Quiz Length – June 4, 2024


Quiz Length – June 4, 2024

oral questions The Honorable leader of the opposition after nine years this prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption according to an auditor general report on the green fund we're talking about billions of.

Dollars spent without respecting the rules and liberal insiders who are channeling taxpayer money to their own businesses a level of corruption that one of the public servants in this government described as being like the sponsorship Scandal will the Prime Minister take responsibility for this waste and Corruption or just keep.

Blaming others before having the Prime Minister answer I will just invite the member for Tim in James Bay to not to not speak when not invited to do so by the chair the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker as always we are thanking the auditor general for her work we will carefully peruse the.

Reports and carefully consider the recommendations we must ensure that as we fight climate change and as we move towards a Greener economy we must ensure we are also investing in a responsible and transparent Manner and that is what we will do the honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker the AG's report.

Makes it very clear that the government favored McKenzie with money voted for by the blacka 97 contracts to McKenzie of a value of $29 million much more than we knew of previously that was all channeled towards this prime minister's favorite consulting.

Company with 70% of the contracts without a bid for and at least four of the contracts were specifically designed to hire McKenzie why give all this money to his liberal Buddies the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we have taken strong measures to.

Ensure that public service procurement and contract processes are more rigorous and transparent we must ensure that taxpayer money is invested in an accountable and transparent manner we will continue to do that as we fight climate change as we create a stronger growing economy The Honorable leader of the opposition the.

The Parliamentary budget officer has already proven that the liberal carbon tax just like the prime minister is not worth the cost saying the vast majority of people are worse off under a carbon pricing regime then without this is partly because of the economic cost that the carbon tax imposes the one of our members for Winnipeg asked the PBO if.

The government had done an economic analysis of the cost and he said yes but they're blocking its release referring to it as a gag order why the carbon tax coverup the right honorable prime minister speaker we of course respect the work of the Parliamentary budget officer who provides independent analysis to this government in this.

Instance however the Parliamentary budget officer admitted that he made a mistake with his carbon pricing reports using incorrect analysis and modeling which emphasizes what we've been saying all along Mr Speaker that eight out of 10 Canadians get more money back from the Canada carbon rebate while we fight climate change the next Canada carbon.

Rebate is actually going to be Al arriving on the 15th of July in Canadian's bank accounts right across the country we will continue to put money in people's pockets and fight CL The Honorable leader of the opposition if that was true he would simply release the report with the real cost of the carbon tax that he's been.

Hiding but the auditor general released another report showing that this prime minister is not worth a corruption or cost after 9 years $123 million in spending in the prime minister's green slush fund broke the the rules uh according to the uh one of the bureaucrats involved the entire uh expenditure resembles the liberal.

Sponsorship Scandal will he take personal responsibility for these costs and Corruption or will he just blame others again the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the minister has already taken uh measures to ensure uh that these uh these programs are properly spent that the processes are properly.

Followed in terms of contracts we know we need to continue to meure value for money for for for taxpayers while at the same time continuing to step up on the fight against climate change on the creation of a green economy uh that is why we continue to deliver a Canada carbon rebate that puts more money in 8 out of 10 Canadians pockets in regions.

Where it is at the same time as we fight climate change effectively right across the country here here just going to ask all members to please uh not take the floor um as a person who has been recognized by the chair to as ask the question or to answer the question so that not only that the chair can hear all the.

Questions and that all members can hear but especially those who use translation devices it's difficult for them to hear over uh the Ambient sound The Honorable leader of the opposition we already knew the Prime Minister liked to give tax dollars to his favorite consulting company McKenzie a company that helped Su supercharge drug overdose deaths as.

Part of the opioid crisis but today we learned from the auditor general that it's far more money than thought it was 200 million Canadian tax dollars for this one company 90% of those contracts didn't follow government rules 70% of them without a competitive process 100% of them with the NDP voting in favor Mr Speaker will the Prime Minister commit.

Here and now no more money for McKenzie again I asked uh members and I've I've already asked a member from Tim jamus Bay if he could please uh not comment while other members are speaking so that way we can all hear the honor The Honorable the right honorable prime.

Minister Mr Speaker obviously the taxpayers deserve to get value for money which is why we've continued to strengthen uh our oversight and the measures whereby public servants uh Grant contracts uh including to outside Consultants we've uh reduced those numbers uh we're making sure that we're able uh to both grow the economy and.

Fight climate change at the same time as we ensure value for money and we will of course continue to work with the auditor general and her recommendations as we move forward at the same time Mr speaker we are committed to delivering more money in the pockets of eight out of 10 Canadians as we fight climate change with the Canada carbon.

rebate The Honorable member for B sh Mr Speaker the National Committee of parliamentarians on security and intelligence has tabled a report that state that there has been inaction denial and incompetence when when it comes to handling matters of National.

Security on the part of this cabinet here in this house some elected officials on purpose or possibly due to their naive have fallen under foreign influence what is the prime minister going to do about this the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we are very thankful to ncop for its hard work we take foreign.

Interference very seriously and that is why we are taking all necessary measures to protect Canadians from the threat of foreign interference we have created oversight agencies we have created a public inquiry we have introduced legislation for a registry of foreign influence we have made foreign interference a serious.

Offense and we are enabling ceases to share intelligence with all levels of government businesses researchers and more we will continue to protect Canadians The Honorable member the Prime Minister said himself that he has not read the reports that he has ignored.

Them that he has slowed down the intelligence and inquiry process at this very moment some elected officials may be under foreign influence they could be in any party the Prime Minister must answer because right now this prime minister is doing nothing about the fact that in this Parliament.

There are people that are under foreign influence and he's doing nothing the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker it's quite ironic that the leader of the bla is asking this question because he refused to receive the security clearance that would have enabled him to read the classified documents so he could.

Actually understand the issues and because he's refusing to receive the security clearance he can engage in this type of partisan attack on issues that are actually very serious and this government is taking it very seriously and doing the work The Honorable member from Burnaby.

South we know that China in India are interfering in our democracy and are using members of parliament to do do so a Canadian is dead because India allegedly sent assassins to murder him in Siri BC yet the conservative leader refuses to condemn India's Modi and the Prime Minister has failed to protect our democracy how will this prime minister.

Take this matter seriously and hold these foreign governments to account the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker since 2015 we've been the first and only government to introduce significant measures to counter foreign interference the very creation of the National Security and.

Intelligence Committee of parliamentarians uh an initiative against which uh the conservative party campaigned and fought bitterly while they were in government uh has allowed us uh to see a lot more and to make sure that all parliamentarians are aware of uh what the intelligence Community is doing to keep Canadians safe we' move.

Moved forward on Election protections protocols we moved forward on uh more tools for security agencies we will continue to do everything necessary to protect Canadians The Honorable member for bnab South and the repercussions are serious we know that both China and.

India have been actively interfering in our democracy and using MPS to do so yet the leader of the conservatives is refusing to condemn India's Moi government government and this prime minister has failed to protect our democracy how will this prime minister hold the governments of India and China.

Accountable for their interference the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker not only are we giving new tools to our security and intelligence agencies as well as our parliamentarians to fight foreign interference but also we are standing up strongly against foreign interference by being there for the rule.

Of law and international law we are standing up against countries that are violating the principles of international law like Russia China and others we will continue to be there to ensure that we protect people who come to Canada to leave authoritarian regimes we will be.

There to protect them from Thornhill after 9 years of prime min is not worth the cost or the corruption the AG's latest report found that the liberal created green slush fund has been directing tens of millions of dollars into companies owned by you guessed it themselves their own civil servants called it outright incompetence but it's.

Worse than that 123 million dollar of inappropriate contracts almost half shouldn't have been given to those companies at all it's even worse $76 million connected to Liberal insiders is it incompetence is it corruption is it both what the hell is going on over there before I pass the uh floor to the uh.

Responsible Minister I'm just going to ask members please to be very judicious in the words that they choose uh in this house to making sure that it is on the right side of parliamentary and as well as polite The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker I think an is seeing how much the conservative will go.

When we're talking about climate change Mr Speaker we have been very clear Mr Speaker from the moment that we receive allegations Mr Speaker we launched two investigation one by raon shabat gr tord and one by the LA Mardi Tetro and now the auditor general Mr Speaker we have been clear that we wanted to go to the bottom of this that's what we've done Mr.

Speaker and not only we have investigated Mr Speaker we agree with the conclusion of the auditor general we're going to restore governance we're going to restore funding to the c tech in this country and we're going to restore Confidence from Canadians good answer lost it the aable member from Thornhill how.

Rich do liberals have to get before they solve climate change tens of millions of dollars being directed back into their pockets the auditor general made clear that it is that Minister who's responsible for the Scandal while Millions eat in food banks young people can't buy a home families can't take a summer vacation that minister is giving.

Millions of dollars to his friends under the guise of his climate change ideology is he actually joking when will anyone over there face a single consequence for anything The Honorable Minister for Innovation I'd like to thank my colleague for the question Mr Speaker you see again the conservative going Mr.

Speaker the auditor General's report was very clear Parliament Parliament decided 20 years ago to have an arms that organization to manage that Mr Speaker speaker we investigated the allegation we're proposing now a new governance model which will be under the rules of the federal public service so we can have more rules around HR more rules.

Around funding Mr Speaker we're going to restore confidence we're going to we're going to make sure that we have a model of delivery that have the highest standard Mr Speaker we're going to fight for the clean tech in this sector yes good answer The Honorable member from Leeds.

Grenville th vience in R Lakes general report makes it clear that this prime minister isn't worth the cost or the corruption the prime minister's billion dooll green slush fund handed out 123 million taxpayer dollars illegally and we know this because conservatives have been fighting against the liberal coverup as we've tried to expose this.

Liberal Minister's incompetence we know that nearly a hundred conflicts of interests were uncovered because of the auditor General's investigation it's shocking confirmation of corruption and we know that they're going to try and cover it up what we need to know today is the minister going to assure Canadians that not a single dollar of.

Severance will go to the corrupt Executives The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker again let me tell the Canadians the conservative at the time 20 years ago wanted that to be an independent harmsen organization Mr Speaker from government that was the delivery model that was chosen Mr Speaker what we have done from the.

Moment we had delegation we investigated Mr Speaker because we want to go to the bottom of this we've seen the reports that have come up we have proactively worked with the auditor general we're going to restore confidence we're going to restore governance in this organization but one thing Mr Speaker we're never going to let our small and.

Medium-sized business who are fighting for climate change in this country we're going to fight with them colleagues uh normally this is the kind of energy we'd hear on a Wednesday but I'm going to ask the honorable member please from St Albert Edmonton uh to please uh take the microphone when he uh when he uh uh is recognized by the.

Cher to do so The Honorable member from leads Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes the only fighting that we've seen from these liberals is fighting for more handouts for Liberal insiders liberal insiders lined up to get rich while Canadians line up at food banks the auditor general report makes it crystal clear that this prime minister and his.

Government aren't worth the cost or for the corruption $76 million given out to projects connected to liberals friends liberal friends who were appointed to the slush fund by these very liberals liberals lining the pockets of liberals we know all about it after 9 years of this corrupt prime minister will they stop the cover up and commit to get.

Canadians every dollar back The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker here we go the conservative again against our small and medium bed business in this country we're fighting for climate change Mr Speaker as I've said before once we receive allegation we initiated the investigation Mr Speaker because we.

Wanted to go to the bottom of this the SE of the organization has resigned the chair of the board has resigned we demanded an action plan by management we welcome the auditor's general report we're going to restore confidence we're going to restore governance but we got to make sure Mr Speaker we're always going to be there to fight for small and.

Mediumsized businesses in this country very good then I have the honorable member for well Mr Speaker after nine years of this liberal prime minister he's just not worth the corruption or the cost not one not two but three auditor general reports three devastating titles first.

Of all policies frequently disregarded by federal organizations when awarding Professional Services contracts two sign ific lapses in government and Steward stewardship of public funds at sustainable development technology Canada and finally Canada's response to cyber crime hindered by government's disconnected approach liberal buddies.

Are happy after all of this but meanwhile Canadians are fighting to put food on the table when will the government do something about this The Honorable minister of public services and procurement I'd like to thank my colleague for giving me a chance to once again thank the auditor general for her.

Important work her reports deliver similar conclusions to those we've already seen and what has already been published by parliamentary committees and given what we've already heard we have taken strong action over the past year to make changes when it comes to granting contracts for example to.

Businesses like McKenzie The Honorable member and what's the result of all this hard work well the liberal green fund has put a lot of money into liberal friends Pockets the auditor general told us this morning that the liberal green fund sent $59 million to ineligible projects that's right under the eye of the minister of industry and.

Just like usual the minister did nothing but we know the minister was aware will the minister ask his friends to reimburse Canadians for their ill gotten gains The Honorable minister of innovation Mr Speaker the conservatives seem to be waking up I guess it's this nice weather as I said in.

English when we heard allegations we immediately launched investigations while they were slumbering we took immediate action we worked with the AG why because we want to get to the bottom of things our model of governance will enable us to relaunch the organization in order to be able to fund small.

Businesses that are fighting climate change we will bring back trust and support our small businesses The Honorable member for B sh well Mr Speaker we know that that report was tabled yesterday and could not have been looked at before there's only one member of the black the committee the member.

For m m no one could have revealed the names in question so I would invite the liberal caucus to look around among themselves and tell themselves that among them there are people who are under foreign inter interference foreign influence and that during their next caucus they.

Should perhaps speak among themselves and find out who it is The Honorable minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker as I said yesterday and I will repeat today we need to be very careful when we talk about details of intelligence in a public context as we've said we are the only government who has created a series.

Of measures that have evolved over the years to strengthen our capacity to detect foreign interference I have a great deal of trust in our security and intelligence organizations and the RCMP and I know that they will do what they need to do The Honorable member for S Mr Speaker we're living through difficult times we.

See the situation in the Middle East Eastern Europe Mexico then there's institutionalized violence War global warming it is indeed a difficult time on Earth and of course people from throughout the world are looking for a Safe Harbor and that's why we have a record number of Asylum Seekers people who are waiting for a work permit and.

Are forced to go to the food bank or get on welfare because as usual Ottawa is asleep of the switch when will this government finally start taking the matter of Asylum seriously The Honorable minister of immigration refugees and citizenship thank you Mr Speaker I'd like to thank the member across the way.

For his very fair question like many other countries Canada is facing record high Asylum record requests but that doesn't mean we're not taking it seriously ly quite the contrary we are increasing our efforts sharply because we know that people coming here are fleeing war and violence.

They need support that takes help from Quebec and I just like to say that the blacka has fought hard to ensure that Asylum Seekers are properly welcomed into Quebec and Canada The Honorable member for LAX s well thank you but there's a cost when it comes to Asylum Seekers there a cost and there's responsibility they need to.

Be housed they need to receive Health Care they need to be taught French and Ottawa isn't doing anything to help them with these things Asylum Seekers now represent 20% nearly 20% of recipients of welfare welfare in Quebec the Prime Minister likes to say that the huddled masses of the Earth can come to Canada but once they actually get here he won't.

Lift a finger to help them he doesn't even give them a work permit within 30 days is that what the Liberals really think being welcoming is The Honorable minister of immigration a few weeks ago Mr Speaker the member across the way was saying that it took 6 to8 months now we're ensuring that people do.

Get their work permit we know that it helps them once they can work we want to do better of course applications are at a record high level but I'm looking forward to working closely with Quebec on this from Calgary midnapore the AG report proves this prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption this.

NDP liberal government spent $200 million on McKenzie which is just another example of this prime minister favoring his Insider friends the AG stated this was a flagrant disregard for procurement rules as the government's Soul sourced with no justification and competitive processes were changed to favor McKenzie the clear favoritism is.

Just one more example of this government choosing their friends over Integrity why is this prime minister been caught time and time again redh handed giving his friends lucrative contracts The Honorable Minister for public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and we thank my colleague for asking this important question which.

Allows me to thank again the auditor general for her important work on this topic the report comes to similar conclusions at the report that were released by the government last year and both based on those previous findings we had been acting for more than a year to end the standing offers with McKenzie and all similar companies which also.

Introduces int introduces stric requirements for Department doing their own Contracting authorities The Honorable member from Calgary midnapore Dominic Barton this prime minister is not worth the cost or corruption Dominic Barton is the former Global head of McKenzie who was.

Handpicked by the PM to be the Canadian ambassador to China and the chair of the economic advisory Council so it's no surprise that after 2016 Mackenzie Contracting began to go up and up with few signs of stopping he even joined a meeting between McKenzie and the Canada infrastructure Bank while he was the Ambassador a meeting he hid from members.

Of committee why should Canadians tolerate a prime minister who promotes his rich friends and a government run by McKenzie The Honorable me The Honorable Minister for Public Works public services and procurement Mr Speaker as I just said in English but I can repeat in French we are very grateful to the AG for our hard work on.

This file now the report has similar conclusions to the report published by the government last year but we will continue to consider the recommendations for about a year bids for tender for Mackenzie and similar businesses have been cancelled and we will continue to make requirements.

Stricter for Department with these types of Contracting processes remember from Carlton Trail Eagle Creek the auditor General's report proves that after 9 years this prime minister is not worth the cost or corruption in her audit of McKenzie the AG found this liberal government broke the rules showed clear favoritism and could not demonstrate.

Value for money this prime minister needs to take responsibility almost $200 million was awarded to McKenzie contracts were rigged liberal ins ERS got rich and taxpayers are on the hook will the Prime Minister finally ban McKenzie from Government Contracting good question The Honorable minister of.

Public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker you have already answered this question multiple times now I would just add that in addition to what I've said these contracts have been closely examined several times including by the auditor general and no indication of political interference was ever talking of contracts Mr Speaker may I.

Talk about dental care about which the conservative leader has nothing to say because he believes and claims that it doesn't exist 2 million seniors in Canada Mr speakers have already registered with dento now why is a conservative leader misinforming and hurting seniors by telling them it doesn't.

Exist yood The Honorable member from Sherwood Park Fort saskatchwan the auditor General's report proves once again that this prime minister is not worth the cost and the corruption now liberals love McKenzie and apparently All is fair in love and Government Contracting most of these $200 million in Mackenzie contracts didn't follow the.

Rules in almost half it wasn't clear that the contract was needed and in some cases the government even rigged the process to favor McKenzie why do these liberals show such affection for McKenzie but such disdain for Canadian taxpayers The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and minister fernan.

Mr Speaker that question has already been answered several times by my colleagues but I am glad to hear the conservatives albeit obliquely talking about income inequality in our society it's a concern that we share and the good news for the conservatives is they have the opportunity to support us and to support our increase in the capital.

Gains inclusion rate a way to ask those at the very top to help the Canadian middle class let's see if the conservatives will do it the honorable member for Mr Speaker for years now cbsa officers are asking for a fair retirement it's a question of justice.

And respect for these workers that guarantee our security for three years now a committee has been studying the matter the leader the president of the treasury board received recommendations in December since nothing has been said there could be a strike starting on Thursday in 48 hours why are the Liberals lagging again when it comes to.

Defending workers rights The Honorable president of the treasury board Mr Speaker that's simply not true we are at the table We are continuing to negotiate because it is essential to have an agreement that is fair for taxpayers and also for our public.

Servants we continue to be here for the public service in order to reach an agreement that is fair and Equitable we are here Mr Speaker The Honorable member from nun pay some of the highest airfares in the world the lowest airfare in 2023 from Ottawa to Greece feord was over.

$1,000 unbelievable even worse baggage Fe baggage fees recently went up ripping off Northerners even more this is all happening under the Liberals watch when they promised airline cost would go would not go up in the north flights are a Lifeline in Nunavut why is this government letting lines gou n for essential.

travel The Honorable Minister responsible for Northern first uh thank you Mr Speaker I want to thank the member for that very important question we know that uh affordability is front and center in everything we do all over Canada especially the north uh We've brought forward $10 a day uh child care.

For affordability nunum were the first first uh uh Province or territory to take advantage of that uh certainly uh a affordability at front and center we realize that that the cost of uh of uh of travel may be high uh we're looking into ways to to make it more affordable The Honorable member The Honorable member for speaker every.

Single conservative MP voted against pharmacare to provide universal access to contraception and their own caucus members have expressed anti-choice rhetoric one conservative member has referenced this legislation as focusing on wiping out or tapering ing the population could the minister of Health please share how this conservative.

Member is missing the point of the legislation and how her remarks can be harmful for women and gender diverse Canadians The Honorable minister of Health Mr Speaker we know that over half of the conservative caucus uh has been confirmed as being anti-choice to be against the woman's right to choose but.

We know that 100% of conservative MPS voted against contraception free contraception for women Mr Speaker when you make comments like that it becomes clear that if you're both against abortion and against access to contraception you're against a woman's right to choose and have autonomy over her own body it isn't conservative MPS.

Who should tell women whether or not they should or shouldn't start a family it is women themselves who must always make that decision The Honorable member from brenford Brent the explosive auditor General's report proves that the prime minister is not worth the cost and Corruption this NDP.

Liberal government knew conflict of interest policies weren't being followed and wait for it did absolutely nothing $76 million green lit by liberal appointed directors never to be seen again Canadians deserve so much better if the minister knew about these conflicts why didn't he take his job seriously and fire the.

directors The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker actually welcome the question from the member because it seems that they have not really listen Mr Speaker the moment we heard of allegation we launched the investigation when they were asleep Mr Speaker we launched the investigation byon shabot.

Grant tordan and Mardi T and once we have that we suspend funding to the organization the chair of the board and the SE resigned we demanded an action planed by management Mr Speaker we are committed to restore to restore the funding to the firms we are committed to have more governance and we are committed to ensure that there will be.

Trust in a new organization Mr speaker thank you The Honorable member from South Shore St Margaret the minister did nothing for 48 months even though he had officials sitting in the meetings and the auditor general General's explosive report on the NDP liberal green slush fund shows a personal Friends of the Prime Minister.

Funed obscene amounts of monies into their own Pockets the auditor general confirmed that an incredible 186 times almost half of all the green slush fund projects liberal swindlers voted themselves hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money to their companies will the Prime Minister call in the police and make these liberal.

Swindlers pay back this money The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker it seems that there were a lot of people on this side slipping at the switch Mr Speaker what I've said is very clear we receive allegation and we investigated Mr Speaker we investigated we made sure that we would go to the bottom of this we suspended the funding.

To the organization the chair of the board and the SE resigned we made sure that there would be a management plan in place Mr Speaker we want to restore confidence we expect everyone to ader by the IR government and that's why Mr Speaker we're proposing a new model of governance that will make sure that public fund is dispersed and with the.

The level of governance that all Canadian expect the honorable member for ler Mr Speaker after nine years of this liberal NDP block government that isn't worth the cost and the corruption the auditor general tells us that the sustainable development Canada program.

Violated its conflict of interest policies 90 times and awarded 50 $9 million to 10 projects that weren't even eligible Mr Speaker another deficient government from the liberal government why is this government not vilant and why does it endorse this waste of money The Honorable Minister for Innovation Mr Speaker it's the member.

For Le that's suddenly waking up as I said Mr Speaker we received allegations in February 2023 in March 2023 we launched an investigation into an organization that was created independently 20 years ago and then the report was submitted by a lawyer's office we took the measures necessary we suspended the funding Mr.

Speaker the president of the uh board of directors resigned and we will be here to restore confidence and make sure that ourmes can receive money The Honorable member for livier Mr speaker this minister is sleeping at the wheel the auditor general has discovered that $76 million in funding has been granted to projects.

With ties to liberal cronies greasing the palms and enriching liberal cronies is blatantly unethical and irresponsible yet another Scandal Mr Speaker why are conflict of interest and money for friends so commonplace with this liberal government The Honorable Minister f ation Mr Speaker we can all recognize.

That the member for liy is a great actor but the reality of the matter is simple I'll will say it and I'll say it again so that everyone can allow it to percolate the Integrity is the most important thing for us Mr Speaker and that is the reason for which when we received allegations we launched an investigation we made sure that funds.

Were suspended until we got the conclusions of this investigation the head of the organization resigned the head of the board of directors resigned we are proposing a new governance model in order to restore trust and make sure that we can support smmes that are in Green Technology Mr Speaker The Honorable member.

Foron the auditor General's report on the contracts awarded to McKenzie by the government has just been released 97 contracts worth over $200 million more importantly we learned that 71% of the contracts were awarded without a call for tender nine of the 10 departments and eight of the 10 Crown corporations.

Involved broke the rules the ag even points out that this is a widespread problem how can the Liberals increase the public service by 40% whilst at the same time relying on untendered contracts with private firms The Honorable Minister for public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker a great opportunity once again.

To thank and commend the work undertaken by the order General thank you for her conclusions they are similar to those we have already heard over the past few months these are conclusions that have allowed us over the past few months to uh take into account these conclusions to put an end to uh orders with McKenzie and any other.

Similar organization that also in involves stricter parameters for all departments that have private contracts The Honorable member for Bor Liu Mr Speaker the auditor General's report also shows that the use of McKenzie has skyrocketed since the Liberals came to power but I mean we'd already noticed.

That but for several of these contracts the departments were unable to prove that all the Consultants had the required security clearance yet McKenzie ended up with both hands in the pockets of Public Services immigration Trans Mountain and even National Defense how can the liberal liberals.

Tolerate their own rules being bent and circumvented even when it comes to security The Honorable Minister for public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and the member is right to indicate two things the first of which is security the second of which are expenses let us start with.

Expenses the president of the treasury board has been very clear we are revising by 15% contracts to give the Public Service even more capacity to better serve Canadians with' got to security the VD the AIT General rather was very clear we have to be better able to share and store this.

Information The Honorable member from Calgary Forest Lawn after 9 years Another Gay order victim of this liberal NDP prime minister has come forward this time it's his own parliamentary budgeting officer who revealed yesterday that there's a secret government document that would land blast and completely put to shame the claims on.

The carbon tax scam this secret report would confirm most Canadians are worse off in this scam than what they get in phony rebates and Emissions have gone up will this liberal NDP prime minister lift the gag order on the PBO so Canadians and everyone can know what they already know that this prime minister and this carbon tax scam are.

Not worth the cost The Honorable parament secretary to the minister of environment and climate change and Minister for fitness and amateur sport Mr Speaker the budget officer does important and essential work and we thank him for the update recently he had an update on his website.

Saying that the last estimate that he had done was based on faulty information and we thank him for correcting the record it confirms what we know all along that economists and independent organizations across this country have been saying which is that 8 out of 10 Canadians are better off with Federal carbon pricing but Mr Speaker the reason.

The conservatives are so bent out of shape about this is because it re-emphasizes the fact that that carbon pricing both lowers emissions and the Canada carbon rebate supports affordability The Honorable member from Calgary Forest Lawn well maybe they're gagging the PBO because they're ashamed he's going to reveal that this carbon.

Tax scam is not worth the cost and it'll confirm that a majority of Canadians are worse off in this scam than what they get back in phony rebates look if they don't want to ungag him and they don't want to release the report why don't they just call a carbon tax election so Canadian can decide whether they want to keep this scam or a Attack under a.

Common sense conservative government The Honorable pery secretary to the minister of the environment and climate change and Sport and physical activity thank you very much Mr Speaker the conservatives have clung to this flawed scenario and they refuse to correct their own misinformation on this.

Very important subject Mr Speaker I would recommend that the leader of the opposition maybe go to Carlton over the summer and brush up on his mathematics however it's very clear that it's proba Elementary School that he needs to go back to we're talking about adding and subtracting Mr Speaker conservative math just add isn't adding up these days but.

I want to reassure Canadians that on July 15th the Canada carbon rebate will be arriving in their bank accounts or their mailboxes thank you Mr The Honorable member from Northumberland Peterboro South Mr Speaker everybody knows in Canada that except for maybe this NDP liberal Coalition that they pay more in the.

Carbon tax and they get back in a rebate it turns out that even this government knew even the Prime Minister knows and you want to know why we know that because the PBO officer said that when will this government finally released this report and end the carbon tax coverup The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Mr of.

Finance Mr Speaker we know and Canadians know that eight out of 10 Canadians get more money back with the carbon rebate but Mr Speaker there is someone who is is being gagged and that is an MP who sits in This House of Commons the MP for Peace River West lck he had the tarity to say out loud what the majority of conservative MPS believe which is that a.

Woman should not have the right to choose now we know that these conservatives who campaigned on a price on pollution and our disab yet will do the same thing with the The Honorable member from Malek Mr Speaker Mr Speaker this past weekend I was pleased to join colleagues in Halifax for an announcement the funding for the Ronald.

McDonald House Charities Atlantic Ronald McDonald House serves as a place of comfort and stability for many families across Atlantic Canada in time of need this weekend's announcement will ensure that Ronald McDonald House Atlantic is the first Net Zero house in Canada made possible due to our government's commitment to infrastructure Investments.

And climate action unlike the official opposition can the Minister of Housing infrastructure and communities please speak to the importance of this investment The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities and Mr Speaker I want to thank my colleague for joining me in the hellofax to visit Ronald McDonald host the Ronald.

McDonald host organization is an incredible incredible organization that allows families to make sure that they have a place to be when they're away from home to seek treatment for children who are sick we had an opportunity while we were there to meet Britney and Riley who recently welcomed Finley their new addition who arrived a little bit.

Earlier expected but because the services being provided allowed them a place to stay they were able to get the treatment they need we're investing nearly $3 million to help make the facility more efficient more accessible and importantly double the capacity to serve 1,200 families I want to say thank you to all the volunteers and the.

Workers who make it possible to have such a wonderful facility The Honorable member from Mr Speaker after nine years of this liberal government life is too expensive and quebecers are paying the price yesterday the liberal block voted against suspending a carbon tax that.

Would give a break to quebecers the blacka wants to radically increase taxes that are very expensive for quebecers the Parliamentary budget officer confirmed to the finance committee yesterday that the government has an an analysis of the economic impact of the carbon tax they've kept it secret when will the minister published a secret.

Report that proves that quebecers are right to ask for a bit of a break this summer The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for finance Mr Speaker during the election campaign of 2021 all conservative MPS promised to put a price on.

Pollution it was important especially in Quebec because quecas understand the importance and the severity of climate change and now we've seen a flip-flop from the cons cons atives and now the next thing they might flip-flop about is the women's right to choose we should be scared of these conservatives The Honorable member from.

Charleswood St James as Boya headingley after nine years of this NDP liberal government the prime minister is hiding the truth about the carbon tax that it costs Canadians more than they pay yes yesterday the Parliamentary budget officer confirmed he' received information from the liberal government that confirms his report that Canadians.

Pay more but was under a liberal gag order from talking about it Canadians know it costs them more when will the Prime Minister stop gagging the PBO and release the secret report that proves Canadians are right The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker the only person being gagged in.

Ottawa right now is the conservative Member of Parliament for Peace River West that's right he committed the Cardinal political crime among this power hungry conservative party of actually telling the truth of actually telling Canadians what he believes and what he intends to do that is to end a woman's right to choose he's in a.

Majority in that caucus it's time for the conservatives to tell Canadians the truth about their intentions here here The Honorable member from Simco North Mr Speaker on April 16th the Liberals announced that they were increasing taxes on the Investments of Canadians through an increase to the capital gains tax that tax is supposed.

To take Effect 3 weeks from today and Canadians have not seen the legislation yet one wonders what the government's doing over there when will the government show small businesses families Farmers entrepreneurs and Physicians the text of the bill so that they know how this tax increase will impact.

them The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance finally a good question from the conservatives I am so glad to say that we will begin the legislative process to raise the capital gains inclusion rate before the house Rises and one of the reasons that is so important is it will give Canadians a.

Chance to see the true colors of these conservatives so far they have dithered and they have dodged and they have not said whether they are in favor of asking who are doing the very best to pay a little more soon they're not going to have a chance to dodge the honorable member for Mr Speaker as you know Canada is committed.

To achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and our government is working very hard in all sectors to make the goal as ambitious as it needs to be one of the initiatives we have implemented is the green and inclusive community buildings program which aims to make C's infrastructure less polluting more sustainable but also more.

Accessible and inclusive a concrete example of a project that is supported by this program and explain why this is beneficial for the community that receives this funding then have the honorable Minister for National Revenue thank you Mr Speaker with the green inclusive.

Community buildings program our government is investing massive amounts in the one like for the stanstead Arts Center funding will bring back to life it will host a variety of cultural and artistic event as well as many community activities the revitalized theater will play an important role in the economic.

Development of this small municipality close to our border thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from Edmonton gbar today's auditor general report confirms what we already know that the Liberals and conservatives love their Bay Street McKenzie friends so much so that McKenzie got over two 00 million and billions more were given to.

Other management firms our public service has the skills and is ready to do the work but once again the Liberals and conservatives give preferential treatment to ultrarich corporations so when will they start respecting our public service and stop forking over money to Rich Consultants The Honorable Minister for.

Public services and procurement thank you Mr speaker thank you for our colle to giving me another opportunity to thank and and be very grateful to the auditor general for her important report although the report comes to similar conclusions as the reports released by the government last year this obviously important input so that we can continue.

The work that we have done such as making sure that we are more for instance removing McKenzie and similar companies from standing offers we're also introducing stricter requirements for other departments to do their own Contracting in a way that guarant guarantees integrity and confidence in our procurement.

Process The Honorable member from Port Moody quum Mr Speaker Canadians with disabilities are struggling to keep up with high costs of food and housing and the Liberals measly $200 plan will leave people with disabilities living well below the poverty line the government has an obligation legally to uphold.

Human rights and to ensure an adequate standard of living for everyone but shamefully the Liberals are failing just like the conservatives before them when will the Liberals get serious about ending poverty for persons with disabilities The Honorable Minister for persons with disabilities thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker the Canada disability.

Benefit is a major milestone in our strong and unwavering commitment to creating a more inclusive and fairer Canada Mr spard through this budget we have committed over $6.1 billion as the initial Investments for the Canada a disability benefit this is the first ever Federal benefit designed for persons with disabilities Mr Speaker we.

Know there's more to do but we'll make sure and continue to work with provinces and territories first to make sure that there are no clawbacks and to see what more we can more we can do to support individuals with disabilities Mr speaker now and into the future thank you and so brings us to the end of question period however I would like to.

Bring to the attention of members in the presence of the G the presence in the gallery of Miss Alexandra micho Mich excuse me chair of the center for civil liberty for civil liberties in Ukraine a joint recipient of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize for.

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