Right here’s an glaring ‘overreach’ focusing on Republicans’ civil liberties: Failla


Right here's an glaring 'overreach' focusing on Republicans' civil liberties: Failla

Let's jump into it quickly Jimmy fatha host of Fox News Saturday Night with Jimmy PHA wooho brand new and it is shiny like a new Penny and fox Across America all right so they're scooping by the way I'm surprised your name wasn't on that list cuz you fly say well since you invoked my name I'm just thankful they didn't search some of the terms I.

Use cuz I'd have big problems okay Hunter Biden wouldn't buy a laptop off me okay that's how bad I am but what I want to know Harris is where are the Civil Libertarians on this M because this is obviously an overreach and a violation of our civil liberties and I know they're operating in a gray area but they're operating in a gray area for.

A very specific purpose which is to Target a certain group of Voters okay this is not an innocent you know bipartisan you know attempt at keeping us safe this is an attempt to at actually you know skewering their focus towards Republicans but in the process they're probably ens snaring Democrats because said off the air Democrats use.

The word Trump more than anybody it's so true they they say like they get paid by the Trump you know oh wow all right worries concerns about President Biden's age and fitness for office seem to be growing by the day as he's asking Americans to reelect him the Daily Caller with this headline McDonald's missiles and marches Biden's Thursday.

Devolves into alltime Gaff reel here are the receipts all from a single day y'all what's your message to those attending March are the air strikes in him working well when you say working are they stopping the hoopies no are they going to continue yes during the pandemic when schools were shut down.

Kids weren't able to attend school so they go online how many of you spent time in McDonald parking lots tapping into their internet so you could do the homework with your kid you know how many billionaires we have in America today 1,000 you know what their average rate tax rate federal tax rate is I should.

Walk away from this comic Deborah Ross where's Deborah did she I just had my picture taken with her that's probably why she left no all kid in the St anyway you can oh she couldn't be here actually that's not true I got mixed up o the cringe on that I could smell it yep it's cringey as it is though it's progress because at.

Least he was calling out for a living person oh I mean it's sad but that's what did last summer when he was you know calling out for the late Jackie wski God Rest her soul uh there's no way to watch that blooper real and not feel like Biden should step aside for somebody younger like Moses okay this is Jimmy I mean but come on are you telling.

Me because the media can pretend this is fine but our enemies don't pretend this is fine they don't take their cues from C you know MSNBC or CNN they're watching what we're watching and going this man isn't well oh well no maybe not from them but I mean people like David Axel Rod top advisor I mean they're he's not going to be the Nom I I I would bet tell.

You that it won't be him they don't say the word age but Condition it's not about age there's 98y old people that could run marathons he's in bad shape you got if you look at the Carfax on him you're not buying the vehicle that's the point wow even the crews laughing at you all right Biden's climate Zar John krey was directly confronted about his own.

Carvon footprint at the world economic Forum in davo Switzerland what's the carbon footprint of these events every single year that you you come here you think it's worth it that's a stupid question why do you think you're more important your carbon footprint doesn't matter but everybody else around.

The world nobody ever suggested that don't make up stupid questions now the reporter is speaking out it was so ironic that he called it a stupid question because I think that it's it shows how out of touch he is and how out of touch all of them are because that's probably the most basic question that the average Joe I imagine in.

America I know know certainly in Australia are asking like why are you such a hypocrite m a new report finds car's climate office cost taxpayers nearly $4.5 million doar every year and it is also reported that all but one of car's office staffers makes six figure salaries and we never learned the names of any of those staffers transparency.

Through a cheesecloth yeah exactly I love this reporter for doing that though yeah because he's putting Carrie on the spot about what we all know to be true a lot of this movement is a fraud okay and we know it's a fraud because if you're not adhering like you're telling us this is an emergency like if your house is on fire it's an emergency you don't say.

I'll get around the calling the fire department next month or in two years if we're in a climate emergency every day that you Bard a private jet is exacerbating that house fire okay I will give him minor credit on the hypocrisy because John krey can't really fly commercial because people confuse him with Mr Ed and they're like I love your.

Acting he deserves one he's a dirt bag and it's a grift uh you know what I do want to ask this question though this guy has to have some talking points cuz at one point I I think he wanted to be the president of the United States or or just maybe famous I don't know because it didn't go well for him well I think what he's learned is in the modern.

Washington the bureaucrats have more power than the elected officials and they're the ones driving all of this policy and this is like his end around to president he couldn't get elected but he can push all of this on us so that's interesting the unelected have so much power in our lives that's been kind of a a thing that's been talked about all.

Week long yep and that's what's driving a lot of people crazy is as much as we beat each other up over elections there's this basement bureaucracy in the capital that's really dictating National policy and it's policy they don't believe in but they make pretty good money off of I'm not going to lie why all the stuff have to happen in the.

Basement it I don't know it's like bid in the basement I was always the main level guy I'm with you I was always the first have a basement it's a great place big TV sports on go Chiefs that's I should whisper like good to see you congrats on the new show let's go so proud all right I'm Steve duy I'm Brian killme and I'm Angley.

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