Request Duration – February 12, 2024


Request Duration – February 12, 2024

Oral questions The Honorable leader of the opposition the Prime Minister could have followed our Common Sense plan to fix the budget stop crime and so on but instead he decided to waste $60 million when Canadians can't afford food or.

Rent and this was a scandal the arrive can app that we didn't even need which falsely sent 10,000 people into quarantine and enriched liberal cronies isn't it true that that applicate that app was not worth the cost just like the liberal government is not worth the cost The Honorable prime minister The Honorable Minister rather Mr Speaker.

We've read the auditor General's report we we've accepted her recommendations the only thing I agree with my colleague opposite on is that anyone responsible for managing taxpayer money must follow strict rules the rules in this case were not followed we accept.

The recommendations to make sure this never happens again and Mr Speaker we will always remain responsible when it comes to taxpayer money The Honorable leader of the opposition so he's going to punish those responsible for this Scandal it should start with the Prime Minister himself he should have had the courage.

To stand and defend himself rather than hiding behind another this was an app we didn't need it forced 10,000 people into quarantine when they shouldn't have it enriched contractors who did nothing they did no work and simply offered members of the liberal government whiskey that's simply.

Not worth the cost before we hear the answer I just ask everyone to please remain a bit more quiet so that the speaker can hear the questions and the answers The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and we thank the auditor general who we and we uh are in favor of her.

Recommendations around arrive can many of these recommendations have already been implemented others will be shortly including new measures to guarantee that uh deliverables are clearly identified in procurement contracts we will continue to ensure that contracts awarded by our government are done so in a responsible open way crisis of.

Doubling housing costs and 22 million people forced to food banks the Prime Minister could have followed our Common Sense plan to ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime instead he blew over $60 million on an arrive scam app that we didn't need didn't work sent 10,000 people erroneously into.

Quarantine losing income all the while the thing costed 750 times more than the Prime Minister promised won't he stand up today and admit that the app is just like him it's not worth the cost it's not worth the corruption The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker the leader of the.

Opposition knows very well that the moment there were allegations around cost overruns or inappropriate Contracting practices the Canadian Border Services Agency immediately began an internal audit and made the appropriate referrals to the appropriate authorities we take the obligation to manage taxpayers money very seriously.

Under no circumstances would we condone what the auditor general determined to be contracting practices that did not follow the rules and anybody who didn't will be held to account absolutely The Honorable leader of the opposition well if he wants to hold someone to account for the arrived scam why not hold the one person who had the authority to.

Create the arrive scam and who had the authority to stop the arve scam and that's the prime minister of can he is the government this was a government program we warned wasn't needed wouldn't work and now we know it went 750 times over budget 75% of the contractors did no work at all but they.

Did buy whiskey and other treats for the top liberal government officials again won't the Prime Minister admit the app is just like him not worth the cost not worth with the corruption The Honorable Minister for public services thank you Mr Speaker as my colleague from Public Safety said earlier we would like to thank the.

Auditor general and welcome her recommendations on the arve can application some of that report recommendation have already been implemented some will soon be implemented including the introduction of new measures to ensure that task and deliverables are clearly defined in future Professional Services contra s We.

Are continuing committed to continuing to ensure that contracts are deliver in a fair efficient and transparent manner The Honorable leader of the opposition and again the prime minister is hiding under a rock refusing to stand up and explain himself after he blew $60 million on this arrive scam while Canadians cannot afford to eat heat or.

House themselves this scam involved taking money that could be used for border security like scanning the 99 % of shipping containers that go without any inspection from our ports with stolen cars not to mention other things that Canadians could have done with that money instead it stuffed the pockets of 75% of the contractors who did no work.

Again will the Prime Minister admit that the arrive scam is not worth the cost and not worth the corruption The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker I'm surprised that the leader of the opposition would mention investing in border security when his government cut 1,000 officers that did the exact kind of work that.

He's now pretending he wants to invest in when they eliminated 50% of the intelligence capacity in the Border Services Agency to work with local Provincial Police and the RCMP so Mr Speaker we have no lessons to take in investing in border security from somebody who gutted the Border Services Agency.

The Honorable member for B sh for La rather sorry it wasn't perfect when Quebec introduced Medical Aid in dying but some people were suffering so we focused on the elements where there was a consensus we wanted to move things forward that was the Humane approach and that's the approach that's lacking today in Ottawa.

There's a consensus both in Quebec and in Canada people suffering from things like Alzheimer's should be able to make ad advaned requests why not move forward on the basis of that consensus instead of kicking the can down the road until 2027 at least do patients deserve to be abandoned until 2027 The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker.

Ma is a profoundly personal and complex situation I respect the work that Quebec has done in the advance request area we have have Canadians deserve clear standards about what is criminal and what isn't people should there there's an exception for Quebec on this issue and we will be.

Working with Quebec in the runup to the next steps Donald member for Lai by accepting this motion to postpone made until 2027 these three parties are abandoning patience they refuse to respect the consensus in Canada but what about the consensus in Quebec Quebec is ready Quebec wants to allow Advanced requests the National Assembly is.

Unanimous on this they want Advanced requests and conservative uh in Quebec agree but these conservatives here don't care because for them Quebec isn't important when will the government listen to Quebec and authorize advance request The Honorable Minister of.

Justice since the very beginning Mr Speaker when we dealt with maid we took a cautious approach we tried to balance individual autonomy with protections for vulnerable peoples we've taken a prudent approach and we want to treat these issues in a thoughtful way uh after Consulting quebecers and and that's what.

We will continue to do The Honorable member for bnab South garbage decisions the audit General found that the liberal government wasted almost $60 million on the arrive can app that no one uses and doesn't even work all at a time when Canadians are struggling to put food on the table and pay their rent or mortgage why are the liberals so.

Up colleagues colleagues I'm going to ask if as I had asked at the beginning of of question period if you could please keep your comments to the time that you have questions so I could hear the honorable member ask a question and also to hear The Honorable member answer a question.

The Honorable member from burner be south from the top please I think the conservatives were upset that I forgot to mention their their scandals with the Phoenix pay system and deoe they also have their own scand worry about I should have mentioned that as well but let's talk about the garbage decisions of this liberal government the the audit.

General found that the Liberals wasted $60 million on an app the arrive can app that no one uses and doesn't work all of the time when Canadians are struggling with their groceries and their rent why are the liberals so obsessed with making Rich Consultants richer and so out of touch with where Canadians are at The Honorable Minister for public.

Services thank you Mr Speaker and as we said earlier we are grateful to the auditor general for her report which was important and timely we have accepted all her recommendations some of them have already been implemented over the last few weeks some are being implemented we look forward to more opportunities to work with her so that.

We make our procurement system as transparent Equitable and fair as can is expected to be the honorable member for Burnaby South the auditor general found that the Liberals had wasted at least $60 million for work that the public service could have done people are unable to afford food.

And these liberals who are out of touch with reality are throwing Canadians money out the window why are the liberals so obsessed with making private Consultants Rich The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker we obviously thank the NDP leader for his question we share his concerns about the need to manage.

Taxpayer money appropriately and what the auditor general identified were circumstances that were not at all appropriate and that is why people at cbsa and pspc have taken steps the necessary steps to ensure that this type of situation never recurs we will always remain focused on managing Canadians money well a member.

From leads Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes the prime minister's AR scam was supposed to cost taxpayers $80,000 but it was confirmed by the auditor general that it in fact cost more than $60 million and after8 years of this NDP liberal prime minister we know that he's not worth the cost and he's definitely not worth the corruption and this.

Process was so corrupt that his favorite company of two guys in a base GC strategies got to write the contract for themselves to the exclusion of everybody else and we know they did no it work that's been confirmed but they got paid $20 million for their trouble so will this prime minister just admit that he's lining the pockets of insiders at the.

Expense of Canadians The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker just because our colleague repeats a series of allegations that are not borne out by the facts does not make them true abut the facts are Mr Speaker the very moment the very moment that there were.

Allegations of inappropriate Contracting practices an internal audit was begun by the president of the Border Services Agency and referrals were made to the appropriate authorities including the RCMP anybody who did not follow the Contracting rules Mr Speaker will be held to account my friend knows that and he shouldn't describe a series of.

Responsibility where it doesn't exist The Honorable member from Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands in R Lakes well Canadians want us and expect us to ascribe responsibility to the individual responsible and that's this prime minister this app was supposed to cost $80,000 it cost more than $60 million they've been under RCMP investigation.

Investigation by the procurement Ombudsman by the auditor general and the results so far are damning for this government that they've lined the pockets of insiders while Canadians are lined up at food banks it's AB absolutely unacceptable that the cost overruns have seen $20 million go to a company that did absolutely no work on.

The app why are they getting putting their friends ahead while Canadians suffer the honorable Minister for public works thank you Mr Speaker as my colleague responsible for Public Safety just said this uh misinformation and dis information is completely unacceptable what was known was that the Border had to be closed and that uh billions of.

Dollars worth of international trade were at stake what we heard from the auditor general this morning was that the situation was unacceptable so we need to work hard on making sure that things are done properly in the public service of Canada report the prime minister's arrive scan app is not worth the cost or the corruption to Canadians.

Today the auditor general informed us that AR scan an app that was supposed to cost $80,000 will now cost Canadians a minimum of $60 million it gets worse due to documentation that the AG says was deleted or destroyed it could be more than $60 million she doesn't know who worked on a rise scam if the work was.

Fulfilled to requirements or if it was even completed at all so why did the Prime Minister rig the process so that insiders get rich and taxpayers foot the bill The Honorable member for public security again Mr Speaker repeating the last part of my honorable friend friend's question does not make it true what is true Mr Speaker is that at the.

Moment Contracting practice irregularities were identified the Border Services Agency took all of the steps appropriate to determine exactly what were the facts and to hold those responsible to account in the case that that's necessary Mr Speaker the auditor general identified a series of Contracting practices that were not.

Follow followed the government does not condu own that behavior and has taken all the steps to make sure that those circumstances don't repeat themselves The Honorable member from Calgary midport every word I say is true and that member knows it the prime minister's arrive scan app is not worth the cost or corruption contractors were.

Paid over $1,000 a day even though 18% of the invoices for these contracts had no supporting documentation so we don't even know if the contractors completed the work GC strategies pocketed almost $20 million and yet completed no work themselves it gets worse they wrote the requirements for the $25 million contract that they won simple question.

For the Prime Minister how is he going to get our money back The Honorable member The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker once again the auditor general identified some Contracting practices that were clearly not followed Mr Speaker under no circumstance is that an acceptable circum St governments have.

Responsibility to manage taxpayers funds in the most effective way possible that's why we have accepted all of the auditor General's recommendations and the good news Mr Speaker is the Border Services Agency and the procurement Department had already begun to act to put in place a number of oversight measures before the auditor General's.

Report and we look forward to fully implementing everything that she suggested The Honorable member for m the prime minister's arrive K app is not worth the money it's not worth the unjustified cost it's not worth the lack of expense justification it's not worth the blatant lack of accounting practices.

And it's also not worth the 10,000 people who were qu quarantined without justification according to the auditor general the prime minister's arrive can app is not worth the minimum $60 million paid by Canadians it's not worth the corruption does the Prime Minister realize that the honorable minister of.

Public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker in times of Crisis the government of Canada has two responsibilities one is to provide for people's Safety and Security and the second is to follow their internal processes and there were tens of thousands of Canadians who died.

In the pandemic there was billions of dollars worth of international trade at risk and the borders had to be closed and so the auditor general has made some findings about unacceptable mismanagement by people at cbsa the honorable member for M uh almost all liberals voted against this investigation by the auditor.

General the app was supposed to cost 80 grand it cost and ended up costing at least 60 million the prime minister's app is not worth the cost the 750 per cost overrun GC strategies a two-person company that did no it work got $20 million and the cbsa was unable to tell the auditor general who chose to hire and pay GC strategies does the Prime.

Minister realize that it's not worth the cost or the corruption The Honorable minister of Public Service uh public um services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker during the covid crisis in 2020 there was uh a billion dollars worth of a trade at stake there were people dying every day in hospitals and long-term care the government had to act.

Quickly in spite of that the lack of information sharing and and financial practices by cbsa was unacceptable as the a auditor general reported this morning The Honorable member for Bo Liu the auditor General's report on the arrive can app is catastrophic it cost $60 million almost 20 million of which was pocketed by GC strategies and they.

Did absolutely no work the government turned a blind eye to this and contractors clearly profited from this with the help of government officials this $60 million Scandal was initially estimated to be a a contract worth only $80,000 how is it possible to have a cost overrun of 700 750 without any Minister getting.

Involved The Honorable Minister 150,000 Travelers per day cross the border and cbsa had to deal with this there was also uh food and medications that needed to cross the border so we needed an app quickly to allow these people and goods to flow on in spite of all that cbsa failed to take appropriate steps to manage all of this.

The Honorable member for Bo Liu the auditor general showed that the call for tenders for AR can was not competitive but she couldn't say who at cbsa decided to choose GC strategies there so there was no way of knowing who was responsible and while a company of just two people pocketed $20 million for.

Doing nothing why hasn't this individual been identified and held to account when it comes to arrive can accountability will arrive when The Honorable minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker in our view accountability is extremely important and that is precisely why as soon as we were.

Informed of these allegations of irregular Contracting practices we took the necessary steps we did an internal audit which is still on underway we took corrective steps where necessary and we read the audit General's report immediately today and we will follow through on everything she's suggested The Honorable member for.

Bolu arrive can cost 60 million but that's not even clear according to the auditor general the true cost is impossible to calculate because of cbsa poor financial recordkeeping but she does know that 18% of the providers gave no details with their invoices so we don't know who did what she also knows that four out of.

Five resources for evaluation evaluating security couldn't prove that real work had been done how is it possible that no one in the government sounded the alarm before this became public knowledge The Honorable minister of public uh services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and I I think it's this demonstrates how important it is for the public service.

To do their work properly even in moments of Crisis like we went through with covid-19 it's true that uh there was a danger that billions of dollars were being lost on a weekly basis in economic activity people lost their jobs and their lives because of Co but that is what that is what led to.

The information from the auditor general this morning scotch one the two insiders at GC strategies worked with the NDP liberal government to set the requirements of arrive scam contracts which GC strategies then got in other words the process was rigged the government massively overpaid for this $60 million glitchy app because the.

Process was rigged it was rigged so the GC strategies got $20 million from taxpayers and did no actual work after8 years it's clear that this prime minister's arrive scam app is not worth the cost or the corruption why did the Prime Minister rig the pro ESS to pay insiders and punish taxpayers here The Honorable Minister for Public.

Safety Mr Speaker again my colleague can repeat a series of things that the facts don't bear out what we can say Mr Speaker is that the government takes extremely seriously the obligation of public servants to follow the Contracting rules that's exactly what the president of the Canadian Border Services Agency has assured me that.

She's doing and she's also assured me that she's taken a series of corrective measures before today's auditor general report and will continue to do whatever is required to ensure that taxpayers money is always handled in the appropriate way here here The Honorable member from shood Park Fort Saskatchewan Mr Speaker everything I said is directly.

In the auditor General's report so the minister can't claim he's listening to that report and yet deny what I said well-connected insiders average $1,100 per day for work working on this contract after 8 years this prime minister is not worth the cost the crime or the corruption the prime minister's arrive scam protest was clearly rigged.

And now Canadians are out tens of millions of dollars when they can least afford it why did the Prime Minister rig the process to pay insiders and punish taxpayers here The Honorable Minister for Public Safety again Mr Speaker uh when the Border Services Agency was made aware of allegations around inappropriate.

Contracting practices the appropriate authorities were called in an internal audit was uh ordered an audit by the way which is still in progress and Mr Speaker if people did something that was not appropriate or met a criminal standard they will obviously be held to account the government has been very clear all of these processes to respect.

Taxpayers money are essential and that's exactly what we're going to put into place that's very The Honorable member for Mir Mai Grand Lake after eight years this NDP liberal government is not worth the cost or the corruption the prime minister's arrive scam app is not worth the cost or the corruption today the auditor general.

Revealed that well-connected insiders and Consultants were making $1,100 per day almost twice the inflated Government rate the auditor also found it disturbing that an app that should have cost $80,000 cost 60 million that we know of why did the Prime Minister rig the process to pay insiders and punish.

Taxpayers The Honorable member honorable Minister for public works thank you Mr Speaker again we thank the auditor general for her important report which not only we took uh we took great gratitude to see this morning but we have followed many of the recommendations that we find in that report including improving evaluation.

Requirements and work experience data increasing recordkeeping on subcontracting work and suspending authorities temporarily for task authorizations until we are confident that better procedures are not only put into place but also better monitoring The Honorable member from Edmonton Strath Kona Mr Speaker.

Unbelievably the liberal government has authorized $28.5 million of new military exports to Israel since October today a Dutch Court ruled the Netherlands must stop spending f35s to Israel Spain and Belgium have suspended arm sales but Canada continues to send arms doing nothing to ensure that they are not being used against civilians so many.

Children are being killed as Netanyahu bombs Rafa the place where Palestinians were told they'd be safe how can the minister continue to sell arms to Israel The Honorable Minister for Global Affairs thank you Mr Speaker it's important what to to make sure that we understand what we're talking about here this there's a wide range of items that.

Requireed an export permit when we look at the permits to Israel in particular let me be clear I have not received and therefore have not approved any export permits of weapons to Israel since October 7 and any permits issued since October 7 were essentially nonlethal permits Canada has a very robust export control system we abide by the UN arms.

Train treaty and we take this responsibility very seriously thank good job New West Minister bnab The Honorable M new B harmful content are costing children their lives in December a 12-year-old boy in VC died by Suicide After experiencing online sextortion sadly this is becoming more and more common and this government has done.

Nothing liberals promised to protect our kids from online harm within 100 days of the last election while they do nothing kids lives are at risk when will the Liberals start protecting children by acting on online harms here here The Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general for Canada Mr Speaker the targeting of children in.

This country is extremely troubling it is depraved and frankly I find it disgusting as a parent what the member opposite is highlighting is a problem that absolutely requires a remedy what we are proposing is comprehensive legislation that will do everything necessary to keep Canadian children safe safe from.

Safe from those who would Prey Upon them in online spaces safe from those who would keep them away from their parents and the protection that they need that is the type of protection we will legislate and we will do it forth with the honorable member from Calgary Sky View Mr Speaker the war in Gaza has been devastating for so many innocent.

Palestinians Gaza is one of the worst places in the world to be while we were the first Western Government to actively provide life-saving Aid The Silence from the party opposite has been deafening can the minister of International Development please tell us how important it is that we all come together and support efforts of get Aid to those.

Desperate civilians who have been devastated by this war The Honorable Minister for International Development uh Mr Speaker the warning Gaza has been devastating to so many innocent civilian uh Palestinian civilians that is why our government has provided more than $100 million in humanitarian Aid making us one of the.

Top donors in the world I was recently disappointed to hear uh comments made by the Conservative candidate for York Center saying that any and all Aid to Palestinian civilians will somehow fund terrorism even through the Red Cross so while the conservatives are indifferent to Palestinian civilian suffering we will remain steadfast in.

Supporting humanitarian support to Palestinian civilians that is nonsense and you know it the honorable member from Sherwood Park fors scatch one please is an experienced member and understands that the people who have the floor should be talking The Honorable member from.

Branford Brandt Mr Speaker two words for this government jaw dropping today the auditor general revealed that the Prime Minister paid almost $20 million to GC strategies for his arve scam this two-person consultant company working out of their basement performed no actual it work on the app this amount is double what the government previously.

Reported will the Prime Minister admit that he rigged the system to pay well-connected liberal insiders while fleecing taxpayers terrible terrible The Honorable minister for public works thank you Mr Speaker in a time of Crisis a responsible government has two responsibilities first to protect the health and safety of its.

Citizens second to ensure the efficiency of its internal system what we know from covid-19 is that a daily cost of $1 billion in economic cost to Canadians occurred every day what we also know that hundreds of thousands of no hundreds of people were dying every week but at the same time this is no excuse for the time of the type of.

Recommendation and finding that the auditor general deposited today and that's why we are going to continue to implement the honorable member from Branford Grant Mr Speaker as outlined by the auditor general the pandemic urgency can never justify corruption and oversight failures outlined in this report the awarding of contractors favor.

GC strategies securing almost $20 million without competition the cbsa disregard for basic management practices compromised accountability competition and value for money this prime minister is not worth the cost crime or corruption will flee Canadian taxpayers get their money back here here The Honorable Minister for Public.

Safety Mr Speaker uh I agree with my colleague that a global pandemic and the rush to put in place a series of measures to protect the health and saf of Canadians does not uh does not exclude public servants from following the appropriate Contracting rules that are in place so Mr Speaker we agree with the auditor general when she says that.

Those rules were not followed in a way that was acceptable and Mr Speaker as we've said we're putting in place and we already have put in place a series of measures to ensure that this circumstance is never repeat it again Che The Honorable member for sh Mr Speaker today we found out about the auditor General's disastrous report on.

Arve can this confirms that there was a scandalous lack of oversight and transparency in his mandate letter the former president of the treasury board was supposed to and I quote raised the bar for government openness efficiency and transparency the member for Quebec was responsible for auditing spending on these contracts contracts totaling.

Millions of dollars will the former president of the treasury board apologized to Canadians for having failed in his duties The Honorable minister of public services and procurement Canada thank you Mr Speaker and thank you to my colleague for reminding us of the importance of responsible government a.

Responsible government protects the health and safety of its people especially in a crisis like covid-19 which is the worst crisis in a century and the worst economic crisis since the 1930s we had to act swiftly to save hundreds thousands even of lives but despite that we find that the auditor General's conclusions and.

Findings are unacceptable and next time we will have to do better The Honorable member of sh Mr Speaker I would like to remind the minister that he was president of the treasury Board of Canada it was his responsibility to ensure that Public Funding was properly managed now during the P that period during the pandemic 23.

Companies received hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts businesses which were not named they were listed as companies A B C D and so on on the government website I raised this issue in Committee in 2021 today we've received confirmation that there was I quote blatantly disregarded basic management practices can the former.

President of the treasury board admit that he failed in his duty to protect Canadian taxpayers money The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker one of the duties of the Canadian government at the time was to ensure that the border with the United States would remain.

Open for hundreds of thousands of Canadians transiting the border every day and billions of dollars in equipment food medications that that would continue transiting through as well that was why we created arive can so that the United States led by President Trump would not fully close the border because we.

Needed all those things and people going through the border and that was important in my writing and in the writing of my conservative colleague The Honorable member forx Mr Speaker everyone can see that the Liberals have been irresponsible when it comes to immigration but they can change they can start mending phase tenses.

Today they can support the block kbea motion to consult Quebec in order to review immigration targets based on intake capacity they can also send a clear signal immediately with a single stroke of a pen Mr Speaker they can write quebecers a check for 470 million to pay pay for the intake of Asylum Seekers since 2021 Mr Speaker will the.

Government finally reimburse quebecers The Honorable immigration refugees and citizenship Minister thank you Mr Speaker I'm sure that the member across the way agrees with me that immigration is an indispensable resource for Canada for Quebec and for our economy what the member is proposing is a motion that kbec wasn't even consulted.

On and now the member is acting as spokesperson for other provinces even though we consult with those provinces annually we have made responsible decisions and we will continue making responsible decisions with responsible governments well the Liberals they don't want to face reality when it comes to immigration Quebec's immigration.

Capacity has been exceeded it has been exceeded in particular because of the federal government's inaction on Asylum Seekers since 2021 our public services and community organizations have been shouldering a completely disproportionate share of their responsibility for receiving Asylum Seekers Quebec is doing too much while.

All other provinces except Ontario are doing too little will the federal government finally call on the provinces that are not doing their fair share the honorable immigration refugees and citizenship Minister well there are two provinces doing more than their fair share Ontario and Quebec Quebec has done a lot of work work to welcome Asylum.

Seekers those who arrive at the Trudeau airport and those who arrive at roxom road but we have transferred $5.2 billion do to Quebec since 2015 half of that funding is from our government for temporary housing we will do more and we can work together Eagle Creek earlier today we learned that the prime minister's arrive scam app was not.

Worth the cost or the corruption the OT General found a glaring disregard for mismanagement practices the process was rigged from the beginning which appears to be business as usual after eight years of this NDP liberal government taxpayers are paying a high price for Liberal insiders and Canadians want answers will the NDP liberal Coalition.

Come clean with Canadians or continue the cover up the honorable Minister for Public Safety again Mr Speaker far from cover up this government has cooperated with parliamentary inquiries that are looking into this matter our government proactively sent internal audit reviews to a parliamentary committee and the.

Conservative chair decided not to share them with the members so Mr Speaker we have no lessons to take on acting in a transparent manner we have said from the beginning that any allegations of inappropriate Contracting practices need to face the most severe consequences that's exactly what this government will do Che them The Honorable member from.

Carlton Trail Eagle Creek well this from the minister responsible for cl clam scam after 8 years it has never been clearer this prime minister's AR ride scan app is not worth the cost or the corruption rules were ignored the government overpaid and Canadians are kept in the dark the system is so corrupt that only this prime minister.

Could have thought it up the rot starts at the top this NDP liberal government is trying to cover it up will this Coalition allow the study of arrive scam to continue or will they shut it down to keep their buddies safe The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker my colleague refers to the work of a parliamentary committee as.

I said in the previous answer our government has collaborated at all times with the Parliamentary committee Mr Speaker the president of the Border Services Agency at my suggestion sent a copy of the preliminary internal audit to the committee the conservative chair decided not to share it with the members because it might somehow prevent them.

From asking a series of partisan questions to bureaucrats who were there to appear before the committee so Mr Speaker we have been transparent and will continue to be at all times have the hble member for Ley L Mr Speaker after eight years of this government's incompetence here's some more evidence that they're not worth the.

Cost or the corruption get this the arrive can app had a starting budget of 880,000 and it ended up costing over 60 million that's 700 times more expensive than anticipated Mr Speaker what was there in between 80,000 60 million well bogus invoices paid out of the pockets of Canadian taxpayers can we we find out who received all this money this is a.

Scandal of Epic Proportions The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker the Scandal would have been if the Canadian government hadn't taken its responsibility of protecting the health and safety of Canadians including in the writing of leer where.

Hundreds of people's jobs depended on effective efficient Rapid Transit between Canada and the United States a billion dollars in trade every day but despite that the auditor General's recommendations this morning are caused for concern and we will continue to work on them and address them over the upcoming weeks The Honorable member for.

Mwasa rest aou Mr Speaker economic indicators in Canada seem to indicate that Canada is in an enviable position faced with the rest of the world but some Canadians are still concerned about affordability and about the economy can the minister tell us about some recent economic successes and what they mean for our overall.

Growth The Honorable Innovation Minister thank you Mr Speaker I thank my colleague for his excellent question yes Canadians are concerned currently but there are some important economic gains that will be significant and positive for Canadians for instance last month our omy created 37,000 jobs in Canada unemployment is going down and women's.

Participation in the labor force has hit record highs we have also made generational historic investments in biom manufacturing in natural resources and in other Industries Canada is positioning positioning itself as an economic leader of the 21st century Mr Speaker after eight years of this NDP liberal government it's clear that this.

Prime minister is not worth worth the cost and what else isn't worth the cost the prime minister's $60 million adscam app what started out as an $80,000 app is now at $60 million and the auditor general can confirm that it won't go higher taxpayers do not get value for the prime minister's $60 million Adan app as they as the auditor general has.

Stated will the Prime Minister come clean and tell us how much taxpayers are going to be truly fleeced for his arve scam app The Honorable Minister for Public Safety Mr Speaker once again our government has at the very first opportunity when these allegations were made taken all of the appropriate steps.

To ensure that taxpayers money is respected the Border Services Agency President ordered an internal uh investigation those were preliminary findings were shared with the committee for which my honorable colleague is very familiar it's too bad that the chair of that committee chose not to share for example that report with the members of.

The committee our government is being transparent and will always be to ensure that taxpayers money is well spent here here The Honorable member from Edmonton West speaker it was that Minister's Department that hid the RCMP investigation from the auditor general Mr Speaker was also his party that had those documents on Wednesday.

And what did they do with it they kill a bustered and then voted to excuse the witness it's very clear this government every chance they get will cover up the arve cam arve cam Scandal so quick question what is the government trying to hide when will it truly come clean on Ares SC The Honorable Minister for Public.

Safety whoops Mr Speaker obviously the government is interested in the utmost transparency in this matter that's why the president of the Border Services Agency and her officials appeared before the committee that's why Mr Speaker an internal investigation was ordered my colleague referred to a referral to the RCMP it may surprise him but it's not.

Politicians that direct the operational work of the Canadian the Royal Canadian Mounted Police so we can't speak to what exact investigations are being done we have full conf idence that they will hold those to account in the case that that's merited the honorable member from Perth Wellington Mr Speaker for two years.

Parliamentary committees have been investigating the Cozy relationship between government officials and highly paid insiders documents table that committee showed that the two person in a basement firm GC strategies were hosting dinners and whiskey tastings for the same government officials who were given.

Multi-million contracts all while government officials were getting mighty High bonuses can the chair of the mighty government operations committee inform this house when the committee will next meet and when we will get answers for all Canadians The Honorable chair of the government operations committee Mr.

Speaker this Wednesday at government operations and estimates uh the auditor general will be appearing on her arrive can audit given today's report we will be or sorry ordering the past and present Ministers of Public Safety procurement health and treasury boards past and present to answer for RVE can mismanagement and waste GC strategies.

Who we now learned were paid $20 million will be issued as summons ordering their appearance the committee will call every witness and compel every document to hold the government to account on arrive cab The Honorable member from St John's East Mr Speaker like many people across this country I have been deeply disturbed by.

Attacks member from St John's East I'm going to ask members please to allow the chair to hear the questions and the answers from all members The Honorable member from St John's E from the top please thank you Mr Speaker like many people across the country I have been deeply disturbed by attacks from the premier of new brunwick.

Saskatchewan and now Elberta on vulnerable 2s lgtbq plus students who are looking for privacy dignity and a safe place to be who they are far too often for this group home is not a safe place to the minister of employment Workforce Development what can our government and people that believe in inclusion do to fight this.

Discrimination good question good question The Honorable minister for economic devel since Danielle Smith took to social media to threaten the Privacy the safety and the Dignity of queer and trans students I have spoken to countless individuals have told me how terrified they are about the discriminatory actions taken by the.

Provincial government I have one message for every person in Alberta who believes in the inclusive and Equitable province that we know it is to be what they need to do Mr speakers call the silent conservative MPS in this room call the mlas in Alberta so that we can kill this bill before it gets to the floor of the.

Legislature The Honorable member from London fansa out of touch liberals show time and again that they don't have the backs of Brewery workers Liberals are set to drastically increase the tax on beer in April this will hurt Brewery small businesses restaurants and their unionized workers risk losing their jobs.

Workers deserve better will the minister listen and reverse her decision to increase costs on those who are already struggling to keep their doors open good question good question The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance um I'm really glad to have a question about Canadian workers and Canadian jobs.

Because it gives me a chance to share some good news that we got on Friday the Canadian economy in January added 37,000 new jobs that means we have 1.1 million more jobs than we had before Co hit unemployment fell to 5.7% and you know what that is lower than it was at any time when Steven Harper was prime minister.

wow The Honorable member from kitner Center Mr Speaker hazim is a member of my community with family members trapped in Gaza including his brothers sister and mother like so many he worries he won't be able to get them to safety because unlike Ukraine this government has imposed an arbitrary cap of a.

Thousand people who can qualify for special immigration measures wor still other countries like Iceland have been successful in getting family a members out in 2024 while Canada hasn't what is the Minister doing to compel Israel to allow Canadian Visa holders to leave Gaza The Honorable Minister for immigration refugees and citizenship.

Thank you Mr Speaker it is inaccurate that we have been unable to extract people from Gaza in 2024 we have a unique program unique in the world to get family members of Canadians out from Gaza it has have yet been unsuccessful because of uncooperation from local authorities at the Rafa Gates we urge them we urge them to help us in getting.

Those people across the border that said I have asked my department to review the humanitarian terms of the program to make sure they are complying with our obligations without compromising the security of Canadians we will get people out Mr Speaker and so brings us to the end of oral questions.

Today I see the honorable

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