Request Interval – February 13, 2024


Request Interval – February 13, 2024

oral questions the Prime Minister and his arrive scam app are not worth the cost or the corruption after the revelations of corruption waste and so on by the auditor general yesterday I wrote to the.

RCMP to ask them to expand the criminal investigation into the arve scam Scandal the Prime Minister has a history of blocking criminal investigations will he allow the RCMP to investigate him and his arve scam Scandal the right honorable prime minister the covid-19 pandemic was something that happens once not not just.

Once in a generation but once in a century and all the decisions we made were with a view to protecting Canadians clearly we all expect the rules to be followed by the public service and by others and we expect the RCMP and the authorities to do their job but we should recall that this is the government that is concerned about.

Border security the conservative party keeps voting against assistance for cbsa against assistance to strengthen our Borders The Honorable leader of the oppos position well when it comes to corruption Mr Speaker the revelations yesterday are the following one that the company that benefited drafted the terms.

Of the contract second two people working in uh the basement of a house received $20 million under a contract for an app that should have only cost $80,000 there was also whiskey given to officials will the Prime Minister respect the independence of the criminal investigation the right honorable prime.

Minister of course Mr Speaker we will always encourage and cooperate with authorities in doing their job and that's what they'll do the public service must also follow the rules and if those aren't followed there will be consequences we welcome with open arms the auditor General's report it's.

Important to ensure that taxpayer money is being managed appropriately even at a time when we're investing to protect Canadians from coast to coast we still need to make sure the rules have been followed honorable leader of the opposition this prime minister and his arrived scam are not worth the cost or.

The corruption after yesterday's auditor general re revelation of corruption waste and mismanagement I have written the RCMP asking them to expand their criminal investigation into the prime minister's arrive scam he has a track record of blocking criminal investigations he tried to protect snc lavalin from prosecution he blocked the.

RCMP from investigating his illegal vacation to billionaire Island will he stay out of the way or will he again try to block the rcmp's criminal investigation into a RI scam right honorable prime minister the covid-19 pandemic was a once in a generation even once in a century occurrence in which every.

Decision we took uh was designed to protect Canadians lives at the same time Mr Speaker even in a situation like that there are rules that need to be followed and we expect and all Canadians expect public servants to follow those rules uh and we will of course uh encourage uh the RCMP to do its work but it doesn't take politicians even leaders of the.

Opposition to tell the RCMP to do their job they do their job Mr Speaker and they do it well The Honorable leader of the opposition they do their job unless the Prime Minister blocks them from doing their job like he did in his criminal offense where he he committed the crime of accepting a gift from someone who was.

Seeking a government contract from him he blocked the rmp from investigating him and he you know covid-19 is something he saw as a once in a generation opportunity to fill the pockets of his friends whether it was the Wii Scandal which he in which his family received a half million dollar or whether it was Frank bis or now the.

Arrive scam will he stay out of the way and let the police investigate him and his corrupt government in in AR scan right honorable prime minister speaker even a few years later in the pandemic we see the conservative leader reverts to type while we were focusing on protecting Canadians every Poss possible way we could they were pedling.

Conspiracy theories Mr Speaker about vaccinations about what have you so while he continues to make personal attacks we're going to continue to make sure we're delivering for Canadians and yes we will make sure that all rules are followed and there are consequences for people who broke the laws or broke the broke the rules but we will continue to.

Be there for Canadians while he plays partisan games good answer The Honorable leader of the opposition proof that he's not worth the cost or the corrupt he's now calling the auditor general a conspiracy theorist now that she's revealed that his arrive scam went from $80,000 to at least $60 million and counting that two insiders.

Got $20 million working from their home basement from this prime minister that top liberal government officials accepted high-end whiskies and dinners in exchange for contracts that they let the contractors write for themselves so once again will he stay out of the way and let the police investigate his government or really try to block it.

Again the right honorable prime minister the leader of the opposition needs to work on his French I think he just needs to work on his listening skills because in French two answers ago I complimented and thanked the auditor general for her work in ensuring that rules are followed and processes have consequences if they are uh MISD done.

This is a fact that we know that even during a pandemic uh we need to be stepping up uh to protect people along the rules that's why there will be consequences uh for anyone who broke those rules or those laws while we continue to do everything we need to do to deliver for Canadians to support people uh in their daily lives and build.

A better future for all Canadians The Honorable member for B sh my colleague from mcom made a proposal in connection with medical assistance in dying that would allow the final decision to be delayed when it comes to mental illness in general while at the same time accommodating patients or future.

Patients uh in terms of advanced requests and in keeping with Quebec's Desires in that context The Accelerated passage of the motion that's currently before the house is possible would the Prime Minister vote in favor of the member of monom from monom 's Amendment right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we all know.

That medical assistance in dying or maid is a difficult and very personal choice that individuals and families have to make in very difficult times in their lives we know as a government and as a parliament that we are responsible for ensuring that vulnerable people are protected but at the same time that people's choices and rights are.

Respected should they choose to access maid we will continue the conversation including with the government of Quebec to find the best path to follow for everyone The Honorable member for Bell shamb well perhaps he should be talking to us we're right here in this Parliament this is an opportunity to avoid problems for him with the.

Conservative right-wing the religious right-wing and perhaps even some people in his own caucus this isn't opportunity to show that here in this Parliament we can find common ground and respect choices that are difficult and personal without it taking forever this is not a time to uh do anything other than making the.

Compassionate and Humane decisions the right honorable prime minister I'd like to thank the block Kika for contributing to this debate in a compassionate and thoughtful way this is the typee of conversation we should keep having here in this Parliament how can we best protect Canadians how can we best uh respect everyone's choices and decisions.

So we will continue to work on this we'll continue to work with the provinces that are involved and we will ensure that Canadians well-being all Canadians well-being is at the heart of whatever decisions we make in this very complex and difficult file going to be self the liberal appointed housing Advocate.

Gave this government a failing grade today she says homelessness encampments are a manifestation of how broken our housing and homeless system is she describes it as life or death crisis while this prime minister says he could have and should have done more to build housing it shows out of touch he is so will the Prime Minister take this crisis.

Seriously follow the recommendations and ensure people have a safe place to call home the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker I very much welcome the interest and the efforts of the new Democratic party to support us in everything that we're doing on delivering on housing we recently signed housing accelerator agreements with.

Quebec with Nunavut with cities across the country to unlock over 500,000 new homes we introduced a suite of new measures to unlock the construction over 600,000 new apartments we crack down on short-term rental rentals to unlock up to 30,000 more Apartments we introduced a mortgage Charter we're continuing to step up on measures to counter.

Homelessness which is something that far too many Canadians are experiencing during these difficult times will keep being there for people to have the honorable member for Burnaby South heard the housing Advocate gave a failing grade to their government according to the liberal.

Appointed housing Advocate homeless encampments are a manifestation of how broken in our housing and homelessness system is she calls it a life and death crisis meanwhile all the prime minister has to say is that he would have could have should have done more will the Prime Minister give his head a shake and stop listening to nothing but the advice.

Of corporate landlords and help renters in this country the right honorable prime minister on the contrary Mr Speaker we will continue to listen to community organizations to Municipal partners and provincial Partners we will continue to work hand inand we're signing agreements to accelerate uh housing Construction in.

Quebec and all across the country to have more than 50,000 new houses built and 600,000 new apartment units we're still dealing with the problem of short-term rentals and we're also dealing de with the problem of homelessness and people in vulnerable situations but we still have a lot of work to do years of this NDP liberal.

Prime minister we know that corruption is a feature and not a bug snc lavaland we charity and now the prime ministers AR skim at Millions the Canadians won't get back the grift and the mismanagement runs so deep that the Auditors couldn't even figure out how much got shipped off to Liberal insiders so after what we learned yesterday will the Prime.

Minister join us in calling the for the RCMP to get to the bottom of all of it every single dollar The Honorable Minister for public works thank you Mr Speaker and as we said yesterday we welcome the auditor General's report and we'll follow all of her recommendations when it comes to arrive cam as the minister for Public.

Safety said yesterday some of the recommendations in the report have already been implemented including implementing new measures to guarantee that tasks and deliverables are clearly defined in Professional Services contracts thank you Mr Speaker Thorn Hill Minister the call is coming from inside of the house they want Canadians.

To believe that they unknowingly got robbed Blind by their own liberal insiders and that they are going to get to the bottom of the prime minister's arve scam app which by the way didn't work we didn't need and where 75% of contractors did no work but had time to buy the government whiskey he is not worth the cost and he is not worth the.

Corruption and Canadians want their $60 million doll back no one trusts them to investigate themselves so will the Prime Minister stand up right here right now and call in the mounties minister of public services and procurement thank you to our colleague for the question as we said yesterday we.

Thank again the auditor general for her recommendations on on the review of the arrive can application some of the reports recommendations have already been implemented including the introduction of new measures to ensure the task and deliverables are clearly defined in Professional Services contracts our departments take very.

Seriously their duty to optimize resources exactly The Honorable member from Barry innisville R scam is just like the Prime Minister not worth the cost and not worth the corruption the investigation and damning Report issued by the the auditor general on a cam even shocked her but really after 8 years of this NDP.

Liberal government no one should be shocked by the level of incompetence and wasteful spending Canadians have seen from this prime minister now a reasonable thinking person could conclude from the report that arve scam has reached a level of criminality will the Prime Minister join conservatives and call on the RCMP to expand an.

Investigation into AR scam based on the revelations in the auditor General's report The Honorable permanent secretary to the minister of Public Safety as we've said in this house time and time again any misconduct in the procurement process is unacceptable we accept that the president of the cbsa has initiated internal Audits and issued some initial.

Reports Mr Speaker she has also referred some of the concerning reports to the RCMP but members opposite should know it's not politicians who direct the RCMP it's the RCMP who does this work and the RCMP will set the Mandate for wherever the case may lead and we will accept that work the honorable member from Barry.

Innisville the question was a simple one really Mr Speaker but after eight years of this NDP liberal government who in this place or across Canada expects a proper response from a prime minister who's not worth the cost and not worth the corruption the AG's report causes a reasonable person to conclude that what happened with with a Riv scam has.

Reached a level of criminality that must be investigated so I'm going to ask again will the Prime Minister join conservatives and call on the RCMP to expand an investigation into a r scam based on the revelations that were contained in the auditor General's report The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Public.

Safety Mr Speaker we obviously accept the auditor General's report we thank her for this work there are obviously some concerning Alle ations uh being initiated this is precisely why cbsa initiated the audit this is precisely why they then referred some materials to the RCMP Mr Speaker it doesn't matter how many times the conservatives say it.

Politicians do not direct police investigations it's the RCMP who will do this work and we trust that they will follow the evidence and again procurement with any misconduct will come with consequences The Honorable member Mr Speaker yesterday the auditor.

General confirmed our worst suspicions the app arrive can app cost 60 million instead of 80,000 and she said that the the files are in such a shoddy state that it's impossible to calculate the true cost this is unheard of we need to know is this a matter of gross incompetence or corruption will the government ask the.

RCMP to investigate further The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker there's a number of things we know the RCMP operates at arms length and as the Prime Minister just said we have confidence in their ability to do their job secondly the auditor general did indeed reveal some shocking conduct.

In the public service and this is undesirable despite how urgent it was to take action and provide assistance to millions of Canadians many of the recommendations have already been implemented and others will be shortly The Honorable member for Char Mr Speaker seems to me that when you want to shed light on thing things a.

Simple yes or no answer would do we also learned that GC strategies got $20 million and there was no paperwork to confirm that anything was requested or delivered and GC strategies even got to set the terms of their contract if the government has nothing to hide they should say yes we want an RCMP investigation and we want it the scope.

Of that investigation to be expanded will they yes or no The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker once again in a free democracy it's not the government or governments that dictate to the police how they should do their jobs that's not how things work in a democracy like ours that we're fortunate enough to live in but public servants.

Have responsibilities the auditor general did find shortcomings in the work done by the public service and uh this is this is something that we need to take seriously The Honorable member for monom Mr Speaker medical assistance in dying made is about free choice the role of government is not to decide for.

Others it the role of government is to provide the conditions for free and informed Choice those who don't want made simply don't have to ask for it the National Assembly is unanimous Quebec is ready and has its own legislation will the federal government amend the criminal code to allow Advanced requests for people who are suffering the hon.

Minister of Justice and attorney general of Canada Mr Speaker I have deep respect for the crucial work that Quebec has done in the area of advanced requests Canada has just one criminal code and that's for a good reason Canadians deserve to have consistent standards around what is criminal and what is not there is no easy solution that would.

Allow for Quebec to have an exemption from the criminal code in this area but we will undertake to work with Quebec to contemplate the next steps thank you The Honorable member for monom Quebec would not have to ask for an exemption if Ottawa had applied the majority recommendations on Advanced requests tabled a year ago by the.

Special committee today Quebec is ready and patients shouldn't have to suffer because of the government's foot dragging the federal government has two choices they can either offer this exception from the criminal code immediately or introduce legislation on Advan requests will they make the Humane choice and show some compassion The.

Honorable Minister of Justice and attorney general of Canada Mr Speaker maid is a deeply personal and complex choice we're trying to strike a balance between individual autonomy and protecting vulnerable people we have Tak taken an approach from the outset that is cautious and we owe Canadians and CBE.

Backers an approach that is thoughtful and cautious The Honorable member for tban let's recap the emergency account situation if we project the figures nearly 15 150,000 smmes were unable to repay nearly two thou 200,000 companies have had to take on debt to repay in addition some 50,000 entrepreneurs are.

Still looking for refinancing the federal government has a way of knowing the precise State of Affairs and ensuring as as few bankruptcies as possible it could do so by examining files Case by casee that's what we've been calling for from the start why do they always refuse The Honorable Minister Mr.

Speaker almost 80% of small businesses repaid their emergency loan own given that it's Black History Month I'd like to point out that there's a black entrepreneurship program that's a historic investment of 266 million which to date has helped over 9,000 entrepreneurs the government of Canada.

Has approved uh some $50 million in assistance thank you Mr speaker Falls speaker the 60 million arrive scam app is just like the Prime Minister after 8 years not worth the cost not worth the corruption and what did Canadians receive for their hard-earned tax dollars and that that was 750 times over budget required 177 updates forced.

10,000 people into quarantine by error and caused chaos at our borders ruining any chance of a tourism recovery will the PM join us and call on the MP to expand its investigation based on yesterday's shocking report from the auditor general The Honorable parament secretary to the minister of Public Safety Mr.

Speaker any misconduct during a procurement process is completely unacceptable this is precisely why when the cbsa Learned of some irregularities they immediately initiated an internal audit based on some of that work Mr Speaker they referred some of these elements to the RCMP it's unfortunate when situations.

Like this occur but Mr Speaker it is also the fact that the cbsa has been following the process to ensure that something like this can never happen again and that any wrongdoing comes with consequences The Honorable member from Niagara Falls speaker fact the headline of the auditor General's report on the disastrous liberal arrive scam app said.

It best glaring disregard for basic man management and Contracting practices this report is a metaphor of 8 years of liberal mismanagement incompetence and disregard for hardworking Canadians this app is just not just like the Prime Minister after eight years not worth the cost not not worth the corruption again I will ask will the PM join us and call.

On the N RCMP to expand its investigation based on the revelations of yesterday's shocking auditor General's report The Honorable secretary to the minister of Public Safety Mr Speaker as I've said before it is not politicians who direct investigations with the RCMP and the RCMP will determine the scope as the evidence uh.

Permits Mr Speaker it is important to know that any wrongdoing and misconduct in procurement will come with consequences we have confidence that the cbsa is completing this work they're doing initial Audits and as I've said the RCMP is looking into the matters where necessary I have you member for.

M Mr Speaker imagine for a moment that you award an emergency contract to fix a leak in the roof of your official Residence at the farm you hire a contractor who tells you it'll cost $20,000 you give him the contract he starts work then sends you a first invoice for $500,000 with no explan ation are you going to pay it no.

Questions asked well that's exactly what happened with the prime minister's arrive can app the auditor general sought the udman saw it and no one in the pmo saw it it's hard to believe Mr Speaker will the Prime Minister join us and ask the RCMP to expand its investigation to include all of the allegations The Honorable minister of.

Public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker as we've already said a number of times today and yesterday we thank the auditor general for her report we note duly the shocking revelations we understand that the circumstances were urgent but that's no excuse for breaking the rules thank you Mr.

Speaker The Honorable member for the prime minister's ran app has forced the quarantine of 10,000 Canadians in error the application was supposed to cost 80 grand and now it's $60 million the families waiting in line at food banks deserve better answers and the workers whose taxes are going to go.

Up again are angry at having to foot the bill will the Prime Minister who's not worth the cost commit to giving back to families who paid for work that was never to delivered the money he wasted on the arrive can app The Honorable Minister thank you Mr Speaker my colleague surely understands our answer now we've repeated it many times we.

Thank the auditor general for her report we take note of the errors and missteps mentioned in her reports many of her recommendations we've already started implementing and the rest we will continue to implement in the upcoming weeks we acted in an urgent emergency situation we had to protect the lives of thousands of Canadians across Canada but.

Unfortunately things were not done at the standards we expect of public servants member from nun the Supreme Court's decision affirmed what we already know indigenous peoples have the right to make decisions about their own children youth and families the federal government must ensure indigenous children receive the care they need.

Without delays indigenous Services plans to Sunset over 7 billion in programs like Jordan's principle and inate child first initiative will the minister commit to reversing her decision to make these cuts and invest in the programs and Indigenous Children and Youth need here theor pal mph secretary to the minister for Crown indigenous relations.

I'd like to thank the member opposite for her question and and her accurate statement of the law it was a big victory not only for indigenous people it was a big victory for Canada on Friday not only does the case say that indigenous self-determination is available for indigenous youth but it also interweaves like a braid indigenous.

Laws undrip and the notion of legislative reconciliation in this house I think everyone would be better served if they are able to read this case and reflect on it in this house The Honorable member from Winnipeg Center Mr Speaker last Sunday the community of Carmen Manitoba witnessed a tragedy when a mother and her three.

Children and her niece were murdered mured with her husband as the main suspect this reminds us that we desperately need shelters and safe housing for women and families and mental health supports to prevent femicide but this government has defunded women's shelters while mental health needs continue to go unmet will.

The minister increase support for shelters and Mental Health Services to stop violence against women and children The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker it's not lost on us the scale of the tragedy that took place and we Endeavor to continue to do our part uh.

To see that Justice is done but it's important as we go forward that we continue to invest in the projects that are going to provide people with the Safety and Security of living in a home that uh that prevents this kind of incident from happening our programs do Provide support to shelters and transitional housing in particular for.

Women fleeing uh violence and we're going to look for additional opportunities to make Investments necessary to continue to build out the uh uh network of homes uh that will help prevent these kinds of tragedies in the future The Honorable member for ponac speaker affordable daycare is so important it's essential to provide.

Women with the freedom to choose whether they decide to stay home raise their kid or pursue their career but in most cases balancing both but women in my writing Mr Speaker tell me that they have trouble finding spots in the daycare um so can the minister of family update this house on exactly what the discussion she has with provinces to.

Ensure the success of the $10 daycare the minister of families and Social Development thank you Mr Speaker the Canada wide system is making life more affordable for Canadian families by delivering on $10 a day child care in now seven provinces or ter and 50% reduction across the country as.

Fees have reduced of course demand has increased for these spots and we've seen an increase in the number of spots available with 82,000 new spaces announced by the provinces and territories the provinces and territories signed on to help build this system together and we will work with them to hold them account to do so thank.

You m The Honorable member from Edmonton riverb so the Prime Minister found over 60 million for his arrive scam app but he continues to want to increase the carbon tax by 23% on April 1st now we are seeing the far-left NDP Alberta leadership candidates way in and I quote nobody is on board with what the Prime.

Minister did with the federal carbon tax he absolutely broke trust and broke confidence after 8 years of failure how can you continue to raise this carbon tax on Canadians The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker as the Parliamentary budget.

Officer has reiterated many times eight out of 10 Canadians get bit more from carbon pricing back than than what they pay and carbon pricing Works Mr Speaker it helps reduce pollution in Canada something that the conservative party campaigned on during the 2021 election campaign the difference between them and us is that on this side of the house we.

Are serious about fighting climate change and working with Canadians to help them face affordability issues The Honorable member from Edmonton Riverbend well I have more Mr Speaker the uh another Alberto leadership candidate said and I quote there's no way people can be on board with a federal plan even when the Prime.

Minister isn't on board when he's playing games with it and another one said we must move away from a consumer carbon tax and another one said the federal carbon Levy is dead when he loses support of the far-left Alberta NDP this Minister must know he has a problem will he cancel his carbon tax before April 1st once and for.

All the honorable Minister for the environment and climate change Mr Speaker since we're we're talking about Alberta I wonder if the Conservative Party of Canada and its leader support the freeze that the provincial government has put on 30 billion dollar worth of investment thousands of jobs are at risk in Alberta because of the.

Reckless decision of the Premier to freeze renewable energy development the fastest sector for energy development in this country Mr Speaker what has the conservative party have to say about that nothing because they don't care about Economic Development they don't care about fighting climate change and they don't care about helping Canadians.

Exactly The Honorable member from Seria Lampton well Mr Speaker the prime minister wasted more than $60 million on his arrive can scam app and uh he's going to make Canadians Pay More by quadrupling the carbon tax it's going up 23% on April the 1st and so after eight years of this liberal NDP government it's no surprise but this prime minister.

Is not worth the cost why do Canadians have to foot the bill for this government's corrupt spending s The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change right now in Canada Mr Speaker we have a province in ont in Alberta that has to be talking about rationing water next summer because of climate impacts we.

Have atmospheric rivers in British Columbia that is affecting thousands of people ski resort that have to close down we're we're seeing the cost of climate change that have not double not triple that have increased 10 times over the last decade what is the answer of the Conservative Party of Canada make pollution free again Mr Speaker let the.

Biggest most profitable and polluting countries get off the hook not on this side of the house Mr Speaker we will fight colleagues it's important once again to remind ourselves that when we take the floor we're expected to listen to the questions and also to listen to the answers I ask all me members to.

Please restrain themselves and please follow the leadership of their respective whips uh to keep uh to respect members who have the floor and who are asking questions or who are answering them The Honorable member from Saria Lampton thank you Mr Speaker uh Canadians have been forced to pay through the nose for everything after.

Eight years of this liberal NDP government not only did they give contractors $20 million for doing no work on the arrive scam app but the auditor general says this $80,000 app cost over 60 million of taxpayer money now they're increasing the carbon tax on April the 1st so why should Canadians have to foot the bill for this.

Government's corrupt overspending The Honorable government house leader Mr Speaker in the last election campaign all of the honorable members across from us went around to their neighborhoods in Seria Lampton and elsewhere with pamphlets with Mr otou on the cover remember the black T-shirt and what was therein.

A colleagues once again I ask you to follow the instruction of your whips who are asking you to please listen respectfully to the answer I'm going to ask the government housing to start again from the top Mr Speaker in the last election campaign all of the colleagues on the.

Other side of the house went around their neighborhoods around their writings they had nice glossy brochures with Mr otou on the cover he had a nice black t-shirt on what was in there a price on pollution Mr Speaker a price on pollution all of these members went around their neighborhoods committing to put a price on pollution as part of a.

Plan to fight climate change why did we believe conservatives then and why should we believe them now just got some extras thank you The Honorable member for Bo.

Liu the Liberals will not be able to hide from this arri can Scandal so easily a simple app that should have cost uh 80,000 while they ended up spending 60 million 60 million to GC strategies which didn't end up actually doing anything they didn't offer any Services worse still the auditor general has confirmed that this occurred with.

The support of state employees recently the three involved ministers have been passing the Hot Potato around but when are we going to get answers about arrive can Canadians deserve answers and accountability The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker and I thank my colleague.

For her question she has heard the answer many times now we thank the auditor general for her work we acknowledge the major issues that she raised we acted in a time of Crisis that is not an excuse for the lack of information and the lack of recordkeeping the lack of record sharing but thankfully many of the.

Auditor General's recommendations have already been implemented The Honorable member for B Liu quebecers don't understand how it's possible to have a 700 150% cost overrun without any minister cluing in a handful of people got $60 million of taxpayer money the pandemic cannot explain such a.

Total lack of competence regarding basic management how is it possible to waste 60 million and how many other contracts like this did the government turn a blind eye to The Honorable minister of public services and procurement thank you Mr Speaker in the heart of in the middle of the pandemic hundreds of people were dying of covid.

Billions of dollars were lost weekly economic losses it was very difficult to Transit the Border but we made it possible to keep the Border open so that essential medication and product and Equipment could Transit the border for Quebec's businesses and Canada's businesses but there was a lack of record keeping there was a lack of.

Thorough from some public servants we acknowledge that and it is totally unacceptable I ask the member the member for porer to please keep some control during answers I wonder why the prime minister's priority is higher taxes and not food affordability he can find $60.

Million for his arrive cam M but it needs to quadruple the carbon tax on farmers and food we are hearing the pleas from Canadian families who want to ask the tax to make food affordable I was in Sudbury this week meeting with food banks who are at a Breaking Point as demand has doubled and is rising there's a common sense conservative Bill.

234 which will give a carbon tax Carbell for farmers and lower the price of food this prime minister is not worth the cost but will he ccil has plans to increase the carbon tax on April 1st so Canadians can feed themselves The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of.

Finance Mr Speaker I'm glad the conservatives are finally asking a question about the economy because it gives me the chance to share some good news in January thanks to the hard workor of Canadians Canada created 37,000 new jobs Wes in Canada have been outpacing inflation for the past 12 months and.

Unemploy employment fell to 5.7% that is lower than it was at any time that Sten Harper was prime minister the only know how to do isw that's pretty good The Honorable member from Foothills here's a number that most Canadians care about 2 million Canadians going to Food.

Bank every single month but today is Canadian agriculture day and how do the Liberals celebrate by increasing the carbon tax 23% on April 1st but it gets worse we now know that the amendments to 234 pushed through by liberal appointed Senators will increase costs on Farmers $200 million this conservative Common Sense Bill and its original form will.

Save Farmers a billion dollars by 2030 for Canada Canada agriculture day will the Prime Minister celebrate with me and access tax on Farmers to make food more affordable The Honorable Minister for agriculture and Agra food thank you very much Mr Speaker and I appreciate my honorable colleague's question and um.

Being a farmer on Canada agriculture day and being part of a government that has an environmental plan it makes me very proud it's so important and Farmers understand we have to take care of the land and we must have an environmental plan and as far as the price on on food and the agriculture committee Tyler mccan of the Canadian Agri food policy.

Institute indicate indicated to the canadi to the committee members and agriculture that there's no data to support carbon pricing is resulting in an increase in in food price The Honorable member for shikui leford Mr Speaker the Prime Minister wasted $60 million on his corrupt arrive can app and now he's asking Canadians.

For even more money through the carbon tax which the block wants to radically increase by the way after eight years of this government every everything costs more but worse still the BL hiqua supports liberal policies so Mr Speaker will the Prime Minister confirm that he will scrap the carbon tax so that Canadians can breathe.

A little more The Honorable Minister for the environment and climate change thank you Mr Speaker I would like to remind my honorable colleague that the last time I checked the s lauron the St Lawrence is still in Quebec and in Quebec the provincial system applies they have a c.

And trade system which was implemented well before the federal carbon pricing system that's what applies in Quebec and that system in Quebec is working well to reduce Quebec's emissions the block cuqua didn't implement it nor did the government the government of Quebec implemented that system and in fact many conservative members voted in favor of.

Quebec's system The Honorable member from Aurora Oak Ridges Richmond Hill thank you Mr Speaker we know that sexual and reproductive Health Care encompasses mental health care which is always important but especially so for women during the reproductive lives knowing.

What an exciting but also stressful time it can be for a new mother and how a mother's well-being affects not only her but also her newborn and other family members could the minister of mental health and addictions and Associate minister of Health explain how our government is supported women who choose motherhood by addressing perinatal.

Mental health The Honorable Minister for mental health and addictions thank you Mr Speaker I want to thank the member for Aurora Oak Ridges we all know to her to be a strong advocate for Women's Health my message to new parents who might be struggling you do not have to carry this burden alone I want to thank the.

Canadian perin mental health collaborative and all of our partners working to develop national standards for a perinatal mental health strategy we're supporting families Mr Speaker by creating guidance materials and advice for Health Care Professionals and individuals that may face poor mental health during the perinatal period we.

Are with you and we'll do everything we can to ensure families have access to Quality mental health when they need it and where they need it the honorable member from Peterboro Cora Lakes this prime minister is not worth the cost of the suffering he's causing the pain family operates Asal sheet company they were recognized as.

Farm Family of the Year in Peto County now the carbon tax is set to increase 23% on April 1st and it is truly hurting them the kids don't know what's going to happen to their family farm so Katie who's 15 Jolene who's 13 and Lucy who's nine asked me to ask the Prime Minister this why is the Canadian government making it so difficult for the.

Agriculture industry to do their job of feeding the country The Honorable minister of the for the environment and climate change Mr speaker I would like to read a quote to you from Glenn White who was the former vice president of National Farmers Union and I quote farmers will be among the hardest it if we don't act.

To slash greenhouse gas emissions and stabilize the climate for this reason to protect Farmers the nfu supports pollution pricing Mr Speaker it is an important policy tool to reduce the harmful emission fueling the climate crisis and threatening farms and Food Supplies The Honorable member from B quiny Mr.

Speaker we have devastating news today at o Bay of quiny Cascades a company that's been operating a plant that's been existence in Quinny West for 100 years is closing its doors and accessing 23 jobs because of high inflation and interest rates under eight years of this liberal NDP government now Canadians who already face high cost eat and Heat.

Their homes have to worry about a paycheck and people in Beville still reeling from a major overdose epidemic now have to worry about unemployment when will this government fix the budget cut inflation and cut interest rates so companies don't have to close and employees don't have to lose their jobs The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister.

And Minister of Finance Mr Speaker the most important thing to every Canadian family is having a job and every time someone is a disaster for that family that's why we were so glad to see the strong job recovery across Canada 1.1 million more jobs since before Co it's also why we have support in place like early.

Learning and child care like a social safety net that the conservatives would cutable member from bve quiny speaker that tone deaf answer will give little com Comfort to the residents in quiny West who have just lost their jobs let's give a real reality look at what's happening in Canada right now over the last 4 months TD is slashed 3,000 jobs.

Canadian Tire slash 3% of its Workforce embridge is SL 650 jobs Rona has slash 300 jobs manual life SL 250 jobs after eight years of this High spending liberal NDP government the only job Canadians want to see Slash is that prime minister when will this government fix the budget cut inflation and cut interest rates so Canadians can keep.

Their jobs The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Finance Mr Speaker we will take no lessons from the conservatives when it comes to supporting the most vulnerable among us since we have form government 2.3 million Canadians are out of poverty poverty in Canada was at 14.5% when the.

Conservatives left office today it's down to 7.4% we know there's a lot more work to do that is why we are pointing out to Canadians that all the conservatives want is to cut cut cut cut the programs the most vulnerable need the most from Holocaust West speaker in the High Cost of Living it's a struggle for.

Many women to buy menstrual products this government recognizes this problem and recently launched the menstrual Equity Fund pilot to provide free menstrual products those that need the most through food banks Canada during the sexual and reproductive Health Week could the minister provide an update on the progress of the pilot in my Province.

And throughout Canada member for women and gender equality uh thank you so much to the member for her advocacy and hard work and for the chance to update this so Mr Speaker menstrual products are a basic need but not everyone has access to them so since launching the menual Equity Fund pilot last September almost 400.

Locations including 14 in that member's province of Nova Scotia have helped pull more than a million Canadians out of period poverty that's 35 million products out the door in 6 months we're providing real solutions to real challenges menal products for those who need them when they need them period Mr.

Speaker The Honorable member foros Mr Speaker a three-bedroom apartment near ver Metro station in Montreal there's a leak in the bathroom balconies threatening to collapse holes in the ceiling mold all over the place that's the home where Isabelle G and her partner Maxim Pilon live with their newborn baby this is a.

Result of Decades of conservative and liberal government cuts to affordable housing instead of proposing Solutions though the conservative leader prefers to insult Quebec's Mayors and the Liberals are dragging their feet when it comes to the housing crisis why are the Liberals letting people down letting down people like m g and Mr.

Pon The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities member for his question and for his concern for the quality of uh accommodations that families are living through in this country he's right to point out that for several decades uh governments both liberal and conservative would have failed to invest in affordable housing.

But that changed with the introduction of the National Housing strategy in 2017 we've been investing to help build or retrofit several hundred, homes that people are living in today in the fall economic statement we've recapitalized the affordable housing fund with an additional billion dollars and another 300 million towards Cooperative housing.

We're going to continue to make the Investments necessary to ensure that every Canadian has a roof over their head The Honorable member from Edmonton gria Mr Speaker as Netanyahu bombs Rafa the supposed safe Zone over 75 Palestinians were killed overnight we are witnessing a crime of unproportionate horror in Gaza every day.

Children are left orphaned as entire families are wiped out in this Onslaught meanwhile the Liberals continue to arm Netanyahu over $28 Million worth of military exports since October alone how many more Palestinian children have to be killed for this government to end arms exports to Israel here The Honorable Pary secretary to the.

Minister of Foreign Affairs thank the member for that question it's an important question what is happening in Gaza is a complete tragedy netanyahu's military operation Rafa is devastating Palestinians and others who are seeking shelter gazin have nowhere else to go and as the minister said asking them to move again is totally unacceptable this.

Violence must stop stop we must have a sustainable peace hostages must be returned and we must find a way forward to get humanitarian assistance to the people who needed the most thank you th comes to an end of question period for today I see The Honorable member from Reina capella who's Rising on his feet.

On a on a point of order uh well I have a seeking to ask Mr Speaker I would like to move that the house expresses solidarity with the pers that

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