Montreal where he knows it to be he called both the cops and the Port Authority both of which said they don't know which box it's in so they can't find it so why won't he accept my Common Sense plan to buy 24 scanners so we can scan the boxes find.

The Dodge Ram and give it back to Mark right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker this would be perhaps a little more credible from the conservative party if they hadn't cut a thousand cbsa officers when they were last in government and they' proposed to cut 400 more uh if they had won the 2015 election the reality is we restored.

Every single border officer they cut and added 800 more and we're continuing to do the necessary work we recovered 1,800 stolen vehicles last year we'll continue to do I'm sorry to interrupt the Prime Minister and to all members I'm going to ask members please to keep their comments to themselves until they have.

The microphone or have the floor so that they'll be able to ask a questions or answer the questions The Honorable prime minister has 15 seconds on the clock Mr Speaker while conservatives cut uh Frontline Border Services officers as along with cuts to the RCMP cuts to police forces across the country we invested in them and we're going to.

Continue to do that with $121 million for Ontario more Investments for port and border security we're going to continue to step up and keep Canadians safe here The Honorable leader of the opposition you know the prime minister's strength is not math but the facts are that we took office there were about 12,000 working as cbsa officials and.

When we left office there was there were over 14,000 so 14,000 is more than 12,000 help the prime minister with the numbers it's true that we cut back office bureaucracy and high price Consultants which he has ballooned and that's why after 8 years he has increased auto theft by.

32% will he accept our Common Sense plan to cut high price consultants and hire more Frontline inspectors you're right honorable prime minister I can't help but smile when the leader of the opposition talks about high-price Consultants because it's his campaign being run by a highprice consultant for law laws when he stands.

In this place and across the country wrenching his heart strings about the the prices the Canadians are paying for groceries when his top advisor is in the pocket of law BLS giving him the same talking points as she gives G gayen Weston when he appeared at Parliament committee Mr Speaker if Canadians are going to believe this leader of the.

Opposition he needs to come clean with who is funding his organization order The Honorable leader of the opposition he's sure getting desperate if he has to blame conservative campaign workers for the fact that he raised food prices especially win Mr.

Speaker the prime minister's new marketing director Max Vette did marketing for law BLS for four years Don guy Don guy the prime minister's Chief pollster works for GT and Co which collects checks from LW blaws as does Dan Arnold his other pollster getting checks from law laws are they the ones that forced him to.

Quadruple the carbon tax on our the right honorable prime minister order I know it's Wednesday I know it's Wednesday and members are very keen to hear the answer to this question so I'll ask them to please restrain themselves while The.

Honorable the right honorable while the right honorable prime minister answers the question right honorable prime minister speaker you can tell it's Wednesday because this morning uh the members of the conservative Pau has got to hear directly from Jenny burn who sits in their caucus with them giving them.

Advice so that is exactly where they're coming when she is actively on the LA blw payroll while at the same time feeding lines to the leader of the opposition uh about food prices and concocting uh a theory around carbon price uh and gr grocery prices that as the member from Rina louan pointed out yesterday has no basis in fact we see.

The kind of torque he chooses to pull there that's that's not so hard The Honorable leader of the opposition oh Mr Speaker he makes it too easy he talks about caucus.

Meetings and La laws get this the Prime Minister had someone who is his director of caucus Services named Julie DeWolf who is now a lobbyist for lob laws not only that not only that he digs up a lot of dirt his chief dirt digger Kevin Bosch left his office so that he could go and work as a lobbyist for L.

Bloss would he like us to continue going down the list of all of his L Blas lobbyists Mr Speaker the right honorable prime minister it is quite something to watch the flailing of the conservatives right now as they do.

Anything to try to distract from the fact that their campaign manager their the leader of the opposition's top advisor is and still a still contri gets contributions and paychecks from La laws this is an issue when he is stand stood up and pretended to care about food prices when we hear the exact same talking points come out of Galen.

Weston's mouth as out of the leader of the opposition's mouth on some invented connection between the price on pollution and grocery prices we know exactly who is behind the conservative part um Madam The Honorable member for B.

Sh former Minister ledi and other liberal colleagues gave some thought to the possibility of opening up the Canadian Constitution well Quebec is considering something a referendum that's a major word we are considering a referendum on repatriating all immigration related authorities and.

Powers to Quebec so should the Prime Minister give Quebec back the authorities and powers that it deserves so that we can have immigration as we want it the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker all country Count's Federal governments are responsible for immigration Canada's federal government.

Handles borders and immigration but we have for a long time recognized the special situation of Quebec and the need to promote and protect Quebec's language and culture we have given Quebec powers that no other province has so that Quebec can defend itself.

We will continue to work with Quebec on immigration The Honorable member for B sh okay so we agree then Quebec should become its own country and have all of these Powers now the Prime Minister and his ministers say that they are working hand inand with Quebec the immigration Minister says that they're working hand.

Inand with Quebec but the Quebec immigration Minister wants to hold a referendum to give Quebec all control over its own immigration so does that not testify to is that not a testament to the failure of the immigration system and the immigration Minister the right honorable prime minister Mr.

Speaker we are continuously reminded of the fact that the block cuqua always looking for squabbles between Quebec and Canada they're always looking to bring up referendums here's the truth though Mr Speaker we are working hand inand with the government of Quebec and we have been doing so for decades Ottawa and Quebec have been working together.

Well for decades in order to manage immigration to ensure that immigration targets are appropriate for Quebec we will continue this work respectfully without any squabbles despite what the block wishes The Honorable opposition leader the crime Mr Speaker he unleashed the car theft crisis by bringing in house arrest and J and bail not jail for.

Repeat career car thieves and by allowing our ports to become cves where our cars are stolen from so much so that we're now becoming world famous for the prime minister's failures the Ghana economic and organized crime offices we are in possession of stolen vehicles the victims it's all in Canada no Canadian agency has approached us directly or.

Made a formal complaint will he take the money from the back office bureaucrats and consultants and put it into Frontline law enforcement to protect our car the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker Mr the leader of the opposition likes to make uh base political accusations he likes to talk about C5.

And c75 as the reason there is auto theft in this country the reality is C5 is the bill that keeps mandatory minimum penalties for car theft on the books and c75 is the bill that raises the maximum penalty on car theft we've continued to step up in terms of keeping Canadians safe we will continue to invest in the cbsa and in the resources necessary to.

Counter these challenges we will keep working based on facts and evidence Mr Speaker The Honorable leader of the opposition well here are the actual facts let's go through them C5 keeps mandatory prison sentences Mr Speaker they were already in place put there by the previous conservative government they weren't created by C5 what C5 did.

Is brought in it brought in house arrest for career car thieves so they can watch Netflix or perhaps play Grand Theft Auto in their living room and then go out onto the street and steal another car whenever they want will he follow my Common Sense plan to end house arrest for career car thieves yeah the right honorable prime minister.

Mr Speaker in the leader of the opposition simplistic worldview someone sitting on their couch at home playing video games goes out and steals an Escalade that's not what happens Mr Speaker organized crime is directly involved in the massive spike in Auto thefts in this country that's why what we are stepping up on in investment in.

Anti- organized crime Investments against money laundering that that party voted against investments in more powers and more resources for Ontario to counter auto theft and indeed more resources for the cbsa that they cut when they last left office will The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker actually people do.

Steal cars when they're on house arrest because all they have to do is open the door and walk out and steal the car exactly then there's his bail policy which allowed the same 40 offenders to be arrested 6,000 times in Vancouver in a year many of them car thieves so will he accept my common sense plan to get rid of house arrest and bring in jail.

Not bail for career car thieves yes or no the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker in all the questions the leader of the opposition asked about car theft he hasn't once mentioned organized crime which is the cause of car theft in this country right now and that's why perhaps he's not mentioning it because when we brought forward.

Measures to counter organized crime and money laundering the conservative party voted against that uh we move forward with more resources for Ontario $11 million to counter organized crime and car theft the conservative party voted against Mr Speaker we will continue to Anchor ourselves in facts and data and deliver on keeping Canadians safe you're.

Here The Honorable leader of the opposition speaker he wants facts here's another fact extortions are up two 118% since he took office why because he got rid of mandatory jail time for extortion with a weapon so now he allows extortionists to go around with guns harassing small business owners in Brampton in sui in Calgary and Edmonton.

Where horror stories are unfolding will he agree to our Common Sense plan to to reverse Catch and Release so that can Ians are safe from extortion the right honorable prime minister first of all Mr Speaker the situation faced by far too many people across this country around extortion from organized crime is unacceptable and.

That is why we are taking action directly with the RCMP and local police forces to counter it but once again we see conservatives falling into the same far-right American trap in their approach on crime that doesn't work that doesn't keep Canadian and safe that it sounds good in sound bites and attacks but doesn't actually deliver safer.

Community it's like they opposition to gun control and their desire to put assault style weapons back on the streets they don't keep Canadians safe the work we does so I'd like to uh colleagues uh before you saw a hesitation in the previous round when the speaker was a little confused as to who was going to.

Be speaking next it as it turns out we had deprived the leader of the opposition a question I don't know if this the leader of the opposition wants it now or would he like it in the next round he'll take it right now The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker let's talk about the cold hard facts there were 2third less ex cases of.

Extortion in the last year of the Common Sense conservative government than there are today in the 10 years we were in office the number of car thefts fell by half and that was because we targeted the worst offenders kept them in prison we secured our ports and stopped organized crime the Prime Minister has only multiplied crime with his Catch and.

Release policies will he follow the evidence and reinstate a common sense criminal justice before I I hate to interrupt The Honorable member and I don't know if it was picked up on the mics but I did pick up some language which was unparliamentary and now last call.

Members to please watch themselves the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker what we hear from the leader of the opposition is uh under the previous conservative government everything was perfect and what he is proposing to do is to make Canada great again that is not what Canadians want he is pining for a Nostalgia that quite frankly Canadians.

Do not feel they remember what he did as part of Steven Harper's failed housing Minister he remembers the people who the rights of individ indigenous peoples violated uh the uh ignoring of environmental responsibilities and the lack of an environmental and economic plan for the future we're going to continue The Honorable member from Port.

Moody Coquitlam Canadians with disabilities are being treated unfairly by big Airlines and the liberal solution another gentleman's meeting with a CEO who only cares about his own Bottom Line This is a slap in the face to passengers who've had their human rights violated having to drag themselves off a plane like with the greedy grocery CEOs the.

Liberals are just letting Air Canada get away with it will the Prime Minister get serious about holding these CEOs to account to protect Canadians the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we will continue to be there to protect vulnerable Canadians we will continue to make make sure uh that areas of federal jurisdiction like.

Airlines continue to meet all their responsibilities and obligations toward Canadians uh this is something we take extraordinarily seriously and we will continue to ensure that all airlines are respecting Canadians and their rights The Honorable member from nunav the Liberals are skirting their responsibility by underfunding the.

Non-insured health benefits that provides Dental Care Eye Care Mental Health and Medical travel for n their actions are forcing nunut to divert funds to this program instead of their own health priorities the Liberals need to step up their failure to live up to their responsibilities to Nunavut is UN unacceptable will the Prime Minister.

Commit to its obligations to ensure nunav have the health care they are owed the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker just a few weeks ago I was in in the hwit to talk to the premier of nunut PJ AAG to talk about how we can continue to be uh Partners as we move forward and ensure uh the strength and opportunities for all this is what we.

Were continuing to do whether it was uh celebrating uh the historic Devolution agreement that we made possible or uh looking at uh further supports including non-insured health benefits we will continue to be there for the people of Nunavut we will continue to be there for people of the north here The Honorable member from kitner.

Conastoga Mr Speaker last week the government announced that eligible Canadians residents uh aged 72 and older can now apply for a Canada Dental player over 500,000 applicants have been approved for the Canadian Dental Care Program making dental care more affordable and accessible this is great news for seniors in kishner Koga and.

Across Canada as more and more seniors have access to Affordable Dental Care can the Prime Minister please update us on the Canadian dental care plan that will help senior smile and be an important part of overall health right honor thank Mr Speaker I know the member for kiter conastoga is passionate about ensuring seniors and.

Kids get access to dental care I'm happy to announce that in the past in the first few weeks over 600,000 seniors have successfully signed up for the Canadian dental care plan while the conservative party voted against funding Dental Care to those who need it most we want to reassure Canadian seniors that on this side of.

The house we will always have their backs we'll fight for them and we'll make sure that that leader never Cuts essential supports to seniors The Honorable leader of the opposition after eight years the prime minister is not worth the cost of housing which is doubled since he promised to lower it now we have a brand.

New phenomenon of the middle class homeless in fact according to the uh executive director of the Royal Canadian Legion of Nova Scotia members of the Canadian Forces are now forced to live in tents in cars and to couch surf there are 30 homeless encampments in Halifax after eight years of this prime minister but why why would the Prime Minister.

Then plan to go ahead with a $450 a year rent increase to our Armed Forces members who are already forced to live intense right honorable prime minister speaker military members and their families are a priority and we're taking steps to ensure that they are supported we're investing.

$445 million over the coming years to tackle the supply of military housing and when the conservatives had an opportunity to support our military personnel they chose not to the conservatives stood up in this house and voted against supporting our men and women in univers in uniform just last December the honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker that is an outrageous nonresponse to the men and women who put their lives on the line for this country he rewards them with a tent or a couch in someone else's basement to sleep in after 8 years of this prime minister there's a 177% increase and a in bagotville and a 261 per increase in the weight line for.

Military housing and now he plans a $450 rent increase on the people who protect our country shouldn't he be ashamed of himself right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we'll take no lessons from the conservatives who nickel and dimed our military service members and Veterans through eight year through nine.

Years of their time in office uh and even dropped military funding to below 1% of GDP Mr Speaker we will continue to step up including with $ 445 million for military housing in the coming years as we continue to honor and support the the women and men who serve our country with their lives The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition honors them with a tent to live in he honors them with a $450 increase in their rent before this prime minister we didn't have masses of military members living in tent cities Mr Speaker they could put a roof overhead in fact we didn't have 30 tent cities in Halifax we didn't have two million people lined up at food banks in.

In lines that are reminiscent of the Great Depression we didn't have young people forced to wait till they're age 40 to get a home the good news is life was not like this before this prime minister and it won't be like this after he's gone right honorable prime minister why doesn't he just say it straight out Mr.

Speaker he's planning to make Canada great again the reality is Mr Speaker Canada is great Canada is the best country in the world and yes there are challenges and that's why we're stepping up to invest but whether it's $445 million for military housing whether it's stepping up with dental care for vulnerable seniors or youth whether it's.

Cutting Child Care fees and half Mr Speaker whether it's continuing to step up for vulnerable youth we are going to be there for Canadians while he proposes cuts and cuts to Services cuts to programs and cuts to the supports that Canadians need the honorable leader of the opposition so that's what the Prime.

Minister has to say to the 2 million people lined up around around street corners clamoring for the food bank after 8 years that things are just going great to the people in Montreal who've seen their rent quadruple after his eight years life is just great for them too to the torontonians who have to spend 25 years now saving up for the.

Down payment on the average home he says things are just great how can he possibly fix the misery he caused if he can't even realize this that it's right in front of his face the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition may not think that Canada is the best country in the world but we do and the.

Reality is we recognize Canadians are struggling right now and that is why we continue to invest in supports for them whether it's cutting Child Care fees in half whether it's investing in the kinds of jobs and careers we're going to need in the number one battery supply chain uh country in the world in drawing in sign ific Investments uh right across.

The country in moving forward into a brighter economic future while we recognize that Canadians need support now he's he offers fear and cuts while we offer support and a brighter future that's what we're going to The Honorable member for Mr Speaker the federal government owes $470 million to quebecers for.

Welcoming Asylum Seekers that ought wasse respons responsible for the amounts uh announced for hosting future Asylum seizures is fine but it doesn't pay back the federal debt that is accumulated since 2021 the minister of immigration always ends up uh using insults when it's talked about we want to find out what's happening it's.

Essential to continue to provide the services to Asylum Seekers can the Prime Minister finally pay back the money he owes quebecers the right honorable prime minister Miss Mr Speaker IA Austin said in the house that quebecers have demonstrated a commitment and a generosity that is quite significant to.

The vulnerable people coming to Canada and we are grateful for that we are here to assist and to invest in Quebec in order to allow these people to come here we recognize that this has led to additional costs not only for the Quebec government but for social services and Community organizations and that is why we are working uh on an ongoing basis.

With Quebec to ensure that we recognize these sacrifices and these efforts and that we thank them and they are compensated for that The Honorable member for Le San Mr Speaker the Prime Minister must also ensure a fair distribution of Asylum Seekers Quebec's intake capacity has been exceeded out of 289,000 Asylum seekers in Canada Quebec.

Has proven that 160,000 are in their jurisdiction that's 55% of the total the Quebec's minister of immigration said yesterday that she wanted to hold a referendum on the repatriation of all immigration Powers she's so exasperated by the federal government's in action does the Prime Minister understand that when there's talk of a.

Referendum it's perhaps time for him to wake up the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker for many years Quebec has had the challenge of dealing with roxom Road and we have worked with the Quebec government as well as with the government of the United States and we have resolved that issue there are new.

Issues with regard to the airports but we are going to be here to help the Quebec government and quebecers to deal with that situation we will always do that in Partnership it's just the block that is looking for squabbles and referendums we'll always be here to work hand inand in all due respect with the government of.

Quebec The Honorable leader of the opposition is not worth the cost of food after eight years of the NDP liberal carbon tax it's caused food prices to rise 20% in the last 2 years alone so much for the affordable food they promised when they signed their Coalition with the NDP leader so much so that the Canada food bank is now forced.

To cut in half the number of potatoes that they're giving out it's too expensive and there's too much demand instead of just telling those people who eat were eating half as much in Canada that things are great why won't he follow our Common Sense plan to act the tax the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker as the member for Regina.

Louan recognized yesterday there is absolutely no data to support any link between our price on pollution and higher grocery prices there simply is none on this side of the house Mr Speaker we are a government anchored in evidence and data and we will continue to be there to deliver things like your grocery rebate to Canadians to put more.

Money back in Canadian's Pockets even as we put a price on pollution with uh the carbon price rebate and we will continue to defend Canadian's interests against the cuts proposed by that conservative The Honorable leader of the opposition he wants to know the link between the carbon tax and the food price well I'll help him out so.

Farmers use something called diesel it goes in their tractors and combines and drying machines it goes in their off arm fuels that pay the carbon tax on which he wants to quadruple the tax then the truckers who pick up the food transport it to the grocery store pay the carbon tax then the grosser pays the carbon tax to power the heat in that big Olympic.

Stadium size chamber we call a grocery store if he doesn't get the link how is he ever going to fix the problem the right honorable prime minister the problem with the story that the leader of the opposition just told is there's absolutely no data to support it he is all about political attacks he is all about inventing reasons to not.

Take action on the fight against climate change because his conservative party still doesn't understand that you cannot have a plan for Canadian's future or the future of the economy if you don't have a plan to fight climate change not only are we fighting climate change Mr Speaker we're putting more money back in the pockets of Canadians and building.

The economy of the future The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker speaking of no evidence we actually filed an order paper question asking for proof that his carbon tax is reducing emissions and it came back that there was no evidence for eight years in Government after years of raising the tax they have no proof that.

It reduces emissions at all but we know it increases food prices and this is why can food professor said I'm recommending a pause on the carbon tax for the entire food industry from Farmgate to store and restaurants if the Prime Minister doesn't have the common sense to ask the tax will he listen to the food professor and cancel his plan to hike.

It the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker Canada is actually reducing its emissions faster than our G7 Partners largely because we put a price on pollution Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition wants to make pollution free again we do not think that is the right path for Canada we know that investing in.

Reduction of carbon emissions while putting more money back in Canadian's Pockets switching from home heating oil to heat pumps moving forward in responsible ways as we're investing in supporting Canadians is the way to build a stronger future but he proposes ideology cuts and fear tactics Mr Speaker have The Honorable member for.

Laal zil Mr Speaker since 2015 the government has made the battery sector a priority in terms of development and we are seeing results with the creation of hundreds of millions in investments in thousands of well-paid jobs can the Prime Minister inform the.

House of the progress that has been achieved thank you Mr Speaker the right honorable prime minister I want to thank the member for lalil for his important question and his hard work while the conservative leader doesn't even believe in climate change we are taking steps with historic investments in the electrification of.

Cars so we are investing every day in talent and workers from here and it's working Mr Speaker Canada is today the leader the world leader in the manufacturing of lithian ion batteries while the conservative leader would cut those Investments we are proud to invest Canada in Canada and Canadians The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker it's been eight years since this costly prime minister took office but it was two years ago that he signed a deal with the NDP leader where in the latter promised that it would bring more affordable food since that time the NDP and liberals have helped raise food prices by 20% their favorite inflationary instrument.

Is the carbon tax now they plan to quadruple the carbon tax and the farmer who produces the food and the trucker who ships the food and therefore all who buy the food the Canada's food PR Professor is calling for a cap on the carbon tax will the Prime Minister cancel his 23% carbon tax hike for April 1st the right honorable prime minister.

Speaker once again we heard in parliamentary committee yesterday absolutely no evidence no data to support the leader of the opposition's contention uh that the price on pollution impacts on grocery prices the reality is Mr Speaker our price on pollution returns four times a year more money to 80% of Canadians in the areas.

Where it is in it is in play uh then it costs them that's how we can both fight against climate change and put more money in the pockets of Canadians the leader of the opposition is proposing to take away those four times a year rebet checks from Canadians The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker the NDP Al also.

Promised affordable housing when they sold out their constituents and signed on to a coalition with the leader of the Liberals but since that time the rent is up well over 20% as they fund more bureaucracy to block homes and deficits that drive up interest rates so much so that Tim Chen a student in Vancouver actually needs to commute to.

University from Calgary yes he has to fly back to Calgary where he can afford the rent under a conservative government and then fly over to Vancouver in a commute in order to study Mr Speaker how crazy is it that you have to commute across right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition likes to talk about the.

Challenges Canadians are facing and while we're busy solving them he's proposing nonsensical Solutions let's talk about the conservative leaders housing plan it won't build homes fast enough it doesn't reach enough cities and it creates unnecessary bureaucracy he'll also rip up our housing accelerator agreements which are.

Unlocking half a million new homes and need put the GST back on apartment construction housing experts like Mike Moffet say his plan is exceptionally weak and a sign that quote the conservatives don't understand or the scale of the housing crisis we'll take the right sorry The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker.

The results speak forsel when I was the housing Minister rent was $950 it's now over $2,000 when I was the housing Minister the average mortgage payment on a newly purchased home was $1,400 it's now over $3500 and my Common Sense plan would require cities permit 15% more Home Building as a condition of getting.

Federal money require they bill housing around Transit stations rather than having empty Fields there and sell off 6,000 Federal buildings and thousands of Acres of federal land to build build build why won't he build homes instead of building bureaucracy right honorable prime minister the reality is Canadians just.

Can't trust conservatives and their attacks and their talking points why because an active paid lobbyist is the one giving them uh all of all their advice on how to win their campaign the reality is Mr Speaker the big business and money behind the cons conservative party is once again driving their agenda as they propose cuts to vulnerable.

Canadians under investments in housing and no solutions to the very real challenges Canadians are facing they're in the pocket of big business as evidenced by Jenny Burns work for la loss The Honorable member from Winnipeg South Center Mr Speaker yesterday after months of debate in this house albe it without the support of a single member.

Of the conservative party we voted to to advance the new Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement president salinski and the thousands of Canadian ukrainians I represent in my writing of Winnipeg cell center expect our government to be there for them and we have been every step of the way can the Prime Minister tell Canadians why this deal is important for.

Ukraine and Canada and will he reaffirm Canada's unwavering support for our Ally as it fights to defend the interests of democracies around the world thank you Mr speak the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the president of Ukraine asked us to for a modernized Ukrainian free trade deal with Canada that would deal with Investments Digital.

Services a range of things that are necessary for Ukraine's reconstruction and recovery from the war the conservative leader yesterday again shamelessly strong armed his MPS representing Ukrainian communities to betray them and play straight into Putin's hands on this side Mr Speaker the members for Winnipeg South Center A.

Tobaco Center Kingston the islands University rosale Winnipeg South Markham Thornhill Scaro Southwest and cille and the entire liberal cogress the The Honorable member from Courtney Al berie Mr Speaker Canadians spend over a billion dollars out of their own.

Pocket on Mental Health Services every year and with the cost of everything only going up Canadians are making the difficult Choice do I put food on the table or go get the therapy I need the Liberals promised $4.5 billion in mental health funding but they're still well over a billion doll short even with the bilateral agreements our communities.

Need support and it can't be left to conservative Premier so will the Prime Minister commit to delivering direct mental health funding to community-based mental health organizations in the upcoming budget the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker I'm certain that the member for Courtney Al Al ber is not.

Proposing that we work around the outstanding government of the province of British Columbia we are working hand inand with them to deliver Mental Health Services across the country uh with our historic Health Accords uh worth $200 billion dollar that include significant transfers for mental health and accountability so Canadians can see Real.

Results we are moving forward on stepping up on making sure the Canadians of proper access to mental health care but we will do it uh in partnership with the provinces who want to and with clear data from the provinces who are resistant we need to make sure we're delivering mental health right across the country The Honorable member from.

Spadina Fort York Mr Speaker whistleblower information from HSBC documents show rampant mortgage fraud by people using fake high salaries from fake jobs in China to get mortgages and buy houses in Canada how's it possible for a person with no income to buy four houses these frauds feel real estate Bubbles And they support fin track.

Findings on Chinese Chinese moneya laundering and Canadian real estate how can the Prime Minister make housing more available and affordable when frauders are buying up multiple homes why is this government ignoring the damage created by money laundering and mortgage fraud in Canada the right honorable prime.

Minister Mr Speaker just a few days ago we reinforced and extended our foreign home buyers ban uh to make sure that homes in Canada are used by Canadians to live in not as investment vehicles for uh for foreign entities or foreign owners uh this is part of our broad plan uh that invests in more housing that increases Supply and ensures that c.

Families are able to afford uh the future they want to build for their kids in their communities right across the country we're stepping up on housing we will continue to do so while the conservatives have no plan right right I wish to draw to the attention of members in the presence of the gallery of Mr V tavio min for foreign trade and.

Development for Finland

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