Request Length – February 16, 2024


Request Length – February 16, 2024

Force you're investing in the health the well-being and the success of generations to come so that's why we're putting forward this important legislation to ensure that early childhood educator workforces are supported right across the country so they can continue to provide children across Canada with the best possible.

Start in life and it all starts with our agreements with the provinces and territories where commitments are made to one Implement evidence-based quality Frameworks standards and tools for early learning and child care two to develop and Implement wage grids for early childhood Educators and three to increase the percentage of child care.

Workers who fully meet provincial and territorial certification requirements and four to increase training professional development and other supports for Early Childhood workforces these commitments are essential not only to attract Early Childhood Educators but even more importantly to retain our highquality Workforce so what does that.

Look like in practice Madam speaker from coast to coast to coast the provinces and territories have been working closely to provide better training opportunities increased compensation and more benefit to their Early Childhood educator Workforce so let's take British Columbia for an example BC is investing in special training and development to.

Upgrade skills and priority areas to make child care more inclusive especially for children with disabilities and children needing enhanced or individual supports this training also focuses on making child care more culturally appropriate for indigenous children and Madam speaker we know that building an inclusive child.

Care system that meets our children's needs we must meet uh where children where they are and support both current and future Early Childhood Educators at the same time so that's why the government of British Columbia expanded its dual credit program for Early Childhood Educators and the Dual credit program allows secondary students in BC.

To take post-secondary courses and receive credits towards both High School graduation and a post-secondary program the program covers tuition fees for the courses resulting in more affordable training for students in early childhood education so let's go across the country all the way across to the east to Prince Edward Island where more training.

Opportunities have been provided both for current Early Childhood Educators and for those interested in joining the early childhood education Workforce the province has also launched a one-time Grant to help recruit Early Childhood Educators back to the sector and these Investments are ensuring that early childhood Educators on the island have.

Skills and tools that they need in order to succeed while providing new opportunities to expand the workforce further Pei also increased staff salaries at early years centers across the province as part of a coord needed effort to move the province's Early Childhood Workforce forward wage increases are instrumental in Pei's.

Multi-year plan to support the Early Childhood sector and to encourage others to pursue a career in early childhood education now let's head up to the territories Madam speaker in the Yukon the territory has been investing in accelerated education Pathways for Early Childhood Educators in partnership with Yukon University the goal of these.

Accelerated education Pathways is to enhance the level of Education available for Early Childhood Educators in the territory which will help increase the quality of early learning and child care across the Yukon this initiative in the Yukon is a win-win-win it provides enhanced education strengthens the workforce and benefits our youngest.

Learners with the most qualified Educators moreover Early Learning Educators in the Yukon will be able to customize their training plans allowing them to continue to work in a licensed program including in Family Day homes Madam speaker these are only a few of the amazing initiatives underway across the country to support the hardworking.

And dedicated Early Childhood Educators and these initiatives are made possible thanks to the groundbreaking Federal Investments of the government of Canada that we've made in building that Canada wide Early Learning and child care system from coast to coast to coast our early childhood education Workforce is critical to the success of the Canada.

Wide system and is key to Canada's economic Prosperity our government is committed to building a stronger and more resilient economy where nobody is Left Behind and we know that access to Early Learning and child care that is Affordable and inclusive is going to help Drive our economic growth growth it's going to enable parents.

Particularly mothers to enter maintain and re-enter the job market and offer each child in Canada the best possible start so that's why Madam speaker I encourage my colleagues to support Bill c35 quickly so that we can continue to work together to support grow and develop and engage with the Early Learning and childhood educator.

Workforce as I said earlier when you invest in highquality early childhood educator workforces you're investing in the health well-being and success of generations to come thank you very much Madam speaker questions and comments The Honorable member for colon Lake Country thank you madam speaker through you so in bill c35 it.

Prioritizes child care facilities that are government run and are not for profits it does not prioritize small businesses and entrepreneurs many of whom are women entrepreneurs even if those locations are uh licensed and regulated by the respective provincial governments so from a a liberal government that touts themselves to be a.

Feminist government why would they not prioritize young women entrepreneurs in this legislation thank you madam speaker The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you very much Madam speaker our funding agreements with provinces go towards supporting not for-profit public and family based child care and I can say from experience Madam speaker.

Visiting with some of those female entrepreneurs in my writing make being sure that they've got the qualifi qualifications necessary to access some of those supports has been really really beneficial working with well um experienced providers like the Milton Community Resource Center some of those entrepreneurs have been able to uh.

Upscale and and scale up and they've also been able to provide child care spaces for more kids throughout the day Madam speaker it's a great success I'm glad that the conservatives are considering supporting Child Care despite early indications that they might vote against Madam speaker this is an affordability measure it's great for.

The workforce and it's also excellent for female entrepreneurs thank you madam speaker questions and comments The Honorable member for thank you madam speaker in Quebec I represent a kibua writing we have had our daycare system for 25 years now families use it they're.

Proud of it people hold this system very very dear it's near and dear to us and we're proud of it but for the rest of Canada the daycare system is currently under construction the government has started to create the program here is the government's bill but here's what I'm wondering our program already existed.

Before the bill so is this bill a liberal government admission that things are not going well and that they're ready to lose a lot of seats in the upcoming election because the goal of this bill may be to make tangible the program that they've already started working on but.

Couldn't the program exist without a bill The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker I thank my colleague for his question and I thank him for his interest in our program first Madam speaker I feel that it is necessary to thank Pauline Mara she is a true.

Leader on this matter and we need to recognize Pauline maha's leadership and also the leadership of the province of Quebec because in this case and in other cases for example when it comes to the environment and fighting climate change the province of Quebec is a leader it's.

Important to acknowledge good examples and good models for Progress among our provinces we will ensure that there are more Pro provinces with these programs thank you very much Madam speaker uh like The Honorable member my writing is rapidly growing lots of young families and what people are finding.

Whether they're talking about setting up a new public sector Child Care Center a nonprofit or even new entrepreneurs is that they lack the workers and so my question to him is what is the government going to be doing to make sure that we increase the compensation that'll help attract more people into this important.

Field The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker and as we know there's a worker shortage across the country in various sectors and that's uh that's a challenge but it's also a great opportunity because where there's a little bit of scarcity I think workers tend to benefit it tends to uh increase their their wages and provide a.

Little bit of competition and more choice for workers uh so that's the context that we're in right now we have very very low unemployment in Canada right now which is certainly a good thing for workers but it's a challenging thing for many sectors who are looking to find uh a more available Workforce so ensuring that it's a competitive.

Opportunity uh that early learning and child care workers can aspire to uh earning a good income is very very important and I know that when I've worked with uh with Milton Community Resource Center they're very focused on making sure that they pay uh competitive wages um and I've also seen they uh are providing people with their first jobs.

And and also providing work to uh to newcomers to refugees and all sorts of people who are looking for that work thank you madam speaker uh The Honorable member of Cyprus Hills grasslands resuming debate and I'll have to interrupt him and and then he'll be able to continue later The Honorable member of Cypress F grasslands well thank you.

Very much uh Madam speaker it's uh it's an honor to be able to rise in the house uh once again and speak to this bill um we do have an amendment coming back to the house from the Senate which I guess is why we are standing ing here uh to speak uh today so what what makes this uh makes this interesting based on how this bill went last time you know my.

Province of Saskatchewan and signed on to their agreement with the federal government in 2021 and Madam speaker I I hosted a couple of town halls in January and this was one of the topics that did come up was uh child care and when we look at rural Canada we look at rural Saskatchewan and we look at.

What is available for people who are looking to put their kids into uh into a day home so that way they can they can go to work and quite frankly there's basically no capacity uh there the town I grew up in had us had a small facility that maybe could run uh between five and 10 five and 10 kids could maybe go into that into that place most kids were were.

Were raised by a stay-at-home mom where I where I grew up uh but some of the other towns now I mean as people people are looking to to be be working capacity is the number one problem and when I look at the way that this program has been rolled out the way that the federal government has put money to the provinces um it's definitely put an.

Overemphasis on creating spaces in the larger cities the larger centers and typical liberal government fashion it looks like rures Saskatchewan once again has has lost out and has definitely been left uh left behind so I I I I'll I'll before The Honorable member starts his next sentence I'll I'll just interrupt here uh The Honorable member will have.

Uh 18 minutes and 13 seconds the next time this matter is before the house um statements by members The Honorable member for Vancouver Grandville uh Madam speaker seniors are at the heart of our communities since we were first elected seniors have been Central to our work in government and in Vancouver Grandville I.

Have established a local seniors Council to advise me on their priorities as part of budget 2024 consultations the Vancouver Grandville seniors Council shared their issues that were important to them that they would like addressed from affordability to homelessness to social inclusion these are issues all canins face and I've shared their issues.

With the Minister of Finance I want to thank my seniors Council for their hard work and dedication and let them know that everyone in the house hears them and that we are taking concrete steps like building over 40,000 homes in Vancouver and launching the Canada dental plan to ensure that seniors and every Canadian have the tools and.

Supports they need to live well I look forward to continue to work with them on their shared priorities as they have given so much back to Canada It's Our obligation to make sure we take care of our seniors from coast to coast to coast thank you madam speaker the The Honorable member for megon thank you madam.

Speaker for 75 years the Cod def Frac paper has been writing for members in my writing and elsewhere it it is a local newspaper that was created by Lis Philip pul and has remained within his family for years they have benefited from the supporter of their support of their subscri subscribers for many years.

And since 1977 they have been under the same editor and Mr pulan always proved to be objective and reflected the values of font act that you can still see in the newspaper today both young and old have access to Quality content that is accessible to the population I would like to.

Underscore the work of Miss Suzanne Pula and all the employees of the newspaper that allow them to spread information in my area they are an essential part of our community happy anniversary for New Westminster Burnaby Bill 2 c273 passed by a vote of 209 to 115 this week for second reading.

In Parliament and I thank all those MPS that spoke up for this bill and for the repeal of section 43 of the criminal code Canada is finally taking the first steps in joining 65 other countries around the world that have band the use of force against children more than 700 organizations across Canada including every major organization that works for.

Children's health and well-being have called for the repeal of this legalized use of force against children the repeal of this provision of the criminal code was one of the first recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission call to action number six of the TRC calls for repeal of the provision that legalizes the use of force against.

Children this provision was put in place in 1892 when all kinds of abuses were legal it's high time to change that and time to repeal section 43 the honor member for kitner sou hler Madam speaker on February 3rd we welcome the prime minister to the waterl region and the sdg idea Factory a hub dedicated to advancing the un's 17 sustainable.

Development goals located in kiter it unites EV Visionary entrepreneurs and organizations to address pressing Global challenges the idea Factory is more than an innovation space it's a catalyst for social and envir enironmental transformation in supporting startups and businesses Champion social equity and environmental stewardship this Hub.

Is working to Foster Global positive change and a be better future for all the idea Factory is host of businesses and organizations like liftoff the water region Community Foundation for us girls Foundation KW October Fest the water region Small Business Center mm mind bring on the sunshine and the community company to drive transformative change.

We're immensely proud of the incredible work happening in our community and anticipate future contribution from these inventive Minds The Honorable member for leads Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes arrive scam a failed app that should have cost $80,000 but cost Canadians $60 million GC strategies the two middlemen working out of their.

Basement getting $258 million in it contracts and never did a key stroke of it work turns out they've been winding and dining senior liberal government officials another $150 million embezzled at the prime minister's billion dooll green slush fund with handpicked NDP liberal board members funneling Millions to their own.

Companies the prime minister is not worth the cost and not worth the corruption but there's hope yet conservatives are going to end the corruption ax the tax build the homes fix the budget and stop the crime our Common Sense plan will ax the tax on everything for everyone for good we tie Municipal funding to housing to make.

Sure more houses get built not bureaucracy conservatives will find savings by scrapping a rcan we'll bring jail not bail for Canadians Madam speaker we're going to bring it home here here The Honorable member for Oakville North Burlington thank you madam speaker we know we have a housing crisis and.

That's why we're investing in the creation of homes Nationwide including in Oakville and Burlington in 2023 we announced over $55 million to build 131 purpose-built rental homes in Oakville with the funding coming as a fully repayable lowest loan through the cmhc apartment construction loan program and last month in Burlington we announced.

That the City of Burlington would be receiving $21 million from the housing accelerator fund which will create 600 homes in the next 3 years and 5,000 new homes over the next decade this is a step in the right direction for Oakville and Burlington because we know that every Canadian should have access to Safe affordable housing we're working.

With developers and municipalities to get more homes built at prices that people can afford thank you madam speaker M Windsor Tumi Madam speaker my community of Windsor tumy has a proud history of fighting for workers last week I joined unifor workers and solidarity on the picket line of James vitamins fighting.

For what is fair and this week ATU local 616 fought and won better wages for Transit workers thank you for Defending Your Right to 10 paid sick days that our federal government introduced this follows hardfought wins by Windsor salt workers who stayed strong in their 192 day strike and the hardfought historic contracts bargained by unior for Auto.

Workers unions fight for workers but they lift our entire Community I was proud to work with unions to deliver the battery plant that will create 2 and a half thousand good paying jobs for back home and I'm proud to work with you unions to deliver programs that make real differences for workers like Child Care like Dental Care like the Canada.

Worker benefit conservatives want to cut programs that help workers Madam speaker we'll continue to fight for workers the honor member for dolphins Swan River nipaa Madam speaker after eight years rural Canadians are at the breaking are breaking under this NDP liberal government this prime minister and his radical environment Minister.

Have launched an attack on rural Canadians rural Canadians rely on their vehicles to raise their families and drive to work yet this week the environment Minister publicly announced that the Liberals will stop Building New Roads and highways the minister stated and I quote our government has made the decision to stop investing in new road.

Infrastructure end quote rural Canadians don't have the option to take a Subway to work or to the doctor's office they rely on highways and roads but this NDP liberal government doesn't care about rural Canadians that's why this prime minister is increasing his failed carbon tax by 23% on April 1st it's clear he is not worth the cost rural Canadians can't.

Afford this government's plan to quadruple the carbon tax only conservatives will fight for Rural Canadians and a the carbon tax The Honorable member for Miss Saga Aaron Mills Madam speaker I encourage all members in this house to get with the program that's the community volunteer income tax program a.

Collaboration between local community organizations and the Canada Revenue Agency to deliver free tax clinics for Canadians this collaboration between the CRA and dedicated volunteers across Canada allows us to give back to communities by helping residents to file their taxes local organizations across the country run these tax clinics for.

Lower income Canadians to help make sure that they are getting their benefits like the Canada child benefit the Canada workers benefit Canada carbon rebate and many more cost of living measures that they may be eligible for I am so proud of the positive impact that we have made through the citp and look forward to repeating this success again in what.

Will be a productive tax filing season this year thank you madam speaker the H member for porish liser after eight years of this prime minister it's never been more expensive to feed your family own a home and heat your house the price of everything is up and the average family of four will spend an additional $700 this year on groceries.

Compared to last and now the prime minister is hiking the carbon tax by 23% on April 1st but he's not done there he's also jacking up the tax on beer Wine and Spirits by 5% for good measure now I don't know if this prime minister learned basic reasoning so let me explain if you tax the farmer that grows the food the trucker who ships the food.

You tax all who buy the food so what's the result 2 million Canadians now rely on a food bank and 50% are $200 away from from insolvency yet the Liberals think rebranding the carbon tax will stop the financial pain news flash it won't Canadians live in reality they know the carbon tax is a tax plan not an environment plan only Common Sense.

Conservatives will ask the tax on everything for everyone and for good you're here well done honorable member for colog Lake Country speaker after 8 years of this NDP liberal government the lives of renters mortgage holders and the unhoused continue to work with crushing costs the facts speak for themselves.

Home prices now outpace incomes by 40% earning Canada the worst record in the G7 while American rents fall Canadian rents hit record highs Canada built fewer homes in 19 uh in 2022 than in 1972 and housing starts were down in 2023 we now have the fewest homes per capita of any country in the G7 despite having the most land to build on Ottawa.

Funded Gatekeepers and punitive taxes add hundreds of thousands of dollars of unneeded cost to the construction of each home Canada's infrastructure funding should be tied to actually building homes on top of this we now hear the radical environment Minister doesn't even want to build New Roads our Common Sense conservative plan will.

Ensure infrastructure dollars go to the municipalities that get their bureaucracies out of the way to build homes not bureaucracy The Honorable member for thank you madam speaker as you know this in this house you know how passionate I am by music and singing and it's with great pleasure that I.

Learned that a young firefighter from Lut in my writing Gabrielle fredet is one of the young talents selected to take part in The Voice Quebec in fact he had the honor of seeing four coaches turn around their chairs and asking them to join their teams and in the end one of my Idols marel pela he chose for a specific reason re re reason rather his.

Um grandfather who died in 2020 was a great fan of Mr pela he Gabrielle inherited his guitar from his grandfather Leopold Dum moelle and as a as a musician he began playing the guitar and composing music during the pandemic so what a journey for this young talented man and I'm proud to support artists in my writing Gabrielle.

I wish you every success and a Wonder ful musical career have the honorable member for Winnipeg Center Mr Speaker I rise today during sexual and reproductive Health Awareness Week to emphasize the importance of menstrual Equity access to contraception and abortion rights for Canadian women and gender diverse people.

I'm happy to see my colleagues join me in celebrating the critical gains made by Canada's feminist movement in its fight for women's sexual and Reproductive Rights but we cannot forget that there is still work to be done done it has now been over 2 weeks since frederck Ton's only abortion clinic closed and this government has done.

Nothing the Liberals Pat themselves on the back for supporting gender equality but refuse to ensure access to Safe abortion while the conservatives are actively undermining this right through backdoor legislation the human right to a safe trauma informed abortion care is only as good as the ability to access that right leaders must must uphold the.

Canada Health act and ensure access is available to everyone in Canada thank you madam speaker The Honorable member for shefford Madam speaker February 22nd is recognized as National human trafficking awareness day this date shouldn't be just a box on the calendar but rather a call to action against all forms of human trafficking which is.

Defined as a modern form of human slavery usually for sexual purposes or forced labor or slavery victims often suffer physical sexual Financial emotional and psychological abuse and are often forced to work and live in horrific conditions human trafficking because of the damage and VI violence it inflicts is linked to severe trauma and.

Recovery from its repercussions can last a lifetime a few statistics 93% of victims were born here 97% are women and children many of them are indigenous there are still too many victims this national day of awareness must give us the means to better identify these heinous crimes to denounce them vehemently and to fight them more.

Effectively Let's Take Action The Honorable member Lang Le Alder where's the accountability where's the funds what a boondoggle in a misguided attempt these liberal governments this liberal government uh tried to control our borders during a pandemic uh and they wasted at least $60 million on an app.

That should have cost no more than $80,000 and it doesn't even work without competition they handed out a contract for $20 million to a couple of guys operating out of their basement and then they decided hey let's throw in another $40 million for good measure oh and some nice bottles of scotch and a couple of fancy dinners for our friends Madam.

Speaker this government wasted 60 million taxpayer dollars on people who did not work on an app that does not work that's liberal accounting that's the arve can scam time to call in the RCMP The Honorable member for Ottawa West nepan speaker in 2010 I was working in Africa when one of my colleagues turned to me and said you Canadian women.

Are hypocrites I was stunned she went on to say that she had studied at McGill she knew Canadian women had reprodu Ive rights but it wasn't good enough for African women I was mortified Madam speaker and I decided right then that I was going to run for office and change that policy not always in this place do we get to come full circle but three.

Weeks ago I was in Kinshasa where I toured a safe abortion clinic funded by Canada DRC has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world 10% because of unsafe abortion and Madam speaker our commitment to sexual and reproductive health rights is not ideology it literally saves lives thank you madam speaker well.

Done The Honorable member for thean thank you this black history month I would like to recognize an aova based organization arri mothers and daughters literacy its mission is to create lasting positive Community Based change to basic literacy in Rural and underprivileged communities in Somali.

Land it empow girls and women with the power to learn to be heard to be seen and to make a difference I agree with them that educated empowered women can change the world successful economic development of a community or a country can be fast tracked if education is made available to all and specifically if girls are educated I would like to.

Recognize and thank the team under the leadership of anab Muhammad for their Noble and dedicated service to realize ouris Mission thank you madam speaker oral questions the honor member for leads Grandville Thousand Islands and R Lakes after eight years of this NDP liberal government there a r scam app that was.

Supposed to cost $80,000 cost Canadians $60 million and just like this NDP liberal prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption GC strategies the two two person team who was working out of their basement got paid $20 million and did no it work but they did take senior liberal officials out for whiskey tastings and.

Find dinners not worth the cost and not worth the corruption so will this NDP liberal prime minister join Common Sense conservatives as we call for the RCMP to expand the investigation into this liberal scandal Z man thank you Madame speaker.

Very pleased to answer this question which we have heard before and to which we have provided appropriate answers already pleased to remind everyone that the auditor general had not only the job but the very important job of tbling a report on Monday which we are looked at and obviously are very troubled about the founding the finding that there are.

In that report and we have taken into account all the recommendations that are in the report and many of them have been put into place already for some time The Honorable member for leads Grenville Thousand Islands and RTO Lakes speaker the minister says the auditor had an important job but that Minister and all of these liberals voted against the.

Auditor conducting the audit it was because of the leader of the opposition moving a motion in November of 2022 that we had that auditor general investigation and just like that was the right thing to do then calling in the RCMP is the right thing to do now this is an $80,000 app that ballooned to $60 million we have a two-person firm.

Working out of their basement being being paid $20 million in whining and dining senior liberal officials will these liberals and the cover up and join conservatives in calling for an expanded RCMP investigation Min thank you Madame speaker and the member is completely uh right in.

Pointing to the important work of the auditor general she did work very hard over the last few months and that's what we expected of her and her office she tabled an important report on Monday as she has said repeatedly she's also completely willing and able to work with all other partners and institutions across the government including with the.

RCMP with which C is already in touch the honor M leads Grenville Thousand Islands and R Lakes well of course the auditor general is willing and able to do her to do her work but the problem is this government refuses to give her the documents that she needs to fully account for the $60 million that was spent on this boond doogle these.

Liberals have in the past used the executive to Shield themselves from investigation by the royal Canadian Mounted Police like they did in the snc Lavin Scandal so this time Canadians want to know who got rich other than of course these two guys working out of their basement who took liberal bosses out for fine dinners and whiskey.

Tastings will these liberals join our calls to call in the RCMP and investigate this scan Min thank you Madame speaker and we are very pleased obviously to hear the member clearly state that he has full confidence in the ability of the auditor general to keep doing her job including.

Supporting the the RCMP when that is demanded by the RCMP there's other members that are asking questions or making comments I would ask them to please hold off and allow The Honorable member to minister or whoever is answering or asking questions to be uninterrupted.

Member Mr Speaker is ultimately uh the prime minister is ultimately responsible for arrive can which was supposed to cost 80 grand and ended up casting costing 750 times more this is the scandal of the century the Prime Minister gave $250 million to a company of two people working out of a basement in a cottage it's the tip of the iceberg.

Of wasting public funds according to lapr Madam speaker after 8 years who in this government is finally going to stand up to the Prime Minister and tell him he's not worth the cost or the corruption The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker not only do we have to thank the auditor general for her work but we have to read her report carefully.

What we're hearing on the other side of the house is unfortunately not helpful and may even be C counterproductive we're doing a serious job the auditor general has done a serious job and we're counting on her to continue to keep up the good work The Honorable member for The Minister's telling the the truth I'm.

Quoting from newspaper articles ever since the auditor general revealed this Scandal Canadians ended up paying $60 million for an app that was only supposed to cost 80 grand and according to the papers GC strategy doesn't do any it work they were paid millions of dollars to develop a useless app and we're talking about $250 million total.

In contracts will the Prime Minister who's not worth the cost give us and the RCMP all the documents so that we can shed full light on this matter The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker the memb is quite right to talk about the costs of protecting the health and safety of Canadians including in times of a pandemic which cost a lot of.

Canadian lives which cost a lot of jobs which caused problems with the flow of trade and so on despite the fact that this was a major crisis the AG clearly said it was unacceptable for cbsa to not do its job properly The Honorable member for manic wagen Madam speaker in February of last year the.

Federal government had promised to increase health transfers Quebec and the provinces were forced to accept six times less than what they needed at the long of a long at the end of a long political struggle one year later Quebec hasn't received received a single penny there's already a $1 billion shortfall in healthcare.

Funding because Ottawa is holding back the money why is Ottawa holding back because the federal government wants to set its own conditions to attach strings to that money will the government finally give K back the money it promised instead of holding patients hostage The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you very much Madam.

Speaker I'd like to thank the member for the question with all our provinces and territories including k to make sure that Healthcare that is much needed for all Canadians is provided and that is why we're so proud to invest $200 billion over 10 years uh to all provinces and territories to support Canadians in getting the best and.

Excellent Healthcare and will continue to work with Quebec to ensure that they get the same Care thank you manag The Honorable member for managan Madame speaker that's not the question remember the federal government does not manage a single hospital they have no expertise in health care but they're holding back the money needed to.

Care for people because they think they can tell healthcare workers how to do their job remember also that the almost $5 billion doll the federal government is holding back is money that belongs to quebecers it's their tax money and we all we want is our fair share quebeckers want their money used for healthare not for liberal political games so when is.

The federal government going to pay us our money The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you very much Madam speaker Quebec share the same objective and that is to provide quality Health Care are Guided by Canada Health act to all Keers whether it's family health whether it's mental health whether it's health care for our seniors we will.

Continue to work with government of Quebec closely so that those shared priorities are met and quebecers like all Canadians has the best health care through federal government thank you honor nun Canada's Federal housing Advocate confirmed this week that indigenous peoples are more likely to be forced to.

Live on the streets this government's lack of action means indigenous peoples are being intentionally forgotten in Edmonton 60% of those living on the streets are indigenous in Winnipeg it's 2/3 and in Saskatoon it's over 90% in nunu many tell me about overcrowding because of the lack of housing will the minister listen to the federal housing.

Advocate and stop underfunding indigenous housing here here The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister of indigenous Services thank you mad speaker we are taking action to address the tremendous lack of safe affordable housing and housing supports for indigenous peoples in urban Rural and Northern Communities the for.

Indigenous bi- indigenous approach that guides our housing strategy will ensure successful approaches for communities in need since 2016 we've supported the construction renovation and retrofit of over 30,000 homes in First Nation communities and continue to work with Partners to co-develop a 10-year housing and infrastructure strategy all levels.

Of government must work together to solve this crisis and continue to push for indigenous Le solutions to address these gaps The Honorable member for Winnipeg Center Madam speaker it's been two weeks since I asked the health Minister his plan to address the closure of Clinic 554 frederickton only healthc care provider offering safe abortions.

This government has done nothing while conservatives push backdoor legislation violating the right to a safe abortion the so-called feminist liberals fail to address access why is this government denying access to Safe trauma informed abortion care that's right the honorable parliamentary secretary thank you mad speaker and I'm.

I'm tremendously grateful for the allyship of the member across the way for that very important question uh this Clinic is located in my writing it's an issue I've been on for many many years uh the federal government actually has stepped up and supported research projects to support better data collection to inform our provincial.

Partners who really hold the pen on this issue um we've also helped we've held back provincial or transfers as well um to ensure that the Canada Health Act is upheld um more absolutely needs to be done Reproductive Rights must be assured in this country no matter where you live thank you The Honorable member for St Albert.

Edmonton Madam speaker the arrive scam app is just like the Prime Minister not worth the cost and not worth the corruption the auditor general revealed that an app that didn't work cost taxpayers a staggering $60 million including $20 million that went to a two-person company that did no work now the RCMP have launched a criminal.

Investigation but are being obstructed by these liberals who are hiding documents will the Prime Minister stop the obstruction and turn over the documents today Min m thank you madam speaker there have already been a number of answers given.

To that question this week and even today the answer is still the same the auditor general deserves our acknowledgement she's done a lot of work and it's very important and the report on Monday was troubling the good news is that a lot of the recommendations she made have already been implemented and have been uh for some time now but the.

Work is ongoing because it's very important to ensure that the public service is doing its work properly even in times of Crisis member of St Albert Edmonton Madam speaker 60 million taxpayers dollars wasted fraud forgery and Corruption that is a r scam and these liberals have tried to cover up this Scandal every step of the way they.

Obstructed parliamentary committees they attempted to obstruct an investigation by the auditor general and now they're obstructing an RCMP criminal investigation when will these liberal rules stop the obstruction and turn over the documents to the RCMP The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker as I.

Already said in English there's no obstruction here on the contrary the auditor general has to have all the documents she needs to do her work because her work goes to the very heart of the Integrity of our de Democratic and parliamentary system and that's why she needs to have access to all those documents and that because she had.

Access to those documents that's how she was able to do her work and we will share the documents with other partners like the RCMP the RCMP needs access to the documents so that people can be held to account for this waste the NDP liberal government's waste of at least $60 million on the arve scam act which.

Wrongly put 10,000 people into mandatory quarantine was so bad that the RCMP are investigating and they need access to these documents after 8 years Canadians deserve better they deserve accountability and transparency why haven't the Liberals released these documents and what are they trying to hide the honorable.

Minister thank you madam speaker It's upsetting to hear the conservatives questioning the Integrity of the auditor general she said very clearly in recent days that not only was she able to uh work with the RCMP she said she already was and we will provide anything that RCMP wishes to have to be clear Madame.

Speaker I'm not questioning the Integrity of the auditor general I'm questioning the Integrity of this government that is hiding hiding these documents from the RCMP Canadians deserve accountability somebody needs to be held to account for the waste of $60 million that went to a Shady IT company that had two people working in a.

Basement why haven't the Liberals released these documents released them now order order I'm sure that the deputy government house leader uh if he wishes to answer will stand uh but I would just ask him to please wait until uh it's the appropriate time to do that the honorable Minister thank you madam.

Speaker I'm sure that the member opposite is not also claiming that the RCMP can't do its job properly the RCMP like the auditor general are arms length independent of government they can do their work without they they they are to do their work without any political interference The Honorable member for Le Mr Speaker Canadians are in Shock they.

Paid a minimum of 60 M the government paid a minimum of $60 million for arrive can which was supposed to cost only 80 grand that's 750 times more the AG has said this is probably some of the worst Financial recordkeeping she's ever seen after eight years of this worn out and incompetent government arrive K is like the Prime Minister not worth the cost.

Will the Prime Minister join with us in asking the RCM to expand its investigation The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker a lot of things have already been fully explained and it's worth mentioning again that just a few months ago and few years ago Canada went through the worst pandemic in the in a century the worst.

Economic crisis we had to react quickly and effectively to save the lives of thousands of Canadians and to save uh huge amounts of uh economic activity unfortunately this contract was broke the rules and the it's it's unacceptable for public servants to have not followed the rules The Honorable member for Bel had it not been for the.

Conservatives last fall calling for this investigation none of this Scandal would have been uncovered since this government took office eight years ago it's been chaos nothing works the prime minister is not worth the cost the app was basically two men getting millions of dollarss from the basement of a bungalow to develop a an app that wasn't.

Supposed to was wasn't supposed to cost more than 80 grand GC strategies got a huge share of the contracts many of them untendered with the Liberals it's an open bar the conservatives wants the RCMP to expand its investigation will the Prime Minister join with us I'd like to remind The Honorable member that she has to direct her questions through the.

Speaker's chair and not directly to the government The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker my colleague is quite right the auditor General's work is crucial it's essential and she needs to have everything she all the documents to do the work properly she did her work properly and she tabled her report on.

Monday the results are shocking and alarming and the recommendations have to be taken seriously in most cases those recommendations were already implemented weeks ago The Honorable member for tban the AG's report on arrive can is a Russian doll of scandals it's unacceptable that an app estimated at 80 grand ended up costing 60 million it's.

Even more unacceptable that it's impossible to know the true cost because of missing documents it's even more unacceptable that GC strategies drafted the call for tenders to make sure they would get the contract and it's the height of unacceptability that this twers company which does nothing was awarded 140 other contracts since 2010.

When will there be an investigation into each and every one of those other contracts The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker and yes indeed the lack of documentation is the key finding in the AG's report the documentation was defective and incomplete the docu documents were not uh filed properly and that is basically.

One of the core findings of the report and that is why we are continuing and will continue to do the cleanup work that needs doing The Honorable member for tban well apparently the recordkeeping has been bad since 2010 maybe something should have been done about this before then GC strategies has been getting.

Contracts since 2015 and under a new president at cbsa another 12 million was invested in a Rive can there's clearly a culture of zero accountability at the agency which continues to this day so is this government going to put the agency under thirdparty management or Not The Honorable Minister thank you madam.

Speaker and I'd like to thank my colleague it's true the cbsa plays an essential role every day in facil in facilitating the flow of Travelers and billions of dollars worth of trade and that was very important during the pandemic people needed essential medications uh there was essential equipment needed to cross the border.

Including in the member opposites riding Margaret's the arve scam app is just like the Prime Minister not worth the cost and not worth the corruption the RCMP is investigating this $80,000 app which cost more than $60 million but the auditor general said to take it will take a court order for the RCMP to get access to all the documents into this.

Liberal corruption will the Prime Minister stop his cover up not make the police seek a court order and hand over all the documents voluntarily to the police and to Parliament so Canadians can learn the truth you hope so Min thank you Madame speaker the member is correct when he points to the ability the expertise of the RCMP and.

The auditor general and other institutions to work together they know how to do their job they don't need political processes politicians to do their job the RCMP and the auditor general and all of the other independent organizations on which Canadians have a fortune to depend know what to do the honor member of South Shore St.

Margaret's the institution that's covering up is this liberal cabinet not liberal Minister if the Prime Minister has nothing to hide why does the RCMP need a court order release the documents voluntarily a government with nothing to hide would produce these documents for the police without a court order the arrive scam app is not worth the cost.

And the prime minister is not worth the corruption will the Prime Minister and this coverup release all the arrive scam documents voluntarily stop the cover up turn it over to the police and Parliament so Canadians can get the truth Min thank you Madame speaker the member points to the work of the auditor.

General she has already said in public that she is not only able but very willing to work with the RCMP and any other one institution in the in the government that would like to use her important findings on Monday now the member may want to speak to the other General to understand how she does that that's for him to decide but we on this.

Side of the house have full confidence in the ability of the auditor general The Honorable member Sturgeon River Parkland Madam speaker the revelations in the a auditor General's report on the arrive scam app are shocking and after 8 years of this NDP liberal government waste is at an all-time high Canadians know that just.

Like the arrives came out this prime minister is not worth the cost and he's not worth the corruption unfortunately the auditor general was only able to scratch the surface of this costly corruption evidence is being withheld and maybe even destroyed it's time to send in the police when will the Prime Minister stop the cover up and call for.

A complete investigation into the arve scam fiasco the lonable minister thank you Madame speaker and again I think no one in this house should attempt to display a lack of confidence in the ability of the auditor general to do her job I'm sure we're all United in supporting the the.

Importance the value of what she does she needs no advice on the part of politicians she has full expertise now if they want to provide her with their particular advice they know how to reach out to her otherwise we can help them connect to her remind The Honorable member uh for um sore St Margaret that he had an opportunity to ask questions.

If he has other questions to ask he should wait till the appropriate time and not interrupt the minister The Honorable member for Sturgeon River Parkland well Madam speaker these liberals keep making excuses but extraordinary circumstances are no excuse for Extraordinary corruption after 8 years of this NDP liberal.

Government Canadians know that the arrive scam app just like the prime minister is not worth the cost or the corruption now if the Liberals had had their way the auditor general wouldn't have even investigated this issue at all and it's now clear to Canadians that these liberals had at least 60 million reasons to stop this investigation now.

When will this NDP liberal government join us and call for a complete investigation so that Canadians can get the truth thank you Madame speaker and the member is totally right to pointing to how important the work she does is every every day she she and her office are fundamental to the operations of our.

Democracy they are there to help and sometimes to challenge the government in doing the right thing that's why we're so grateful for her report on Monday we have already said that we have taken into account all the recommendations that he has provided and many of them have already been in place in fact for a few weeks.

Now The Honorable member for Elwood trans cona thank you very much Madam speaker you know Canadian seniors on fixed incomes are struggling very much to afford grocery is in a difficult time the government says it's talking tough with big Grocers like LS but what has that led to lbls trying to cut a sweetheart deal with man life to screw.

Seniors uh law BLS getting in the way of the grocery code of conduct law BLS uh getting rid of their discount on your expired Foods only to replace it later after public outcry the only thing the government's done is given laas a slap on the wrist and $12 million for new fridges so when is it going to get actually serious about doing something.

To lower grocery prices in Canada parliamentary secretary to the ministry of labor and seniors speaker we've been there for seniors from the get-go one of the first things that we did was reverse what the former uh prime minister did Steven par Harper did on the world stage at the world economic Forum in Davos and he raised that retirement age from 65 to.

67 putting a lot of seniors into poverty we've increased the gis we've increased the OAS we've enhanced the CPP meanwhile we don't know where the conser a stand on the CPP the leader of the official opposition thinks that he could do better than the CPP board it's just a shame was.

Order The Honorable member for Hamilton Center Madam speaker this government has given 32 different contracts totaling $60 million to the same Consultants GC strategies for the useless arrive can out liberals simply can't help themselves from helping themselves while Canadians can barely pay the bills and at a time when we should be investing in.

The skills and knowledge of our Public Service liberals would rather hand over millions to private Consultants so why is this liberal government giving money to their rich friends instead of investing in the valuable work of our federal Public Service yeah honorable Minister The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker and the point the.

Member points to the valuable public service and he is entirely right they work extremely hard during the pandemic to protect the health and safety of millions of Canadians and millions of jobs this being said this is not an excuse for a very few of them in the the cbsa not to have done their job appropriately the auditor general was.

Very clear as to why that wasn't done on Monday we have obviously took into account have watched her recommendations we have implemented many of them and we'll implement the others to come theob Center Madam speaker Canada and the United States have one of the most close and important relationships of any two nations in the world and there are.

Millions of Canadians and countless constituents of mine who work at businesses who rely on trade with the United States and let's be frank the economy and quality of life of every single Canadian and every single one of my constituents in a tobaco center depends on a strong economic and trading relationship between Canada and the US.

So could the minister of international trade international trade share with Canadians what our team Canada engagement strategy how it will defend Canada's interest in and with the United States honorable minister of international trades Madam speaker when President Biden addressed uh this chamber he said that Canada and the.

United States can do big things if we work together if we stand together we will rise together that is the approach that minister of innovation and I are approaching with Team Canada and our us re-engagement strategy and uh I'm looking forward to working with the member from itoba vocal Center and uh and counting on his expertise the trade.

Between Canada and United States is really uh impactful to our economy and uh and and I know that this work will continue the honor member halberton Kath Lakes Brock speaker the environment Minister has left the highway of Common Sense and taken the off-ramp off to Fantasy Island he'll say yes to spending $400 million to promote skateboarding to.

Fight climate change but no to a bridge that has cut the village of Falls over in half for three long years and in Parks Canada's own words the bridge is of National Historic significance creating a longer commute will not save the environment so when will the minister realize that roads won't pave themselves and fund the bridge in.

Bolsover The Honorable parliamentary secretary yesterday yesterday Madam speaker I made the comment that The Honorable colleague takes a nonpartisan approach to issues and he does and that's why I'm surprised that he continues to maintain this approach today when he knows very well that this government has invested in over.

8500 Bridge Road or Highway projects across the country and we are proud that that's happened it needs to continue which of the almost 4,000 this is directly to him which of the almost 4,000 projects in Ontario is he against will continue to fund these projects so The Honorable member Minister knows that he our parliamentary secret knows that.

He's not to address it directly to them but through me uh The Honorable member for halberton Kaur Lakes Brock well speaker I appreciate the comments from the member opposite I I don't think telling the residents of balls over that they shouldn't believe their Lying Eyes the bridge has been out for three long years.

It was built in 1902 it's 42 M long it's of National Historic significance owned by Parks Canada the minister announced that no more roads and bridges will be funded by the federal government and suddenly Parks Canada announces that the bridge will not be funded so if the member opposite wants to prove me wrong and I really hope he does will the.

Minister commit today to funding the boundry Road swingbridge in balls over yes or no the hon parliamentary secretary Speaker I regularly participate in question period this is the first time I've heard the member raise this particular issue and I'm sincere when I say I'm sincere when I.

Say that I'm happy to talk with him after question period to learn more about his particular concern but I maintain and through you of course Madam chair which of the almost 4,000 Road Bridge or Highway projects that have been funded just in the province of Ontario alone where he's from is he against Madam speaker they want to.

Starve communities of infrastructure funds we will not allow that will continue to help communities thank you very much order the honor member for Caribou Prince George Madam speaker the T first nation is a rural and remote community in northern BC they've been asking this government for a safe and State.

Sustainable Road into their Community for 8 years the the existing road is often impassible leaving Tacko without access to critical Emergency Services like fire and ambulance were the two Ministers of indigenous Affairs aware that the radical minister of environment and their government were no longer funding critical road infrastructure in.

Canada or did they find out through Monday morning media like the TLA First Nation just want to remind The Honorable member that he's not to name members oh uh sorry The Honorable member uh use a specific um language it's not really acceptable uh in in the house sorry it's radical that they're not funding yes I would ask members to re.

Restructure their sentence that it's more acceptable The Honorable parliamentary secretary Madam speaker thank you very much $223 million for 736 Road Bridge and infrastructure projects in British Columbia where the that member is from how many did he vote for zero Madam speaker zero where is his.

Support for his constituents in his Province I know he's a sincere member I've heard him speak in the house many times and so I'm not sure what's happened if he's been whipped to not support particular uh projects that I mentioned here for his Province it's a shame we'll continue to work with municipalities towns and cities to.

Ensure that they have the infrastructure dollars including for road bridge and Highway The Honorable member for Madame speaker this prime minister is waging a war on cars he said that the government has decided not to invest in new road infrastructure can you believe that the radical environment Minister did not clarify what he said and he in.

Fact took things further saying that the government would block major projects the people in my writing would be very happy to benefit from the third link why is the government against workers in my community and in my region who are just trying trying to get to work the minister of uh foreign affairs thank you madam speaker and The.

Honorable member talks about a war on cars I want to talk about something that the government is taking seriously and is doing for Canadians when it comes to cars that are being stolen in their communities an issue in my writing last week I attended the the summit to combat auto theft and at that Summit came together stakeholders like police.

Industry Insurance cbsa ports and all levels of government and all of them agreed that the way to solve this issue is through coordination and cooperation not through slogans Madam speaker we're taking this issue seriously and we're taking action thank you again I want to remind members when someone has the floor to please not.

Interrupt them I've Heard lots of comments uh and I would just and and or or answers that they wanted to throw there but I would just ask members to please wait until it's their appropriate time The Honorable member for no to the chalk River nuclear dump the federal government cannot support burying nuclear waste on the banks of.

The Ottawa River that is the drinking water source for millions of quebeckers the nuclear safety commission did not listen to quebeckers the Montreal Metropolitan Community and its 82 cities are against this gatau is against this together these two entities represent 4 and2 million people that's how the population of Quebec so since chalk.

River does not have social acceptability will the minister reverse this decision The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker thank you for the important question the Canadian nuclear safety commission is independent and they do not approve projects if they are not 100% certain that those projects are safe they will.

Protect Canadians that will protect the environment there will be consultations and they are independent that's important the government does not make decisions for the nuclear safety commission the politicians should not be making decisions for the nuclear safety commission they are an independent expert commission they decide what is.

Safe and what should be approved and we respect them there will be a judicial review and we look forward to the results of that review The Honorable member for well let's talk about the commission and approval of chalk River during the commission's consultations they neglected to mention the opposition of.

4.5 million quebeckers and of indigenous groups they also forgot to mention that one of the Commissioners who authorized the project is a former chalk River employee believe that as for the federal government the government forgot to mention that it appoints the Commissioners and is thus responsible for this flaw approval process the.

Federal government is putting quebecers drinking water at risk with this nuclear dump will Auto us stop hiding and say no to shock River The Honorable parliamentary secretary to the minister for energy and natural resources Madam speaker I disagree with this question from my block Kika colleague the commission is.

Independent it is made up of experts who study these decisions Canadians want to know that there are experts reviewing these decisions leading consultations Canadians are clear that they don't want politicians making these decisions so the government is not involved in this decision we have an independent.

Commission of experts who have led consultations who will continue to consult and who will ensure that this site is safe Federation mad speaker the Oxford dictionary defines a fool as a person who acts unwisely or imprudently is ironic that this prime minister chose April Fool's Day to increase his carbon.

Tax by a whopping 23% increasing The Miser that many Canadian families face this tax is not a joke Madame speaker after eight years of this prime minister and now his plan to quadruple the carbon tax he's just not worth the cost will this NDP liberal government cancel their April foolish carbon tax.

Increase min honorable Minister Mr Speaker unlike the conservatives who deny that climate change exists and who want to take away from Canadians what we are doing with the rebate is putting money back in their pockets that's $1,100 to Ontario families $1,800 to Alberta families $1,200 for Manitoba families and the list goes on Mr Speaker.

And I'd just like to ask the opposition does it make common sense to deny climate change and to cut benefits for Canadian families including the carbon rebate I before I go to the next question I just want to um remind the member that he's not to um ask something indirect.

Say something indirectly uh yes I mean that the the the previous question was uh bordered on uh indirectly what what he could say d couldn't can't say directly so I just want to caution him on that the honor member for Calgary uh Confederation that's just bloody foolish Madame speaker she just.

Doesn't okay okay as long perfect okay on The Minister's response okay The Honorable par uh member for uh Calgary Confederation on The Minister's response that was just bloody foolish Madame speaker she doesn't understand that if you tax the farmer that grows the food and you tax.

The trucker who ships the food then you tax the people who buy the food already a typical family a four will have to pay $700 more in groceries in 2024 compared to last year and the carbon tax makes up a quarter of their home heating bills this NDP liberal government isn't fooling anyone anymore with their April Fool's Day tax hike can't we all agree.

That now is not the time for higher taxes ask the bloody tax yeah the Min The Honorable Minister for climate change thank you madam speaker and I would like to remind order I'm sure that the honorable members want to hear the answer The Honorable Min The Honorable Minister speaker I would like to remind the.

Colleague opposite that in the a committee last week uh one of Canada's foremost expert on food policiy Sil Shala from Daly un University said and I and I quote and I quote Madam speaker we don't see the evidence of that talking about the impact of carbon pricing on food in Canada he and he he and actually they invited him to speak at the ad.

Committees Madam speaker so I think we have it here the the Bank of Canada has said that pricing pollution is not having a material impact on inflation in Canada it's less than half of 1% we know that we The Honorable member for Cypress Hills grassland Mr speak Madam speaker the Prime Minister blew over 60 million taxpayer.

Dollars for his arve scam app in a corruption Scandal that's looking worse day by day zenp liberal government is also going to force grocery gas and Home Heating prices to go up on April 1st as they increase the carbon tax another 23% after8 years of being scammed and robbed by this prime minister Canadians know that he's not worth the cost or the.

Corruption so why won't he just admit that his income redistribution scam is toast and just acts the tax theor parliamentary secretary to the ministry of innovation Science and Industry Madam speaker the hypocrisy of the conservatives is just off the charts conservatives use the hardship of people that are in food bank lineups for.

Political gain but when it comes to actually helping Canadians they're nowhere to be found they adamantly oppose every real solution we put forward they've said no to a grocery rebate they are delaying competition reforms they' voted against the framework for implementing a national school food program it's appalling and.

Just a couple weeks ago we learned that their top adviser to the leader of the opposition Jenny burn is a lobbyist for law well Canadians can tell whose corner they're in and it's the honorable member for Lex Lou Madame speaker we are proud of Quebec's businesses they create jobs and they support economic.

Growth the member for shaku lajord mentioned during a parliamentary committee meeting that there are sometimes a lack of financing and funding for businesses but the conservatives voted against funding for businesses can the minister responsible for the economic development agency of Canada and the regions of Quebec tell us.

How our government's programs support the growth and resilience of the supply chains of Quebec's companies The Honorable Minister thank you madam speaker indeed the economic development agency of Canada for the regions of Quebec has existed for 50 years and in that time it has supported billions of.

Dollars worth of support for businesses in Quebec on the one hand members of the conservative party Beckers say that they want to support businesses but then they vote against funding against the agencies funding for programs they voted against for example the regional economic growth fund I will continue to work with the member for LAX.

Loui to support all of Quebec's regions and all of Quebec's businesses thank you madam speaker Madam speaker after8 years this NDP liberal government is going to raise the tax on beer Wine and Spirits again on April 1st for the eth year in a row wow most Canadians can barely afford to eat heat and house themselves and we know that this prime minister is not.

Worth the cost but our Brewers venters and distillers know that this government is harming their Industries for once will they cancel this year's undemocratic automatic tax increase and bring back happy hour for Canadians The Honorable parliamentary secretary what we will ensure Madam speaker is a continued competitive environment for.

Brewers and inventors and that environment is one that allows for people to go out and buy their beer or buy their wine or whatever they wish to do with their free time in this country we want to ensure continued success and what do we see a very low unemployment rate lower than what what was the case before the pandemic a better GDP rate as.

Compared to before the pandemic they want to cut EI they want to cut CPU they want to cut the dental benefit the child care benefit all of it matters The Honorable member of Calgary Rocky Ridge parliamentary secretary wants to help Canadians and help industry by raising their taxes eight years in a row on Canada's taxes on beer wind and Spirits.

Are already among the highest in the entire world Brewers spend more than twice as much on production tax than they do on wages for their well-paid unionized workers proving that this prime minister is not worth the cost to Canadian jobs if this NP liberal government can't give happy hour back to Canadian consumers will they at least.

Act the automatic tax increase on industry exporters small businesses unionized production workers retailers and restaurant servers The Honorable parliamentary secretary as I said Madam speaker we will continue to do everything we can to ensure a competitive environment for Brewers for the ventor sector and for.

All Canadian businesses but it's interesting the member talks about Unions that's what stood out in his question the conservative party is the party of unions all of a sudden I couldn't think I couldn't think of anything less true throughout their tenure in office from 2006 to 2015 they did everything they could to make sure.

That unions had no power no role in this country's decision-making we've engaged in unions we've engaged with labor we'll continue to do exactly the h m Regina Wana Madam speaker after eight years of this liberal NDP government this prime minister is just not worth the cost on April 1st he will once again be raising.

His carbon tax by 23% on gas groceries and Home Heating also on April 1st he'll be raising his excise tax on beer Wine and Spirits by another 4.7% when will this prime minister stop his cruel April Fool's Day jokes and give Canadians a break not have the honorable Min Minister actually quite interested in.

The member opposites uh question because what he's effectively saying is that he is not in favor of the members and his uh people in his Province receiving $1,500 in the carbon rebate that we our government is putting back in the pockets of Canadians so $1,500 Madam speaker and that's along with rebates across our country $1,100.

In Ontario $1,200 in Manitoba the the contrast is clear The Honorable member for kitner sou hler Madam speaker this April residents of kiter South hestler will be receiving their first quarterly installment of the Canada carbon rebate can the minister of environment and climate change Canada share with.

This house how these rebates are reducing emissions while making life more affordable for Canadians in provinces where the federal back stop system applies min The Honorable minister of environment and climate change the Canada carbon rebate is increasing and Ontario family of four will receive.

$280 of for family of four per quarterly payments throughout the year what we're making madam what we're making what we're doing Madam speakers we're making big polluters pay more for their pollution what the conservative party wants to do is make pollution free for those big polluters like oil companies who are making record level profits not.

On this side of the house Madam speaker we will work to continue fighting climate change supporting Canadian through the carbon the Canada carbon rebate and help fight climate change the honorable member for London pansa a 75-year-old Palestinian Canadian is stuck in Gaza and he is in poor health and he needs medical care he went to.

Rafa and no Canadian ambassadors were there to help him leave his son my constituent told me that his father has been used as a human shield by the Israeli military to force gazin out of their homes he is worried sick this government has had four months to secure the safe passage of Canadians out of Gaza other countries have done it so why.

Can't this government Ure the safe return of Canadians and their families from Gaza The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker and I thank the honorable member for her advocacy I know that she reached out to the minister about this case yesterday as have other MPS reached out to me.

Personally about this case we are in constant contact with our counil officials in the region we are also in contact with with uh the relevant countries with with Kat which is the organ the the body that is in charge of whether or not people can leave we're we're deeply troubled when we hear stories of these Canadians who are.

Unable to leave Gaza and we will continue our advocacy and we will not stop until we get all Canadians home thank you madam speaker The Honorable member for Spadina Fort York Madam speaker speaker in Toronto Auto thefts have increased by 25.4% and half a billion dollars worth of cars were stolen last year because.

This government was asleep at the wheel our cities are not only less safe experts are projecting car insurance premiums could be going up by as much as 25% on average that's an extra $600 a year that people cannot afford Madam speaker Auto the suits make for good photo ops of what people need is action the government must put up serious.

Roadblocks to combat theft will the government finally give police the cbsa the tools funding and Personnel they desperately need to keep us safe The Honorable parliamentary secretary thank you madam speaker and it's unfortunate The Honorable member calls the uh Summit that was held last week a photo op I and my colleagues were there and actually.

Heard from stakeholders we heard from insurance companies and I spoke to one of the chiefs of police who said not only is this important but we need to do this more often and formalize these kind of dialogues because the only way that we will solve the problem of auto theft is by working together by working with insurance companies by working with.

Border Services and making the kind of Investments like $120 million to Ontario through the initiative to take action against guns and violence which the minister just introduced recently and $28 million to support the work of cpsa and that brings us to the end of question period have a good weekend those of you who are having to exit are.

In a good

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