Quiz Duration – Would possibly perhaps possibly also simply 10, 2024


Quiz Duration – Would possibly perhaps possibly also simply 10, 2024

Or all questions The Honorable member for S white after n years this prime minister is not worth the drugs disorder and death open access to meth and fenel is killing Canadians BC parents are terrified that children will step on dirty needles on soccer fields nurses are breathing in fenal smoke as they.

Treat patients in hospitals on May 21st Parliament will vote on our motion to ensure this extremist drug experiment is never repeated will the Prime Minister vote to reject expansion and prioritize treatment and Recovery yes or no too many Canadians are dying every.

Day from an even changing illegal toxic drug Supply the opposition leader talks about investing in treatment but conservatives cut two-thirds of drug treatment f when they were last in government let's talk about what save lives safe consumption sites accessible social and Healthcare Services prevention treatment and arm reduction.

This is a public elf crisis not a criminal justice issue a member for southi white well after nine years Madam speaker it's on them and they have to do something about it the liberal leadership race is well underway I see and it seems like the new guy is just like the old guy markk Carney testified.

At the Senate and surprise surprise he announced his support for this Prime Ministers failed carbon tax carbon tax Carney couldn't commit to cutting a penny from the prime minister's Reckless spending these random liberals really have a lot in common if carbon tax Carney won't and this prime minister won't will someone over there have.

Canadians backs and ax the tax parliamentary secretary Madam speaker if we're going to talk about having Canadians back let's talk about the work that we're doing to protect the environment while making the life more affordable for them through the carbon rebates in fact if you look at Economist and over 300.

Economists have signed a letter stating this very fact Canadians receive more on average through the rebate than they pay through any carbon pricing in fact in Ontario the average family at end of the year has $300 more through the carbon rebate I'm listening to The Economist and I'm seeing standing up and having to backs for.

Canadians member for soui white well I'm listening to the Parliamentary budget officer who says the exact opposite to what that member just said inflationary budgets destroy the working class with high interest rates after 9 years mortgages down payments rents have all doubled 90% of young Canadians are stuck in house housing hell with their dreams.

Of home ownership shattered those who do own fear they can't qualify for Renewal mortgage delinquencies are up 50% overall 35% in Ontario 62% BC this is all parliamentary secretary once again if the member opposite wants to talk about what the Parliamentary budget officer said he said8 out of 10 families.

End up with more money at the end of the year through the carbon rebates through the carbon pric but also if we're going to talk about protecting Homes at the very moment that houses were burning in Colona Lake Country from climate climate U crisis fires wildfires that member was opposing the carbon price the carbon price that actually results in a third.

Of our the member for Madam speaker the bank uh the governor of the Bank of Canada has repeatedly confirmed that the Prime Minister spending is keeping interest rates High many mortgage holders will face sharp increases in payments when they renew their mortgages over the next couple of.

Years this is the direct result of this prime minister's 500 billion in centralizing inflationary spending backed by the block when will the Prime Minister and the block stop their outof control spending the honorable Minister my colleague talks about sound management and.

The what was the record of the conservative leader when he was housing Minister he got six affordable housing units built whereas in my colleagues uh writing over the past year hundreds of units have been built we signed a historic agreement with the government of Quebec The Honorable member for shabo.

Shab Madam speaker The Minister's been repeating the same infantile answer uh while the liberal government has doubled the cost of housing July 1st is shaping up to be a disaster for those looking for a place to live one of the local organizations says that we're heading for the worst July 1st of Our Lives this block backed government has created.

Disaster economic conditions for people looking for housing will the Prime Minister shape up and stop the inflationary spending that's only putting pressure on the economy and on Canadians The Honorable Minister good morning Madame speaker we're talking the he talked about childish calculations well yeah this is an easy one counting.

To six six affordable housing units is what the conservative leader managed to get built in his tenure as housing minister so talk about childish whereas 222 units have been built in the members writing uh in cooperation with the government in Quebec Donald member for manic wagan Madam speaker the unfortunate thing.

About the member for Glen Gary Prescott Russell's insults is that they hindered opportunities for substantive conversations about French while he publicly humiliated himself the report of the commission of official languages went almost unnoticed but the commissioner severely criticized the federal government calling it reluctant.

Reluctant to offer services in French and reluctant about allowing frankophones to work in their own language instead of insulting quebeckers shouldn't the Liberals have announced this week that they're finally going to force the federal government to respect frankophones the honorable parliamentary secretary.

Thank you madam speaker look on this side of the house we've always been there for frankophones in Canada and in Quebec and I find it really interesting coming from my colleague because when the block tries to monopolize this file they're bothered by the fact that our government and my.

Colleague from Glen Gary Prescott Russell all the Liberals on this side who are from Quebec and I would say our whole caucus even defends French in Quebec and all across the country we're the only government that does that The Honorable member for manic wagen Madam speaker the liberal member for Glen Gary Prescott Russell devoted his 15 minutes.

Of fame to denying the decline of French in Quebec an odd Choice a very odd choice at a time when the commissioner of official languages is pointing out that in his region along the Ottawa River that's where he gets the most complaints from these include complaints from from federal public servants who are unable to work in.

French the commissioner said the complaints received ATT test to the fact that many federal institutions don't take their L language obligations seriously if the Liberals don't take the future of French seriously why should the federal government The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker and Madam speaker.

Rather let's talk about our government's Investments under our action plan 1.4 billion for the next 5 years to help French Madam speaker we're the only government that has acknowledged the decline in French we've modernized the official languages act we're working with treasury board we're working with the.

Commissioner and we fully understand the issue here on this side of the house we believe in French they don't a recent report reveals alarming rates of poverty and food insecurity in Nova Scotia the highest in the country but the Liberals like the conservatives before them are choosing to reward grocery CEOs with corporate handouts instead of cracking.

Down on their greed that is driving up food costs so while the conservatives vote against nutritious U meals for kids at school the Liberals are letting food conglomerates gouge Canadians at the till why is this government allowing the CEO's greed to go unchecked at the cost of Canadians going hungry that's right honorable parliamentary secretary I.

Agree with the honorable member that it's certainly hypocritical for conservatives to cite Food Bank lineups as something that they care about when voting uh against the national school food program that's going to feed over 400,000 kids per year that's hypocritical if I've ever heard it before but it's very good to hear my uh.

Member uh or my colleague in the NDP party who we've worked with successfully to update our competition act in successive rounds which are going to improve prices for Canadians and increase competition which is I think vitally important great answer and I'm o lady Smith Madam speaker rent is going up faster than Canadians can afford with.

Families relying on credit cards more and more to buy food and Necessities in my writing of Nao lady Smith rent went up over 9% last year alone people can't cut back any more than they already are yet the Liberals are sitting on their hands and letting corporate greed drive up costs this plan is not working when will the Liberals have the courage to.

Crack down on the corporate greed driving up rent and food prices The Honorable Minister uh Madam speaker I thank my honorable colleague for the question and I point to the recent federal budget where we announced that we would be taking measures to prevent uh corporate land owners from buying up single family homes but also.

Advancing measures to protect renters and to bring down the cost of rent by adding more Supply we are moving forward with programs that introduce lowcost financing for more rental construction we've got new subsidies for affordable housing and Cooperative housing and an acquisition for nonprofits who can actually take affordable homes and keep.

Them affordable in perpetuity in addition Madam speaker we're moving forward with the renters Bill of Rights and a series of other measures that designed to protect the interest of renters For Whom the cost of living has simply become too high The Honorable member for Central Okanagan s milin in um Nicola mam speaker after nine years.

Of the spend DP liberal government finding an affordable rental is only getting harder despite their record spending a new report says that rents in Canada increased 99.3% annually in April it's gotten so bad that people seeking an affordable rental their only choice Madam speaker is to laugh or cry given the dire situation of these renters.

Could the Minister of Housing please enlighten us as to whether he considers the performance of his government's housing strategy a comedy of errors or a tragedy of oversights The Honorable Minister Madam speaker of my honorable friend is interested in a tragedy of oversights I would direct him to the.

Plan put forward by his leader when it comes to housing which doesn't Advance a single measure designed to help renters with the cost of living Madam speaker his plan that he is now campaigning on would literally increase taxes on rental Construction in this country by putting the GST back on those construction projects we have removed the GST Madam.

Speaker we have introduced low cost financing to build more Rental Supply to bring down the cost across the ecosystem across the country in addition Madam speaker we are putting more money on the table to provide affordable housing options with the conservatives The Honorable member for Central lanagan C and Nick a lot of that spending doesn't.

Kick in until after the next election so I don't think that promise is worth the paper The Minister's written on this week the bank of candada warned and I quote higher debt servicing costs reduce a household's financial flexibility making them more financially vulnerable if their income declines or they face an unexpected material expense end quote.

Considering the Prime Minister has doubled our debt and has borrowed more money than all Canadian Prime Ministers combined could he please explain how this warning does not equally apply to his government The Honorable Minister Madam speaker first to correct the misinformation there is money flowing to projects including in that.

Members Province as we speak we've signed billion multi-billion dollar deals with provinces to build housing we've invested billions more to now help the construction of nearly 500,000 units since the Inception of the National Housing strategy but Madam speaker he seems seems to ignore the fact that Canada maintains one of the healthiest.

Fiscal positions amongst advanced economies I expect he's trying to distract because they've had a very bad week when Canadians are focused on their use of the notwithstanding Clause to erode important rights that are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Madam speaker we will move forward with the honorable.

Member for Colona Lake Country Madam speaker after nine years of this NDP liberal government deficit spending caused skyrocketing inflation which caused higher interest rates which is causing higher mortgage payments the Bank of Canada confirmed that the prime minister's wasteful spending is keeping interest rates higher for longer now the.

Bank of Canada is warning when compared with origination that the average median mortgage payment will rise more than 20% in 2025 and 30% in 2026 families can't afford this will this government stop their deficit spending so families can keep their homes The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker what I would like to ask the member.

Opposite who just ask that question is how does she face her constituents when at the very time that homes were being evacuated people were losing homes to climate induced wildfires she was fighting the CL the price on carbon pollution and fighting our work on making sure that we fight climate change this is what's actually putting Homes at.

Risk we're going to be supporting our firefighters who are fighting those fires we are going to be doing what we need to fight climate change and we are protecting Canadians The Honorable member for Colona elake country well Madam speaker after nine years this prime minister just isn't worth the cost for families with variable rate.

Mortgages with fixed payments it's even worse median mortgage payments will increase 60% by 2026 workingclass paychecks have been shredded by this NDP liberal government Common Sense conservatives would bring in a dollar Ford dooll law to find a Dollar of savings for every new dollar spent this is how families run their households can.

The minister explain how Canadian amilies are supposed to come up with hundreds or thousands of dollars more a month just to keep their homes great question The Honorable Minister Madam speaker we understand the very serious challenges that families are facing when it comes to the cost of housing which is why we put a plan on the table that's.

Designed to solve Canada's national housing crisis what's fascinating about the member's own writing we've actually invested $31.5 million in that Community to build thousands of homes which she and her party oppose moreover the conservative plan lists only 22 communities in the entire country that can benefit that can benefit from.

Their plans Colona is not on the list I hope she has a hard time explaining that to her constituents who thanked us for the investment we made to build housing in her community the member for B Madame speaker quebecers are suffering after nine years of this liberal government's wasteful spending and what.

That's doing to the cost of living this prime minister's overspending knows no ban and the block supports all the Reckless spending the block voted to hire another 110,000 Federal public servants the block is okay with sending quebecers money to Ottawa and they call themselves The Defenders of Quebec when will this blockb prime minister stop.

Making quebecers suffer even more with his senseless spending spree The Honorable Minister Madame speaker my colleague is referring to sound management did you know that during during his entire tenure the conservative leader when he was Minister of Housing built six affordable housing units you saw that.

Right Madam speaker six units and in le' 205 affordable housing units have been built in recent months and we expect to Bill build 8,000 under our deal with the government of Quebec The Honorable member for after nine years of this Lial.

Government there's been nine years of suffering for quebecers Budget chaos criminals on the loose unaffordable food and housing and instead about of thinking about fixing the budget the block supports $500 billion do in Reckless inflationary spending the more this blockb government spends the more quebeckers suffer the Prime Minister and.

The block aren't worth the cost could they spare a thought for quebeckers and stop wasting their money The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker I'm so pleased to have a second opportunity to talk about the 205 affordable housing units that we have created in the members writing because of the re leadership of this government and the.

Government of Quebec 25 affordable units that have been built in the last few months there's more coming unfortunately this is less good news for the conservative leader because during his tenure only six units of this kind were built in the entire country The Honorable member forini Madam speaker while Ottawa keeps.

Saying all is well in the fight against climate change the experts have never been so pessimistic the Guardians surveyed 380 ipcc climate Specialists 77% of them believe global warming will surpass 2.5 degrees far above the target set out in the Paris agreement more than three out of four experts believe that governments and the oil Lobby are.

Leading us to a disaster meanwhile this government inaugurates the Trans Mountain pipeline do they have their priorities right The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker two weeks ago our report showed that our emissions were dropping.

Under the conservatives they were on an uptick but we have changed things and Emissions are coming down in Canada so we're doing what needs to be done we're getting it right we're on a good trajectory and when you look the at the data it shows the honorable member.

For 77 % of climate experts think we're heading for disaster only 6% think there's still a chance of meeting the Paris targets meanwhile in Ottawa the Liberals are in inaugurating their new taran's oil Pipeline and we have the conservative whose only vaguely environmental measure is their Crusade against Tim Horton's paper straws and.

Lids frankly it's pathetic what's it going to take for Canada to listen to science and stop sabotaging the fight against climate change the honorable parliamentary secretary ma Madam speaker I fully agree that when you see that the conservatives are taking issue with Tim Horton straws because they're trying to adjust to climate change and recycle.

More I really don't understand their objection but here on this side it's quite the opposite we are doing what needs doing to reduce emissions and uh un studies shows that we're on the right track so if the block could keep working with us we can have more clean energy here in Canada Lakes Brook speaker in food.

Ontario's 2023 reports over 800,000 ontarians accessed food banks up 38% from the previous year which was the largest single year ever increase ever recorded even worse a report by Canada's food professor are found that nearly 60% of Canadians are eating expired food to make ends meat the cost of food fueled by the carbon tax and inflation are.

Causing families to suffer when will the Prime Minister admit his carbon tax scheme has failed and ask the tax here The Honorable parliamentary secretary disingenuous that's what you call it when someone says they care about something but then do the exact opposite that's today's conservatives for you.

They claim to care people in food bank lineups but oppose our plan to feed 400,000 more children per year they claim to care about housing but oppose our investments to build 3.9 million more homes by 2031 they claim to care about affordability but oppose our investments to help Canadians with the cost of seeing a dentist getting child.

Care or accessing life-saving medication it's clear conservatives would make cuts that hurt families and a member for halberton cart Lakes Brock speaker those liberal policies are not working I just talked about the rising cost of food three out of five Canadians are eating expired food just to survive more ontarians than ever are using food banks.

In my own area the korthal Lakes Food Source reports that total visits to the food banks they serve have increased by 10% to almost 14,000 after 9 years of this carbon tax rhetoric I get that it's hard for the prime minister to admit he's not worth the cost but the facts speak for themselves when will the Prime Minister.

Admit his failed carbon tax doesn't work the honorable parliamentary secretary the facts are Madam speaker that conservatives will never stand up when they have the opportunity to support Canadians they won't support feeding more hungry children they won't support building more homes they won't support access to life-saving medication.

They are disingenuous at best the hypocrisy is over the top uh we see every day in this house that they complain they holler from the other side they play politics they Advance slogans and not Solutions here we are standing up for Canadians I don't know what they're doing on the other side member for red dear.

La after n years of Reckless spending Canadians are at a Breaking Point with record demand at our food banks we have now learned that 60% of Canadians have resorted to eating expired food yet this NDP liberal government can't help themselves they have hiked the carbon tax another 23% on April 1st as part of their plan to quadruple it by.

2030 why does this prime minister hate Canadians who just want to heat their home feed their kids and drive to work why won't he just ask the tax honorable parliamentary secretary Madam Madam speaker conservatives talk down our economy every day in the this house while in reality Canada's economy has shown great.

Resilience despite the global shocks that it's been on Earth we have the lowest debt to GDP ratio the lowest deficit in the G7 a AAA credit rating that's been reaffirmed Warren Buffett while talking about investing in Canada says we do not feel uncomfortable in any way shape or form putting money into Canada the IMF in the most recent fiscal.

Monitor rated Canada has number one for Budget balance and this Year's budget puts our healthy National balance sheet to work the honorable member for Moose Jaw Lake Center lenan Madame speaker after 9 years of this NDP liberal government this prime minister is just not worth the cost food banks are on the brink demand is up and donations are.

Down the Moosejaw Food Bank helped nearly 8,000 households in 2023 up 58% Madam speaker Moosejaw has a population of 33,000 people the reality is that this was what this government has created when will the Prime Minister ask a tax to make food affordable again for Canadians honorable parliamentary.

Secretary Madam speaker it is so rich hearing the conservatives again sight Food Bank lineups and continually uh rage Farm off the suffering of Canadians when they will not step up when given the opportunity to support feeding 400,000 more kids per year this is something that I advocated for for many years before getting into politics I.

Know many members of this house are encouraged by the fact that our government has made a$1 billion commitment to feed more hungry children in this country I don't understand how the The Honorable member for London fsha know that the Liberals are out of touch with everyday Canadians and conservatives are worse after voting no.

To free medication the member for lampon Kent middlex wants people to know the real problem isn't that they have to pay out of pocket for care no no the real problem is Tim Horton and their new paper coffee cups while new Democrats are getting free dental care and pharmacare for Canadians liberals delay and conservatives obstruct support for.

People oh and also they blast coffee Lids why is this government like the conservatives so completely out to lunch with the reality of everyday Canadians The Honorable minister of Health thank you madam speaker and I thank the member opposite for her advocacy uh there's nothing more fundamental you want to talk about.

Liberty there's nothing more fundamental than having the liberty and autonomy over your own body and it was so disappointing to see conservative MPS out making speeches trying to tell our daughters and our sisters what they can do with their bodies well I'm here to say that our party the liberal party and our prime minister and every member of.

Our caucus Sams firmly be behind not only a woman's right to choose when it comes to making a choice over her body but to make sure that she has the Reproductive Medicine so she has full autonomy and control over her own body The Honorable members for for mood quickin it's National caregiver month and 50% of women are taking care of.

Their elderly parents or loved ones with a disability and one in five of those caregivers report spending more than ,000 a month to take care of their loved one and these costs are only going up the Liberals keep letting women down for years the Liberals promised families a simple refundable caregiver tax credit they haven't delivered when will the.

Liberals give women the respect they deserve and finally make the caregiver tax credit refundable The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker our government has stepped up and implemented the law we have introduced the disability benefit and this benefit is the single largest like item in the budget 6.1.

Billion over 6 years this is an important First Step a step that will help Canadians alleviate poverty we need to build upon this thank you Madame speaker I The Honorable the minister of sport and physical activity has said all along that Canadians deserve a safe inclusive.

And welcoming Sports system our Sports system needs to be ground founded in human rights accountability integrity and safety need to be at the center of sport governance and operations can the minister update the house on her progress to create a safer Sports system in Canada one that reflects and celebrates our Canadian.

Values The Honorable minister of sports thank you madam speaker we've heard very clearly about the need for systemic reform and culture change in sport survivors have bravely come forward so that we can learn better protect our kids and improve our systems and processes what's been going on in sport the maltreatment the abuse the.

Discrimination is unacceptable and has to stop and that's why we announc the creation of the future and Sport commission the membership of which we announced yesterday Madam speaker along with the member from uh laan Loui all of us here in this house indeed all Canadians need to build for our children the sport system that's safe and that.

They deserve here here honorable member for langle Elder Gro after 9 years of this NDP liberal prime minister is clear he is not worth the crime chaos drugs and disorder his radical experiment in British Columbia with taxpayer funded hard drugs and legalized street drugs has led to more crime chaos and disorder Common Sense conservatives have put.

Forward a motion to put an end to this risky experimentation so will the Liberals vote with us to ban hard drugs and to offer recovery and hope instead yes par secretary thank you madam speaker from the beginning what we have.

Offered is to help people through treatment harm reduction strengthening legislation we are here to help people to accompany them through their Journeys everyone deserves full support no one chooses to become addicted to drugs and that's why we're there to help everyone after 9 years this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the crime.

Chaos drugs and disorder caused by his wacko policies that's right it's wacko to allow drug use in Parks hospitals and playgrounds it's wacko that this government's policy is exposing kids and healthcare workers to lethal drugs will the Prime Minister and his government support our Common Sense motion to ban hard drugs and offer recovery or will.

They continue with his wacko drug policies of of legalized use of meth and fentol in children's parks The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you Madame speaker we've engage with experts with a range of views to learn from current experiences and inform this practice moving forward we're working with all federally funded.

Programs and have ramped up mitigation and enforcement measure we expect provinces and territories to do the same and the evaluation is ongoing we will do what we need to do The Honorable member for crit Mar's fit Meadows Maple Rich Madam speaker having eyes why can't the Liberals and NDP see the death and destruction their radical drug.

Experiment is having in Canada having ears why can't they hear the cries of weeping parents and the loved ones of 42,000 who have died from opio when will the Liberals and NDP realize that their wacko safe Supply and hard drug legalization is destroying this nation will they vote with common sense conservatives to ban hard drugs stop.

Taxpayers fund drugs and put that money into detox and Recovery The Honorable secretary Madam speaker we do listen to experts and we are attuned to people's needs the needs of those who are on the streets using drugs that's why we have options and solutions like strengthening legislation harm reduction treatment and.

Supervised consumption that those are the steps we're taking Madam speaker these liberals are more offended by their policies being called wacko than they are by finding needles on kids soccer fields or skyrocketing overdose rates conservatives have put forward a motion calling on the government to ban hard.

Drugs and offer recovery programs across Canada will this government vote in support of a common sense motion or will they continue Pearl clutching over words like wacko The Honorable parliamentary secretary we had such.

Hopes pres I'm sorry thank you madam speaker arm reduction is elf care arm reduction is the door to the system safe consumption sites have responded to more than 53,000 overdose since 2017 our government has invested 20000 billion to support provinces and territories delivering Services needed in addition.

To the one billion doll we have directly invested to address this crisis we will use every tools to at our disposal to end the toxic drug and overdose crisis The Honorable member for S 117 days the federal government has been ignoring its civilian employees at Quebec's military basis for 117 days.

They're on strike well the government cannot ignore them anymore because they're representatives from samp by good and V are here today they're here to ask why quebecers have the lowest wages in Canada to ask why quebecers are treated like second rate workers and to ask why the Liberals have been ignoring them for 117 days will the government.

Level the play pay scale and stop discriminating against Quebec employees in the forces The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker I appreciate my colleague's question because it gives me the opportunity to talk about an announcement we made in April with the.

Well-being Services of the Canadian Armed Forces we reached a settlement of non-public fund workers in Kingston and pahua this agreement we've reached will increase by 13.75% uh the salary over the next few years no one is paid at minimum wage and we hope that those who are on strike will reach a resolution and we encourage.

Them to come back to the table The Honorable member for sanan historically the majority of Civilian employees in the forces have been women in Quebec and their right to wonder why the federal government is discriminating against them for example their right to ask why a financial services assistant in bfield deserves.

$10 less than someone doing exactly the same job in Ottawa Strikers are right to demand equal treatment on all Canadian Forces basis and at a time when the armed forces are struggling to recruit they should be demonstrating that they respect their employees they are ready to come back to the table they will be suggesting a new contract.

At 3:30 today will DND finally listen to them the honorable parliamentary secretary once again I thank my colleague for her question and I appreciate the question because we do know that it's possible to reach Solutions and agreements together at the bargaining table like we did in Kingston in pahua and here in.

Ottawa the agreement that was negotiated will significantly increase salaries by 13.75% over 3 years we hope that the three striking parties will return to the bargaining table Madame speaker I wish to thank all employees working with our military bases and with our military families The Honorable member for Bose Madam speaker after nine years of this.

Block liberal government the housing crisis is unprecedented July 1st will go down in history but not for the right reasons this crisis is affecting not only large Urban centers but also our regions in an article in LA Press this morning the Quebec Police Association noted a significant increase in homelessness this is a sad reality it's.

Caused by lack of Housing and the rising cost of living when will this blockb backed government stop announcing programs with even more bureaucracy and instead ensure that housing is built in the regions too The Honorable Minister Madame speaker.

I appreciate the question it's interesting because the member who asked the question does supports a plan in which we don't build affordable housing the member is in favor of increasing tax rates for new apartment construction that is not okay Madam speaker our plan is to invest and to build affordable.

Housing for example we just reached a deal with Quebec to build 8,000 housing units meanwhile Madam speaker the conservative party leader when he was a housing Minister he managed to build a grand total of six housing units throughout the country The Honorable member for both Madam speaker at that point rent was half as expensive the.

Government should really follow the situation more closely now after 9 years this government with the support of the block has voted for 500 billion in centralizing inflationary budget spending that is driving up the price of everything pushing more people into homelessness across Canada the government's failure to control its.

Spending is the cause of all these problems add to that a carbon tax and you'll understand the situation today when will his blockb prime minister stop wasting money so the quebecers can start living and eating with dignity again Min The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker I have a great deal of respect.

For the mayor the member for Bo he used to be the mayor of an important municipality in both now here's what I would like to know how does he feel about the attitude of the conservative leader the conservative leader when he was housing Minister created a grand total of six housing units and the leader of the opposition insults and.

Continues to insult Quebec's municipalities and their leaders calling them incompetent how does he feel as former mayor of a Quebec municipality how does he feel about being called incompetent by a conservative leader who buildt only six housing units The Honorable member for Lal Madam speaker does the minister know.

Nadia G has he heard of natia G NAA G is a woman who lives in a van for the past few days she's been living in a van why because she no longer has housing there are 24,000 people in Montreal waiting for an affordable housing unit the minister often forgets the number.

Nine two terms as Government plus one nine years in government is he proud of his government's track record is he proud of the situation today caused by nine years of his government The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker I thank the member he is another member that I have a great deal of respect for he is well respected and.

Important in Quebec and I thank him for bringing up Natali there are many natales and people like her in Quebec who need housing it's a difficult situation in 2024 in Quebec that's why people need a government that invests in them not an official opposition who insults municipalities does he feel that insulting Quebec's municipalities is a.

Sign of respect The Honorable member for S leonelle Madam speaker the conservatives continue to show their true colors the conservative leader said he'd override the rights of Canadians by using the the notwithstanding clause on Tuesday the member for Peace River Westlock introduced a petition here in the house to restrict abortion access.

And on the same day every conservative member voted against a bill that would provide contraceptives to women who can't otherwise afford it and yesterday coincidentally an anti-choice March forlife Pro protest was held here in Ottawa can the Ministry of Health assure women across Canada that theable minister of.

Help well thank you very much Madam speaker and I thank the member for her incredible advocacy uh in making sure that women have uh autonomy over their own bodies and you know it was so disappointing on the one hand to see I and I understand over half of conservative members are anti- choice and to see them speaking about them.

Telling our daughters and telling our sisters what they should do with their bodies now that's upsetting enough but then in the same order to vote against women being able to get the Reproductive Medicine they need means that they want them to have no choice whatsoever about their bodies not a choice of honorable member for St Albert.

Edmonton Madam speaker the minister of employment pocketed money from his business partner the same business partner that was lobbying The Minister's Department while securing $110 million in government contracts meanwhile the minister actively hid this Shady arrangement from the ethics Comm commissioner for 2 weeks the minister.

Has refused to answer the most basic question so I will ask it again how much did the minister pocket how much how much how much The Honorable Minister M well knows that the minister has answered these questions and of course he would not dare say the things that he just said in this chamber where.

He uses parliamentary privilege outside because he knows to do so would have serious consequences The Honorable member for Calgary Rocky rid Bring It On Madam speaker after 9 years of this NDP liberal government the Canadian Armed Forces have 16,000 Personnel vacancies and a crisis of morale Recruitment and Retention that's why the defense.

Committee unanimously voted to cancel the April 1st rent increase for base housing like other Canadians our troops can't afford rent and groceries and know that this prime minister is not worth the cost will the Prime Minister show that he actually supports our troops and reverse the April 1st rent increase yeserday yes or no here here here here.

The secretary um Madame speaker I'll take no lesson and I mean no lesson from the conservative when it comes to defense pending so they let defense pending drop below 1% they voted against actually a salary increase for our members they voted against funding for Ukraine they voted against operation unifier they.

Voted against $40 billion for NORAD mod modernization and and they badly mismanaged our procurement for years so Madame speaker today in this house I have no lesson to take from that side The Honorable member for Oxford and asked by the media the immigration Minister clearly stated that all International students undergo a.

Criminal record check to enter Canada that is false police certificates are not mandatory for international students that enter our country thanks to this liberal government this immigration minister is following the exact same Reckless path of his predecessor who notoriously lost a million people why did the minister mislead Canadians and.

Can you tell us how many International students were let in without police clearances The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madame speaker for far too long International students have been exploited and vulnerable from abuse and fraud that's why we are taking concrete action we implemented a new verification process to authenticate the acceptance.

Letters we raised Financial requirements to ensure they are prepared for their lives in Canada and recently we announced a national cap on student visas Madame speaker we have a responsibility to ensure International students are set up for success and that's exactly what we doing The Honorable member for missa East.

Cooksville Madam speaker international trade is very important for Canada supporting roughly one in six jobs Nationwide while conservatives in this house voted against modernizing free trade with Ukraine cheering on damaging and illegal bridge blockades and supported brexit on this side of the house we know that Canadian businesses.

Innovators workers and exporters benefit from a strong stable Progressive and rules-based international order can the Parliamentary secretary to the minister of international trade kindly update this house as to how the government is standing up for free trade on the global stage honorable parliamentary secretary had the honor of attending the.

Oec Minal meeting where I met with key allies and stakeholders to discuss the importance of inclusive resilient and sustainable trade especially in this SP of rising populism and protectionism we know that promoting free trade and Investments uh grows the economy creates good jobs right across Canada and I'd like to thank the member for Miss Saga.

East cooksville for his important work as we work together to advance Canada's trade agenda thank you member for Su Madam speaker this government promised to remove criminal records for simple possession of drugs for more than 250,000 Canadians after 2 years we are still waiting for the government to act because the Liberals are saying this is.

Hard to do you know what's hard Madam speaker not being able to get employment or housing or to travel to see loved ones because of a criminal record these records disproportionately impact indigenous and racialized Canadians and all those living in poverty will the Liberals keep their promise and meet the November legal deadline to make sure all.

Of these simple possession records are removed The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Madam speaker I greatly appreciate that question as our government agrees that and we are committed to dealing with the systemic racism and discrimination that often is in our Criminal Justice System it is why I welcome working with the member.

Opposite to meet our November 2024 deadline to implement C5 Madam speaker we are working with Partners like provinces and territories to do just that there is more work to be done but we are absolutely committed to creating a fair justice system because that creates safer.

Communities following discussions among representatives of all parties in the house I understand that there is an agreement to observe a moment of silence in memory of Rex Murphy honorable members to rise for sh

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