Quiz Interval – April 16, 2024


Quiz Interval – April 16, 2024

All questions The Honorable leader of the opposition the common sense conservatives will cut taxes build homes fix the budget and stop the crime however this prime minister is not worth the cost after eight years he spent huge sums of money with huge deficits and tax increases and thought that somebody else.

Would pay but he's not this millionaire prime minister his friends who will pay it's always the welders single mothers seniors who will have to deal with the increased cost of groceries and the doubling in the cost of housing The Honorable minister of immigration Mr Speaker what Canadians heard is a leader who doesn't have a.

Vision no ambition and no plan on this of the house we understand that Canadians and Canadians understand that a country with ambition is a country that invests it's a country that invests in more jobs that invests in building more housing that has more growth Mr Speaker on this side of the house we will continue to.

Focus to fight for Canadians every day while the conservatives will invite a new slogan today Mr Speaker honorable leader of the opposition his ambition is to replace his boss and he's not the only one he's not alone he wants to fire this prime minister who is not worth the cost after.

Eight years results speak for themselves he doubled the cost of housing increased the cost of groceries and now he's doubled the national debt results are poverty and exorbitant prices for Canadians why another 40 billion dollar will why will another $40 billion.

Change the results today The Honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker the only ambition on this side of the house is to work every day for Canadians and that's is exactly what we've done for the past eight years while the conservative leader is inventing a new slogan every week Canadians know full well that slogans don't build homes.

Slogans don't build growth Mr Speaker slogans don't create jobs they've been there for eight years Mr Speaker when's the last time that they created the conservatives created a single job in this country on this side of the house we're going to fight every day for Canadians we're going to present a responsible budget and we will continue.

To ensure growth for this country Mr Speaker The Honorable leader of the opposition Common Sense conservatives will a the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime after eight years this prime minister is not worth the cost the results are in he told us that if he massively increased debts and taxes that someone else would pay for.

But of course the millionaire trust fund prime minister and his billionaire friends who invite him to private islands never pay a dime it's Al seniors small businesses and single mothers why would it be any different this time the honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker in this budget like all.

Others we will take into account the economic context as well as the needs of Canadians that means for Millennials and gen Z as well we will unlock Supply and housing we will ensure there are supports for renters we will make sure there's a national school food program and Mr Speaker and on this side of the house we will make sure we do that while.

Maintaining a strong fiscal position AAA credit rating and the lowest debt to GDP ratio in the G7 slogans don't make good policy Mr speak liberal The Honorable leader of the opposition well they definitely proven that their slogan for the last eight years is that you can double the debt and someone else will just pay the.

Bill but we out we know who pays every single time it is welders and waitresses seniors small businesses and single mothers who who have faced doubling housing costs and unaffordable food and now their solution is to do more of the same to pour on billions of dollars more of inflationary spending that will drive up interest rates inflations and taxes.

Why would we expect it to be any different this time the honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker on the contrary our government Has Lifted 2.3 million Canadians out of poverty and I would like to put it to the opposition if they truly believe in supporting Canadians why have they voted about the.

Against the Canada Dental benefit why have they voted against pharmacare why have they voted against $10 a day Child Care Mr Speaker that does not make sense because slogans do not make good policy The Honorable leader of the opposition except everything she just listed are slogans that they on which they have not delivered what they have.

Delivered is they doubled the debt which has caused the worst inflation in 40 years interest rates Rising faster than at any time in history the doubling of housing costs the worst growth in the G7 the worst housing price inflation in that same group of Nations and today after all of these devastatingly costly results what do they do the same thing.

That got us in this problem in the first place why won't they realize that they're the problem and not the solution The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition has been masquerading across the country as a workingclass hero but it's fascinating when you actually listen to.

What he thinks people do for a living and a couple of recent speeches he said he thinks electricians capture electricity from the sky and that welders weld with their bare hands what's he going to tell me next the fisher of my community die beneath the ocean and catch them with their bare teeth Mr Speaker I can forgive the.

Opposition leader for being a career politician who's been on the public dime for a couple of decades but if he wants to represents the interest of the working class he should talk to a person who has a real.

Job Al order Al order please order please The Honorable member for La PR quebecers have been cheated by this government since 2019 when it comes to housing we represent 22% of the.

Population we got only 14% of the money and only 6% of that was for affordable housing despite all this the Minister of Housing is giving lessons out today he told the Press LA Press that his government is acting in good faith in his opinion and that it's the provinces that have to agree to do things differently it's the federal government.

That has to do things differently it must stop fleecing quebecers will it pay our fair share of housing funds IM immediately instead of giving out lessons The Honorable Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities the block KCA is not defining policies on housing in Quebec we have a good relationship with our.

Counterparts in Quebec to build housing for example we are making Investments to build 8,000 affordable housing units the overall programs it's show that it's clear that we are ensuring that Quebec is getting its fair share we will continue our work in building homes in Quebec and across the.

Country The Honorable member for you have to do that give lessons it was this government that made the current housing crisis worse it lost control of immigration and didn't pay Quebec its fair share for housing that same government incidentally gave us arrive can it can't print passports it can't pay its own employee.

With Phoenix you can't make this stuff up these gifted people are telling the provinces to act in good faith and do do things differently does the government understand that the only thing that needs to be done differently is for these gifted people to M their own business and stop trying to manage Quebec's housing money The Honorable.

Minister of Transport Mr Speaker we are quebecers and when we're talking about housing they're saying mind your own business well when we stand up and we talk about ensuring that our kids are going not not going to school hungry they say no but when the prime minister of a foreign country comes here from.

Another continent and he tells us well we have to listen to them well Mr Speaker they'd be good to listen to them because quebecers are standing up for quebecers and Canada and we will always do this the honorable number four Rosemount Petit patri Mr Speaker Canada's large corporations are highly profitable and.

Among the least taxed in the world a big gift from the conservatives that the Liberals have maintained in the US President Biden has understood that it's unfair to workers and he's going to make companies pay what they owe here the Liberals are hesitating Treading Water beating around the bush and we fear they won't have the courage to do the right.

Thing Mr Speaker I beg you tell me am I wrong The Honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker he is wrong that's the simple answer Mr Speaker there's uh some uh uh problems with memory Mr Speaker we have an agreement with NDP colleagues the conservatives were opposed we know that the best way to.

Ensure stability in the country to ensure affordability is to have more competition there's more Choice with more competition there's better prices Mr Speaker we will continue to fight every day to ensure the quality of life of Canadians The Honorable member from Victoria Mr Speaker while Canadians are.

Struggling and food bank use is at an all-time high Rich oil and gas CEOs are making record profits Canadians are frustrated but sources say that the Finance Minister backed out from an excess profits tax in this budget why because oil and gas lobbyists asked her to yeah just like the conservatives the Liberals keep caving to Big Oil and Gas.

Why do the Liberals keep protecting the profits of Big Oil and Gas instead of everyday Canadians The Honorable Minister for natural resources and energy thank you Mr Speaker I would point out Canada is the first and the only g220 country to have eliminated inefficient fossil fuel.

Subsidies we have introduced a tax on share BuyBacks across the economy to tackle exactly excess profits Canada is putting into place the first and only in the world oil and gas emissions cap to hold the industry accountable for their own commitments on the other hand the conservative leader has pledged to his oil and gas CEO donors to make pollution.

Free again we know who's in the pockets of oil and gas it's that party over there The Honorable member from Thornhill eight years of this liberal NDP prime minister Canadians know that he's not worth the cost even proud liberal and former bank Governor David Dodge who.

Worked for Paul Martin and John cretan says that this budget is on track to be the worst one since 1982 Canadians know that this budget will bring higher taxes higher spending meaning even more misery for families who can't afford to eat instead of drowning everyone will they fix the budget act the tax on farmers and food and stop the endless spending.

With the dollar for dollar law so that Canadians can afford to live The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker I'm not sure if the honorable member is aware but our fiscal markers are very strong that is a AAA credit rating by an independent objective Observer that is the lowest debt to GDP ratio in the G7 all the.

While well we will continue to support vulnerable Canadians something that they refus to do on the other side of the house by voting against $10 a day child care families and seniors every single time Mr Speaker the hypocrisy is palpable yes The Honorable member from Thornhill speaker I'm not sure that the honorable.

Member is aware of the pain that Canadians feel who can't afford to live in Canada and what's worse is that they can't even afford to Die the prime minister's own news agency the CBC is reporting in provin across Canada dead bodies are being stored in Mobile freezers because people can't afford the cost of laying their loved ones to rest.

They can't afford their homes they can't afford their groceries they can't afford their gas and now they can't afford a dignified goodbye we're asking him just to stop we know he won't so how much inflationary fuel is the PM going to pour on the fire at 4:00 today question The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker all Canadians.

Deserve to die with dignity they also deserve support while they are alive which is why we have reduced poverty by 22% on this side of the house which is why we have supported families with $10 day child care and the Canada child benefit which Has Lifted 500,000 children out of poverty Mr Speaker what we will do on this side of the house is.

Maintain a strong fiscal position while supporting Canadians especially vulnerable Canadians Mr Speaker we take that as our priority unlike the other side of the house The Honorable member from Central Okanagan simil Kine Nicola Mr Speaker after eight years we know that this prime minister and his NDP liberal.

Government are not worth the cost his recent spending spree is a inflationary and making everything worse adding billions to the debt this year alone they will throw 52 billion towards debt servicing that's more than the allocate to the provinces for healthcare doesn't the Prime Minister see his record spending is increasing inflation and.

Debt burdening all generations of already struggling Canadians or is he too busy cutting checks to care The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker let's delve into the numbers a little bit when the leader of the conservatives was minister of jobs unemployment in Canada was 11% higher wages in this.

Country were 75% of what they are now and they had our foreign direct investment behind Ireland behind Japan and now Mr Speaker we are thir third in the world and when you divide it by our population we're first in the world on bringing good jobs on bringing Investments on making Canada place where everybody wants to call home.

Unlike the conservatives which are full of bluff and Bluster line use the honorable member from Central Okanagan simil Kam Nicola spendy ways my friends spendy ways David Dodge said that this was likely to be the worst budget since 1982 1982 who was prime minister then how out of control was that budget how broke did Canada and.

Canadians become before Pierre Elliot Trudeau finally took his walk in the snow Mr more things change 2 million visits to food banks in a single month isn't it clear the Canadians are desperately Hungry For Change how many more Canadians need to visit food banks before the Prime Minister realizes that today's budget is a recipe for disaster.

The Honorable Minister for employment and Workforce Development thank thank you Mr Speaker today sounds like a day for some of the greatest hits so let's put the conservatives in the spotlight Mr Speaker when we formed government in 2015 one of the first things we did is we asked the wealthiest 1% of Canadians.

To pay more how did the conservatives vote against when we ask to make sure that Canadians and their children could have money coming to their houses every month how do the conservatives vote against and now that we're going to have a national school food and housing across this country and Investments to grow this country how are the.

Conservatives going to vote against order please I'm convinced that all members would like to hear the question by The Honorable member for Char Mr Speaker in order to bring inflation down and allow the Bank of.

Canada to lower interest rates there aren't 36 solution you have to cap spending by applying the dollar foror dollar rule want to spend a dollar save a dollar somewhere else it's simple it's how everybody manages their budget at home and that's how all government ministers should manage their departments is the prime minister going.

To cap spending to keep inflation and interest rates down in his budget that he's going to table shortly going to have the honorable minister of Public Services public procurement thank you Mr Speaker the conservatives have always wanted to do and voted in favors to reduce taxes for the wealthiest and make lives more.

Difficult for everyone else the middle class and those lower income earners this includes a can child benefit they voted against it in 2016 it was one of their first votes and includes a vote against Dental Care for Seniors the 600,000 who are now eligible for this plan he the leader of the conservative.

Party flees when we ask him question when he's asked questions about this The Honorable member for Char Mr Speaker the conservative party has three simple demands today it's to build housing not bureaucracy the government insists on announcing inflationary measures that could cost Canadian taxpayers billions of dollars and only serves to increase.

Inflation and the cost of living even David Dodge the former liberal governor of the bank of cannada is predicted that this will be the wor worst budget since 1982 will the Prime Minister commit to following the demands of the leader of the official opposition and build housing not bureaucracy The Honorable minister of.

Public procurement my esteemed colleague is putting the leader of the opposition and housing together he built six affordable housing units when he was Minister of Housing so that's all he built during his mandate when he was the minister responsible for housing for the entire.

Country in my colleague's own ring if I can say there's only 12 affordable housing units that were built so that's more than twice what the conservative leader built the honorable member for dond the English Montreal school board has decided to challenge Bill 21 before The Supreme Court that's fine it's their.

Right but for the federal government to get directly involved in this case against the will of the National Assembly and provide money our money and lawyers that's a no no the Quebec leftenant says that Canada is secular that the government supports secularism but keeps telling us that we have to defend religious freedom against Bill 21.

When will the Liberals understand that the best way to protect religion is for the state to have none at all the honorable minister of Transport Mr Speaker I would repeat a fact that my colleague knows full well is that we're working with this the bla when they want to talk about Quebec issues we are quebecers and they tell us.

To mind our own business a foreign leader came here and then someone tells them what to do and that person must be listened to I must tell my colleague there are 35 Quebec MPS elected by quebecers we're proud quebecers and will'll always stand up for Quebec The Honorable member for Drummond.

Mr Speaker by supporting the will of the National Assembly they can do good by supporting the challenge to the law and the secular nature of the state otta is challenging our model of living together in Quebec we don't want religion in the state to intermingle we've moved on I'm ass sure that this isn't easy for MPS to who fight to ensure that the days of the.

House begin with a prayer but quebecers have chosen secularism religion is private the state is public I'd like the minister to answer frankly why is his government opposed to secularism The Honorable Minister of Justice thank you Mr Speaker just to be clear it's a group of quebecers who went.

To court to defend their rights under Quebec's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms they went to to uh the court of appeal and they've talked about it a few times for the past year will be here to take part in the discussions they're very important and they consider they.

Are in relation to the Charter the Canadian Charter and the Quebec Charter The Honorable member for drumman Mr Speaker this is a parliament where we hear God saved the king for the head of the Anglican Church in a parliament where elective Representatives pray every day not at home which would be their strict just right but here in this.

House we have a government that wants to change the election date for dwali a religious holiday and they're going to tell us that Canada supports secularism that is so important honestly will the minister admit that if he wants to challenge Bill 21 it's simply because he's against secularism The Honorable Minister of.

Justice and attorney general of Canada Mr Speaker we are firmly committed to taking part in these important discussions that have huge repercussions for all Canadians these are questions that concern the Canadian Charter and the Quebec Charter as we have indicated on a number of occasions we have serious.

Concerns with regard to the preventive use of the uh notwithstanding Clause of section 33 of the charter so we need to ensure this thank you member from lamp Lampton Kent Middle sex Mr Speaker after eight years this eddp liberal government is not worth the cost but let's hear from some rural residents Judy from Arona rights the.

Carbon tax is killing us and Scott from tupperville says as a senior I'm finding it hard to cope and Walter from elvinson writes I have not even received a carbon rebate so in his broken promise budget being set to be delivered at 4 p.m. today will the Prime Minister finally ax the tax on Farmers make food cheaper for Canadians and pass bill c234 in its.

Original form The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker and I'd really like to ask the conservatives they don't have to wait till 4:00 they could pass the fall economic statement because Mr Speaker that is having an impediment on what rural top of is going so in my writing that would mean.

$1,430 to go every year to a family of four all across the country in Alberta it would mean $2,160 I wish they'd pass the Fizz then they would truly be helping rural Canadians and rural families here here The Honorable member from Lon Kent middlex well Mr Speaker even the polls tell us that the majority of Canadians.

Are fed up with this prime minister overspending over promising under delivering and failing this country over 52 billion will be spent to spent on servicing his debt alone and while Canadians are struggling he raised the price of gas groceries and Home Heating of carbon tax by 23% just 2 weeks ago this is punishment not progress so in.

His big deficit budget later today will the Prime Minister finally act the tax on farmers and make food cheaper for Canadians The Honorable Minister for Rural Economic Development Mr Speaker I want to tell this story again I told it a few weeks ago it was a constituent in my writing who took the time to track every single amount of money that he'.

Paid and you know what he doubled it in case he missed a few things he was in $38 every time he got his check I wish they do their homework Mr Speaker because eight out of 10 Canadians do get more with their Canada carbon rebate especially in Royal Canada The Honorable member from Regina Len this coming from the liberal member.

Who said if Canadians want programs they should vote liberal come on Mr Speaker after eight long years this liberal NB government is not worth the cost Canadians are finding it harder and harder to make end meet and we all know that at 4:00 today they're going to table a dumpster fire budget this prime minister simply is not worth the cost.

The question is will he finally Act tax on Farmers so Canadians can put food on their tables yeah The Honorable Minister for natural resources and energy thank you Mr Speaker on this side of the house we are focused on ensuring affordability for Canadians moving forward and addressing the climate issue the price on pollution.

Is an affordability mechanism eight out of 10 families get more money back the PBO has underlined that 300 economists across this country have underlined that Mr Speaker everyone of those MPS over there ran on the platform that included a price on pollution they had the height of hypocrisy and my goodness their plan is.

Only to to take money away from poor people and to let the planet burn The Honorable member from Regina Len climate 10 can say whatever he wants but they are 62 out of 67 countries The Honorable member is an experienced member in this house understands that we cannot uh refer to other members other than their titles.

That they have order order so the audible member understands that and I'd ask the audible member to start from start from the top to avoid such language he's not Ken Ken's handsome Mr Speaker Canadians know this prime minister is not worth the cost they see it time and time again when they go to.

The grocery store and we know that our farmers are paying more by 2030 when this carbon tax is fully implemented at $170 a ton farmers will be paying $1 billion in taxes so my question was again on their 4:00 Budget Dumpster fire will they tax attach Farmers so Canadians can put food on the table The Honorable Minister for natural.

Resources and energy thank you Mr Speaker I'm not sure if the honorable member is actually trying to insult me or actually give me a compliment but but I would say that it's important in this chamber that we actually use facts that we are not misleading Canadians eight out of 10 Canadians get more money back that is underlined by.

300 economists in this in this country and to be honest it's underlined by the premier of his Province when Scott Mo came here and actually testified what he said is they looked at all Alternatives and they were all too expensive well that's absolutely the right thing because we have put in place something that actually does address affordability.

Reduces carbon Emissions on that side of the house they don't believe in climate change and they act 2 order order The Honorable member from Hamilton Center this past weekend I met with over a hundred youth from Hamilton who told.

Me they don't even know how they're going to be able to pay rent let alone ever be able to afford to buy a home in their lifetime and a recent spectator news report confirms that Hamilton's rent is out of control and quickly outpacing Canadian cities and under the Liberals watch life has only gotten better for wealthy developers and.

They're ranking it in The Honorable uh member from Hamilton Center usually I can hear quite well I'm having difficulty hearing him today I'm going to ask all honorable members in particular the member from Prince George Peace River Northern Rock he's pleased to only take the microphone when he's Rec take the floor when he's recognized.

By the speaker I'm going to ask the honorable uh give the honorable member 20 seconds to finish uh his question The Honorable member under the Liberals watch life has only gotten better for Big Money developers and they're raking it in while the rents double for Canadians so why are the Liberals refusing to take on corporate developers.

And failing to build non-market affordable housing now order The Honorable member uh The Honorable Minister rather for housing infrastructure and communities uh Mr Speaker I have great respect for The Honorable member and thank him for his advocacy to build more homes in Hamilton.

But he may not be aware that we recently invested 93.5 million in his City to help speed up the construction of up to 9,000 new homes Mr Speaker in addition we are putting money on the table it's going to help speed up the development but if his concern is about building non-market housing I'm pleased to point to the billion dollars we invested in.

The fall economic statement to build more affordable housing the hundreds of millions were build using to build more Cooperative housing the $4 billion dollar were using to deal with the needs of urban Rural and Northern Communities to serve indigenous peoples we're going to build housing for the most vulnerable we're going to build housing for.

everyone The Honorable member from Winnipeg Center Mr Speaker indigenous people in Winnipeg make up nearly 75% of the unhoused population almost 90% are sleeping Outdoors or living in encampments the Liberals inadequate response is costing lives and the conservative leader he cut 8,000.

Affordable units when he was the minister in charge clearly not a conservative priority in today's budget will the Liberals commit to increasing funding for affordable housing with rent gear to income and get serious about ending homelessness The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and.

Communities Mr Speaker I Thank The Honorable member for her concern and she's right to point out the desperate need of so many communities across country when it comes to building more affordable housing she's right to point out the need for increase investment to support the needs of indigenous people who remain unhoused that's why we put.

More than $4 billion dollar on the table to support the needs of indigenous people's in community and an additional 4.3 billion to deal with the needs of indigenous peoples who live in urban Rural and Northern environments on top of that Mr Speaker we've invested more than $120 million to build thousands of homes in her City we're going to keep.

Doing what we need to build more affordable housing and one point of correction it was 800,000 units that the opposition leader lost while he was housing Minister The Honorable member from Fleetwood Port tells Mr Speaker today the Deputy Prime Minister will deliver the budget over the last few weeks we've.

Seen the important efforts of this government to invest in this country building a record we could be proud of on the other side leader of the opposition loves to talk about his record when he was minister of employment he wants to convince Canadians that he has the solution to make life better cut cut cut well Cuts.

Don't create jobs Cuts don't create investment Cuts don't increase wages can the minister of employment Workforce Development and official languages tell the house what this government is going to do to make life better for Canadians here here great question The Honorable member The Honorable Minister for employment and.

Workforce Development thank you Mr Speaker and I want to thank my colleague from Fleetwood Port Kels for his hard work since we took office in 2015 Mr Speaker wages are up employment is up and foreign direct investment is up we are investing in Canadians in the economy creating great jobs and growth for the whole country when the leader of.

The opposition was minister of employment wages were lower employment was lower foreign investment was lower lower well we're fighting for fairness for every generation his record is clear and there's one thing that'll be up if if he ever takes over cuts cuts and more Cuts The Honorable member from King vaugh Mr Speaker after eight years it's.

Clear this NDP liberal government is not worth the cost in Newland and Labrador there are 28 bodies in a freezer outside of a hospital because their families can't afford to bury them this sounds like a Netflix horror movie but sadly it is the nightmare of this prime minister's out ofc control spending conservatives demand him to stop stop.

The outrageous spending and make life affordable will they listen and give Canadians the ability to bury their loved ones The Honorable Minister for Rural Economic Development Mr Speaker we know it's challenging time for many many people that's why we've been there all along Mr.

Speaker we've been there with the child care benefit we've been there with the increased ois and GIS we're now there with a dental program that's rolling out to help people we know we have our carbon rebate that's year for people we know it's challenging times we'll be there for Canadians and we always will be Mr.

Speaker The Honorable member from King vaugh the old song is Stop in the Name of Canadians 28 bodies in a freezer because families can't afford to bury their loved ones houses have doubled Food Bank usage is higher in history well you know families are losing their homes enough today the Liberals are announcing their budget will they show.

Some compassion and ensure there's a dollar of savings for every dollar of spending so Canadians can afford to live before The Honorable Minister gets up I'm going to encourage uh members please I I hear some singing in the house you know that singing is not permitted in the house I'll just ask.

Them to please whoever is doing that to please stop the honorable a minister for Rural Economic Development Mr Speaker when people find it very challenging and very upsetting time in their life they know that this party and this side of the house is there to help them for all many in many many reasons and Mr Speaker we don't believe in slogans we believe.

In helping people which we have been since the very very beginning and we will continue to especially with today's budget later today thank you then I have the honorable member for Luis Mr Speaker after eight years this liberal government is just not worth the cost we've had 8 years of skyrocketing.

Deficits and debt and this government has never controlled its spending it's the perfect storm that generates inflation and what's the result of that rent has doubled mortgages have doubled it's now cheaper for people to live in motels than in an.

Apartment at a bare minimum during the budget later will this government present a plan to control spending the honorable minister of public services and procurement six Mr Speaker six is the number of affordable housing units that the leader of the conservative party had.

Built when he was Minister of Housing for the entire country during his entire term Quebec municipalities are building 8,000 housing units with the help of the federal government if you defy that by six it's about 1,200 times more and yet the leader of the conservative party is insulting Quebec municipalities he's calling them incompetent who's really.

Incompetent here the conservative leader with his six housing units or Quebec municipalities with 8,000 The Honorable member for Lis Alan Mr Speaker this member from Quebec seems to have fun with numbers these days well I have a number for him 750 arrive can cost $750 times more more and who was president of the treasury.

Board at that time the member across the way and then after that he was minister of health and now he's minister of procurement so it's a real hattrick of incompetence does he think it's insulting to have spent 750 times more when it was his responsibility to ensure that things were done right.

The Honorable minister of public services and procurement insulting is indeed the key word here insulting Quebec municipalities by calling them incompetent they are building 8,000 affordable housing units with the federal andc governments meanwhile the insulting leader of the conservative.

Party only managed to build six housing units affordable housing units throughout his entire term throughout the entire country there have been 66 in my colleague for Luis Salan writing alone The Honorable member for cot Mr Speaker Ottawa is getting involved in a new border Fiasco on May.

13th importers may hit a wall at the border at Customs why because there will be a new application at the border called Karm for paying import duties last week 19 organizations raised concerns that neither the cbsa nor businesses will be ready on time will Ottawa delay the implementation of this application until the the committee on.

International Trade finishes a study of the matter and comes up with recommendations The Honorable minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker as my colleague knows very well we always work with with com committees we always collaborate with them and I myself have led have met with the leader of the cbsa we met yesterday.

On this matter I have full confidence in the agency which is fully aware of the circumstances surrounding this application and I have full confidence that it will be handled correctly The Honorable member well it's all very well to talk about full trust but there's a precedent here for.

Ottawa's failures on big it systems we all know Phoenix eight years later the federal government still can't pay its employees property and there's another precedent with cbsa arrive can wow how reassuring so coming back to this Karm system the agency did not provide the documents requested by the committee so the.

Committee cannot finish up its study and no one seems to know what to do if the application crashes on May 13th will Ottawa do what it has to do which is delay the start date The Honorable Minister once again Mr Speaker we have consulted and we will continue to.

Consult exporters importers we understand their concerns that is why I raised the question with the head of the CBS say and I do not share the pessimism of my colleague From the Block as my colleague thec Lieutenant often says they are experts on pessimism in the block I don't share that and I.

Think we will act correctly on this file member from Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands and V Lakes after eight years of this NDP liberal prime minister it's clear he isn't worth the cost or the corruption like his $60 million arve scam contractor who's being hauled before the House of Commons tomorrow for refusing to answer committee questions.

About his role in this prime minister's latest multi-million doll Scandal now this contractor claims that he only did Google searches and sent LinkedIn direct messages so what did this guy and his partner give to these liberals in exchange for the multi-million dollars that they were.

Paid The Honorable Minister for public security Mr Speaker just because my honorable friend continues to repeat something that he knows is not accurate doesn't make it he knows very well Mr Speaker that there are a series of Investigations that are being undertaken the RCMP are seized with this matter if the house and its.

Wisdom decides to call people before the bar that's entirely within the purview of the house and Mr Speaker we've also said from the beginning that anybody who abused taxpayers money should face the consequences and that's exactly what'll happen The Honorable member from Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands and RTO Lakes the minister gets up and says that.

Something's not true a point to the LIE is what I would say to him because we know that 75% of the contractors listed on this app did no actual work we know that two guys working out of a basement were paid tens of millions of dollars but did no actual work and we know that every step of the way these liberals have tried to cover it up like that.

Minister and everyone on the front bench and the right to the back voted against having the auditor general investigate the question is very simple these yo-yos working out of a basement where paid tens of millions of dollars did no actual work what did they give these liberals in exchange for that sweetheart.

Deal The Honorable Minister for Public Safety again uh Mr Speaker if our honorable friend wants me to point out the part of his question which he knows isn't accurate it's the last sentence of the question then I have dictor Mig The Honorable member for migon while speaking.

Of this Scandal the arve can Scandal has reached unheard of levels in 100 Years of Canadian history tomorrow Christian fth will appear at the bar of the House of Commons right here for protecting his friends within the liberal government by refusing to give their names and lying just think about it two guys working out of a basement with no.

Specialized it knowledge they got $20 million for developing a digital application arrive can I would ask the minister responsible for these historic levels of Cor corruption I would ask him to get up and apologize for this Scandal which made his liberal friends rich on the backs of Canadians The Honorable minister of.

Public Safety Mr Speaker my colleague knows very well that there is an investigation underway the house is bringing in someone to appear on this matter that is completely appropriate within the responsibilities of the House of common we accept that and from the beginning whether with the.

Auditor general whether with the RCMP whether with parliamentary committees we have always accepted an indepth review of this situation and anyone who has taken advantage of taxpayer funds will pay the appropriate consequence The Honorable member for Mr Speaker National tourism week.

Celebrates a vital industry in Canada it represents one out of 10 jobs and affects all regions like which will soon be called our government is making strategic Investments like the indigenous tourism fund and the tourism growth program it's exactly the opposite of what the.

Conservatives would do they always vote to cut these programs can the minister of Tourism tell us about the importance of the tourism industry The Honorable minister of Tourism thank you Mr Speaker as my colleague for shil said so eloquently this industry generated almost a hundred billion dollar in 2023 and employs 2.

Million people throughout the country beyond the numbers tourism is something we can be proud of we can be proud of sharing places with 2.5 million visitors from throughout the world and that is why I am very surprised that the conservative party voted against giving a job to the bonam.

Canal that's why on this side of the house we will all be wishing Canadians happy tourism week it's it's rare that I hear The Honorable member's voice carries so far I'm going to ask him please to make sure that he doesn't speak until he's recognized by the chair The Honorable member from brownford Brand after eight years this prime.

Minister is not worth the cost just when you think this NDP liberal government couldn't be more out of touch they go ahead and nominate the cbsa as un s Heroes for the yourve scam recklessly spending 60 million taxpayer dollars and demonstrating some of the worst Financial recordkeeping we've ever seen is the opposite of innovative and.

Effective procurement practices the cpsa should be an example of how not to do government procurement why on Earth would this government reward incompetence wow The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker my honorable friend knows very well that we have instituted a.

Series of changes in terms of the procurement process both at cbsa and horizontally across the government of Canada my colleague the minister of public services and procurement has spoken about the changes we've made in light of the recommendations of course of the auditor general we welcome other reviews whether it's parliamentary.

Committees and in the case of arrive can Mr Speaker as you know the RCMP are looking into this matter and as I said any body who abused taxpayers money will properly face the consequences absolutely The Honorable member from Cumberland Colchester speaker of the costly NDP liberal Coalition have announced another poorly conceived.

Federal idea their Dental Care debacle is failing Canadians I have one simple question how many dentists in Nova Scotia New Brunswick and Pei have signed up for the dental care debacle The Honorable minister of Health well it's great news Mr Speaker because unlike the member opposite we're working with dental providers and we're opening.

Up a new portal which means that in order to participate all they have to do is accept that dental card and provide service and the dentists that I'm talking to as we work through these issues in the negotiation are extremely excited to do what the member is not which is to make sure that every Canadian from coast to coast to coast.

Gets oral Healthcare and that means 1.8 million seniors and soon 9 million Canadians who will have the oral health care that they need ask the honorable member from Oxford please to uh allow his colleague to ask a question allow the minister to answer the honorable member from cumon Colchester well interesting left the the.

Minister of health of the NDP liberal government has been singing the Praises and photo ops of this program for months now their plan is lacking and it's failing Canadians one simple question once again to the minister how many dentists in no Scotia New Brunswick and Pei have signed up for the botched care announcement I'll actually give them the.

Answer it's 8 out of 117 wow order The Honorable minister of Health well of course Mr Speaker the member opposite knows that we're opening a new portal and that members don't have to.

Sign up that all that needs to happen is they bring their card and they participate in the program but here's the truth Mr Speaker I'll ask honorable members to please restrain themselves I know it's budget day it's a big day uh The Honorable Minister has 20 seconds left.

On the clock Mr Speaker the truth is that they don't want that 9 million Canadians who don't have dental care to get service they don't want or believe that Canadians who don't have access to diabetes medication to get it they don't want uh Mr Speaker for women to be able to get access to univer Universal contraception so they push to spare.

Because they don't want people to hope for something better well we're there to deliver something better the honorable member for Richmond Center Mr Speaker climate change is real the science is clear current drought conditions and above average temperatures are bringing an increasing.

Risk of wildfires last year more than 230,000 Canadian were forced out of their homes not knowing what the future looks now next to 100 fires are already burning in British Columbia and Community are rightfully concerned can the minister of emergency prepar tell us what our federal government has been doing.

To informally informally I did ask the honorable member from Mission Massy Fraser Valley please to uh allow the um member uh from Richmond Hill to ask his question I'm going to give the honorable member from Richmond Hill 15 seconds to finish this question The Honorable member last year more than 230,000 Canadian were forced out of.

Their home not knowing what the future holds now next to 100 fires are already burning in British Colombia and communities are rightfully concerned can the minister of emergency preparedness tell us what our government has been doing to make sure we will be there for British Colombians this summer The Honorable Minister for.

Emergency preparedness Mr Speaker I want to thank the member from Richmond Center for this very important and timely uh question last year we had the worst Wildfire season in Canadian history because of climate change and potentially this season could be even worse we have been working very closely with the provin and territories the.

Indigenous leaders to provide the resources that they need we are training more firefighters providing additional firefighting equipment and adding more initiative to provide humanitarian support on this side of the house we know the devastating impact that climate change is having on Canadians and we will be there for them thank.

You The Honorable member for Port Moody Coquitlam seniors are being kicked out of their home because assisted living is now fodder for greedy developers and private Equity firms 90y olds are being put on the street so that super rich CEOs can make a buck the Liberals and the conservatives let developers buy up affordable housing and now they're.

Letting them go after long-term care a family whose father was Qui kicked out of his home called this a death sentence will the government stop this in its tracks and use the budget to end greedy CEOs from evicting vulnerable seniors The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker as we move down a.

Path of increasing Investments to build more affordable housing we have to acknowledge the very real challenge with that exists when affordable housing that is already in communities is snapped up to be uh for the purpose of Ren evicting those who live in it that's why we're moving forward with a Canadian first a new acquisition fund that's going to.

Help nonprofits buy up existing lowcost rentals so they can keep them affordable in perpetuity this is a new Direction that's going to help many thousands of Canadians not just find a place to call home but to keep a place to call home that they can actually afford honorable member from North.

Island Powell River Mr Speaker in the past two years there's been a 50% increase in denied claims for veterans seeking disability benefits this is shameful they served our country risking their lives and safety in the process yet the Liberals keep turning their backs on them just like the conservatives did for years before this.

Is an issue of respect and livelihood many veterans are struggling and they rely on these benefits to make ends meet do the Liberals plan on fixing this or will they keep denying veterans their dignity The Honorable Minister for Veterans Affairs thank you very much Mr Speaker I'd like to take a moment to thank my colleague for important work on.

The Veterans Affairs committee Miss Mr Speaker our government has always been there for veterans and will continue to be there since 2015 we've invested more than 11 billion in additional funding to support veterans and their families we've also in contrast to the Conservative Party of Canada when they Clos the Veterans Affairs office on this.

Side of the house we open them immediately because we recognize that they provided Direct Services to victims uh to to Veterans Mr Speaker we will always be there to help support our veterans in their time of need and their family thank you and as such it comes to an end of.

Question period but I would like to bring to the attention of honorable members it's a great privilege for me to draw to the attention of honorable members in the presence of the gallery of Cindy Woodhouse nepinak National chief of the Assembly of First Nations for

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