Ram Temple – Hindus doing what Israel did 100 years in the past ? | AKTK


Ram Temple - Hindus doing what Israel did 100 years in the past ? | AKTK

How grand was the consecration program of Ram Mandir and how will it take India towards Hindu revivalism? Are the India's Hindu civilization taking inspiration from Jews of Israel? How are Zionism of Jews and Hindutva of Hindus similar? Who laid the foundation of Hindutva in India and why Hindutva is as important for both India and Hindus as Zionism was for the Jews, in what condition was the Hindu society of India and in what condition has it reached today, should Muslims be afraid from Hindu revivalism? Everything will be known in today's episode but before that please subscribe us. Chapter 1 : Praan Pratishtha Yesterday, when the program of consecration took place in a wonderful supernatural idol.

On the holy land of Ayodhya. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister made a bold statement Prime minister stated that who used to see problems in Ram are seeking solutions in Ram now A grand function took place in a grand temple in which innumerable stars, each one of whom could create a traffic jam on the roads on his own, looked like an ordinary person in that temple whose hero was Lord Ram. The Lord moved from sack to Luxury and this happened after the continuous efforts of 20 generations. Some people who were crying just now that why did UAE allow Smriti Irani, a non-Muslim woman, to reach Madina, were crying today that India has not remained secular. While the opinion writer of Telegraph on event at temple was like the prestige of electoral kingship,.

Dainik Bhaskar wrote consecration of life of India, which was also 100 percent true. And this is the difference between India and Bharat. But this program became so big that people celebrated Diwali again, the markets were more decorated than Diwali, saffron flags were visible everywhere, wherever you go you hear Ram Bhajan, a beautiful incident was taking place in some temple. Kirtan was happening in every part of India. This is how Ram ji's arrival was celebrated in JNU. Like this in IIT Bhu IIT Kharagpur of TMC's West Bengal was like this. India's energy was like this.

This was happening in IIT Bombay Indian school children, who were beaten up for playing Holi by applying tilak, were dancing to the tune of Ram. And this celebration was not only in the country, Tesla show took place in America. These were the scenes in Times Square Ram devotees were rejoicing on the streets in different cities of USA, but not only in USA, there were such scenes in Mauritius. in Australia UK was also in love with Ram, there the name of Ram was echoed in the Parliament, which did not happen even in India. Do you know the reason behind this unforgettable moment an idea that was born almost 100 years ago Hindutva.

Is Hindutva today doing the same thing that the Jews did to establish Israel? To understand this, one has to understand Hindutva it is not possible to describe it completely here because a complete book is required for this and it is available on Kuku FM through an audio book like The Power of Hindutva Veer Savarkar. How was it possible to build Ram temple This is a very important audio book to understand the psychology behind it, but if you cannot read the book due to lack of time then you can listen to this audio book Yes, you can. This book is available on Kuku FM in audio format. You'll comfortably listen to someone else reading a book for you, while commuting to work,.

Driving a car, cooking, or just relaxing your eyes before bed. This audio book will present before you the political power behind the construction of Ram Mandir will increase your political social knowledge will remove you from prejudice and will make you worthy of debate with the people around you And this is not the only audio book here there are over 10000 such books here from finance to biography and motivation to spirituality. If you use AKTK50 CODE, you get a month's worth of knowledge at half the price of a movie ticket invest your money at work download kuku fm now link is in description and pinned comment. But the political path to build Ram temple in India was almost 100 years long.

A trail of which also seems to have originated from Israel but to understand this, one has to know how the Jews reclaimed their country let's look at that further. Chapter 2 : How Israel reclaimed a lost civilization After completion of resolution of ram temple, at what point does Hindu civilization stand today? Is something happening similar to what the Jews did about 100 years ago? Before we can understand what the Jews did, we must understand what the Jews lost. This is a map of today's Israel but you would not see a country named Israel in the map of Middle East Asia in 1940 because Israel had become extinct centuries ago how? Three thousand years ago Precisely speaking, from 1047 to 930 BC,.

The area shown on the map was the State of Israel much larger than today's Israel the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was built at this time it was the holiest place for the Jews Like there was once a mythological Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya In 586, Babylonia invaded Israel and destroyed this holiest temple of the Jews just as Mir Banki destroyed the Ram Janmabhoomi temple in Ayodhya and a large number of Jews fled Israel for their lives. After this, when a Persian king defeated the Babylonians, the Persian king called the Jews back and were allowed to rebuild the temple this led to the formation of today's Israel which we will learn about further. After that, when the Romans conquered that kingdom, the conditions remained good but after the events of Jesus Christ, everything changed.

70 years after Christ that is, in the year 70, a king named Titus came who again destroyed the holiest temple of the Jews turned Jerusalem into ruins and for the next 60 years, that is, till the year 130, there was a terrible massacre of the Jews in this entire region. And there was an exodus from the area by this time the area was mostly empty of Jews and these people settled in Europe and various parts of the world. In simple words the country was lost, the temple was broken, and the existence was torn apart only the soul was left and the ideas which had fled from the mythical Israel but the time was about to do something else after the Roman kings became Christian, the whole of Europe became Orthodox Christian.

And this conservative society considered the Jews to be the cause of the incidents that happened to Jesus Christ Now leaving aside the intervening period, let us go straight to 19th century Europe or other areas what was happening to the Jews? listen briefly June 29, 1805 About 500 Jews in Algeria were killed for being Jews. 1819 A series of anti-Jewish riots broke out in Germany which spread to Denmark and Latvia In 1830, a mob in Iran attacked Persian Jews. almost everyone is killed except those who escaped with their lives 1834 Jewish legend and sacrificial woman 'Sol Hachuel' is publicly sentenced to death because she refused to convert to Islam In 1864, 500 Jews are exterminated in Morocco In 1871,.

Pope Pius 9's famous speech comes in which he says about the Jews These dogs are full in Rome and we hear their barking In 1878, an antisemitic leader named Adolf Stoecker forms the Christian Socialist Party and from here begins Germany's political antisemitic movement which reaches Hitler. From 1881 to 1884, several pogroms against Jews occur in Russia and this is where the Russian word POGROM becomes international In the midst of all this, rumors like Blood Libel according to which Christians used the blood of children to make their special bread and because of this thousands of Jews had to suffer death.

Or other punishment is written in this pamphlet published in Russia in 1910. Christians take care of your children Jews will leave here on March 17 In short the Jewish people lost their birthplace, their temple, they were massacred wherever they settled they had no country to call their own then a movement started which is called Zionism. What happened in this movement how this ideology created Israel and how an ideology similar to this idea was born in India which is shaping the political and cultural events of India today.Let's looks ahead. Chapter 3 : Zionism and Hindutva.

Is it possible for an oppressed community across the world to demand an area for its community that it can call a country, where the blood of its ancestors flows, where it can trace the sand-covered footprints that its ancestors once left? This is inappropriate ? This is what the Jews started through a movement According to Jewish religion, the area shown on the map is the Promised Land which God has kept for the Jews where they will attain salvation in simple words : Historical Israel. When Jews began to be identified and killed in Europe, a movement began which was called Zionism the movement demanded a safe area for the Jews which could only be the Promised Land. What does zionism mean? In the previous chapter, we discussed how a Persian king.

Defeated the Babylonians and captured Israel and called back the fleeing Jews this is called the Return of Zion in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Groups began to leave Europe and other regions started coming to the territory of today's Israel based on some ideas called Zionism and this migration of groups of Jews is called Aliya. The First Aliya began and from 1881 to 1903 approximately 25,000 Jews immigrated to today's Israel which was an exclusively Arab territory at the time and the Second Aliya occurred from 1904 to 1914 in which approximately 40,000 Jews migrated to the area of today's Israel these people established a city named Tel Aviv. The third, fourth and fifth Aliya took place between 1920 and 1930 in which approximately three and a half million Jews migrated to the area.

Where Israel is today and with all these migrations, the number of Jews began to rival the Arabs in that area If one thinks with a sane mind, these people, persecuted from all over the world, had returned to their homes from which they had been driven after being tortured and had come and settled in the empty places. What thought was going on in the minds of these people? And does this match with the governance of today's India? There are some main points in the ideology of a Zionist First is that the Promised Land belongs to the Jews which was much larger than today's Israel which the Jews should get Second Jews are not just a religious group Jews are a race, an ethnicity.

Is different from the rest which deserves its own country Third, revival of Hebrew language Apart from this, rebuilding Solomon's temple is an unfulfilled desire With these thoughts a crowd was formed when that crowd became one, it took the form of a country that country which even 10 billion countries together could not defeat in short, when they were separate, they defeated the entire world. Were again when united we became a powerful country Has the same happened in India also? For this, we will have to understand the ideas that are in power in India today let's look at it further. Chapter 4 : Hindutva and seeds of Zionism The ideology of Hindutva works behind the government in India today the father of which.

Is considered to be Veer Savarkar what does this ideology say? According to Savarkar's book Essentials of Hindutva, 3 things define Hindutva our one country, one race i.e. race and one culture here there is no example of one religion or sect but Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh all are included in the ambit of the word Hindutva. In simple words the one who shares his culture with this land of India According to Savarkar too, there was a difference between Hinduism and Hindutva. Hindutva means the ideas that make the national character of India If put in the simplest words, Hindutva is the identity that unites us did Savarkar himself say this? Hindus come together and strengthen the Hindu nation not to harass any heretic in the country.

Or to take on any foreign power but to save your race and your sacred land so that traitors should not arise and any power which is thinking of spreading religious uniformity in the world should be forced to think before attacking. these are the words of Savarkar and this was the essence of Hindutva according to him. When did Savarkar use the word Hindutva? At the time of the Khilafat Movement when the Muslim community in India started fierce riots to save the Caliphate of the Ottoman Empire in Turkey the official records of the British say that 2500 Hindus were killed without any reason but unofficially. record takes this number up to 10000 This was done in a Hindu majority country Savarkar went to its roots.

And then this unity was talked about but how will this unity be achieved? When everyone has an identity what was that identity? Hindutva according to which Hindus are a race, according to which Hindus have a country which they call motherland or fatherland and everyone joins together through this identity. We are one race we have to unite take back our motherland build a united India don't you find such ideas in Zionism also? In fact, Savarkar writes in his book that if the dream of Zionism comes true if Palestine becomes a Jewish state, then we will be as happy as the Jews Savarkar says that both Hindus and Jews deserve the right to have a country. In 1947, when India voted against Israel becoming a state in the UN, Savarkar came out to refute it.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh based on Savarkar's Hindutva ideology Sarsanghchalak Golwalkar According to his 1930 statement, the Jews have preserved their race, religion, culture and language the only thing missing is their state While sympathizing with the Jews, Golwalkar had said that if we want to avoid subjugation, we will have to get our own state Now these things do not mean that Zionism and Hindutva are one and the same or that Savarkar was inspired by Zionism there are differences between the two ideologies but people following one religion and wandering in different ways are being united as one force with the identity of the country. Standing in is the base of both ideologies.

This base made a small state like Israel a superpower. Is India also implementing this base in India today? Let's look ahead Chapter 5 : Hindutva Takes the charge Today India has a government whose ideological base derives from RSS, i.e. Hindutva and Narendra Modi and RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat have been vocal about it. But is this basic idea gaining momentum in the minds of the people of India? Let's look at some examples The curriculum that children in India studied was decided by leftist historians due to which the history that was taught seemed less like the history of India and more like the history of the Invaders today the unnecessary chapters of the Mughal Empire have been deleted.

Is being done in the name of load shedding New Education Policy which has some criticism a lot of changes are being made in the syllabus but changes are also being made on colonial symbols. The medium of study for medical or engineering in the country has been English since the British era for the first time in Madhya Pradesh in 2022, it was accepted to become a doctor even after studying in Hindi and after Madhya Pradesh, now Uttar Pradesh is going to implement it. Be it the new Parliament of India, the new insignia of the Indian Navy, the formation of the Raj Path as the duty path, the installation of Subhash Bose's statue in place of George V,.

The stopping of the British tune in the beating the retreat ceremony on Republic Day, such A lot of work has been done which we can call decolonization and this is what Modi has to say on it Decolonization has been an integral part of the ideology of RSS and today it is slowly being implemented Let's talk about security In 2008, there was a gruesome attack like 26/11 on India Hundreds of people were killed at point blank Indian defense wanted to answer to Anakvadis Exact coordinates were being shared by the US where There were Lashkar terrorists but the Indian government chose the path of diplomacy instead of replying. But after the change of government in 2014, the response to Pakistani aggression was sometimes given by crossing LOC and surgical strike and sometimes by entering Pakistan.

And carrying out airstrikes. Zionist Israel was once known for doing this work India's enemies today are being killed in different situations in foreign countries sometimes by poison, sometimes by unknown attackers who is doing this no one knows but earlier these things were heard about Israel apart from this, The stance on Pakistan occupied Kashmir has always been kept clear. Now when will this happen no one can say anything but the land snatched by the invaders has started coming back Babar had snatched the birthplace of Ram it has come back work is going on at different levels to claim Kashi and Mathura. These were the core projects of Hindutva Corridors have been built at many places of worship in which Kashi Vishwanath Corridor, Mahakal Corridor, Puri Jagannath Corridor, Badrinath and Kedarnath Corridor are prominent these things were never even disturbed.

Stone pelting at Hindu religious rallies is a common incident in India, it has never been responded to either by the government or by the Hindus, but today bulldozers immediately reach there as a symbol of justice. Yesterday, Muslim community pelted stones at bike cars of Hindus on Mumbai's Mira Road and also issued threats. Today the bulldozer has reached Mira Road. There can be a debate on whether it is right to do justice like this, but the fear of bulldozers is increasing in India and there are full possibilities of it reducing incidents like stone pelting at religious rallies. It is certain that the government is implementing its ideology, but its speed is so fast that it stops any rebellion before it gives birth.

But is this Hindutva inclusive? or discriminatory? Or based on justice? Let's look ahead Chapter 6 : What India should follow The wave of Hindutva can be seen in India, but has anyone been deprived in this wave? So let us look at some statistics and government policies in which we will see the work done by the government for the Muslim community of India. PM Awas Yojana: In this, the government builds houses for poor people, under this, 31% houses should be given to the Muslim community. 36% of the beneficiaries of Mudra Yojana i.e. the scheme that provides loans for employment come from this community. Before 2014, the school drop out rate of Muslim girls was 70%, after 2014 it fell to 30%.

Ujjwala Yojana, in which gas cylinders were given free to the poor, 37% of the beneficiaries were people of this society. Shaadi Shagun Scheme in which graduate Muslim girls get some money on marriage was run only for Muslim women. There were only 4% Muslims in government jobs till 2014 and after that it is 10%. Jan Dhan Yojana i.e. free bank account, Swachh Bharat Yojana i.e. free toilet, and the scheme of providing tap water to homes Muslim representation in all of them is around 30% on average much more than the population ratio. But what did the Hindu society suffer after India's independence? Even after independence, there has been a long period in India in which there was no feeling of pride in being a Hindu, if a Hindu girl got mehendi applied on the festival of Rakhi,.

She was punished, if a boy applied tilak on his forehead, he was punished. It was done, NCPCR had to give orders to the schools not to beat the children like this and that too for the fact that they have worn Rakhi or applied Tilak. Economists like Amartya Sen used to openly say that only Christian faith should be acceptable in Indian schools and nothing else. This was nothing but a sign of mental subjugation. And if this principle is broken and it is just said that Gita will also be taught in schools, then according to the standards of these subjugated people, India's sagging secularism starts breaking. That secularism whose reflection reeked of Hindu hatred. Nehru's secularism which prevents the leaders of India from visiting temples,.

But cannot stop himself or his family from visiting Babar's tomb, smacks of Hindu hatred. By changing the words of Gandhi's Ram Bhajan and adding the name 'Ishwar Allah Tero' to it, it became an example of secularism. And if this line is not played in the Ram temple today, then the death of secularism is considered certain. But Tera Mera Rishta Kya La Ilaha Il Lallah become slogans of anti-Hindu riots and if secularism is not invoked then such secularism stinks. If there is any such festival in the year in which majority rallies are taken out, then the news of stone pelting on those rallies comes from every place of the country where one community is more in number and in such a situation secularism does not go into decline.

Even a bit but in Hindu and Muslim areas. hatred is spread only towards the victims? Have our own Pakistans been formed in an independent country? Hundreds of articles are published in magazines in the country and abroad that Islamophobia is spreading in India, but the reality is that the majority of India is now saying that we should be given the same rights as they are giving to the minorities? When the Prime Minister of India holds an Iftar party, the secularism of India does not die, but this secular community suffers when the Prime Minister of India consecrates Lord Ram in the temple. So such secularism stinks. The majority of India is now demanding that the historical injustice done to them should be changed,.

The Worship Act of 1991 should be changed which prohibits the majority from owning temples, the Civil Code should be changed which gives special rights to the minorities of India. The viewpoint should be changed under which it is okay to wear a cap but not to wear saffron. The viewpoint should be changed in which everyone writes Eid Mubarak on Eid but says on Holi that on this day children become terrorists or women are molested or equate Diwali with pollution. Today's Hindu raises his voice against all these evils which were clothed in the garb of secularism and that is why the rotten secularism which was imposed on us through emergency appears to be dying. And when the Hindu, who had been silent for years, started speaking, they spoke the same language that Hindutva has been speaking, Hindutva became the protector of Hindus. But if seen in the true sense,.

Real secularism is where no one has special rights, where everyone is equal. Where land for Ram temple is available, 5 acres of land should also be given for the mosque, where if Gurukul teachers do not get salaries from government funds, then Maulvis of Madrasas should also not get salaries. This is what secularism means I hope you liked this episode, you will share this video with others, like the video and give your suggestions through comments. To download Kuku FM link is available in description & pinned comment Download that and get a knowlegde base You were watching AKTK. Jai Hind Jai Bharat.

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