‘Reality Focus on over with Ross Coulthart’ podcast focuses on UAPs, a bunch of mysteries | Morning in The united states


'Reality Focus on over with Ross Coulthart' podcast focuses on UAPs, a bunch of mysteries | Morning in The united states

Well hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this inaugural episode of reality check a new program here on news Nation that's going to dig into the issues that you and I care about okay this is the highly anticipated show we have all been waiting for and you can only find it right here on news Nation investigative journalist Ross coldheart.

Is teaming up with us with news Nation to bring you what's called reality check it's a new podcast diving deep into the mysteries of the unknown giving the world the truth about UFOs uaps unidentified anomalous phenomenon so let's bring in news Nation special correspondent Ross coldheart to the show Ross congrats on the new.

Podcast good I Mary good morning to you and your viewers yes good day to you uh always good to have you on the show uh it's almost perfect timing right I mean the launch of your new show considering Arrow just released its findings that it found no evidence the American government has non-human technology or has a retrieval or reverse engineering.

Program what can viewers and and listeners expect well we're not going to take what the Pentagon says on its face Mary we're going to do some digging because the audience that's the viewers out there are telling us that's what they want ever since I did the David grush interview last year we've been deluged.

With tips information Witnesses people coming forward wanting us to dig deeper and investigate and that's what we're going to do I I want to play a a clip of your debut podcast where Pentagon Papers attorney Daniel shean rebunk Arrow's report on not finding direct evidence of a crash retrieval program let's all take a listen and I'll get your take on the.

Other side did Dr sha kirpatrick lie when he made the assertion that there was no direct firsthand witness evidence provided to Arrow of a crash retrieval I I provided him under oath the exact same information that I've given to you uh and the question is whether he was taking some weird position that well.

That was a photograph and it wasn't on site but I didn't lay my hands on the craft and I could tell from the way the report was written it was kind of Wiggle language of trying to pretend that somehow they had no direct evidence but I that if from a court of law as a 50-year practicing attorney from Harvard Law School I can tell you that is direct.

Admissible firsthand testimony about the fact that there is direct visual photographic evidence of a crash retrieval program directly uh being undertaken by government officials and he knows that it existed yeah Ross you're talking about deep Dives here with fascinating voices I mean what kind of guests do you plan.

To feature on your show from here on out I I want to start looking at the issue of who are The Gatekeepers who are the people behind this alleged retrieval program who's doing the reverse engineering a lot of this is happening in the black mark it's real it's happening and we're going to find out where it's happening and who the people.

Are behind it I frankly I'm shocked at the degree of Lies being told by people in the defense department to try and conceal this program they may say they're doing it in the interests of National Security but what they're actually doing is undermining The public's confidence in government and it's time for the media I think to take.

A role to start investigating this properly I've been waiting for mainstream mad newspapers and some of the bigger TV networks and free to Air TV to start taking this seriously they're not doing it so we are yeah and just you know just to remind everybody at home I mean your reporting brought the issue of uips to the Forefront your.

Bombshell exclusive interview with David grub delved into the existence of government programs right here on news Nation it launched those Congressional hearings we were all glued to last summer uh what can we expect from The Next Episode what lies ahead well we're not just looking at uaps I have a lot of things I'm interested in for example I'm.

Interested in the mystery of the missing jet MH370 I've covered that here in Australia as a journalist and I've I've taken a very close interest in what's the story behind behind the biggest Aviation mystery in human history that's our next show but I've definitely got some very interesting UAP stories coming.

Up okay and that is what we call a tease we will all be listening and watching Ross coldheart good to have you thank you sir it's a real pleasure thank you to you and your viewers thank you yes and a huge congratulations and everybody you can watch reality check with Ross colart exclusively online just scan the QR code.

On your screen or visit news nation's website or our YouTube page for more thanks for watching everybody go to join nn.com to find newsnation on your television provider also don't forget to click that red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact- driven unbiased coverage.

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3 thoughts on “‘Reality Focus on over with Ross Coulthart’ podcast focuses on UAPs, a bunch of mysteries | Morning in The united states

  1. Ross, indubitably you realise that the ideal determined develop of having many screech insider contacts, and no proof offered or even hinted at, manner ideal you’ve profited…oh wait. Appears adore we've been scammed women and gentlemen.

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