Rachel Zegler Feedback on ‘All Eyes On Rafah’ Graphic Causes Backlash


Rachel Zegler Feedback on 'All Eyes On Rafah' Graphic Causes Backlash

Hunger Games and Westside Story actress Rachel zegler is incredibly annoyed with people posting Pro Palestinian images on social media because the image that has gone viral happens to be an image created through artificial intelligence Ai and uh you might have actually come across this post on Instagram it's the all eyes on Rafa image and uh it shows a.

Massive tent in Camp meant drawing attention to the displaced Palestinians who no longer have homes because they've been bombed uh they've been displaced from their homes and are now living in these tent encampments now the reason why she seems to have a problem with it is because the image is AI generated and she feels that it's taking away from the.

Work journalists on the ground have done in highlighting the horrific conditions and the slaughter that's taking place in Gaza here's what she has to say about the image quote I genuinely find it disturbing that the only way so many people have suddenly felt comfortable sharing their support for Palestinian lives is via an AI generated image that.

Doesn't even begin to touch upon the actual horrors of what these human beings are experiencing zler added that there are numerous GoFundMe appeals infographics and other pieces of art that would have uh been more effective posts to support the Palestinians in Gaza than what the internet has decided is is its trendy version of showing up.

For a population that has been publicly massacred uh zedler is just wrong she's just wrong okay and I'll explain why this type of image went viral as opposed to images of babies missing body parts and things like that but I just want to say this before I go to you Jen when people are on the right side of an issue maybe maybe find something else to.

Criticize zler has made like a career off of Just criticizing things she's always grieved of about something they agree with you on this issue find something else to criticize please pausing here to deliver some honest truth as we do in our news coverage as well tyt is facing challenges guys as the entire industry is you know who.

Could make the difference you if you hit the join button below it's going to make all the difference and keep us in business we appreciate you thank you I'll just double down on that and then I want to get to the two giant reasons why this worked so well and reached so many people and so you might not be familiar with those two reasons that's why we.

Want to show it to you uh but for I don't particularly care about zler but I do hate the idea of people who are like you should have done it another way you should have done it better well it reached 45 million people they seem to have done it pretty well and that's a message that's really important so hey I got a great idea instead of CRI.

Criticizing why don't you do one that reaches 46 million people great wonderful do it better right so but like the same thing happened with Mr Beast when he uh did the thing to cure people who were blind they're like you should have cured more people oh come on brothers and sisters he did something good in the world can I get a thank you.

He provided cataract surgery for for people and I I forget which nation it was in that he did that in but it was a nice thing to do it was a good thing to do when someone does something nice first lead with that's awesome thank you and then if you have a better idea great then do that idea I love that but be constructive instead of destructive yeah.

And look the backlash led to the person who created the image uh to apologize and that person is uh shave 42 we're going to get back to that individual in just a minute but uh other online um criticisms in regard or in response to that AI generated image include people pointing to other bigname individuals who shared the post after being.

Relatively quiet on the issue listen people are entitled to post what they want to post okay and not everyone is super political and not everyone feels comfortable diving into you know political issues that are as controversial as this one so like just be kind to people be meet people with Grace and understand that not everyone.

Is like you um and by the way she is the largest high-profile name to take issue with the mass activism post a zler is however there is a reason why that post went viral as opposed to some of the more horrific images that have been taken by journalists on the ground in Gaza and that has to do with how algorithms work.

On social media so if you're posting something that's gruesome if you're showing bloodied bodies if you're showing a dead body that post because of the way the algorithms work is going to be buried or it's going to be Shadow ban something that's generated through Ai and doesn't have that kind of imagery is more likely to go viral because it's not.

Going to be flagged uh for the type of explicit content that you might see in some of the other images coming out of Gaza yeah so there's another reason to but first look again let me double down on what i is saying about people who got to the right opinion uh so oh Bernie was late in saying uh that that what Israel is doing in gaza's who cares that he's.

Late he's he got to the right place and he's the most powerful uh well-known Senator calling for Israel to stop and for us to stop sending money to Israel because they're killing too many uh Palestinians thank you Bernie Sanders for getting there they had a Human Rights Watch oh he got there late he's a holocaust Survivor okay and so if Bernie.

Lived in Israel this guy uh who's a holocaust Survivor thought Israel had a right to defense but now they both say it's a genocide of like the head of Human Rights wife says it's clearly a genocide now that's thank you thank you for getting there is the right reaction now as to why people don't share uh the tougher posts uh the more visceral post.

About Rafa there's and Gaza overall two reasons one is the one Anna mentioned about Hey listen uh there's some restrictions on the platforms and so there'll be known restrictions they ban some violence having nothing to do with Gaza they just say hey we can't show a headless baby and that actually happened in Rafa it didn't happen in Israel other.

Tragedies happened in Israel but it did happen in Rafa I I want to give you a specific example that you might have noticed from our own coverage whenever we're showing you guys footage from Gaza and there are dead bodies you know children who have been severely injured we blur it out because if we don't that video you're never going to.

See it it's not going to show up on your feed it might be demonetized entirely so there are rules um and terms of service and they vary based on which platform you're talking about but that doesn't mean that we're sanitizing our coverage of it it's very clear we are explaining exactly what's happening in Gaza right and so and that's rule is true whether.

It's Ukraine Iraq America in terms of violence and and guys what Anna said is so important because if you say well just show it anyway yeah we can but then you won't see it right because it's not just about demonetizing what they they do is they prevent it from going to more people that's what the algorithm is built to do I have to read this quote.

Jen because it reinforces what you're saying here this is a social media consultant his name is Matt Navara and he says it it meaning the AI generated image doesn't depict real world violence although it feels sanitized that is what has enabled it to have the level of viral reach that it has received so far so think about all the people who are.

Not really paying mention to politics or world events or current events they might see that AI generated post that says all eyes on Rafa and that might actually make them curious about what that means they might look it up and actually educate themselves about the situation so there's something to be said about the virality of that that.

Image yeah one last thing about the platforms look now specifically on the issue of Gaza and Israel um so what I've seen uh people on the right and the left complain about Shadow Banning and they never have good evidence of it they're just like oh that post didn't do well that's not evidence really okay but I've been dealing with algorithms for long as.

They've been around and so on Tik Tok for example if you use hashtags related to Gaza or Israel it gets way less views if you do the same exact video but without the hashtags it'll get a lot more views so it appears and and then people have similar theories about Facebook and Instagram it's this one is more speculative it's possible that if.

You they the algorithm thinks it's about Israel because it's so politically sensitive and that and there might be 100 different reasons why they do but one of the more credible reasons is they think I don't want to get in political trouble if I if these things are like they're already trying to ban Tik Tok Mitt Romney and Anthony blinkin admitted.

Be it's partly because they think that Tik Tock is too tough on Israel or the view like the people who create videos in other words Americans are too tough on Israel so Tik Tok thinks well I don't want to get banned right so that's part of the potential calculus but one last thing that's important which is that a lot of people do not even if it's just.

Harsh words and not something that the algorithm would block they don't share it because they're worried to death that they're going to get cancel and especially if you're famous because it already happened earlier on Hollywood did a purge where a couple of people said oh my God I can't believe Israel is doing this in Fairly benign language and.

They and they were uh some of them were fired and one of them was super powerful in Hollywood and she was almost fired right and then these giant celebrities had to come in and go well I kind of like her maybe we allow her to criticize Israel a little bit right we just did a story earlier in the show that a nurse was fired the student protesters were.

Arrested so I don't blame the celebrities and the powerful people who don't retweet me or share things from The Young Turks because they're worried these guys are telling the raw honest truth if I share that I might get fired or I might get cancelled and that's the like that's the environment that America lives under you all have to check to.

Make sure is it okay with Israel or is it not I mean CNN literally has all their stories go through the Jerusalem bureo because it has to be checked by Israel before they put it on air it's insanity and so that's the reality that's why I love what they did with all eyes on Rafa and the Creator please don't apologize you did a brilliant job.

Because you brought attention to the issue in a way that people were able to see it and that's why all eyes on Rafa is kind of a perfect words and symbol uh for for for this entire thing here and thank you brother or sister uh for getting that message out thanks for watching The Young Turks really appreciate it and another way to show.

Support is through YouTube memberships you'll get to interact with us more there's live chat emojis badges youve got emojis of me Anna John Jr so those are super fun but you also get playback of our exclusive member only shows and specials right after they air so all that all you got to do is click that join button right underne the video.

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