Quiz Interval – April 19, 2024


Quiz Interval – April 19, 2024

Oral questions the honor member for Thornhill another day and more evidence of this NDP liberal prime minister and that is just not worth the cost former bank governor and proud liberal David Dodge says a new federal budget certainly is not helpful to dealing with the inflationary fire making it harder.

For Canadians families to afford anything young people saddled with this prime minister's addiction to spending the call is coming from inside of the liberal house will the Prime Minister listen to experts to business leader to his own party and millions of Canadians struggling to get by and just stop the spending stop.

It The Honorable parliamentary secretary the lowest debt and deficit in the G7 Madam speaker a AAA credit rating and a budget that presents a me a message of fairness for this country fairness for current and future Generations a vision that they would cut they already before even reading the budget said that they would not support it that is a budget.

That supports child care that supports pharmacare and understanding that Canadians have to have dental care in this country Canadians who can't otherwise afford it will have the support of this government and that more homes be built Mr Madam speaker that is vital in this country and they're standing against every single one of.

Those good answer member for Thor Hill speaker the problem is is that nobody believes them anymore and this budget is the opposite of fairness it is unfair to saddle our kids with billions of dollars of debt that they'll be paying for years it is unfair to force the inflationary spending onto grocery bills of every single family it is unfair to keep.

Interest rates High while Millions struggle to pay their mortgages the the number of Canadians who can't afford to pay their bills has more than doubled over the last month so will the Liberals finally fix the budget so Canadians can keep their homes put gas in their cars and put food on their table The Honorable parliamentary.

Secretary Speaker leader of the opposition in the conservative Pary seem to be good at posing for photo ops and pretending to care about people in food bank lineups while our government has introduced the most comprehensive package of competition reforms in Canadian history to increase competition and bring down grocery prices but how.

Cruel and heartless do you have to be as a party to vote against feeding kids in school sh shame and that party over there has voted once already against the national school program and we've introduced it in budget 2024 and we're going to see them vot remember for Thornhill mirror mirror on the wall that's all I hear from that member the.

Speaker the the Mr Madam speaker the spending spree just isn't limited to the costly government photo ops that he's talking about he's been here for N9 years the liberal insiders and Elites are the ones getting on in on the action too we learned this week that the RCMP raided the home of a guy who grifted $20 million of taxpayers for the arve scam.

App the Prime Minister failed to get the money back this house ordered it so we someone over there tell their boss to get the cash back that's right the honorable PR The Honorable Minister Madam speaker uh as I said yesterday in the house uh our government takes the use of taxpayers money extremely seriously we welcome.

Investigations we welcome investigations m M speaker that are taking place including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police uh that as is well-known publicly rated a residence earlier this week Madame speaker we've said anybody who abused taxpayers money will face the consequences and of course we will seek to recuperate all money that has been.

Misallocated That's right The Honorable member for Bose Madam speaker after 9 years of this prime minister who's not worth the cost our farmers are crying out in large numbers this morning and Bo to express their anger at a government that's completely out of touch with reality our farmers are being asked to fill our.

Pantries while the block liberal Coalition is blocking passage of bill c234 which would remove the carbon tax on propane and natural gas used to heat buildings and dry grain in order to lower food prices will the Prime Minister and the block use common sense and say yes to this request from Canadian Farmers The Honorable.

Parliamentary secretary to the minister of Agriculture and Agri food thank you very much Madam speaker and I'd like to thank my colleague for the question I find it strange that a member for Quebec would ask this question about c234 because it won't apply to Quebec but last week they had an opportunity to prioritize this bill but what did they.

Do they switched it with a different bill so they have to walk the talk Madam speaker he should convince his colleagues to move for forward on c234 The Honorable member for Bose thank you madam speaker this answer just proves how out of touch this government is I invite the.

Government in the block to go to Bose today and tell Farmers that the carbon tax doesn't apply in Quebec I've got room in my car after question period no Farmers no food Madam speaker something the block liberal Coalition just doesn't get the block wants to radically increase the carbon tax again proving once again that a vote for the block.

Will cost you dearly when will the government finally pass bill c234 in its original form Madam speaker The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madame speaker I don't know why it's a member for Quebec who's asking this question because the bill will have no impact on Quebec I would understand if it was coming from a.

Member from Ontario this member needs to convince his colleagues to move forward with c234 it's their bill they have that opportunity they had the opportunity but two or three times they've swapped it out for something else something else that's not our fault that's their fault The Honorable member for manic wagen Madam speaker yesterday my colleague for.

Drummond read the minister page 83 of the 2024 budget which reads expanding access to Halal mortgages the minister replied no no we want to limit it we just want to explore it look at it see if there's anything we can do and besides it's private it's not a government program in short a great amount of unease if they don't know.

Where they're going with their Halal mortgages if it's not up to the government if they want to frame it rather than expand it what's it doing in the budget The Honorable parliamentary secretary speak thanks very much for the question not mean exclusion and that's why we.

Really need to make sure that we are protecting Canadians with products that already exist within our financial institutions within private companies and that's why the government is now announcing to consult with financial service providers and uh and diverse communities to understand how Federal policies can protect Canadians from.

Abuses and I hope that all parties across the aisles can get on board with this to make sure that Canadians in this financial times in these Economic Times are protected the The Honorable member for manic wagen Madam speaker we may have a partial answer over the past few months the media have been reporting dissatisfaction among members of the.

Muslim Community with certain positions taken by the liberal government according toada a Muslim group even threatened to cut off the liberal party's funding of $680,000 that would mean they're leaving the Liberals for the NDP and the conservatives the liberal solution as always is to Pander our Halal mortgages.

In the budget an olive branch extended to a fringe of the Muslim Community The Honorable Minister Madame speaker I think the block is going off the rails a little bit they don't know where they're heading with this they don't want to vote in favor of the budget uh even though there's good things in it for.

Quebec there's a whole bunch of things that are important to quebecers so they don't want to talk about those things because they know good for quebeckers but it's not good for the block excuse theable member from the 91 lady Smith pay your bills or buy your groceries that's the Dilemma for too many Canadians big oil and gas are doing.

Just fine by gouging Canadians at the pumps and making record pro profits why because this government lets them liberals caved a lobbyists and stepped back instead of making big oil pay what they owe and don't expect better from conservatives because they're focused on taking Canadians dental care and free medication why is this government.

Letting ultrarich CEOs rip off Canadians here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary by eliminating inefficient fossil fuel subsidies Madam speaker by eliminating or introducing rather a tax on share BuyBacks uh there's other examples I could give but this government has presented a vision that.

Says to the corporate sector and the oil and gas sector that they have responsibilities from a tax perspective and what do we see a revenue generated that goes towards funding vital programs in this country that ensure a fairness Vision that V Vision translates to child care pharmacare a national child uh School food program among other things.

Madam speaker really good job honorable member for Hamilton Center these Liberals are so out of touch Madam speaker and just as new Democrats have delivered social programs to help Canadians the conservatives are already campaigning to cut dental care and pharmacare and it is absolutely shameful people are drowning in debt just to keep.

Up while corporations are swimming in record profits liberals and conservatives don't have the courage to challenge the status quo because it benefits them and their Insider crony friends Madam speaker new Democrats want to tackle corporate greed why won't this liberal government I want to remind the enor.

South uh for St Margaret Southshore uh he has a habit of heckling and and raising his voice where he is not supposed to I would ask him to please refrain to do so The Honorable member uh The Honorable parliamentary secretary M speaker it's it's very interesting I've heard that member now for a number of years talk about yes the issues that.

He's also raised but a vision on the environment which I'm wondering where exactly the NDP is on these days carbon pricing is vital to this country's future it really reflects an approach of responsibility from an environment policy perspective that I thought they stood for but they're wavering they're flip-flopping and I sympathize as others.

Do with the NDP it's a very difficult time they have tough decisions to make but I hope that they end up on the right side of history with this issue Madam speaker I really do honorable member for halberton Kath Lakes BR speaker gas prices are the highest they've been in years in my Ontario community prices are as high as A1 80 a lader sadly the prime.

Minister gave no relief to Canadians and increased the carbon tax by 23% worse when the carbon tax quadruples it will Add 61 cents to the price of a liter of gas it's clear the prime minister is not worth the cost as Canadians work twice as hard to take in half as much M the Prime Minister acts the tax so Canadians can afford to get to work get groceries.

Take their kids to practice The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker what's baffling listening to the members from the side opposite is that they're not listening to economists from across this country last week it was about 200 economists now it's over 3 it's about 350 economists have written to us an open.

Letter saying specifically that most families receive more in rebates than they pay in carbon pricing in other words the policy is designed to ensure it does not raise the cost of living for most Canadians and they say climate change on the other hand poses a real threat to Canadian's economic well-being I'm going to listen to the economists a.

Member for halberton K Lakes Brock well speaker the economists and the experts I listen to are the people in my writing paying A180 a liter for gasoline now the Prime Minister could reduce the price of a liter of gas by 20 cents right now by axing the carbon tax speaker the Liberals have out of control spending and Canadians are broke rents mortgages.

Are doubling inflation through the roof we spend more money to service the debt than we do transfers to the provinces on Healthcare Canadians are Tapped Out speaker they're seeing no relief from this government so when will the Prime Minister do the right thing call a carbon tax.

Election speaker let's listen to another expert the former conservative prime minister of UK Boris Johnson came to Canada to teach a conservative party a lesson about the dangers of climate change denial nonsense he said voters continue to care deeply about the environment they have want solutions that are going to be coste effective.

Madame speaker we agree and both the PBO and over 350 economists agree that the price the carbon pricing and the rebates will help eight out of 10 Canadians better off the conservatives only plan Madame speaker is to let the planet burn their Chief insult order order when The Honorable member asks a question he should listen.

To the answer and he shouldn't be heckling and some of his colleagues were heckling as well so I would just ask members to please tone down and and listen to the questions and the answers that are being posed the honor for Calgary knows Hill well Madame speaker after 9 years Canada's emissions are rising and the liberal carbon taxes.

Making life unaffordable on April the 1st the NDP liberals increased the carbon tax and across the country today Canadians are paying way more at the pumps many Canadians who have been struggling to pay their bills throughout the cold and dark who might have been planning a summer road trip might not be able to afford it.

Now why are the NDP liberals giving Canadians a cruel summer instead of axing the tax there The Honorable parliamentary secretary I think it's important that we be clear under the previous conservative government ambish were on the way up with no plan to bring them down we are on track to meet our 2020 fix targets we.

Are on track to meet the Paris targets we are taking the action needed to reduce emissions but more the that if we're going to talk about affordability let's talk about an economist from Calgary who said carbon pricing is definitely not to blame for affordability challenges again I'm going to listen to the economists the honor.

Member for Calgary NOS I choose to listen to the people in my writing who are paying 20 cents more a liter because of the NDP liberal carbon tax An Inconvenient Truth for the Liberals is that the only time that emissions went down in Canada was under Prime Minister Steven Harper's government in fact if they want to.

Listen to someone they should listen to a fellow liberal the premier of new Finland and Labrador who after losing a byelection said the carbon tax is wrong tens of millions of Canadians agree these are who the people we listen to why don't these NDP liberals The Honorable parliamentary secretary M speaker if she's concerned.

If the member opposite is concerned about the price of gas in Alberta may want to speak to the premier who on April 1st increased the Alberta gas tax and by the way that's not connected to a rebate our federal carbon price back stop pays more to eight out of 10 Canadians than they actually pay in carbon pricing but the premier's gas tax.

That was just an add-on The Honorable member of Calgary Center Madam speaker 40% debt to GDP the metric the Finance Minister used just last year as her anchor that she's now Cut Loose $40 billion more in debt last year 40 billion more debt projected this fiscal year 40 billion debt projected the following fiscal year I sense a.

Pattern after N9 years of this liberal NDP government Canadians are being asked to hold the line at 40 something but there's no real plan for that will the Prime Minister tell Canadians under 40 how much of their future he's blown H parliamentary secretary the member opposite is a graduate of the ivy School of Business.

In my writing Madam speaker he knows economics so he knows of course that Canada has the lowest debt to GDP ratio in the G7 and that GDP debt to GDP ratio is set to continue to come down but what he's really saying by raising these issues is that they don't stand in favor of a vision of fairness for this country one of child care pharmacare dental care.

And building more homes the national uh School food program that my colleague mentioned before is also vital to that Vision they stand against all of it those kids the member Calgary Center and I want to ask members not to be heckling mad speaker it appears that member didn't get the memo but what's.

Causing inflation in Canada is actually deficits and the Bank of Canada Governor said so the interest cost to service Canada's growing debt has risen to over $54 billion doubling in the last few years it's now more than what we spend on Healthcare this is a Cascade of debt obligations and there is no plan to reverse it this NDP liberal government.

Is not worth the cost will the Prime Minister advise why he continues a fiscal course that will saddle young Canadians with Sky High debt for years here here the honor parliamentary secretary now I really have to question the members understanding of Economics Madam speaker I I thought he I thought he knew but I wonder now inflation is a.

Global phenomenon and in Canada in fact it's declining what I would say is back to that member what is he going to do when it comes to voting on the budget is he going to stand and declare an intention to support child care in this country to make sure that we have a vision of fairness so that kids can go uh to school with their bellies full so.

We can have dental care in this country pharmacare all these things he's against it member for Julet Madame speaker in their budgets the Liberals like to illustrate their measures with concrete examples of fictitious citizens let's give them some of their own medicine so they understand what seniors are going through Rose is 72 inflation is nipping.

At her heels she can't afford groceries anymore gas prices are keeping her from getting out and about her taxes went through the roof in the last property assessment because of the real estate bubble if she were 75 she'd get almost $1,000 more a year in OAS but since she's 72 she gets nothing why are the Liberals turning their back on her The.

Honorable Minister Madam speaker our seniors are an absolute priority for the government of Canada and we've made very significant Investments on their behalf I'd like to ask my colleagu since housing is a priority for quackers and access to housing is a priority and fighting climate change is a priority for quebecers and since electrification.

Of vehicles and economic growth are priorities for the block kbec why are they voting against all that The Honorable member for jet there's not a scent for seniors in this budget let's talk about housing imagine a quebecer who's looking for a one-bedroom apartment in July but can't afford the $1600 rent he doesn't have access to.

Affordable housing because the federal government has invested only 6% of the money in Quebec and he sees in the budget that the federal government will backload until after the next election 97% of its spending on artment construction and 91% of the investment in housing infrastructure it'll be years before he sees the impact of the budget.

Measures and that's only if the conservatives don't reverse them completely why not put the money up now The Honorable minister of Transport Madam speaker I'm looking at everything we're doing in housing for example building new housing accelerated con construction the construction of affordable housing helping young.

Families in need helping young families young couples get access to property and the block is today saying that's important but they're voting against everything we're doing the conservatives have so much influence over the block that they keep voting along with them it's shameful remember for a Yello head after 9 years this NDP liberal.

Government has hit Canadians with another carbon tax increase of 23% grocery places are climbing making families choose between Heating and eating conservatives tried to ease this burden by passing bill c234 which aess the tax on Farmers but this week the Liberals blocked it they are h bent on making life more expensive if they're so.

Confident in their costly plan will they let Canadians decide and call for a carbon tax election honorable parliamentary secretary I'm speaker I want to be clear about the affordability piece to the way the carbon price works because it's a carbon price and a carbon rebate and I believe that the members opposite should.

Be very clear with their constituents about whether they're asking the carbon rebates to not land in their bank accounts again going back to what the economist State an economist reviewed the carbon pricing and rebate system and said we estimate that the medium annual net cost of carbon taxes for households in Ontario in 2023 was negative meaning.

That most households received $300 more in rebates than they paid in carbon tax The Honorable member for Sim kre Madam speaker after nine years of this NDP liberal government they spend more servicing the national debt than on Healthcare after 9 years of this NDP liberal government Canadian soldiers eat at food banks and veterans are living in.

Their cars after 9 years of this NDP liberal government seniors can't afford to eat and they can't afford to heat after 9 years Madam speaker despite deficit after deficit and record debt the problems are getting worse Canadians know the prime minister is not worth the cost when will the NDP liberal government admit they have a spending.

Problem not a revenue problem min Minister m madame speaker Madame speaker that's a bit Rich coming from the party opposite let's take a walk down memory lane when they were in party when the Conservative Party of Canada was in party under Steven herper let's see what they did to Veterans they slashed the.

Veterans Affairs budget they closed nine Veterans Affairs offices and also they cut the workforce by 1,000 individuals that provided Direct Services to Veterans Mr Speaker we'll take no lessons from the Conservative Party of Canada Madam speaker after the release of the.

Tax and spend budget this week everyone knows that this NDP liberal Government after nine long years and this prime minister are just not worth the cost bill c234 was to provide some desperately needed relief for our farmers who produce food for Canadians that bill passed this chamber then the Prime.

Minister bullied the Senators into gutting that bill and leaving Canadians with higher costs when will the Prime Minister call for a vote on the original motion or call a carbon tax election Madam speaker uh if the bill c234 was so important in the Senate then why five members of their own caucus.

Didn't show up to vote and by the way they had the opportunity to debate c234 when it comes back to the house when we come back in one week they traded two private members bill it wasn't c234 so it's so important I would advise my Member of Parliament or my colleague to Lobby his particular colleagues and stop politicizing this.

Issue the member for Madam speaker this government's liberal uh inflationary policies have made everything more expensive gas has gone up so much food is unaffordable Canadians are hungry and their housing is too expensive the Canadian dream of owning a.

Home is now Out Of Reach for a generation of hardworking young adults Madam speaker will a policy of a dollar of savings for each dollar of new programs be implemented by this inflationary government The Honorable parliamentary secretary we work hard every day to deliver for Canadians conservatives pretend to care they've.

Already said they'll vote against the budget this year how cruel and heartless do you have to be to vote against feeding hungry kids or giving seniors the dental coverage they need to get their teeth fixed or supporting people with disabilities with hundreds of dollars tax-free more per month or building more child care spaces so.

Parents can get back to work or providing insulin to people living with diabetes you can vote against those things if you actually cared they don't care so true The Honorable member for Victoria Madam speaker the Liberals should never have bought the Trans Mountain pipeline it threatens our climate and our coasts and Canadian.

Taxpayers are now on the hook for this government's irresponsible spending to the tune of $35 billion liberals ignore ignored the calls from environmentalists and Coastal indigenous Nations instead choosing to be in the pocket of Big Oil and Gas why does this government keep backing big polluters when they know this pipeline.

Is an environmental and economic disaster The Honorable parliamentary secretary if Canada if Canada is to succeed Madam speaker we know that we have to get our resources to Market and that's why the TMX pipeline is so important but the member knows or ought to know that the government does not intend to be the long-term owner of the.

Project a divestment process will be initiated once the project is more advanced Dr risk and essentially with consultations and essentially when consultations with indigenous peoples are completed this is the vision that we've always laid out and it's one that we'll stick to the honorable member for n in their budget on Thursday the.

Liberal made a lot of announcements on housing but they did not make the $600 million investment in the territories that Nunavut Northwest Territories and the ukan have been desperately asking for when I go home I'm told more heartbreaking stories of crumbling and overcrowded homes why won't the minister listen to the territorial premieres and.

Give them the funding they need to address the housing crisis here the honorable parliamentary secretary thank you uh Madam speaker and I want to thank my colleague for her question she's been a strong strong Advocate on housing across the Arctic and Northern Reon regions we are the first government ever in history to have.

Uh direct agreements with indigenous governments to address their housing needs we have invested billions of dollars in fact over3 billion dollar in housing across the territories in a number of ways to help increase the housing and ensure that people have housing that is Affordable to them see the next thing the week climate change.

Means more flooding events of increasing intensity and severity homeowners in areas prone to flooding like those in parts of Piero and my riding hit by flooding in 2017 and 2019 worry about the rising cost of flood insurance and that's if they're lucky enough to remain eligible for flood insurance coverage can the.

Minister of emergency preparedness tell this house how this week's budget is coming to the aidid of climate vulnerable homeowners The Honorable minister of emergency preparedness Madam speaker I want to thank the member for his very strong advocacy on flood protection uh we know that the devastating impact that.

Climate change is having on Canadians insurance companies are paying billions of dollars and that those costs are being passed on Canadians making even more expensive uh to own homes with the budget 2024 we are increasing our investments on national uh lowcost uh flooding program over the next year we will work with the provin and.

Territories to put this program in place and Madame speaker we will be there for Canadians when climate change impacts their lives thank you honorable member for St Albert andon Madam speaker this week the RCMP raided the home of the prime minister's top arrive scammer Christian fur the raid is connected to a proposal that fur's GC strategies sent.

To the Deputy Prime Minister and her former Chief of Staff Jeremy broadhurst so what Communications to Deputy Prime Minister and her office half with GC strategies regarding a proposal that has led to an RCMP raid The Honorable Minister Madame speaker again just because my colleague on the other side.

Of the aisle repeats something doesn't necessarily attach it to the facts the facts Madam speaker in this case are well known the RCMP the one thing that he said is it's entirely factual is the RCMP are looking into this matter and that's why I would urge people to be careful before they invent things and ascribe things to what is an ongoing.

Police investigation our government has said that people have a responsibility to be judicious with taxpayers money and those that aren't will face the consequences remember St Albert and the 10 Madam speaker the two-person basement company GC strategies received more than $100 million from this NDP government including $20 million for nothing on a r.

Scam we know of a link between GC strategies and the Deputy Prime Minister and her office regarding a proposal that has led to an RCMP raid so has the Deputy Prime Minister been contacted by the RCMP and will she fully cooperate with the police investigation Min security again Madam speaker my friend.

On the other side simply asserts a series of things that he knows very well are not accurate and attempts to connect the series of dots that simply can't be connected he should stick to the basic facts the RCMP following information that was given to them by the Border Services Agency has decided to look into a series of allegations they obviously.

Take their work very seriously and we should allow Canada's national police force to do their work and not simply make up stuff in the House of Commons beside the work that they're doing here here honorable member for Regina wsan Madam speaker after after 9 years of this liberal NDP government this prime minister is just not worth the cost or.

The corruption the arrive can app was originally supposed to cost $80,000 only to Skyrocket to $60 million triggering an RCMP investigation the contractor admitted to this house that he does not feel ashamed and the Liberals have not even asked him to repay the money Madame speaker when will the Prime Minister get Canadians their.

Money back honorable minister of Public Safety Madam speaker I had a chance earlier in today's question period uh to answer that question I'm happy to do it again Madame speaker our government has worked with the auditor General's office with parliamentary committees there's an internal investigation being conducted.

By the Border Services Agency all of these investigations will unlike some of our friends on the other side establish the facts of what happened anybody who's misused taxpayers money will be required to repay it and anybody who has misused taxpayers money will face the consequences and that's why we're pleased that the RCMP are looking into.

This matter h m for Reina West Canada but Madam speaker this app went live four years ago in the early days of the pandemic and has been the subject of questioning and scrutiny ever since while Canadians were losing their businesses and being told by this prime minister that we were all in this together insiders at GC strategies were.

Milking taxpayers for millions of dollars Madam speaker when will the Prime Minister get taxpayers their money back on arrive scam the ARL Minister Madame speaker we have said continually and we'll say it again if people have misused taxpayers money or have misappropriated public funds of.

Course efforts will be undertaken to recuperate that money that's what a responsible government does but a responsible Madam speaker allows the internal reviews and audits that are underway to determine exactly what money uh might be subject to the reimbursement and what's the appropriate process to have that money reimbursed and at the.

Same time Madam speaker the RCMP are also looking into this matter The Honorable member for Madam speaker gas went up by 15 cents in one single shot on Thursday morning it's Highway robbery and that's not because of the carbon tax which doesn't apply in Quebec and didn't change Thursday.

Morning why did it actually happen because of these greedy oil companies they're getting ready for a summer by taking money out of people's pockets companies like Suncor and cnrl which raged in $8 billion in profits last year and yet they're being subsidized by the Liberals over 10 years $83 billion the Liberals also bought a $34 billion.

Pipeline isn't it time to cut off the money for these oil companies The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker the oil and gas sector has to pay its fair share it's bringing in Rec record profits and needs to invest in reducing emissions we have eliminated inefficient subsidies to fossil.

Fuels and we're asking the wealthiest 1% to pay a little more the conservatives are against our cap on oil and gas emissions the conservatives in fact are taking their marching orders from the oil and gas sector order The Honorable member for well I think that the Liberals are going to have to tell us what an.

Efficient subsidy to the oil and gas sector would even be now the carbon tax doesn't apply in Quebec and has only a 0.15% impact on inflation but conservatives from Quebec are constantly weeping and wailing about it whereas when gas goes up by 15 cents due to their fossil fuel friends they don't say a word there's complete silence when the.

Oil and gas companies take money out of Quebec's Pockets same thing when we say that the government should stop paying fossil fuel companies does this government think that it's a good thing that they pay through the nose to these oil and gas companies and yet these companies make consumers pay more The Honorable.

Parliamentary secretary Madam speaker I'm glad we're hearing the truth from the bla which is that the federal carbon tax the federal carbon price does not apply in Quebec they should speak to the conservatives who don't seem to understand this we agree that all sectors of the.

Economy need to reduce emissions including oil and gas companies we are doing that work to ensure that it happens The Honorable member for no not the honorable member forri I'm sorry I'm sorry I meant to say Madam speaker Canadians are struggling to put food on the table on.

The table rather meanwhile this prime minister's arrive can app has made the GC strategy owners multi-millionaires Canadians could have gotten some answers about AR RVE Canan this week but instead the Prime Minister enforced silence and ignored Canadians questions this is $60 million in taxpayer money money that went into the.

Pockets of millionaires will the PM give Canadians this wasted money back The Honorable minister of Transport no no I'm sorry no no no have the Min no there's the minister of Transport over here I'm not the minister of Transport now Madam speaker thank you as.

My colleague knows it's simply not not true that the government wasn't transparent my colleague keeps saying that but he knows it's not true I've been working with parliamentary committees we've been working with the auditor general General we completely agree with the.

Idea that all those who inappropriately receive taxpayer money will have to pay it back and as my colleague knows the RCMP is investigating this matter The Honorable member Madame speaker at a time when Canadians are working so hard without being able to actually get appropriately.

Compensated for their work Consultants involved in the RVE can disaster received $60 million that's taxpayer money taxpayer money that was wasted and they got that money for doing no work so Canadians have a simple question and the answer should also be simple when when will the Prime Minister give taxpayers.

Their money Back The Honorable minister of Public Safety Madame speaker as I said in English a few moments ago my colleague knows that there's an inquiry happening at the cbsa an internal inquiry and it for that exact purpose to find out whether money was spent.

Inappropriately we're going to have to wait to understand what the facts are before asking for money to be paid back we understand Canadians concerns about this we share Canadians concerns about using taxpayer money appropriately galgary rockyridge Madam speaker the prime minister's arrive scam app was supposed to cost $80,000 the Prime.

Minister chose the app mandated its use and along with the NDP voted $60 million to fund it Shady contractors got rich without doing any it work while the app itself failed in erroneously sent tens of thousands of Canadians into quarantine the RCMP are knocking the main contractors got $20 million when will the Prime Minister get Canadians.

Their money back Min Madam speaker the same question begets the same answer we've said from the beginning the government has welcomed the scrutiny of parliamentary committees worked with the auditor general and implemented her recommendations my colleague the minister of public services and.

Procurement has changed the way these contracts are awarded and the oversight Provisions we'll continue to do what's necessary to ensure taxpayers money is well spent and will continue to obviously hold those to account that don't follow the rules The Honorable member for Ottawa Vue Madame speaker our veterans and.

Their families have sacrificed a great deal for our country we have a solemn sacred duty to support our veterans who served with honor and courage we know that it can be difficult for a veteran transitioning to civilian life to access medical care when they were in the armed forces veterans received their health care from the forces directly can the.

Minister for veterans tell us how she will help veterans and their family have access to these Services The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker I'd like to thank my friend and colleague for her important question and her hard work for veterans in her community budget 2024 will increase support to.

Veterans and their families tele medicine services throughout the country will be offered to Veterans and their families that is one of the significant measures for veterans in this new budget the pilot project has been a success broadening these programs will help veterans Access Health Care during.

Their transition to civilian life our government will always be there to support veterans and their families thank you the H member Sturgeon River Parkland Madam speaker after years of this NDP liberal government Canada has entered Uncharted Territory this government has made Canada a candy store for car thieves and under their watch.

Organized crime has made Canada a key exporter of deadly fenel Canadians and now the whole world know that this prime minister is not worth the cost this NDP liberal government must take responsibility for this failure which has brought crime chaos and Corruption not only to Canadian streets but the streets of the whole World perhaps is.

There a liberal party leadership candidate who can rise and tell us who's been running this place for the past 9 years so we can hold them to account the own parliamentary secretary thank you uh Madam speaker look fear-mongering does nothing to encourage Canadians to have more confidence in our justice system we have.

One of the safest countries in the entire world we had an auto Summit just a few short months ago where we brought all of the different parties together since that time you've seen an increase in the uh measures taken by police and other authorities across the country including the federal government and car theft is going down and recovering of.

Stolen cars is going up these measures continue to work and we will continue to work with other levels of government and other necessary authorities thank you mad Madame speaker this liberal government has been in power for nine years we all know this but I will repeat it this government is not worth the.

Cost Montreal is turning into the wild west criminals just don't care about Authority in fact on Wednesday some car thieves actually try to run over police officers is should that really be the case in a civilized country like Canada will the prime minister of this liberal black keka Coalition will this prime minister finally put an end to these LAX.

Crime policies and put these reoffending Auto thieves in prison the honorable minister of Public Safety Madame speaker one of the pieces of good news in the budget of which there were many and my colleague knows this very well is that my colleague the Minister.

Of Justice has committed to making amendments to the criminal code specifically for that purpose to change to change penalties for car thieves as my colleague is saying we have had discussions with our essential Partners to prevent auto theft and we will continue to do all that is.

Necessary to prevent this problem Prince George since 2016 over 40,000 Canadians have died from overdose over a billion dollars has been spent with zero results BC's Deputy Commissioner of the RCMP has confirmed that organized crime is indeed trafficking safe Supply it's going straight from the pharmacy to the hands of criminals unleashing crime chaos and.

Disorder in our communities after 9 years of this prime minister and his NDP servants Canadians are finding out that they're not worth the cost when will the minister of say Supply take responsibility for her failed drug policies and put an end to taxpayer funded drug policies thank you madam speaker we need.

All Partners working together to address the illegal toxic drug Supply in our communities we have and we will continue to support provinces and territories so they so that they can deliver the full Suite resources that are needed our government will use every tool at our disposal to end this National Public Health.

Crisis The Honorable member for Kingston in the islands Madam speaker Canada's support for Ukraine has been unwavering unlike the conservative party opposite which has voted against Ukraine multiple times now we are stepping up our support through budget 2024 four can the Parliamentary secretary to the minister of International Development please tell.

This house about the important news for Ukraine through the latest budget here honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of International Development our government has been there since day one for Ukraine budget 2024 is yet another step in making sure that Ukraine wins in its fight against Putin's illegal Invasion this budget includes.

All $3 billion in additional financing including for lethal and non-lethal weapons including funding through the European bank for reconstruction and development for the Reconstruction of Ukraine and we'll see how we can use seized Russian assets for the restoration of Ukraine we have always been there to support.

Ukraine the The Honorable member Churchill Kiana naski Madam speaker the NDP successfully fought against cuts to indigenous services but it's clear the Liberals still don't get it let's look at housing and infrastructure where the Liberals spent less than 1% of what First Nations need First Nations here in.

Manitoba face a serious infrastructure crisis but this government still delays helping them preferring to Pat themselves on the back for just not being conservatives will the Liberals commit to partner with Manitoba First Nations to build the infrastructure they desperately need including on the airport in wasagamack and the.

Desperately needed East Side allweather Road The Honorable minister of indigenous Services well thank you very much Madam speaker and I thank the member opposite for her ongoing advocacy since 2015 we've increased spending on indigenous priorities by 180% that's right Madam speaker that's the abysmal state that we received uh this file in.

In 2015 from a previous Harper conservatives who gave zero cares about the lives of indigenous people in fact budget 20 24 dedicates over 9.5 billion dollar to indigenous priorities the full 25% of the budget goes towards indigenous priorities in this country we'll continue on the path of reconciliation together the AR member.

For kitner Center Madame speaker in the midst of a climate crisis the oil and gas industry raked in 38 billion in pure profit in 2022 by gouging Canadians at the pumps fueling inflation and despite claims of fairness in in this year's budget we learned this week that big oils lobbyists convinced this government to shove an excess profit tax on these.

Record-breaking profits that could have generated 4.2 billion to help make life more affordable for regular Canadians can anyone in this government Justified to Canadians what's fair about this The Honorable The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker I would remind the member what I said earlier when the NDP posed the.

Question on this issue introducing a INE excuse me eliminating inefficient fossil fuel subsidies and introducing a tax on share Buybacks in addition changes to capital gains that will benefit on the whole the vast majority of small businesses in this country by decreasing the inclusionary rate and increasing the lifetime capital.

Gains exemption means that it's the largest corporations that will be asked to pay more to ensure a greater vision of fairness in the country and that brings us to the end of question period on this Friday I have a point of order The Honorable Deputy government house leader.

Uh thank you uh Madam speaker um I I I

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