Racist Factual-Wingers Name Elected Legit In Baltimore ‘DEI’ Rent #TYT


Racist Factual-Wingers Name Elected Legit In Baltimore 'DEI' Rent #TYT

Six people are presumed dead after a cargoship named Dolly crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore this week. There are still many unanswered questionsabout what led to this horrific incident, but regulatory filingsmight provide some hints. Turns out that the company that charteredthe ship was recently sanctioned by federal investigators for muzzlingworkers who voiced safety concerns. In fact, just eight months prior tothe horrific crash, the Labor Department sanctioned shipping conglomerate Maerskor Maersk Line Limited for firing an employee who reported unsafe workingconditions on a maersk operated boat.

The worker, who was a chief mateand relief captain on the Maersk operated Safmarine Mafadi, reported underprepared.I'm sorry. Basically unrepaired leaks, unpermittedalcohol consumption on board, inoperable lifeboats, faulty emergency firesuppression equipment and other issues. And those are big issues. The Labor Department found that Maerskhad a policy that requires employees to first report their concernsto the company prior to reporting it to the Coast Guard or other authorities. Federal regulators at the OccupationalSafety and Health Administration, also.

Known as OSHA, called the policy repugnantand a reprehensible and an egregious violation of the rights of employees,which chills them from contacting the Coast Guard or other authoritieswithout contacting the company first. And guess what? OSHA was right in their analysis,since the company's policy violated the Seaman's Protection Act, which protectsmaritime workers who report violations to the Coast Guard from company retaliation. The legislation was amended in 2010to add protections for employees who refuse to perform certain dutiesdue to fears of personal injury.

And yes, I said seamen and dutyin the same sentence. Pretty, pretty amazing. When the Labor Department concludedtheir investigation into Maersk, they found that the censorious policywas approved by the company's executives. Maersk's vice president of laborrelations, admits that this reporting policy requires seamen to report safetyconcerns to the company and allow it time to abate the conditions before reportingto the Coast Guard or other regulatory agencies, Labor Department investigatorssaid in their report. Regulators also ordered the companyto reinstate the employee and pay.

Over $700,000 in damages and back wages. I want to do that guy's job.How do we do that guys job? You know, that sounds pretty good. They also demanded that Maersk reviseits policy to allow seamen to contact the Coast Guard about safety concernsbefore notifying the company. Maersk is also in the middle of a legalbattle with International Longshoremen's Association, which is a labor unionrepresenting 65,000 maritime workers. APM terminals, a division of Maersk,sued the union, claiming employees at its mobile, Alabama portwere engaging in an illegal strike.

Documents filed by the union in Marchalleged that the company illegally suspended six workersfor raising a concern about a safety issue at the job site. A lot of mainstream mediadon't give you honest news. We do. You know why? Because of you. Paid membership on YouTubemakes all the difference. Hit the join button belowand you become the hero that sustains us. Look, this new reporting gives ussome insight into the workplace culture.

At Maersk, which doesn't seem conduciveto safe shipping operations. But it doesn't necessarily meanthat there were known safety vulnerabilities aboard Dolly. Now that the black box,or what's the equivalent of the black box has been recovered, we should await a fullinvestigation into what really transpired. The Washington Post did report todaythat there was an issue discovered on the same cargo ship last year. In June, inspectors at the port of SanAntonio, Chile, discovered a problem categorized as relating to propulsionand auxiliary machinery, according to the.

Tokyo MoU, an intergovernmental shippingregulator in the Asia Pacific region, the issue was classified in thesubcategory of gauges, thermometers, etc., but no additional detailsabout the deficiency were provided. The problem was not serious enoughto warrant detaining the ship, according to the records, and records also show, bythe way, that after a follow up inspection that was carried out later that same day,the dolly was found to have no outstanding outstanding deficiencies,indicating that the problem was. Addressed. So as we await the resultsof a full investigation into what caused.

This horrible and destructive cargo shipcollision, it's worth taking a moment to address one of the more politicizedallegations floating around. Our friends on the rightthink that diversity, equity and inclusion is to blame. Take Republican Congressman Jeff Van Drewfrom new Jersey, who wants to cut infrastructure regulations while focusinghis ire on Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and his culture war grievances. Line with Buttigieg is that he'sworried too much about personal pronouns, worry too much about dei policies,worry too much about, you know,.

Being the cool kid on the block. And this has been a secretary that,quite frankly, even with the money that was allocated under the transportationinfrastructure legislation, they're moving so slow on it because of regulation. We want to get these things going. So, you know, I'm disappointedin the job that he does. It's obvious that it's not about equity.It's not about personal pronouns. It's about the safetyand the transportation of the people. Yeah.

Sounds like this whole Dei argumentis just meant to shift the conversation away from possible safety regulations,which corporate donors are known to lobby hard against. To nobody's surprise, Drew Van Drewisn't the only one who's making this insane argument that Dei is to blame. And look, honestly, there are someelements of Dei that I think are not good, and I've been critical of this storyis not a good example of that. But anyway, let's go backto other Republicans claiming that Dei should be blamedfor this horrific incident that happened.

Anthony Sabatini, a Republican running forCongress in Florida, tweeted a video of the crash with the caption, di did this. Of course, Sabatini, who sounds morelike a cocktail than someone that's savvy enough to be a political player,didn't provide any evidence for his claim. Another right winger on ex wrote, quote,shipping giant Maersk confirmed that the Dolly ship, operated and managedby Synergy Marine Group, collided with the Francis ScottKey Bridge in Maryland around 1:27 a.m.. Synergy marine Grouppromotes Dei in their company. Did anti-white business practicescause this disaster?.

There is, literally zero evidence of that. And while it's true that SynergyMarine Group does manage Dolly, the ship is actually owned by Grace OceanPrivate, a Singapore based company, and all these companies really needto do a better job with their names. Okay.Like the branding really not up to par. And by the way, what do you know? They do have some skeletonsin their closet, but they have nothing to do with Dei. So let's get into it.

The New York Times reports vesselsbelonging to the owner of the Baltimore ship had been cited for labor violations. The vessels had underpaid crewsand kept workers on board for months beyond their contracts,according to an Australian regulator. But just wait, because it actuallygets worse, if you could believe it. The post on X got lots. This post on X got lots of attention lastnight after Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, a black man, held a press conferenceto update the public on the status of the rescue operation.

So let's take a look. Here we go. This account tweeted,This is Baltimore's Di mayor commenting on the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge. It's going to get so, so much worse.Prepare accordingly. Yeah. Look, I maybe I'm the slow one here, butI'm having a hard time understanding how dye comes into play when we're literallytalking about an elected official. Meaning the residents of this communityvoted for the mayor for the guy who's currently mayor.

He wasn't a corporate diversity hirefor the morons who somehow forgot. You know how elections work.Also, according to US census data, the city of Baltimore was 62.3% black in 2022. So I guess if the city wantedto promote diversity, they should have elected a white mayor. Look, if you can believe it,others were even more explicit in their idiocy and racism. Former TheBlaze host Elijah Schaffersarcastically tweeted, breaking Mayor of Baltimore speaks out with photo ofScott captioned dat bridge be closed yo.

As a community. Note attached to the earlier tweetpoints out Brandon Scott was elected as mayor of Baltimore in 2020with more than 70% of the vote. He did not come into office through anyDei practices, appointments, etc.. The implication in these conservativearguments that Scott somehow isn't qualified for his position and only got itbecause he's black is nonsense. Scott's rise to the mayor's office startedat Big Brothers Big Sisters Baltimore, where he served as a mentor leaderin his transition to the city council. Scott, a native of the Park Heightsneighborhood in Baltimore's Northwest Side.

And former high school and college trackstar, became a youth advocate in 2011. Scott, an alumnus of Saint Mary's Collegeof Maryland, moved from city council staff to city council member. He spent eight years on the city councilbefore being elected mayor. Seems like he might be qualified. There's a reason conservatives are,in my opinion, flooding the zone with theories about Dei policiescausing the cargo ship crash, for one. Honestly, it's the new catnipfor some right wingers and gets these pundits clicks and views.

But also, it's a pretty clever wayof averting people's attention from the things that might have actually ledto these kinds of incidents and accidents happening, like weak andunenforced regulations, poor oversight of corporations, and political corruption. So don't be a suckerand don't get distracted. Thanks for watching The Young Turksreally appreciate it. Another way to show supportis through YouTube memberships. You'll get to interact with us more.There's live chat emojis, badges. You've got emojis of meAnna John Jr. So those are super fun.

But you also get playbackof our exclusive member only shows and specials right after they air. So all of that, all you gotto do is click that join button right underneath the video. Thank you.

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3 thoughts on “Racist Factual-Wingers Name Elected Legit In Baltimore ‘DEI’ Rent #TYT

  1. Must been out of context. Love trump calling for a massacre Per you and junk or whatever his name his. You and junk lost all respect looking out to support the orange POS out for spreading anxiousness mongering. The mega cult is nothing nonetheless little piss ants from trump down to the lowest toothless POS in some little dwelling trailer in some. dumpy little town Nonetheless certain. When the mega cult says DEI they’re asserting n&&&a. The N note. So now you are here looking out to notify how unfriendly it is miles to notify that. And it’s now no longer. Nonetheless you list the staunch to be asserting this. You and the junk guy confirmed you are undoubtedly half of the mega cult. How is the climate up there in dumpy’s colon. Gain your indicate to Fox Info the put you belong.

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