Request Length – Also can 22, 2024


Request Length – Also can 22, 2024

Oral questions The Honorable leader of the opposition after 9 years of debt taxes and inflation from this prime minister and the block Canadians are hungry literally according to the food bank report of Canada 50% of Canadians say that they are in a worse situation.

Than last year one quarter of Canadians have to use food banks for young people how come the PM is forcing Canadians to feed their obese government when they can't even feed themselves the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker it'd be more credible from the leader of the opposition if he wasn't opposed to our.

Food school program that will help 400,000 children across the country to eat better with school programs we are here to invest and to help families while the conservatives are only offering cuts and austerity Mr Speaker it's the same thing in terms of our investment in dental care that have allowed almost 100,000 seniors to have.

Access to dental care free of charge and that conservatives continue to be opposed to this we are here to help with afford affordability opposition Mr Speaker his plan for the full school program has provided no meals zero meals it has just created red tape and not helped children and in terms of.

Austerity austerity is what the 25% of young Canadians that have had to use food banks over the past 3 years are already experiencing the 50% of Canad Canadians are who are worse off than last year are also experiencing this and the 25% of them that are in food insecurity know what Aur austerity.

Is it's austerity for Canadians the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker once again we see that the conservatives are just trying to benefit from challenges that can are facing they're trying to score political points but when it's time to vote on investments that will help.

Families like our schooled food food program or more daycare spots or daycare $10 daycare across the country or dental care programs for seniors they vote against these programs Mr Speaker they are proposing government austerity and not investing in Canadians who are in need we believe in economic growth and in investment in families in need the.

Honorable leader of the opposition after 9 years of this NDP liberal Prime Ministers taxes debt inflation and Promises Canadians are hungry literally according to the bank of can the food banks Canada report 50% of Canadians say they're worse off than a year ago 25% are in food insecurity and a quarter of young.

Adults went to a food bank in 3 months alone this year why is it the Canadians who can't feed themselves have to keep feeding his morbidly obese government you're right honorable prime minister speaker it would be slightly more credible to hear the conservatives concerned about the challenges Canadians are facing if they hadn't stood and.

Voted against uh more spaces in child care voted against uh our Dental Care program that 2 million seniors have signed up for and has now delivered close to 100,000 uh Dental appointments for seniors in just 22 days Mr Speaker uh they've also stood against our uh School Foods program that's going to help.

400,000 more kids across the country have full bellies as they start their school day these are investments that they are opposed to that we are there to help Canadians with the honorable leader of the opposition Mr speaker it's a school food program that has not served a single solitary meal even though it was.

Promised three years ago what he's feeding is bureaucracy not children and if all of his spending were working then why is it that food banks Canada reports today that 25% of young adults had to go to a food bank in 3 months alone and 2 million Canadians are lined up every month Mr Speaker with so many empty.

Stomachs isn't it just a little bit wacko to be raising carbon taxes on farmers and food the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we announced the national food school program in the budget and just after question period today the conservatives have an opportunity to vote in favor of that National School.

Food program and other initiatives that are going to help hundreds of thousands of kids across this country and indeed millions of Canadians with the High Cost of Living but he's going to stand there and vote against it Mr Speaker to prevent it from developing delivering the help Canadians need we will keep going on delivering support for.

Canadians and we will keep going on putting more money in the pockets of eight out of 10 Canadians with our price on pollution that supports Canadian families and successfully fights climate change here here The Honorable leader of the opposition he's been making exactly the the same promises for nine long years.

And yet his NDP liberal government has doubled housing costs doubled the debt increased the size of the bureaucracy by 50% now he wants to quadruple the carbon tax all to deliver 2 million people to a food bank every single month Mr Speaker if government programs were really going to solve the problem he caused then why are Canadians so hungry.

The right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker here is a perfect example of where the conservative stand they stood and voted against our Dental Care for Seniors program as of today over 2 million seniors have signed up and in the 22 days since May 1st close to 100,000 seniors have gotten free dental care that's in just 22 days on a program.

That he voted and that he campaigned against across the country over the past number of months we will be there to invest in supporting Canadians with a national school food program with dental care with more child care spaces despite him voting against here here theable member for B shamb Mr.

Speaker the Liberals say they're interested in French in Quebec and in Canada but the Liberals are gradually paying for the the uh dis The Disappearance of French in western Canada moreover they're mobilizing hundreds of unilingual anglophone members to protect their liberal colleague does the Prime.

Minister really want frankophones to believe that it's out of love for fr the French language that they are flooding the association of French uh frankophone parliamentarians Mr Speaker frankophones across our country including those in Quebec know full well that the block is not interested in the future of French outside of Quebec that's why they want.

To make their Quebec their own country to protect French but we understand that the best way to protect French in Quebec and across Canada is by investing in all communities who speak French across the country to protect French in Quebec yes yes we're there to do that but also to continue to stand up to protect frankophone minorities across this.

Country and we're going to continue to do so The Honorable member for B chample and that's not true Mr Speaker and I but the best thing that had happened to French in Quebec and in Canada and across the world would be an independent Quebec however Mr Speaker.

What did the Prime Minister say during the English debate in 2021 when I was the only one who wanted to talk about frankophones outside of Quebec in English and I was told I wasn't allowed to talk about French in English at the English debate in his country the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker in that debate like.

In all debates and all possible opportunities I always stand up up to defend the French fating candidate and to Trent frankophone communities across this country I've always done so and I'm going to continue to do so defend linguistic Duality and both official languages in this country across this country is what have done it's the.

Liberal Party of Canada and for our liberal government we're going to continue to do so at every opportunity we have the honorable member from bernabe South law Blas isn't content just ripping off Canadians and they buy their groceries now they're teaming up with Rogers and.

Bell just GNA colleagues colleagues it's important that we are able to hear the uh questions that are being asked as well as the answers The Honorable member from Bern s in the top please sure I again I know the consumers don't like when I take on corporate greed but La Blas.

Isn't content just ripping off Canadians when it comes to the groceries now lbla is teaming up with Rogers and Bell to rip off Canadians with their cell phone prices we know they're going to limit choices and limiting choices means higher prices for Canadians the Prime Minister promised to lower cell phone fees they're Skyhigh he promised to.

Lower grocery fees they're Skyhigh when will the Prime Minister finally stop greedy CEOs from ripping off Canadians here here the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we've actually seen cell phone bills decrease across the country by 25% over the past number of years and we're going to continue to stand up for.

Canadian consumers uh and indeed I know the minister uh is looking into the competition act to see uh if there needs to be referred on a number of things that are come forward but we're going to continue to stand up for the middle class and people working hard to join it uh which is why we raised corporate taxes uh why we ask the wealthiest.

Canadians to pay a little more so we can invest more in younger Canadians why we're continuing to step up on creating fairness for every generation with this budget with the Investments we're taking uh we're making and with further Investments as well then I have the honorable member for bernabe South to stop these greedy CEOs but you.

Do it's not enough to be ripping people off at the grocery store today we've learned that law blw is teaming up order colleagues I know it's Wednesday and everybody is a little bit more primed for action but it's really important for us to hear the hear the.

Questions and and hear the answers have the honorable member for Burnaby South from the top please power to stop these greedy CEOs but you do I know the conservers don't like it but we got to take on corporate greed it's not enough for law BLS to be ripping people off at the grocery store today we've learned that law BLS is teaming up with Rogers.

And Bell to block competition from other comp companies in their stores this means less choice and higher cell phone bills the Liberals are sitting on their hands will the prim Minister finally stand up to the CEOs and support a full investigation into these allegations I'd like to benefit from.

This opportunity to remind all members that when they will be asking questions and there are answers that they go through the chair please the right honorable prime minister thank you very much Mr Speaker the member knows full well that we did make improvements to give more power to the competition Bureau because we know.

That it's by ensuring competition amongst the various companies that Canadians will have better results and prices and we also know that's important to continue to do follow-ups on these issues and that's why the minister is asking the competition uh Bureau to look what at what's happening in terms of cell phone packages and La laws it's a.

Challenge we're always going to take seriously The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker normally the NDP leader is well worth ignoring but I just can't help myself he says that the Prime Minister acts like he has no power to stop all of these greedy CEOs from ripping off consumers who else has the power well.

The guy that joined the government two years ago he's been in power during the worst Food price inflation in over four decades will the Prime Minister agree with me that his carbon tax Coalition is nothing more than an anti-competitive price fixing scheme that is costing Canadians at the grocery store right honorable prime minister.

Once again Mr Speaker we see that the conservative party's opposition to the price on pollution uh is ideological and not concrete because their opposition to the price on pollution means they don't don't care about fighting against climate change even as wildfires are already raging in different parts of the country they have no plan to fight.

Against climate change and they do it in the name of affordability by while ignoring that the Parliamentary budget officer actually showed that eight out of 10 Canadian families do better uh with uh the money put in their pockets on the Canada carbon rebate than it cost them with the price on pollution here The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker the Parliamentary budget officer has concluded that 60% of Canadians pay more in carbon tax costs than they get back in the phony rebates 100% of middleclass Canadians pay more than they get back in the phony rebates and now the Prime Minister wants to quadruple the tax all at a time when.

He's preparing to hand over power power to carbon tax Carney will the Prime Minister confirm if carbon tax Carney will follow through on his plan to hike the tax to 61 cents a liter the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the Parliamentary budget officer has confirmed that eight out of 10 Canadian families in jurisdictions.

Where the carbon price uh Federal back stop applies do better off with more money in their pockets through the Canada carbon rebate checks that that land in their bank accounts four times a year that's money in their pockets that goes to the cost of groceries the cost of rent uh the cost of everything they need to raise their families that is.

Money in their pockets that the leader of the opposition would take away because of it ideological Crusade against climate action then I have SE The Honorable leader of the opposition Prim Minister's wacko carbon tax obsession is costing Canadians not just at the pump but it raises the cost of Home Heating.

Of groceries because of course if you tax the farmer who produces the food and the trucker who ships the food you tax all who buy the food it's a housing tax because it raises the cost of building materials that go into homes with the report out today that 25% of young people had to go to a food bank in just 3 months will he accept the common sense.

Conservative Bill to take the tax off the farmers produce our food the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition continues to make that argument even though he knows full well that farm fuels are 95% exempt from the price on pollution right across the country Mr Speaker that is something that he.

Ignores because of his ideological opposition to take any action in fighting climate change well Mr Speaker I can tell you in conservative fightings right across the country people are worried about droughts people are worried about floods people are worried about wildfires that are more and more severe Canadians need a clean plan to.

Fight climate change which is something he hasn't put forward while we are fighting climate change and putting money in people's pockets The Honorable leader of the opposition speaker the prime minister's carbon tax applies on barns on grain drying on fertilizers on off Farm Vehicles it costs literally.

Tens of thousands of dollars for many individual Farmers all of which gets passed on but the Prime Minister instead of Defending his taxes resorted to a really whacko and unhinged claim that if Canadians just paid more taxes there would be suddenly less fires I thought that water and not taxes put out fires May the Prime Minister can clarify how.

High would his tax have to go for forest fires to stop the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker Canadians are facing the impacts of the extreme weather events that come from climate change that are unfortunately getting worse and worse every year that is why our government from uh from 2015 onwards has stepped up.

In the fight against climate change because not only are we uh reducing Canada's emissions to the lowest level outside the pandemic in 25 years but we're also stepping up in the jobs and technological innovations that the world needs to successfully fight climate change we will continue to fight climate change Mr Speaker and put more money in.

People's pockets while he sits with his arms crossed and The Honorable leader of the opposition he didn't answer my question you know now he says that his taxes are going to make Canada a high-tech Wonderland um before his claim was that it was going to stop forest fires it's him that made the link not me.

Obviously I think the link between the two is absolutely ridiculous because his tax is not an environmental plan it's a money collecting plan it's a plan of government greed so I'll ask the question again he wants to hike the tax to 61 cents a liter if it gets to that high and people are all Starving in the streets will that stop the forest.

Fires the right honorable prime minister speaker in the leader the opposition's desire to make clever rhetorical points he actually completely ignores the basic facts the price on pollution is revenue neutral for the federal government that means the money that comes in for the price on pollution for the carbon tax gets returned to the jurisdictions and.

Is why the Parliamentary budget officer found eight out of 10 Canadian families in jurisdictions where the carbon price applies do better with the Canada carbon rebate that comes in four times a year then the price on pollution costs him that's a plan to fight climate change and put money in people's pockets The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker I'm sorry to be too clever for the Prime Minister but he's the one who made the argument that high taxes would stop forest fires and now he can't tell us how high the tax would go to put all the fires out he went on now to say that his tax is revenue neutral well you don't have to be too clever to read the government's.

Own published documents which shows that he has collected $2 billion more in taxes than he's given back in rebates that's why 100% of middle class Canadians pay more than they get back so once again we only tell those middle class people how high the tax would have to go for the fires to stop the right honorable prime minister.

Mr Speaker what we just saw is climate denialism at its finest the fact is AS Global emissions rise as uh as carbon intensity in the atmosphere increases extreme weather events like wildfires droughts and floods will simply become more and more frequent now his plan is to do nothing Mr Speaker and let future Generations fend for themselves our plan.

Is not only to reduce our emissions but but to create the solutions that the world needs while we lead on fighting climate change bringing down emissions and growing the economy I have the honorable member for b shamb a new study from the oqlf has established that French as a working.

Language uh has gone down from 90% of young people to 58% 64 rather to 60% does the Prime Minister recognize that his linguistic policies are not at all stopping the decline in French and has weakened it or can he address the perverse insults that were made to Quebec scientists the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we.

Are the First Federal Government to recognize that we have a responsibility particular to protect French in Quebec yes we are concerned with the decline of French that we're seeing across the country including in Quebec and that is why we are here to invest to partner with the Quebec government to ensure that we are.

Protecting the French fact in Quebec and official languages across our country we're going to continue to be there to defend French not for political ends like the pl is block is doing but be because it's the right thing to do for our country and our future The Honorable member for B sh B uh Mr Speaker the Liberals admitted.

That they're responsible but they've acted in the opposite they have not supported they gave money to anglophones in Quebec to protect them from a French from a French assimilation if the prime minister is so concerned for Quebec can he stop objecting the bill 96 in Quebec and.

Allow Quebec to manage its linguistic laws the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the official languages act protects linguistic minorities across our country and obviously well we want to we want to protect frankophone minorities outside of Quebec and also we have a.

Responsibility to protect both official languages in bilingual country and to protect all linguistic minorities and we're going to continue to do so but it doesn't prevent us from doing everything we can to protect French it's not the angone minority in Quebec that is being threatened threatening French in Quebec we're going to continue to fight to.

Protect French and Quebec across the province and across Canada The Honorable leader of the opposition years this prime minister is not worth the cost of housing which is doubled but today the Parliamentary budget officer released a damning report that showed that after the Prime Minister promised he would eliminate.

Chronic homelessness it's actually gone up 38% and the number of people living in unsheltered locations is up 88% this after he spent a half a billion dollars on homelessness program so if it costs a half a billion dollars for him to drive up homelessness how much would it cost to drive it down the right honorable prime minister Mr.

Speaker whether it's the pandemic whether it was Global inflation whether it was uh International economic situations we've seen more and more Canadians suffering including from the opioid and toxic drug epidemic that the leader of the opposition continues uh to attack and vilify the reality is Mr Speaker we've invested billions in.

Countering homelessness and we're going to continue to invest in eliminating encampments and supporting Canadian in communities in vulnerable communities across the country the leader of the opposition solution is to do less to fight homelessness to invest less invulnerable people that's what he's doing when he votes against our our.

Current budget The Honorable leader of the opposition again he brags about his billions in spending Mr PE Mr Speaker people can't live in billions they live in homes and his billions build bureaucracies that block those homes in 2015 there were 28 84 homeless people in Halifax now there's.

12211 there are over 30 homeless encampments in Halifax Alone 10 years ago there were 3,000 quebecers who were homeless now it's 10,000 why is it that the more he spends the worse things get the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker this government has chosen to invest to support Canadians.

Through difficult times we saw it through the pandemic where we stepped up to put money in Canadians Pockets money in community organizations money in businesses and restaurants uh in m and pop shops right across the country and we came out of it stronger economically we we we rest restored uh full employment faster than the United States.

Uh we know that investing when people need supports is the right way to build for the future confident countries invest in eles what the leader of the opposition is proposing is austerity and cuts to programs at exactly the time the Canadians need them the honorable leader of the opposition Canadians are already living.

Through austerity according to a PBO report it has shown that since the Prime Minister promised to eliminate homelessness it has increased by 38% the number of homeless people in Quebec has risen from 3,000 to 10,000 Mr Speaker yes true he's spending more money that he's making everything more expensive but when will he.

Recognize that big government in Ottawa will never end homelessness the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker no one in this country thinks that a conservative government that that will cut and offer austerity will help fight homelessness in our country that's not how things work it.

Takes investment in housing that is Affordable it takes investment in programs to support people who are homeless it takes investment in programs based on compassion and data to fight drug issues this is the investment that is necessary but he's just proposing cuts and austerity while.

Canadians are suffering but we are here to invest in vulnerable communities The Honorable leader of the opposition devastating reports in one day demonstrate the NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the cost first we had food banks Canada and the Salvation Army that say record numbers are forced to go to food banks that over half of.

People are worse off than they were a year ago and now the PBO says there are there is more homelessness there's more homelessness and hunger he's got three explanations one he can blame the rest of the world for his mistakes two he can promise more of the spending that caused the problem or three he can own up and admit that he caused the misery.

Canadians are living the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker while the conservative leader likes to going around saying Canada is broken we choose instead to invest in Canadians invest in supporting food banks invest in community organizations that are on the front lines of supporting vulnerable.

Canadians investing in the kinds of programs that are lifting Canadians up like the 2 million vulnerable seniors who are now accessing Health Care uh dental care for the first time 100,000 people in just 22 days have gotten uh he gotten dental care when the conservative party is consistently voted against it and indeed tried to block it both in.

This house and across the country we will continue to be there for Canadians The Honorable member from Edmonton Strath Kona Ireland Spain and Norway announced that they will soon recognize the state of Palestine this is a crucial step towards peace and justice for Palestinians and Israelis but Canada is missing in action in February new.

Democrats asked this government to recognize the state of Palestine they refused and they turned their backs on Palestinians and Israelis who are looking for peace peace and Justice in their region the Prime Minister can take a stand today will he join with the consensus of International Community and recognize the state of Palestine here.

Here the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we urgently need to build a credible path towards lasting peace we oppose efforts by the Netanyahu government to reject a two-state solution at the same time Hamas a terrorist group currently controls areas in Gaza and has not laid down its arm or released its hostages we are prepared to.

Recognize the state of Palestine at the right time not necessarily as the last step along the path we were uh pleased to be able to support the NDP motion of a number of months ago we will continue to work forward on promoting peace and working towards stability in the Middle East You're The Honorable member from.

Nun last week I met with the sa daycare inal a daycare that provides culturally appropriate care in intitute because of a lack of funding they are on the verge of closing in 2022 the Liberals promised millions of dollars to Nunavut daycare the funding is taking too long to make its way to tul daycare will the Liberals Ure tum.

Does not fall through the cracks and get the Urgent funding it needs to stay open open the right honorable prime minister investing in early learning and child care right across a country that is Affordable uh that is high quality uh and that is available for families is one of the cornerstones of this government's policy over the past few.

Years we've worked closely with provinces and territories to deliver to make sure that money is delivered on the ground where it is needed the most I will follow up on this particular case uh and make sure that the uh government of nunut uh is passing through the money and is accessing all the funds necessary so that child care in the north and.

Indeed right across the country continues to be delivered as the social program and economic problem program that it is The Honorable member from Vancouver Center Mr Speaker as a family doctor who delivered close to 500 babies I am concerned about access to reproductive Choice claiming to support reproductive.

Choice is not enough we must pass legislation that makes it fully accessible to all the pharmacare ACT is a start it will provide free contraception to over 9 million patients unfortunately our conservative colleagues oppose it they also oppose exess access to Safe abortion will the Prime Minister reaffirm his government's.

Promise to defend a woman's Reproductive Rights in spite of the opposition's efforts to deny it the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker I thank the member for Vancouver Center for her Decades of leadership we will always support a woman's right to access reproductive Health Care both in our words and in our policy the leader of.

The opposition pretends to be pro-choice but supports his conservative caucus members tbling anti-abortion legislation he cannot have it both ways if the opposition leader truly believed in the right to choose he'd condemn any effort to restrict reproductive choice and freedom including from within his own caucus here.

Here Order The Honorable leader of the opposition after 9 years of this prime minister the cost of housing has doubled because of his inflationist spending and the bureaucracy that he's funding which is preventing Construction in l today we learned that.

Uh those who have not yet found a home for the coming year are panicking and there's a major risk that many people will be forced to camp this summer because they can't find a home is this prime minister's plan after doubling the cost of housing to provide tents to people who are going to have to go camping because they can't find a.

Home the right honorable prime minister well I'm happy to be able to talk about our plan which which assures fairness for every generation Our housing plan will build 3.87 million new housing units across the country by cutting bureaucracy by changing zoning and by lowering construction costs and by using public.

Uh land we are going to bring back the dream of access to a home for young Canadians by helping them uh save money uh tax-free and by allowing uh renters to use uh their uh their history when asking for a mortgage The Honorable leader of the opposition the inflation that is hurting Canadians is.

The result of the inflationist and centralizing spending of this prime minister no surprise what's surprising is that the block voted for uh $500 billion of that spending and you know this is this isn't the money that's already uh in the uh the main estimates this is money that's doubling fees for.

Consultants for example including money for a RVE scam does the block liberal government realize that more money for the federal government means less money for quebeckers on the right honorable prime minister once again Mr Speaker we see the conservative leader uh uh completely ignoring facts and data in all of the rhetorical.

Arguments that he's putting forward the reality Mr Speaker is that the inflation which has hit the entire planet uh hurt Canada less than many other countries and now uh over the last four months inflation has gone down because of the Investments and because of the sound responsible financial management of our government.

We will continue to be there to invest in Canadians while lowering inflation that's what he doesn't understand the honorable leader of the opposition should face it down well Mr Speaker inflation in housing is worse in Canada than in any other G7 country it's the second worst of the uh 40 uh o oecd countries but the question was about.

Inflationary spending and centralizing spending that the block continues to vote for the bla has become a socialist party that wants to increase the size of the government but they're focused on the federal government so that means a bigger federal state and less autonomy and money for quebeckers and why is it only the.

Conservatives who are defending quebeckers uh Prem Min the right honorable prime minister now Mr Speaker we all remember what these conservatives do uh when it comes to back we saw the cuts to uh uh social he services and Healthcare we saw the cuts in the health transfer we saw the cuts to arts and culture Mr Speaker the.

Conservatives are standing up today to attack the BL keka uh for not properly defending kek well that's uh um ridiculous Mr Speaker the reality Mr Speaker is that the block is to defend quebeckers they do it less well than the federal government can do it but the attacks from the conservatives against quebecers are a bit ridiculous Mr.

Speaker the honorable leader of the opposition well here the liberal block party a beautiful Coalition a beautiful Coalition now the Prime Minister the so-called Federalist prime minister says that the block defends quebecers what what and the block is voting for centralizing spending here in Ottawa what what is going on here everything is.

Confused Mr Speaker isn't it time to forget this ridiculous Coalition and replace it with a conservative government that has a lot of common sense the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker apparently unlike the leader of the conservatives I believe fundamentally that every member in this house is there to defend the interests.

Of the people who elected them that is our individual responsibility and Collective responsibility every person here in this house is doing that yes people know very well that I disagree with the ultimate goal of the blacka but at the same time we can certainly find moments where we can work together with respect to protect the French language.

To create economic growth in Quebec we are there to work together not to play political games and to uh just uh attack everyone that's what the conservatives are here to do The Honorable member for B shamb Mr Speaker in the Western St Lawrence Gulf there's only one fishery that's open as.

Crustaceans crab and lobsters all the other Fisheries are closed or in crisis however the member for GP and the minister of uh Fisheries is closing uh all kinds of fishery areas throughout the region what is the prime minister saying to Fishers who have to go back home to port and who are seeing another fishing.

Season disappear in front of their eyes the right honorable prime minister well Mr Speaker we understand uh the distress and the challenges that uh Fishers are facing in Eastern Canada we're seeing a very difficult moment because of climate change because of uh changing uh and diminishing Maritime populations we are going to be there to support the Fishers.

But part of being there to support them is also protecting our International markets and filling out our scientific responsibilities um and in respecting uh international law we are going to be there to help the Fishers and we are also going to be there to protect uh endangered species and our trade agreements in the.

Future The Honorable member for B shamb well I'll give him another chance Mr Speaker it's because of the right whales that the fishery areas are closed everyone wants to protect the whale uh but uh the government is threatening them by opening up new areas for oil exploration uh Fishers scient scientists the bla have proposed some ideas the.

Department's not listening the minister isn't listening and the fishing sector is facing an unprecedented crisis does the Prime Minister believe that uh uh Fishers should respect uh the minister does he have respect uh trust in the minister the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker we are working closely with industry with scientists.

And with our International Partners to manage a very very difficult situation we understand the extent to which this is a difficult situation for Fishers and we are going to continue to be there for them and we are going to make sure that uh the decisions that we're taking are going to respect the interest of the industry and also the environment.

Obviously and will protect in endangered species is a very complex issue Mr Speaker but we're going to be there not with simplistic Solutions but with the necessary support to ensure uh the long-term uh success of our resource The Honorable leader of the opposition after n years of this prime minister and the bla Canadians are.

Exhausted they don't have any money left in their pockets and many are hungry they need vacations but it's too expensive the Prime Minister has double the national debt that has increased the price of everything interest rates have gone up as well so that's why the conservatives the common sense conservatives are.

Proposing a vacation on gas and Diesel taxes to allow quebecers to have a break will the Prime Minister have the common sense to accept this great idea the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker quebeckers know too well what happens when the conservatives bring in austerity measures when it comes to affordability and the cost of.

Living that's why we will continue to invest in families we will continue to be there to help seniors we will continue to be there to help children with a school food program we are going to be there to create more daycare spaces all of these are proposals that the conservatives have voted against they will cut in Social programs cut.

Social Services cut help for families uh uh uh because of their ideology of austerity will be there for quebecers and Canadians The Honorable leader of the opposition the NDP liberal prime minister has implemented a wacko and radical drug decriminalization and handout program he's literally handed out tax-funded.

Opioids the resolve has been tragic a nearly tripling in the number of Overdose deaths and where the policy has been most deeply implemented in three uh NBC a 300% increase in overdose deaths prime minister did a last minute reversal on decriminalization in that Province only to vote back in favor of decriminalization yesterday isn't it his.

Plan to decriminalize across cada he's reelected you're right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker uh the fact is we will continue uh to be there responsibly on a on a science based evidence-based approach that works with jurisdictions on the tools they need to counter uh the growing opioid and toxic drug epidemic I understand the ideological Desire by.

Conservatives uh to Simply uh look at every problem as if it's a nail because all they have is a hammer we're going to continue to be there investing in community supports we're going to be there to continue uh to work with jurisdictions who want to help people struggling with addictions uh and we will continue to be there to ground in.

Science in evidence The Honorable leader of the opposition imagine you're a young couple in a hospital welcoming your newborn into the world and all of a sudden you smell meth or crack smoke coming down the hallway that was the reality up until just a few weeks ago in British Columbia.

When the prime because the Prime Minister and the NDP had decriminalized crack and if those parents had asked the nurse to stop it they would have said no that can't happen these drug uses are now legal we're introducing the safe hospitals act to ban all hard drugs from hospitals will the Prime Minister support it yes or.

No right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker to be clear those things are already illegal in hospitals uh we we know that nurses and Hospital staff need to feel safe in their work environment and it's our government that has invested billions of dollars into the Health Care system to ensure Canadians have access to the best care possible.

And uh support goes to our Frontline health workers the important difference between the conservative party and us is that while they look to criminalize the most vulnerable struggling with addictions we are rolling up our sleeves and working with all levels of government to put an end to this crisis and help these most vulnerable.

Canadians The Honorable member for Ottawa van thank you Mr Speaker for many costs are an obstacle that prevent access to healthare particularly when it comes to reproductive healthare the right to access to an abortion is threatened in Canada by the March against abortion which took place here in Ottawa encouraged and followed by.

Conservative members who uh promised again to restrict Access to Health Care young people here in Ottawa vaner are worried they want to know what is the government doing to fight against these threats on the rights uh of women the right honorable prime minister I'd like to thank the member for Ottawa van for her very hard work in her.

Leadership across the way the conservative members are proposing anti-choice legislation they participate in rallies against abortion and the conservative leader not only refuses to oppose his caucus but even voted with them on a bill that would have uh classified the fetus as person women have the right to choose and that's why.

We are making uh contraceptives uh prescription contraceptives free and we will continue to defend the right to choose the honorable leader of the opposition after nine years of this NDP liberal Prime Ministers wacko crime policies extortions are up 218% nationally 263 in Ontario roughly the same in Alberta and rough roughly.

400% in British Columbia the Prime Minister passed a law that would allow extortionists out of jail faster after they've used a gun will he reverse himself and support my Common Sense conservative Deputy leader Bill to crack down on extortionists and put them in behind bars to stop the crime right honorable prime minister Mr.

Speaker the problem with the conservative leaders approach on crime is it consistently gets struck down by the courts that's what we saw through eight years of Steven Harper which actually LED Canadians worse off than before the reality is Mr Speaker our approach on uh cracking down on criminals while uh at the same time.

Making sure our communities are safer by strengthening the gun laws the conservatives are continually uh voting against in the pocket of the gun lobby is not keeping Canadians safe that's why we work with the provinces on bail reforms uh that are going to make sure we're keeping Canadians safe while making sure we're C Charter.

Compliant The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker the Prime Minister was not forced by the courts to allow career car thefts to do their sentences in their living rooms playing Grand Theft Auto he chose to do that through his bill c73 C5 he chose to bring in Catch and Release Bail through c75 he chose to pass a law allowing Paul.

Bernardo out of Max pen Mr speaker now we can make another choice choice instead of trying to ban Grandpa Joe's hunting rifle will he put extortionists who use machine guns in jail the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the leader of the opposition has continually pledged to make assault style weapons legal again uh we have.

Banned them for the last five years or four years and we will continue uh to make sure that they stay banned in this country while the leader of the opposition wants to bring back assault style weapons to our communities uh and to Canadians from coast to coast to coast that's not how to keep this community safer on top of that Mr.

Speaker in in the name of uh protecting Canadians from crime he's willing to suspend their fundamental freedoms by using the not withstanding clause to override the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that's not responsible and it makes you wonder what other is he going to come after on Canadians The Honorable leader of the.

Opposition Mr Speaker military style assault rifles have been banned since the 70s the Prime Minister held a press conference with a big scary gun on the front of his Podium uh four years ago and still hasn't been able to figure out how to ban that scary looking cartoon gun with 1500 guns under amnesty to this day and he says he won't be able to.

Figure out how to do it for at least another 3 years so will the Prime Minister stop his Hollywood made in Hollywood approach to crime and actually lock up the hard criminals so that we can stop the crime but right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker for the past four years it has been illegal to buy sell or use.

Assault style weapons in this country and that is exactly what the conservative leader has promised to overturn uh if he gets elected uh to government in this country the reality is he wants to bring back assault style weapons in this country after we banned them uh back in 2000 we're going to continue to be there uh to make sure.

Canadians are safe while he stays in the pocket of the gun lobby that's not what Canadians want that's even not even what conservative Canadians want but he's going to do it anyway The Honorable member from Davenport Mr Speaker while our government works to provide pharmacare expand Child Care introduce a national school food program.

And build housing conservative MPS are giving speeches at anti-abortion rallies reproductive health is Health women have the right to choose when and if they start a family with members of this house house threatening to take this right away from Canadians what is this government doing to strengthen Reproductive.

Rights right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the member for Davenport is Right reproductive health is health and abortion is healthc care the leader of the opposition pretends to care about freedom but whose Freedom was he defending by threatening to suspend Canadian's Charter rights by voting to restrict abortion or by removing the.

Right to vote from thousands of Canadians when he was minister of democratic institutions that is the very opposite of Freedom we will never back down from defending all Canadians fundamental rights and freedoms here here The Honorable member from Windsor West two years after the illegal border blockade of Ambassador Bridge the.

Liberals are stiffing the city of Windsor by not paying back the City for cost for handling this mess Canadians are used to being ripped off by big grocery stores and big telcoms but now they can added the Liberals to that list and where were the conservatives while this happened on the sidelines cheering on this harm Mr Speaker the Prime.

Minister asked Windsor to protect our country so why is he rewarding this attack on the economy Public Safety and Frontline workers by not paying winds rights back the money that they're owed hey here the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker the member knows full well that we paid back uh a significant.

Amount of the costs incurred by the city of Windsor uh during the conservative supported Convoy uh there is a matter of a dispute around whether those legal fees their legal fees were to be covered by the federal government I know uh the uh minister of Public Safety is meeting uh with the uh mayor of Windsor tomorrow and I'm sure that'll be on uh the.

Discussion in the meanwhile we've continued to stand up for Windsor with historic investments in jobs and opportunities uh for Windsor rights that quite frankly conservatives continue to stand against while we will continue to be there for the people of winds here here The Honorable member from kitner Center Mr Speaker earlier this week the.

University Network for human rights published a 100 page report concluding that Israel's actions in Gaza constitute genocide now the international Criminal Court's Chief prosecutor is seeking arrest warrants for both Hamas terrorist and Israeli leaders there's no equivalency being made these individuals may simply be accused of breaking.

International law which the court is tasked to uphold will the PM support the icc's process as is the will of this Parliament from March 18th the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker obviously we are closely monitoring the processes as they unfold at the ICC we respect the independence of the Court there is no equivalence.

Between Israel and Hamas one is a state the other is a terrorist organization as we've said from the beginning all parties have a a necessary obligation to comply with international law in the meanwhile an immediate ceasefire is urgently needed and a lot more humanitarian aid needs to get in and hostages need to be released we will.

Continue to stand for a two-state solution we will continue to call for peace in the region colleagues that is the end of question period but I wish to draw to the attention of members in the gallery

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